Re: [RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Garth

Great photo of you and with your compadres in ABQ for a Patrick, dressed in 
your Sun-day best no doubt !

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[RBW] Re: FS: Bosco Cockpit - $100 plus shipping

2018-07-10 Thread jandrews
Cockpit Sold pending payment
Thank you


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[RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Shoji Takahashi
Hi Sean,
I agree with Justin.

How do you like your San Marcos? Does it ride well for you on paved roads? 
What happens to the handling when you put a commuter load on it? or bag of 

How does the ride change when you're on Kansas gravel? 

I'd recommend an S24O on it, and see how it does. I'm 155# and ride AHH 
(38mm wide tires)-- perfectly fine and happy riding New England trails for 

Good luck!

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:26:42 AM UTC-4, Justin, Oakland wrote:
> First: ride what you have the way you can and want to ride. Figure out 
> what works and what doesnā€™t. Many people prefer lighter bikes for gravel 
> and bikepacking, some prefer 3ā€ wide tires without suspension, some like 
> 2.4ā€ full suspension bikes. You wonā€™t know until you try. 
> From there iron out what you might change: 
> - do you want racks or strap on bags? 
> - are you needing a lower top tube for dismounting? 
> - does it waggle or feel too stiff? 
> - does it feel like you need skinnier or fatter tires? 
> - how about that top tube? Does it let you run the bars you want in the 
> position you want? 
> - are my tires supple enough? SHOULD I HAVE GUMWALLS? 
> - why isnā€™t it orange? 
> All of these will help you decide if what you have is right, almost there 
> and tweakable, the correct base but serious overhauling or complete 
> replacement. 
> I have tended mostly towards tweaking the setup except in the case of my 
> MTB. My first one came and went so fast I barely remember it. Iā€™m tweaking 
> itā€™s replacement to all hell though. 
> -J

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[RBW] Re: Anyone have a spare Rivendell mug they're willing to part with?

2018-07-10 Thread Wayne Naha
Welp, I just bought one.  Got an email notification last night that they 
were in.  Can't wait to be sipping coffee out of it.

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[RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Sean Steinle
Thanks all for the responses. I'm trying hard to go N+0 with most stuff in 
my life, and while I know I can't go wrong, I know I could go *more *right 
:) Sounds like I could get a Joe, AHH, Hunq, or Atlantis and be perfectly 
happy for any type of riding I'd want to do. Honestly, I think the Atlantis 
fits the bill very nicely, I've just never loved the color, and paying 
extra for paint on an already very expensive frame just doesn't seem right. 
AHH and Hunq on the other hand have some of the most beautiful paint jobs 
I've seen on any bike. App sounds great but since I'm trying to go N+0 I 
want to go whole hog and get MUSA. 

Justin & Shoji, I think that advice is spot on. I wasn't clear though, my 
San Marcos is unbuilt, just F&F. Unfortunately, my only bike to experiment 
with at the moment is a Brompton, so not a great starting point. One thing 
I did realize, before I sold my previous bike (Salsa Casseroll) when I took 
it out for a few rides after riding my Brompton for several months, is that 
I really have come to love the low trail of my BrommieI know, probably 
sort of heresy on this list, but, it is what it is. So that's sort of 
giving my pause about everything in general. I do know that I'd get used to 
mid-high trail again once I started riding it regularly, it just felt sooo 
wonky and awkward after riding low trail for so long. 

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Re: [RBW] The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Patrick Moore
I want to see this. What geometry? I asked Chauncey to make me a "road
bike" that could take 60s and fenders, but he (doubtless in his wisdom)
gave it a slacker head and, while generous rake (55 mm), the trail is still
67 or so with 60s. but I wonder what my Rivs would feel like on dirt if
they could take and were ridden with 60 mm tires.

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 10:54 PM, Philip Williamson <> wrote:

> ...
> That said, I just put a deposit down on a custom Fitz road bike with 60mm
> tires and a dropper post.

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[RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Ginz
Once upon a time I weighed 125lbs.  I have a 48cm hunq  

Tire and handlebar would be, by far, my main qualifiers.  

For general comfort, gravely roads and dirt trails, I would insist on a 
minimum 1.75" tire with fenders.  AHH doesn't go there, I don't think.  
Joe, Atlantis and Hunq do

If I were buying a bike for that purpose, I would get the MIT Atlantis 
provided the new version worked well with my choice of handlebar 
(Albatross).  The original did not, as I believe it was designed with drop 
bars in mind. .  Joe would be my next choice, then the Hunq, mainly because 
you don't seem to ride rocky, rooty trails.  


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Re: [RBW] Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread Dave Grossman
Your all caps statement was the best thing I've seen today.  Thanks for the 

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[RBW] The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Joe Bernard
Even what Grant calls a light road bike is going to be stouter than what your 
average carbon rider considers such a thing; I have full confidence your San 
Marcos is fine for the riding you want to do. 

But you want a nice new MUSA bike so bollocks on all that San Marcos silliness! 
I think you'd love the Hunqapillar, and might even fit the used one that's 
listed around here somewhere. Or get a Crust Lightning Bolt for low-trail. I 
have one and it does handle similar to a Brompton. 

Joe Bernard

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[RBW] Re: Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread Paul Clifton
Do you have any photos of your setup? What seat is on your MMM and how's it 
working out?

I also bought an MMM with the intention of using it as a kid hauler 
(daughter is 7.5 mo. now), but now it's my mountain bike, and I'm weighing 
ALL the options.

FWIW - I asked Grant about what seats the new BabyBubbeBaby (can it be 
that??) will accommodate. Confirmed for Yepp and iBerts and something from 
Italy, and that it'll handle both front and back seats as the same time no 

Really feeling this right now Justin:

Has anyone fit a Yepp seat on an MTBubbe/MMM? How's it work? The photo on 
the Blahg looks like Will's Giant Step Through. Is it the medium or giant 
version of that bike in the photo?

Paul in ATL

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 8:42:43 PM UTC-4, Drw wrote:
> Iā€™m trying real real hard to convince myself that buying a rosco mtn Mixte 
> and turning it into a baby bike (which Iā€™ve done) was the right decision. 
> This is a gut punch for sure. 

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[RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Lester Lammers
Not MUSA  or Riv but low trail and affordable.


IMHO, the Rivendell Taiwanese frames are nicely painted and a relative 
bargain. I'm picking up my 53cm Atlantis tomorrow.

You have great options. :-)

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 9:57:47 AM UTC-4, Sean Steinle wrote:

> Thanks all for the responses. I'm trying hard to go N+0 with most stuff in 
> my life, and while I know I can't go wrong, I know I could go *more *right 
> :) Sounds like I could get a Joe, AHH, Hunq, or Atlantis and be perfectly 
> happy for any type of riding I'd want to do. Honestly, I think the Atlantis 
> fits the bill very nicely, I've just never loved the color, and paying 
> extra for paint on an already very expensive frame just doesn't seem right. 
> AHH and Hunq on the other hand have some of the most beautiful paint jobs 
> I've seen on any bike. App sounds great but since I'm trying to go N+0 I 
> want to go whole hog and get MUSA. 
> Justin & Shoji, I think that advice is spot on. I wasn't clear though, my 
> San Marcos is unbuilt, just F&F. Unfortunately, my only bike to experiment 
> with at the moment is a Brompton, so not a great starting point. One thing 
> I did realize, before I sold my previous bike (Salsa Casseroll) when I took 
> it out for a few rides after riding my Brompton for several months, is that 
> I really have come to love the low trail of my BrommieI know, probably 
> sort of heresy on this list, but, it is what it is. So that's sort of 
> giving my pause about everything in general. I do know that I'd get used to 
> mid-high trail again once I started riding it regularly, it just felt sooo 
> wonky and awkward after riding low trail for so long. 

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[RBW] Re: FS: Quill Stems

2018-07-10 Thread Michael Ullmer
Technomic is sold, open to offers on the Salsa

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 12:39:30 PM UTC-7, Michael Ullmer wrote:
> Cross-Post from the i-BOB list, figured there could be some interest here.
> 1) Nitto Technomic Deluxe 90mm 26.0 Clamp - $35 shipped CONUS - There's a 
> few horizontal marks above the max ht. line, see pics. The finish on the 
> neck is still quite good. I'd give the stem an 8/10 for condition.
> 2) Salsa Cro-mo 130mm 26.0 Clamp - $35 shipped CONUS - This was the one 
> Salsa stem I was holding on to because of the rise of the stem, which is 
> more in line with the types of handlebar setups I'm using these days, but I 
> found a Ritchey Force quill stem with an integrated cable hanger that is 
> replacing this one. The salsa sticker has taken a beating, see pics.
> Pics here:
> PM off-list, thanks!

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[RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread jack loudon
Sean said "worry about putting too much stress on the frame on rough 

IMO it would be very hard to find a frame that would be too flimsy for your 
needs.  Production frames are almost always overbuilt (although there are 
some exceptions) to survive the heaviest strongest rider that would 
reasonably ride that size bike.  Echoing Joe and others,The San Marcos will 
be *plenty* strong for gravel riding, but its low bb and smallish tire 
clearance may be limiting.  Rivendell frames tend toward the strong (heavy) 
side of the spectrum and may not be the best choice if light weight is a 
priority, unless you can spring for a custom Legolas or similar.  But frame 
weight is only around 1/4 of overall bike weight.   If you are truly 
lusting after a Bombadil, you should follow your heart! but carefully 
select the components (wheels especially) to come up with lightweight build 
that is suitable for your weight.


On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 4:42:31 PM UTC-7, Sean Steinle wrote
> So, I see lots of discussion around how a bike handles for tall/heavy 
> riders. What I don't see is much about us featherweights. Is it because we 
> don't have to worry about it, or what? I'm 125 pounds if I'm lucky, and I'm 
> lusting after a Bomba/Hunq. The thing is though, I'm wondering if it's 
> overkill. I live in Kansas and have endless miles of country roads with 
> loose, large gravel that I want to explore, and dip my toes into some 
> bikepacking. I also commute to work, and buying a new bike will likely mean 
> selling my Titanium Brommie, so this new bike will see plenty of paved 
> roads for commuting duty as well. 
> I bought a Soma San Marcos (54 cm 700c version) frame on an impulse, 
> without doing any research. Everything that Grant has said about it though 
> is that it's made with lightweight tubing and is a road bike.  I was 
> originally thinking about doing a 650b conversion to get 42s under there, 
> but now I'm second guessing it with Grant's "this is a road bike" remarks. 
> With my interest in lots of gravel riding and bikepacking, this frame seems 
> like a poor choice. 
> Sorry for the long-winded post. I think my real question boils down to: 
> does being very light let me pick whichever frame I want as long as tire 
> clearance and geo are good, without the worry about putting too much stress 
> on the frame on rough surfaces? Or is a Hunq/Bomba still a good choice for 
> me?

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[RBW] Re: Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread Bill Lindsay
Paul asked about the bike Dave is pictured upon with baby-H:

" Is it the medium or giant version of that bike in the photo?"

That's the Medium, same as mine. 

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 8:20:04 AM UTC-7, Paul Clifton wrote:
> Drw,
> Do you have any photos of your setup? What seat is on your MMM and how's 
> it working out?
> I also bought an MMM with the intention of using it as a kid hauler 
> (daughter is 7.5 mo. now), but now it's my mountain bike, and I'm weighing 
> ALL the options.
> FWIW - I asked Grant about what seats the new BabyBubbeBaby (can it be 
> that??) will accommodate. Confirmed for Yepp and iBerts and something from 
> Italy, and that it'll handle both front and back seats as the same time no 
> problem.
> Really feeling this right now Justin:
> Has anyone fit a Yepp seat on an MTBubbe/MMM? How's it work? The photo on 
> the Blahg looks like Will's Giant Step Through. Is it the medium or giant 
> version of that bike in the photo?
> Paul in ATL
> On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 8:42:43 PM UTC-4, Drw wrote:
>> Iā€™m trying real real hard to convince myself that buying a rosco mtn 
>> Mixte and turning it into a baby bike (which Iā€™ve done) was the right 
>> decision. This is a gut punch for sure. 

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[RBW] Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW Owners Bunch
Wow! Sweet details, Jim! Somehow the overall effect is subtle from a normal 
distance, striking up close. Well done!

With abandon,

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[RBW] Re: FS: Bob Jackson Vigorelli

2018-07-10 Thread Clayton.sf
Price drop to $699 plus shipping via bike flights.

Clayton Scott

On Friday, February 9, 2018 at 12:21:14 PM UTC-8, Clayton.sf wrote:
> Hi All,
> Have a 2012 Bob Jackson Vigorelli Fixed Gear Bike for sale.
> Frame:
> Reynolds 631 tubing.
> 58.5 ctc ST
> 58 ctc TT
> 27.2 Post requ.
> Horizontal top tube.
> Fork drilled for brake. Frame is not.
> Clearance for true 30mm tires with room to spare. Could possibly go up to 
> 32mm but have not tried it.
> Frame is framesavered and in excellent condition. Never used in the rain 
> (no fender eyelets). 
> Ice blue metallic with white lug lining.
> Frame is straight and true.
> Components Included: 
> - Phil Wood front and rear hubs with Phil cog and lockring laced to 32h 
> H+Son Archetypes
> - Campagnolo Pista crank, ring and bb (there is some filing on the 
> backside of the non-drive crankarm. Does not affect performance and 
> increases clearance)
> - Simworks Stem and Bars (getaround model)
> - Ultegra front brake with Shimano lever (photo shows a paul one)
> - Continental tires GP4000
> - I think this is it
> - VO headset
> All components in excellent shape!
> No seatpost, Saddle, Pedals, bottle cage, pump
> $999 plus shipping via bikeflights and paypal fees as applicable. Happy to 
> deliver in San Francisco and extended bay area.
> More pictures on request. Will clean it too!
> Best,
> Clayton Scott
> San Francisco, CA

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Re: [RBW] FS: Ortlieb Sport Packer Plus panniers, black

2018-07-10 Thread Patrick Moore
Joe: I just mailed the Nelson LF; it should reach you in a couple of days.

Tracking #: 9505-5131-2188-8191-2964-84

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Lester Lammers
Nice! Don't be late for dinner.

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 3:03:27 PM UTC-4, Rusty Click wrote:
> FEDX dropped off a pre-RAGBRAI package for me today.  I carefully 
> unwrapped, assembled, and took some pics.
> Cant talk now, I gotta go ride!

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[RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Joe Bernard
Holy crap that's pretty. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: GDMBR with Adventure Cycling

2018-07-10 Thread 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW Owners Bunch
FYI, for anyone planning to ride various sections of the GDMBR, an email I just 
received from Adventure Cycling (and how thoughtful they emailed just because I 
bought the map in the last year or so):

Iā€™m reaching out to you because you purchased a Great Divide Mountain Bike 
Route map or data in the last year. I suspect you may be on the road now or 
soon. I wanted to make sure you were aware of some closures on the main GDMBR 
that will require you to use alternate routes to continue on your way.  

This is what we know as of July 6, 2018:

GDMBR Section 2, Map A: A road 26 miles south of Helena is closed due hazardous 
tree mitigation. You must use the Boulder Alternate.

GDMBR Section 3, Map A: A portion of FR 532, 46 miles east of Moran, is closed 
due to slumping. You must use the Wind River Alternate. Potentially Brooks Lake 
Rd., just east of Togwotee Pass, may be closed for the same reason requiring 
you to continue on US 26/287.

GDMBR Section 5, Maps B & C: Extreme heat and lack of precipitation have led to 
high fire danger in the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests. At this time, 
they are closed. A detour is required. A shuttle is available to get around 
part of it.

For more information on each of these situations, visit our Temporary ACA Route 
Road Closure Forum discussion at:

All map sections: You may encounter smoky conditions throughout the summer 
anywhere on the route. At those times you may wish to reroute to avoid it from 
time to time. Road closures may also occur to accommodate emergency vehicles. 
You can view our interactive map showing the GDMBR and active fire locations 
together at: 

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[RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW Owners Bunch
Wow! May it never again be so shiny!

With abandon,

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[RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread WETH
Beautiful! Enjoy!

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[RBW] The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread RonaTD
I weigh 120 and if I had to narrow my collection to one bike it would probably 
be my 57cm Bleriot. Iā€™ve used it on and off road, for commuting, for camping, 
and for brevets up to 600km. 

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI

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Re: [RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Patrick Moore

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Rusty Click  wrote:

> FEDX dropped off a pre-RAGBRAI package for me today.  I carefully
> unwrapped, assembled, and took some pics.
> Cant talk now, I gotta go ride!
> --
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Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
Other professional writing services.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, New Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique
*Auditis an me ludit amabilis insania?*

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[RBW] Re: The "One Bike" for a featherweight?

2018-07-10 Thread Michael, SF/CA
I'm 135 lbs and I own two bikes: Hunqapillar + A. Homer Hilsen. I used to 
have a San Marcos, but my plan for years was to own exactly these two 
Rivendells, so I upgraded as a present to myself for landing a new job.

As a fellow lightweight, I'd focus on geometry, tire clearance, brake type, 
and of course aesthetics (none of these frame are cheap!). If you're ok 
maxing out with 42 mm tires, build up your San Marcos or get an AHH 
(stouter tubing). They are both super capable for the riding you describe 
and, as Deacon Patrick pointed out above, it's more about how the frames* 
ride* with loads than anything. You will need to be reasonably responsible 
when you load them up above ~25 lbs and hit the trails for extended 
lengths, but otherwise you will be ok.

Speaking from experience, Hunq/Bomba lust is strong once it starts and 
might be insatiable by alternatives. I love my Hunqapillar for both loaded 
and unloaded off-roading and bikecamping on Bay Area trails and 
single-track. Sure, it's a tad heavier, but I can focus on knocking around 
and having fun without any morsel of doubt that I might wreck my frame on 
the wrong trail, or even ding the top tube for all the reasons top tubes 
get dinged. The Hunqapillar is happy to take on endless load and rough 
terrain without sacrificing its ride quality/handling. It fits 60mm tires 
and, in my opinion, has the best Rivendell head badge.

FWIW I can keep up with roadies on either bike, but if I could only keep 
one, it would be the Hunq. Short of Evel Knievel mountain bike terrain, I 
appreciate never feeling anywhere close to the frame's upper limit no 
matter what I get into. I advise you chat with the seller of the used 54cm 
Hunq a few posts below this one... that might make your decision easier.

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 4:42:31 PM UTC-7, Sean Steinle wrote:
> So, I see lots of discussion around how a bike handles for tall/heavy 
> riders. What I don't see is much about us featherweights. Is it because we 
> don't have to worry about it, or what? I'm 125 pounds if I'm lucky, and I'm 
> lusting after a Bomba/Hunq. The thing is though, I'm wondering if it's 
> overkill. I live in Kansas and have endless miles of country roads with 
> loose, large gravel that I want to explore, and dip my toes into some 
> bikepacking. I also commute to work, and buying a new bike will likely mean 
> selling my Titanium Brommie, so this new bike will see plenty of paved 
> roads for commuting duty as well. 
> I bought a Soma San Marcos (54 cm 700c version) frame on an impulse, 
> without doing any research. Everything that Grant has said about it though 
> is that it's made with lightweight tubing and is a road bike.  I was 
> originally thinking about doing a 650b conversion to get 42s under there, 
> but now I'm second guessing it with Grant's "this is a road bike" remarks. 
> With my interest in lots of gravel riding and bikepacking, this frame seems 
> like a poor choice. 
> Sorry for the long-winded post. I think my real question boils down to: 
> does being very light let me pick whichever frame I want as long as tire 
> clearance and geo are good, without the worry about putting too much stress 
> on the frame on rough surfaces? Or is a Hunq/Bomba still a good choice for 
> me?

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread Jon Dukeman,central Colorado
I think the Cheviot is one of the most striking bikes made.
You have certainly kicked yours up a notch.
The most notable thing to me is how comfortable the Cheviot is... You can 
ride it all day long and still not want to get off the saddle.
Nice build!

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[RBW] Re: Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread Paul Clifton
Thanks for confirming Bill.

I'm pretty sure I know what you'd decide when presented with a compelling 
reason to buy a new and interesting bicycle!


On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:44:23 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Paul asked about the bike Dave is pictured upon with baby-H:
> " Is it the medium or giant version of that bike in the photo?"
> That's the Medium, same as mine. 
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 8:20:04 AM UTC-7, Paul Clifton wrote:
>> Drw,
>> Do you have any photos of your setup? What seat is on your MMM and how's 
>> it working out?
>> I also bought an MMM with the intention of using it as a kid hauler 
>> (daughter is 7.5 mo. now), but now it's my mountain bike, and I'm weighing 
>> ALL the options.
>> FWIW - I asked Grant about what seats the new BabyBubbeBaby (can it be 
>> that??) will accommodate. Confirmed for Yepp and iBerts and something from 
>> Italy, and that it'll handle both front and back seats as the same time no 
>> problem.
>> Really feeling this right now Justin:
>> Has anyone fit a Yepp seat on an MTBubbe/MMM? How's it work? The photo on 
>> the Blahg looks like Will's Giant Step Through. Is it the medium or giant 
>> version of that bike in the photo?
>> Paul in ATL
>> On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 8:42:43 PM UTC-4, Drw wrote:
>>> Iā€™m trying real real hard to convince myself that buying a rosco mtn 
>>> Mixte and turning it into a baby bike (which Iā€™ve done) was the right 
>>> decision. This is a gut punch for sure. 

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread Jim S.
Deacon, it was your photos that got me installing Albastache bars in the 
first place!

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:11:23 PM UTC-5, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Wow! Sweet details, Jim! Somehow the overall effect is subtle from a 
> normal distance, striking up close. Well done!
> With abandon,
> Patrick

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread SeanMac
Very cool pictures, Jim.  Thanks for sharing them with the group.

I've got a grey Cheviot in my stable that I love riding.  It functions 
mainly as my bike-trail and grocery store bike.  

Do you like the Ottolock?  I've been thinking about getting one for my 
Cheviot - though I had not considered matching it to the bike and/or cables.


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Re: [RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread SeanMac
Wow!  Beautiful bike, Rusty.  Enjoy it!  I sure hope that your ride put a 
bike smile on your face!


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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW Owners Bunch
Well, the Albastache look brilliant, of course. How do you like thier ride?

With abandon,

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[RBW] Re: PSA: Rambouillet 57cm

2018-07-10 Thread Lum Gim Fong
 I have a blue one (54cm). They are really nice bikes and are also great 
for 650b conversion, too.
Just use 42 x 650b and Tektro R559's with KoolSTOP thinline pads and you 
are all set!!!
BB height turns out same as a Bleriot, so no problem. At least for the 54cm 

I would love to have an orange or green one! I'd keep it 700c x 32 since I 
have my blue one as 650b now.

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread Rusty Click
Thumbs up!  I love the little details that personalize our bikes.  I also 
noted the front rack that has a light mount welded on?

Pgh, PA

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:57:08 PM UTC-4, Jim S. wrote:
> As I enjoy looking at others' photos, I attached photos of my Cheviot with 
> a critical improvement. I almost was able to match new cabling to the 
> Ottolock. 

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[RBW] Re: Anyone have a spare Rivendell mug they're willing to part with?

2018-07-10 Thread John A. Bennett
Rivelo will have some Thursday. If you live in Portland, swing by and grab 


On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 1:41:48 PM UTC-7, Matt Beecher wrote:
> I got a notification that the mugs are back.  Since mine have shipped, I 
> think it is safe to let everyone else know they are available.  
> Matt in Oswego
> On Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 7:55:21 PM UTC-5, thalasin wrote:
>> My Rivendell mug unfortunately met with its demise thanks to my klutzy 
>> ways.  I had one in my cart to order but foolishly waited, hoping that some 
>> out of stock stuff would reappear to add to the order.  Alas, not only did 
>> that not happen, but now the mugs are gone and removed from the site.  
>> Given the current state of affairs, it's probably going to be awhile before 
>> any promo stuff shows up (if ever).  Anyway, it was my favorite mug and I 
>> miss it dearly.  We can discuss price and I will of course pay shipping.
>> Tracy

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Paul Choi
That is beautiful. Makes me want to get one!

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 12:03:27 PM UTC-7, Rusty Click wrote:
> FEDX dropped off a pre-RAGBRAI package for me today.  I carefully 
> unwrapped, assembled, and took some pics.
> Cant talk now, I gotta go ride!

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread 'Eamon Nordquist' via RBW Owners Bunch

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 2:44:47 PM UTC-7, Paul Choi wrote:
> That is beautiful. Makes me want to get one!
> On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 12:03:27 PM UTC-7, Rusty Click wrote:
>> FEDX dropped off a pre-RAGBRAI package for me today.  I carefully 
>> unwrapped, assembled, and took some pics.
>> Cant talk now, I gotta go ride!

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[RBW] FS: Nitto Bosco, Noodle, B135, Bullmoose, Moustache, stems, Brooks B17, C15, Sackville Banana Sax

2018-07-10 Thread Jonathan K.
I've got the following items for sale that might be of interest to the 
people here.
I've been a member of the list for a little less than a year, and this is 
my first time selling stuff here, but I have bought a few items. I have 
sold lots of stuff on ebay, though. I ship quickly, usually the same day or 
the following day after receiving payment.

All prices include shipping to the continental US. Payment via Paypal, 
please. Goods and services is fine. 
Please reply off list. Thanks!

Nitto Bullmoose, fillet brazed  

like new condition, mounted on my Appaloosa and taken for one ride.  


Nitto Moustache, 25.4  
good condition, but the clamp area is pretty scratched up  


Nitto Bosco, 58cm,  aluminum  

Excellent condition with one notable scratch on the sleeve, as shown in the 

Nitto Bosco, 55cm, cromo
Excellent condition
*the only picture I have of these is in the above link, pictured next to 
the aluminum Boscos

Nitto Noodle, 44cm  
Very good condition, some tape residue, a few light scuffs  


Nitto Randonneur B135, 42cm
Very good condition

6 Nitto Stems. Pictures of all stems together are here:

Nitto Tallux, 110mm, 25.4
Excellent condition, take off from my Appaloosa

Nitto Technomic Deluxe, 100mm, 26.0
Excellent condition, used only on a couple rides

(2) Nitto Dirt Drop stems, 100mm  

one is 25.4, one is 26.0, and the 25.4 is taller, as shown in the picture 

both are in good condition, with some marks on the vertical part from 
$40 each

Nitto Technomic, 120mm, 25.4  
area below minimum insertion line is really scratched up, some scuffs in 
other places too 

Nitto Technomic, 120mm, 26.0  
Good used condition with some scratches and marks  


Brooks B17 standard, black  
Like new. This was mounted for one ride, and then removed. Will come in 
original packaging with adjustment wrench. I did apply the Proofide that 
came with the saddle.  

Brooks Cambium C15,  natural  

Excellent condition  

Brooks Team Pro standard, black  

Some rust on the rivets, and the front/nose seems to be tweaked/bent some. 
I bought this new, and I'm really not sure how it happened. Not a lot of 
miles on this. The bend in the nose/rails is hard to show in the picture. 
Basically the front of the saddle appears to be twisted counterclockwise 
when viewed from the back. Still mounts fine, and feels fine to me when I 
ride it. I'm just switching all my saddles to C17's which seem to work 
better for me.  

Sackville Banana Sax, blue  
Like new, used for one ride.  

One big album with pictures of everything here:

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[RBW] Re: FS: Bob Jackson Vigorelli

2018-07-10 Thread Belopsky
What a deal. I loved mine and probably should have kept. My Surly Steamroller 
is garbage in comparison 
(but fits bigger tires...)

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[RBW] Re: PSA: Rambouillet 57cm

2018-07-10 Thread Bill Lindsay
C-to-C top tube is about useless without seat tube angle.  Stack and Reach 
are about as objective as you can get for numbers that indicate size and 
fit.  IMHO

BL in EC

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 9:22:30 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Reason #4752 why all bikes should be sized by C-to-C toptube, or vitual 
> thereof. The seattube number fluctuates wildy, and is about useless for 
> determining fit even if you get it right.  

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[RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Kainalu V.
Which rim is that? Those Velocity sidewalls are awesomely tall, you'll get a 
lot of wear outta those.

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[RBW] Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread Joe Bernard
I love the matchy matchy - and super envious of the Riv Special Bar Tender - 
but what are the zip-ties for? It looks like my setup for wiring up an ebike, 
but you don't have a motor. 

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[RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread iamkeith
Ooohh, those plug-in dropouts!  I thought they were going to be the tig welded 
breezer style, but this is SO much nicer!

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Re: [RBW] Re: GDMBR with Adventure Cycling

2018-07-10 Thread Bill Schairer
VGT works great in friction. Doubt it will work indexed. I've used in friction 
on 10 spd cassette as well. 


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Re: [RBW] Re: GDMBR with Adventure Cycling

2018-07-10 Thread Bill Schairer
Nice photos, Craig!

I started mapping everything out but then had to move stuff around for TSA. In 
the end, wasted effort as Alaska checked all bags and bike for free, I think 
anyway. Never gave him my card. Super nice and easy!

In Seattle now waiting for connecting flight to kalispel. Hopefully all arrives 
un damaged. 


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Re: [RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Dale Click
Kai, those are Cliffhangers.  Will suggested them as opposed to the Atlas I was 
interested in.  I really like the look of those tall sidewalls too!

Pgh, PA

> On Jul 10, 2018, at 6:53 PM, Kainalu V.  wrote:
> Nice.
> Which rim is that? Those Velocity sidewalls are awesomely tall, you'll get a 
> lot of wear outta those.
> Enjoy
> -Kai 
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[RBW] FS: Nitto Bosco, Noodle, B135, Bullmoose, Moustache, stems, Brooks B17, C15, Sackville Banana Sax

2018-07-10 Thread Joe Bernard
PM sent on the Banana Sax. You might need to email back at joeremi62 at gmail 
dot com, I'm having hiccups with PMs the last couple days. 

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[RBW] Carradice Bags for sale

2018-07-10 Thread Steve Butcher

Hello Bunch,

As the bag purging continues, I've decided to offer for sale this set of 
Carradice bags:  2-Kendall Panniers, 1-Cadet bag (with extra cargo straps), 
and 1-Zippered Roll.  As you can see, they are all black.  The panniers 
were used on one tour for about 4 days otherwise have been stored in my 
garage.  The Cadet is in like-new condtion.  The Zipper Roll has seen a 
little more use but is still in excellent condition.  All mounting straps 
are included.  All are free of damage with all straps, stitching, fabric, 
and mounting brackets intact.  The panniers did have a bit of mildew odor 
from storage (kind of like Army Surplus canvas) but I wiped them down and 
am letting them air out.  Retail on this set would be around $370.00 before 
shipping.  I'm asking $250.00 shipped CONUS for the entire set.  Please PM 
me with questions or offers.  

Steve Butcher 
Stockton, Missouri  

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[RBW] Re: FS: NOS Rosco Bubbe v.5 frameset (the green one) $800 shipped

2018-07-10 Thread Paul M

On Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:28:18 UTC-7, Paul M wrote:
> Hi, This frame fits a true 700x43c tire with a 135mm rear spacing. 
> Rivendell did promote it as a road oriented frame mainly by the top tube 
> length. Yes with Choco-Moose bars or pronounced swept-back bars the top 
> tube length may not work for you. 
> On Sunday, 17 June 2018 09:51:20 UTC-7, Paul M wrote:
>> Hello, Purchased two Rosco Bubbe framesets a little over a year ago and 
>> built up one into a great allroad bicycle and was thinking the other would 
>> be a replacement frame years down the road. I really don't think I'm going 
>> to wear this one out so the other is up for sale. I paid full price before 
>> Rivendell discounted them and never could understand why this version was 
>> the last to sell out. Fits Bruce Gordon Rock n Road tires or slightly 
>> larger. I look at this frame as a poor man's Hunquapiller.  Only 11 were 
>> made and a super cool frame especially since it has that retro Mert Lawill 
>> Pro Cruiser/ Kona Humma look. Mtn./road/touring/commuting.  New in the 
>> original shipping box and never opened!  Frame/fork/headset/seat 
>> post  $800/shipped  Thanks, Paul
>> seat tube-  56cm c-t, 52cm c-c
>> top tube- 60cm effective, 58cm actual
>> chainstays- horizontal 48-49cm
>> headtube- 19cm
>> stand over- 80cm w/fat cyclocross 35c tires
>> The original Rivendell listing said the frame was for 84-88.5 PBH  My PBH 
>> is 89 and fits me well

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread 'Eamon Nordquist' via RBW Owners Bunch
That's a Waterford made Atlantis, right? Looks like a 62, based on the 700c 
wheels and single top tube. I'd order that same bike today, if I had the 
money! Nuthin' to dislike on that bike, and lots to love.


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[RBW] Re: FS: Nitto Bosco, Noodle, B135, Bullmoose, Moustache, stems, Brooks B17, C15, Sackville Banana Sax

2018-07-10 Thread Jonathan K.
Cromo Bosco, 25.4 Dirt Drop stem, and Banana Sax are sold.

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 5:08:46 PM UTC-5, Jonathan K. wrote:
> I've got the following items for sale that might be of interest to the 
> people here.
> I've been a member of the list for a little less than a year, and this is 
> my first time selling stuff here, but I have bought a few items. I have 
> sold lots of stuff on ebay, though. I ship quickly, usually the same day or 
> the following day after receiving payment.
> All prices include shipping to the continental US. Payment via Paypal, 
> please. Goods and services is fine. 
> Please reply off list. Thanks!
> Nitto Bullmoose, fillet brazed  
> like new condition, mounted on my Appaloosa and taken for one ride.  
> $150
> Nitto Moustache, 25.4  
> good condition, but the clamp area is pretty scratched up  
> $35
> Nitto Bosco, 58cm,  aluminum  
> Excellent condition with one notable scratch on the sleeve, as shown in 
> the picture  
> $80
> Nitto Bosco, 55cm, cromo
> Excellent condition
> $50
> *the only picture I have of these is in the above link, pictured next to 
> the aluminum Boscos
> Nitto Noodle, 44cm  
> Very good condition, some tape residue, a few light scuffs  
> $45
> Nitto Randonneur B135, 42cm
> Very good condition
> $40
> 6 Nitto Stems. Pictures of all stems together are here:
> Specifics:
> Nitto Tallux, 110mm, 25.4
> Excellent condition, take off from my Appaloosa
> $50
> Nitto Technomic Deluxe, 100mm, 26.0
> Excellent condition, used only on a couple rides
> $50
> (2) Nitto Dirt Drop stems, 100mm  
> one is 25.4, one is 26.0, and the 25.4 is taller, as shown in the picture 
> both are in good condition, with some marks on the vertical part from 
> mounting
> $40 each
> Nitto Technomic, 120mm, 25.4  
> area below minimum insertion line is really scratched up, some scuffs in 
> other places too 
> $25
> Nitto Technomic, 120mm, 26.0  
> Good used condition with some scratches and marks  
> $30
> Brooks B17 standard, black  
> Like new. This was mounted for one ride, and then removed. Will come in 
> original packaging with adjustment wrench. I did apply the Proofide that 
> came with the saddle.  
> $85
> Brooks Cambium C15,  natural  
> Excellent condition  
> $80
> Brooks Team Pro standard, black  
> Some rust on the rivets, and the front/nose seems to be tweaked/bent some. 
> I bought this new, and I'm really not sure how it happened. Not a lot of 
> miles on this. The bend in the nose/rails is hard to show in the picture. 
> Basically the front of the saddle appears to be twisted counterclockwise 
> when viewed from the back. Still mounts fine, and feels fine to me when I 
> ride it. I'm just switching all my saddles to C17's which seem to work 
> better for me.  
> $50
> Sackville Banana Sax, blue  
> Like new, used for one ride.  
> $80
> One big album with pictures of everything here:

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Dale Click
Good eye Eamon, it is a 62 Waterford Atlantis.  Took a little over 7 months to 
get the box on my front porch, but it was worth the wait.  As far as the money, 
my wife told me to quit obsessing over it and just order it.  I think she wants 
me to take more trips, out on the bike and out of her hair.  Ha!  I win!

> On Jul 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, 'Eamon Nordquist' via RBW Owners Bunch 
>  wrote:
> That's a Waterford made Atlantis, right? Looks like a 62, based on the 700c 
> wheels and single top tube. I'd order that same bike today, if I had the 
> money! Nuthin' to dislike on that bike, and lots to love.
> Eamon
> Seattle
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread lambbo
Love the clean handlebars due to down-tubes!

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:54:23 PM UTC-4, Rusty Click wrote:
> Good eye Eamon, it is a 62 Waterford Atlantis.  Took a little over 7 
> months to get the box on my front porch, but it was worth the wait.  As far 
> as the money, my wife told me to quit obsessing over it and just order it. 
>  I think she wants me to take more trips, out on the bike and out of her 
> hair.  Ha!  I win!
> On Jul 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, 'Eamon Nordquist' via RBW Owners Bunch <
> > wrote:
> That's a Waterford made Atlantis, right? Looks like a 62, based on the 
> 700c wheels and single top tube. I'd order that same bike today, if I had 
> the money! Nuthin' to dislike on that bike, and lots to love.
> Eamon
> Seattle
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread Drw
Hey Paul,
No photos as itā€™s in storage while we prep a move. Also I shouldā€™ve said that 
my kid is only 3 weeks old, so building this kid bike a few months ago was sort 
of my fun way of getting prepared. 

I have a yepp maxi (baby shower gift) on a Tubus rear rack that is waiting to 
go on it. Outside of that, itā€™s a 1x with a big sun race cassette, Bullmoose 
bars and a front basket. 

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread lambbo
all Cheviots are handsome and that's one of the *most *handsome!  Great 
wheels, and I'm jealous of the look of no fenders!

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:57:08 PM UTC-4, Jim S. wrote:
> As I enjoy looking at others' photos, I attached photos of my Cheviot with 
> a critical improvement. I almost was able to match new cabling to the 
> Ottolock. 

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot and Ottolock

2018-07-10 Thread Dave
Looking great! Did you design the patina on the bell somehow or did it come 
with that stripe down the middle? Makes me want to try albastachhe on my 55cm 

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[RBW] Re: Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
On Tuesday, July 10,  Paul Clifton wrote: *I'm pretty sure I know what 
you'd decide when presented with a compelling reason to buy a new and 
interesting bicycle!*

Could also be a compelling reason to have a kid. 

But I kid. I did say a couple years ago it would be cool to see a 
collaboration between Islabike and Rivendell. I thought maybe I recall that 
way long ago one of the projects--Clem? Roscoe?--was initially conceived to 
be a kid's bike. But there is every possibility I am misremembering and it 
is just an artifact produced by my brain.

> :)
> On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:44:23 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Paul asked about the bike Dave is pictured upon with baby-H:
>> " Is it the medium or giant version of that bike in the photo?"
>> That's the Medium, same as mine. 
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 8:20:04 AM UTC-7, Paul Clifton wrote:
>>> Drw,
>>> Do you have any photos of your setup? What seat is on your MMM and how's 
>>> it working out?
>>> I also bought an MMM with the intention of using it as a kid hauler 
>>> (daughter is 7.5 mo. now), but now it's my mountain bike, and I'm weighing 
>>> ALL the options.
>>> FWIW - I asked Grant about what seats the new BabyBubbeBaby (can it be 
>>> that??) will accommodate. Confirmed for Yepp and iBerts and something from 
>>> Italy, and that it'll handle both front and back seats as the same time no 
>>> problem.
>>> Really feeling this right now Justin:
>>> Has anyone fit a Yepp seat on an MTBubbe/MMM? How's it work? The photo 
>>> on the Blahg looks like Will's Giant Step Through. Is it the medium or 
>>> giant version of that bike in the photo?
>>> Paul in ATL
>>> On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 8:42:43 PM UTC-4, Drw wrote:

 Iā€™m trying real real hard to convince myself that buying a rosco mtn 
 Mixte and turning it into a baby bike (which Iā€™ve done) was the right 
 decision. This is a gut punch for sure. 

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Re: [RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Kainalu V.
Will gave you good advice, the cliffhangers are fantastic, so very tough. Are 
you going/have you gone tubeless? I have some cliffhangers set up tubeless with 
60mm Schwalbe Big Ones (liteskin, not "tubeless easy" but mount readily with 
the cliffhangers). Flats are over, and speed and comfort are phenomenal.

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[RBW] Re: PSA: Rambouillet 57cm

2018-07-10 Thread Ray Varella
..and donā€™t forget about drop, if stand over is part of your sizing 


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[RBW] Re: Crankypants & Thoughtful Responses

2018-07-10 Thread 'Clayton' via RBW Owners Bunch
I tip my hat to you, Jim.  You are a brave man for corralling this herd of 
Thanks. May all our egos, laugh at themselves...u..wait? 


On Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 8:52:37 AM UTC-8, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> The tenets of this group have not changed. It's right there in the top 
> line - "...a respectful, supportive and polite tone in all posts."
> I never expected that everyone would agree with everyone else in every 
> post. The world would truly be a much more boring place if that were the 
> case. 
> But excessive umbrage and accusations and generally going toe-to-toe in 
> recent threads which should have been innocuous makes me a bit concerned. 
> Hopefully, this was just an early example of the February crankiness that 
> pops up on this list when folks have not gotten out to ride enough. 
> There are a few things in those escalating threads which catch my 
> attention. 
> One is a statement which described a post as hastily made.  There's not a 
> thing so time-dependent on this group that anyone needs to shoehorn an 
> immediate response between the business of the day. If someone insults you, 
> let it stand. The previous conversational contributions made to this group 
> present enough of a body of evidence as to whether any insult is valid or 
> ludicrous. We all have a sense of the personalities behind the comments, 
> especially if we've been involved in this list for any length of time. The 
> need to respond immediately does not exist here. There are better venues 
> for that. If you find yourself hammering out (or tapping out) (or dictating 
> to a transcription bot) a quick response, maybe you don't need to post it. 
> Because words are tough. 
> We see it play out time and time again. All we get are the words. No body 
> language or tone. No micro musculature movement on the face to defuse or 
> contextualize the words. An innocuous post taken the wrong way. Something 
> triggers someone and suddenly the conversation is in a death spiral towards 
> "So's yer old man!"
> I think we're better than that.
> Because we're human, that isn't always the case. 
> So, let's give one another the opportunity to be wrong, hold an opinion we 
> don't agree with, miss the point entirely or explore an idea clumsily. If 
> you are the smartest person in the room, let the rest of us catch up 
> occasionally. Pretend it's a group ride where no one gets dropped.
> There were also a few things in the threads which heartened me.  
> Group members stepped in to diffuse the situation, putting themselves in 
> the line of fire to let everyone sit back down and enjoy the music. Thank 
> you. 
> That said, what now?
> Will we continue to get teased by the popular social venues into being the 
> first responder? Having an answer rather than considering a thoughtful 
> response? Will this group become a value-added buy/sell/trade sheet? Will 
> we continue to find commonality or seek to contrast only our differences? 
> Will Timmy hang on to the cracking tree branch over the chasm while Lassie 
> finds the ranger? Wait. Sorry. Ignore that last line.
> My point, as always, is that the quality of this group is up to us. Let's 
> move forward with a commitment to that idea.
> Thanks to everyone for their ongoing contributions to this group. 
> - Jim
> Jim Edgar / rbw group admin

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Re: [RBW] New Bike Day!

2018-07-10 Thread Dave Grossman

> That sucker is awesome!

I want to get Cliffhangers for my next set of wheels for the Hunq.  I have 
Atlas rims now and while I like them the idea of going tubeless on the Hunq 
is appealing.  I have those Big Ones on my Jones and I love them! 

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[RBW] Re: Blagh hints: A mountain bike and a bike to carry baby

2018-07-10 Thread Dave Grossman
I already have this to lug my three boys around: I ride that thing everyday and it is the bike that gets the 
most miles currently, I'd be up for a Riv kid hauler!  That sounds 

If you've ever wondered about a Workcycles though.they are so 
dialed and amazing.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Bob Jackson Vigorelli

2018-07-10 Thread Clayton.sf
Bike is SPF.


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