[RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-22 Thread Conway Bennett
I use a Wald 137 attached to a Jack the Bike Rack with a Fifth 
Season/Analog Cycles Squall Sack.  It's secure, and I remove it in moments.



On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Luke Hendrickson wrote:

> I love these: Rip Rack from Rat King, Five Rail from Pass & Stow, or the 
> 34F from Nitto.
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:26:12 PM UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:
>> That Cycles manivelle rack is slick. No zip ties, cool!
>> Edwin
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:54:33 AM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers 
>> wrote:
>>> In the latest PLP video, Russ brings to light a nice basket solution 
>>> from a company called Manivelle. The Le Porteur version is a little less 
>>> than 2 lbs, which is kind of amazing for a basket and rack combination. The 
>>> standard version seems to work well with a basket bag. Looks like you might 
>>> spend under $100 for the Manivelle.
>>> https://cyclesmanivelle.com/en/-shop/racks-baskets/
>>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:19:47 PM UTC-4 ack...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Just found a screamin deal on a fully built 51 Sam. Now it's time to 
 get it kitted out. I love my Pass And Stow for the heavy duty- stuff and 
 aesthetically, it's unmatched IMO. Perhaps a bit of overkill as a simple 
 basket rack. Would love an RBW51 Nitto rack, but not sure I can justify 
 $288 plus tax. Looking for something simple and elegant and cost-efficient 
 for mounting a Wald 139 Hardware-less Basket and a Tunitas 137 Tote. 
 If anybody has a well used RBW51 that they would be willing to part 
 with, I'd love to hear from you.
 Also looking for other options and would love to see what y'all are 
 using for your Wald 139 Baskets.
 a c k s f 7 8 gmail


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[RBW] Re: Help me repair Pam's Silver shifters

2023-09-22 Thread Eric Marth
I don't think the pawls wore out, necessarily, it's that they're missing 
from the shifters I received. 

What's more likely is the spring wore out. I found springs, haven't found 

Christian, I thought of Send Cut Send, as well, I've used them in the past. 
Hand cutting pawls is off the table, too involved! 

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:55:02 PM UTC-4 christian poppell wrote:

> I too am impressed that the pawls have worn out. I havent seen it 
> mentioned yet, what is the original material of the pawl?
> For 3d printing, Shapeways.com can print in a variety of materials with 
> good resolution and decent timeline. 
> For lasercutting, Sendcutsend.com is a good economical option if they have 
> a stock that matches the thickenss of the pawl. Resolution with laser 
> cutters is pretty good but oversizing the mating surface and filing to fit 
> would probably give the best result with the least amount of fiddling. 
> Might have to work around a minimum size requirement but you could gang a 
> few together with bridges. They have all sorts of materials in different 
> thicknesses.
> A jewelers saw, flat stock, and some paitence would do the same but theres 
> a little more skill involved. 
> If you need any help drawing it up for cutting shoot me a PM. Happy to 
> help get these shifters back on the road!
> Christian
> Phoenix, AZ
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:28:16 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> Wes, Pam’s bike is a model of beausage. There is no Betty Foy used 
>> harder…maybe Caroline Gollum can give Pam a run for her money, but that’s 
>> about it. (Caroline wrote in a recent thread that her well-loved Betty had 
>> a stem seized and then later they discovered the skewer to the wheel was 
>> seized, too.) Pam just crossed over 74,000 miles on her Betty. Not bad for 
>> a bike purchased in 2011!
>> Here is the 10 year anniversary post Pam did about her Betty. I’m sure 
>> that little bike is far more marked up now than it was in those photos.
>> https://cltspokespeople.org/my-betty-foy-after-10-years/
>> Leah
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:12:44 AM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:
>>> I am frankly amazed at the workout Pam is giving her bike, to wear out 
>>> multiple shifter pawls! I can imagine a few ways to do a repair, none of 
>>> which are "worth it", in terms of resource and money cost (3D printing, 
>>> filing down a bit of aluminum bar, CNC milling). The most expedient fix, 
>>> IMO, would be to epoxy the ratchet gear to the shifter body so that the 
>>> both directions work in friction mode.
>>> -Wes
>>> On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 8:02:06 PM UTC-7 eric...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Hi all — I'm looking for some neglected, cast off or broken Silver 1 
 shifters to scavenge so that I can repair some broken Silver 1 shifters 
 sent to me by forum member Pam Murray. If you have some you aren't using 
 that you think are broken which you are willing to send me for the cost of 
 shipping please let me know. I will use them to repair Pam's shifters and 
 get them back to her! 

 I recently read enjoyed Pam's thread on broken Silver shifters 
 And right on time one of my Silvers broke. So I took mine apart to have a 
 look. It turns out the spring was clogged with corrosion and wouldn't 
 compress, allowing for the pawl to hold the ratchet wheel and hold tension 
 on the shifter cable. Luckily the spring and pawl only needed to be 
 and reassembled. 

 Pam sent me three broken Silver shifters. As many of us know, Pam has 
 put tens of thousands of miles on her legendary Betty Foy. She's worn out 
 many parts and she's interested in getting them back into service when 
 possible. I took a look and was able to fix one of the shifters. The other 
 two require new pawls, which I can't locate. 

 [image: Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 10.59.05 PM.png]

 I reached out to Dia Compe in Taiwan about spare parts. They replied 
 quickly but said they could not send me any bits and pieces and suggested 
 contact Rivendell. 

 So I wrote to Will Keating at Rivendell, who's a wonderfully helpful 
 and nice guy and a friend and he said he'd send me some parts. Well, they 
 arrived today and they're *brand new* Silver 2 levers. I really don't 
 want to destroy brand new shifters to revive old shifters! I'm sure the 
 pawls I need are inside but I can't bring myself to tear them apart. 
 They've very definitely never been installed on a bike. 

 I have found some replacement springs from McMaster-Carr 
 . They're heavier gauge wire and 
 slightly longer than the stock springs from Dia Compe. But they fit and 
 they work. They do result in a lever with heavi

[RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-22 Thread Ryan Frahm
I have the Ti version of this: 


The steel is a much better deal of course for not much more weight. I’ve 
carried the over 20lbs on mine no problem. 
On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 4:26:08 AM UTC-7 captaincon...@gmail.com 

> I use a Wald 137 attached to a Jack the Bike Rack with a Fifth 
> Season/Analog Cycles Squall Sack.  It's secure, and I remove it in moments.
> https://wholegraincycles.com/products/jack-the-bike-rack-1cB
> https://analogcycles.com/products/fifth-season-squall-sack
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
>> I love these: Rip Rack from Rat King, Five Rail from Pass & Stow, or the 
>> 34F from Nitto.
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:26:12 PM UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:
>>> That Cycles manivelle rack is slick. No zip ties, cool!
>>> Edwin
>>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:54:33 AM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers 
>>> wrote:
 In the latest PLP video, Russ brings to light a nice basket solution 
 from a company called Manivelle. The Le Porteur version is a little less 
 than 2 lbs, which is kind of amazing for a basket and rack combination. 
 standard version seems to work well with a basket bag. Looks like you 
 spend under $100 for the Manivelle.


 On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:19:47 PM UTC-4 ack...@gmail.com 

> Just found a screamin deal on a fully built 51 Sam. Now it's time to 
> get it kitted out. I love my Pass And Stow for the heavy duty- stuff and 
> aesthetically, it's unmatched IMO. Perhaps a bit of overkill as a simple 
> basket rack. Would love an RBW51 Nitto rack, but not sure I can justify 
> the 
> $288 plus tax. Looking for something simple and elegant and 
> cost-efficient 
> for mounting a Wald 139 Hardware-less Basket and a Tunitas 137 Tote. 
> If anybody has a well used RBW51 that they would be willing to part 
> with, I'd love to hear from you.
> Also looking for other options and would love to see what y'all are 
> using for your Wald 139 Baskets.
> Thanks!
> Alex
> a c k s f 7 8 gmail

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[RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-22 Thread Justin Kennedy
I've never used one, but these Memento Cycles racks look good, sturdy, and 
are on the cheaper side:


The Soma Lucas 3 rack is also super sturdy. Not the best looking rack out 
there but a steal at $60:


On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 9:31:35 AM UTC-4 fra...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have the Ti version of this: 
> https://rawlandcycles.com/products/rando-v4-steel-rack?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web
> The steel is a much better deal of course for not much more weight. I’ve 
> carried the over 20lbs on mine no problem. 
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 4:26:08 AM UTC-7 captaincon...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> I use a Wald 137 attached to a Jack the Bike Rack with a Fifth 
>> Season/Analog Cycles Squall Sack.  It's secure, and I remove it in moments.
>> https://wholegraincycles.com/products/jack-the-bike-rack-1cB
>> https://analogcycles.com/products/fifth-season-squall-sack
>> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
>>> I love these: Rip Rack from Rat King, Five Rail from Pass & Stow, or the 
>>> 34F from Nitto.
>>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:26:12 PM UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:
 That Cycles manivelle rack is slick. No zip ties, cool!


 On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:54:33 AM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers 

> In the latest PLP video, Russ brings to light a nice basket solution 
> from a company called Manivelle. The Le Porteur version is a little less 
> than 2 lbs, which is kind of amazing for a basket and rack combination. 
> The 
> standard version seems to work well with a basket bag. Looks like you 
> might 
> spend under $100 for the Manivelle.
> https://cyclesmanivelle.com/en/-shop/racks-baskets/
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:19:47 PM UTC-4 ack...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Just found a screamin deal on a fully built 51 Sam. Now it's time to 
>> get it kitted out. I love my Pass And Stow for the heavy duty- stuff and 
>> aesthetically, it's unmatched IMO. Perhaps a bit of overkill as a simple 
>> basket rack. Would love an RBW51 Nitto rack, but not sure I can justify 
>> the 
>> $288 plus tax. Looking for something simple and elegant and 
>> cost-efficient 
>> for mounting a Wald 139 Hardware-less Basket and a Tunitas 137 Tote. 
>> If anybody has a well used RBW51 that they would be willing to part 
>> with, I'd love to hear from you.
>> Also looking for other options and would love to see what y'all are 
>> using for your Wald 139 Baskets.
>> Thanks!
>> Alex
>> a c k s f 7 8 gmail

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[RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-22 Thread Brian Turner
I purchased one of the Rat King RIP racks early on. I use it on my Gus 
currently. It's a great idea; having a rack platform that can securely 
mount and unmount a Wald 137 without futzing with zip-ties... but I do have 
a couple of issues with it. For one, and this is purely aesthetic, if you 
are looking for a nice silver or polished finish to go with other shiny 
bits on your bike, they don't really offer that. They are powdercoated, so 
none of their finishes really simulate the look of even Nitto's "dull 
bright". The one I got was called "dark chrome", and it was really just a 
dark grey color with some metallic sparkle. Inexplicably, the stays were 
black, and not the color of the rest of the rack. My biggest issue is with 
the light mount bracket. Frustratingly, it shares the same mounting bolt as 
one of the three metal tabs that secure the basket... so if you want to 
remove your basket, you also have to remove the light bracket and then 
re-install the bracket and adjust your light back to the way you had it 
before. A much better design would be a bracket that mounts along the 
length of the stay (like a Nitto daruma, or Shovel Research's light mount), 
or one that mounts to a separate hole under the rack platform.

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 10:00:48 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> I've never used one, but these Memento Cycles racks look good, sturdy, and 
> are on the cheaper side:
> https://mementocycles.com/en-us/collections/all
> The Soma Lucas 3 rack is also super sturdy. Not the best looking rack out 
> there but a steal at $60:
> https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/soma-front-rack-lucas-3-4817
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 9:31:35 AM UTC-4 fra...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I have the Ti version of this: 
>> https://rawlandcycles.com/products/rando-v4-steel-rack?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web
>> The steel is a much better deal of course for not much more weight. I’ve 
>> carried the over 20lbs on mine no problem. 
>> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 4:26:08 AM UTC-7 captaincon...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I use a Wald 137 attached to a Jack the Bike Rack with a Fifth 
>>> Season/Analog Cycles Squall Sack.  It's secure, and I remove it in moments.
>>> https://wholegraincycles.com/products/jack-the-bike-rack-1cB
>>> https://analogcycles.com/products/fifth-season-squall-sack
>>> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Luke Hendrickson 
>>> wrote:
 I love these: Rip Rack from Rat King, Five Rail from Pass & Stow, or 
 the 34F from Nitto.

 On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:26:12 PM UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:

> That Cycles manivelle rack is slick. No zip ties, cool!
> Edwin
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:54:33 AM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers 
> wrote:
>> In the latest PLP video, Russ brings to light a nice basket solution 
>> from a company called Manivelle. The Le Porteur version is a little less 
>> than 2 lbs, which is kind of amazing for a basket and rack combination. 
>> The 
>> standard version seems to work well with a basket bag. Looks like you 
>> might 
>> spend under $100 for the Manivelle.
>> https://cyclesmanivelle.com/en/-shop/racks-baskets/
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:19:47 PM UTC-4 ack...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Just found a screamin deal on a fully built 51 Sam. Now it's time to 
>>> get it kitted out. I love my Pass And Stow for the heavy duty- stuff 
>>> and 
>>> aesthetically, it's unmatched IMO. Perhaps a bit of overkill as a 
>>> simple 
>>> basket rack. Would love an RBW51 Nitto rack, but not sure I can justify 
>>> the 
>>> $288 plus tax. Looking for something simple and elegant and 
>>> cost-efficient 
>>> for mounting a Wald 139 Hardware-less Basket and a Tunitas 137 Tote. 
>>> If anybody has a well used RBW51 that they would be willing to part 
>>> with, I'd love to hear from you.
>>> Also looking for other options and would love to see what y'all are 
>>> using for your Wald 139 Baskets.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Alex
>>> a c k s f 7 8 gmail

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Re: [RBW] Re: Single Speed (QB/SO/RU..) Questions

2023-09-22 Thread Patrick Moore
I'm not looking to buy anything yet. I'm wondering if such single speed
freehubs are still made. I see ss freehub bodies for sale online but not
hubs and I wonder if full hubs are for sale. I also wonder which are the
cheapest decent ones and also which ones most users on the list would
recommend. Also, I don't see any Shimano ss fh hubs so I wonder if Shimano
ever made them.

As for buying, we'll see about that later.

I don't want to bother about a second cog on the Monocog but I think of a
possible QR hub on a replacement with a short freehub body holding 2 cogs;
freehub because now the DOS is out of production; also because I can choose
my cogs. It's largely aesthetics and "philosophical squeamishness" but I'd
rather have a hub made for or more close in design for the task: freewheel,
2 cogs, not a lot of space left over.

On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 8:58 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> Patrick, I'm not sure what you are asking. You've got some kind of single
> speed cassette hub on your Monocog.  What do you want to buy?  Are you
> looking to buy a different cassette body that you will install into your
> existing rear wheel to carry two cogs?  Or are you looking to buy a
> different rear hub?  Or a different rear wheel?
> The easiest thing may be to just run a "normal" geared rear wheel and run
> the needed stack of spacers along with two cogs to get you what you want.
> I'm running three cogs on a short Capper cassette on one of my 120mm rear
> end bikes, but I don't think your Monocog is a 120mm bike.  I imagine there
> are a number of ways you could run two cogs on your Monocog.  You would
> just need to decide that you are going to do it and start spending.  Given
> that you've been looking to replace the Monocog with a custom, maybe your
> gearing solution should be integrated with your frame choice.
> BL in EC
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 4:50:02 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Too bad that the DOS fws are disappearing as the Dingle 2X fixed cogs
>> did. But question: My Monocog has a single speed freehub that takes a
>> Shimano HG-spline splined cog. A quick search just now shows Bontrager and
>> DT ss freehub bodies and some made by companies unknown to me, but are
>> these currently and readily available? Did Shimano ever make one?
>> And: are any of these big enough to squeeze 2 3/32 cogs onto?
>> Does anyone make 2-speed freehubs/fh bodies? I did not find any.
>> Patrick Moore, tempted to put a 17/19 Dingle onto his SA ASC threaded
>> driver -- but not worthwhile since the quickest on/off axle retention
>> system with such hubs is wingnuts which are simply too cumbersome for quick
>> roadside stoop-and-change operations.
>> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 3:11 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>>> Not that anybody cares, but people reported the 16/19 was/is out of
>>> production.  That was partially true, and now is totally true.  When I
>>> reached out to Mike last month, he secured the last 16/19 that White
>>> Industries ever made.  It arrived today, so now I'm all set.  Eagle eyed
>>> parts buyers should keep your eyes peeled for a 16/19 because they are now
>>> officially 'scarce'.  Roaduno planners may have to make different plans if
>>> they were counting on a 16/19.  The 16/18 and 17/19 are still totally
>>> available.
>> --
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/dc7115ca-f023-45f6-842b-dcd4bb40bad9n%40googlegroups.com
> .

Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage,*

*Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like*

*A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes*

*With words that made them known.*

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[RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-22 Thread Alex K
Wow. That Memento site is dangerous. Beautiful stuff. Rawland looks great 
too. RatKing (original Tumbleweed T-rack maker!) also gorgeous. So much 
good stuff here. Think I'm going to be boring and go with a Velo Orange 
Porteur. Really really wish the Sams had forks with the bolts on the top 
for mounting the Tumbleweed T rack.  Thanks for all the help!!

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 7:00:48 AM UTC-7 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> I've never used one, but these Memento Cycles racks look good, sturdy, and 
> are on the cheaper side:
> https://mementocycles.com/en-us/collections/all
> The Soma Lucas 3 rack is also super sturdy. Not the best looking rack out 
> there but a steal at $60:
> https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/soma-front-rack-lucas-3-4817
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 9:31:35 AM UTC-4 fra...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I have the Ti version of this: 
>> https://rawlandcycles.com/products/rando-v4-steel-rack?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web
>> The steel is a much better deal of course for not much more weight. I’ve 
>> carried the over 20lbs on mine no problem. 
>> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 4:26:08 AM UTC-7 captaincon...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I use a Wald 137 attached to a Jack the Bike Rack with a Fifth 
>>> Season/Analog Cycles Squall Sack.  It's secure, and I remove it in moments.
>>> https://wholegraincycles.com/products/jack-the-bike-rack-1cB
>>> https://analogcycles.com/products/fifth-season-squall-sack
>>> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Luke Hendrickson 
>>> wrote:
 I love these: Rip Rack from Rat King, Five Rail from Pass & Stow, or 
 the 34F from Nitto.

 On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:26:12 PM UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:

> That Cycles manivelle rack is slick. No zip ties, cool!
> Edwin
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:54:33 AM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers 
> wrote:
>> In the latest PLP video, Russ brings to light a nice basket solution 
>> from a company called Manivelle. The Le Porteur version is a little less 
>> than 2 lbs, which is kind of amazing for a basket and rack combination. 
>> The 
>> standard version seems to work well with a basket bag. Looks like you 
>> might 
>> spend under $100 for the Manivelle.
>> https://cyclesmanivelle.com/en/-shop/racks-baskets/
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:19:47 PM UTC-4 ack...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Just found a screamin deal on a fully built 51 Sam. Now it's time to 
>>> get it kitted out. I love my Pass And Stow for the heavy duty- stuff 
>>> and 
>>> aesthetically, it's unmatched IMO. Perhaps a bit of overkill as a 
>>> simple 
>>> basket rack. Would love an RBW51 Nitto rack, but not sure I can justify 
>>> the 
>>> $288 plus tax. Looking for something simple and elegant and 
>>> cost-efficient 
>>> for mounting a Wald 139 Hardware-less Basket and a Tunitas 137 Tote. 
>>> If anybody has a well used RBW51 that they would be willing to part 
>>> with, I'd love to hear from you.
>>> Also looking for other options and would love to see what y'all are 
>>> using for your Wald 139 Baskets.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Alex
>>> a c k s f 7 8 gmail

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[RBW] Re: FS: 50cm Roadini F/F - Dark Gold

2023-09-22 Thread Johnny Alien
If it sweetens the deal I will happily include a 90's xtr (the dark grey 
kind) rapid rise derailler set. Front and back. I will also include a SPA 
crankset. This is the unbranded Sugino XD2. 165 length. 

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 7:30:20 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> Sadly a family issue with my parents' health has popped up and I won't 
> have time or money to do anything bike build related for quite some time. I 
> just got this frame and was planning on a fall project but as noted above 
> its not happening. This had some parts installed but is pretty much just as 
> it came from Rivendell. Never got to a point far enough to get any dings or 
> marks or anything. The fork is installed and the kalloy seatpost will of 
> course be included. The one thing I did do so far is swap the bottom 
> bracket from a 110 to a 113 so it would work better with a triple (or wide 
> range triple with a guard). I will include the 110 BB that came with it. 
> These cost around $1400 to get shipped to you from Rivendell. I will sell 
> this one for $1100 shipped anywhere in the USA. I really hate to do this 
> but hopefully someone here can help me out and also get a great looking 
> bike.

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[RBW] Re: FS: 50cm Roadini F/F - Dark Gold

2023-09-22 Thread Johnny Alien
I have parts that I will be selling if you want anything included. I have a 
Blue Lug power quill stem, wavie bars, xtr rapid rise rd (the gray one from 
the 90's), matching xtr FD, and a SPA (unbranded Sugino XD2) c165 
crankset.  Feel free to hit me up for the frame, parts, package deal, etc. 
Anything will be help. Thanks!

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 7:30:20 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> Sadly a family issue with my parents' health has popped up and I won't 
> have time or money to do anything bike build related for quite some time. I 
> just got this frame and was planning on a fall project but as noted above 
> its not happening. This had some parts installed but is pretty much just as 
> it came from Rivendell. Never got to a point far enough to get any dings or 
> marks or anything. The fork is installed and the kalloy seatpost will of 
> course be included. The one thing I did do so far is swap the bottom 
> bracket from a 110 to a 113 so it would work better with a triple (or wide 
> range triple with a guard). I will include the 110 BB that came with it. 
> These cost around $1400 to get shipped to you from Rivendell. I will sell 
> this one for $1100 shipped anywhere in the USA. I really hate to do this 
> but hopefully someone here can help me out and also get a great looking 
> bike.

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[RBW] Re: FS: 50cm Roadini F/F - Dark Gold

2023-09-22 Thread Joe Bernard
I highly recommend posting photos or a link to same. Someone will snap this 
up once they see it*

*Someone like me if it was 6-or-so months from now. I don't quite have the 
funds at the moment. 

Joe Bernard 

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 10:36:01 AM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I have parts that I will be selling if you want anything included. I have 
> a Blue Lug power quill stem, wavie bars, xtr rapid rise rd (the gray one 
> from the 90's), matching xtr FD, and a SPA (unbranded Sugino XD2) c165 
> crankset.  Feel free to hit me up for the frame, parts, package deal, etc. 
> Anything will be help. Thanks!
> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 7:30:20 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> Sadly a family issue with my parents' health has popped up and I won't 
>> have time or money to do anything bike build related for quite some time. I 
>> just got this frame and was planning on a fall project but as noted above 
>> its not happening. This had some parts installed but is pretty much just as 
>> it came from Rivendell. Never got to a point far enough to get any dings or 
>> marks or anything. The fork is installed and the kalloy seatpost will of 
>> course be included. The one thing I did do so far is swap the bottom 
>> bracket from a 110 to a 113 so it would work better with a triple (or wide 
>> range triple with a guard). I will include the 110 BB that came with it. 
>> These cost around $1400 to get shipped to you from Rivendell. I will sell 
>> this one for $1100 shipped anywhere in the USA. I really hate to do this 
>> but hopefully someone here can help me out and also get a great looking 
>> bike.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Single Speed (QB/SO/RU..) Questions

2023-09-22 Thread Bill Lindsay
OK, good luck in your information gathering.  The hub vendor that I see 
selling a ton of different single speed variants is Onyx, but those have no 
chance at being anywhere close to your definition of cheapest.  For those 
who don't know from repetition, I guess it would be worthwhile for you to 
state the other specifics of the hub you seek.  OLD is 135?  Disc brake? 
 QR?  Do you care if it's center lock or 6-bolt?  

Also the DOS ENO freewheel is only discontinued in the 16/19 size.  You can 
still buy a 16/18, a 17/19 or a 20/22.  

BL in EC

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:

> I'm not looking to buy anything yet. I'm wondering if such single speed 
> freehubs are still made. I see ss freehub bodies for sale online but not 
> hubs and I wonder if full hubs are for sale. I also wonder which are the 
> cheapest decent ones and also which ones most users on the list would 
> recommend. Also, I don't see any Shimano ss fh hubs so I wonder if Shimano 
> ever made them.
> As for buying, we'll see about that later.
> I don't want to bother about a second cog on the Monocog but I think of a 
> possible QR hub on a replacement with a short freehub body holding 2 cogs; 
> freehub because now the DOS is out of production; also because I can choose 
> my cogs. It's largely aesthetics and "philosophical squeamishness" but I'd 
> rather have a hub made for or more close in design for the task: freewheel, 
> 2 cogs, not a lot of space left over.
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 8:58 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>> Patrick, I'm not sure what you are asking. You've got some kind of single 
>> speed cassette hub on your Monocog.  What do you want to buy?  Are you 
>> looking to buy a different cassette body that you will install into your 
>> existing rear wheel to carry two cogs?  Or are you looking to buy a 
>> different rear hub?  Or a different rear wheel?  
>> The easiest thing may be to just run a "normal" geared rear wheel and run 
>> the needed stack of spacers along with two cogs to get you what you want.  
>> I'm running three cogs on a short Capper cassette on one of my 120mm rear 
>> end bikes, but I don't think your Monocog is a 120mm bike.  I imagine there 
>> are a number of ways you could run two cogs on your Monocog.  You would 
>> just need to decide that you are going to do it and start spending.  Given 
>> that you've been looking to replace the Monocog with a custom, maybe your 
>> gearing solution should be integrated with your frame choice.  
>> BL in EC
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 4:50:02 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>> Too bad that the DOS fws are disappearing as the Dingle 2X fixed cogs 
>>> did. But question: My Monocog has a single speed freehub that takes a 
>>> Shimano HG-spline splined cog. A quick search just now shows Bontrager and 
>>> DT ss freehub bodies and some made by companies unknown to me, but are 
>>> these currently and readily available? Did Shimano ever make one?
>>> And: are any of these big enough to squeeze 2 3/32 cogs onto?
>>> Does anyone make 2-speed freehubs/fh bodies? I did not find any.
>>> Patrick Moore, tempted to put a 17/19 Dingle onto his SA ASC threaded 
>>> driver -- but not worthwhile since the quickest on/off axle retention 
>>> system with such hubs is wingnuts which are simply too cumbersome for quick 
>>> roadside stoop-and-change operations.
>>> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 3:11 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
 Not that anybody cares, but people reported the 16/19 was/is out of 
 production.  That was partially true, and now is totally true.  When I 
 reached out to Mike last month, he secured the last 16/19 that White 
 Industries ever made.  It arrived today, so now I'm all set.  Eagle eyed 
 parts buyers should keep your eyes peeled for a 16/19 because they are now 
 officially 'scarce'.  Roaduno planners may have to make different plans if 
 they were counting on a 16/19.  The 16/18 and 17/19 are still totally 
>>> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/dc7115ca-f023-45f6-842b-dcd4bb40bad9n%40googlegroups.com
>> .
> -- 
> -
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> -
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
> services.
> ---

[RBW] Re: FS: 50cm Roadini F/F - Dark Gold

2023-09-22 Thread Johnny Alien
Will do! The XTR stuff and crankset was claimed but I can post some photos 
of the stem and bars and such. I should mention that I will include Tektro 
long reach brakes with the frame as well cable stops for the shifter 
mounts. The Tektros look new to me. I think I got them from someone here.

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 2:08:58 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:

> I highly recommend posting photos or a link to same. Someone will snap 
> this up once they see it*
> *Someone like me if it was 6-or-so months from now. I don't quite have the 
> funds at the moment. 
> Joe Bernard 
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 10:36:01 AM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> I have parts that I will be selling if you want anything included. I have 
>> a Blue Lug power quill stem, wavie bars, xtr rapid rise rd (the gray one 
>> from the 90's), matching xtr FD, and a SPA (unbranded Sugino XD2) c165 
>> crankset.  Feel free to hit me up for the frame, parts, package deal, etc. 
>> Anything will be help. Thanks!
>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 7:30:20 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> Sadly a family issue with my parents' health has popped up and I won't 
>>> have time or money to do anything bike build related for quite some time. I 
>>> just got this frame and was planning on a fall project but as noted above 
>>> its not happening. This had some parts installed but is pretty much just as 
>>> it came from Rivendell. Never got to a point far enough to get any dings or 
>>> marks or anything. The fork is installed and the kalloy seatpost will of 
>>> course be included. The one thing I did do so far is swap the bottom 
>>> bracket from a 110 to a 113 so it would work better with a triple (or wide 
>>> range triple with a guard). I will include the 110 BB that came with it. 
>>> These cost around $1400 to get shipped to you from Rivendell. I will sell 
>>> this one for $1100 shipped anywhere in the USA. I really hate to do this 
>>> but hopefully someone here can help me out and also get a great looking 
>>> bike.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Single Speed (QB/SO/RU..) Questions

2023-09-22 Thread Patrick Moore
It's all speculative at this point, since I don't know what if anything
will replace the Monocog. I talk to a local builder next month and I'll
likely be guided largely by him if we do agree, but a manually shifted QR
rear hub is simple and works well, so assuming that setup the rear would be
disc, 135 mm, prefer 6 bolt simply because that's what I already have.

(Maybe I'll ask him to build a frame with 114 mm OL rear for a 90 year old
SA 2 speed hub but with clearance for 80 mm tires, and watch the result.)

On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 12:11 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> OK, good luck in your information gathering.  The hub vendor that I see
> selling a ton of different single speed variants is Onyx, but those have no
> chance at being anywhere close to your definition of cheapest.  For those
> who don't know from repetition, I guess it would be worthwhile for you to
> state the other specifics of the hub you seek.  OLD is 135?  Disc brake?
> QR?  Do you care if it's center lock or 6-bolt?
> Also the DOS ENO freewheel is only discontinued in the 16/19 size.  You
> can still buy a 16/18, a 17/19 or a 20/22.
> BL in EC
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> I'm not looking to buy anything yet. I'm wondering if such single speed
>> freehubs are still made. I see ss freehub bodies for sale online but not
>> hubs and I wonder if full hubs are for sale. I also wonder which are the
>> cheapest decent ones and also which ones most users on the list would
>> recommend. Also, I don't see any Shimano ss fh hubs so I wonder if Shimano
>> ever made them.
>> As for buying, we'll see about that later.
>> I don't want to bother about a second cog on the Monocog but I think of a
>> possible QR hub on a replacement with a short freehub body holding 2 cogs;
>> freehub because now the DOS is out of production; also because I can choose
>> my cogs. It's largely aesthetics and "philosophical squeamishness" but I'd
>> rather have a hub made for or more close in design for the task: freewheel,
>> 2 cogs, not a lot of space left over.
>> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 8:58 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>>> Patrick, I'm not sure what you are asking. You've got some kind of
>>> single speed cassette hub on your Monocog.  What do you want to buy?  Are
>>> you looking to buy a different cassette body that you will install into
>>> your existing rear wheel to carry two cogs?  Or are you looking to buy a
>>> different rear hub?  Or a different rear wheel?
>>> The easiest thing may be to just run a "normal" geared rear wheel and
>>> run the needed stack of spacers along with two cogs to get you what you
>>> want.  I'm running three cogs on a short Capper cassette on one of my 120mm
>>> rear end bikes, but I don't think your Monocog is a 120mm bike.  I imagine
>>> there are a number of ways you could run two cogs on your Monocog.  You
>>> would just need to decide that you are going to do it and start spending.
>>> Given that you've been looking to replace the Monocog with a custom, maybe
>>> your gearing solution should be integrated with your frame choice.
>>> BL in EC
>>> On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 4:50:02 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
 Too bad that the DOS fws are disappearing as the Dingle 2X fixed cogs
 did. But question: My Monocog has a single speed freehub that takes a
 Shimano HG-spline splined cog. A quick search just now shows Bontrager and
 DT ss freehub bodies and some made by companies unknown to me, but are
 these currently and readily available? Did Shimano ever make one?

 And: are any of these big enough to squeeze 2 3/32 cogs onto?

 Does anyone make 2-speed freehubs/fh bodies? I did not find any.

 Patrick Moore, tempted to put a 17/19 Dingle onto his SA ASC threaded
 driver -- but not worthwhile since the quickest on/off axle retention
 system with such hubs is wingnuts which are simply too cumbersome for quick
 roadside stoop-and-change operations.

 On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 3:11 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> Not that anybody cares, but people reported the 16/19 was/is out of
> production.  That was partially true, and now is totally true.  When I
> reached out to Mike last month, he secured the last 16/19 that White
> Industries ever made.  It arrived today, so now I'm all set.  Eagle eyed
> parts buyers should keep your eyes peeled for a 16/19 because they are now
> officially 'scarce'.  Roaduno planners may have to make different plans if
> they were counting on a 16/19.  The 16/18 and 17/19 are still totally
> available.

>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>> an email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-

[RBW] Re: WTB 54 quickbeam

2023-09-22 Thread Igor
tell me about the 56 quick beam. want to sell..?

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 7:44:54 PM UTC-4 J L wrote:

> Update:
> I might have found a 56 QB. Still looking for 54 though. Does anyone want 
> to trade a 54 for a 56? The difference is only a .5cm longer top tube and 
> 2cm taller stand over. 
> Cheers
> JL in SF
> > On Sep 20, 2023, at 8:34 AM, J L  wrote:
> > 
> > Hello listers,
> > 
> > Every year or so I check in about the availability of a 54cm quickbeam. 
> > 
> > Anyone have such a thing they want to pass on to a new owner? 
> > 
> > Offers offlist please to control the clutter 
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > JL in SF

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[RBW] ISO Phil Wood wheelset - 130mm, free hub (Campagnolo or Shimano)

2023-09-22 Thread Igor
Anyone have a set? 700c preferred but 650b would be good too

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[RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-22 Thread velomann
I've got baskets mounted on at least 4 bikes currently (including my Sam) 
with basket-capable racks on a couple others. And I have a very strong 
personal  aesthetic dislike of any front racks that attach to the fork 
dropouts, as well as racks or bikes that require P-Clamps (so ugly!)
I know (I think?) that it's not recommended, but I have no issue with 
running a Wald 137 mounted on either a Marks Rack (my Sam) or a Nitto M-18 
(two other bikes). 
I had a couple bikes with the cheapo ($15) Sunlight front rack that mounts 
to the Canti bolts and fork crown, including one running a Wald 139, but I 
had to use a strap to connect the front of the basket to the stem to take 
some of the weight, which is less than ideal and the rack will eventually 
fail anyway. But for the price of one Nitto front rack, you can blow 
through several of these and still be money ahead ;-)
I also really like the Velo Orange Flat-Pack rack, which is rock solid and 
has a wider platform than the small Nitto racks. I didn't try it with a 
139, but I'm confident it would work fine. I also have two bikes running 
Jack-The-Bike-Racks and love those racks - they make great, solid basket 

Mike M

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 9:19:47 AM UTC-7 ack...@gmail.com wrote:

> Just found a screamin deal on a fully built 51 Sam. Now it's time to get 
> it kitted out. I love my Pass And Stow for the heavy duty- stuff and 
> aesthetically, it's unmatched IMO. Perhaps a bit of overkill as a simple 
> basket rack. Would love an RBW51 Nitto rack, but not sure I can justify the 
> $288 plus tax. Looking for something simple and elegant and cost-efficient 
> for mounting a Wald 139 Hardware-less Basket and a Tunitas 137 Tote. 
> If anybody has a well used RBW51 that they would be willing to part with, 
> I'd love to hear from you.
> Also looking for other options and would love to see what y'all are using 
> for your Wald 139 Baskets.
> Thanks!
> Alex
> a c k s f 7 8 gmail

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Re: [RBW] Re: Northern Hemisphere Summer Riding Photos 2023

2023-09-22 Thread Kim H.
Very cool Dave. 
Where is this old rail line trail ?

Kim Hetzel
Yelm, WA. 

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 7:00:29 PM UTC-7 DavidP wrote:

> Got a nice ride in on the Platypus for the last day of Summer. Part of the 
> loop included an unpaved trail that used to be part of a rail line and 
> features a stone arch bridge.
> [image: PXL_20230922_132606809_arch-1800.jpg]
> [image: PXL_20230922_133612399-arch-1800.jpg]
> [image: PXL_20230922_133730270-grafiti-1800.jpg]
> -Dave
> On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 8:53:53 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
>> The best part of riding on the road? The art, of course! (Apologies for 
>> the spoiler.)
>> [image: IMG_2007.jpeg]
>> On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 5:20:01 PM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:
>>> @ Takashi -
>>> I love the Pacific Northwest here in Washington state with all of the 
>>> mountains and trees. It may rain eight or nine months out the year. 
>>> However, when the sun is out and not too hot, It is absolutely glorious. 
>>> I wanted to keep riding further on the Willapa Hills Trail, but I did 
>>> not want to go too far beyond my limits. To experience such a beautiful 
>>> trail was amazing.
>>> I thank-you for your observation praise on my Clem.  
>>> I see that you have the same pedals as I do. Cool !  
>>> Have you considered buying some extension wings for your pedals  ?
>>> https://www.rivbike.com/products/mks-monarch-extension
>>> They really do help. 
>>> Smiles to you.
>>> Kim Hetzel
>>> Yelm, WA.
>>> On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 6:04:02 AM UTC-7 Takashi wrote:
 Kim, you live in a very beautiful place! It must have been fun to ride 
 that trail.
 And your Clem is gorgeous.

 Mid-September and it's still very hot here.
 Soba (from which Japanese soba noodles are made) patches are in full 

 [image: DSC03285.jpg]


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Re: [RBW] FS - Red Toyo-built Atlantis frameset, 60cm

2023-09-22 Thread Kim H.
Beautiful red Toyo Atlantis bicycle, Dustin !  
It would be nice to see more red Rivendell frame sets in the future.

Kim Hetzel
Yelm, WA.

On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 11:09:23 AM UTC-7 Dustin wrote:

> Greetings,  
> I was fortunate enough to acquire the frame mentioned above in a local 
> deal. If Ian is representative of the group, then you folks are indeed the 
> nicest bunch on the internet. 
> Pic followed by a few comments for anyone else contemplating a Toyo 
> Atlantis below. 
> [image: image0.jpeg]
> At 87cm, my PBH is the upper limit of the 58cm size frame and the lower 
> limit of the 61cm according to the old Rivendell Reader specs found on 
> cyclofiend (http://www.cyclofiend.com/rbw/atlantis/index.html#flyers). It 
> depends on tire size and GP was thinking max size of 700x45. But when I set 
> it up with Schwalbe Marathons in 700x50 on Cliffhangers there was plenty of 
> clearance left over. My standover is sufficient but unimpressive. It’s 
> clear I’ll run out of standover height as I go up in tire size before I run 
> out of clearance. 
> I was mostly able to swap parts over from an Appaloosa that this bike will 
> be replacing for a surprisingly straight forward build. This is my first 
> drop bar Riv and the downtube shifters are a pleasant surprise. Changes my 
> riding in a positive way. 
> Finishing touches remain. Not quite sure where my hoods belong. Saddle 
> fore and aft a few more times. The commitment to bar tape. I’ll get there.
> I gleaned so much info from the list archive regarding old Rivs. The hive 
> mind is truly impressive. Couldn’t have done it without you. 
> Dustin in VA
> On Aug 2, 2023, at 8:44 PM, Ian  wrote:
> Thanks for the history Elton, and clearing up my issues on size. It served 
> me well and luckily no cars or Rottweilers spoils my fun. It’s crazy how 
> these Riv’s travel around.
> It must of returned to MA at some point.
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 8:34 PM Elton Lance  wrote:
>> I can’t help but chime in here. . .
>> I worked at Harris Cyclery for 16 years.  The first 8 of those were 
>> side-by-side with Sheldon, who passed in February, 2008.  This frame is one 
>> I purchased new from Rivendell in the original Russian green.  It was 2004, 
>> IIRC. This bike never belonged to Sheldon.  I was involved in working with 
>> Harriet Fell, his widow, in finding homes for many bikes in his personal 
>> collection, though this was not one of those.  
>> One dark and rainy night in October, 2006, I was riding home from work, 
>> lit like a Christmas tree, and was struck by a hit-and-run driver.  I went 
>> over the car and the bike suffered top tube damage such that Sheldon said, 
>> “I wouldn’t ride it if it was mine!”.  So back to Rivendell it went for a 
>> new top tube. I don’t know for sure who did the work.  When it was 
>> repaired, Mark Abele called me to ask what color I would like to have it 
>> repainted. Red!  And so it was. . .
>> Six months later, I was attacked by a rottweiler in nearly the same 
>> spot.  The bike was unharmed but I was not.  The settlement I received from 
>> the dog’s owner paid for a good bit of my first JP Weigle (happy ending).
>> Shortly thereafter, I sold the bike to Gino Ganz (sp?) in CA.  Beyond 
>> that, I’ve lost track.  It’s fun to see it re-emerge from time to time.
>> It’s like a game of telephone, it seems.  But them’s the facts.
>> It was listed by Rivendell as a 61cm.  It’s one of the ones I wish I’d 
>> kept!
>> Elton Lance (formerly Pope-Lance)
>> Vero Beach, FL
>> On Aug 2, 2023, at 3:38 PM, Eric Marth  wrote:
>> Ian's a nice guy with nice bikes and someone should buy this nice guy's 
>> bike!
>> On Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 11:37:18 PM UTC-4 James wrote:
>>> Sent ya a PM, to both ride2almostanywhere and joyianbegley
>>> On Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 8:03:57 PM UTC-4 Josh C wrote:

 On Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 8:01:54 PM UTC-4 ride2almo...@gmail.com 

> DD,
>  Pm to. ride2almostanywhere@ gmail.com
> Thanks Ian 
> On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 6:57 PM D D  wrote:
>> PM sent. And I’m local!  
>> Dustin
>> On Aug 1, 2023, at 6:52 PM, Matthew Williams  
>> wrote:
>> Wow, that red is amazing! 
>> Does anyone know the paint color/brand or PMS match?
>> On Aug 1, 2023, at 12:55 PM, Joy Begley  wrote:
>> Red & cream Toyo-built Rivendell Atlantis 60cm frameset (center of BB 
>> to top of TT). Bought the frame from Elton Pope, at Harris Cyclery, 
>> tasked with selling some or all of Shelton Brown’s collection. 
>> Serial no. AT0618. 
>> Maybe someone can possibly comment on the year built? No dents or 
>> dings on the frame. Typical number of paint nicks and scratches for a 
>> bike 
>> that age. Over time, I covered ba

[RBW] Anyone near Washburn, Wisconsin...

2023-09-22 Thread jeffbog...@hotmail.com
...want to help coordinate a sale? Found a great bike accessory to purchase 
but the seller won't ship. Anyone interested in arbitrage? Thanks for the 


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