[RBW] Re: FS: Nitto/riv stuff

2023-10-13 Thread Stephen
Throwing out a bump, I've had no interest on anything, maybe its the wrong 
time of year to sell parts? I'm open to offers.



On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 9:42:30 PM UTC-4 Stephen wrote:

> Got a few items I'm not using and don't see myself needing anymore. 
> Hopefully some of yall could use this stuff.
> Nitto Noodle 46cm - $80 + shipping (cleaned, but has a few tape spots, i 
> love 46cm noodles but already have another pair on my ram)
> Nitto Losco 54cm - $80 + shipping (used for 6 months ish, cleaned but has 
> a few tape spots) 
> Nitto Fillet Faceplater 135mm 225 quill - $120 + shipping (basically new, 
> i dry installed on a build once and otherwise its been sitting, never 
> ridden)
> MKS Bear traps black/silver - $30 bucks + shipping, (or less make me an 
> offer, these didnt get nibbled the last time i posted.. seriously if you're 
> at all interested shoot me a message) (a little dirty, but only lived on a 
> bike for a month or two)
> Pletscher Single leg kickstand - $10 + shipping (used for a month or two, 
> feel like a two leg would work better for my appaloosa)
> I'm located in NYC, if you're nearby we can maybe arrange local handoff.
> thanks for looking,
> Stephen

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Re: [RBW] Bike Makeover Thread

2023-10-13 Thread Johnny Alien
I agree with Ian that it looks fine. That seatpost has massive amounts of 
setback and it looks like you are at the limit so even with 27.2 I don't 
think you will find a better looking seatpost with the amount of setback 
you have on this one. Even custom I think it would be tough to do it more 
elegantly. On a great looking bike like that no one is staring at the 
seatpost anyway. :)

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 1:02:49 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Oooh, a custom titanium seatpost. That's whatcha need, Leah! 
> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 8:37:38 PM UTC-7 Ian A wrote:
>> For what my opinion is worth, I rather like the seatpost. With the bag 
>> there, the seatpost doesn't draw attention and looks "right". However, 
>> custom seat posts are available, at not inconsiderable cost. Ti Cycles 
>> Fabrication (Portland) have some alluring options. Perhaps someone on this 
>> list knows of a custom maker who could create one from chromoly? Custom 
>> stems are available too. 
>> I would be very hesitant to ream the seat tube unless it was Rivendell 
>> approved. 
>> A fine looking bicycle indeed.
>> IanA Alberta Canada
>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 7:29:41 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> I don’t need more setback than what I have - I bought this post for its 
>>> setback and it’s adequate. This one is ugly but it is the only choice for 
>>> 26.8. 
>>> Stem: I have the Nitto extra tall stem and you cannot get it longer than 
>>> 100mm. So, if I want to use a pretty seat post, I can, but I’d need to 
>>> pitch my tall stem and sacrifice height for reach. 
>>> So, I’m keeping my favorite stem and buying myself setback with that 
>>> ugly post. It’s the best option I can see at this point. 
>>> On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:21 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW 
>>> Owners Bunch  wrote:
>>> Leah
>>> I thought the seatpost looked like a Sakae LTE-100 type.Not sure 
>>> what problems you have making you consider reaming the seat tube, but that 
>>> post has the most setback you can get.   If you need additional distance to 
>>> the bars, you could try a 10mm longer stem.
>>> John Hawrylak
>>> Woodstown NJ
>>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 9:05:12 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>> Ding! wrote:
 Thanks, the seat post is the IRD Wayback post and the bag is Riv’s 
 Saddlesack, the BagBoy.

 On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:01 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW 
 Owners Bunch  wrote:


 Your changes look good.   What is the seatpost and the saddlebag you 

 John Hawrylak
 Woodstown NJ

 On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 9:57:32 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
 Ding! wrote:

> Raspberry Platypus BEFORE:
> [image: image0.jpeg]
> [image: image6.jpeg]
> AND After…
> [image: image1.jpeg]
> [image: image2.jpeg][image: image3.jpeg][image: image4.jpeg][image: 
> image5.jpeg]
> On Oct 11, 2023, at 9:53 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
> jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike 
> Makeover thread.
> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my 
> favorite Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips and 
> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in 
> the 
> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of season. 
> I 
> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to pull 
> it 
> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other 
> Platypus, 
> slapped them on and sent her a photo. 
> “That bike deserves prettier grips. Those are ugly,” she said, giving 
> me the unvarnished truth. 
> I looked again. She was right. Back to the drawing board. I finally 
> found these grips from Rivet Cycle Works - Deb told me she had these but 
> didn’t have them up on the website yet. She had the exact match to my 
> chestnut saddle and days later, I had these gorgeous stamped leather 
> grips 
> in hand. The bike looks positively *tonal.* The colors of the paint 
> throw out so many different shades of pinks and reds, thanks to the 
> abundant glitter in the metallic; adding rich leather accessories only 
> elevates the look. The stamped designs on the leather give the bike some 
> texture and add visual interest at the handlebar area. 
> This Platypus is like a little autumn posey. Perfect and pretty, and 
> wholly appointed to its duty.
> Now if I can just convince Deb to make these in ivory, so I have a 
> pair to match my ivory Rivet saddle when spring comes…
> Attached in the next post are the before and afters.
> Leah
> -- 
> You received this message

[RBW] Re: Bike Makeover Thread

2023-10-13 Thread Roberta
Your bike looks smashing--ready for all autumnal adventures.  Very rich 
looking.   Those grips are beautiful.

I think that bag does a good job camouflaging the less appealing seat post.

On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 9:52:55 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike Makeover 
> thread.
> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my favorite 
> Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips and 
> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in the 
> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of season. I 
> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to pull it 
> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other Platypus, 
> slapped them on and sent her a photo. 
> “That bike deserves prettier grips. Those are ugly,” she said, giving me 
> the unvarnished truth. 
> I looked again. She was right. Back to the drawing board. I finally found 
> these grips from Rivet Cycle Works - Deb told me she had these but didn’t 
> have them up on the website yet. She had the exact match to my chestnut 
> saddle and days later, I had these gorgeous stamped leather grips in hand. 
> The bike looks positively *tonal.* The colors of the paint throw out so 
> many different shades of pinks and reds, thanks to the abundant glitter in 
> the metallic; adding rich leather accessories only elevates the look. The 
> stamped designs on the leather give the bike some texture and add visual 
> interest at the handlebar area. 
> This Platypus is like a little autumn posey. Perfect and pretty, and 
> wholly appointed to its duty.
> Now if I can just convince Deb to make these in ivory, so I have a pair to 
> match my ivory Rivet saddle when spring comes…
> Attached in the next post are the before and afters.
> Leah

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Re: [RBW] Bike Makeover Thread

2023-10-13 Thread Garth
Leah, there are alternatives to the Technomic stem, I assume you have the 
regular/non-deluxe 280mm tall one in a 100mm extension, correct ? 
A combo of the Nitto quill stem adapter in the 225mm quill length in 
addition to a positive rise threadless stem, in this case a 120mm +/-17 
degree one will will give the same height as a tall 280mm Technomic with a 
100mm extension, plus an additional forward extension of 21mm. Same bar 
height, +21mm extension so you can use any normal setback seatpost and you 
don't have to be so far back, which is in itself a whole 'nother subject 
that I've discussed in the past. aka "going backward of the bottom bracket 
for more reach forward is going the wrong direction". Symptoms of being too 
far back include not being able to stay seated on climbs and/or needing 
lower gearing because you can't use your core muscles efficiently while 
seated uphill. If you can take your hands off the bars uphill and still 
pedal relatively effectively(not losing power), that's a sweet spot of 
effectiveness :) 

You may find however that in going forward you may want the bars slightly 
lower, don't be afraid to experiment ! 

The Nitto adapter is in stock at Alex's Cycle from Japan for $49, plus $23 
shipping (if that's all you bought). Nitto makes a 120mm, +/-17d 25.4 bore 
stem, the NJ-89 I think it's called. You may be better off buying one with 
a larger bore + shim rather than a 25.4 in case you ever changed bars to a 
larger bore. If not just get the NJ-89. Alex's has that also. I have not 
seen a lower priced non-NJS Nitto stem in 25.4 bore with a +/-17degree 

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 1:02:49 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Oooh, a custom titanium seatpost. That's whatcha need, Leah! 
> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 8:37:38 PM UTC-7 Ian A wrote:
>> For what my opinion is worth, I rather like the seatpost. With the bag 
>> there, the seatpost doesn't draw attention and looks "right". However, 
>> custom seat posts are available, at not inconsiderable cost. Ti Cycles 
>> Fabrication (Portland) have some alluring options. Perhaps someone on this 
>> list knows of a custom maker who could create one from chromoly? Custom 
>> stems are available too. 
>> I would be very hesitant to ream the seat tube unless it was Rivendell 
>> approved. 
>> A fine looking bicycle indeed.
>> IanA Alberta Canada
>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 7:29:41 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> I don’t need more setback than what I have - I bought this post for its 
>>> setback and it’s adequate. This one is ugly but it is the only choice for 
>>> 26.8. 
>>> Stem: I have the Nitto extra tall stem and you cannot get it longer than 
>>> 100mm. So, if I want to use a pretty seat post, I can, but I’d need to 
>>> pitch my tall stem and sacrifice height for reach. 
>>> So, I’m keeping my favorite stem and buying myself setback with that 
>>> ugly post. It’s the best option I can see at this point. 
>>> On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:21 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW 
>>> Owners Bunch  wrote:
>>> Leah
>>> I thought the seatpost looked like a Sakae LTE-100 type.Not sure 
>>> what problems you have making you consider reaming the seat tube, but that 
>>> post has the most setback you can get.   If you need additional distance to 
>>> the bars, you could try a 10mm longer stem.
>>> John Hawrylak
>>> Woodstown NJ
>>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 9:05:12 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>> Ding! wrote:
 Thanks, the seat post is the IRD Wayback post and the bag is Riv’s 
 Saddlesack, the BagBoy.

 On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:01 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW 
 Owners Bunch  wrote:


 Your changes look good.   What is the seatpost and the saddlebag you 

 John Hawrylak
 Woodstown NJ

 On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 9:57:32 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
 Ding! wrote:

> Raspberry Platypus BEFORE:
> [image: image0.jpeg]
> [image: image6.jpeg]
> AND After…
> [image: image1.jpeg]
> [image: image2.jpeg][image: image3.jpeg][image: image4.jpeg][image: 
> image5.jpeg]
> On Oct 11, 2023, at 9:53 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
> jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike 
> Makeover thread.
> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my 
> favorite Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips and 
> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in 
> the 
> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of season. 
> I 
> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to pull 
> it 
> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other 
> Platypus, 

Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Nitto/riv stuff

2023-10-13 Thread Richard Rose
Cannot believe that FacePlater has not been snapped up. Best stem ever @ a great price & getting very hard to find. Did you post pics? That always seems to help.Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 13, 2023, at 7:53 AM, Stephen  wrote:Throwing out a bump, I've had no interest on anything, maybe its the wrong time of year to sell parts? I'm open to offers.thanks,StephenOn Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 9:42:30 PM UTC-4 Stephen wrote:Got a few items I'm not using and don't see myself needing anymore. Hopefully some of yall could use this stuff.Nitto Noodle 46cm - $80 + shipping (cleaned, but has a few tape spots, i love 46cm noodles but already have another pair on my ram)Nitto Losco 54cm - $80 + shipping (used for 6 months ish, cleaned but has a few tape spots) Nitto Fillet Faceplater 135mm 225 quill - $120 + shipping (basically new, i dry installed on a build once and otherwise its been sitting, never ridden)MKS Bear traps black/silver - $30 bucks + shipping, (or less make me an offer, these didnt get nibbled the last time i posted.. seriously if you're at all interested shoot me a message) (a little dirty, but only lived on a bike for a month or two)Pletscher Single leg kickstand - $10 + shipping (used for a month or two, feel like a two leg would work better for my appaloosa)I'm located in NYC, if you're nearby we can maybe arrange local handoff.thanks for looking,Stephen

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Re: [RBW] Roadini or Homer

2023-10-13 Thread 藍俊彪
I wouldn't carry more than 20 pounds. It would be a credit card tour. I
recently did an overnight camping trip with less than 15 pounds of gear

On Thu, Oct 12, 2023, 22:24 Stephen Durfee  wrote:

> Piaw, are you saying that you take your Roadini for a 3-week tour?  How
> much gear are you carrying?
> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 4:36:01 PM UTC-7 pi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 8:52:13 AM UTC-7 shu...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Anyway, I could carry on and on, but I just wish to say that I find the
>> two *quite* different.  The bike also feels noticeably bigger (the frame
>> is a 58) which may also contribute.  To shorten what could be a long story,
>> I came home, walked in the house, and ordered a Homer, which is set to
>> arrive today.  Once I build it up, I intend to sell the Roadini.  After
>> about thirty years of 3000mi annually, the Homer was instantly the bike
>> that I'd dreamt of for a long time.  You can't really go wrong with
>> either.  To me the question would come down to this: do you want to
>> maximize the feeling of quickness or gliding comfort?  For me, there was no
>> comparison.  With the Tektro side pulls and all of the same parts, I cannot
>> tell a weight difference between the two; perhaps the Paul brakes and extra
>> bits nullify the frame savings.  Anyway, I was in a similar decision
>> dilemma as you a few years back and went with the Roadini, and while it all
>> worked out in the end, the Homer was the right choice for me.
>> I was going to say --- I wonder how you'll feel when you have to pack
>> this bike for a tour. What got me to not buy a Homer (other than the axle
>> spacing) was that one of my critical use cases is being able to put the
>> bike in a box, fly to a destination, and do a 3 week tour and bring it
>> back. When I mentioned that to  Grant he admitted that it would take a much
>> bigger box than I was willing to put up with to do that.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/vo_MPwfbbJo/unsubscribe
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/4f4c4a9a-dcb5-4317-a80c-482e3c3f5589n%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Nutmeg Nor'Easter 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Justin Kennedy
Curious if anyone else from the RBW Owners Bunch will be there this year. 
If so, would love to say hello! I'll be on my mermaid Platy.


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Re: [RBW] Roadini or Homer

2023-10-13 Thread ShumotoSoundRoom
I will happily post photos of said bikes once I get the Homer assembled in 
the next week or so.  I intend to continue using my Independent Fabrication 
for all loaded touring, as it can easily handle full panniers, camping 
gear, etc.  I will ride the Homer unladen on one day rides; perhaps the 
occasional overnight with a minimal amount of gear, but mostly it will 
function as my version of a recreational road + gravel frame, thus 
replacing my Roadini.  You're right that the size of a 58 Homer would be 
tricky to fit in a box;  that being said, any touring I've done from 24hrs 
to three months, has seen me depart from my front door, or a drop-off via 
car or train.

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:09:13 AM UTC-4 pi...@gmail.com wrote:

> I wouldn't carry more than 20 pounds. It would be a credit card tour. I 
> recently did an overnight camping trip with less than 15 pounds of gear 
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2023, 22:24 Stephen Durfee  wrote:
>> Piaw, are you saying that you take your Roadini for a 3-week tour?  How 
>> much gear are you carrying?
>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 4:36:01 PM UTC-7 pi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 8:52:13 AM UTC-7 shu...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>> Anyway, I could carry on and on, but I just wish to say that I find the 
>>> two *quite* different.  The bike also feels noticeably bigger (the 
>>> frame is a 58) which may also contribute.  To shorten what could be a long 
>>> story, I came home, walked in the house, and ordered a Homer, which is set 
>>> to arrive today.  Once I build it up, I intend to sell the Roadini.  After 
>>> about thirty years of 3000mi annually, the Homer was instantly the bike 
>>> that I'd dreamt of for a long time.  You can't really go wrong with 
>>> either.  To me the question would come down to this: do you want to 
>>> maximize the feeling of quickness or gliding comfort?  For me, there was no 
>>> comparison.  With the Tektro side pulls and all of the same parts, I cannot 
>>> tell a weight difference between the two; perhaps the Paul brakes and extra 
>>> bits nullify the frame savings.  Anyway, I was in a similar decision 
>>> dilemma as you a few years back and went with the Roadini, and while it all 
>>> worked out in the end, the Homer was the right choice for me.  
>>> I was going to say --- I wonder how you'll feel when you have to pack 
>>> this bike for a tour. What got me to not buy a Homer (other than the axle 
>>> spacing) was that one of my critical use cases is being able to put the 
>>> bike in a box, fly to a destination, and do a 3 week tour and bring it 
>>> back. When I mentioned that to  Grant he admitted that it would take a much 
>>> bigger box than I was willing to put up with to do that.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/vo_MPwfbbJo/unsubscribe
>> .
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/4f4c4a9a-dcb5-4317-a80c-482e3c3f5589n%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: Carrying groceries on your bike

2023-10-13 Thread DavidP
I came across this Kickstarter campaign 

for a rack mounted device designed to securely hold shopping bags and was 
reminded of this thread. It's interesting if you mostly use these types of 
reusable grocery bags.


On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7:36:56 PM UTC-4 Dorothy C wrote:

> I have a Burley Nomad and a Burley Travoy (seat post mount). I have found 
> that the axle hitch on the Nomad doesn’t fit on my little 26” Appaloosa as 
> the curved drop out protector comes in too tight to allow the Nomad hitch 
> to sit flat, so I leave the Nomad hitch on the Clem, and the Travoy hitch 
> on the Appa.  I bought the extra shopping bags for the Travoy so loading it 
> works better than the big soft sided bag it comes with.  I also have the 
> choice of Backabike bags and a Nitto basket rack and Wald racer basket on 
> the Clem if I am not shopping for as much stuff. The Clem is nice and 
> stable with panniers - it is a 26” wheel 2019 45cm. 
> On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 8:21:45 AM UTC-7 ericf3 wrote:
>>> It's been a few years since I was the grocery-getter in this household, 
>>> but I used to use rear panniers and a very large backpack. The heavy stuff 
>>> went in the panniers or low in the backpack.
>> I favour backpacks as a heavy guy (95 kg), as they enable me to use my 
>> legs as shock absorbers. (I also used one for my work commute.)
>> I tried a front basket but did not like it for any kind of load.
>> It worked for me as I lived down a hill from my grocery stores and could 
>> mostly coast home... 
>> EricF

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Re: [RBW] Roadini or Homer

2023-10-13 Thread 藍俊彪
On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 7:46 AM ShumotoSoundRoom  wrote:

> I will happily post photos of said bikes once I get the Homer assembled in
> the next week or so.  I intend to continue using my Independent Fabrication
> for all loaded touring, as it can easily handle full panniers, camping
> gear, etc.  I will ride the Homer unladen on one day rides; perhaps the
> occasional overnight with a minimal amount of gear, but mostly it will
> function as my version of a recreational road + gravel frame, thus
> replacing my Roadini.  You're right that the size of a 58 Homer would be
> tricky to fit in a box;  that being said, any touring I've done from 24hrs
> to three months, has seen me depart from my front door, or a drop-off via
> car or train.

If you like the Homer that much, find a way to tour with it, esp. if you
can shave your load down. I can't imagine not touring with my best bike.
That's what I bought it for.

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[RBW] Re: FYI IRD "way back seatposts defect.

2023-10-13 Thread danielle da cruz
Leah, those grips! Wowowow. Truly stunning and worthy of a makeover post 
for sure! Thanks for sharing/inspiring!


On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 11:10:09 AM UTC-4 ber...@bernardduhon.com 

> It is hard to tell from the picture but it looks like an IRD “Wayback” 
> seatpost 
> I have one.  The grooves in the base & top piece stripped & caused the 
> seat to tilt “way up”
> Not terrible for the B17,  but not the angle I want.  I emailed Rivendell 
> & Mark said IRD is replacing the defective ones & to send it back. 
> Good service & standing beside their product. 
> *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com  *On 
> Behalf Of *Ian A
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:38 PM
> *To:* RBW Owners Bunch 
> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] Bike Makeover Thread
> For what my opinion is worth, I rather like the seatpost. With the bag 
> there, the seatpost doesn't draw attention and looks "right". However, 
> custom seat posts are available, at not inconsiderable cost. Ti Cycles 
> Fabrication (Portland) have some alluring options. Perhaps someone on this 
> list knows of a custom maker who could create one from chromoly? Custom 
> stems are available too. 
> I would be very hesitant to ream the seat tube unless it was Rivendell 
> approved. 
> A fine looking bicycle indeed.
> IanA Alberta Canada
> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 7:29:41 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
> I don’t need more setback than what I have - I bought this post for its 
> setback and it’s adequate. This one is ugly but it is the only choice for 
> 26.8. 
> Stem: I have the Nitto extra tall stem and you cannot get it longer than 
> 100mm. So, if I want to use a pretty seat post, I can, but I’d need to 
> pitch my tall stem and sacrifice height for reach. 
> So, I’m keeping my favorite stem and buying myself setback with that ugly 
> post. It’s the best option I can see at this point. 
> On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:21 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW Owners 
> Bunch  wrote:
> Leah
> I thought the seatpost looked like a Sakae LTE-100 type.Not sure what 
> problems you have making you consider reaming the seat tube, but that post 
> has the most setback you can get.   If you need additional distance to the 
> bars, you could try a 10mm longer stem.
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 9:05:12 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
> Thanks, the seat post is the IRD Wayback post and the bag is Riv’s 
> Saddlesack, the BagBoy.
> On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:01 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW Owners 
> Bunch  wrote:
> Leah
> Your changes look good.   What is the seatpost and the saddlebag you have??
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 9:57:32 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
> Raspberry Platypus BEFORE:
> AND After…
> On Oct 11, 2023, at 9:53 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  
> wrote:
> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike Makeover 
> thread.
> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my favorite 
> Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips and 
> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in the 
> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of season. I 
> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to pull it 
> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other Platypus, 
> slapped them on and sent her a photo. 
> “That bike deserves prettier grips. Those are ugly,” she said, giving me 
> the unvarnished truth. 
> I looked again. She was right. Back to the drawing board. I finally found 
> these grips from Rivet Cycle Works - Deb told me she had these but didn’t 
> have them up on the website yet. She had the exact match to my chestnut 
> saddle and days later, I had these gorgeous stamped leather grips in hand. 
> The bike looks positively *tonal.* The colors of the paint throw out so 
> many different shades of pinks and reds, thanks to the abundant glitter in 
> the metallic; adding rich leather accessories only elevates the look. The 
> stamped designs on the leather give the bike some texture and add visual 
> interest at the handlebar area. 
> This Platypus is like a little autumn posey. Perfect and pretty, and 
> wholly appointed to its duty.
> Now if I can just convince Deb to make these in ivory, so I have a pair to 
> match my ivory Rivet saddle when spring comes…
> Attached in the next post are the before and afters.
> Leah
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
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[RBW] Re: Bike Makeover Thread

2023-10-13 Thread Joe Bernard
I love the new look. I also love the old look! Basically I just love that 
Raspberry Racing Platy ❤️❤️❤️

On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:52:55 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike Makeover 
> thread.
> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my favorite 
> Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips and 
> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in the 
> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of season. I 
> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to pull it 
> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other Platypus, 
> slapped them on and sent her a photo. 
> “That bike deserves prettier grips. Those are ugly,” she said, giving me 
> the unvarnished truth. 
> I looked again. She was right. Back to the drawing board. I finally found 
> these grips from Rivet Cycle Works - Deb told me she had these but didn’t 
> have them up on the website yet. She had the exact match to my chestnut 
> saddle and days later, I had these gorgeous stamped leather grips in hand. 
> The bike looks positively *tonal.* The colors of the paint throw out so 
> many different shades of pinks and reds, thanks to the abundant glitter in 
> the metallic; adding rich leather accessories only elevates the look. The 
> stamped designs on the leather give the bike some texture and add visual 
> interest at the handlebar area. 
> This Platypus is like a little autumn posey. Perfect and pretty, and 
> wholly appointed to its duty.
> Now if I can just convince Deb to make these in ivory, so I have a pair to 
> match my ivory Rivet saddle when spring comes…
> Attached in the next post are the before and afters.
> Leah

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-10-13 Thread luckyturnip
Looks like Friday Harbor (Washington) for the BombadilOn Oct 13, 2023, at 11:03, maxcr  wrote:PSA. Anyone looking for a beautiful (pricey) 60 Bombadil? *seller says they don't want to ship, but it's unclear where they are located.https://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/3716209/On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 11:25:41 AM UTC-4 Matthew Williams wrote:Clem L F/F/Hs in Grilver!59cm900Berkeley-Oakland, CAhttps://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/bik/d/berkeley-rivendell-clem-frameset/7674043888.html

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[RBW] Re: FS: Brooks B68s, Dura-Ace 7403 front derailleur (NOS), IRD Alpina front derailleur with clamp

2023-10-13 Thread J J
*Update: the Brooks B68s is sold. Thanks for the rush of interest! :) *
*The two FDs are still available. *

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 1:53:01 PM UTC-4 J J wrote:

> Hi all, selling a few nice items. Please reach out privately if you're 
> interested. Thanks!
> *1) Brooks B68s saddle (like new, $135 shipped)*
> This is the "s" version, a few millimeters shorter than the regular B68. 
> Textured leather, beautiful, hard to find. Treated with Brooks Proofide and 
> some areas are slightly darker. Ridden twice for short distances. No saddle 
> bag ever mounted.
> [image: Brooks B68s-2.jpg]
> [image: Brooks B68s-1.jpg]
> *2) Dura-Ace FD 7403 front derailleur. Bottom pull, 28.6 clamp. (NOS with 
> original box, $142 shipped) *
> Beautiful polished silver, classic model. One of the few Dura-Ace FDs that 
> has the sweet (and subtle) Dura-Ace logotype/emblem on it. Adjustable 
> spring tension. Pristine condition. 
> [image: Dura-Ace FD 7403.jpg]
> *3) IRD Alpina front derailleur. Bottom pull, includes 28.6 clamp 
> (excellent condition, $45 shipped)*
> Mechanically like new. Some chain rub on the cage. 
> [image: IRD FD.jpg] 

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Re: [RBW] Brooks B68s, Dura-Ace 7403 front derailleur (NOS), IRD Alpina front derailleur with clamp

2023-10-13 Thread James Valiensi
I will buy the B68.

> On Oct 13, 2023, at 10:53 AM, J J  wrote:
> Hi all, selling a few nice items. Please reach out privately if you're 
> interested. Thanks!
> 1) Brooks B68s saddle (like new, $135 shipped)
> This is the "s" version, a few millimeters shorter than the regular B68. 
> Textured leather, beautiful, hard to find. Treated with Brooks Proofide and 
> some areas are slightly darker. Ridden twice for short distances. No saddle 
> bag ever mounted.
> 2) Dura-Ace FD 7403 front derailleur. Bottom pull, 28.6 clamp. (NOS with 
> original box, $142 shipped) 
> Beautiful polished silver, classic model. One of the few Dura-Ace FDs that 
> has the sweet (and subtle) Dura-Ace logotype/emblem on it. Adjustable spring 
> tension. Pristine condition. 
> 3) IRD Alpina front derailleur. Bottom pull, includes 28.6 clamp (excellent 
> condition, $45 shipped)
> Mechanically like new. Some chain rub on the cage. 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com 
> .
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/673f90a0-94cf-42d9-a6ee-3ebffe4aa11cn%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Re: Nutmeg Nor'Easter 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Patch T
MEEE - but you knew that :)

Patch in Brooklyn

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:16:37 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> Curious if anyone else from the RBW Owners Bunch will be there this year. 
> If so, would love to say hello! I'll be on my mermaid Platy.
> Cheers-

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[RBW] Re: Nutmeg Nor'Easter 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Justin Kennedy
Hi Patch! see ya there ;-)

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 3:14:56 PM UTC-4 Patch T wrote:

> MEEE - but you knew that :)
> Patch in Brooklyn
> On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:16:37 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>> Curious if anyone else from the RBW Owners Bunch will be there this year. 
>> If so, would love to say hello! I'll be on my mermaid Platy.
>> Cheers-

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[RBW] Re: Bike Makeover Thread

2023-10-13 Thread JAS
Leah, the new look is gorgeous!  Nice job coordinating the colors.  Now all 
you need is a 1UP hitch rack and the raspberry anodized accessory kit that 
matches your bike.   Link here  


On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:33:09 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:

> I love the new look. I also love the old look! Basically I just love that 
> Raspberry Racing Platy ❤️❤️❤️
> On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:52:55 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike Makeover 
>> thread.
>> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my favorite 
>> Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips and 
>> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in the 
>> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of season. I 
>> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to pull it 
>> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other Platypus, 
>> slapped them on and sent her a photo. 
>> “That bike deserves prettier grips. Those are ugly,” she said, giving me 
>> the unvarnished truth. 
>> I looked again. She was right. Back to the drawing board. I finally found 
>> these grips from Rivet Cycle Works - Deb told me she had these but didn’t 
>> have them up on the website yet. She had the exact match to my chestnut 
>> saddle and days later, I had these gorgeous stamped leather grips in hand. 
>> The bike looks positively *tonal.* The colors of the paint throw out so 
>> many different shades of pinks and reds, thanks to the abundant glitter in 
>> the metallic; adding rich leather accessories only elevates the look. The 
>> stamped designs on the leather give the bike some texture and add visual 
>> interest at the handlebar area. 
>> This Platypus is like a little autumn posey. Perfect and pretty, and 
>> wholly appointed to its duty.
>> Now if I can just convince Deb to make these in ivory, so I have a pair 
>> to match my ivory Rivet saddle when spring comes…
>> Attached in the next post are the before and afters.
>> Leah

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[RBW] Re: FS: Brooks B68s, Dura-Ace 7403 front derailleur (NOS), IRD Alpina front derailleur with clamp

2023-10-13 Thread J J

*Update 2:  Dura-Ace and IRD FDs are sold. Thanks to all who reached out!*
On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 2:25:27 PM UTC-4 J J wrote:

> *Update: the Brooks B68s is sold. Thanks for the rush of interest! :) *
> *The two FDs are still available. *
> On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 1:53:01 PM UTC-4 J J wrote:
>> Hi all, selling a few nice items. Please reach out privately if you're 
>> interested. Thanks!
>> *1) Brooks B68s saddle (like new, $135 shipped)*
>> This is the "s" version, a few millimeters shorter than the regular B68. 
>> Textured leather, beautiful, hard to find. Treated with Brooks Proofide and 
>> some areas are slightly darker. Ridden twice for short distances. No saddle 
>> bag ever mounted.
>> [image: Brooks B68s-2.jpg]
>> [image: Brooks B68s-1.jpg]
>> *2) Dura-Ace FD 7403 front derailleur. Bottom pull, 28.6 clamp. (NOS with 
>> original box, $142 shipped) *
>> Beautiful polished silver, classic model. One of the few Dura-Ace FDs 
>> that has the sweet (and subtle) Dura-Ace logotype/emblem on it. Adjustable 
>> spring tension. Pristine condition. 
>> [image: Dura-Ace FD 7403.jpg]
>> *3) IRD Alpina front derailleur. Bottom pull, includes 28.6 clamp 
>> (excellent condition, $45 shipped)*
>> Mechanically like new. Some chain rub on the cage. 
>> [image: IRD FD.jpg] 

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[RBW] Re: Nutmeg Nor'Easter 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY
Some day…
Have fun!

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 4:07:20 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> Hi Patch! see ya there ;-)
> On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 3:14:56 PM UTC-4 Patch T wrote:
>> MEEE - but you knew that :)
>> Patch in Brooklyn
>> On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:16:37 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>>> Curious if anyone else from the RBW Owners Bunch will be there this 
>>> year. If so, would love to say hello! I'll be on my mermaid Platy.
>>> Cheers-

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Johnny Alien
That's a bunch of money but then again if you want one of those frames in 
that size, when is another one going to pop up? Nice components too.

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 7:21:20 PM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:

> Pricey, I’d say. 
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 2:03 PM maxcr  wrote:
>> PSA. Anyone looking for a beautiful (pricey) 60 Bombadil? 
>> *seller says they don't want to ship, but it's unclear where they are 
>> located.
>> [image: bomba.jpg]
>> https://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/3716209/
>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 11:25:41 AM UTC-4 Matthew Williams wrote:
>>> Clem L F/F/Hs in Grilver!
>>> 59cm
>>> 900
>>> Berkeley-Oakland, CA
>>> https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/bik/d/berkeley-rivendell-clem-frameset/7674043888.html
>>> [image: Clem_L.jpg]
>> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/OTGg_TGLjKw/unsubscribe
>> .
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/95723f88-98f8-432c-b4f8-d311920b44a1n%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Joe Bernard
Yep. Rare, well kept, Paul brakes, Phil and SON hubs. It'll be worth that 
number to somebody. 

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 6:28:54 PM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:

> That's a bunch of money but then again if you want one of those frames in 
> that size, when is another one going to pop up? Nice components too.
> On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 7:21:20 PM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Pricey, I’d say. 
>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 2:03 PM maxcr  wrote:
>>> PSA. Anyone looking for a beautiful (pricey) 60 Bombadil? 
>>> *seller says they don't want to ship, but it's unclear where they are 
>>> located.
>>> [image: bomba.jpg]
>>> https://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/3716209/
>>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 11:25:41 AM UTC-4 Matthew Williams 
>>> wrote:
 Clem L F/F/Hs in Grilver!
 Berkeley-Oakland, CA


 [image: Clem_L.jpg]

>>> -- 
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>>> .
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>>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/95723f88-98f8-432c-b4f8-d311920b44a1n%40googlegroups.com
>>> .

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