Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-18 Thread Luke Hendrickson
Ah that’s lovely, Edward! The rack with the added rails is a nice touch. 

On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 11:57:20 PM UTC-8 

> Just built mine up and took it for a spin around the lake chabot trails. 
> Beautiful ride.
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 10:47 PM Luke Hendrickson  
> wrote:
>> I just saw the silver and lime irl yesterday at Riv. Man that lime sure 
>> is nice in-person. 
>> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 6:04:50 PM UTC-8 Paul Clifton wrote:
>>> There is what appears to be a first gen Hillborne  on the Atlanta 
>>> Craigslist. Nice build. I wonder who's it is: 
>>> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 5:12:29 PM UTC-6 
>>> wrote:
 The HiHo silver looks wonderful, and will be a neutral enough palette 
 to absorb plenty of colorful bits.  It is nice to see a different color on 
 the Sam.  I’ve seen the LimeOlive on the Clem L, and it is dazzling in 
 sunlight.  Both color options play well with the cream highlight paint, 
 you can hardly go wrong with either.  Looks like only the 57 in LimeOlive 
 has sold out at this point.  HiHo……!

 On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 3:56:36 PM UTC-7 Drew Henson wrote:

> props to Riv for getting my frame shipped already! i'm sure they have 
> a long list to go through.
> too bad it'll be a while before i can get it rolling but i love 
> picking out components.
> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 4:10:04 PM UTC-8 Drew Henson wrote:
>> Sorry about that! I based my decision with my experience with the fit 
>> of my 2019 58cm Homer. The 57 cm sam has a longer reach/effective top 
>> tube 
>> than my homer and i wouldn't have been able to use drop bars i don't 
>> think 
>> (but swept back bars would easily work).  
>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 1:52:50 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> Keith,
>>> If you click on a size and color and then put in a high quantity, it 
>>> will tell you that you can only add so many to your cart. 
>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022, 4:46 PM Keith Paugh  wrote:
 Out of curiosity, how’d did up that info?


 On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:55 PM, DavidP  wrote:

 Here's what's left after ~50 minutes:
 48cm, 1 silver, 6 olive
 51cm, 5 silver, 8 olive
 54cm, 1 silver, 5 olive
 57cm, 1 silver, 1 olive
 60cm, 6 silver, 6 olive

 Seem to be selling way faster than the Platys (assuming a similar # 
 of frames available, which seems reasonable as I believe they've said 
 is the most popular model). And if colors are equal silver is very 


 On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:30:11 PM UTC-5 Keith P. wrote:

> Might have been me?
> I got a Silver 54 as well. First Riv. 
> Excited and relieved.
> I wonder how they are moving this round.
> k.
> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:21 PM, 'Slacky Mac' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>> wrote:
> Nice Drew.  I nabbed a 54cm Silver as well.  Already spoke with 
> Vince.  Since their parts bin is deeper than mine I am going to have 
> them 
> build it up and leave my RB-1 shiny bits where they are.  #2 in line. 
> Someone out there is faaat.  :-)
> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:16:25 PM UTC-5 Drew Henson 
> wrote:
>> just grabbed a 54cm silver. i went into thinking i'd go for a 
>> limeolive but something about the very understated silver made me 
>> change my 
>> mind at the last minute.
>> i have an 87 cm pbh so i could have fit the 57 but i wanted to 
>> fall on the upper end of the fit range. really keen to see how this 
>> rides 
>> differently than my 2019 MIT Homer. now the fun begins... finding 
>> all the 
>> build parts!
>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 5:59:19 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> I’m with you Eric.  My Saluki which I got last winter is a taupe 
>>> and it looks great with brown and grays.  If I was ready to sell my 
>>> Hillborne I would order a Silver tomorrow.  But it makes no sense.  
>>> If 
>>> someone was hot for a bright orange I could be tempted.  
>>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 6:58 PM Eric Marth  
>>> wrote:
 Joel — I might be forgetting a color here or there but... I 
 think these new ones plus 

Re: [RBW] Rosco Mtn Mixte?

2022-12-18 Thread Coal Bee Rye Anne
Than you, Paul.  Glad to hear there are even more getting to enjoy the
mediums.  I recall each Rosco was based on specific surplus forks, from
Simpleone, Appaloosa, Hunq, etc. but definitely forgot or missed that a
follow up run was made for the smaller size Mixte.  Likely just overlooked
being excluded from the sizing range.

It kind makes me laugh at the original timing of all of the Rosco stuff as
it was also right after some of those unpainted forks were available as web
specials for a while and I picked a Simpleone one up for a project only to
have the frame fail right before rebuild time but only after acquiring all
the parts for the overhaul.  I eventually resold the unused fork but that
was one less Rosco available at whatever model/size that specific fork
length became.

On Saturday, December 17, 2022, Paul Clifton  wrote:

> Brian, FWIW (not much, especially since this thread is about the Massive
> Mountain Mixte) - but I think there were teens of the mediums made. They
> ended up doing two runs of them, and one of them was at least 10 bikes. So
> they're less scarce, but only slightly. The mediums used Appaloosa forks.
> Paul in AR
> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 8:46:54 PM UTC-6 Coal Bee Rye Anne wrote:
>> Thanks, Leah, for the heads up for the long legged of us who happen to be
>> non-facebook-users!  That is certainly Will’s Mega Roscoe MTN Mixte and I
>> think made in the single digits (I guess all sizes of the Roscoe Mixte were
>> down in single digits but can’t remember.). This size MTN Mixte was based
>> on forks for designed but never built 64 or maybe 66cm Hunqapillars (I
>> forget the exact size but it was bigger than the biggest made 62cm Hunq.)
>> If this were frame only and local I would definitely need to consider
>> make physical and financial space to pursue it.  I strongly prefer the
>> aesthetics of this model vs. the Clem L for some reason.  It’s somewhat
>> hard to explain, because I’m not opposed to the curved L in any way and
>> even really like the Gus/Susie top tube curves… I think it’s more how the
>> Roscoe’s straight, nearly parallel tubes kind of resemble a Raleigh Sports
>> three speed step through.
>> I was on the fence for a bit between this model and the Clem H once I
>> caught wind of their imminent release. Without the finances for both, I
>> opted for the value and certainty of the 65cm Clem complete, which was
>> released first and in greater numbers, although still limited in the XL
>> size for the discontinued H type.  I’d eventually come to completely miss
>> the initial announcement of the Roscoe presale until after they (XL) were
>> all accounted for anyway so it kind of worked out for the best that I went
>> for the Clem when the opportunity came as there.  I always thought I’d
>> still try to snag one of these Roscoes if they ever became available on the
>> second hand market but would definitely need to be frame/fork for me to
>> even make it work and still retain the Clem.
>> Looks like a really nice build and hope that for whoever ends up grabbing
>> it, it puts a huge smile on their face every time the get in the saddle!
>> Brian
>> Lawrenceville NJ
>> On Saturday, December 17, 2022, Mackenzy Albright 
>> wrote:
>>> I really aesthetically enjoy the rosco bubbe. It's too bad it was such a
>>> short lived frame set. That XL is a good looking bike.
>>> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 9:25:04 AM UTC-8
>>> wrote:
 I think the wheelset alone makes it semi reasonable. Having a
 frame/fork built will be a small fortune with no guarantee they will nail
 the usual Riv magic!

 On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 9:16:14 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> One of the best Rivs ever.  My wife has the medium, but it was a $900
> ish frame new.  You could just have a builder clone it (or a small run of
> frames) for under $3k.
> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 10:45:32 AM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding
> Ding! wrote:
>> permalink/5447624762012579/
>> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 11:44:59 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle
>> Ding Ding! wrote:
>>> There’s a post on the Facebook Rivendell buy/sell/trade group that
>>> has a Rosco with the lift-a-tube shown for sale. I can’t seem to post 
>>> the
>>> link here - will try in a second post. It’s $$$ at 3k, but I know 
>>> people go
>>> crazy for these for some reason, so heads up and maybe a Merry Christmas
>>> present for someone.
>>> Leah
>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>> an email to
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> msgid/rbw-owners-b

Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-18 Thread Guy
Great looking build!  How did the HiHo Silver look in person?  Curious….

> On Dec 18, 2022, at 1:18 AM, Luke Hendrickson  
> wrote:
> Ah that’s lovely, Edward! The rack with the added rails is a nice touch. 💅🏻
>> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 11:57:20 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>> Just built mine up and took it for a spin around the lake chabot trails. 
>> Beautiful ride.
>>> On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 10:47 PM Luke Hendrickson  
>>> wrote:
>>> I just saw the silver and lime irl yesterday at Riv. Man that lime sure is 
>>> nice in-person. 
 On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 6:04:50 PM UTC-8 Paul Clifton wrote:
 There is what appears to be a first gen Hillborne  on the Atlanta 
 Craigslist. Nice build. I wonder who's it is:
> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 5:12:29 PM UTC-6 wrote:
> The HiHo silver looks wonderful, and will be a neutral enough palette to 
> absorb plenty of colorful bits.  It is nice to see a different color on 
> the Sam.  I’ve seen the LimeOlive on the Clem L, and it is dazzling in 
> sunlight.  Both color options play well with the cream highlight paint, 
> and you can hardly go wrong with either.  Looks like only the 57 in 
> LimeOlive has sold out at this point.  HiHo……!
>> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 3:56:36 PM UTC-7 Drew Henson wrote:
>> props to Riv for getting my frame shipped already! i'm sure they have a 
>> long list to go through.
>> too bad it'll be a while before i can get it rolling but i love picking 
>> out components.
>>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 4:10:04 PM UTC-8 Drew Henson wrote:
>>> Sorry about that! I based my decision with my experience with the fit 
>>> of my 2019 58cm Homer. The 57 cm sam has a longer reach/effective top 
>>> tube than my homer and i wouldn't have been able to use drop bars i 
>>> don't think (but swept back bars would easily work).  
 On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 1:52:50 PM UTC-8 
 If you click on a size and color and then put in a high quantity, it 
 will tell you that you can only add so many to your cart. 
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022, 4:46 PM Keith Paugh  wrote:
> Out of curiosity, how’d did up that info?
> k.
>>> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:55 PM, DavidP  wrote:
>> Here's what's left after ~50 minutes:
>> 48cm, 1 silver, 6 olive
>> 51cm, 5 silver, 8 olive
>> 54cm, 1 silver, 5 olive
>> 57cm, 1 silver, 1 olive
>> 60cm, 6 silver, 6 olive
>> Seem to be selling way faster than the Platys (assuming a similar # 
>> of frames available, which seems reasonable as I believe they've 
>> said this is the most popular model). And if colors are equal silver 
>> is very popular.
>> -Dave
>>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:30:11 PM UTC-5 Keith P. wrote:
>>> Might have been me?
>>> I got a Silver 54 as well. First Riv. 
>>> Excited and relieved.
>>> I wonder how they are moving this round.
>>> k.
> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:21 PM, 'Slacky Mac' via RBW Owners Bunch 
>  wrote:
 Nice Drew.  I nabbed a 54cm Silver as well.  Already spoke with 
 Vince.  Since their parts bin is deeper than mine I am going to 
 have them build it up and leave my RB-1 shiny bits where they are. 
  #2 in line.  Someone out there is faaat.  :-)
> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:16:25 PM UTC-5 Drew Henson 
> wrote:
> just grabbed a 54cm silver. i went into thinking i'd go for a 
> limeolive but something about the very understated silver made me 
> change my mind at the last minute.
> i have an 87 cm pbh so i could have fit the 57 but i wanted to 
> fall on the upper end of the fit range. really keen to see how 
> this rides differently than my 2019 MIT Homer. now the fun 
> begins... finding all the build parts!
>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 5:59:19 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>> I’m with you Eric.  My Saluki which I got last winter is a taupe 
>> and it looks great with brown and grays.  If I was ready to sell 
>> my Hillborne I would order a Silver tomorrow.  But it makes no 
>> sense.  If someone was hot for a bright orange I could be 
>> tempted.  

[RBW] Re: FS: TA chainring, rapid rise mech, wool cap

2022-12-18 Thread Eric Marth
Rapid rise mech has sold, thanks. 

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 10:27:26 AM UTC-5 Eric Marth wrote:

> *Peace Wheel tee — $15 *
> Peace Wheel tee, some fading from wash and wear. Labeled a size medium. 
> Pit to pit: 19", top of shoulder to bottom hem is 27". 
> [image: IMG_4211 2.JPG]
> [image: IMG_4212 2.jpg]
> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 9:52:17 PM UTC-5 Eric Marth wrote:
>> Good evening — I have a few things to sell :)  
>> Prices do not include shipping to you. 
>> *TA Cyclotouriste outer ring — $45 *
>> It's an 42-tooth outer ring, brand new, never mounted. TA Cyclotourists / 
>> Pro 5 Vis. 
>> [image: IMG_4193.JPG]
>> [image: IMG_4192.JPG]
>> *Shimano Deore XT rapid rise derailer — $50*
>> Shimano RD M760 rapid rise mech. Some scratches but overall in good 
>> shape. 
>> [image: IMG_4205 2.JPG]
>> *RBW x Randi Jo wool cap — $40 *
>> A Rivendell wool cap, made by Randi Jo Fab. Size is a large in RJF sizing 
>> and a medium in Riv sizing. Some general wear, light discoloration to 
>> interior band. Made in Oregon. 
>> [image: IMG_4164.JPG]
>> *Shimano UN300 68x122.5 bottom bracket — $10*
>> Installed for about three minutes and removed. Never ridden. Spindle is 
>> 122.5mm. 
>> [image: IMG_4209 2.JPG]

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Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-18 Thread Luke Hendrickson
Like the color of my Atlantis, it’s hard to capture. The best I can say is 
that it’s almost … radiant? There’s a warmth to the silver that makes it 
look better than other silvers I’ve seen. Also, I was decidedly *not* a fan 
of the LimeOlive but then saw it in person and like it even better than the 

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 7:39:50 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> Great looking build!  How did the HiHo Silver look in person?  Curious….
> On Dec 18, 2022, at 1:18 AM, Luke Hendrickson  
> wrote:
> Ah that’s lovely, Edward! The rack with the added rails is a nice touch. 
> 💅🏻
> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 11:57:20 PM UTC-8 
> wrote:
>> Just built mine up and took it for a spin around the lake chabot trails. 
>> Beautiful ride.
>> On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 10:47 PM Luke Hendrickson  
>> wrote:
>>> I just saw the silver and lime irl yesterday at Riv. Man that lime sure 
>>> is nice in-person. 
>>> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 6:04:50 PM UTC-8 Paul Clifton wrote:
 There is what appears to be a first gen Hillborne  on the Atlanta 
 Craigslist. Nice build. I wonder who's it is:

 On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 5:12:29 PM UTC-6 

> The HiHo silver looks wonderful, and will be a neutral enough palette 
> to absorb plenty of colorful bits.  It is nice to see a different color 
> on 
> the Sam.  I’ve seen the LimeOlive on the Clem L, and it is dazzling in 
> sunlight.  Both color options play well with the cream highlight paint, 
> and 
> you can hardly go wrong with either.  Looks like only the 57 in LimeOlive 
> has sold out at this point.  HiHo……!
> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 3:56:36 PM UTC-7 Drew Henson wrote:
>> props to Riv for getting my frame shipped already! i'm sure they have 
>> a long list to go through.
>> too bad it'll be a while before i can get it rolling but i love 
>> picking out components.
>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 4:10:04 PM UTC-8 Drew Henson wrote:
>>> Sorry about that! I based my decision with my experience with the 
>>> fit of my 2019 58cm Homer. The 57 cm sam has a longer reach/effective 
>>> top 
>>> tube than my homer and i wouldn't have been able to use drop bars i 
>>> don't 
>>> think (but swept back bars would easily work).  
>>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 1:52:50 PM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 If you click on a size and color and then put in a high quantity, 
 it will tell you that you can only add so many to your cart. 

 On Wed, Dec 7, 2022, 4:46 PM Keith Paugh  

> Out of curiosity, how’d did up that info?
> k.
> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:55 PM, DavidP  wrote:
> Here's what's left after ~50 minutes:
> 48cm, 1 silver, 6 olive
> 51cm, 5 silver, 8 olive
> 54cm, 1 silver, 5 olive
> 57cm, 1 silver, 1 olive
> 60cm, 6 silver, 6 olive
> Seem to be selling way faster than the Platys (assuming a similar 
> # of frames available, which seems reasonable as I believe they've 
> said 
> this is the most popular model). And if colors are equal silver is 
> very 
> popular.
> -Dave
> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:30:11 PM UTC-5 Keith P. wrote:
>> Might have been me?
>> I got a Silver 54 as well. First Riv. 
>> Excited and relieved.
>> I wonder how they are moving this round.
>> k.
>> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:21 PM, 'Slacky Mac' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>>> wrote:
>> Nice Drew.  I nabbed a 54cm Silver as well.  Already spoke with 
>> Vince.  Since their parts bin is deeper than mine I am going to have 
>> them 
>> build it up and leave my RB-1 shiny bits where they are.  #2 in 
>> line.  
>> Someone out there is faaat.  :-)
>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:16:25 PM UTC-5 Drew Henson 
>> wrote:
>>> just grabbed a 54cm silver. i went into thinking i'd go for a 
>>> limeolive but something about the very understated silver made me 
>>> change my 
>>> mind at the last minute.
>>> i have an 87 cm pbh so i could have fit the 57 but i wanted to 
>>> fall on the upper end of the fit range. really keen to see how this 
>>> rides 
>>> differently than my 2019 MIT Homer. now the fun begins... finding 
>>> all the 

Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-18 Thread John Rinker
Yowza, Edward! That's a really beautiful build. I love the flash of red 
that the chainstay wrap adds to the limeolive. Very cool. Your Sam's got 
all the right proportions and with those albatross bars I'll bet it is a 
dream to ride!

Nicely done!


On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 8:40:51 AM UTC-8 Luke Hendrickson wrote:

> Like the color of my Atlantis, it’s hard to capture. The best I can say is 
> that it’s almost … radiant? There’s a warmth to the silver that makes it 
> look better than other silvers I’ve seen. Also, I was decidedly *not* a 
> fan of the LimeOlive but then saw it in person and like it even better than 
> the HiHo!
> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 7:39:50 AM UTC-8 wrote:
>> Great looking build!  How did the HiHo Silver look in person?  Curious….
>> On Dec 18, 2022, at 1:18 AM, Luke Hendrickson  
>> wrote:
>> Ah that’s lovely, Edward! The rack with the added rails is a nice touch. 
>> 💅🏻
>> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 11:57:20 PM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> Just built mine up and took it for a spin around the lake chabot trails. 
>>> Beautiful ride.
>>> On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 10:47 PM Luke Hendrickson <
>>>> wrote:
 I just saw the silver and lime irl yesterday at Riv. Man that lime sure 
 is nice in-person. 

 On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 6:04:50 PM UTC-8 Paul Clifton wrote:

> There is what appears to be a first gen Hillborne  on the Atlanta 
> Craigslist. Nice build. I wonder who's it is: 
> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 5:12:29 PM UTC-6 
> wrote:
>> The HiHo silver looks wonderful, and will be a neutral enough palette 
>> to absorb plenty of colorful bits.  It is nice to see a different color 
>> on 
>> the Sam.  I’ve seen the LimeOlive on the Clem L, and it is dazzling in 
>> sunlight.  Both color options play well with the cream highlight paint, 
>> and 
>> you can hardly go wrong with either.  Looks like only the 57 in 
>> LimeOlive 
>> has sold out at this point.  HiHo……!
>> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 3:56:36 PM UTC-7 Drew Henson wrote:
>>> props to Riv for getting my frame shipped already! i'm sure they 
>>> have a long list to go through.
>>> too bad it'll be a while before i can get it rolling but i love 
>>> picking out components.
>>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 4:10:04 PM UTC-8 Drew Henson wrote:
 Sorry about that! I based my decision with my experience with the 
 fit of my 2019 58cm Homer. The 57 cm sam has a longer reach/effective 
 tube than my homer and i wouldn't have been able to use drop bars i 
 think (but swept back bars would easily work).  

 On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 1:52:50 PM UTC-8 

> Keith,
> If you click on a size and color and then put in a high quantity, 
> it will tell you that you can only add so many to your cart. 
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022, 4:46 PM Keith Paugh  
> wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, how’d did up that info?
>> k.
>> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:55 PM, DavidP  wrote:
>> Here's what's left after ~50 minutes:
>> 48cm, 1 silver, 6 olive
>> 51cm, 5 silver, 8 olive
>> 54cm, 1 silver, 5 olive
>> 57cm, 1 silver, 1 olive
>> 60cm, 6 silver, 6 olive
>> Seem to be selling way faster than the Platys (assuming a similar 
>> # of frames available, which seems reasonable as I believe they've 
>> said 
>> this is the most popular model). And if colors are equal silver is 
>> very 
>> popular.
>> -Dave
>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:30:11 PM UTC-5 Keith P. wrote:
>>> Might have been me?
>>> I got a Silver 54 as well. First Riv. 
>>> Excited and relieved.
>>> I wonder how they are moving this round.
>>> k.
>>> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:21 PM, 'Slacky Mac' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Nice Drew.  I nabbed a 54cm Silver as well.  Already spoke with 
>>> Vince.  Since their parts bin is deeper than mine I am going to 
>>> have them 
>>> build it up and leave my RB-1 shiny bits where they are.  #2 in 
>>> line.  
>>> Someone out there is faaat.  :-)
>>> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:16:25 PM UTC-5 Drew Henson 
>>> wrote:

Re: [RBW] Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2022-12-18 Thread Eric Floden
Proto Bomba .ulti top tubed?

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To view this discussion on the web visit

[RBW] Re: Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2022-12-18 Thread J J
Willet, this is a fascinating backstory indeed. Thanks for sharing. 

One piece of it is curious, and it both clarifies and clouds things: the 
Hunqapillar copy also states that the the “proto-Hunqapillar” was ridden by 
Daniel on the Great Divide.

>From Riv:

And it's a trail bike.
The tubes are stout, but reasonable in weight, and the strong lugged joints 
should last or decades. There’s clearance for 58mm tires. If you need 
fatter than that, get a Pugsley. 
*Trivia: Former employee Daniel rode a proto-Hunqapillar the entire 
2700-miles of the Great Divide trail. No problem. The current ones are vast 
improvements over that*.

So this strongly suggests that the proto Bombadil and the proto Hunqapillar 
were the same proto frames. Right?

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:51:19 PM UTC-5 WilletM wrote:

> Just by lucky coincidence, I had recently been considering starting a 
> definitive "Bombadil origins" thread, which would hopefully document all 
> the current (and maybe former) Bombadil's owned by forum members, with pics 
> and stories about ownership history and builds and any other details that 
> would help to flesh out our collective interest/obsession with this 
> particular Rivendell model.  But Eric saved me the trouble by starting a 
> thoughtful and interesting thread that covers most/all of the same 
> information that I had hoped to aggregate in my proposed thread.
> My own personal Bombadil obsession started, as so many others apparently 
> have, with provocative pics that I saw online depicting 
> Protovelo/Bombadil's naked as a jaybird, with brass flowing in copious 
> amounts out of the fancy lugs.  Back in the mid-90's, I had ordered a 
> custom Bilenky coupled touring bike with Nervex lugs and had it finished 
> naked, which, in combination with the lugs and couplers and other 
> braze-on's, made for an abundantly visually interesting frameset to 
> admire.  And then along comes the naked Protovelo, which seems to have 
> scratched the very same itch for me that the Bilenky did.
> Not surprisingly, owning a naked (Bombadil)Protovelo zoomed to the top of 
> my bucket list and remained there for 3-4 years while I searched for one on 
> ebay and craigslist and elsewhere.  In reality, I had very little hope of 
> ever finding one, let alone being able to afford one if I found it.  But 
> then, out of the blue, popped up on ebay in October of 2019 this repainted 
> Protovelo that had started out life naked and with a very interesting 
> history.  Below is a pic and some description (in italics) of that 
> frameset, shown built and complete in a for-sale posting by Erik from 
> Oakland on this forum from April of 2018.  
> [image: image.png]
> *60cm ish upsloper, fits me like a glove. 93 is my PBH. All my other riv 
> bikes have been 62 to 66cm. Second top tube is beautifully fillet brazed. I 
> liked the improved standover compared to my 62cm Hunqapillar. The bike has 
> a slightly higher bottom bracket though and a slightly shorter set of 
> chainstays than the eventual production Bombadil - I like how nimble it 
> felt by comparison. Way shreddier than my old Toyo Hunqapillar, it carves 
> turns - after I got this bike the hunqapillar was sold. Best bike I have 
> ever owned, to be certain.*
> *It's built for resilience and singletrack adventuring. Before I rebuilt 
> it from the repainted frame, a raw clearcoated it rolled down the 
> continental divide with Daniel from Tumbleweed Bikes. Some scratches, but 
> cared for in my travels with it and riding like new. I can equip it with 
> Albatross or Raw Bullmoose bars. Right now it has albatross bars. Paul 
> Cantis, Paul Levers, Paul Thumbies. 3 Bottle Cages. Hands on wheels, 
> shimano hubs, heavy rims (I think cliffhangers) front and rear. Will 
> include a set of knobbies. Also happy to include a porteur rack up front if 
> you want it.*
> *This bike has ridden me through many a mile of twisting californian 
> backcountry, and has thousands of miles to go.*
> *
> Of particular interest to me in the posting above from Erik was the 
> reference to Daniel from Tumbleweed having taken this particular Protovelo, 
> with Grant's blessing, on an epic adventure down the Great Divide Route.  I 
> later found another reference to this trip in a thread from Daniel Molloy 
> of Tumbleweed Bikes on Reddit, where he talks about how he got interested 
> in bikes and started out at RBW.  A snippit of that conversation is below 
> in italics.  
> ***
> *RipVanBinkle* 
> *·4 yr. ago 
> *
> *What was your time at Riv like? How did you end up there? Any majo

[RBW] For Sale - Misc Rivendell items

2022-12-18 Thread wolfemp

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[RBW] Re: Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2022-12-18 Thread 'WilletM' via RBW Owners Bunch

Well, that's an interesting little twist!  It was my assumption after 
posting the "origin story" of my Protovelo that I probably had many of the 
details wrong and that there would be a long list of 
clarifications/modifications to the information that I had pieced together 
about it.  In particular, I assumed that there had been additional owners 
of the frame that were unknown to me, and that perhaps Daniel M. had never 
really "owned" the frame but had just borrowed it from Grant for the one 
journey, etc.  But I had never seen anything regarding the 
"proto-Hunqapillar" making the Great Divide trip.  I'm sure there are 
others on the forum with more information about this than me, but my 
initial thought is that perhaps my frame was very "interim" and included 
both Bombadil and Hunqapillar elements/geometry???  On the other hand, the 
fact that Daniel referred to it pretty precisely as a "new unpainted 
Bombadil" in the Reddit thread seems to slot it in timeline-wise as an 
early Bombadil rather than a later Hunqapillar.  As always, I will defer to 
the experts and look forward to possibly fleshing out more details as we go 

Thanks, though, for pointing out the discrepancy.

Willet M.

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 12:42:39 PM UTC-7 J J wrote:

> Willet, this is a fascinating backstory indeed. Thanks for sharing. 
> One piece of it is curious, and it both clarifies and clouds things: the 
> Hunqapillar copy also states that the the “proto-Hunqapillar” was ridden by 
> Daniel on the Great Divide.
> From Riv:
> And it's a trail bike.
> The tubes are stout, but reasonable in weight, and the strong lugged 
> joints should last or decades. There’s clearance for 58mm tires. If you 
> need fatter than that, get a Pugsley. 
> *Trivia: Former employee Daniel rode a proto-Hunqapillar the entire 
> 2700-miles of the Great Divide trail. No problem. The current ones are vast 
> improvements over that*.
> So this strongly suggests that the proto Bombadil and the proto 
> Hunqapillar were the same proto frames. Right?
> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:51:19 PM UTC-5 WilletM wrote:
>> Just by lucky coincidence, I had recently been considering starting a 
>> definitive "Bombadil origins" thread, which would hopefully document all 
>> the current (and maybe former) Bombadil's owned by forum members, with pics 
>> and stories about ownership history and builds and any other details that 
>> would help to flesh out our collective interest/obsession with this 
>> particular Rivendell model.  But Eric saved me the trouble by starting a 
>> thoughtful and interesting thread that covers most/all of the same 
>> information that I had hoped to aggregate in my proposed thread.
>> My own personal Bombadil obsession started, as so many others apparently 
>> have, with provocative pics that I saw online depicting 
>> Protovelo/Bombadil's naked as a jaybird, with brass flowing in copious 
>> amounts out of the fancy lugs.  Back in the mid-90's, I had ordered a 
>> custom Bilenky coupled touring bike with Nervex lugs and had it finished 
>> naked, which, in combination with the lugs and couplers and other 
>> braze-on's, made for an abundantly visually interesting frameset to 
>> admire.  And then along comes the naked Protovelo, which seems to have 
>> scratched the very same itch for me that the Bilenky did.
>> Not surprisingly, owning a naked (Bombadil)Protovelo zoomed to the top of 
>> my bucket list and remained there for 3-4 years while I searched for one on 
>> ebay and craigslist and elsewhere.  In reality, I had very little hope of 
>> ever finding one, let alone being able to afford one if I found it.  But 
>> then, out of the blue, popped up on ebay in October of 2019 this repainted 
>> Protovelo that had started out life naked and with a very interesting 
>> history.  Below is a pic and some description (in italics) of that 
>> frameset, shown built and complete in a for-sale posting by Erik from 
>> Oakland on this forum from April of 2018.  
>> [image: image.png]
>> *60cm ish upsloper, fits me like a glove. 93 is my PBH. All my other riv 
>> bikes have been 62 to 66cm. Second top tube is beautifully fillet brazed. I 
>> liked the improved standover compared to my 62cm Hunqapillar. The bike has 
>> a slightly higher bottom bracket though and a slightly shorter set of 
>> chainstays than the eventual production Bombadil - I like how nimble it 
>> felt by comparison. Way shreddier than my old Toyo Hunqapillar, it carves 
>> turns - after I got this bike the hunqapillar was sold. Best bike I have 
>> ever owned, to be certain.*
>> *It's built for resilience and singletrack adventuring. Before I rebuilt 
>> it from the repainted frame, a raw clearcoated it rolled down the 
>> continental divide with Daniel from Tumbleweed Bikes. Some scratches, but 
>> cared for in my travels with it and r

[RBW] For Sale: Nitto, VO, Riv Silver, Cambium

2022-12-18 Thread scott minor
Some items for sale:

Nitto 177 Noodle handlebar - heat treated 48cm width / 26.0 clamp. $85

Rivendell Tosco handlebar - 65cm width / 31.8 clamp. $60

VO Klunker handlebar - Nickel 68cm width / 25.4 clamp. $50

Brooks cambium C19 saddle - wider version of standard c17 - Natural color. 

Silver R559 side-pull brake set w recessed allen - $60. (currently out of 
stock at Riv)

Silver 2 shifters (new in package) - one 'X' and one 'O' version - $35 ea - 
free shipping

Silver shifter mounts for thumb shift (new in package) - two 'X' version 
(Riv right) - $45 ea (currently out of stock at Riv)  - free shipping

pictures here:

Located in VA

Accepting PayPal F&F or Venmo

As for shipping, very reasonable shipping charges.. (small parts are free 
ship, and basically splitting shipping cost with buyer for bigger items 
like bars and saddle), and I have boxes for handlebars already which makes 
it pretty easy to offer these bars for sale.  

Thanks!  -Scott 

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[RBW] Re: Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2022-12-18 Thread J J
Yes, the saga continues! I think it’s plausible that the prototype was 
indeed a prototype for both bikes — let’s call it a super heavy duty frame 
prototype — even if that was not the intention from the get go. And then 
there would have been a split, so to speak, with one going in this 
direction and one going in that, each with its own characteristics and 
nuances that we could list. In a rough and very imperfect analogy, it could 
be akin to a split for identical twins that start out from one, but whose 
real-world “gene expression” results in each twin developing their own 
personality, having a different appearance in some respects, and different 
strengths, weaknesses, and interests. 

I know this is a stretch! But without a definitive story straight from the 
horse’s mouth, all this sleuthing and piecing together stories and evidence 
is the best we’ve got. It’s a fantastic thread. 
On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 3:53:56 PM UTC-5 WilletM wrote:

> Well, that's an interesting little twist!  It was my assumption after 
> posting the "origin story" of my Protovelo that I probably had many of the 
> details wrong and that there would be a long list of 
> clarifications/modifications to the information that I had pieced together 
> about it.  In particular, I assumed that there had been additional owners 
> of the frame that were unknown to me, and that perhaps Daniel M. had never 
> really "owned" the frame but had just borrowed it from Grant for the one 
> journey, etc.  But I had never seen anything regarding the 
> "proto-Hunqapillar" making the Great Divide trip.  I'm sure there are 
> others on the forum with more information about this than me, but my 
> initial thought is that perhaps my frame was very "interim" and included 
> both Bombadil and Hunqapillar elements/geometry???  On the other hand, the 
> fact that Daniel referred to it pretty precisely as a "new unpainted 
> Bombadil" in the Reddit thread seems to slot it in timeline-wise as an 
> early Bombadil rather than a later Hunqapillar.  As always, I will defer to 
> the experts and look forward to possibly fleshing out more details as we go 
> along.
> Thanks, though, for pointing out the discrepancy.
> Willet M.
> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 12:42:39 PM UTC-7 J J wrote:
>> Willet, this is a fascinating backstory indeed. Thanks for sharing. 
>> One piece of it is curious, and it both clarifies and clouds things: the 
>> Hunqapillar copy also states that the the “proto-Hunqapillar” was ridden by 
>> Daniel on the Great Divide.
>> From Riv:
>> And it's a trail bike.
>> The tubes are stout, but reasonable in weight, and the strong lugged 
>> joints should last or decades. There’s clearance for 58mm tires. If you 
>> need fatter than that, get a Pugsley. 
>> *Trivia: Former employee Daniel rode a proto-Hunqapillar the entire 
>> 2700-miles of the Great Divide trail. No problem. The current ones are vast 
>> improvements over that*.
>> So this strongly suggests that the proto Bombadil and the proto 
>> Hunqapillar were the same proto frames. Right?
>> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:51:19 PM UTC-5 WilletM wrote:
>>> Just by lucky coincidence, I had recently been considering starting a 
>>> definitive "Bombadil origins" thread, which would hopefully document all 
>>> the current (and maybe former) Bombadil's owned by forum members, with pics 
>>> and stories about ownership history and builds and any other details that 
>>> would help to flesh out our collective interest/obsession with this 
>>> particular Rivendell model.  But Eric saved me the trouble by starting a 
>>> thoughtful and interesting thread that covers most/all of the same 
>>> information that I had hoped to aggregate in my proposed thread.
>>> My own personal Bombadil obsession started, as so many others apparently 
>>> have, with provocative pics that I saw online depicting 
>>> Protovelo/Bombadil's naked as a jaybird, with brass flowing in copious 
>>> amounts out of the fancy lugs.  Back in the mid-90's, I had ordered a 
>>> custom Bilenky coupled touring bike with Nervex lugs and had it finished 
>>> naked, which, in combination with the lugs and couplers and other 
>>> braze-on's, made for an abundantly visually interesting frameset to 
>>> admire.  And then along comes the naked Protovelo, which seems to have 
>>> scratched the very same itch for me that the Bilenky did.
>>> Not surprisingly, owning a naked (Bombadil)Protovelo zoomed to the top 
>>> of my bucket list and remained there for 3-4 years while I searched for one 
>>> on ebay and craigslist and elsewhere.  In reality, I had very little hope 
>>> of ever finding one, let alone being able to afford one if I found it.  But 
>>> then, out of the blue, popped up on ebay in October of 2019 this repainted 
>>> Protovelo that had started out life naked and with a very interesting 
>>> history.  Below is a pic and some description (in italics) of that 
>>> frameset,

[RBW] Re: Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2022-12-18 Thread Eric Marth
Great write-up, pics and story Willet! 

This thread is really paying off :) 

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 4:37:12 PM UTC-5 J J wrote:

> Yes, the saga continues! I think it’s plausible that the prototype was 
> indeed a prototype for both bikes — let’s call it a super heavy duty frame 
> prototype — even if that was not the intention from the get go. And then 
> there would have been a split, so to speak, with one going in this 
> direction and one going in that, each with its own characteristics and 
> nuances that we could list. In a rough and very imperfect analogy, it could 
> be akin to a split for identical twins that start out from one, but whose 
> real-world “gene expression” results in each twin developing their own 
> personality, having a different appearance in some respects, and different 
> strengths, weaknesses, and interests. 
> I know this is a stretch! But without a definitive story straight from the 
> horse’s mouth, all this sleuthing and piecing together stories and evidence 
> is the best we’ve got. It’s a fantastic thread. 
> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 3:53:56 PM UTC-5 WilletM wrote:
>> Well, that's an interesting little twist!  It was my assumption after 
>> posting the "origin story" of my Protovelo that I probably had many of the 
>> details wrong and that there would be a long list of 
>> clarifications/modifications to the information that I had pieced together 
>> about it.  In particular, I assumed that there had been additional owners 
>> of the frame that were unknown to me, and that perhaps Daniel M. had never 
>> really "owned" the frame but had just borrowed it from Grant for the one 
>> journey, etc.  But I had never seen anything regarding the 
>> "proto-Hunqapillar" making the Great Divide trip.  I'm sure there are 
>> others on the forum with more information about this than me, but my 
>> initial thought is that perhaps my frame was very "interim" and included 
>> both Bombadil and Hunqapillar elements/geometry???  On the other hand, the 
>> fact that Daniel referred to it pretty precisely as a "new unpainted 
>> Bombadil" in the Reddit thread seems to slot it in timeline-wise as an 
>> early Bombadil rather than a later Hunqapillar.  As always, I will defer to 
>> the experts and look forward to possibly fleshing out more details as we go 
>> along.
>> Thanks, though, for pointing out the discrepancy.
>> Willet M.
>> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 12:42:39 PM UTC-7 J J wrote:
>>> Willet, this is a fascinating backstory indeed. Thanks for sharing. 
>>> One piece of it is curious, and it both clarifies and clouds things: the 
>>> Hunqapillar copy also states that the the “proto-Hunqapillar” was ridden by 
>>> Daniel on the Great Divide.
>>> From Riv:
>>> And it's a trail bike.
>>> The tubes are stout, but reasonable in weight, and the strong lugged 
>>> joints should last or decades. There’s clearance for 58mm tires. If you 
>>> need fatter than that, get a Pugsley. 
>>> *Trivia: Former employee Daniel rode a proto-Hunqapillar the entire 
>>> 2700-miles of the Great Divide trail. No problem. The current ones are vast 
>>> improvements over that*.
>>> So this strongly suggests that the proto Bombadil and the proto 
>>> Hunqapillar were the same proto frames. Right?
>>> On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:51:19 PM UTC-5 WilletM wrote:

 Just by lucky coincidence, I had recently been considering starting a 
 definitive "Bombadil origins" thread, which would hopefully document all 
 the current (and maybe former) Bombadil's owned by forum members, with 
 and stories about ownership history and builds and any other details that 
 would help to flesh out our collective interest/obsession with this 
 particular Rivendell model.  But Eric saved me the trouble by starting a 
 thoughtful and interesting thread that covers most/all of the same 
 information that I had hoped to aggregate in my proposed thread.

 My own personal Bombadil obsession started, as so many others 
 apparently have, with provocative pics that I saw online depicting 
 Protovelo/Bombadil's naked as a jaybird, with brass flowing in copious 
 amounts out of the fancy lugs.  Back in the mid-90's, I had ordered a 
 custom Bilenky coupled touring bike with Nervex lugs and had it finished 
 naked, which, in combination with the lugs and couplers and other 
 braze-on's, made for an abundantly visually interesting frameset to 
 admire.  And then along comes the naked Protovelo, which seems to have 
 scratched the very same itch for me that the Bilenky did.

 Not surprisingly, owning a naked (Bombadil)Protovelo zoomed to the top 
 of my bucket list and remained there for 3-4 years while I searched for 
 on ebay and craigslist and elsewhere.  In reality, I had very little hope 
 of ever finding one, let alone being able to afford one if I fo

[RBW] Re: For sale: Rivendell caps, Riv shirt, bandanas, wool sweaters

2022-12-18 Thread James M
Eric - sending you a PM

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 2:42:36 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> Hello people — I have some stuff that I'm just not wearing or using, 
> including classic Riv stuffs. Prices do not include shipping. PayPal 
> Friends & Family or Venmo work best for me. Please hit me for a shipping 
> quote. Thanks! 
> *[image: IMG_4242.JPG]*
> *Rivendell cycling cap — $10/OBO *
> Pretty beat. Classic Rivendell cap made by Pace in the US. The elastic was 
> recently replaced by Randi Jo. 
> [image: IMG_4251.JPG]
> *Rivendell by Randi Jo wool cap — $25 *
> Wool cap by Randi Jo Fabrications. Some wear and fading, some 
> discoloration to interior band. Sized large in Randi Jo sizing, size medium 
> in Riv sizing. 
> *[image: IMG_4216.JPG]Rivendell Peace Wheel tee — $15 *
> Size medium in ash grey. It's 19" from pit to pit and 27" overall. Not a 
> pocket tee, front has the Riv round RBW + stars logo in black on left side 
> of chest. 
> [image: IMG_4252.JPG]
> *Made in US Bandanas lot, nine total — $15 *
> These are all Hav-A-Hank bandanas from Rivendell. Two brown, two 
> terracotta/brick red, two olive, two gold, one plum. One of the gold ones 
> has some grease smears but they're all washed and ready for you. 
> [image: IMG_4217 2.JPG]
> *Patagonia tweed wool henley sweater — $10*
> Labeled a size medium, made in Hong Kong. It's a heavy tweed sweater with 
> a high collar and three buttons. It's dark grey with flecks of green, blue 
> and brown. It has several dime-sized holes on the front, two in the belly 
> area, one at the right shoulder. From pit to pit it's 22" and overall from 
> top of shoulder to bottom hem is 27". 
> [image: IMG_4228.JPG]
> [image: IMG_4170.JPG]
> *Cox Moore English wool sweater — $20*
> Beautiful burnt orange ribbed knit sweater, dark orange with flecks of 
> brown, yellow and orange. Made in England from Shetland wool. No issues, 
> cute label. Measures 22” from pit to pit. Overall from top of collar to 
> bottom hem is 25”.

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[RBW] Re: FS: 56cm Rosco Bubbe double TT frameset - SOLD SOLD and still SOLD

2022-12-18 Thread Joe Bernard
It's so cool! I wish I'd grabbed a 50cm in light matte green when I had the 
chance. Ack! 

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:57:42 PM UTC-8 wrote:

> Sorry to bump and old thread but this one is back in the forum family 
> after my recent move from lurker to active contributor.  Hope the fact that 
> the original headline for the post does not reflect sold does not get 
> people too excited for one popping up (I added SOLD to my post to help) as 
> these have not come up often since early 2020.  Just doing a forum search 
> as I was inspired by the "definitive B/H thread" and thought I would make 
> sure there was not already one before I create one for the Rosco Bubbe 
> models.  I have some good info on both of mine, but would like to verify 
> what batch, geo and where they are made etc.
> Whoever got this here from Paul did not keep it long as either did not 
> work our or was just a deliberate flip as I paid a fair bit more for this 
> on eBay in May 20. It was languishing and still a great deal as nobody was 
> looking for these at that time.  6 months later these started getting 
> chatter on the fancy road bike forum (PL) but have rarely been available 
> since.  Big fan of the original excess fork replacement plan Rosco Bubble 
> program and cool to see it expanded further with the Rosco Platy offered in 
> larger numbers. This is 1 of 2 Rosco Bubbes for me as I have the Red one 
> with the lift handle as well.  
> Built this up finally a few months ago and it was been a blast!
> Current build highlighted with:
>   - Black Sheep "Jones Sweep" custom width/reach Ti bars and Nitro 31.8 
> 90mm Stem
>   - Paul Thumbies/Dura-9 with Paul Love Levers and Brooks Leather Ergon 
> Grips
>   - Minty 170mm Ritchey Logic 110/74 (154mm Q-factor) Triple w/TA 24/34/46 
> rings & NOS original Canfield Crampons
>   - XT 9 speed 11-32 cassette with XT 8 speed FD & RD
>   - Shimano Touring hubs laced to 32h Dyads and 700C x 44 Snoqualmie Pass 
> EL tires
> Going forward I bought an Outer Shell 137 bag with camera inserts and am 
> in queue with Joel at Clockwork cycles for custom front and rear racks that 
> will be integrated with wide hammered Honjo fenders and I need to add a 
> Greenfield kickstand.
> This is my city tourer.  Photography, grocery getting and light touring in 
> the region where I am ok without drops.  The Red Bubble will be setup a bit 
> lighter and more streamline with just a Sugarloaf up front.
> On Monday, February 3, 2020 at 9:04:05 PM UTC-6 Paul M wrote:
>> The Rosco sold. Thanks!
>>> On Monday, 3 February 2020 16:29:36 UTC-8, Joe Bernard wrote:

 The ETT on this is 60 and ST C-to-C is 52. My guess is the accurate 
 size as Riv called it is 53.5-54cm. 

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[RBW] Roadini in gravel mode

2022-12-18 Thread Piaw Na
I caved and bought a couple of Continental Terraspeed tires and 
corresponding tubes, outfitted the Roadini and took it on some mountain 
bike trails and single track. (See 
photo: The 40mm tires mounted 
at 38mm, so I had plenty of clearance. As you might expect, the bike 
handled nicely on trails, at the expense of not being nearly as agile or 
nimble on the road. I even caught a little bit of air here and there. I'll 
probably keep the Roadini in gravel mode for a while, since my regular 
touring bike has slick tires, it's nice to have 2 bikes ready to go for 
whatever ride I feel like doing. (obligatory strava 

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Re: [RBW] Roadini in gravel mode

2022-12-18 Thread amillhench
So it’s now a Gravini?


Aaron in El Paso 

On Dec 18, 2022, at 17:24, Piaw Na  wrote:

I caved and bought a couple of Continental Terraspeed tires and corresponding 
tubes, outfitted the Roadini and took it on some mountain bike trails and 
single track. (See photo: The 40mm 
tires mounted at 38mm, so I had plenty of clearance. As you might expect, the 
bike handled nicely on trails, at the expense of not being nearly as agile or 
nimble on the road. I even caught a little bit of air here and there. I'll 
probably keep the Roadini in gravel mode for a while, since my regular touring 
bike has slick tires, it's nice to have 2 bikes ready to go for whatever ride I 
feel like doing. (obligatory strava tracks:
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Re: [RBW] Re: How you choose 2 Rivendells?

2022-12-18 Thread Masa
Garth & JP, your posts convinced me that old Riv models such as Legolas and 
Rambouillet must have some charm!
I'm only familiar with the current line up so going to dig the old catalogs 
carefully during the new year time.

Also now I'm curious about single speed as well since I read Will's blog 
about his SS Roadini.
Maybe I'll give it a try with my Surly Cross Check first to see if it's my 
style or not.

2022年12月16日金曜日 23:50:27 UTC+9 MoVelo:

> Patrick-yes that 'sedate' feeling is a good way of explaining the Ram vs 
> Legolas. 'Twitchy' maybe is a bit too negative for the Legolas. I steer 
> mainly with my hips to innate a turn and both bikes then 'fall' into and 
> complete the turn. The Ram is just a tiny bit slower at this than the 
> Legolas. The fact that the Ram can fit 650x42s with fenders, has an 
> additional water bottle mount and easily accommodates racks makes me love 
> it and want to keep it for a long time. I certainly did not make a long 
> range plan to have these two somewhat similar bikes in my life but here 
> they are. Lovely to look at and lovely to ride. 
> Brian- yes, the threading of the steerer tube and switching to a quill 
> stem is the only component change I made to the bike. I believe you are 
> correct in suggesting that raising the bars contributed to the difference. 
> It continues to amaze me the subtle and sometimes minute changes made and 
> their subsequent effect. Trying to quantify differences is complicated and 
> I suspect a fair bit of subjectiveness creeps into the equation.  Your 
> 'experiments' sound similar to mine. 
> Now that I have these two dialed, I too have the single speed bug. 
> Thankfully $$ I already have a couple of frame options hanging in my garage.
> On Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 1:20:44 PM UTC-6 Coal Bee Rye Anne wrote:
>> I'd further suspect the act of simply raising the bars may additionally 
>> contribute to some kind of anatomical/physiological relief.  In other 
>> words, maybe allowing additional flex within your own system that may not 
>> have been nearly as present with lower bars/posture.  This is purely 
>> un-informed, non-scientific, speculation but having experienced several fit 
>> issues of my own (primarily from just having too small frames for too long) 
>> I've wondered whether some experiences of perceived stiffness may have been 
>> more or less resulting from or increased by already present muscular 
>> tension from a less than desirable riding posture/postion/grip, etc.  
>> I tried numerous builds across a rotation of frames over a rather short 
>> period of time before settling into my current small stable.  Some of these 
>> short lived builds were just for fun, or to practice 
>> wrenching/maintenance/troubleshooting, or just make use of parts/frames 
>> that fell into my hands at the time, but I definitely found some that just 
>> didn't work or feel right, without ever being able to directly attribute 
>> the source.  It was a challenge to directly compare some, as a few became 
>> nothing more than a seasonal special/flavor of the month or quickly moved 
>> into other hands after build was complete (for a few hand me downs built 
>> out of necessity and fueled by a growing parts stash.)  In hindsight there 
>> were some missed opportunities there as some builds were rather impulsive 
>> with an abundance of time/parts and lots of swapping/scavenging so 
>> occasionally one build would be fully abandoned to feed another but I 
>> definitely felt those quill vs. threadless flex differences on some but not 
>> as much as expected on others.
>> JP, out of curiosity, has the rest of the Legolas build otherwise 
>> remained the same or were the steerer mods accompanied with further parts 
>> changes?
>> As for my response/approach to the OP's initial question I guess I'd echo 
>> the work and play sentiments mentioned above.  I already own a Clem H as 
>> one of my theoretical two Rivs and it truthfully covers all of my immediate 
>> and realistic cycling needs, whether for work/utility or play.  If adding a 
>> 2nd to complement the Clem it would likely be a fully lugged country-bike 
>> with the Clem serving as the more utilitarian hillibike.  I do not commute 
>> by bike but most rides these days are for brief and local leisure rides 
>> when time permits or errand running.  The fully lugged countrybike I 
>> suppose I'd look to build as a simpler, lighter go-fast type bike but with 
>> the ability to load it up when necessary.  Just not fully racked or 
>> anything.  As mentioned in another thread, right around the time the 65cm 
>> Clem H was on the verge of being released I was seriously considering 
>> investing in a Hillborne or Hilsen as a one Riv and one bike solution, but 
>> I was very pleased to discover the big Clem was forthcoming and joined the 
>> presale without much hesitation.  I've since acquired two old, x-large 
>> frames that have been great as countrybike stand-ins