[RBW] Re: Help me repair Pam's Silver shifters

2023-09-23 Thread Sarah Carlson
Thank you for sharing! That's a great post and great example of how to 
respond to well earned wear and tear. I still fret a little bit over marks 
but maybe I'll learn to relax about it.

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:28:16 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding 
Ding! wrote:

> Wes, Pam’s bike is a model of beausage. There is no Betty Foy used 
> harder…maybe Caroline Gollum can give Pam a run for her money, but that’s 
> about it. (Caroline wrote in a recent thread that her well-loved Betty had 
> a stem seized and then later they discovered the skewer to the wheel was 
> seized, too.) Pam just crossed over 74,000 miles on her Betty. Not bad for 
> a bike purchased in 2011!
> Here is the 10 year anniversary post Pam did about her Betty. I’m sure 
> that little bike is far more marked up now than it was in those photos.
> https://cltspokespeople.org/my-betty-foy-after-10-years/
> Leah
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:12:44 AM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:
>> I am frankly amazed at the workout Pam is giving her bike, to wear out 
>> multiple shifter pawls! I can imagine a few ways to do a repair, none of 
>> which are "worth it", in terms of resource and money cost (3D printing, 
>> filing down a bit of aluminum bar, CNC milling). The most expedient fix, 
>> IMO, would be to epoxy the ratchet gear to the shifter body so that the 
>> both directions work in friction mode.
>> -Wes
>> On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 8:02:06 PM UTC-7 eric...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all — I'm looking for some neglected, cast off or broken Silver 1 
>>> shifters to scavenge so that I can repair some broken Silver 1 shifters 
>>> sent to me by forum member Pam Murray. If you have some you aren't using or 
>>> that you think are broken which you are willing to send me for the cost of 
>>> shipping please let me know. I will use them to repair Pam's shifters and 
>>> get them back to her! 
>>> I recently read enjoyed Pam's thread on broken Silver shifters 
>>> .
>>> And right on time one of my Silvers broke. So I took mine apart to have a 
>>> look. It turns out the spring was clogged with corrosion and wouldn't 
>>> compress, allowing for the pawl to hold the ratchet wheel and hold tension 
>>> on the shifter cable. Luckily the spring and pawl only needed to be cleaned 
>>> and reassembled. 
>>> Pam sent me three broken Silver shifters. As many of us know, Pam has 
>>> put tens of thousands of miles on her legendary Betty Foy. She's worn out 
>>> many parts and she's interested in getting them back into service when 
>>> possible. I took a look and was able to fix one of the shifters. The other 
>>> two require new pawls, which I can't locate. 
>>> [image: Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 10.59.05 PM.png]
>>> I reached out to Dia Compe in Taiwan about spare parts. They replied 
>>> quickly but said they could not send me any bits and pieces and suggested I 
>>> contact Rivendell. 
>>> So I wrote to Will Keating at Rivendell, who's a wonderfully helpful and 
>>> nice guy and a friend and he said he'd send me some parts. Well, they 
>>> arrived today and they're *brand new* Silver 2 levers. I really don't 
>>> want to destroy brand new shifters to revive old shifters! I'm sure the 
>>> pawls I need are inside but I can't bring myself to tear them apart. 
>>> They've very definitely never been installed on a bike. 
>>> I have found some replacement springs from McMaster-Carr 
>>> . They're heavier gauge wire and 
>>> slightly longer than the stock springs from Dia Compe. But they fit and 
>>> they work. They do result in a lever with heavier action but they do not 
>>> make the lever difficult to operate. 
>>> My plan, once I locate some pawls, is to make a Silver shifter repair 
>>> and maintenance video. I hope that with donated parts from other members I 
>>> can fix Pam's shifters, show the process of disassembly, repair and 
>>> re-assembly and share it with the group (and the rest of the web). I'll 
>>> include a detailed look of the proper order for all the bits and how the 
>>> get the shifter closed back up. 
>>> Thanks in advance! 

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[RBW] Re: WTB: large sackville saddlesack

2023-09-23 Thread jeffbog...@hotmail.com
Still looking - medium would work too!

On Monday, 18 September 2023 at 13:41:38 UTC-5 Stephen wrote:

> sent ya a PM
> On Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 11:02:19 PM UTC-4 jeffbog...@hotmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Looking for a large saddlesack for touring. Anybody have one they no 
>> longer need? Please send PM - thanks!
>> Jeff
>> (Alabama)

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[RBW] Re: FS: NOS Sugino XD Triple

2023-09-23 Thread John Dewey
Pedals included...

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 10:32:34 AM UTC-7 John Dewey wrote:

> FS: NOS Sugino XD triple crankset — 46 /36/ 26 @ 170
> $175 shipped
> Jock Dewey
> [image: Sugino XD.jpeg]

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Re: [RBW] Re: Single Speed (QB/SO/RU..) Questions

2023-09-23 Thread Scott G.
Who needs sticks or tin cans, you can make a floating chain drive train,
like Vernon Blake. The Veteran Cycle Club put out  neat little book on Mr. 
worth hunting down.


On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 6:53:20 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> It's all speculative at this point, since I don't know what if anything 
> will replace the Monocog. I talk to a local builder next month and I'll 
> likely be guided largely by him if we do agree, but a manually shifted QR 
> rear hub is simple and works well, so assuming that setup the rear would be 
> disc, 135 mm, prefer 6 bolt simply because that's what I already have.
> (Maybe I'll ask him to build a frame with 114 mm OL rear for a 90 year old 
> SA 2 speed hub but with clearance for 80 mm tires, and watch the result.)
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 12:11 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>> OK, good luck in your information gathering.  The hub vendor that I see 
>> selling a ton of different single speed variants is Onyx, but those have no 
>> chance at being anywhere close to your definition of cheapest.  For those 
>> who don't know from repetition, I guess it would be worthwhile for you to 
>> state the other specifics of the hub you seek.  OLD is 135?  Disc brake?  
>> QR?  Do you care if it's center lock or 6-bolt?  
>> Also the DOS ENO freewheel is only discontinued in the 16/19 size.  You 
>> can still buy a 16/18, a 17/19 or a 20/22.  
>> BL in EC
>> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>> I'm not looking to buy anything yet. I'm wondering if such single speed 
>>> freehubs are still made. I see ss freehub bodies for sale online but not 
>>> hubs and I wonder if full hubs are for sale. I also wonder which are the 
>>> cheapest decent ones and also which ones most users on the list would 
>>> recommend. Also, I don't see any Shimano ss fh hubs so I wonder if Shimano 
>>> ever made them.
>>> As for buying, we'll see about that later.
>>> I don't want to bother about a second cog on the Monocog but I think of 
>>> a possible QR hub on a replacement with a short freehub body holding 2 
>>> cogs; freehub because now the DOS is out of production; also because I can 
>>> choose my cogs. It's largely aesthetics and "philosophical squeamishness" 
>>> but I'd rather have a hub made for or more close in design for the task: 
>>> freewheel, 2 cogs, not a lot of space left over.
>>> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 8:58 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
 Patrick, I'm not sure what you are asking. You've got some kind of 
 single speed cassette hub on your Monocog.  What do you want to buy?  Are 
 you looking to buy a different cassette body that you will install into 
 your existing rear wheel to carry two cogs?  Or are you looking to buy a 
 different rear hub?  Or a different rear wheel?  

 The easiest thing may be to just run a "normal" geared rear wheel and 
 run the needed stack of spacers along with two cogs to get you what you 
 want.  I'm running three cogs on a short Capper cassette on one of my 
 rear end bikes, but I don't think your Monocog is a 120mm bike.  I imagine 
 there are a number of ways you could run two cogs on your Monocog.  You 
 would just need to decide that you are going to do it and start spending.  
 Given that you've been looking to replace the Monocog with a custom, maybe 
 your gearing solution should be integrated with your frame choice.  

 BL in EC

 On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 4:50:02 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Too bad that the DOS fws are disappearing as the Dingle 2X fixed cogs 
> did. But question: My Monocog has a single speed freehub that takes a 
> Shimano HG-spline splined cog. A quick search just now shows Bontrager 
> and 
> DT ss freehub bodies and some made by companies unknown to me, but are 
> these currently and readily available? Did Shimano ever make one?
> And: are any of these big enough to squeeze 2 3/32 cogs onto?
> Does anyone make 2-speed freehubs/fh bodies? I did not find any.
> Patrick Moore, tempted to put a 17/19 Dingle onto his SA ASC threaded 
> driver -- but not worthwhile since the quickest on/off axle retention 
> system with such hubs is wingnuts which are simply too cumbersome for 
> quick 
> roadside stoop-and-change operations.
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 3:11 PM Bill Lindsay  
> wrote:
>> Not that anybody cares, but people reported the 16/19 was/is out of 
>> production.  That was partially true, and now is totally true.  When I 
>> reached out to Mike last month, he secured the last 16/19 that White 
>> Industries ever made.  It arrived today, so now I'm all set.  Eagle eyed 
>> parts buyers should keep your eyes peeled for a 16/19 because they are 
>> now 

[RBW] FS: Blue Lug FW30 Stem, Thomson Seatpost, Nitto S65, Monarch Pedals

2023-09-23 Thread Johnny Alien
Here are some parts I have for sale that I had ready for my Roadini. I can 
work out deals for anyone wanting the frame too. No photos because its 
rainy and dark but everything is as new with no miles or anything. I am 
only selling one seatpost so whichever one goes first. All prices include 

   - Blue Lug FW30 Stem - Dull Silver - 80mm extension. *$75*
   - Monarch pedals - Titan (which is what Rivendell calls Champagne) *$50*
   - Thomson Masterpiece seatpost - Silver, straight, 26.8 X 240mm *$80*
   - Nitto S65 - 26.8 X 250mm *$80*
   - Wavie handlebars - Not new but in good shape. I need to find a box. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Single Speed (QB/SO/RU..) Questions

2023-09-23 Thread Patrick Moore
The Vernon Blake article is worth a read:

30 lb, 6 speeds with 46/38/24 chainrings welded to the crank spider, 16 and
18 cogs on either side of the hub, and no "change-gear" or chain slack
takeup, instead a roller to keep the chain on the cog of choice,
"decrocheurs" to skim mud off the cogs, paper thin 50 mm tires, hollow
steel cranks, oil bath bearings, canti brakes, 400 gram lamp, and a 30 lb

And Mr. Blake is at the time of this 1930 feature an elder cycling
statesman looking back to the 1890s for solutions to modern problems.

On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 12:01 PM Scott G.  wrote:

> Who needs sticks or tin cans, you can make a floating chain drive train,
> like Vernon Blake. The Veteran Cycle Club put out  neat little book on Mr.
> Blake,
> worth hunting down.
> https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/gravelbiking-its-nothing-new-you-know/

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[RBW] Re: FS: Blue Lug FW30 Stem, Thomson Seatpost, Nitto S65, Monarch Pedals

2023-09-23 Thread Johnny Alien
Monarch pedals are sold.

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 3:11:41 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> Here are some parts I have for sale that I had ready for my Roadini. I can 
> work out deals for anyone wanting the frame too. No photos because its 
> rainy and dark but everything is as new with no miles or anything. I am 
> only selling one seatpost so whichever one goes first. All prices include 
> shipping.
>- Blue Lug FW30 Stem - Dull Silver - 80mm extension. *$75*
>- Monarch pedals - Titan (which is what Rivendell calls Champagne) 
>- Thomson Masterpiece seatpost - Silver, straight, 26.8 X 240mm *$80*
>- Nitto S65 - 26.8 X 250mm *$80*
>- Wavie handlebars - Not new but in good shape. I need to find a box. 

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[RBW] FS MUSA items

2023-09-23 Thread Esteban del Rio
FS a bunch of MUSA stuff - shipping included to lower 48:

Riv Golden Era Railroad Shirts (2) in Medium $40 worn/washed or $50 for a
deadstock unworn shirt 21” pit-to-pit

Riv golden era Chambray worn/washed M 21” pit-to-pit $40

Oveja Negra Lunchbox in high-vis orange $40 used once

Swift “Sitka” hip pack $45 used once

Swerve WWR shorts 34” waist measured (tag says 32) $40 shipped

… plus Gitman Vintage & New England Shirt Company L/S shirts in L for
riding with your Dromartis.

Photos temporarily available in my IG stories @veloflaneur until I am back
in my laptop.

San Diego Calif

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[RBW] Last Minute Japan Tips!

2023-09-23 Thread Minh
Reading Grant's recent blog post about visiting Nitto reminded me that i'm 
heading to Japan next week!   

Any last minute tips anyone would like to suggest, i already have a visit 
to Blue Lug--need to pick up a few things that would be too expensive with 

I was hoping to make it to Circles in Nagoya, but didn't work out with our 
schedule.  Happy to take any and all suggestions!

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[RBW] Re: FS: Blue Lug FW30 Stem, Thomson Seatpost, Nitto S65, Monarch Pedals

2023-09-23 Thread Johnny Alien
Wavies are gone too. Stem and seatpost are still available. Thanks everyone.

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 3:52:11 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> Monarch pedals are sold.
> On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 3:11:41 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> Here are some parts I have for sale that I had ready for my Roadini. I 
>> can work out deals for anyone wanting the frame too. No photos because its 
>> rainy and dark but everything is as new with no miles or anything. I am 
>> only selling one seatpost so whichever one goes first. All prices include 
>> shipping.
>>- Blue Lug FW30 Stem - Dull Silver - 80mm extension. *$75*
>>- Monarch pedals - Titan (which is what Rivendell calls Champagne) 
>>- Thomson Masterpiece seatpost - Silver, straight, 26.8 X 240mm *$80*
>>- Nitto S65 - 26.8 X 250mm *$80*
>>- Wavie handlebars - Not new but in good shape. I need to find a box. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Northern Hemisphere Summer Riding Photos 2023

2023-09-23 Thread DavidP
Kim - the stone arch trail is in Westford, MA.


On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 11:54:34 PM UTC-4 Kim H. wrote:

> Very cool Dave. 
> Where is this old rail line trail ?
> Kim Hetzel
> Yelm, WA. 
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 7:00:29 PM UTC-7 DavidP wrote:
>> Got a nice ride in on the Platypus for the last day of Summer. Part of 
>> the loop included an unpaved trail that used to be part of a rail line and 
>> features a stone arch bridge.
>> [image: PXL_20230922_132606809_arch-1800.jpg]
>> [image: PXL_20230922_133612399-arch-1800.jpg]
>> [image: PXL_20230922_133730270-grafiti-1800.jpg]
>> -Dave
>> On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 8:53:53 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
>>> The best part of riding on the road? The art, of course! (Apologies for 
>>> the spoiler.)
>>> [image: IMG_2007.jpeg]
>>> On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 5:20:01 PM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:
 @ Takashi -

 I love the Pacific Northwest here in Washington state with all of the 
 mountains and trees. It may rain eight or nine months out the year. 
 However, when the sun is out and not too hot, It is absolutely glorious. 

 I wanted to keep riding further on the Willapa Hills Trail, but I did 
 not want to go too far beyond my limits. To experience such a beautiful 
 trail was amazing.

 I thank-you for your observation praise on my Clem.  

 I see that you have the same pedals as I do. Cool !  

 Have you considered buying some extension wings for your pedals  ?

 They really do help. 

 Smiles to you.

 Kim Hetzel
 Yelm, WA.

 On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 6:04:02 AM UTC-7 Takashi wrote:

> Kim, you live in a very beautiful place! It must have been fun to ride 
> that trail.
> And your Clem is gorgeous.
> Mid-September and it's still very hot here.
> Soba (from which Japanese soba noodles are made) patches are in full 
> bloom.
> [image: DSC03285.jpg]
> Takashi

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[RBW] Re: FS MUSA items

2023-09-23 Thread Esteban
Swrve MUSA shorts and Riv Shirts sold. 
Still available:
Oveja Negra Lunchbox in high-vis orange $40 used once

Swift “Sitka” hip pack $45 used once 

… plus Gitman Vintage & New England Shirt Company L/S shirts in L for 
riding with your Dromartis.
On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 1:01:58 PM UTC-7 Esteban wrote:

> FS a bunch of MUSA stuff - shipping included to lower 48:
> Riv Golden Era Railroad Shirts (2) in Medium $40 worn/washed or $50 for a 
> deadstock unworn shirt 21” pit-to-pit
> Riv golden era Chambray worn/washed M 21” pit-to-pit $40
> Oveja Negra Lunchbox in high-vis orange $40 used once
> Swift “Sitka” hip pack $45 used once 
> Swerve WWR shorts 34” waist measured (tag says 32) $40 shipped
> … plus Gitman Vintage & New England Shirt Company L/S shirts in L for 
> riding with your Dromartis.
> Photos temporarily available in my IG stories @veloflaneur until I am back 
> in my laptop.
> Esteban
> San Diego Calif

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[RBW] Re: Last Minute Japan Tips!

2023-09-23 Thread John Rinker
Hey Minh,

Well, lucky you! Japan is a real treat in so many ways, and it is a very 
lovely country in which to cycle. Where will you be going and how long will 
you be in Japan? Will you have your bicycle with you?

If you can get to Kyoto then I'd suggest a late-night cycle tour through 
the Gion district. In addition, an early morning cycle tour of the 'Five 
Mountains'- the five main Buddhist temples of Kyoto- was something I very 
much enjoyed doing.

If you get to Kyushu, and find yourself in Kagoshima, there's a really 
great ride around Sakurajima- a very active volcano a short ferry away.

There's a million things around Tokyo (not helpful, I know), but you'll be 
there at a very beautiful time of year weatherwise. Hakone is a cool 
day-trip where you can hike, enjoy a beautiful outdoor sculpture museum and 
indoor Picasso exhibit, and dine at the Gora Brewery- a Nobu restaurant.

As you may have read in Will K's musings on Tokyo, it is a wonderful city 
in which to ride a bicycle.

Enjoy! John

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 2:23:35 PM UTC-7 Minh wrote:

> Reading Grant's recent blog post about visiting Nitto reminded me that i'm 
> heading to Japan next week!   
> Any last minute tips anyone would like to suggest, i already have a visit 
> to Blue Lug--need to pick up a few things that would be too expensive with 
> shipping!  
> I was hoping to make it to Circles in Nagoya, but didn't work out with our 
> schedule.  Happy to take any and all suggestions!

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[RBW] WTB.: Large TrunkSack

2023-09-23 Thread Nathan Mattia
Looking to buy a Large Trunksack. 
Grey or Green or Silver preferred. 
Please message me. 

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2023-09-23 Thread Kim H.

One of the two Suntour Cyclone front derailleurs has been sold. All of the 
other items are still available.

Kim Hetzel. 
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 7:53:44 PM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:

> 1.One set of used vintage white Bluemel 700C f/r fenders with an 
> extra NOS Bluemel 700C white rear fender with twelve used Bluemel fender 
> struts and hardware and small reflector - $80.00, plus shipping.
> 2.   One pair of NOS Campagnolo Nouvo Record brake levers with new 
> aftermarket gum hoods. No logos on the gum hoods. - $200.00, plus shipping. 
> 3.   One Suntour Cyclone GT rear derailleur in excellent condition - 
> $75.00, plus shipping 
>Two Suntour 1st generation front derailleurs in good condition - 
> $35.00/each, plus shipping. Buy both for $60.00, plus shipping. 
> 4.  Two matching attachable metal rear underside saddle loops a little 
> tarnished - $10.00, free shipping. 
> 5.   Vintage used 1976 orange Eclipse Professional handlebar bag with a 
> rare Eclipse “Seat-Post Thing” made of cast aluminum.  I recently machine 
> washed the bag after taking out the Mylar support sleeve. I am unable to 
> put it back. Maybe you can ?  The bag has some wear spots and some 
> threading separation. Otherwise, it is very functional. I do not have the 
> map case. The original stabilizing bungees lost their elasticity over the 
> years, thus I will include two small newer black bungees. I would like to 
> sell the bag, bracket and the “Seat-Post Thing” altogether for $85.00, plus 
> shipping.
> 6.  One bike’s worth of used Scott Mathauser brake pad inserts for 
> Campagnolo Nouvo Record brake shoes. - $10.00, free shipping. 
> 7.   NIB/NOS Six speed ULTRA Suntour freewheel for 120mm OLD spacing– 
> 14-32T - $140.00, plus shipping. 
> 8.  NOS Christophe black toe straps with two used pairs of Christopher 
> toe clips and hardware with leather pull straps (?)- $50.00, plus shipping.
> 9.  One Used Silca 21” orange frame pump with leather washers – one new 
> and two used. $45.00, plus shipping. 
> 10. One NOS Wolber 700c 36-hole M58 clincher rim ( Outside: 22.2mm/inside: 
> 16.9mm)and one used Super Champion 700c 36-hole clincher rim(outside: 
> 21.8mm/inside: 16.9mm in good condition with side wall wear. There is no 
> other label indicating that the rim is further identified as being that a 
> "GENTLEMAN" rim. I would like to sell both for $75.00, plus shipping. 
> 11. Two used Suntour double down tube cable stops in good condition - 
> $15.00 for the two or $10.00/each, free shipping. 
> If there are items or one item that you are interested in, I am open to 
> your best offer(s). 
> Pictures here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hbT3xQwjhvAodCAk9
> I accept Paypal only. Friends and family preferred. Exact shipping costs 
> will be determined at the time of shipping through my local post office. 
> Any questions, email me.
> Thank-you.
> Kim Hetzel
> Yelm, WA. 
> [image: thumbnail_20230918_153443nnm.jpg][image: 
> thumbnail_20230918_153712hjg.jpg]

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