Re: [RBW] Ride Report - First Century on my Atlantis - and at all

2023-11-20 Thread ascpgh
We did it in 2012 at Cumberland, MD and rode the GAP over two days. Toured 
Falling Water and the majority opted to shuttle back to the start to get 
ahead of 
a big April Nor'easter threatening their timely return home.

Andy Cheatham
On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:27:12 PM UTC-5 Rusty Click wrote:

> I would be up for that.  Sort of a  “ Riv Ride East” !!
> Rusty 
> Pgh, PA
> On Nov 19, 2023, at 7:13 PM, Brian Turner  wrote:
> This all has me dreaming up a Riv owners overnighter or multi-day 
> excursion along the C&O / W&OD. Would enough folks be interested in 
> something like that? It’s a 7 hr drive for me to DC Metro area but I 
> already make the trip once a year, so I have no problem doing it for a bike 
> meetup!
> On Nov 19, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Eric Marth  wrote:
> Looks fab, Nick. I've ridden just a little bit of the W&OD out of 
> Arlington to Mt. Vernon. I'm down the highway a piece in Fredericksburg. 
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:40:52 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:
>> Nice day for a long bike ride Nick !  The fall lighting makes for lovely 
>> photos indeed. 
>> On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 7:25:47 PM UTC-5 Josh C wrote:
>>> Nick, 
>>> Very fun! Nice write-up. Great look'n bike too. 
>>> On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 4:13:04 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 Thanks again to you all for your kind responses!  

 Bill -- that snapper's claw wasthe size of a kid's hand. It was 
 probably about 20-22" long, and clearly the resident royalty for that 
 section of the canal.

 Brians -- link to the route below. We took the W&OD and cut north from 
 Leesburg on back roads to the Point of Rocks Bridge, which is very 
 traffic-laden and sketchy. There's one walkway on the northbound side 
 30" wide and elevated 10" from the road. In hindsight, I should have 
 it! — Point of Rocks Loop Century

 Nick in FC

 On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 1:13:44 PM UTC-5 

> Yes, Nick… I would also be very interested in seeing your route. I’ve 
> done the C&O several times, but had no idea there was a parallel rail 
> trail 
> across the Potomac starting at Point of Rocks, I assume? That seems like 
> it 
> would make a nice overnighter without having to retrace your route or get 
> a 
> shuttle.
> I spent a very harrowing night bike camping at one of those sites near 
> Point of Rocks (Calico Rock, maybe?)… probably the worst storm I’ve ever 
> been caught out in!
> Brian
> Lexington Ky
> On Nov 18, 2023, at 11:16 AM, Brian McDermott  
> wrote:
> Nick- What a classic NOVA ride! I grew up in Leesburg and have ridden 
> countless miles on the W&OD ranging from skating to school on it when I 
> was 
> a freshman at Loudoun County High School, up until a few years ago when 
> my 
> folks still lived in the area. I'd be interested in seeing your route and 
> trying it sometime; I rode the GAP/C&O last year from Pitt to DC on my 
> Hillborne, tried it again this fall on my Appaloosa, but my knee gave out 
> on me by the time we reached Cumberland and I had to bail. This looks 
> like 
> it would be fun to try in the spring. 
> On Friday, November 17, 2023 at 6:46:39 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I want to know more about that turtle-shaped moss-covered rock!  That 
>> guy is a bad ass.  
>> Excellent work 
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 12:32:14 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> A good friend and I managed around 105 miles last weekend. It was 
>>> our (the Atlantis and my) first century.
>>> We made a long loop here in the D.C. area. 
>>> First out to Leesburg on the W&OD trail. It took a while for the sun 
>>> to peek out from behind the autumn clouds, but when it did, all the 
>>> frost 
>>> started sublimating, making it look as though we were riding through 
>>> clouds:
>>> [image: 2023_091735.jpeg]
>>> [image: 2023_093939.jpeg]
>>> [image: 2023_095837.jpeg]
>>> Then wound our way northward to the Point Of Rocks bridge via rural 
>>> roads in Loudoun County, both paved and gravel of various types:
>>> [image: 2023_115654.jpeg]
>>> [image: 2023_115813.jpeg]
>>> And headed back to Georgetown on the C&O Canal towpath. Then on home 
>>> after dark via the Mount Vernon trail and southern end of the W&OD.
>>> [image: 2023_140349.jpeg]
>>> We happened upon a giant old snapper sunning next to the towpath 
>>> that had an ecosyst

Re: [RBW] Re: Anna Purple

2023-11-20 Thread Johnny Alien
Orjust let me toss this outwavies.

On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 11:26:07 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Yes I do believe your plan will work. Billies are nice but reach way back 
> there, I think a 13cm stem and Albas will be the business on your new 
> Platypus. Albatross would probably work without a stem change on your 55 as 
> well. 
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:34:50 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> Not with a long stem, and albatross bars it won’t. I have Billie bars and 
>> a 10 cm stem on my 55 and I wish for a tiny bit more reach. But I can’t 
>> have it unless I ditch my extra tall stem and they don’t make it any longer 
>> than 10 cm. So I have the saddle pushed back. The smaller Platy will fit on 
>> public transportation and is technically in my PBH range. You remembered 
>> right!
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 19, 2023, at 10:30 PM, J  wrote:
>> Someone may have mentioned this already, but didn't Leah have issues 
>> with not being able to get her seat back far enough to get reach and hand 
>> position comfy on her current size 55 Platypus? Maybe I'm remembering 
>> wrong,  but it seems a size 50 will amplify that same issue? 
>> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 5:19:54 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>> Dang, that really is pretty ain't it? I thought I wasn't into 
>>> purple..I've changed my mind! 
>>> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 2:15:53 PM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 You can view BlueLug's own studio photography of the ana purple 
 platypus frame here for another take: 

 On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 9:01:37 AM UTC-8 Johnny Alien wrote:

> You will likely need to swap out the stem but other than that most 
> should cross right over. Hold on to the Clem frame until you are positive 
> that the 50cm will work for you and there is little risk. If it works 
> sell 
> the Clem and if it doesn't sell the Platy frame. 
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 11:38:54 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> I am seriously thinking of an Ana Purple Platy in the 50 cm size. I 
>> love my 55s but they are too big to take on planes and trains. I would 
>> have 
>> chosen the Sergio Green but I have mermaid already and I like it better. 
>> I 
>> don’t want two similar colors in my trio. 
>> I was looking at purple Riv images yesterday and saw this one:
>> [image: image0.jpeg]
>> This leads me to believe the purple has a little more personality 
>> that what most of the photos show. And, I do know Ana and she has said 
>> her 
>> bike shines magenta in sunlight.
>> If I do this, the parts from my wild Clem will get thrown onto this 
>> purple frame. And it will either be my best idea or a spectacular 
>> failure. 
>> What I know it will be is this: a real riot of color.
>> [image: image1.jpeg]
>> Leah
>> On Nov 18, 2023, at 10:00 PM, Armand Kizirian  
>> wrote:
>> I have ordered an Ana Purple Platypus Complete in the latest 
>> presale. I have many opinions on the color. 
>> First, if you want safe, the Sergio green was there for the taking. 
>> Classic, timeless, classy, non-offensive, gender-neutral, and provides a 
>> neutral base color to accessorize with. Brown vs black saddle/grips? 
>> Both 
>> will work equally well. The metallic flake does not hurt either. 
>> Now down to the purple. I have mentioned previously here that I find 
>> the purple to be a bit flat and too saturated. These are my observations 
>> after viewing an embarrassing (not really, we're all bike nerds here) 
>> amount of photographs of Ana Purple rivs. Purple, is an incredibly 
>> dynamic 
>> color, given it can find many different shades as you add more red or 
>> blue 
>> to it (adjacent colors on the color wheel). Ana Purple seems to be smack 
>> dab a 50/50 blend of blue and red, which, in my opinion, is *so-so* 
>> on the fun/originality scale. Add to that the dark shade of the 
>> saturation 
>> and it's a bit much! I mean, purple can (and often should) be loud. If 
>> it 
>> was a lighter shade to the point of lavender, it would not be as gender 
>> neutral.  I personally think if some metallic flake (silver or other 
>> colors) was added with a hint lighter of a shade it would be much nicer. 
>> So, why did I order an Ana Purple Platypus at 12:01PM with the option 
>> of Sergio Green for the taking? Fun factor. Now, I'm a 33 year old male 
>> with some rather hyper-masculine features. I have no issue with 
>> presenting 
>> a bit more feminine (3-5" inseam short shorts please) and challenging 
>> gender norms. Coupl

Re: [RBW] Re: Anna Purple

2023-11-20 Thread Sarah Carlson
I tested it the other day with wavies and they did work great for keeping 
the (don't like the word but...) cockpit feeling spacious. The angle made 
me feel some discomfort in my wrists, but for someone who that wrist 
position those are a great call.

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 5:54:22 AM UTC-8 Johnny Alien wrote:

> Orjust let me toss this outwavies.
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 11:26:07 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Yes I do believe your plan will work. Billies are nice but reach way back 
>> there, I think a 13cm stem and Albas will be the business on your new 
>> Platypus. Albatross would probably work without a stem change on your 55 as 
>> well. 
>> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:34:50 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> Not with a long stem, and albatross bars it won’t. I have Billie bars 
>>> and a 10 cm stem on my 55 and I wish for a tiny bit more reach. But I can’t 
>>> have it unless I ditch my extra tall stem and they don’t make it any longer 
>>> than 10 cm. So I have the saddle pushed back. The smaller Platy will fit on 
>>> public transportation and is technically in my PBH range. You remembered 
>>> right!
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 19, 2023, at 10:30 PM, J  wrote:
>>> Someone may have mentioned this already, but didn't Leah have issues 
>>> with not being able to get her seat back far enough to get reach and hand 
>>> position comfy on her current size 55 Platypus? Maybe I'm remembering 
>>> wrong,  but it seems a size 50 will amplify that same issue? 
>>> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 5:19:54 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
 Dang, that really is pretty ain't it? I thought I wasn't into 
 purple..I've changed my mind! 

 On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 2:15:53 PM UTC-8 

> You can view BlueLug's own studio photography of the ana purple 
> platypus frame here for another take: 
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 9:01:37 AM UTC-8 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> You will likely need to swap out the stem but other than that most 
>> should cross right over. Hold on to the Clem frame until you are 
>> positive 
>> that the 50cm will work for you and there is little risk. If it works 
>> sell 
>> the Clem and if it doesn't sell the Platy frame. 
>> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 11:38:54 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> I am seriously thinking of an Ana Purple Platy in the 50 cm size. I 
>>> love my 55s but they are too big to take on planes and trains. I would 
>>> have 
>>> chosen the Sergio Green but I have mermaid already and I like it 
>>> better. I 
>>> don’t want two similar colors in my trio. 
>>> I was looking at purple Riv images yesterday and saw this one:
>>> [image: image0.jpeg]
>>> This leads me to believe the purple has a little more personality 
>>> that what most of the photos show. And, I do know Ana and she has said 
>>> her 
>>> bike shines magenta in sunlight.
>>> If I do this, the parts from my wild Clem will get thrown onto this 
>>> purple frame. And it will either be my best idea or a spectacular 
>>> failure. 
>>> What I know it will be is this: a real riot of color.
>>> [image: image1.jpeg]
>>> Leah
>>> On Nov 18, 2023, at 10:00 PM, Armand Kizirian  
>>> wrote:
>>> I have ordered an Ana Purple Platypus Complete in the latest 
>>> presale. I have many opinions on the color. 
>>> First, if you want safe, the Sergio green was there for the taking. 
>>> Classic, timeless, classy, non-offensive, gender-neutral, and provides 
>>> a 
>>> neutral base color to accessorize with. Brown vs black saddle/grips? 
>>> Both 
>>> will work equally well. The metallic flake does not hurt either. 
>>> Now down to the purple. I have mentioned previously here that I find 
>>> the purple to be a bit flat and too saturated. These are my 
>>> observations 
>>> after viewing an embarrassing (not really, we're all bike nerds here) 
>>> amount of photographs of Ana Purple rivs. Purple, is an incredibly 
>>> dynamic 
>>> color, given it can find many different shades as you add more red or 
>>> blue 
>>> to it (adjacent colors on the color wheel). Ana Purple seems to be 
>>> smack 
>>> dab a 50/50 blend of blue and red, which, in my opinion, is *so-so* 
>>> on the fun/originality scale. Add to that the dark shade of the 
>>> saturation 
>>> and it's a bit much! I mean, purple can (and often should) be loud. If 
>>> it 
>>> was a lighter shade to the point of lavender, it would not be as gender 
>>> neutral.  I personally think if some metall

Re: [RBW] 2.25 Thunder Burt on a Platypus?

2023-11-20 Thread Arthur Mayfield
I’m currently building up my Platy 55 frame, so I don’t have a lot to go on 
other than measuring clearances, but it looks like 50mm with any tread 
might be about the limit. *Maybe* 55mm with smooth tread. I’m fitting mine 
with 38mm and fenders for mostly paved roads. 

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 12:22:48 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> *1) *Perhaps needs its own thread, but are Cliffhangers the way to go for 
> a Platy if you’re riding with more weight? I have Atlas now and at least 
> need a new rim, but want to run 55mm tires and something durable for my 
> 200lbs self plus some grocery’s and for sometimes riding it “where you 
> shouldn’t” as grant states. Cliffhangers vs Dyads or something else?
> *1 A)* Anyone have experience with the RH Antelope Pass 55 slicks? Would 
> it be a mistake to make the investment in the ultralights in Black like the 
> crust build below just for the aesthetic, when this will be an around town, 
> grocery and baby hauler bike?
> Considering those, Fleecer Ridge, or G One All Rounds to replace the 
> current 50mm Maxxis Ramblers…
> *[image: IMG_5571.jpeg]*
> *2)*
> *Justin*, curious to know if you pulled the trigger on the Thunder 
> Burt’s? If so, how’s it work and what’s it look like, and if not, what’d 
> you go with?
> *Lonnie, *are the 2.25 G Ones working well still? Send a pic?
> Thanks all,
> Christian in Boulder, CO
> On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 3:22:07 PM UTC-6 Lonnie wrote:
>> I have Schwalbe G-one all around tires (29x2.25) on Cliffhangers on my 
>> Platypus and they've been great.  Fairly fast rolling, but plenty of 
>> traction for some loose trails.  The tires fit the frame fine, though I 
>> have to deflate them about to get them around the V-brakes.  The unexpected 
>> issue I ran into involved the chain being too close to the tire.  Drive 
>> train is old sugino touring triple and 9-sp cassette.  When in the granny 
>> ring and biggest two cassette cogs and when riding rougher trails, the 
>> chain would hit the tire and get sucked in between the tire and the 
>> chainstay.  This never happened on smoother roads.
>> I eventually bought the widest (and offset) Shimano bottom bracket that 
>> Riv sells.  That seems to have fixed the problem, even on the rough 
>> trails.  
>> On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 6:58:34 AM UTC-5 DavidP wrote:
>>> I have a bike with a 29x2.25 Thunder Burt on an i29mm rim, on which the 
>>> casing measures wider than the knobs and is 56mm / 2.2" @ ~20psi. Variances 
>>> in individual tires aside that should be a good max as the Cliffhangers are 
>>> i25mm. I'm pretty sure this would work on my Platypus (60cm) if I didn't 
>>> have fenders installed which limit me to a 50mm tire.
>>> -Dave
>>> On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 5:54:37 PM UTC-4 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Justin,
 FWIW, the April 28 email newsletter featured a 60cm web special platy 
 with 2.3" Teravail Ehlines. Will said: "It clears easily, although I 
 wouldn't go any bigger. I suspect these tires are measured knob to knob, 
 because calipers showed them as closer to 2.1 than 2.3. Still good!"

 On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 3:29:05 PM UTC-6 

> I would say it isn’t likely. I have the Soma Cazadero 700x50mm on my 
> wife’s 55 with Cliffhanger rims and there is no room to spare. 
> On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 7:10:49 AM UTC-7 
> wrote:
>> No specific experience mounting that combo but I can tell you that 
>> 2.25" tires on Cliffhanger rims, for me, measured 60mm. If you've got 
>> calipers, you could check the spacing between tubes and get an idea from 
>> that.
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 10:04 AM Justin Kennedy  
>> wrote:
>>> I know it's beyond the official max tire size but wondering if 
>>> anyone has experience with big ol' tires on your Platy. Specifically, a 
>>> 29'er 2.25 Thunder Burt (mounted on a Cliffhanger) on a 60cm Platypus. 
>>> Thanks!  
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>> send an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .
>> -- 
>> Ted Wood < >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
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Re: [RBW] Ride Report - First Century on my Atlantis - and at all

2023-11-20 Thread Jim Meltsner
I would be up for a "Riv Ride East" on the C&O and WO&D or any route near 


On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 6:55:44 AM UTC-5 ascpgh wrote:

> We did it in 2012 at Cumberland, MD and rode the GAP over two days. Toured 
> Falling Water and the majority opted to shuttle back to the start to get 
> ahead of 
> a big April Nor'easter threatening their timely return home.
> Andy Cheatham
> Pittsburgh
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:27:12 PM UTC-5 Rusty Click wrote:
>> I would be up for that.  Sort of a  “ Riv Ride East” !!
>> Rusty 
>> Pgh, PA
>> On Nov 19, 2023, at 7:13 PM, Brian Turner  wrote:
>> This all has me dreaming up a Riv owners overnighter or multi-day 
>> excursion along the C&O / W&OD. Would enough folks be interested in 
>> something like that? It’s a 7 hr drive for me to DC Metro area but I 
>> already make the trip once a year, so I have no problem doing it for a bike 
>> meetup!
>> On Nov 19, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Eric Marth  wrote:
>> Looks fab, Nick. I've ridden just a little bit of the W&OD out of 
>> Arlington to Mt. Vernon. I'm down the highway a piece in Fredericksburg. 
>> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:40:52 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:
>>> Nice day for a long bike ride Nick !  The fall lighting makes for lovely 
>>> photos indeed. 
>>> On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 7:25:47 PM UTC-5 Josh C wrote:

 Very fun! Nice write-up. Great look'n bike too. 

 On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 4:13:04 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> Thanks again to you all for your kind responses!  
> Bill -- that snapper's claw wasthe size of a kid's hand. It was 
> probably about 20-22" long, and clearly the resident royalty for that 
> section of the canal.
> Brians -- link to the route below. We took the W&OD and cut north from 
> Leesburg on back roads to the Point of Rocks Bridge, which is very 
> traffic-laden and sketchy. There's one walkway on the northbound side 
> about 
> 30" wide and elevated 10" from the road. In hindsight, I should have 
> walked 
> it!
> — Point of Rocks Loop Century
> Nick in FC
> On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 1:13:44 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Yes, Nick… I would also be very interested in seeing your route. I’ve 
>> done the C&O several times, but had no idea there was a parallel rail 
>> trail 
>> across the Potomac starting at Point of Rocks, I assume? That seems like 
>> it 
>> would make a nice overnighter without having to retrace your route or 
>> get a 
>> shuttle.
>> I spent a very harrowing night bike camping at one of those sites 
>> near Point of Rocks (Calico Rock, maybe?)… probably the worst storm I’ve 
>> ever been caught out in!
>> Brian
>> Lexington Ky
>> On Nov 18, 2023, at 11:16 AM, Brian McDermott  
>> wrote:
>> Nick- What a classic NOVA ride! I grew up in Leesburg and have 
>> ridden countless miles on the W&OD ranging from skating to school on it 
>> when I was a freshman at Loudoun County High School, up until a few 
>> years 
>> ago when my folks still lived in the area. I'd be interested in seeing 
>> your 
>> route and trying it sometime; I rode the GAP/C&O last year from Pitt to 
>> DC 
>> on my Hillborne, tried it again this fall on my Appaloosa, but my knee 
>> gave 
>> out on me by the time we reached Cumberland and I had to bail. This 
>> looks 
>> like it would be fun to try in the spring. 
>> On Friday, November 17, 2023 at 6:46:39 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> I want to know more about that turtle-shaped moss-covered rock! 
>>>  That guy is a bad ass.  
>>> Excellent work 
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 12:32:14 PM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 A good friend and I managed around 105 miles last weekend. It was 
 our (the Atlantis and my) first century.

 We made a long loop here in the D.C. area. 

 First out to Leesburg on the W&OD trail. It took a while for the 
 sun to peek out from behind the autumn clouds, but when it did, all 
 frost started sublimating, making it look as though we were riding 

 [image: 2023_091735.jpeg]
 [image: 2023_093939.jpeg]
 [image: 2023_095837.jpeg]

 Then wound our way northward to the Point Of Rocks bridge via rural 
 roads in Loudoun County, both paved and gravel of various types:

 [image: 2023_115654.jpeg]
 [image: 2023_115813.jpeg]

Re: [RBW] 2.25 Thunder Burt on a Platypus?

2023-11-20 Thread Justin Kennedy
Hi Christian et al.,

This was actually a question I posted for a friend of mine who was building 
up his Platty, and, long story short, the 2.25 Thunder Burts mounted to 
Cliffhangers do indeed fit the frame. Just barely, but they fit. I'll try 
to post some pics once he sends 'em. 

I have 2.25 G-Ones on my 60cm Platypus with plenty of clearance. They're 
mounted to Alex Adventurer2 rims, though, so a little narrower than 

FWIW, I talked to Rich at Riv about a year ago about Cliffhangers for a 
Platypus. He thought they were too wide for a Platy and suggested an Atlas 
or something similar. I ended up with the Adventurer2's which have been 
great. Plenty of evidence, though, that Cliffhangers work on Platypus 
frames. Whether they're "the way to go" or not is ultimately up to you. 

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 9:04:57 AM UTC-5 Arthur Mayfield wrote:

> I’m currently building up my Platy 55 frame, so I don’t have a lot to go 
> on other than measuring clearances, but it looks like 50mm with any tread 
> might be about the limit. *Maybe* 55mm with smooth tread. I’m fitting 
> mine with 38mm and fenders for mostly paved roads. 
> On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 12:22:48 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>> *1) *Perhaps needs its own thread, but are Cliffhangers the way to go 
>> for a Platy if you’re riding with more weight? I have Atlas now and at 
>> least need a new rim, but want to run 55mm tires and something durable for 
>> my 200lbs self plus some grocery’s and for sometimes riding it “where you 
>> shouldn’t” as grant states. Cliffhangers vs Dyads or something else?
>> *1 A)* Anyone have experience with the RH Antelope Pass 55 slicks? Would 
>> it be a mistake to make the investment in the ultralights in Black like the 
>> crust build below just for the aesthetic, when this will be an around town, 
>> grocery and baby hauler bike?
>> Considering those, Fleecer Ridge, or G One All Rounds to replace the 
>> current 50mm Maxxis Ramblers…
>> *[image: IMG_5571.jpeg]*
>> *2)*
>> *Justin*, curious to know if you pulled the trigger on the Thunder 
>> Burt’s? If so, how’s it work and what’s it look like, and if not, what’d 
>> you go with?
>> *Lonnie, *are the 2.25 G Ones working well still? Send a pic?
>> Thanks all,
>> Christian in Boulder, CO
>> On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 3:22:07 PM UTC-6 Lonnie wrote:
>>> I have Schwalbe G-one all around tires (29x2.25) on Cliffhangers on my 
>>> Platypus and they've been great.  Fairly fast rolling, but plenty of 
>>> traction for some loose trails.  The tires fit the frame fine, though I 
>>> have to deflate them about to get them around the V-brakes.  The unexpected 
>>> issue I ran into involved the chain being too close to the tire.  Drive 
>>> train is old sugino touring triple and 9-sp cassette.  When in the granny 
>>> ring and biggest two cassette cogs and when riding rougher trails, the 
>>> chain would hit the tire and get sucked in between the tire and the 
>>> chainstay.  This never happened on smoother roads.
>>> I eventually bought the widest (and offset) Shimano bottom bracket that 
>>> Riv sells.  That seems to have fixed the problem, even on the rough 
>>> trails.  
>>> On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 6:58:34 AM UTC-5 DavidP wrote:
 I have a bike with a 29x2.25 Thunder Burt on an i29mm rim, on which the 
 casing measures wider than the knobs and is 56mm / 2.2" @ ~20psi. 
 in individual tires aside that should be a good max as the Cliffhangers 
 i25mm. I'm pretty sure this would work on my Platypus (60cm) if I didn't 
 have fenders installed which limit me to a 50mm tire.


 On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 5:54:37 PM UTC-4 

> Hi Justin,
> FWIW, the April 28 email newsletter featured a 60cm web special platy 
> with 2.3" Teravail Ehlines. Will said: "It clears easily, although I 
> wouldn't go any bigger. I suspect these tires are measured knob to knob, 
> because calipers showed them as closer to 2.1 than 2.3. Still good!"
> Mack 
> On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 3:29:05 PM UTC-6 
> wrote:
>> I would say it isn’t likely. I have the Soma Cazadero 700x50mm on my 
>> wife’s 55 with Cliffhanger rims and there is no room to spare. 
>> On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 7:10:49 AM UTC-7 
>> wrote:
>>> No specific experience mounting that combo but I can tell you that 
>>> 2.25" tires on Cliffhanger rims, for me, measured 60mm. If you've got 
>>> calipers, you could check the spacing between tubes and get an idea 
>>> from 
>>> that.
>>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 10:04 AM Justin Kennedy  
>>> wrote:
 I know it's beyond the official max tire size but wondering if 
 anyone has experience with big ol' tires on your Platy. Specifically, 

[RBW] Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Max S
Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties and 
quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle 
Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) 

If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you recommend 
it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out of stock), 
or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom made 
that'll be lighter?.. 

- Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not wanting 
to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 

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[RBW] Re: Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Mack Penner
Hi Max,

In the spirit of talking you in rather than talking you out: I completely 
love my 59 cm Susie and it would be great for what you describe. 

The only time I think I could stand to add another mountain bike is when I 
don't ride the Susie for a period of time. Otherwise, it does everything 
I'd ever ask of it, from the prairie single track I usually ride to 
occasional visits to the Rockies. 

But thinking of it as a mountain bike sells it short; hillibike is apt. The 
best thing about it is its versatility. It does not ever tempt me (well, I 
don't own a car, but the point stands) to drive to a trailhead, because it 
is super pleasant for cruising along city streets. And for related reasons 
it would make a great touring bike (I'll try that next summer). Last week, 
I did a 65km ride that was half city cruising with my dad, half mtb ride. 
Then, a couple days later, I did 50kms on trails, gravel roads, city 
streets, and a large hike-a-bike segment. Best bike around for that kind of 
mix-and-match stuff. 

And I wouldn't worry for a second about weight. Mine is rackless, but 
otherwise built without a care for weight: super heavy dynamo hub (w front 
and rear lights), super heavy Flyer saddle, super heavy xtra wide steel 
bars, heavy Cliffhanger rims, and heavy 2.8 inch tires. It's right around 
30 pounds and it rides light. My 2TT appaloosa doesn't ever compare, the 
Susie is tons more "sporty." And oh the flex! It's like a dual sus bike 
without all the drawbacks. I also think, fwiw, that it's a great candidate 
for a "light build," and one day I'll prob cannibalize another bike to try 
it out with a light wheelset, 2.2ish inch tires... it would fly. 


On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 10:06:25 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:

> Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties 
> and quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle 
> Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) 
> If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you recommend 
> it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out of stock), 
> or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom made 
> that'll be lighter?.. 
> - Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not wanting 
> to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 

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[RBW] Re: FS 59 cm Riv Bleriot

2023-11-20 Thread EGNolan
Bleriot is SOLD. 

On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 3:14:58 PM UTC-5 EGNolan wrote:

>  Hello All,
> I'm selling my 59cm Rivendell Bleriot. I'd like $1400 as-is..
> If you'd prefer a rolling chassic (f/f/hs/bb/wheels/brakes) - $1000
> Either way, shipping is on the buyer via bikeflights.
> This was Riv's first Taiwanese production frame. Same Geo as the Saluki, 
> but different tubing. Predecessor and functionally nearly identical to the 
> AHH. It's a gorgeous tall 650b bike.
> pics here. 
> It's a 59cm frame and has the following:
> Crank: Sugino XD2 double
> Brakes: Silver labeled Tektro 559
> Stem: 110 Nitto Technomic
> H-Bar: Nitto Albatross
> Shifters: Rear - Microshift thumbie  Front - Shimano Deore thumbie mounted 
> on stem
> Rear Der: 8/9 speed era Shimano LX
> Wheels: Novatec hubs to Alex rims (Clem Smith takeoff)
> Seatpost/bb/hs: no seatpost included (27.2), unknown bb/hs
> Tires: Gravelking Slick 42's
> No saddle/pedals included. 
> Any interest or questions, let me know!
> Eric Nolan
> Indianapolis, IN

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[RBW] Re: Platypus for Clem L?

2023-11-20 Thread Jobbing Drummer
I’d like to weigh in…. Garth’s advice is SAGE. I agree that trading the 
Clem for a Platy would NOT solve the problem you hope to address. Riding 
weight and schlepping weight are two different metrics.

I owned and loved a Cheviot, but it was long and heavy and not something 
I’d like to lug on/off a train with any regularity.

ALSO - I just built a Soma Buena Vista for my sibling and did copious test 
rides pre-delivery. It’s got a lot going for it. Lower price, generous tire 
clearance despite the spec, healthy length on the chainstay contributed to 
a very comfy ride, but it was still snappy and easy to move when 
dismounted. Really a joy. Special frame… though it will require you to 
choose every part, including headset and bottom bracket. Happy to share any 
insights from my build, on or off thread + I’ve got some photos, and while 
they’re not surgical, i built the thing from the ground up, so I can answer 
most questions based on actual experience, barring the chance that the tire 
clearance is any less depending on the smaller size frame you’re looking 
for. (This was 650b build on a 58cm)

Highly recommend the soma BV (rim brake, OBVIOUSLY)


On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 7:56:27 AM UTC-6 

> I had a different steel frame and all I can describe is that when I was 
> riding I felt like I was dragging every pound of that bike along, where 
> with the Platypus it feels like it is leaping forward. I just don't feel 
> it. Even as I have added racks, bags, fenders and I keep asking when it 
> will feel like a heavy bike. That has not happened yet.
> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 10:46:30 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>> Jake,
>> That is interesting that the bikes are about equal in weight but one 
>> rides "zippier and lighter". I've heard this before in comparing the Clem 
>> to the Platypus but I just don't know what qualities makes a bike feel 
>> zippier if it isn't lighter weight.
>> Thanks,
>> Doug
>> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 12:25:06 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> I agree with what Garth is saying about weight/size differences. 
>>> Depending on the respective builds and how the sizing falls, it's possible 
>>> that a Platypus could be every bit as long and heavy as a Clem. As people 
>>> in the 81-84cm pbh range, I have a 55cm Platypus and my dad has a 52cm 
>>> Clem, and the Clem is probably lighter in part due to the smaller wheel 
>>> size. Both are great bikes, and I do find the Platypus rides zippier and 
>>> lighter, but in terms of lifting, transport, and storage there is not much 
>>> difference between the two. Hope this helps!
>>> Jake
>>> On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 4:06:09 PM UTC-5 Garth wrote:
 Chung, If your wife finds the Clem too long and heavy a Platypus is not 
 going to make a effective difference in regards to weight or maneuvering. 
 What would is a frame like a Soma Buena Vista (rim brake or disc) or Velo 
 Orange Polyvalent low kicker. Both have relatively typical chainstays and 
 wheelbases and are going to be easier to pick up and maneuver simply due 
 the fact that they have "normal" wheelbases and chainstays so are going to 
 be inherently lighter to begin with. There's a notable difference in 
 geometry though, with the VO being more low trail and the Soma mid-high. 
 Plus the Soma has quite steep seat tube angles so if using a Brooks you 
 not be able to get the seat back where you want. Thankfully they do both 
 use a 27.2 post though. 

 Note, the Platy isn't a step through either so all three compared to a 
 Clem are more like step around I suppose !,5ee8f7ce7eaeb8001717ac2f

 On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 2:53:48 PM UTC-5 Hoch in ut wrote:

 I don’t know about the Platypus, but my wife rides a Betty Foy. It 
 rides ligh/zippy  and she loves it. Currently has a Wald 137 front basket 
 and a Riv trunk bag. 
 They’re a bit hard to come by but Cheviot was essentially the same 

 Tires are 650b x 38 with fenders. Not sure I’d go larger. 

 On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 9:21:50 AM UTC-7 chungeu...wrote:


 I bought a complete Clem L for my wife and she enjoyed riding it so far.
 However, she felt that it's a bit too much bike for her since she only 
 rides it on the pavement for the commute. She finds it too heavy when 
 storing it in a rack and bring it on the the commuting train.
 Since she still likes the step-through design, I wonder if swapping it 
 with the complete Platypus would solve her problem. Or, can we solve this 
 with lighter components (probably the wheelset and tires?) and some 
 setup to make it more zippy?


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[RBW] Grips appreciation post

2023-11-20 Thread northfaring
Looking for some grip inspo.  Please share your grips!

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[RBW] ISO: 55cm Platypus frame or bike

2023-11-20 Thread Ben Compton
hey yall!

Sadly I missed out on the Platy presale last month, and I’m searching for a
55cm Platypus frame. Complete bikes are also interesting. So for example if
anyone got in on the presale, and has since changed their minds, let me

in ky

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-11-20 Thread Jacob Ireland
Susie Longbolts frame on CL in SF. Rivendell Susie Frame (LG) - bicycles - by owner - bike sale - craigslistsfbay.craigslist.orgOn Nov 13, 2023, at 13:53, James  wrote:I know that bike!  Well loved and well riden with a great ownerOn Monday, November 13, 2023 at 4:15:15 PM UTC-5 Justin Kennedy wrote:I think I recognize that bike. Orange Cheviot in Brooklyn? See him around from time to time. On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 4:10:33 PM UTC-5 Kainalu V.  -Brooklyn NY wrote:Here’s a candidate for beausage of the month…Not for sale as far as I know, so the wrong post, but with all the talk of tough lockups, this one stood out to me.-KaiOn Monday, November 13, 2023 at 2:03:50 PM UTC-5 ericf3 wrote:"Who are you going to believe?? Me, or your own eyes??"  -GrouchoOn Mon, 13 Nov 2023 at 11:01, Joe Bernard  wrote:Yeah it's the seller description that annoys me, I don't appreciate being told my eyes don't see what I'm clearly seeing. This happens a lot on Craigslist. On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 10:26:10 AM UTC-8 RichS wrote:That's some harsh beausage or what the owner calls "regular scuffs". YMMV I guess.Best,Rich in ATLOn Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:02 AM Kim H.  wrote:52cm CLEM "L"This one has been abused. I have never seen a Rivendell bicycle with so many scratches. YIKES ! Hetzel.On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 10:40:56 AM UTC-8 Eric Marth wrote:Good catch, Reeb! Seemed too good to be true, I deleted my post :o) On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 9:54:21 PM UTC-5 Ryan Ray wrote:Here is my Bleriot for sale on CL in Seattle or I will pay my LBS 150 bucks to box it up right. I bought a bigger Homer instead! Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 1:48:24 PM UTC-8 reeb wrote:could be a scam. same photos from a chicago seller: Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 4:41:01 PM UTC-5 wrote:Clem H52cm$741New Jersey

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Re: [RBW] Bluelug Visit to Rivendell (Video)

2023-11-20 Thread peter cownan
I loved those lugged Susie’s!!! Definitely considering selling my large Gus 
to get those preferably in the smaller wheel size. Does anyone know when 
they’ll be available?
On Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 2:55:21 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> I know !
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 29, 2023, at 5:35 PM, Kim H.  wrote:
> @Richard,
> Absolutely gorgeous Susie framesets !
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 11:05:34 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> And how about those lugged Susie’s! 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 29, 2023, at 1:51 PM, Minh  wrote:
>> Great informal video of Blue Lug team visiting Rivendell HQ with a show 
>> and tell of different staff member bikes.   
>> I just visited Blue Lug last month and was amazed at how successful they 
>> have become, i only knew them as an online store, but with multiple 
>> locations, tons of products, i could argue that they are more successful 
>> than Rivendell, but in this video they are still so curious and interested 
>> in everything.   
>> -- 
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>> .
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Compliments

2023-11-20 Thread Frakern
I was at an ice cream shop a few years back and the owner was really 
interested in my cork grips too. I didn't understand why he was so fixated 
on them lol. 

On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 8:07:08 PM UTC+9 ascpgh wrote:

> My orange Rambouillet draws unsolicited compliments often. When riding The 
> Five Boro Ride in NYC a few years ago my wife was impressed by the number 
> of strangers who pulled alongside, took a long look at my bike and either 
> gave silent thumbs up or gave compliment to it. She noticed the relative 
> anonymity of all the CFRP bikes and how their riders looked dejected when 
> positive comments on my bike came. Near the Verrazano Narrows Bridge she 
> said "It's like we've been riding with 30,000 of your friends."
> Andy Cheatham
> Pittsburgh
> On Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 3:01:31 PM UTC-5 aeroperf wrote:
>> So one thing I’ve noticed - I mean REALLY noticed - about our Rivendell 
>> bikes is that they get compliments.
>> I ride the Silver Comet near Atlanta.  
>> For 15 years I rode a Diamondback Approach, a decent hybrid bike (as they 
>> called those back in the ’90s).  I never heard a word from fellow riders.
>> Then in 2015 I got a Sam Hillborne.  Bog standard, as the Brits say - 
>> Sage Blue, cork grips.  I added some fenders and started seriously hitting 
>> the trail for exercise.
>> Suddenly folks are pulling up next to me (or going past), and saying 
>> “Nice bike!”  Now I’m 74 and banging along at about 11 mph, so it’s not 
>> tough to pull up next to me.  But this happens 2 - 3 times a year.  It 
>> surprises me.
>> A couple of nice ladies went on about the friction shifters and “a hard 
>> leather seat.  He’s hard core!”, before riding off on their carbon 
>> Cannondales.  A nice gentleman commented at length on the cork grips. 
>>  Maybe he was a fly fisherman?
>> It happened again yesterday when I stopped for water.  Two guys also 
>> stopped and were very complimentary about the Sam.  One asked to ride it 
>> (sure!) and came back grinning (“If I didn’t already have too many bikes…”)
>> It surprised my wife, too.  I built her up a Platypus last winter, and on 
>> her second ride she got a “Nice bike!” from someone.  She came home with 
>> smiles.
>> Does this happen to you when you ride your Rivendell?  Tell us about the 
>> compliments you get.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Ride Report - First Century on my Atlantis - and at all

2023-11-20 Thread Ryan Ogilvie
I’d be interested. (In NYC.) Whether I can pull it off would depend on a bunch of factors. But would definitely prioritize. Sent from my mobile device. On Nov 19, 2023, at 7:13 PM, Brian Turner  wrote:This all has me dreaming up a Riv owners overnighter or multi-day excursion along the C&O / W&OD. Would enough folks be interested in something like that? It’s a 7 hr drive for me to DC Metro area but I already make the trip once a year, so I have no problem doing it for a bike meetup!On Nov 19, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Eric Marth  wrote:Looks fab, Nick. I've ridden just a little bit of the W&OD out of Arlington to Mt. Vernon. I'm down the highway a piece in Fredericksburg. On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 7:40:52 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:Nice day for a long bike ride Nick !  The fall lighting makes for lovely photos indeed. On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 7:25:47 PM UTC-5 Josh C wrote:Nick, Very fun! Nice write-up. Great look'n bike too. On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 4:13:04 PM UTC-5 wrote:Thanks again to you all for your kind responses!  Bill -- that snapper's claw wasthe size of a kid's hand. It was probably about 20-22" long, and clearly the resident royalty for that section of the canal.Brians -- link to the route below. We took the W&OD and cut north from Leesburg on back roads to the Point of Rocks Bridge, which is very traffic-laden and sketchy. There's one walkway on the northbound side about 30" wide and elevated 10" from the road. In hindsight, I should have walked it! — Point of Rocks Loop CenturyNick in FCOn Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 1:13:44 PM UTC-5 wrote:Yes, Nick… I would also be very interested in seeing your route. I’ve done the C&O several times, but had no idea there was a parallel rail trail across the Potomac starting at Point of Rocks, I assume? That seems like it would make a nice overnighter without having to retrace your route or get a shuttle.I spent a very harrowing night bike camping at one of those sites near Point of Rocks (Calico Rock, maybe?)… probably the worst storm I’ve ever been caught out in!BrianLexington KyOn Nov 18, 2023, at 11:16 AM, Brian McDermott  wrote:Nick- What a classic NOVA ride! I grew up in Leesburg and have ridden countless miles on the W&OD ranging from skating to school on it when I was a freshman at Loudoun County High School, up until a few years ago when my folks still lived in the area. I'd be interested in seeing your route and trying it sometime; I rode the GAP/C&O last year from Pitt to DC on my Hillborne, tried it again this fall on my Appaloosa, but my knee gave out on me by the time we reached Cumberland and I had to bail. This looks like it would be fun to try in the spring. On Friday, November 17, 2023 at 6:46:39 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:I want to know more about that turtle-shaped moss-covered rock!  That guy is a bad ass.  Excellent work Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 12:32:14 PM UTC-8 wrote:A good friend and I managed around 105 miles last weekend. It was our (the Atlantis and my) first century.We made a long loop here in the D.C. area. First
 out to Leesburg on the W&OD trail. It took a while for the sun to 
peek out from behind the autumn clouds, but when it did, all the frost 
started sublimating, making it look as though we were riding through 
clouds:Then wound our way northward to the Point Of Rocks bridge via rural 
roads in Loudoun County, both paved and gravel of various types:And headed back to Georgetown on the C&O 
Canal towpath. Then on home after dark via the Mount Vernon trail and southern end of the W&OD.We happened upon a giant old snapper sunning next to the towpath that had an ecosystem living on its back:Around mile 65, we stopped for a break at one of the boat ramps near a lock house, with a lovely view of the Potomac:All
 in all, it was a specacular though difficult (and, at times, cold 
and/or dark) ride. No real mechanical issues aside from a dropped chain 
here and there, for which we were both grateful. I feel that my Atlantis
 was truly in its element, traversing nearly every type of passable 
terrain with aplomb. I can't imagine having ridden anything else.Nick A.Falls Church VA

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Re: [RBW] WTB: Atlantis MIT 59cm or 62cm Frameset

2023-11-20 Thread Greg Janess
I have a 59cm 2022 Atlantis that I've been thinking about parting with. We 
should talk.
Greg in CA

On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 8:06:33 AM UTC-8 

> Thank you! I have not used eBay and forget to check the site when 
> searching. 
> Randy in WI
> On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 9:44:31 AM UTC-6 
> wrote:
>> Hi Randy, 
>> here's a 62: 
>> On Friday, November 17, 2023 at 5:43:48 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> Bump.
>>> Giving this another try.
>>> Randy in WI
>>> On Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 9:40:06 AM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 I was going to mention the same thing!

 On Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 8:50:36 AM UTC-5 Brendan Willard in SF 

> The rear derailleur on that eBay Lantis is not long for this world! 
>  Yikes!
> On Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 5:47:24 PM UTC-7 Matthew Williams wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2023, at 3:52 PM, <
>>> wrote:
>> Looking far an Atlantis to set up for dirt road exploring and 
>> touring. I have an Appaloosa, but looking for bigger tire clearance.
>> Thank you,
>> Randy in WI
>> -- 
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[RBW] Fender Install, Clem 52, SKS B65

2023-11-20 Thread Pete Oyler
Hey out there. Ordered some B65 fenders for my 52 Clem and am wondering if 
they required trimming? 


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Re: [RBW] Re: Compliments

2023-11-20 Thread Joe in the Pay Area
Daily, either the orange Atlantis or the orange All-Rounder get a 
"beautiful bike" yelled to it.

On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 7:11:46 PM UTC-8 WilletM wrote:

> This wasn't a Riv compliment, as it happened thirty years ago when my 
> acquisition budget was somewhat smaller than it is currently.  But it has 
> stuck with me and made me smile for all the years since.
> Riding down the road in Lincoln, NE, on my recently acquired Eisentraut 
> custom road bike that had been ordered (not by me) with a swirly pink paint 
> job that was right out of this year's Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie, 
> I heard a voice shout out "nice bike!" from the direction of a corner 
> gas station/convenience store.  Thinking that it must be a true aficionado 
> who knew of Albert's work and appreciated the thinly-filed lugs and Excell 
> tubing, I looked back over my shoulder eagerly to see if it might be 
> someone I knew from a local bike shop.  And I saw, standing there with a 
> big smile on her face, an 8- or 9-year-old girl who apparently just REALLY 
> liked that shade of pink.
> Willet M.
> On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 3:32:29 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> I often get compliments on my best Rivendells and copies; I say "best" 
>> because these are the ones that I build with the nicest -- shiny silver -- 
>> parts and keep the cleanest. I got more compliments for my customs than for 
>> my Sam or Ram.
>> Someone said that compliments make him uncomfortable. They don't make me 
>> uncomfortable, but I admit that, when I'm in a hurry, as when in a store, I 
>> am sometimes not eager for extended conversations, but I am always pleased 
>> to hear compliments. People usually assume that the bikes are old and I 
>> also admit to a bit of glee when I answer the question, "So, how old is 
>> it?" by saying "25 years next year; it was delivered in April 1999" or 
>> "Summer 2020."
>> OTOH, a few years ago I had a rather lame-brained roadie youngster (late 
>> 30-something twit!) yell out, "Old steelie! It's an old steelie" That 
>> didn't make me so much uncomfortable as annoyed -- the bike was either the 
>> 2003 Riv road custom or the 2020 Matthews copy. I did my best to put him 
>> down.
>> I enjoy bike compliments all the more in that my old steelies are 
>> generally odd: fixed gear, hub gear, or 50 or 60 mm tires with drops and 
>> fenders and rack and road derailleurs and near-corncob cassette.
>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 1:20 PM J S  wrote:
>>> I live in the northeast and after all of these years only had one person 
>>> say nice bike. Not sure if it was the Hillborne or the Saluki. This person 
>>> did not know it was a rivendell, they were not riding but walking at the 
>>> time. Of course there are less Rivs here than in the Bay Area. 
>>> On Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 3:01:31 PM UTC-5 aeroperf wrote:
 So one thing I’ve noticed - I mean REALLY noticed - about our Rivendell 
 bikes is that they get compliments.

 I ride the Silver Comet near Atlanta.
 For 15 years I rode a Diamondback Approach, a decent hybrid bike (as 
 they called those back in the ’90s).  I never heard a word from fellow 
 Then in 2015 I got a Sam Hillborne.  Bog standard, as the Brits say - 
 Sage Blue, cork grips.  I added some fenders and started seriously hitting 
 the trail for exercise.

 Suddenly folks are pulling up next to me (or going past), and saying 
 “Nice bike!”  Now I’m 74 and banging along at about 11 mph, so it’s not 
 tough to pull up next to me.  But this happens 2 - 3 times a year.  It 
 surprises me.

 A couple of nice ladies went on about the friction shifters and “a hard 
 leather seat.  He’s hard core!”, before riding off on their carbon 
 Cannondales.  A nice gentleman commented at length on the cork grips.  
 Maybe he was a fly fisherman?

 It happened again yesterday when I stopped for water.  Two guys also 
 stopped and were very complimentary about the Sam.  One asked to ride it 
 (sure!) and came back grinning (“If I didn’t already have too many bikes…”)
 It surprised my wife, too.  I built her up a Platypus last winter, and 
 on her second ride she got a “Nice bike!” from someone.  She came home 

 Does this happen to you when you ride your Rivendell?  Tell us about 
 the compliments you get.
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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-11-20 Thread Jacob Ireland
Susie Longbolts frame on CL in SF. Rivendell Susie Frame (LG) - bicycles - by owner - bike sale - craigslistsfbay.craigslist.orgOn Nov 13, 2023, at 13:53, James  wrote:I know that bike!  Well loved and well riden with a great ownerOn Monday, November 13, 2023 at 4:15:15 PM UTC-5 Justin Kennedy wrote:I think I recognize that bike. Orange Cheviot in Brooklyn? See him around from time to time. On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 4:10:33 PM UTC-5 Kainalu V.  -Brooklyn NY wrote:Here’s a candidate for beausage of the month…Not for sale as far as I know, so the wrong post, but with all the talk of tough lockups, this one stood out to me.-KaiOn Monday, November 13, 2023 at 2:03:50 PM UTC-5 ericf3 wrote:"Who are you going to believe?? Me, or your own eyes??"  -GrouchoOn Mon, 13 Nov 2023 at 11:01, Joe Bernard  wrote:Yeah it's the seller description that annoys me, I don't appreciate being told my eyes don't see what I'm clearly seeing. This happens a lot on Craigslist. On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 10:26:10 AM UTC-8 RichS wrote:That's some harsh beausage or what the owner calls "regular scuffs". YMMV I guess.Best,Rich in ATLOn Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:02 AM Kim H.  wrote:52cm CLEM "L"This one has been abused. I have never seen a Rivendell bicycle with so many scratches. YIKES ! Hetzel.On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 10:40:56 AM UTC-8 Eric Marth wrote:Good catch, Reeb! Seemed too good to be true, I deleted my post :o) On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 9:54:21 PM UTC-5 Ryan Ray wrote:Here is my Bleriot for sale on CL in Seattle or I will pay my LBS 150 bucks to box it up right. I bought a bigger Homer instead! Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 1:48:24 PM UTC-8 reeb wrote:could be a scam. same photos from a chicago seller: Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 4:41:01 PM UTC-5 wrote:Clem H52cm$741New Jersey

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Re: [RBW] Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Jacob Ireland
Def snag! I saw there is one listed on FB group. I rode a buddies Susie with big squishy maxxis 29er tires and it was divine. I heard they quit making them due to the cost of production. -Jake in sfOn Nov 20, 2023, at 09:06, Max S  wrote:Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties and quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you recommend it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out of stock), or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom made that'll be lighter?.. - Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not wanting to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 

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[RBW] Re: ISO: 55cm Platypus frame or bike

2023-11-20 Thread Johnny Alien
Riv still has some 55 frames left in purple.

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 1:15:16 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> hey yall!
> Sadly I missed out on the Platy presale last month, and I’m searching for 
> a 55cm Platypus frame. Complete bikes are also interesting. So for example 
> if anyone got in on the presale, and has since changed their minds, let me 
> know! 
> thanks
> Ben
> in ky

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[RBW] Re: Grips appreciation post

2023-11-20 Thread JohnS
I found these ODI soft X longneck grips on Blue Lug and really like them on 
Albatross bars. There available else were.


On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 1:15:15 PM UTC-5 northfaring wrote:

> Looking for some grip inspo.  Please share your grips!

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Re: [RBW] Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Richard Rose
Coming from a Gus owner who has ridden both; DO IT! For all of the reasons mentioned here and more. My Gus is a very capable & comfortable rigid MTB. Also a pleasure riding to the trail & superb on gravel. Bikepacking? YES! 29 x 2.6 @ 16-18psi (tubeless) and it rolls over everything. It’s just a great, fun as hell bike. When I rode a friend’s Susie I really did not notice the weight difference. What I can say is the front end might be a bit stiffer. Not in a bad way, just very precise. You cannot go wrong.Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 20, 2023, at 12:06 PM, Max S  wrote:Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties and quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you recommend it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out of stock), or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom made that'll be lighter?.. - Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not wanting to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 

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[RBW] Re: Fender Install, Clem 52, SKS B65

2023-11-20 Thread iamkeith
I had to make a small notch for the chain to clear, when on the small ring 
of a triple crank
  Mine's a 59, and it's probably somewhat dependent on crank/bb choice.  No 
other trimming though.
On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 11:16:11 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> Hey out there. Ordered some B65 fenders for my 52 Clem and am wondering if 
> they required trimming? 

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Re: [RBW] 2.25 Thunder Burt on a Platypus?

2023-11-20 Thread Justin Kennedy
Also, not sure how I missed this, but Roman's 60cm Platypus on the Riv 
Staff Bikes pages is sporting 2.25 Thunder Burts. Not sure what rims those 
are mounted to, though, but they might be black Cliffhangers?

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 11:25:03 AM UTC-5 Lonnie wrote:

> I love the 2.25 G-ones.  They work well on the neighborhood singletrack, 
> but don't feel too slow on pavement.  But as I mentioned, they required 
> swapping out the bottom bracket to keep the chain off the tire (when 
> mounted on cliffhangers).  Had I known that would be the case, I would have 
> gone with the 50mm gravel kings.  If I didn't already have cliffhangers, I 
> might have gone with a slightly narrower rim.[image: Platy~.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Joe Bernard
I believe Large in this instance means 56cm, they seem open to shipping. 
They're not coming up very often s...

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 9:06:25 AM UTC-8 Max S wrote:

> Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties 
> and quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle 
> Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) 
> If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you recommend 
> it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out of stock), 
> or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom made 
> that'll be lighter?.. 
> - Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not wanting 
> to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 

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[RBW] WTT 51cm Sam for 48cm/or ISO 48cm Sam Hillborne

2023-11-20 Thread Ron Cramer
51cm hiho silver Sam, never built up for a 48 in decent shape.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Richard Rose
Just re-reading my post. To be clear, it’s the Gus that was a bit more precise up front. Credit I guess to the 1 1/8” threadless steer tube? Possibly insignificant.Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 20, 2023, at 2:43 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:I believe Large in this instance means 56cm, they seem open to shipping. They're not coming up very often s... Monday, November 20, 2023 at 9:06:25 AM UTC-8 Max S wrote:Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties and quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you recommend it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out of stock), or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom made that'll be lighter?.. - Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not wanting to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 

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[RBW] Re: Platypus for Clem L?

2023-11-20 Thread Chung Eun Kim
Thanks for the out of box view on this question.

Since Soma is running Black Friday sale on their frames, I'm tempted. 
However, it really depends on her, not me.
We are planning to go test ride Platy from HQ, but not sure where I can 
find a Soma BV bike that she can test ride.

I personally think Riv is aesthetically more pleasing than BV, but that 
double top tube looks interesting.
Also, that tire clearance seems quite limiting (only 38mm) for the 42cm 

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 7:14:22 PM UTC+1 Jobbing Drummer wrote:

> I’d like to weigh in…. Garth’s advice is SAGE. I agree that trading the 
> Clem for a Platy would NOT solve the problem you hope to address. Riding 
> weight and schlepping weight are two different metrics.
> I owned and loved a Cheviot, but it was long and heavy and not something 
> I’d like to lug on/off a train with any regularity.
> ALSO - I just built a Soma Buena Vista for my sibling and did copious test 
> rides pre-delivery. It’s got a lot going for it. Lower price, generous tire 
> clearance despite the spec, healthy length on the chainstay contributed to 
> a very comfy ride, but it was still snappy and easy to move when 
> dismounted. Really a joy. Special frame… though it will require you to 
> choose every part, including headset and bottom bracket. Happy to share any 
> insights from my build, on or off thread + I’ve got some photos, and while 
> they’re not surgical, i built the thing from the ground up, so I can answer 
> most questions based on actual experience, barring the chance that the tire 
> clearance is any less depending on the smaller size frame you’re looking 
> for. (This was 650b build on a 58cm)
> Highly recommend the soma BV (rim brake, OBVIOUSLY)
> Best,
> JD
> On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 7:56:27 AM UTC-6 
> wrote:
>> I had a different steel frame and all I can describe is that when I was 
>> riding I felt like I was dragging every pound of that bike along, where 
>> with the Platypus it feels like it is leaping forward. I just don't feel 
>> it. Even as I have added racks, bags, fenders and I keep asking when it 
>> will feel like a heavy bike. That has not happened yet.
>> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 10:46:30 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>> Jake,
>>> That is interesting that the bikes are about equal in weight but one 
>>> rides "zippier and lighter". I've heard this before in comparing the Clem 
>>> to the Platypus but I just don't know what qualities makes a bike feel 
>>> zippier if it isn't lighter weight.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Doug
>>> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 12:25:06 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
 I agree with what Garth is saying about weight/size differences. 
 Depending on the respective builds and how the sizing falls, it's possible 
 that a Platypus could be every bit as long and heavy as a Clem. As people 
 in the 81-84cm pbh range, I have a 55cm Platypus and my dad has a 52cm 
 Clem, and the Clem is probably lighter in part due to the smaller wheel 
 size. Both are great bikes, and I do find the Platypus rides zippier and 
 lighter, but in terms of lifting, transport, and storage there is not much 
 difference between the two. Hope this helps!


 On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 4:06:09 PM UTC-5 Garth wrote:

> Chung, If your wife finds the Clem too long and heavy a Platypus is 
> not going to make a effective difference in regards to weight or 
> maneuvering. What would is a frame like a Soma Buena Vista (rim brake or 
> disc) or Velo Orange Polyvalent low kicker. Both have relatively typical 
> chainstays and wheelbases and are going to be easier to pick up and 
> maneuver simply due to the fact that they have "normal" wheelbases and 
> chainstays so are going to be inherently lighter to begin with. There's a 
> notable difference in geometry though, with the VO being more low trail 
> and 
> the Soma mid-high. Plus the Soma has quite steep seat tube angles so if 
> using a Brooks you may not be able to get the seat back where you want. 
> Thankfully they do both use a 27.2 post though. 
> Note, the Platy isn't a step through either so all three compared to a 
> Clem are more like step around I suppose ! 
> ,
> On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 2:53:48 PM UTC-5 Hoch in ut wrote:
> I don’t know about the Platypus, but my wife rides a Betty Foy. It 
> rides ligh/zippy  and she loves it. Currently has a Wald 137 front basket 
> and a Riv trunk bag. 
> They’re a bit hard to come by but Cheviot was essentially the same 
> bike. 
> Tires are 650b x 38 with fenders. Not sure I’d go larger. 
> On Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 9:21:50 AM UTC-7 chungeu...wrote:
> Hi,

[RBW] Re: Appaloosa 57cm Purple

2023-11-20 Thread Bill Lindsay

Is there a backstory for why you aren't opening the box and giving it a 
try?  Did you have a change of heart?  Or a financial need cropped up?  Or 
you found a used one, and don't need two?  

Bill Lindsay 
El Cerrito, CA

On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 3:00:09 PM UTC-8 Matthew Williams wrote:

> Bump! All reasonable offers considered.
> > On Oct 30, 2023, at 6:24 PM, Matthew Williams  
> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi everyone, for sale is a new-in-the-box Appaloosa frameset:
> > 
> > 57cm
> > Purple
> > New in the box. Box is still sealed.
> > $1911.88, exactly what I paid.
> > Pay via Zelle
> > 
> > I bought it new from RBW but never built it up or took it out of the 
> box. 
> > 
> > Local pickup in Berkeley: free!
> > 
> > Points beyond: buyer arranges, pays, and assumes all liability for 
> shipping.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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Re: [RBW] Appaloosa 57cm Purple

2023-11-20 Thread Matthew Williams
Yes, and therein hangs a tale.

My plan was (and still is) to ride the Pacific Coast Highway (CA-1) from San 
Francisco to San Diego. I bought the purple frameset to build a touring bike 
with parts I’ve been collecting over the years. 

Then I found a used bike with exactly the build I wanted.

Then the transmission in my work truck died, so this project and trip are on 
hold for the forseeable future. Bleh.

> On Nov 20, 2023, at 3:25 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:
> Matthew
> Is there a backstory for why you aren't opening the box and giving it a try?  
> Did you have a change of heart?  Or a financial need cropped up?  Or you 
> found a used one, and don't need two?  
> Bill Lindsay 
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 3:00:09 PM UTC-8 Matthew Williams wrote:
>> Bump! All reasonable offers considered.
>> > On Oct 30, 2023, at 6:24 PM, Matthew Williams > 
>> > wrote:
>> > 
>> > Hi everyone, for sale is a new-in-the-box Appaloosa frameset:
>> > 
>> > 57cm
>> > Purple
>> > New in the box. Box is still sealed.
>> > $1911.88, exactly what I paid.
>> > Pay via Zelle
>> > 
>> > I bought it new from RBW but never built it up or took it out of the box. 
>> > 
>> > Local pickup in Berkeley: free!
>> > 
>> > Points beyond: buyer arranges, pays, and assumes all liability for 
>> > shipping.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Appaloosa 57cm Purple

2023-11-20 Thread Bill Lindsay
Pics of the used bike would be a good bump excuse.  :)

BL in EC

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 4:36:06 PM UTC-8 Matthew Williams wrote:

> Yes, and therein hangs a tale.
> My plan was (and still is) to ride the Pacific Coast Highway (CA-1) from 
> San Francisco to San Diego. I bought the purple frameset to build a 
> touring bike with parts I’ve been collecting over the years. 
> Then I found a used bike with exactly the build I wanted.
> Then the transmission in my work truck died, so this project and trip are 
> on hold for the forseeable future. Bleh.
> On Nov 20, 2023, at 3:25 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:
> Matthew
> Is there a backstory for why you aren't opening the box and giving it a 
> try?  Did you have a change of heart?  Or a financial need cropped up?  Or 
> you found a used one, and don't need two?  
> Bill Lindsay 
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 3:00:09 PM UTC-8 Matthew Williams wrote:
>> Bump! All reasonable offers considered.
>> > On Oct 30, 2023, at 6:24 PM, Matthew Williams  
>> wrote:
>> > 
>> > Hi everyone, for sale is a new-in-the-box Appaloosa frameset:
>> > 
>> > 57cm
>> > Purple
>> > New in the box. Box is still sealed.
>> > $1911.88, exactly what I paid.
>> > Pay via Zelle
>> > 
>> > I bought it new from RBW but never built it up or took it out of the 
>> box. 
>> > 
>> > Local pickup in Berkeley: free!
>> > 
>> > Points beyond: buyer arranges, pays, and assumes all liability for 
>> shipping.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: Susie Longbolts – offload yours on me or talk me out of it?!

2023-11-20 Thread Kim H.
>From the RBW website about Susie W. Longbolts:

"It’s like the Gus but for riders under 210 pounds and who promise to ride 
them with loads of 25lbs or less, and no jumps or canyon-crossings. It's 
a Gus for lightweights and light loads. A Susie/Wolbis frame weighs only 
about 12oz less than the same sized Gus frame, and there is NO ride 
difference. If you make the weight limit and have no plans for off-road 
bikepacking or death-defying showoff stuff, get this over Gus. Also, it 
uses a quill stem and has a Riv-standard 1-inch threaded steerer.

Our 210 lb weight limit is a conservative hunch, not laboratory-derived. 
A lot of it depends on tire pressure and even more importantly, technique. 
It's not like the Susie has super thin-walled tubes or anything, but it 
doesn't have the same abuse cushion that Gus has."

Kim Hetzel.

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 4:52:11 PM UTC-8 wrote:

> This review is pretty convincing.
> [image: Rivendell-Gus-Boots-Willsen-Review-hero.jpeg]
> The Rivendell Gus Boots Willsen Hillibike Makes a Case for 550mm Chainstays 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 20, 2023, at 2:43 PM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
> I believe Large in this instance means 56cm, they seem open to shipping. 
> They're not coming up very often s...
> On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 9:06:25 AM UTC-8 Max S wrote:
>> Thinking of getting a fatter-tired bike going for casual Zone 2 sorties 
>> and quiet trail riding. (Mainly need a frame as an excuse to use my idle 
>> Bullmoose bars... so it goes.) 
>> If you have a Susie, what's your experience been like? Would you 
>> recommend it and for what? Should I try to find a 56 cm Susie (Riv is out 
>> of stock), or should I get something else?.. Should I get something custom 
>> made that'll be lighter?.. 
>> - Max "idle lunchtime thoughts on this cool November day while not 
>> wanting to do any work nor organize my already overflowing bike room" in MI 
> -- 
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[RBW] re: short brake pads on v brakes

2023-11-20 Thread Bernard Duhon

Has anyone tried these short brake pads on v brakes
Sanity Brake Pads: Stubby V-Brake Pads that don’t make you deflate you – 
Rivendell Bicycle Works 
They are supposed to allow removal of wheel without deflating tire, without 
affecting braking power

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[RBW] Re: Best mitten design for very cold weather

2023-11-20 Thread Patrick Moore
I bought a pair of size Large Guide Gear leather mittens with light fleece
lining and inner wool mitten, sub $40. The wool mitten is thin, not at all
like the heavy, almost felted wool mittens with my first pair of OR
nylon/wool combo, but the OR combination was really too warm for my needs.
The leather is good quality and supple, the stitching looks good, and they
are labeled "waterproof." I daresay that the lining will wear but I wanted
these for the leather outer mitts which are large enough to wear over not
only the accompanying wool mittens but my lighter-weight lined leather
gloves (ex Bundeswehr!) and they will even fit over those little-used Pearl
Izumi size L lobster mitts I'm trying to sell without crowding the ends of
fingers or thumb.

I wish they covered more of my wrists but anything I wear under them will
be longer on the wrist.

Come to think of it, those very thick and dense OR wool under-mittens would
probably have served as well as these lined leather sheaths, but I expect
I'll prefer the leather for a better grip on the bar.

Those PI lobsters + OR nylon over mittens (no wool undermittens) + Finnish
army surplus gun mittens still FS: all now $70 shipped CONUS.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 2:15 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:

> The fall style thread raises a question about keeping your hands warm in
> very cold temperatures (for me, very cold means in the teens F). My fingers
> are very sensitive to the cold. I've bought 2 or 3 pairs of PI Lobster
> gloves but I've been disappointed in the fit and the warmth.
> I've used Outdoor Research heavy nylon mitten sheaths with thick boiled
> wool mittens underneath, and those were very warm indeed, but very awkward
> to ride in, even on a fixed gear where you have to handle only the brake
> levers.
> Varusteleka currently has a number of mil surplus mittens with separate
> thumb, separate thumb and trigger finger, and separate thumb and first 2
> fingers. The whole point of mittens is to bundle the fingers together in
> one compartment for mutual warmth, so each added finger compartment
> sacrifices warmth.
> Does anyone have thoughts on a glove or a mitten or a system that gives
> the best mix of warmth and dexterity? And perhaps some particular gloves or
> mittens that fit the bill?
> Right now, I've got hugely oversized 5-finger gloves under which I can
> wear wool knit gloves, under which in turn I can wear silk liners, but this
> sort of layer system is cumbersome to put on and take off.
> Thanks.
> --
> -
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> -
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing
> services.
> -
> *When thou didst not, savage,*
> *Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like*
> *A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes*
> *With words that made them known.*

Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage,*

*Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like*

*A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes*

*With words that made them known.*

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