Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Luke Hendrickson
Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him. 

On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post. Save 
> the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to thoroughly 
> appreciate it, as a graduation present.  
> Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college 
> setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get 
> stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving 
> yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.  
> Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well with 
> the utmost care. 
> *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is nearly 
> 80" long.* 
> Kim Hetzel
> Yelm, WA. 
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:
>> I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably depends 
>> on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college campus if 
>> he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived college campus life 
>> at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all sorts of 
>> creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended up 
>> under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living room 
>> in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving them 
>> locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes that 
>> would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually use 
>> two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives will 
>> go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables 
>> instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know 
>> several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many 
>> years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. And 
>> if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting around.
>> Josiah Anderson
>> Missoula, MT
>> Le sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> a écrit :
>>> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to 
>>> college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves 
>>> buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown 
>>> up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
>>> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
>>> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 
>>> 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. 
>>> I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if 
>>> the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond 
>>> of saying… 
>>> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if 
>>> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into 
>>> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno 
>>> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the 
>>> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
>>> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
>>> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
>>> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode 
>>> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees 
>>> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it 
>>> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 
>>> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, 
>>> because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike 
>>> rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life 
>>> is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno 
>>> because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I 
>>> will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 
>>> takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he 
>>> really wants. But as of now, he wants his new bike.
>>> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that 
>>> would be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it 
>>> could be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
>>> through undergrad together.
>>> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college 
>>> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
>>> Leah
>>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Comfy aluminum frames?

2023-08-06 Thread alan lavine
Interesting. I had a T1000 touring bike years ago, and even then I found it 
too rigid. As I age this issue takes front and center, I'm like the 
princess and the pea. I agree that the first step is always fat, supple 
tires. For me, that eliminates any frame that can't take anything bigger 
than 28's.
As always, YMMV.

On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 11:08:18 PM UTC-4 Ryan wrote:

> What Mathias says is right about older Cannondales with cro-mo forks. I 
> also had a T600 Cannondale that I bought in 1988 for about $650-700 - red 
> 18-speed with half-step gearing with a Biopace(remember those?) Deore 
> was a mix of 600 and Deore. It was a fine touring bike that 
> also rode well unloaded; quick enough and actually a lot more fun and chill 
> than the Rossin with Campy SR that was my go-fast...which I hardly rode 
> after I got that Cannondale. The Rossin I sold on without a tinge of 
> regret. Loaded touring, centuries , fast club was a great 
> bike...until I fell in love with a 93 X0-1...which over 50 miles in my 
> fitter youth, I didn't like as much as the Cannondale, if I'm honest. 
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:38:38 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I have a habit of taking in a stray bike every year, usually in the fall, 
>> and then make it my baby for the following season. Living in Michigan, 
>> that's a sound approach with plenty of time for the rehabilitation. My 
>> tastes run to the old and cheap, but maybe I can offer some perspective for 
>> your question.
>> In 2021, that bike was a 1997 Cannondale R200 Criterium bike. Look up 
>> "harsh aluminum" on wikipedia, and there'll be a picture of it. Quick 
>> handling, maximum tire size 28 mm [GP5000, 26 mm actual] and there was a 
>> 16th of an inch gap at the seat tube. I liked riding it, and with a 
>> Technomic stem I found it comfortable, but if you rode over a coin in the 
>> road, you could tell whether it was heads or tails. Last year's bike was, a 
>> 1987 Cannondale ST600 that I got as a frame set from a friend on 
>> bikeforums. Fantastic riding sport touring bike, no vices, quick-enough 
>> handling but not nervous, and with 32 mm GP5000s, 30 mm actual, a fine 
>> ride. It has a classic steel fork with a proper crown, I'm guessing that 
>> helps. It's not harsh at all, and dirt-road capable so long as there's no 
>> deep sand or gravel. This year I'm riding a 1981 Motobécane Grand Touring, 
>> light-weight Vitus tubing, 27x1-1/4 Paselas, also 30 mm actual width, and 
>> it rides just like the ST, only it looks better doing it. The ST is at best 
>> 1 mph faster on my timed rides, but those Contis are low-rolling-resistance 
>> tires. I don't believe I'm wasting energy anywhere else on my bicycles.
>> Finally, my Forever Bike is a '95 Cannondale T400 -- so I'm partial to 
>> 'dales, what of it?  -- that I bought new. It's shod with 700x35c Paselas 
>> measuring 36 mm and I run them in the 40s. That bike is not harsh at all 
>> the way it is set up, and it's my go-to ride for mixed roads. When the 
>> things being pushed around by a frame are the rubber tires below and my 
>> ample hind quarters above, there is no difference in "give" between a 
>> triangle made from steel vs. aluminum tubes. I will say that any kind of 
>> rattle, like from the pannier hooks on the racki, sounds nasty on a 
>> big-tube aluminum frame. Maybe that's where the myth of the "harsh riding" 
>> aluminum frames comes from.
>> "Comfy aluminum" really does exist. Look for a frame with a geometry that 
>> suits your riding and with room for the kind of tire you like. Problem 
>> solved. Aluminum will never look as korrekt as steel does, but that wasn't 
>> what you had asked. Please let us know what you find in your travels... my 
>> foray into different bikes has mostly taught me what I'd read before.. it's 
>> hard to build a bad bicycle. 
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Monday, July 24, 2023 at 5:02:56 PM UTC-4 alan lavine wrote:
>>> Haven’t ridden aluminum in many years, it always beat me up. But 
>>> technology improves and maybe there’s something new I don’t know about. So 
>>> is “comfy aluminum “ an oxymoron or can it really exist? Interested in your 
>>> thoughts and experiences,
>>> Alan nyc

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Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Bill Schairer
I'll take the middle ground.  Let him get the lay of the land before making 
a decision.

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:53:46 AM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:

> Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him. 
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>> DON'T DO IT !
>> I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post. Save 
>> the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to thoroughly 
>> appreciate it, as a graduation present.  
>> Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college 
>> setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get 
>> stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving 
>> yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.  
>> Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well with 
>> the utmost care. 
>> *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is nearly 
>> 80" long.* 
>> Kim Hetzel
>> Yelm, WA. 
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:
>>> I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably 
>>> depends on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college 
>>> campus if he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived college 
>>> campus life at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all sorts 
>>> of creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended up 
>>> under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living room 
>>> in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving them 
>>> locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes that 
>>> would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually use 
>>> two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives will 
>>> go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables 
>>> instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know 
>>> several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many 
>>> years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. And 
>>> if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting around.
>>> Josiah Anderson
>>> Missoula, MT
>>> Le sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>> a écrit :
 It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to 
 college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves 
 buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown 
 up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
 doesn’t ride, sigh). 

 My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 
 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into 
 I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if 
 the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is 
 of saying… 

 Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide 
 if he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle 
 into this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, 
 dyno and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to 
 the idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
 after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
 like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
 in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test 
 it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my 
 don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and 
 looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 

 I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, 
 because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike 
 rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life 
 is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno 
 because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I 
 will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 
 takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he 
 really wants. But as of now, he wants his new bike.

 I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that 
 would be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it 
 could be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
 through undergrad together.

 I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their 

Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Johnny Alien
I know nothing about college theft BUT if he is relying on bus 
transportation as well I am 99.9% positive that a Clem that size won't work 
with their racks. If thats the case then more often than not the bike won't 
get used. Side note...judging by photos the 59 Clem looks like a really 
good fit. Side, side note...congrats to both you and your kid!! 

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:08:30 AM UTC-4 Bill Schairer wrote:

> I'll take the middle ground.  Let him get the lay of the land before 
> making a decision.
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:53:46 AM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
>> Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him. 
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> DON'T DO IT !
>>> I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post. Save 
>>> the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to thoroughly 
>>> appreciate it, as a graduation present.  
>>> Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college 
>>> setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get 
>>> stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving 
>>> yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.  
>>> Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well 
>>> with the utmost care. 
>>> *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is 
>>> nearly 80" long.* 
>>> Kim Hetzel
>>> Yelm, WA. 
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:
 I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably 
 depends on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college 
 campus if he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived college 
 campus life at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all 
 of creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended up 
 under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living 
 in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving them 
 locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes 
 would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually use 
 two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives will 
 go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables 
 instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know 
 several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many 
 years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. And 
 if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting around.

 Josiah Anderson
 Missoula, MT

 Le sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> a écrit :

> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to 
> college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that 
> leaves 
> buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have 
> grown 
> up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 
> 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into 
> it. 
> I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if 
> the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is 
> fond 
> of saying… 
> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide 
> if he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle 
> into this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new 
> wheels, 
> dyno and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed 
> to 
> the idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. 
> But 
> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test 
> rode 
> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my 
> knees 
> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and 
> it 
> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on 
> it.” 
> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, 
> because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike 
> rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike 
> life 
> is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno 
> because the kid has never remembered to charg

Re: [RBW] Re: Riv Riders Interactive Map is Live!

2023-08-06 Thread Josh C
I added my dot to Indy

On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 6:43:31 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> Bump on the Riv Rider's Map for any who missed it.
> Cheers, John
> On Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 8:31:57 AM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
>> Nevada, South Dakota, and Rhode Island seem to be the only states devoid 
>> of Riv Riders (I'm sure they're out there!), and East of the Mississippi 
>> seems far more represented than the vast, open spaces out West. 
>> I'm enjoying how this map has come together.
>> Cheers, John
>> On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 6:25:56 PM UTC-7 Tony Lockhart wrote:
>>> Great news, John. Thanks for making this happen.
>>> On Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 8:59:17 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
 And with that, Tony, you become the 200th rider on the list!

 Cheers, John

 On Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 7:50:08 PM UTC-7 Tony Lockhart wrote:

> Hi John, just added my Hillborne to the list. Thanks!
> Pretty remarkable to see how many are in the bay area.not so many 
> in LA. Thanks!
> On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 10:39:01 AM UTC-7 Caroline Golum wrote:
>> I love this! Just added me + the Betty, excited to see who else in 
>> NYC is rocking a Riv <3
>> On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 12:32:53 AM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
>>> Almost 200 riders on the map now, and quite a few lovely photos of 
>>> some fine Rivs around the world.
>>> See the top of the thread if you want to add a pin.
>>> Cheers, John
>>> On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 12:07:35 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
 Just a reminder on this map if you haven't gone through the thread: 
 You don't need to put your specific address if you'd rather not. A 
 address in your city or town, or a cross street nearby is enough.

 Also, you can add a photo of your bike if you wish. We all love to 
 see the cool bikes about which we are so passionate!

 Cheers, John

 On Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 4:07:26 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:

> Bump on this for those who may have missed it and want to add a 
> pin to the map. See the top of the thread for instructions.
> On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 6:20:12 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
>> I've added Rivendell Dealers to the Riv Rider's Map, and these 
>> icons are in blue. I used the addresses found on the Riv website, 
>> but I'm 
>> not sure if all of these dealers are still dealers or even in 
>> business.
>> If anyone knows what I don't, let me know and I'll update the map.
>> Cheers, John
>> On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 5:59:52 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
>>> Ha, Ray! That's a brilliant idea per Keith's caution about using 
>>> your specific address. 
>>> Thanks, Patrick. I'm working on it.
>>> Cheers, John
>>> On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 11:38:02 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore 
>>> wrote:
 I like this idea. Please do add this feature.

 On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 7:45 PM John Rinker  

> I'm playing with the idea of riders being able to add a photo 
> of their bike such that when one clicks on a map pin not only do 
> you get 
> info in the sidebar but also an image of a beautiful bicycle. 
> (You can 
> check out the pin I added at RBW as an example)
> Could be a fun addition. Of course, anyone who has more than 
> one Riv would have to make a choice. 
> Cheers, John
> On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 9:05:38 AM UTC-7 Drew Saunders 
> wrote:
>> Good idea! I found the street address of my nearest post 
>> office and changed my answer to that. It's close enough, and if 
>> any bike 
>> thieves go there, they'll be very, very, confused.
>> On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 10:05:08 PM UTC-7 iamkeith wrote:
>>> This is great.  Thanks for putting it together! 
>>>  I have couple of suggestions, more for the participant 
>>> pi-droppers than for John:
>>> 1)  Please be cautious and think twice about listing your 
>>> actual home address.  Especially if you live somewhere like 
>>> Denver or 
>>> Oakland, where bike theft is a major industry.  Thieves could 
>>> use this info 
>>> to stake-out and target your place.
>>> 2)  it would be great to list the

Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Richard Rose
First, what an awesome story. What a lucky & no doubt deserving young man. And oh, what a beautiful big Clem. That said & having started my cycling life @ University in the ‘70’s, I would take something like this to college.Klunker Bikes - BMX / Beach Cruiser Inspired Machinestatebicycle.comSent from my iPhoneOn Aug 6, 2023, at 9:35 AM, Johnny Alien  wrote:I know nothing about college theft BUT if he is relying on bus transportation as well I am 99.9% positive that a Clem that size won't work with their racks. If thats the case then more often than not the bike won't get used. Side note...judging by photos the 59 Clem looks like a really good fit. Side, side note...congrats to both you and your kid!! On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:08:30 AM UTC-4 Bill Schairer wrote:I'll take the middle ground.  Let him get the lay of the land before making a decision.On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:53:46 AM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him. On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7 wrote:DON'T DO IT !I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post. Save the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to thoroughly appreciate it, as a graduation present.  Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.  Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well with the utmost care. *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is nearly 80" long.* Kim HetzelYelm, WA. On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably depends on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college campus if he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived college campus life at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all sorts of creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended up under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living room in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving them locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes that would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually use two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives will go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. And if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting around.Josiah AndersonMissoula, MTLe sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  a écrit :It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who doesn’t ride, sigh). My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of saying… Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he really wants. But as of now, he want

Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Mike Davis
I've spent over 30 years on college campuses and 20 of those with an
Atlantis. If I ride to work, it stays in my office until I leave. I have
seen literally hundreds of bikes stripped and stolen. If you can't keep it
indoors,my advice is a 80-90s steel MTB frame that fits.

On Sun, Aug 6, 2023, 9:35 AM Johnny Alien  wrote:

> I know nothing about college theft BUT if he is relying on bus
> transportation as well I am 99.9% positive that a Clem that size won't work
> with their racks. If thats the case then more often than not the bike won't
> get used. Side note...judging by photos the 59 Clem looks like a really
> good fit. Side, side note...congrats to both you and your kid!!
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:08:30 AM UTC-4 Bill Schairer wrote:
>> I'll take the middle ground.  Let him get the lay of the land before
>> making a decision.
>> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:53:46 AM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
>>> Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him.
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7
>>> wrote:

 I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post.
 Save the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to
 thoroughly appreciate it, as a graduation present.

 Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college
 setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get
 stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving
 yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.

 Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well
 with the utmost care.

 *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is
 nearly 80" long.*

 Kim Hetzel
 Yelm, WA.

 On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:

> I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably
> depends on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college
> campus if he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived college
> campus life at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all 
> sorts
> of creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended up
> under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living 
> room
> in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving them
> locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes 
> that
> would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually use
> two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives will
> go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables
> instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know
> several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many
> years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. And
> if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting around.
> Josiah Anderson
> Missoula, MT
> Le sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> a écrit :
>> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to
>> college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that 
>> leaves
>> buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have 
>> grown
>> up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who
>> doesn’t ride, sigh).
>> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in
>> 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into 
>> it.
>> I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if
>> the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is 
>> fond
>> of saying…
>> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide
>> if he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle
>> into this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new 
>> wheels,
>> dyno and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed 
>> to
>> the idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. 
>> But
>> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to
>> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe,
>> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test 
>> rode
>> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my 
>> knees
>> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and 
>> it
>> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on 
>> it.”

Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Jay Lonner
Another consideration is the climate where your son will be attending college. Road salt is a good way to trash a bike, or at least the drivetrain. It happened to my XO-1 after my first winter in Wisconsin — after that I road a sacrificial beater.My oldest daughter went to college in sunny LA and I bought her a used Trek that lasted for a few years before it got stolen. There’s also an argument to be made that we get too hung up on attachment to material things. If you can embrace the mindset that it’s just a bike, and that bikes are meant to be ridden and can always be replaced, then that renders all of the above moot. Jay LonnerBellingham, WASent from my Atari 400On Aug 6, 2023, at 6:50 AM, Mike Davis  wrote:I've spent over 30 years on college campuses and 20 of those with an Atlantis. If I ride to work, it stays in my office until I leave. I have seen literally hundreds of bikes stripped and stolen. If you can't keep it indoors,my advice is a 80-90s steel MTB frame that fits. On Sun, Aug 6, 2023, 9:35 AM Johnny Alien  wrote:I know nothing about college theft BUT if he is relying on bus transportation as well I am 99.9% positive that a Clem that size won't work with their racks. If thats the case then more often than not the bike won't get used. Side note...judging by photos the 59 Clem looks like a really good fit. Side, side note...congrats to both you and your kid!! On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:08:30 AM UTC-4 Bill Schairer wrote:I'll take the middle ground.  Let him get the lay of the land before making a decision.On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:53:46 AM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him. On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7 wrote:DON'T DO IT !I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post. Save the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to thoroughly appreciate it, as a graduation present.  Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.  Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well with the utmost care. *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is nearly 80" long.* Kim HetzelYelm, WA. On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably depends on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college campus if he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived college campus life at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all sorts of creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended up under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living room in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving them locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes that would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually use two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives will go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. And if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting around.Josiah AndersonMissoula, MTLe sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  a écrit :It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who doesn’t ride, sigh). My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of saying… Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I l

Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Mathias Steiner
I'm with the majority here: don't do it. What's the upside? You didn't say 
what his major is, but if it's anything that requires his full attention, 
the bike is for getting around, not primarily enjoyment. If it won't 
require that, why go at all?

This suggestion is valid:
>> I've had to use all sorts of creativity for keeping them inside 
but that's like having another job, especially if it isn't a dry climate. 
Wet bike indoors = no fun. Ask me how I know.

When our daughter went to college, way back in 2017, I got her a Trek 830 
in the usual condition and hung fenders on it and oiled the chain. Problem 
solved. Add a U-lock, and miracle of miracles, she still has it and it 
stayed with us when she moved out. For her birthday this year, I spruced it 
up, got Schwalbe Marathons and built a dyno front wheel for it, and now she 
locks it up in her apartment carport. Four weeks later, some yatz stole the 
saddle and post. Not thinking, I had left the quick release on, b/c who 
would want a cheap take-off saddle?e. That's when I remembered we live in a 
college town, too ;)

With the COVID bike boom over and cheap mountain bikes everywhere, I don't 
see the upside of taking a $2k+ bike to college. Let him do the minimal 
wrenching required to get the bike in fighting shape. Taking his  late 
Grandpa's bike doesn't make sense to me -- he'll want to hold on to that 
for life, no? 

cheers -mathias
On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 9:50:40 AM UTC-4 Mike Davis wrote:

> I've spent over 30 years on college campuses and 20 of those with an 
> Atlantis. If I ride to work, it stays in my office until I leave. I have 
> seen literally hundreds of bikes stripped and stolen. If you can't keep it 
> indoors,my advice is a 80-90s steel MTB frame that fits. 
> On Sun, Aug 6, 2023, 9:35 AM Johnny Alien  wrote:
>> I know nothing about college theft BUT if he is relying on bus 
>> transportation as well I am 99.9% positive that a Clem that size won't work 
>> with their racks. If thats the case then more often than not the bike won't 
>> get used. Side note...judging by photos the 59 Clem looks like a really 
>> good fit. Side, side note...congrats to both you and your kid!! 
>> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:08:30 AM UTC-4 Bill Schairer wrote:
>>> I'll take the middle ground.  Let him get the lay of the land before 
>>> making a decision.
>>> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:53:46 AM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
 Do it!!! What a way for him to think of your father and remember him. 

 On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:56:15 PM UTC-7 

> I am collectively in the same thought as the others before my post. 
> Save the Clem Smith Jr. "L"  for after his college years for him to 
> thoroughly appreciate it, as a graduation present.  
> Yes, the likelihood of it getting stolen is very high in a college 
> setting. Buy him a second hand bicycle to ride to college. If it does get 
> stolen, you will be heart-broken and have a very difficult time forgiving 
> yourself for allowing him to ride the Clem to college.  
> Rivendell bicycles are very special and their owners treat them well 
> with the utmost care. 
> *The Clem will not fit on the bicycle rack of a transit bus. It is 
> nearly 80" long.* 
> Kim Hetzel
> Yelm, WA. 
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:23:44 PM UTC-7 Josiah Anderson wrote:
>> I'm going to go against others' strong opinions here. It probably 
>> depends on where exactly he's going, but a Riv can be fine on a college 
>> campus if he's careful. My Crust and Rivendell have both survived 
>> college 
>> campus life at the University of Montana with me. I've had to use all 
>> sorts 
>> of creativity for keeping them inside in Montana winters; they've ended 
>> up 
>> under my bed, hanging in a closet, in the garage at work, in my living 
>> room 
>> in the house I live in now, and the list goes on and on. When leaving 
>> them 
>> locked up, my thinking is that they don't look like fancy modern bikes 
>> that 
>> would be attractive to theives, and if they are locked well (I usually 
>> use 
>> two u-locks if leaving for more than a couple hours) then the theives 
>> will 
>> go for the abundance of basic modern mountain bikes locked with cables 
>> instead. It's worked well for me for the past three years, and I know 
>> several others who have ridden nice bikes on college campuses for many 
>> years. Lock it up well, don't completely ignore it and it'll be fine. 
>> And 
>> if it's not, then at least it was being loved and not just sitting 
>> around.
>> Josiah Anderson
>> Missoula, MT
>> Le sam. 5 août 2023 à 19:56, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>> a écrit :
>>> It nearly kills 

[RBW] Re: PSA: Rivendell Bicycle Works catalogs for sale on GRINGINEER

2023-08-06 Thread Stephen Durfee
Are these catalogs available anywhere online in PDF form?
On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:13:39 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> Thanks for sharing, Kim. 
> In case anyone's interested, those are the first three catalogs, there is 
> not a catalog labelled "No. 2," (apparently one of Grant's jokes). 
> The price is reasonable, those early ones are hard to find. They look like 
> they're in pretty good shape! 
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 1:48:52 AM UTC-4 wrote:
>> These is currently up for sale three different vintage Rivendell Bicycle 
>> Works catalogs on the Gringineer website:
>> I have no interest in buying them. Maybe someone else would be interested.
>> Kim Hetzel
>> Yelm, WA. 

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[RBW] Re: A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Bill Lindsay

I think I share most of the attitudes of the people shouting "Don't do it!" 
 But, I think there's some nuance behind it.  

That nuance is this: If you send your child to college with a bicycle, PLAN 
on that bicycle being stolen.  Since you are planning on that bike being 
stolen, what will you do next?  Will you buy another Clem for him?  Or will 
you say "well, that sucked, let's get a craigslist beater!"  If you want to 
plan on buying a replacement Clem every time his Clem gets stolen, then 
absolutely send him to college with a Clem!  He'll always be on a nice 
bike.  If the number of bikes he goes through is 5, or 3, or 7, who cares? 
 He's always on a bike he likes!  

If, on the other hand, you'd rather those stolen bikes hurt less 
(emotionally and financially) THEN preserve the Clem and set up a beater. 
 You've got a great eye for bikes now, even though you need to pay 
mechanics for some services.  I bet you could do a great job of curating a 
beater for your son, but if you do, plan on that also getting stolen 

If you had a crystal ball and knew that your son is going to go through 3 
bikes in college, what would you do?  Whatever that something is, that's 
what I'd recommend.  I had a blast curating my son's college beater, and 
it's still in our possession.  My daughter has a tiny hand-me-down mountain 
bike from an aunt, and she's using that as a college beater, but she's more 
of a public transportation person.  Still, I count on that bike being 
stolen someday.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA
On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:54:39 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college 
> in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, 
> bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up 
> riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, 
> and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I 
> lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the 
> bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of 
> saying… 
> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if 
> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into 
> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno 
> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the 
> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode 
> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees 
> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it 
> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 
> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, because 
> it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike rack - and 
> I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life is totally 
> unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno because the 
> kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I will not sleep 
> at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 takes 700c, so I 
> don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he really wants. But 
> as of now, he wants his new bike.
> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would 
> be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could 
> be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
> through undergrad together.
> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college 
> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
> Leah

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[RBW] Re: PSA: Rivendell Bicycle Works catalogs for sale on GRINGINEER

2023-08-06 Thread Johnny Alien

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:51:14 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> Are these catalogs available anywhere online in PDF form?
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:13:39 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing, Kim. 
>> In case anyone's interested, those are the first three catalogs, there is 
>> not a catalog labelled "No. 2," (apparently one of Grant's jokes). 
>> The price is reasonable, those early ones are hard to find. They look 
>> like they're in pretty good shape! 
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 1:48:52 AM UTC-4 wrote:
>>> These is currently up for sale three different vintage Rivendell Bicycle 
>>> Works catalogs on the Gringineer website:
>>> I have no interest in buying them. Maybe someone else would be 
>>> interested.
>>> Kim Hetzel
>>> Yelm, WA. 

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[RBW] Re: A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Brent Knepper
I agree with Bill's sentiments above. Clem at college would be so enjoyable 
for your son, if that is worth the risk that others have shared their 
fears/experiences thoroughly now.

I dunno how the timing would work out, but with the upcoming Chicago rbw 
ride you're organizing you could chat up Chucky at Mack's in Evanston. He's 
got a fun hustle of Riv'ing up older mtbs (more on that on his IG 
account: that may scratch the 
itch for riv flavor without the risk to the Clem.

Brent in Chicago (and hoping I can join da rbw ride coming up)

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:13:09 AM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Leah
> I think I share most of the attitudes of the people shouting "Don't do 
> it!"  But, I think there's some nuance behind it.  
> That nuance is this: If you send your child to college with a bicycle, 
> PLAN on that bicycle being stolen.  Since you are planning on that bike 
> being stolen, what will you do next?  Will you buy another Clem for him? 
>  Or will you say "well, that sucked, let's get a craigslist beater!"  If 
> you want to plan on buying a replacement Clem every time his Clem gets 
> stolen, then absolutely send him to college with a Clem!  He'll always be 
> on a nice bike.  If the number of bikes he goes through is 5, or 3, or 7, 
> who cares?  He's always on a bike he likes!  
> If, on the other hand, you'd rather those stolen bikes hurt less 
> (emotionally and financially) THEN preserve the Clem and set up a beater. 
>  You've got a great eye for bikes now, even though you need to pay 
> mechanics for some services.  I bet you could do a great job of curating a 
> beater for your son, but if you do, plan on that also getting stolen 
> someday.  
> If you had a crystal ball and knew that your son is going to go through 3 
> bikes in college, what would you do?  Whatever that something is, that's 
> what I'd recommend.  I had a blast curating my son's college beater, and 
> it's still in our possession.  My daughter has a tiny hand-me-down mountain 
> bike from an aunt, and she's using that as a college beater, but she's more 
> of a public transportation person.  Still, I count on that bike being 
> stolen someday.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:54:39 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college 
>> in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, 
>> bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up 
>> riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
>> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
>> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, 
>> and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I 
>> lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the 
>> bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of 
>> saying… 
>> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if 
>> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into 
>> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno 
>> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the 
>> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
>> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
>> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
>> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode 
>> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees 
>> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it 
>> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 
>> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, 
>> because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike 
>> rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life 
>> is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno 
>> because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I 
>> will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 
>> takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he 
>> really wants. But as of now, he wants his new bike.
>> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would 
>> be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could 
>> be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
>> through undergrad together.
>> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college 
>> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
>> Leah

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Re: [RBW] Ride Reports (PNW and France)

2023-08-06 Thread John Johnson
Thanks for the ride report, Kyle.

I live not far from fontainebleau. The weather the last week or two in July 
was definitely not great. Sorry that was during your trip.

For what it's worth, the Scandiberique route (eurovelo 3) runs right 
through the area and there are some great rides along old canal route 
paths. The portion just south of Fontainebleau (Nemours to 'Bleau) is 
really lovely. 

And open invite to anyone on the forum to look me up if you're ever in the 


On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:56:21 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Kyle - Enjoyed the write ups. Keep 'em coming!
> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 12:32:20 PM UTC-4 Dustin wrote:
>> Kyle, 
>> Good looking site. Thanks for sharing 
>> Dustin
>> On Aug 4, 2023, at 12:09 PM, Kyle Cotchett  wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> I've been messing around with writing some ride reports on my website 
>> . For the 
>> most part, they are around the Pacific Northwest. My girlfriend and I are 
>> taking significant time off work and moved to Paris for summer/fall. We 
>> brought our bikes with us, and I'll be continuing to write up some rides 
>> here in France! I thought I'd share them here with ya'll to enjoy! Thanks 
>> for reading!
>> -Kyle
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

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Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Eric Daume
I'm going to join the majority and say don't send the Clem to college. IF*
your boy needs a bike at school, buy a cheap hybrid, new or used. Bike
shops are desperate to sell anything right now, and the used market is also

*It's been a long time since I was at college, but even as a bike loving
kid, I didn't ride my bike to classes. Too much hassle, too much risk. It
was easier to navigate crowded campus paths by walking, even though I had
one or two bikes tucked into my tiny dorm room.

Plain City, OH

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 10:56 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:

> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college
> in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses,
> bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up
> riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who
> doesn’t ride, sigh).
> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020,
> and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I
> lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the
> bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of
> saying…
> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if
> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into
> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno
> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the
> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But
> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to
> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe,
> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode
> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees
> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it
> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.”
> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, because
> it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike rack - and
> I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life is totally
> unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno because the
> kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I will not sleep
> at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 takes 700c, so I
> don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he really wants. But
> as of now, he wants his new bike.
> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would
> be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could
> be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey
> through undergrad together.
> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college
> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
> Leah
> --
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[RBW] Re: PSA: Rivendell Bicycle Works catalogs for sale on GRINGINEER

2023-08-06 Thread Stephen Durfee
Wow!  Thanks Johnny Alien!  btw, still loving the blue Stamp pedals

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:30:38 AM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:

> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:51:14 AM UTC-4 wrote:
>> Are these catalogs available anywhere online in PDF form?
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:13:39 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> Thanks for sharing, Kim. 
>>> In case anyone's interested, those are the first three catalogs, there 
>>> is not a catalog labelled "No. 2," (apparently one of Grant's jokes). 
>>> The price is reasonable, those early ones are hard to find. They look 
>>> like they're in pretty good shape! 
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 1:48:52 AM UTC-4 wrote:
 These is currently up for sale three different vintage Rivendell 
 Bicycle Works catalogs on the Gringineer website:

 I have no interest in buying them. Maybe someone else would be 

 Kim Hetzel
 Yelm, WA. 


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Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Ryan
What others have said

BUT a Clem could go to college an ideal world

If he's living on-campus they're not going to fuss if he brings it inside 
his room at night to avoid leaving it locked up outside and creating ample 
opportrunity for theft...and maybe don't take the Clem bar-hopping

If the college is car-free maybe they have some sort of infrastructure set 
up for secure bike locking on campus...maybe there's some student-driven 
bike valet system...or your son could find like-minded folks on-campus to 
initiate something like that for secure lockup at the library or class 
buildings. Where I live in Winnipeg, the University of Winnipeg even has 
indoor locking facilities for a fee...but it's a downtown campus with a 
small footprint; you can easily hoof it from class to class. A large state 
campus, I imagine, not so much

In the absence of things like this , I'm afraid , a stealth beater that's 
actually fun to ride is the way to go

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 11:27:14 AM UTC-5 Eric Daume wrote:

> I'm going to join the majority and say don't send the Clem to college. IF* 
> your boy needs a bike at school, buy a cheap hybrid, new or used. Bike 
> shops are desperate to sell anything right now, and the used market is also 
> oversaturated. 
> *It's been a long time since I was at college, but even as a bike loving 
> kid, I didn't ride my bike to classes. Too much hassle, too much risk. It 
> was easier to navigate crowded campus paths by walking, even though I had 
> one or two bikes tucked into my tiny dorm room.
> Eric
> Plain City, OH
> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 10:56 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>> wrote:
>> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college 
>> in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, 
>> bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up 
>> riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
>> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
>> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, 
>> and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I 
>> lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the 
>> bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of 
>> saying… 
>> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if 
>> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into 
>> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno 
>> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the 
>> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
>> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
>> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
>> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode 
>> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees 
>> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it 
>> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 
>> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, 
>> because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike 
>> rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life 
>> is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno 
>> because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I 
>> will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 
>> takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he 
>> really wants. But as of now, he wants his new bike.
>> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would 
>> be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could 
>> be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
>> through undergrad together.
>> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college 
>> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
>> Leah
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: Please help me identify this part?

2023-08-06 Thread Bill Lindsay
Yes and no.  You can get the stem shifters as a complete setup at 
SomaFabShop for $120.  

What you have pictured is missing a lot of parts.  The shifters themselves, 
and the posts to which the shifters attach, and the square stop washers. 
 Somebody with a substantial parts-box could restore them to whole, no 
question.  The piece you have is the one unique piece.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 9:31:58 AM UTC-7 Hugh Smitham wrote:

> Thanks Joe. I figured it was a Silver. Are these even produced these days?
> Hugh
> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 11:55 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:
>> Rivendell stem mount for Silver1 shifters. Nice piece, wish I'd kept 
>> mine. 
>> [image: Screenshot_20230805_235249.jpg]
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 11:24:39 PM UTC-7 Hugh Smitham wrote:
>>> I purchased this stem shifter a while ago and never used it. I don't see 
>>> any marking either?
>>> Hugh
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: Please help me identify this part?

2023-08-06 Thread Bill Lindsay
the search terms to find the complete product would be "IRD quill stem 
shifter mount"

Here's a 

BL in EC

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:04:34 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Yes and no.  You can get the stem shifters as a complete setup at 
> SomaFabShop for $120.  
> What you have pictured is missing a lot of parts.  The shifters 
> themselves, and the posts to which the shifters attach, and the square stop 
> washers.  Somebody with a substantial parts-box could restore them to 
> whole, no question.  The piece you have is the one unique piece.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 9:31:58 AM UTC-7 Hugh Smitham wrote:
>> Thanks Joe. I figured it was a Silver. Are these even produced these days?
>> Hugh
>> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 11:55 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:
>>> Rivendell stem mount for Silver1 shifters. Nice piece, wish I'd kept 
>>> mine. 
>>> [image: Screenshot_20230805_235249.jpg]
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 11:24:39 PM UTC-7 Hugh Smitham wrote:
 I purchased this stem shifter a while ago and never used it. I don't 
 see any marking either?


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Re: [RBW] Re: Please help me identify this part?

2023-08-06 Thread Hugh Smitham
Thank you Bill.

On Sun, Aug 6, 2023, 10:05 AM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> the search terms to find the complete product would be "IRD quill stem
> shifter mount"
> Here's a link
> BL in EC
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:04:34 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Yes and no.  You can get the stem shifters as a complete setup at
>> SomaFabShop for $120.
>> What you have pictured is missing a lot of parts.  The shifters
>> themselves, and the posts to which the shifters attach, and the square stop
>> washers.  Somebody with a substantial parts-box could restore them to
>> whole, no question.  The piece you have is the one unique piece.
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 9:31:58 AM UTC-7 Hugh Smitham wrote:
>>> Thanks Joe. I figured it was a Silver. Are these even produced these
>>> days?
>>> Hugh
>>> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 11:55 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:
 Rivendell stem mount for Silver1 shifters. Nice piece, wish I'd kept

 [image: Screenshot_20230805_235249.jpg]

 On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 11:24:39 PM UTC-7 Hugh Smitham wrote:

> I purchased this stem shifter a while ago and never used it. I don't
> see any marking either?
> Hugh
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[RBW] Re: Roaduno

2023-08-06 Thread Bill Lindsay
That has got to be one of the coolest dropouts I've ever seen.  Even if I 
didn't use the Der hanger, that thing is a beaut!  The gap between that 
upper hook and the fender boss looks like a beer bottle opener to me!  I'll 
drink to that!

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 5:29:22 PM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:

> [image: b79c131c-d2e4-7454-7385-657a56268f96.jpg]
> On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 2:16:05 AM UTC-4 
> wrote:
>> I see -- in a recent interview with PathLessPedaled he mentioned that the 
>> bike he's riding most often is a 3x1 -- I'm now wondering if he's testing 
>> out the new Roaduno based on what you've described.
>> On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 9:15:07 AM UTC-5 velomann wrote:
>>> Grant wants folks to be able to run a double crankset and front 
>>> derailleur if they want. It's an odd duck for sure; 120mm rear spacing with 
>>> track dropouts but a derailleur hanger. And there might be a braze-on for 
>>> running a shift cable for a front derailleur if they can't find a good 
>>> bolt-on option.
>>> Wouldn't be my choice but I'm getting one anyway ;-)
>>> Mike M
>>> On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 5:28:39 AM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:
 Question about thatif it requires a string tensioner then what 
 makes it a singlespeed specific frame? He said it had horizontal dropouts 
 which is what would typically fix the need for a tensioner.

 On Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 11:19:40 PM UTC-4 Jason Fuller wrote:

> The PLP interview mentioned the samples coming late this month, and 
> the production frames probably pushed over new years now.  I have to say, 
> when Grant said it's essentially a singlespeed Homer, I became suddenly 
> interested. 
> On Friday, 7 July 2023 at 09:44:49 UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:
>> The mid-May Blahg did say December in purple and dark orange. Or 
>> purple and Sergio green. 
>> We will see!
>> Love the idea of it,
>> Edwin
>> On Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 5:40:16 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> The mid-May Blahg  
>>> has em 
>>> slated for December in purple and dark orange. 
>>> Mack in Alberta 
>>> On Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 4:21:05 PM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 The latest update they published was in February. saying they'd 
 ship put of Taiwan in August/September.  That same email update said 
 would be a lugged Susie shipping in June and Platypus in July.  The 
 don't seem to be here yet, so maybe push everything back a little.  
 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 1:54:59 PM UTC-7 Dick Combs wrote:

> Anyone got any news/updates on availability?

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Re: [RBW] Ride Reports (PNW and France)

2023-08-06 Thread Kyle Cotchett
Thanks Bill and Dustin! I will update this little thread as I add some more!

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 7:56 PM Bill Schaefer  wrote:

> Kyle - Enjoyed the write ups. Keep 'em coming!
> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 12:32:20 PM UTC-4 Dustin wrote:
>> Kyle,
>> Good looking site. Thanks for sharing
>> Dustin
>> On Aug 4, 2023, at 12:09 PM, Kyle Cotchett  wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> I've been messing around with writing some ride reports on my website
>> . For the
>> most part, they are around the Pacific Northwest. My girlfriend and I are
>> taking significant time off work and moved to Paris for summer/fall. We
>> brought our bikes with us, and I'll be continuing to write up some rides
>> here in France! I thought I'd share them here with ya'll to enjoy! Thanks
>> for reading!
>> -Kyle
>> --
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An urban planner of sorts

(650) 863-0925

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Re: [RBW] Ride Reports (PNW and France)

2023-08-06 Thread Kyle Cotchett
Hey John!

Someone else just messaged me too about setting up a ride while I'm
out here! It would be sweet to get a route in together. Maybe sometime in
early September?


On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:01 PM John Johnson 

> Thanks for the ride report, Kyle.
> I live not far from fontainebleau. The weather the last week or two in
> July was definitely not great. Sorry that was during your trip.
> For what it's worth, the Scandiberique route (eurovelo 3) runs right
> through the area and there are some great rides along old canal route
> paths. The portion just south of Fontainebleau (Nemours to 'Bleau) is
> really lovely.
> And open invite to anyone on the forum to look me up if you're ever in the
> region.
> Cheers,
> John
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:56:21 PM UTC+2 wrote:
>> Kyle - Enjoyed the write ups. Keep 'em coming!
>> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 12:32:20 PM UTC-4 Dustin wrote:
>>> Kyle,
>>> Good looking site. Thanks for sharing
>>> Dustin
>>> On Aug 4, 2023, at 12:09 PM, Kyle Cotchett  wrote:
>>> Hey all!
>>> I've been messing around with writing some ride reports on my website
>>> . For
>>> the most part, they are around the Pacific Northwest. My girlfriend and I
>>> are taking significant time off work and moved to Paris for summer/fall. We
>>> brought our bikes with us, and I'll be continuing to write up some rides
>>> here in France! I thought I'd share them here with ya'll to enjoy! Thanks
>>> for reading!
>>> -Kyle
>>> --
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An urban planner of sorts

(650) 863-0925

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[RBW] Re: FS: Cliffhanger Tandem/Cargo Wheelset

2023-08-06 Thread Justin Kennedy
Sorry maybe a dumb question but would these work with QR on a 56cm Susie?

On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:38:38 PM UTC-4 Bones wrote:

> Knew I'd miss something. 29ers!
> Thanks, 
> Bones
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:19:15 PM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:
>> Hi Bones, 
>> What wheel size, please?
>> -Wes
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 12:08:51 PM UTC-7 Bones wrote:
>>> I bought these from Velocity a few years ago. I replaced the front hub 
>>> with a Shimano dynamo. 40H rear, 36H front. Both rims have machined 
>>> sidewalls. The rear has a bolt-on rotor mount, the front is centerlock 
>>> (dust cover included).They are black but they have a subtle color to them, 
>>> can't quite explain it. I think they look cool. Hopefully the pictures show 
>>> it. They haven't seen all that much use. Skewers included. $400 shipped (or 
>>> best offer) lower 48.
>>> [image: wheels01.jpg][image: wheels02.jpg][image: wheels03.jpg][image: 
>>> wheels04.jpg]
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bones

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Re: [RBW] Re: ISO Roadini...or?

2023-08-06 Thread danielle da cruz
Congrats, Johnny! Excited to see what you do with it.

On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:43:07 AM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> The Roadini frames were in stock long enough to tempt me into getting one. 
> Dark gold one coming my way.
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:49:40 AM UTC-4 Ryan wrote:
>> Garth, FWIW I really like those VO Grand Cru calipers. I replaced a set 
>> of Record 80's calipers/brake levers with Grand Crus and the TRP levers 
>> someone posted about recently and it's a combo I've been really happy 
>> with.If it matters, a number of years ago in *Bicycle Quarterly* Jan 
>> Heine did an extensive and favorable review of this brakeset ...not sure if 
>> it's available online or not. But to my mind they really work 
>> well...although I admit I don't live in the mountains. They're good-looking 
>> brakes as well.$175 per set does not seem unreasonable
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 6:18:36 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:
>>> I have no idea where the frames are being made or any of the other 
>>> particulars beyond what was printed by VO. Taiwan is likely of course as I 
>>> think that's where they have the majority of the business relationships. 
>>> I'm eager to try their Grand Cru calipers too. I've never used any caliper 
>>> besides a Suntour somethingoranother in the 70's and Campy Record of the 
>>> 80's. 
>>> The main difference with the VO and the Riv models is one of how the 
>>> rider is positioned over the BB. The VO is much more body forward, with a 
>>> steeper seat tube angle(73.5 vs. 72), and notably more reach and longer 
>>> font end. Also more fork rake, less trail, around 51 think, and a higher 
>>> BB, all of which suits me. 
>>> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 5:42:04 PM UTC-4 jrst wrote:
>>> Garth, looks really nice. Are they made in Taiwan? Enjoy 
>>> On Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 4:09 PM Garth  wrote:
>>> I pre-ordered the VO Rando today. Through the 6th the frames are 
>>> discounted 20% for pre-orders.  I hadn't even been aware of them. Road bike 
>>> heaven, Yippee ! 
>>> I finally got the drop bars on my Franklin and I had forgotten how much 
>>> I love riding them, so I'm going the exact opposite of what Riv is doing, 
>>> I'm all in on going back to pure road bikes. 

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Re: [RBW] FS: EVERYTHING! Lots of parts and tools

2023-08-06 Thread twowheeledtexan
Thanks everyone for the response, I've cleared out a bunch of stuff. If 
you've paid and haven't gotten your package or a tracking number from me, 
either email me or just be patient I assure you it's coming, I sent out 
close to 30 packages this week. I'm attaching an updated list of what's 
still available, I'll take reasonable offers on anything. I also added a 
few tools and other miscellaneous stuff. The original link for pics should 
have it all. 

I was surprised by the amount of responses for some of the items. Seems 
like everyone wanted the Suntour thumbies and the Paul Racers. I hope you 
all got something to bring you happiness, and I thank you all for helping 
my family and I transition to a new life. Cheers!




*Threaded stems:*

Nitto forged Tallux I believe 25.4x110 150mm min insertion $60

Discord Fingerling 70mmx31.8  $120 


*Threadless stems:*

VO 25.4x80 $25

Soma 25.4x100 $20

Nitto UI85EX 26x60 $80

Dimension 31.8x100 $5 or free with any other purchase

FSA 31.8x90 $10


*Brake levers:*

Shimano BL-R550 2 sets black $30 each

Sunrace no markings on them but I believe they’re the V brake model that 
Riv used to sell $30

Dia Compe short pull $10

TRP RRL Black $60

TRP RRL Gum $80

Gevenalle GX 10 spd Shimano mtn short/long pull compatible $120

Gevenalle/Retroshift 9spd Shimano short pull $110



Avid, vintage I think? $80 

Tektro R539 med reach $50

Tektro R559 long reach $50 


*Brake pads:* All sets $5 each or free with another purchase

Hayes MX-5 

Sram Elixir

Shimano inserts



Silver downtube $40

Shimano bar end pods 2 sets, one set without washers but I’ll give you the 
dt washers shown next to them and you can file off the tabs if you want. $20 

Shimano SL-M780 3x10 $30




Deore RD-M591 9 spd black $30

Deore RD-T610 10spd $30

XT RD-M772 10 spd $40

Deore FD-T610 $20

Claris FD-2400 clamp $20



Bosco heat treated aluminum 1 set 25.4x58 $100, 

Albatross steel 1 set 25.4x 55 $60 

Crust towel rack 660x26 $100

Nitto noodles M177 46x26 $40

Spank flare 52x31.8 $100

Jones bars 1 set $50 



Whiskey No. 7 carbon 31.6x400 $40

Ritchey comp 27.2x400 $20

Silver unmarked prob Kalloy 27.2x250 $10



Brooks B17 good condition black $100

Brooks B17 more broken in black $80

B17S brown $100



One big one, probably like the clem basket, no struts and it’s a little 
beat and smooshed but works fine. $15



Shimano CS5700 11-28 10spd $10

Shimano HG2019 11-36 9 spd NIB $30 



Sugino XD2 double 172.5mm $40

Ultegra FC6800 11 spd 50x34 175mm $80



Sackville large almost new $160

Carradice small and very used but still has life left $20



B&M IQX 2 sets, I believe the wire is uncut $120 each

B&M secula taillights 1 stay mount $20

B&M Eyc T Senso plus uncut wires $30 each 



CBP-5 Campy power torque crank adapter  $20

WAG-4 Wheel alignment gauge $35

Cone wrench set 13-24mm $40



Shimano SPD $20

Shimano road $20

VP 1 sets $30  



Make an offer on any of this



White Industries 38T $30

Silver unmarked 110x34 ramped and pinned $10

Wolf Tooth 104BCD 32T $15

Unmarked 74BCDx34T $10

Unmarked 74BCDx30T $10

Shimano 64BCDx27T $8

Sugino 74BCDx24T one new, one used $15, $10


Paul Melvin single speed tensioner silver, new in box $100

Campy Veloce rear derailleur black 10spd medium cage, new in box $80


I don’t remember the sizes of these BB, if you tell me what to measure I 

White Industries Titanium BB $40

Phil BB $35

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 5:00:12 PM UTC-5 Dustin wrote:

> Hi, Aaron
> Congrats on the sale of the century!   If you have any of the following 
> left, I’ll take it!
> Nitto Technomic 26x70 150mm min insert 
> Downtube boss covers and barrel adjusters
> Thanks
> D in VA
> On Jul 28, 2023, at 2:27 PM, twowheeledtexan  wrote:
> I'm moving and clearing out a bunch of stuff I've been hoarding. Prices 
> are shipped, PP or Venmo, you pay the fees or friends and family. Discounts 
> for multiple things, the more you buy the better so I don't have to ship 
> multiple little things. If you don't like the price just make a reasonable 
> offer. The pics should go along with the list hopefully. I'm in NW Indiana 
> an hour from Chicago if you really wanted to come pick something up. I'll 
> also be listing a few bikes soon. Please just message or email me instead 
> of crowding the forum with responses.
> Bike parts listed in general from top left of picture down to bottom 
> right. Everything is used and in good condition unless otherwise mentioned 
> or New In Box.
> *Threaded stems:*
> Nitto forged Tallux I believe 25.4x110 150mm min insertion $60
> Nitto Technomic 26x100 150mm min

[RBW] Re: FS: 26.0 Albastache, ENE Stem, Avocet Air O2 Saddle

2023-08-06 Thread Sean Steinle
SOLD as a package, thanks RBW

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 12:29:00 PM UTC-5 Sean Steinle wrote:

> All prices shipped CONUS. Items have been previously used and show wear 
> but are in good condition.
> Nitto RM017 Albastache 26.0 - $80
> ENE Gran Compe 80mm 26.0 Stem - $20 ($10 if purchased with the bars)
> Avocet O2 Air 40m Saddle (Ti rails) - $30
> Thanks,
> Sean in Kansas

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[RBW] Re: Comfy aluminum frames?

2023-08-06 Thread Nick Payne
As I said in another thread (, 
modern aluminium frames can be quite comfortable. Last week I did back to 
back rides on successive days over the same chipseal roads on that Al bike 
and on my Riv custom. I can't say that the Riv felt any more comfortable or 
better handling. The Al frame was running Conti GP Urbans and the Riv Rene 
Herse Bon Jon Pass, both nominally 35mm tyres.

Nick Payne

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[RBW] Re: Atlas tubeless?

2023-08-06 Thread Jamie W
I remember when Stan's was first coming out/gaining popularity the rep came 
by the shop and set up a whole bunch of old rims tubeless. These were just 
any old rims kicking around the back. As mentioned the tape prevents air 
loss through the spoke drilling. Modern rims and tires have a much better 
or secure fit out the box, but again, this can be fudged with additional 
tape to build the "shelf". People have great luck with Gorilla tape as a 
cheaper alternative. I think it's good to play around with the system to 
help demystify the workings. Worse case it isn't for you on you need to 
clean a bit of tape glue. 

As someone without an air compressor, a helpful trick I use is to seat the 
majority of the tire on the rim before inflating. You are essentially using 
a tire lever to pretend to pull the tire out of the rim while using your 
thumb behind it to prevent it from actually popping off, therefore pulling 
the bead into the shelf or hook. Say the valve is at 12 o'clock, start at 
maybe 2 and go clockwise until at least 2/3rds of the tire is seated. The 
1/3rd of the tire near the valve will be "loose" and sitting in the channel 
of the rim while the rest of the tire be fully set in the rim hook. I've 
had luck setting up tubeless with a hand pump using this method. 

I'm guessing you aren't using the hunk for bike park riding or aggressive 
low psi road ride descending. It should be fine for most riding or at least 
until new rims arrive. 
Bt I'm giving advice over the internet, so I'll add; maybe or who 

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 9:56:53 PM UTC-7 Jay Lonner wrote:

> My Big Bens are nearing end of life and I’m curious about setting up my 
> Hunq tubeless. But I have Atlas rims, which Velocity says is a no-go. 
> However if you scroll through the comments on this article, John Watson 
> from the Radavist says they set up nicely:
> So why would I want to do this? Mostly to get experience working with 
> tubeless setups. My full-squish MTB and gravel/bikepacking rig are 
> tubeless, and if/when I encounter issues with either of them (esp. if I’m 
> in a remote locale) I’d like to have some hands-on knowledge with 
> troubleshooting tubeless systems. I already have an air compressor, so 
> basically for the cost of some tape and sealant I’d be good to go.
> Anybody have experience with making non-tubeless rims play nicely 
> tubeless? Tips or tricks to share? Or is it just a bad idea, and should I 
> resign myself to getting some new wheels built with Cliffhangers? I’d hate 
> to have the Hunq out of commission that long, but if I timed it to coincide 
> with out-of-town travel it probably wouldn’t be that big a deal.
> One last question — Cliffhangers are wider than Atlases by about 4.6 mm. 
> How would that affect fender clearance? My intuition is that wider rims 
> should result in a flatter tire arc, and potentially make it possible to go 
> slightly wider if I wanted to. I have 50s now, and would like to be able to 
> move up to 55s or even 60s.
> Jay Lonner
> Bellingham, WA

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Re: [RBW] Re: Tried and liked: Suntour Cyclone pretzel

2023-08-06 Thread JohnS
Awesome news Eric, glad to hear you're Hillborne is back on the road!


On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 5:17:41 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> After twenty miles today with no chain jumping I'm calling this solved. 
> [image: sh.jpg]
> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:42:39 AM UTC-4 Stephen wrote:
>> huzzah!
>> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:12:15 AM UTC-4 
>> wrote:
>>> What a great outcome 
>>> On Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 10:09 AM Eric Marth  wrote:
 Thanks, Ryan and Danny. Just rode another 3 miles on a quick bank 
 errand, no skips. Will have to try a longer ride when it dries out. 

 Also installed a Brooks Pro I purchased from Two Wheeled Texan's Grand 
 Relocation Parts Blowout and I liked it! 

 On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 10:15:42 PM UTC-4 Ryan wrote:

> Glad this saga had a happy ending!I bet you're relieved
> On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 8:20:22 PM UTC-5 Danny wrote:
>> Ooops, didn't see your update just before I posted. Glad you got it 
>> worked out!
>> On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 8:16:54 PM UTC-5 Danny wrote:
>>> I'm curious to hear what ends up resolving the issue. I hope it's as 
>>> easy as a new cassette, but I'm most intrigued by it being related to 
>>> the 
>>> elongated hole.
>>> Re: alignment tools, after borrowing my friend's Park DAG a handful 
>>> of times over a few months, I decided to buy my own tool. Ended up with 
>>> the 
>>> Wolf Tooth one that Stephen linked to. Have only used it once so far, 
>>> but I 
>>> found it to work quite well. Doesn't take up much room in the drawer, 
>>> and I 
>>> don't have to endure the frequent screeching of metal sliding on metal 
>>> that 
>>> I experienced with the Park tool.
>>> -Danny
>>> On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:52 PM Eric Marth  wrote:
 George: Thanks for reading along! Yes, the Helicoil seems like a 
 more robust solution, I agree. 

 Jason: Noted! If only Riv would bring back those beefy headset 
 presses they got a super limited run of a few years ago. Never need 
 but... they seemed awesome. 

 On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 8:21:45 PM UTC-4 Jason Fuller wrote:

> Eric, you've *got* to get a DAG alignment tool!  The heavy steel 
> one, avoid the new lighter one. It's a must have for the home 
> mechanic of 
> fine steel frames that do not have replaceable hangers.  I use it 
> every 
> time the derailleur is pulled off for any reason, or if I'm having 
> any 
> stubborn shifting issue - it's amazing how often it's just because 
> the 
> alignment was out slightly. 
> On Thursday, 3 August 2023 at 12:17:13 UTC-7 George Schick wrote:
>> This is one of the more interesting posts/threads having to do 
>> with bike repairs that has come along in awhile (with no intention 
>> to 
>> downplay the unfortunate accident!).  I like the final post about a 
>> Helicoil or dropout saver recommendation.  My own preference would 
>> likely 
>> be the Helicoil because you have to tap in new larger diameter 
>> threads in 
>> order to install the coil, which seems like it would stabilize the 
>> damaged 
>> hanger better.  Having view the dropout saver at the Wheels Mfg. 
>> website, 
>> I'm not sure how well that would work in this case.
>> On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 1:21:37 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> Further ideas: Antonio at Riv suggested getting a Helicoil tool 
>>> in the M10x1.0 size to repair the bolt hole. Brian Chapman 
>>> recommended 
>>> installing a Wheels Mfg. dropout saver. Either would attempt to 
>>> repair the 
>>> bolt hole. 
>>> I'm open to trying either of those fixes as well. 
>>> On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 2:17:55 PM UTC-4 Eric Marth wrote:
 Thanks for the replies, everyone. 

 A few asked about the chain jumping/skipping/slipping. When the 
 chain is under load it slips or clunks repeatedly. It's kind of 
 like when 
 you're in the wrong gear and you need to trim the gear to get it 
 right. But 
 no amount of trimming is fixing the issue. 

 I've tried three different derailers, same problem. The 
 cassette was new in summer of 2022 and I haven't ridden in the 
 three big 
 gears enough to wear out the teeth of the cogs. It's an S-Ride 7s 
 Rivendell, it's an 11-3

[RBW] Re: FS: Cliffhanger Tandem/Cargo Wheelset

2023-08-06 Thread Bones
Yes. A 56 Susie takes a 29" tire. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.


On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 3:25:56 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> Sorry maybe a dumb question but would these work with QR on a 56cm Susie?
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:38:38 PM UTC-4 Bones wrote:
>> Knew I'd miss something. 29ers!
>> Thanks, 
>> Bones
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:19:15 PM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:
>>> Hi Bones, 
>>> What wheel size, please?
>>> -Wes
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 12:08:51 PM UTC-7 Bones wrote:
 I bought these from Velocity a few years ago. I replaced the front hub 
 with a Shimano dynamo. 40H rear, 36H front. Both rims have machined 
 sidewalls. The rear has a bolt-on rotor mount, the front is centerlock 
 (dust cover included).They are black but they have a subtle color to them, 
 can't quite explain it. I think they look cool. Hopefully the pictures 
 it. They haven't seen all that much use. Skewers included. $400 shipped 
 best offer) lower 48.

 [image: wheels01.jpg][image: wheels02.jpg][image: wheels03.jpg][image: 


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[RBW] Re: FS: Cliffhanger Tandem/Cargo Wheelset

2023-08-06 Thread Wesley
Tandem rear wheels typically have 145mm spacing, wider than the typical 
135mm spacing of non-tandem rear wheels, and closer to modern "fat bikes". 
Some adaptation may be possible, I don't know.

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 3:21:26 PM UTC-7 Bones wrote:

> Yes. A 56 Susie takes a 29" tire. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.
> Bones
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 3:25:56 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>> Sorry maybe a dumb question but would these work with QR on a 56cm Susie?
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:38:38 PM UTC-4 Bones wrote:
>>> Knew I'd miss something. 29ers!
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Bones
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:19:15 PM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:
 Hi Bones, 
 What wheel size, please?

 On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 12:08:51 PM UTC-7 Bones wrote:

> I bought these from Velocity a few years ago. I replaced the front hub 
> with a Shimano dynamo. 40H rear, 36H front. Both rims have machined 
> sidewalls. The rear has a bolt-on rotor mount, the front is centerlock 
> (dust cover included).They are black but they have a subtle color to 
> them, 
> can't quite explain it. I think they look cool. Hopefully the pictures 
> show 
> it. They haven't seen all that much use. Skewers included. $400 shipped 
> (or 
> best offer) lower 48.
> [image: wheels01.jpg][image: wheels02.jpg][image: wheels03.jpg][image: 
> wheels04.jpg]
> Thanks,
> Bones

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[RBW] Re: FS 53 Susie Longbolts

2023-08-06 Thread Andrew Huston
Bump on this. 

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 9:30:06 PM UTC-4 Andrew Huston wrote:

> On Saturday, July 22, 2023 at 6:43:18 PM UTC-4 Andrew Huston wrote:
>> Really a wonderful bike but I continually find I need to explore new 
>> bikes. Its my hobby, what can I say?
>> Beautiful gold Susie with a nice build is on the block. 
>> Velocity Cliffhanger rims laced to Deore hubs, Terravail Ehline 2.5 tan 
>> wall
>> Deore 11 speed RD, shifter, and cassette
>> Middleburn crank 36T ring
>> Kalloy post
>> Velo Orange Siene bars with a Jim stem 80mm
>> Also have a set of Rambler bars 
>> Looking for $2700 plus packing and shipping cost. Located in Michigan. 
>> I will add photos when I get to my personal computer otherwise shoot me 
>> an email or text and I can get those to you. 
>> Andrew
>> 810-841-4396 <(810)%20841-4396>

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[RBW] Re: FS: Cliffhanger Tandem/Cargo Wheelset

2023-08-06 Thread Bones
Appreciate the input. To clarify: the wheels will work on any frame with 
100/135 spacing. I used them on my Clem for a bit and they worked great.


On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6:34:29 PM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:

> Tandem rear wheels typically have 145mm spacing, wider than the typical 
> 135mm spacing of non-tandem rear wheels, and closer to modern "fat bikes". 
> Some adaptation may be possible, I don't know.
> -Wes
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 3:21:26 PM UTC-7 Bones wrote:
>> Yes. A 56 Susie takes a 29" tire. Somebody please correct me if I am 
>> wrong.
>> Bones
>> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 3:25:56 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>>> Sorry maybe a dumb question but would these work with QR on a 56cm Susie?
>>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:38:38 PM UTC-4 Bones wrote:
 Knew I'd miss something. 29ers!


 On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 7:19:15 PM UTC-4 Wesley wrote:

> Hi Bones, 
> What wheel size, please?
> -Wes
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 12:08:51 PM UTC-7 Bones wrote:
>> I bought these from Velocity a few years ago. I replaced the front 
>> hub with a Shimano dynamo. 40H rear, 36H front. Both rims have machined 
>> sidewalls. The rear has a bolt-on rotor mount, the front is centerlock 
>> (dust cover included).They are black but they have a subtle color to 
>> them, 
>> can't quite explain it. I think they look cool. Hopefully the pictures 
>> show 
>> it. They haven't seen all that much use. Skewers included. $400 shipped 
>> (or 
>> best offer) lower 48.
>> [image: wheels01.jpg][image: wheels02.jpg][image: wheels03.jpg][image: 
>> wheels04.jpg]
>> Thanks,
>> Bones

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Re: [RBW] My first Rivendell/My first post

2023-08-06 Thread alan lavine
I have one of those 3 pulley derailers also but haven't used it. What's the 

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 4:53:07 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Anthony, welcome, and kudos on the nice Ram. I owned a second-generation 
> blue Ram and it was a very nice bike; I sold it because I already had a 
> couple of Riv road customs and it was surplus to requirements, but it was a 
> delightfully comfortable and pleasantly handling bike, particularly when, 
> after I discovered modern sealants, I was able to swap the 35 mm Kojaks 
> (not bad, not bad) for blissfully smooth and fast first-ed Paris Roubaix 
> "open tubulars."
> Curious, so question for all: I am familiar with the original orange Rams 
> and the second-gen blue ones; when did Rivendell make green ones? When I 
> first saw your photo I immediately thought, "Quickbeam," tho' of course 
> your bike does not have the signature QB decals.
> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 11:55 AM Anthony Beauchemin  
> wrote:
>> Hi All! My name is Anthony and I've been a member of this group for a 
>> couple years now, but have never actually posted.
>> I just got my first Rivendell and that seemed like a good first post! 
>> It's a green Rambouillet and I'm stoked. The first time I ever saw a Riv 
>> was in 2007/8 when I bought a saddle off Craigslist and the seller rolled 
>> up on an orange Ram. It feels fitting that my first, and maybe only...who 
>> knows, Rivendell would be a Rambouillet. While I built it with stuff I had 
>> laying around, I took this opportunity to get a Suntour 3 pulley 
>> derailleur. Like the Riv, I always wanted one and now I have it! [image: 
>> IMG-5532.jpg]
>> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .
> -- 
> ---
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Leah Peterson
Lots of good points were made here, and I’m grateful you took the time, All. We still have a year left with our son, and the Clem will hopefully get lots of use here, for now. One of the Riv Riders on this forum is a professor at our university of choice (no, we aren’t certain my son is going there yet) and he gives some good marks regarding bike culture and theft there. So, lots to think about.Meanwhile, we’re prettying the bike up with some colorful parts and planning an adventure or two with it.Thanks again!LeahOn Aug 6, 2023, at 12:50 PM, Ryan  wrote:What others have saidBUT a Clem could go to college an ideal worldIf he's living on-campus they're not going to fuss if he brings it inside his room at night to avoid leaving it locked up outside and creating ample opportrunity for theft...and maybe don't take the Clem bar-hoppingIf the college is car-free maybe they have some sort of infrastructure set up for secure bike locking on campus...maybe there's some student-driven bike valet system...or your son could find like-minded folks on-campus to initiate something like that for secure lockup at the library or class buildings. Where I live in Winnipeg, the University of Winnipeg even has indoor locking facilities for a fee...but it's a downtown campus with a small footprint; you can easily hoof it from class to class. A large state campus, I imagine, not so muchIn the absence of things like this , I'm afraid , a stealth beater that's actually fun to ride is the way to goOn Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 11:27:14 AM UTC-5 Eric Daume wrote:I'm going to join the majority and say don't send the Clem to college. IF* your boy needs a bike at school, buy a cheap hybrid, new or used. Bike shops are desperate to sell anything right now, and the used market is also oversaturated. *It's been a long time since I was at college, but even as a bike loving kid, I didn't ride my bike to classes. Too much hassle, too much risk. It was easier to navigate crowded campus paths by walking, even though I had one or two bikes tucked into my tiny dorm room.EricPlain City, OHOn Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 10:56 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!  wrote:It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who doesn’t ride, sigh). My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of saying… Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he really wants. But as of now, he wants his new bike.I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey through undergrad together.I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…Leah

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Re: [RBW] Re: Atlas tubeless?

2023-08-06 Thread Ted W
Here is a link to the video that helped me understand the floor pump method
of seating a tubeless bead that Jamie described (quite well, I might add).
Jump to the 2:50 mark for the relevant bits:

On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:08 PM Jamie W  wrote:

> I remember when Stan's was first coming out/gaining popularity the rep
> came by the shop and set up a whole bunch of old rims tubeless. These were
> just any old rims kicking around the back. As mentioned the tape prevents
> air loss through the spoke drilling. Modern rims and tires have a much
> better or secure fit out the box, but again, this can be fudged with
> additional tape to build the "shelf". People have great luck with Gorilla
> tape as a cheaper alternative. I think it's good to play around with the
> system to help demystify the workings. Worse case it isn't for you on you
> need to clean a bit of tape glue.
> As someone without an air compressor, a helpful trick I use is to seat the
> majority of the tire on the rim before inflating. You are essentially using
> a tire lever to pretend to pull the tire out of the rim while using your
> thumb behind it to prevent it from actually popping off, therefore pulling
> the bead into the shelf or hook. Say the valve is at 12 o'clock, start at
> maybe 2 and go clockwise until at least 2/3rds of the tire is seated. The
> 1/3rd of the tire near the valve will be "loose" and sitting in the channel
> of the rim while the rest of the tire be fully set in the rim hook. I've
> had luck setting up tubeless with a hand pump using this method.
> I'm guessing you aren't using the hunk for bike park riding or aggressive
> low psi road ride descending. It should be fine for most riding or at least
> until new rims arrive.
> Bt I'm giving advice over the internet, so I'll add; maybe or who
> knows??
> On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 9:56:53 PM UTC-7 Jay Lonner wrote:
>> My Big Bens are nearing end of life and I’m curious about setting up my
>> Hunq tubeless. But I have Atlas rims, which Velocity says is a no-go.
>> However if you scroll through the comments on this article, John Watson
>> from the Radavist says they set up nicely:
>> So why would I want to do this? Mostly to get experience working with
>> tubeless setups. My full-squish MTB and gravel/bikepacking rig are
>> tubeless, and if/when I encounter issues with either of them (esp. if I’m
>> in a remote locale) I’d like to have some hands-on knowledge with
>> troubleshooting tubeless systems. I already have an air compressor, so
>> basically for the cost of some tape and sealant I’d be good to go.
>> Anybody have experience with making non-tubeless rims play nicely
>> tubeless? Tips or tricks to share? Or is it just a bad idea, and should I
>> resign myself to getting some new wheels built with Cliffhangers? I’d hate
>> to have the Hunq out of commission that long, but if I timed it to coincide
>> with out-of-town travel it probably wouldn’t be that big a deal.
>> One last question — Cliffhangers are wider than Atlases by about 4.6 mm.
>> How would that affect fender clearance? My intuition is that wider rims
>> should result in a flatter tire arc, and potentially make it possible to go
>> slightly wider if I wanted to. I have 50s now, and would like to be able to
>> move up to 55s or even 60s.
>> Jay Lonner
>> Bellingham, WA
> --
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> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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> To view this discussion on the web visit
> .
Ted Wood < >

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[RBW] Re: A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Roberta
This is really tough.  A lot has to do with where he is going and how much 
he will be using the bike.  Someone above said to get the lay of the land 
before deciding.  I kept my bike vertical in my dorm room, but it was 
outside and locked up when I went to work or class; even a long bike like 
his doesn't need to take up that much room (or keep it behind the bed).
Johnny above said that the Clem L will be too long for bus racks.  I can 
attest that my 55cm Platypus is too long for bus racks and Amtrak, if he 
needs those transportation options.  From a purely logical perspective, get 
a beater.

However, I know you (and you'll have to ask your son).  How much joy is he 
going to get riding a nice bike to class and thinking of his grandfather 
when he does?  How much will he be heartbroken IF the bike disappears?  If 
a lot of joy, get him Dynolights so you'll know he's able to be seen, 
Hexlocks on the wheel set, saddle and seat post and two really good 
U-locks.  Take the bags off the bike when parked.  Teach him good and bad 
ways to lock up the bike. Show him what to look for (like unbolted bike 
stands and cut thru lock-to bars). Get good pictures of it and register for 
it on bike registry sites.  Hide an air tag.   Just make it harder to 

Although I'm sure you'll be heartbroken IF the bike disappears, since it 
was your Dad's originally, you can physically replace it. 


On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:54:39 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college 
> in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, 
> bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up 
> riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, 
> and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I 
> lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the 
> bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of 
> saying… 
> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if 
> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into 
> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno 
> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the 
> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode 
> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees 
> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it 
> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 
> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, because 
> it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike rack - and 
> I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life is totally 
> unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno because the 
> kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I will not sleep 
> at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 takes 700c, so I 
> don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he really wants. But 
> as of now, he wants his new bike.
> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would 
> be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could 
> be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
> through undergrad together.
> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college 
> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
> Leah

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[RBW] Re: My first Rivendell/My first post

2023-08-06 Thread Roberta

Congratulations!  You'll be riding it more than you ever though you would.  
Rivs ride so nice and are so much fun.


On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 1:55:53 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> Hi All! My name is Anthony and I've been a member of this group for a 
> couple years now, but have never actually posted.
> I just got my first Rivendell and that seemed like a good first post! It's 
> a green Rambouillet and I'm stoked. The first time I ever saw a Riv was in 
> 2007/8 when I bought a saddle off Craigslist and the seller rolled up on an 
> orange Ram. It feels fitting that my first, and maybe only...who knows, 
> Rivendell would be a Rambouillet. While I built it with stuff I had laying 
> around, I took this opportunity to get a Suntour 3 pulley derailleur. Like 
> the Riv, I always wanted one and now I have it! [image: IMG-5532.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: Riv Riders Interactive Map is Live!

2023-08-06 Thread Roberta
My pin is in Philadelphia, PA!  I don't see it, so I'm guessing you either 
approve, or it takes a bit to update.

Thank you, John.


On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 3:59:58 PM UTC-5 John Rinker wrote:

> The Map of Riv Riders is ready!* Thanks to Dave's example of the 'Unicycle 
> Community Map' I've put together a similar interactive map that Riv Riders 
> can now populate with your location. 
> As mentioned, the purpose of this map is to help Riv riders find each 
> other, connect and plan rides.
> Here's a link to the site:
> Map of Rivendell Riders 
> There is a Google form registration that, once completed and manually 
> updated by me, will put a pin of your location on the map. 
> You can 'drop' this pin in a couple of ways:
> 1. Provide your address
> 2. Provide a random address in your city or town
> 3. Provide map coordinates (latitude, longitude)
> Check it out and if it seems interesting to you then register and wait for 
> your pin to show up. 
> Cheers, John
> *I'll call it a beta version because I just learned how to connect Google 
> forms, maps, and sites together. Seems to work well though.

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[RBW] Re: FS 53 Susie Longbolts

2023-08-06 Thread Valerie Yates
I'm surprised this hasn't sold. I had been watching and waiting since they 
were announced for a medium to come up for sale used. I finally found one 
locally earlier this summer. Like my Gus, it is a wildly fun bike to ride. 
I am almost tempted to have multiple Susie's with different set-ups but 
really someone else should buy this and see what it is like.  Maybe if you 
created a google or flikr photo album, people would have more chance to see 
it in detail and appreciate it. 

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 5:10:07 PM UTC-6 Andrew Huston wrote:

> Bump on this. 
> On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 9:30:06 PM UTC-4 Andrew Huston wrote:
>> On Saturday, July 22, 2023 at 6:43:18 PM UTC-4 Andrew Huston wrote:
>>> Really a wonderful bike but I continually find I need to explore new 
>>> bikes. Its my hobby, what can I say?
>>> Beautiful gold Susie with a nice build is on the block. 
>>> Velocity Cliffhanger rims laced to Deore hubs, Terravail Ehline 2.5 tan 
>>> wall
>>> Deore 11 speed RD, shifter, and cassette
>>> Middleburn crank 36T ring
>>> Kalloy post
>>> Velo Orange Siene bars with a Jim stem 80mm
>>> Also have a set of Rambler bars 
>>> Looking for $2700 plus packing and shipping cost. Located in Michigan. 
>>> I will add photos when I get to my personal computer otherwise shoot me 
>>> an email or text and I can get those to you. 
>>> Andrew
>>> 810-841-4396 <(810)%20841-4396>

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[RBW] Re: A College Clem

2023-08-06 Thread Ryan
One thing, Leah...and believe me ,no offense meant, but I know your 
penchant for pretty things😊 If that bike goes to college, you might want 
to dial down the bling. Just sayin'. In this wicked world, it's stressful 
owning nice things. Your son SHOULD be able to ride his lovely Clem to 
college, but I would just hate to think of it being stolen  for both your 
sakes. Especially given the history of the bikeso I'm leaning into the 
nice but understated beater more and more...worked for me when I was still 
commuting before I retired. My beater was the old battle-scarred, but still 
elegant PX-10

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:36:41 PM UTC-5 Roberta wrote:

> This is really tough.  A lot has to do with where he is going and how much 
> he will be using the bike.  Someone above said to get the lay of the land 
> before deciding.  I kept my bike vertical in my dorm room, but it was 
> outside and locked up when I went to work or class; even a long bike like 
> his doesn't need to take up that much room (or keep it behind the bed).
> Johnny above said that the Clem L will be too long for bus racks.  I can 
> attest that my 55cm Platypus is too long for bus racks and Amtrak, if he 
> needs those transportation options.  From a purely logical perspective, get 
> a beater.
> However, I know you (and you'll have to ask your son).  How much joy is he 
> going to get riding a nice bike to class and thinking of his grandfather 
> when he does?  How much will he be heartbroken IF the bike disappears?  If 
> a lot of joy, get him Dynolights so you'll know he's able to be seen, 
> Hexlocks on the wheel set, saddle and seat post and two really good 
> U-locks.  Take the bags off the bike when parked.  Teach him good and bad 
> ways to lock up the bike. Show him what to look for (like unbolted bike 
> stands and cut thru lock-to bars). Get good pictures of it and register for 
> it on bike registry sites.  Hide an air tag.   Just make it harder to 
> steal.   
> Although I'm sure you'll be heartbroken IF the bike disappears, since it 
> was your Dad's originally, you can physically replace it. 
> Roberta
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:54:39 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> It nearly kills me to say it, but my older son will be heading to college 
>> in a year. Freshman aren’t to bring cars to campus, so that leaves buses, 
>> bikes, and your own two feet for transportation. My boys have grown up 
>> riding Clem Hs; this son rides a 52 cm cast-off from my husband (who 
>> doesn’t ride, sigh). 
>> My 6’3” Dad had a blue 59 cm Clem on order when he died suddenly in 2020, 
>> and his blue Clem has sat, boxed, waiting for my boy to grow into it. I 
>> lugged the gargantuan box up from the basement last week to see how if the 
>> bike would fit. “Now that I’ve obtained optimal height,” my son is fond of 
>> saying… 
>> Anyway, he’s 6’1” now (likely still growing) and I need him to decide if 
>> he wants to stick with his old Clem H (that he was fond of) or settle into 
>> this Clem L. Because whichever bike he chooses is getting new wheels, dyno 
>> and fenders and going to college with him. At first he was opposed to the 
>> idea of a new Clem; he liked his old Clem, thought it looked cool. But 
>> after the - as he calls it - Big Bike was assembled, he really began to 
>> like it. “It looks elegant,” he said. It really does, all long and lithe, 
>> in blue and silver. He put his saddle and bags on the bike and we test rode 
>> it tonight. He said, “I am really liking the Big Bike. I like that my knees 
>> don’t have anything to hit (geez, were his knees hitting his bars?!) and it 
>> looks elegant. It feels more at home now that I have my old saddle on it.” 
>> I have mixed feelings about sending him to college with this bike, 
>> because it’s so nice. I also doubt he’ll be able to get it on a bus bike 
>> rack - and I have no idea how often he will want to do that. His bike life 
>> is totally unknown at this point. All I know is that I’m getting him dyno 
>> because the kid has never remembered to charge a light in his LIFE and I 
>> will not sleep at night without it.The 52 takes 650b wheels and the 59 
>> takes 700c, so I don’t want to buy the wheels until I know which bike he 
>> really wants. But as of now, he wants his new bike.
>> I know people will say we should just get a beater. I know why that would 
>> be advisable, but I also hate to think of a Clem languishing when it could 
>> be serving a noble purpose. I’d love for him and his Clem to journey 
>> through undergrad together.
>> I am wondering…has anyone gone to college or sent their kid to college 
>> with a Clem? What do you have to say about it? Photos in the next post…
>> Leah

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[RBW] Re: Riv Riders Interactive Map is Live!

2023-08-06 Thread John Rinker
Hello Roberta,

Thanks for adding your pin. It is now updated. You are correct- as the map 
is, I have to manually update it when new data is added. Care to upload a 
photo of your beautiful purple Riv? I just read in Leah's post that your 
bike once slid down a rock face. Ouch!

Cheers, John

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6:48:18 PM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:

> My pin is in Philadelphia, PA!  I don't see it, so I'm guessing you either 
> approve, or it takes a bit to update.
> Thank you, John.
> Roberta
> On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 3:59:58 PM UTC-5 John Rinker wrote:
>> The Map of Riv Riders is ready!* Thanks to Dave's example of the 
>> 'Unicycle Community Map' I've put together a similar interactive map that 
>> Riv Riders can now populate with your location. 
>> As mentioned, the purpose of this map is to help Riv riders find each 
>> other, connect and plan rides.
>> Here's a link to the site:
>> Map of Rivendell Riders 
>> There is a Google form registration that, once completed and manually 
>> updated by me, will put a pin of your location on the map. 
>> You can 'drop' this pin in a couple of ways:
>> 1. Provide your address
>> 2. Provide a random address in your city or town
>> 3. Provide map coordinates (latitude, longitude)
>> Check it out and if it seems interesting to you then register and wait 
>> for your pin to show up. 
>> Cheers, John
>> *I'll call it a beta version because I just learned how to connect Google 
>> forms, maps, and sites together. Seems to work well though.

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[RBW] Re: My first Rivendell/My first post

2023-08-06 Thread Anthony Beauchemin
Thanks, y'all! I took it out for a longish ride yesterday and it did not 

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6:38:57 PM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:

> Anthony,
> Congratulations!  You'll be riding it more than you ever though you 
> would.  Rivs ride so nice and are so much fun.
> Roberta
> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 1:55:53 PM UTC-4 
> wrote:
>> Hi All! My name is Anthony and I've been a member of this group for a 
>> couple years now, but have never actually posted.
>> I just got my first Rivendell and that seemed like a good first post! 
>> It's a green Rambouillet and I'm stoked. The first time I ever saw a Riv 
>> was in 2007/8 when I bought a saddle off Craigslist and the seller rolled 
>> up on an orange Ram. It feels fitting that my first, and maybe only...who 
>> knows, Rivendell would be a Rambouillet. While I built it with stuff I had 
>> laying around, I took this opportunity to get a Suntour 3 pulley 
>> derailleur. Like the Riv, I always wanted one and now I have it! [image: 
>> IMG-5532.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: My first Rivendell/My first post

2023-08-06 Thread Kim H.
Simply marvelous to hear !

Kim Hetzel
Yelm, WA. 

On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 8:51:20 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> Thanks, y'all! I took it out for a longish ride yesterday and it did not 
> disappoint!
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6:38:57 PM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:
>> Anthony,
>> Congratulations!  You'll be riding it more than you ever though you 
>> would.  Rivs ride so nice and are so much fun.
>> Roberta
>> On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 1:55:53 PM UTC-4 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All! My name is Anthony and I've been a member of this group for a 
>>> couple years now, but have never actually posted.
>>> I just got my first Rivendell and that seemed like a good first post! 
>>> It's a green Rambouillet and I'm stoked. The first time I ever saw a Riv 
>>> was in 2007/8 when I bought a saddle off Craigslist and the seller rolled 
>>> up on an orange Ram. It feels fitting that my first, and maybe only...who 
>>> knows, Rivendell would be a Rambouillet. While I built it with stuff I had 
>>> laying around, I took this opportunity to get a Suntour 3 pulley 
>>> derailleur. Like the Riv, I always wanted one and now I have it! [image: 
>>> IMG-5532.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: Riv Riders Interactive Map is Live!

2023-08-06 Thread Roberta
Thanks John for doing this.

That is Ana’s purple Riv and I believe that story is true. I only dream of 
a custom mixte.  
On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:35:19 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> Hello Roberta,
> Thanks for adding your pin. It is now updated. You are correct- as the map 
> is, I have to manually update it when new data is added. Care to upload a 
> photo of your beautiful purple Riv? I just read in Leah's post that your 
> bike once slid down a rock face. Ouch!
> Cheers, John
> On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6:48:18 PM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:
>> My pin is in Philadelphia, PA!  I don't see it, so I'm guessing you 
>> either approve, or it takes a bit to update.
>> Thank you, John.
>> Roberta
>> On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 3:59:58 PM UTC-5 John Rinker wrote:
>>> The Map of Riv Riders is ready!* Thanks to Dave's example of the 
>>> 'Unicycle Community Map' I've put together a similar interactive map that 
>>> Riv Riders can now populate with your location. 
>>> As mentioned, the purpose of this map is to help Riv riders find each 
>>> other, connect and plan rides.
>>> Here's a link to the site:
>>> Map of Rivendell Riders 
>>> There is a Google form registration that, once completed and manually 
>>> updated by me, will put a pin of your location on the map. 
>>> You can 'drop' this pin in a couple of ways:
>>> 1. Provide your address
>>> 2. Provide a random address in your city or town
>>> 3. Provide map coordinates (latitude, longitude)
>>> Check it out and if it seems interesting to you then register and wait 
>>> for your pin to show up. 
>>> Cheers, John
>>> *I'll call it a beta version because I just learned how to connect 
>>> Google forms, maps, and sites together. Seems to work well though.

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