[RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto quill adapter, 130mm

2023-04-23 Thread Garth
Ben's Cycle in Milwaukee is always a go-to place to find Nitto things, and 
these stem adapters are no different. The folly of looking for these 
adapters is that they go by many different names and, the model numbers get 
mixed up, and the photos shown are often of a different variation. So of 
course Ben's has them, and the photo isn't the specific model, so right on 
que !  The description is correct however. Do email them to confirm, as 
they are responsive to emails, it's often Drew , as I recall. Their price 
includes complimentary shipping over $49. I really like their business, and 
that it's a real classic bike shop, and it's Wisconsin and I love me some 
Midwest sensibilities ! 


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[RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto quill adapter, 130mm

2023-04-23 Thread Tom Goodmann
Thank you, both. I tried that one branded as Soma, Wes, and it was too 
tall; I'll get hold of Ben's Cycle and confirm things, Garth. 

I agree with your thumbs up for Midwestern sensibilities; I'm thinking 
seriously about returning to the Driftless area for all the riding and more 
that it offers.


On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 5:09:23 AM UTC-4 Garth wrote:

> Ben's Cycle in Milwaukee is always a go-to place to find Nitto things, and 
> these stem adapters are no different. The folly of looking for these 
> adapters is that they go by many different names and, the model numbers get 
> mixed up, and the photos shown are often of a different variation. So of 
> course Ben's has them, and the photo isn't the specific model, so right on 
> que !  The description is correct however. Do email them to confirm, as 
> they are responsive to emails, it's often Drew , as I recall. Their price 
> includes complimentary shipping over $49. I really like their business, and 
> that it's a real classic bike shop, and it's Wisconsin and I love me some 
> Midwest sensibilities ! 
> https://www.benscycle.com/nitto-mt-stem-column-adaptor--1--threaded-fork-to-1-18--threadless-stem-stem_column_adaptor_nitto_3488_sm1063/p#tabs

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[RBW] ISO Derailleurs

2023-04-23 Thread Henry Vest

Looking for 2 silver 11 speed derailleurs for a couple of builds for my 
wife and I.


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[RBW] Re: Rivendell paint color repetition: Your thoughts

2023-04-23 Thread Johnny Alien
I would buy a pink step through if they came out with one.

On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 9:22:00 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:

> I am fortunate to own a Rambouillet in the first paint edition - the 
> sparkling metallic orange.  I've had many complements on it not just from 
> other cyclists, but also from random on-lookers, as well.  Some of these 
> have even said that they'd love to see a vintage vehicle of their choice 
> repainted with the Nova Orange base coat and the Spanish Gold clear coat.  
> It's hard to beat.
> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 3:39:48 PM UTC-5 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hello friends — I've noticed that over the past few years Rivendell have 
>> been using some of the same paint colors on many frames through several 
>> production runs. If there's been a discussion of this practice, I've missed 
>> it. 
>> I can't quite put my finger on it but something about the same paint 
>> appearing on frames over and over leaves me scratching my head. Perhaps 
>> there's a missed opportunity to pin a color to a model or to cycle in new 
>> colors with new batches of frames? 
>> What do other members think? Do you appreciate the same colors appearing 
>> on different frames? Do you wish there was a wider variety of colors? Does 
>> it matter at all? 
>> Some of these colors I like quite a lot, others I appreciate. There isn't 
>> one that I dislike. The Lime Olive is always striking when it appears on a 
>> new frame, love it on the Hillbornes and Clems. 
>> The harvest gold, wow, looks killer on those Susies. Blew my mind on the 
>> Homers because they've always been a blue bike. 
>> I do miss the mustard from the older Appaloosas and the dark bronze that 
>> appeared on some Clems. These two colors paired with some of the newer 
>> colors currently in use demonstrate, I think, that Riv has some of the best 
>> paint colors in the biz. Really lovely stuff. 
>> Here's a far-from-complete list more or less off the top of my head of 
>> where current production colors have appeared:
>> *Lime-olive*
>> Platypus
>> Susie
>> Hillborne
>> Clem
>> *Mermaid*
>> Appaloosa 
>> Platypus
>> Roadini
>> Gus
>> *Harvest/Dark Gold*
>> Hillborne
>> Homer
>> Susie 
>> *Ana Purple*
>> Rosco Plat
>> Appaloosa (next batch in 2023?)
>> Road Uno or Gallop? (I can't remember but thought the purple was slated 
>> for one of these frames) 
>> *RBW Orange*
>> Appaloosa
>> Roadini
>> Gus
>> *RBW Blue*
>> Too many to list?
>> Appaloosa
>> Clem
>> Hillborne

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto quill adapter, 130mm

2023-04-23 Thread Garth
Driftless ... did you say Driftless Tom ? !!!  I was just talking about 
this with my brother a few weeks ago. and what a treasure it is. I grew 
up in Rochester, MN and I regularly rode to Winona and back in the 80's. 
I'd also stay at hotels on the Wisconsin side and take day trips around by 
bike. Oh heck, I guess I did tours on both sides of the river too, so many 
good memories of those summers. A buddy and I planned a whole tour around a 
Rush concert in LaCrosse only to find out it was cancelled when we got 
there.  laughing heartily   I can hear his tape recorder belting 
out Billy Idol's. "White Wedding" and "Hot in the City Tonight" and 
it was hot  like 100 and humid as humid can be there in the summer. The 
most memorable bottle of Gatorade I ever had was at a Mom and Pop shop 
outside of Rushford, I can still feel that chilly glass bottle in my hand 
and oh what a refresher it was. Oh how I love me some Midwest sensibilities 
indeed !

While I live in Ohio now, it has those same sensibilities. I live in my 
driftless-like area along the Ohio River which is very much like the 
Mississippi River valley but on a smaller scale, so it's more easily 
accessible from my house. 

The beauty in telling stories is in the speaking, animating them ;)

On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 6:47:39 AM UTC-4 Tom Goodmann wrote:

> Thank you, both. I tried that one branded as Soma, Wes, and it was too 
> tall; I'll get hold of Ben's Cycle and confirm things, Garth. 
> I agree with your thumbs up for Midwestern sensibilities; I'm thinking 
> seriously about returning to the Driftless area for all the riding and more 
> that it offers.
> Tom 
> Miami 
> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 5:09:23 AM UTC-4 Garth wrote:
>> Ben's Cycle in Milwaukee is always a go-to place to find Nitto things, 
>> and these stem adapters are no different. The folly of looking for these 
>> adapters is that they go by many different names and, the model numbers get 
>> mixed up, and the photos shown are often of a different variation. So of 
>> course Ben's has them, and the photo isn't the specific model, so right on 
>> que !  The description is correct however. Do email them to confirm, as 
>> they are responsive to emails, it's often Drew , as I recall. Their price 
>> includes complimentary shipping over $49. I really like their business, and 
>> that it's a real classic bike shop, and it's Wisconsin and I love me some 
>> Midwest sensibilities ! 
>> https://www.benscycle.com/nitto-mt-stem-column-adaptor--1--threaded-fork-to-1-18--threadless-stem-stem_column_adaptor_nitto_3488_sm1063/p#tabs

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[RBW] FS: Road Holland mens LS jersey - pristine cond

2023-04-23 Thread Brian Turner
I purchased this really great-looking jersey back when they first came out, 
but despite how it looks, I'm just not a jersey / kit wearing kind of guy. 
I can only think of one time this was ever worn, and it has languished in 
my closet ever since. Non-smoking household, but you may find a stray 
Aussie hair or two!

Grey, long-sleeve, full-zip. Men's MEDIUM size. 61%/39% poly/wool blend. 
Orange and white details and embroidered logos. Triple pockets on the back, 
plus a zippered pocket and reflective trim on the top hem of pockets.

$50 shipped CONUS. Please message me direct for inquiries.
Photos here:

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[RBW] Re: Rivendell paint color repetition: Your thoughts

2023-04-23 Thread Brian Turner
Crust Bombora owner here, so I have no reservations whatsoever about pink / 
lilac / weird colored bikes. The more the better!
Personally, I agree with Leah in that I find the Rivendell colors look best 
when they're sparklin'. The only non-metallic Riv color I've ever been 
attracted to is that mustard color of the Clem / Appaloosa. I'd like to see 
them move away from the non-metallic oranges and blues... and I'd love to 
see more of the weird gold, mustard-y tones and maybe more variations on 

On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 9:14:07 AM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I would buy a pink step through if they came out with one.
> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 9:22:00 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> I am fortunate to own a Rambouillet in the first paint edition - the 
>> sparkling metallic orange.  I've had many complements on it not just from 
>> other cyclists, but also from random on-lookers, as well.  Some of these 
>> have even said that they'd love to see a vintage vehicle of their choice 
>> repainted with the Nova Orange base coat and the Spanish Gold clear coat.  
>> It's hard to beat.
>> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 3:39:48 PM UTC-5 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello friends — I've noticed that over the past few years Rivendell have 
>>> been using some of the same paint colors on many frames through several 
>>> production runs. If there's been a discussion of this practice, I've missed 
>>> it. 
>>> I can't quite put my finger on it but something about the same paint 
>>> appearing on frames over and over leaves me scratching my head. Perhaps 
>>> there's a missed opportunity to pin a color to a model or to cycle in new 
>>> colors with new batches of frames? 
>>> What do other members think? Do you appreciate the same colors appearing 
>>> on different frames? Do you wish there was a wider variety of colors? Does 
>>> it matter at all? 
>>> Some of these colors I like quite a lot, others I appreciate. There 
>>> isn't one that I dislike. The Lime Olive is always striking when it appears 
>>> on a new frame, love it on the Hillbornes and Clems. 
>>> The harvest gold, wow, looks killer on those Susies. Blew my mind on the 
>>> Homers because they've always been a blue bike. 
>>> I do miss the mustard from the older Appaloosas and the dark bronze that 
>>> appeared on some Clems. These two colors paired with some of the newer 
>>> colors currently in use demonstrate, I think, that Riv has some of the best 
>>> paint colors in the biz. Really lovely stuff. 
>>> Here's a far-from-complete list more or less off the top of my head of 
>>> where current production colors have appeared:
>>> *Lime-olive*
>>> Platypus
>>> Susie
>>> Hillborne
>>> Clem
>>> *Mermaid*
>>> Appaloosa 
>>> Platypus
>>> Roadini
>>> Gus
>>> *Harvest/Dark Gold*
>>> Hillborne
>>> Homer
>>> Susie 
>>> *Ana Purple*
>>> Rosco Plat
>>> Appaloosa (next batch in 2023?)
>>> Road Uno or Gallop? (I can't remember but thought the purple was slated 
>>> for one of these frames) 
>>> *RBW Orange*
>>> Appaloosa
>>> Roadini
>>> Gus
>>> *RBW Blue*
>>> Too many to list?
>>> Appaloosa
>>> Clem
>>> Hillborne

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[RBW] Book Recommendation: The United States of Adventure

2023-04-23 Thread Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
I’ve been sad about our temperamental weather here in southwest Michigan. 
After a perfectly sublime week of 70-something temps that set off our 
tulips and daffodils and flowering trees, we are back to drizzly weather 
topping out in the 40s. I’m freezing over here. I have an Apple Watch tan 
line but am back to wearing a parka. Make it make sense. 

Anyway, if you can’t have your real adventures I suppose you can read about 
someone else’s. I stumbled across The United States of Adventure by Anna 
McNuff and have been reading as Anna, a British woman in the corporate 
world in her 20s, cycles her way through all 50 states. I will never cycle 
through all 50 states, but it is fun to peer into the life of someone who 



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[RBW] Re: What do I replace coroplast with in Sackville

2023-04-23 Thread Marc Irwin
If you can't find an abandoned yard sign lying around, the big box hardware 
stores sell new pieces at pretty cheap prices.


On Monday, April 17, 2023 at 11:06:34 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Mine is all bendy and collapsey in my medium SaddleSack. What are you 
> folks putting in there to replace it? 
> Joe Bernard 

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[RBW] Re: Handlebar Recommendations Pls?

2023-04-23 Thread Philip Barrett
@Roberta - I'd responded to your PM, check your email & LMK if it didn't 
come through?

On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 6:42:57 AM UTC-7 Hoch in ut wrote:

> Instead of switching out the bars, I’d experiment on a ride by grabbing 
> the more forward part of the handlebars. If that alleviates the issue, then 
> I’d even say a longer stem might do the trick. Then I’d go to bars. Just a 
> thought. 
> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 7:12:44 AM UTC-6 philipr...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Apologies for the tardy reply, Spectrum decided we didn't want internet 
>> last night! But wow, thanks Garth & everyone else for your thoughtful & 
>> insightful responses. I do think that stretched out more is going to be the 
>> 1 st step here and the bars will be part of that. I also have a collection 
>> of saddles including less supportive ones (which sounds counter-intuitive I 
>> know) so part 2 will be to try that as well. 
>> I'll be the only Platypus rider in the drops!
>> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 8:04:06 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:
>>> Having experience with debilitating inner sit bone pain, what worked for 
>>> me is going long(stretched) and low and using your quadriceps more, which 
>>> may involve moving your saddle forward and even a different saddle that 
>>> favors that favors that position. Much more of a road like position, but 
>>> with your hands level or even slightly above saddle height. In using your 
>>> quads more, pushing hard, that naturally takes pressure off the butt and 
>>> the hands at the same time. That's how pro road racers can ride with narrow 
>>> saddles and road bars on narrow tires even on cobblestones, they're 
>>> exerting so much power with their quads that it rather alleviates butt and 
>>> hand pressure. It's just not road riders that do that, it's riders of all 
>>> genres that push down on the pedals hard.
>>> If your quads aren't particularly strong or more like, unfamiliar with 
>>> loading them up, even simply laying on your back and bending your knees 
>>> towards you, and raising up your torso, making yourself like a ramp, does 
>>> wonders. 
>>> The general rule of thumb I grew up with as a subjectively ideal riding 
>>> position, when you're in your long and low position, the font hub should 
>>> either be hidden or behind the middle of the bar at the stem. This was with 
>>> drop bars , but it works too with the Albatross bars I have, the middle of 
>>> the bar is a little forward of the hub when I look down. I have a 13cm stem 
>>> on the Bombadil, which also has an atypically longer TT and reach than all 
>>> other regular chainstay Rivs. 
>>> I know all that seems complicated, and it need not be. Just Be Happy 
>>> and which Way ;)

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[RBW] Re: Book Recommendation: The United States of Adventure

2023-04-23 Thread JAS
Thank you for this recommendation, Leah!  After reading the short glimpse 
of the book on Amazon, Ann McNuff looks to be a very talented and 
entertaining writer.  It's also nice to find a travel "adventure" book 
written with a woman's perspective.  I'm ordering it!


On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 8:06:34 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> I’ve been sad about our temperamental weather here in southwest Michigan. 
> After a perfectly sublime week of 70-something temps that set off our 
> tulips and daffodils and flowering trees, we are back to drizzly weather 
> topping out in the 40s. I’m freezing over here. I have an Apple Watch tan 
> line but am back to wearing a parka. Make it make sense. 
> Anyway, if you can’t have your real adventures I suppose you can read 
> about someone else’s. I stumbled across The United States of Adventure by 
> Anna McNuff and have been reading as Anna, a British woman in the corporate 
> world in her 20s, cycles her way through all 50 states. I will never cycle 
> through all 50 states, but it is fun to peer into the life of someone who 
> did.
> https://www.amazon.com/United-States-Adventure-life-changing-journey/dp/1914074033
> Enjoy.
> Leah

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Re: [RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto quill adapter, 130mm

2023-04-23 Thread Tom Goodmann
What a good story, Garth!  I can remember that moment in time too--sorry
about Rush cancelling, though--including bike touring on those 100-degree
Midwest days on a Schwinn Le Tour.  That's a pretty area of Ohio you are in
now, yes, nice for motorcycling too.

Although Mom-and-Pops stores have been replaced by Dollar Generals, the
Driftless is still a beautiful area with a strong sense of itself as a
distinctive region, whatever maps demarcate as state lines, and that river
running through it.  There are active randonneuring chapters in WI and MN
and of course seasonal riding any day.  Might be home again!


On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 9:53 AM Garth  wrote:

> Driftless ... did you say Driftless Tom ? !!!  I was just talking about
> this with my brother a few weeks ago. and what a treasure it is. I grew
> up in Rochester, MN and I regularly rode to Winona and back in the 80's.
> I'd also stay at hotels on the Wisconsin side and take day trips around by
> bike. Oh heck, I guess I did tours on both sides of the river too, so many
> good memories of those summers. A buddy and I planned a whole tour around a
> Rush concert in LaCrosse only to find out it was cancelled when we got
> there.  laughing heartily   I can hear his tape recorder belting
> out Billy Idol's. "White Wedding" and "Hot in the City Tonight" and
> it was hot  like 100 and humid as humid can be there in the summer. The
> most memorable bottle of Gatorade I ever had was at a Mom and Pop shop
> outside of Rushford, I can still feel that chilly glass bottle in my hand
> and oh what a refresher it was. Oh how I love me some Midwest sensibilities
> indeed !
> While I live in Ohio now, it has those same sensibilities. I live in my
> driftless-like area along the Ohio River which is very much like the
> Mississippi River valley but on a smaller scale, so it's more easily
> accessible from my house.
> The beauty in telling stories is in the speaking, animating them ;)
> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 6:47:39 AM UTC-4 Tom Goodmann wrote:
>> Thank you, both. I tried that one branded as Soma, Wes, and it was too
>> tall; I'll get hold of Ben's Cycle and confirm things, Garth.
>> I agree with your thumbs up for Midwestern sensibilities; I'm thinking
>> seriously about returning to the Driftless area for all the riding and more
>> that it offers.
>> Tom
>> Miami
>> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 5:09:23 AM UTC-4 Garth wrote:
>>> Ben's Cycle in Milwaukee is always a go-to place to find Nitto things,
>>> and these stem adapters are no different. The folly of looking for these
>>> adapters is that they go by many different names and, the model numbers get
>>> mixed up, and the photos shown are often of a different variation. So of
>>> course Ben's has them, and the photo isn't the specific model, so right on
>>> que !  The description is correct however. Do email them to confirm, as
>>> they are responsive to emails, it's often Drew , as I recall. Their price
>>> includes complimentary shipping over $49. I really like their business, and
>>> that it's a real classic bike shop, and it's Wisconsin and I love me some
>>> Midwest sensibilities !
>>> https://www.benscycle.com/nitto-mt-stem-column-adaptor--1--threaded-fork-to-1-18--threadless-stem-stem_column_adaptor_nitto_3488_sm1063/p#tabs
>>> --
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[RBW] Re: Book Recommendation: The United States of Adventure

2023-04-23 Thread Tom Goodmann
Thanks, Leah! I've not read this one, but will do, and recommend her *Llama 
Drama *as well.


On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 1:02:19 PM UTC-4 JAS wrote:

> Thank you for this recommendation, Leah!  After reading the short glimpse 
> of the book on Amazon, Ann McNuff looks to be a very talented and 
> entertaining writer.  It's also nice to find a travel "adventure" book 
> written with a woman's perspective.  I'm ordering it!
> RivSisters!
> Joyce
> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 8:06:34 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> I’ve been sad about our temperamental weather here in southwest Michigan. 
>> After a perfectly sublime week of 70-something temps that set off our 
>> tulips and daffodils and flowering trees, we are back to drizzly weather 
>> topping out in the 40s. I’m freezing over here. I have an Apple Watch tan 
>> line but am back to wearing a parka. Make it make sense. 
>> Anyway, if you can’t have your real adventures I suppose you can read 
>> about someone else’s. I stumbled across The United States of Adventure by 
>> Anna McNuff and have been reading as Anna, a British woman in the corporate 
>> world in her 20s, cycles her way through all 50 states. I will never cycle 
>> through all 50 states, but it is fun to peer into the life of someone who 
>> did.
>> https://www.amazon.com/United-States-Adventure-life-changing-journey/dp/1914074033
>> Enjoy.
>> Leah

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[RBW] Re: Sharing your winter ride photos northern hemisphere Spring 2023

2023-04-23 Thread Piaw Na
Here are mine from 

Yesterday I took the family on a hike/drive trip down the backside of Mt. 
Hamilton, and it looks like Highway 130/San Antonio Valley Road/Mines road 
is now at peak 

On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 12:01:44 PM UTC-7 Ted Durant wrote:

> Great bridge shot, Eric, and beautiful flowers, Leah.
> Just a reminder that this is the "_winter_ ride photos northern hemisphere 
> Spring 2023". So, mid-30's (about 2 degrees for the rest of the world) in 
> Windsconsin today, and the rain and sleet that was supposed to arrive in 
> the afternoon showed up mid-ride for me. My riding goal for this year is 
> "Ride lots. Enjoy all of it." I'll enjoy some rides more than others.
> [image: IMG_1207.jpeg]
> Ted Durant
> Milwaukee, WI USA

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[RBW] Los Angeles Riv Ride

2023-04-23 Thread Houston Wilson
Hi socal Riv riders,

I've been lurking in the RBW Owners Bunch for a little while and I'm 
inspired by all of the regional rides being organized. Would anyone be 
interested in doing a LA Riv ride/meetup at some point in May? I'd love to 
ride with y'all, make some new friends, and ogle at your bikes! 

Depending on where most folks are located, I think it could be cool to do 
the Will Rogers inspiration loop in the Western Santa Monica's or a 
Griffith Park/Hollywood Sign moment. Regardless, it'd be a chill pace with 
a cafe stop or two thrown in. 

I'd love to hear from you, let me know your thoughts!

-Houston from Venice

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[RBW] WTB: Nitto Hi-Riser

2023-04-23 Thread abraham nussbaum
Anyone holding a short version of this:


I am looking for a 60 mm version if you've got one!



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Re: [RBW] Hi y’all - new Sam in town

2023-04-23 Thread Daniele
Hey Eric!
as you might have seen from Jason's reply. LA chouette (rue du chateau
d'eau) is definitely one of the best bike shops in Paris. friendly and with
a lot of cool stuff and in a really cool neighborhood full of really good
food joints. not a lot of other options except for the BEasty Bikes stores
(one in the 15th and one in the 3rd)

Jason! yes definitely! happy to meet up. send me a PM and we can set it up

Il giorno lun 17 apr 2023 alle ore 17:57 'Eric Norris' via RBW Owners Bunch
 ha scritto:

> Daniele:
> What’s your favorite bike shop(s) in Paris? I’ve been to the Alex Singer
> shop in Levallois several times, but in the past I have found it difficult
> to find a good bike shop in Paris proper.
> As you may know, many Americans will be in Paris in August for the
> Paris-Brest-Paris event (me included, but to support the riders this time,
> not to ride), so knowing where the good shops are would be helpful.
> --Eric Norris
> campyonly...@me.com
> Insta: @CampyOnlyGuy
> YouTube: YouTube.com/CampyOnlyGuy
> On Apr 10, 2023, at 10:49 AM, Daniele  wrote:
> Hi y’all
> Greetings from Paris, France!
> First time joining a google group but have been following you for a while!
> Just got my hands on my first ever Riv. An amazing Silver Sam! What a
> bike!! It definitely lives up to the up to the expectations/hype.
> Quick question for does of you that have switched from. Alt bars to drops:
> how would you say the handling changes? I know… just got the bike but can’t
> stop thinking about the next change/ new component to add 😉
> Happy spring and happy riding!
> Daniel
> --
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Re: [RBW] Los Angeles Riv Ride

2023-04-23 Thread Keith Paugh
I’d love to do this. I’m in.Keith from Mar VistaOn Apr 23, 2023, at 2:40 PM, Houston Wilson  wrote:Hi socal Riv riders,I've been lurking in the RBW Owners Bunch for a little while and I'm inspired by all of the regional rides being organized. Would anyone be interested in doing a LA Riv ride/meetup at some point in May? I'd love to ride with y'all, make some new friends, and ogle at your bikes! Depending on where most folks are located, I think it could be cool to do the Will Rogers inspiration loop in the Western Santa Monica's or a Griffith Park/Hollywood Sign moment. Regardless, it'd be a chill pace with a cafe stop or two thrown in. I'd love to hear from you, let me know your thoughts!-Houston from Venice

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Re: [RBW] WTB: Nitto Hi-Riser

2023-04-23 Thread D D
Abraham, sent you a PM. Dustin On Apr 23, 2023, at 5:41 PM, abraham nussbaum  wrote:Anyone holding a short version of this:https://www.rivbike.com/products/nitto-hiriser-25-4-1-1-8-threadless-stem-16252I am looking for a 60 mm version if you've got one!Thanks,Abraham

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