[RBW] Re: Alternative to Halfmitts?

2019-12-11 Thread Matt B.
I wish Riv would bring back the half-mitts!  They also work great over wool 
gripper gloves; I can ride in temps down into the teens no problem that 
way.  Anyway I have two pairs and have used the heck out of them.   I have 
had to stitch them back together a couple times when the original thread 
has failed.

On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 8:36:48 PM UTC-5, ted wrote:
> Actually in the SF Bay Area half mits without gloves under are the bees 
> knees. Keep your fingers from getting cold when you start out, and easily 
> slip you fingers out if they start to get too warm. For descents or clouds 
> blocking nature’s heat lamp that start to chill your didgits, just slip em 
> back into the mitts. Brilliant I tell you, brilliant.

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[RBW] Re: Thin Gripster alternatives?

2019-12-11 Thread Ron Mc
I'll add that I have an issue with the VP pedals - they have an ersatz wide 
spot that cost me a sprained ankle before I replaced them.  At their widest 
point, they're wide for no reason except to strike the ground.  
The widest safe pedals I use are Race Face Atlas, with Blackspire Sub Four 
a close second.  

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[RBW] Re: FS Sackville Tool Roll

2019-12-11 Thread Steve Butcher
The tool roll has sold.  

On Monday, December 9, 2019 at 1:30:29 PM UTC-6, Steve Butcher wrote:
> [image: 20191209_102345.jpeg]
> [image: 20191209_102345.jpeg]
> [image: 20191209_102357.jpeg]
> As this never sold, I'm relisting this Riv item along with some photos.  
> The item has never been wet and  is in great shape with no tears and 
> stitching is intact.  Also, I'll throw in a toe clip strap.I want 
> $30.00 shipped CONUS.  Please DM me off list if interested.

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[RBW] Re: What does a BMC Monstercross weigh?

2019-12-11 Thread Scott S
Very late to this party but wanted to ask John G a question, if possible -- 
you wrote:

*My saddle height is 79.5, and I ended up going for a 60cm. Wish I had gone 
for a 62.*

Would love to hear why. My saddle height is 80.5, which puts me pretty much 
in the middle of Mike's saddle height range for a 60cm frame. I'm at the 
low end of the range for a 62cm frame. I'm 6' with long legs, short torso, 
and concerned I'd have reach issues with the 60cm TT on the 62 frame. The 
TT is 59 on the 60cm frame, which is also something of a concern. Any 
wisdom appreciated.

On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 1:31:33 PM UTC-5, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> I finally bought a BMC Monstercross frameset.  Why?  Because it's dumb not 
> to buy one.  The only thing that had been stopping me was the horizontal 
> dropouts, because vertical dropouts are categorically better.  Since the 
> last time I decided horizontal dropouts were a dealkiller, I've acquired 4 
> bikes with horizontal dropouts, and guess what?  I didn't die.  Vertical 
> dropouts are better, but horizontals are not the end of the world.  The 
> BRIGHT green colorway of the latest batch made it irresistable.  So, new 
> bike day?  The build will be a drop bar mountain bike.  No racks, no 
> lights, no fenders.  It'll be used for 2-3 hour mountain bike rides. I'll 
> post photos when there is something to look at.  I have a couple small 
> details to iron out.  
> In the meantime, there have been a couple gram-counter threads recently, 
> and I thought I'd offer up another datapoint while I have a bare frame and 
> fork:
> A 58cm Black Mountain Monstercross frame, with Cane Creek 40 headset cups 
> pressed in, weighs 2257g
> The fork with a crown race installed and an uncut threadless steerer is 
> 1057g
> Use that data for whatever you like.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: An Ent and Hurricane Ridge

2019-12-11 Thread Mike E
Love your build! How do you like the Paul cantis? And like everybody else, 
eager to get some feedback on the RH Hurricanes.

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[RBW] Rivendell Banana Sack

2019-12-11 Thread John McClusky
I replaced my Saddlesack small with a Banana Sax and it’s worked out well.  
Unless I needed to carry a fleece or a jacket, I just wasn’t using the space 
offered with the Saddlesack.  It’s surprisingly large.  I hang it on the back 
of a Brooks Flyer Special with the springs.  I do find that the springs keep me 
from overstuffing it.  I’m sure I could mount it lower on the springs or get a 
little more clearance with Anna’s clever dowel rod hack but I haven’t felt the 
need.  I can fit multiple tubes, a large multitool, levers, patch kit, tire 
gauge, wallet, smart phone, snack bar, sunscreen and keys with a little room to 
spare.  The one thing I can’t fit in it is a U lock.  I strap that on the back 
rack with a dutch strap.  A folding lock might fit, though.  The two pockets 
are nice for organizing small stuff and the new ones have an internal flap that 
lifts up from the bottom to keep anything from falling out.  Access is easy 
although access to the Saddlesack was easier.  I could flip open the top to the 
Saddlesack and see and reach everything with ease.  The Banana Sax requires me 
to stack the contents more.  The reason I changed was mostly to try the Banana 
to reduce what I carry and to support Riv which I try to do occasionally 
despite not really needing much for my bikes. I also wanted to see what it 
would be like to eliminate the back-of-the-thigh rub.  I’d gotten used to it 
but like the Banana Sax better without the rub.  I personally like using the 
Banana Sax better than the small Saddlesack.  If I need to carry more, I strap 
a Wald and Shopsack on the front rack with an Irish strap.


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Re: [RBW] Silver2 shifters on downtube?

2019-12-11 Thread Ahmed Elgasseir
Could not agree more. I have stem shifters  on my AHH and it’s the best
most comfy ride ever. Thinking about replacing my downtube shifters on my

On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 11:09 AM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> The real question is how they look and work on the stem. So few people
> recognize the truth that stem shifters are freaking BOSS that I just have
> to assume it’s up to me to try it first.
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, Ca
> --
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> .

*Ahmed Elgasseir*

Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts

*Castilleja School*

1310 Bryant Street

Palo Alto, CA 94301

P (415) 654-7977

E aelgass...@castilleja.org


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[RBW] Re: What does a BMC Monstercross weigh?

2019-12-11 Thread Clayton.sf
I am 6' with saddle height (measured from center of bb to top in a straight 
line along the seat tube) of 76cm. I ride a 58cm monstercross (rim brake). With 
a 100mm stem this fits great with minimal spacers. Could ride a size up but 
prefer the 58cm. Hope this data point helps. I is a fantastic frame and while 
it may lack some of the flourishes of pricier frames its ride quality leaves 
nothing to be desired for me.

Clayton Scott

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[RBW] Rivendell Banana Sack

2019-12-11 Thread Joe Bernard
Yes, this folding lock will fit in a Banana. It's a little fiddly to learn - 
tip: you will unlock it and drop the metal end on your frame, so don't be near 
your frame! - but once you've used it a couple times it's super handy for 
short-ish lockups in safe-ish areas.

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[RBW] Why I Might Delete a Thread

2019-12-11 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
Because my name (or at least position as "moderator") came up recently, I 
thought I'd share a couple thoughts.

- Off-topic?
There were comments that unless I step in and delete a thread, it's not 
off-topic. This is patently wrong. The topic of this group is clear.  The 
direction is clear. We are talking about guardrails. If we keep veering 
toward the guardrail because folks are piling on, that's going to degrade 
the quality of this group. You have the ability to not add momentum to the 
vector. Please take a moment to make a clear choice before posting.

- Adult behavior
The time I need to step in and delete a thread occurs the moment it gets 
personal and/or nasty. Deleting threads is a PITA and takes extra time I 
don't typically have. That's why I rely upon the members of this group to 
take responsibility for the content shared and tone taken. It's why the 
"new member bottleneck" exists. That minor delay is often very revealing as 
to how short people's fuse is and the speed with which umbrage is taken. By 
the time you've been unmoderated, I usually have a sense that you will be a 
contributing member of the community. I've only had to remove a handful of 
folks over the years.

- Moderator's perogitive
Of course, if I see a post that starts with "This may be OT..." then I'm 
just as likely to delete it out of hand. A casualty of early awakenings and 
strong coffee, the condition in which I usually am perusing new and 
moderated posts.

- My goal
Is to continue to fortify respectful communication between members here. 
Too many groups have long since devolved into generally nasty or snide back 
and forths - being glib or clever for some unknown agenda. I think we 
continue to show more restraint on hot button topics and I greatly 
appreciate that effort. 

- Random thoughts
Let's not extrapolate. Let's understand there's a real person on the other 
side of the conversation Let's continue to remember that each of us are 
imperfect individuals. Let's give one another the space to be wrong and 
change our minds.

Happy holidays to all and thanks for adding to the conversation.

- Jim / cyclofi...@gmail.com / moderator-admin

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[RBW] Why I Might Delete a Thread

2019-12-11 Thread WETH
Since I believe we cannot over express our appreciation for your efforts on 
behalf of this group, I sincerely thank you for keeping us within the 
guardrails.  This Group is a joy and a wonderful place to dwell.
With thanks,
Kensington, MD

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[RBW] Re: FS: Rene Herse Barlow Pass 700x38 Endurance Casing; Tubeless Compatible - ~15 miles on them(!) (Set/2 tires)

2019-12-11 Thread Tim Tetrault
UPDATE: Sold! (pending payment reception) 

On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 10:09:10 AM UTC-8, Tim Tetrault wrote:
> Hi RBW Friends-
> I took the plunge and bought Rene Herse tires (formerly Compass) after 
> they introduced the Endurance Casing for tires that could fit on my Sam 
> Hillborne.
> My second ride out, I slipped and have decided these are too low-profile 
> for my style of riding. 
> I'm in Seattle and would prefer a local deal, cash, (I work in downtown 
> Seattle) but could be primed to ship them to cont'l US. (I would need to 
> set up a PayPa; account)
> $110, very lightly used. Tubeless compatible, this version has the 
> endurance casing.
> Tim in Seattle

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[RBW] Re: FS bar,stem,cantis

2019-12-11 Thread Tom Horton
REDUCED   sold cantis and stem; brand new billy bar now 50 bucks.  plus 

On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 10:32:29 AM UTC-5, Tom Horton wrote:
> nitto billy bar, new, came on atlantis I got at philly bike expo, swapped 
> for bullmoose  65 bucks
> paul cantis, anodized silver, one neo retro, one touring...lots of life 
> left in salmon kool stop pads  75 
> nitto tallux stem, 12 cm, new, came with billy bar35
> all plus shippingpm me if any interest.  

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[RBW] BB Size? TOYO Atlantis

2019-12-11 Thread AMAC
Hey Everyone,

I have some new wheels coming in and will likely be able to setup my 
Atlantis very soon.  I wondered if anyone could offer some advice on BB 
sizing?  I imagine someone will have a similar setup.  The frame is a 58" 
(bought from the group a few months back) and I plan to switch over a 
Sugino XD-600 triple I have from another bike.  I believe the inner ring is 

Thanks in advance,


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[RBW] Re: BB Size? TOYO Atlantis

2019-12-11 Thread Gabriel Hargrove

My 2007 Toyo Atlantis currently has a 68x118 BB paired with a Sun XCD with 
46/30 chainrings. Its a double crankset, but for what it's worth, that's 
what I'm running. 

Huntington Beach, CA

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 1:36:37 PM UTC-8, AMAC wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I have some new wheels coming in and will likely be able to setup my 
> Atlantis very soon.  I wondered if anyone could offer some advice on BB 
> sizing?  I imagine someone will have a similar setup.  The frame is a 58" 
> (bought from the group a few months back) and I plan to switch over a 
> Sugino XD-600 triple I have from another bike.  I believe the inner ring is 
> 24t.  
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew

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[RBW] Re: BB Size? TOYO Atlantis

2019-12-11 Thread dougP

My 58 cm came with a 115 (maybe 116?) BB in 2003, and it worked fine.  When 
it finally conked out, I went 110 & there it was a close fit, but worked.  
After that one died, I went with a 113 mm, which gives comfortable 
clearance with the chainstay.  The crankset has always been the Sugino 
triple that came with the bike (24 tooth inner ring).  

The Atlantis has had some subtle changes over the years, but Gabriel's 
experience with an '07 & my experience with an '03 show that various BB 
lengths work.  Do you know what year yours is?  Or what the serial number 
is?  The serial number on mine is AT 00519.


On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 1:36:37 PM UTC-8, AMAC wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I have some new wheels coming in and will likely be able to setup my 
> Atlantis very soon.  I wondered if anyone could offer some advice on BB 
> sizing?  I imagine someone will have a similar setup.  The frame is a 58" 
> (bought from the group a few months back) and I plan to switch over a 
> Sugino XD-600 triple I have from another bike.  I believe the inner ring is 
> 24t.  
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew

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Re: [RBW] Re: BB Size? TOYO Atlantis

2019-12-11 Thread Andrew MacDonald
Excellent!  Thanks for the info.  Serial # AT00951.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:35 PM dougP  wrote:

> Andrew:
> My 58 cm came with a 115 (maybe 116?) BB in 2003, and it worked fine.
> When it finally conked out, I went 110 & there it was a close fit, but
> worked.  After that one died, I went with a 113 mm, which gives comfortable
> clearance with the chainstay.  The crankset has always been the Sugino
> triple that came with the bike (24 tooth inner ring).
> The Atlantis has had some subtle changes over the years, but Gabriel's
> experience with an '07 & my experience with an '03 show that various BB
> lengths work.  Do you know what year yours is?  Or what the serial number
> is?  The serial number on mine is AT 00519.
> dougP
> On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 1:36:37 PM UTC-8, AMAC wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> I have some new wheels coming in and will likely be able to setup my
>> Atlantis very soon.  I wondered if anyone could offer some advice on BB
>> sizing?  I imagine someone will have a similar setup.  The frame is a 58"
>> (bought from the group a few months back) and I plan to switch over a
>> Sugino XD-600 triple I have from another bike.  I believe the inner ring is
>> 24t.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andrew
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: BB Size? TOYO Atlantis

2019-12-11 Thread maxcr
This link from Peter White might also come in handy:

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[RBW] Re: Thin Gripster alternatives?

2019-12-11 Thread Adam Leibow
+1 for deity black kat.

also, redline monster with replaceable pins. this is the fancy version: 

On Monday, December 2, 2019 at 9:55:47 AM UTC-8, Kieran J wrote:
> I have multiple sets of the VP Thin Gripster/VP-001. Great pedals but they 
> have all developed clicking noises in the bearings. Some of mine have 
> relatively low miles so I'm wondering about their longevity. I note that 
> RBW sells a bearing service kit but IMO it's too expensive.
> Have others experienced this? Did you service the pedals or replace them 
> with something else? If so, what?
> Thanks,
> Kieran

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[RBW] Riv Atlantis MTB Video

2019-12-11 Thread YQ
Hi everyone -- I really enjoy reading the group's ride reports and checking 
out the great pictures of different folks' rides. I thought I would share a 
video that I put together of my Atlantis doing some riding in the Santa 
Cruz Mountains.  Link is below. Hope you enjoy.


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[RBW] Re: Riv Atlantis MTB Video

2019-12-11 Thread dougP
Well done; thanks for posting.  Looks like you're having a lot of fun.


On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 8:05:33 PM UTC-8, YQ wrote:
> Hi everyone -- I really enjoy reading the group's ride reports and 
> checking out the great pictures of different folks' rides. I thought I 
> would share a video that I put together of my Atlantis doing some riding in 
> the Santa Cruz Mountains.  Link is below. Hope you enjoy.
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f2XIWEK9hciggoo5WRVwQeSKHocUUDOz/view?usp=sharing_eil&ts=5dd02343

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[RBW] Riv Atlantis MTB Video

2019-12-11 Thread A. Nostuh

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[RBW] Re: daily post ur riv

2019-12-11 Thread Wyatt
Wow, what a fun build on that Atlantis. Looks great.

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[RBW] Riv Atlantis MTB Video

2019-12-11 Thread Drw
Real fun and pretty. Thanks for sharing. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: daily post ur riv

2019-12-11 Thread Andrew Nussbaum
Thanks! It's a blast to ride.

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019, 22:15 Wyatt  wrote:

> Wow, what a fun build on that Atlantis. Looks great.
> --
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[RBW] Re: PSA: Tiny Saluki/Homer at RBW any color you want

2019-12-11 Thread Jason Fuller
I'm kind of amazed it's still available. Most Rivs are too big for me, yet 
this one is too small. 

My fingers are crossed that Grant brings back the Bleriot one day 

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