Re: [RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Steve Palincsar

On 07/22/2016 10:54 PM, William deRosset wrote:

Dear Steve,

...And Mark Nobilette is the best one-man contract builder in the USA. He 
builds for René Herse, Rivendell, and for his own marque.

Creative in his own right, too, and a great fellow as well.

I never doubted it, not for one second.

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[RBW] Re: I'm old but not dead yet

2016-07-23 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
No no no no no.The old school way is the "smoke while you tighten it" 

On Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 1:33:21 AM UTC-4, Lungimsam wrote:
> Wait, I thought the old school way was the "tighten it 'til it smokes" 
> method.

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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Grant @ Rivendell
To speculateurs and 'teuses:
Le I didn't realize we'd announced anything yet, but since le 
chat is out of the mussette, here's 100 percent of what there is to know 
about it:

1. It's not going to duplicate or overlap too much any existing bike except 
the Roadeo. No "85 percent Sam, but with lighter tubing."
2. We won't burden it with "The Thinker's Road bike," or other references 
to Rodin. Nothing to chuckle about or roll eyes about.
3. It certainly won't copy existing road geometries. It'll be well-designed 
from small to big, with the geometries that make our bikes feel like our 
4. We are considering what braze-ons to include. The idea is to make it 
useful, but not to encourage (for example) MFL. Do we add those little 
front of the fork braze-ons for a Mark's Rack, or will that encourage 
monster front loading? Practically, it would be an ideal bike for a small 
bar-mount bag, like the Bar Tube or the now-gone BarSack rack (which wins 
the record for the highest ratio of expected success-to-actual sales. Dang, 
if we bring it back, it'll be a "last gasp" bring-back, and if you ride 
drop bars you should get it).
5. Same reach as Roadeo. Again here, Homer-Sam clearances will send the 
message that it's just a featherweight Du-All, and it won't be that.

It'll take a Jack Brown, but not with a fender. Sidepulls, but not the 
Silvers with all that reach. It may have a few more braze-ons than a 
Roadeo, but we haven't settled on that yet.

It won't be a "high-plane/low-trailer," but I recognize that there's a 
place for those bikes!

It will look really good and ride like a pure road bike ought to, and will 
be --- other stuff...AND

it may have one ultra-groovy feature never seen before on any of our bikes. 
This is my "take back" for being forced to reveal so much so early on a 
bike that is more of a plan than settled yet! 

I really didn't know this was revealed, and I really don't mind that it 
was. Usually it's me who speaks too early, so whoever wrote that 
post--Roman or Dave, I guess--just made it easy for me. Anyway, it's a 
2017'er if it happens, and thanks for all of your nice comments and fun 
guesses and enthusiasm!


On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 8:34:34 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
> The new Riv email introduces a new Clem-ish road bike on the horizon. Cool!

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[RBW] FS: soma oxford handlebar (like albatross)

2016-07-23 Thread Jeff B
Installed, ridden a few weeks, and removed. Perfect shape. $30 shipped?

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[RBW] FS: XT dual-sided trekking pedals

2016-07-23 Thread Jeff B
Used for a couple hundred miles, can't get used to the clipless. Have 
shimano shoes / cleats as well, size 46. $55 shipped for 

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[RBW] Re: Line of Sight movie has atrocious cyclists. What is going on?

2016-07-23 Thread dstein
Mark in Beacon - that's awesome you got to work with Spike Jonze. He did a 
lot of the Jackass stuff too which I"m a huge fan of but also display a 
level of jack-assery that no one should be attempting to replicate, ever. 
Not to mention all his movies which are fantastic, especially the Charlie 
Kaufman ones. A ton of really awesome music videos around that time too at 
the golden age of the music video, stuff for beastie boys, breeders, 
pavement, beck, weezer, etc. David Arquette starring in the show too, 
couldn't be any more 90's. 

That being said, I've never really understood the bike messenger culture. 
Its its own breed and culture of cycling, more akin to the the skate 
counter culture. Different kind of thrill for different people.

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 7:18:43 PM UTC-7, Mark in Beacon wrote:
> I feel partially responsible. Back in the early 90s I was working for a 
> NYC messenger company and publishing a bike magazine called *In Traffic, 
> The Metro Cycling Journal*. Got a call from a production company that 
> wanted to do a sitcom about messengers. They interviewed one of the owners 
> for "research and background", gave him a hundred bucks for his time. I set 
> them up with four messengers who could "perform" in the street for an 
> opening sequence they wanted to film live in Manhattan. I also gave them 
> the contact info for a guy who had a bicycle rigged up with a video camera 
> called the Forman Bicycle Camera. 
> They hired some kid to direct the opening sequence only. He was making 
> waves shooting Nike commercials or something like that at the time, Spike 
> Jonze. He filmed it all without permits, fired the Forman Camera guy after 
> the first day, got  most of the footage while skitching off the back of the 
> rental box truck on his skateboard. One of the riders in the clip is a good 
> friend, just came into town this weekend for a ride. Of course *In 
> Traffic* had the exclusive inside track and he wrote a funny piece about 
> the shoot. One part that sticks in my memory is that it started raining on 
> the first day. Jonze ducked into a Woolworth's and came out, nonchalant, 
> with a fuzzy old lady hat pulled down over his head.  The sitcom, Double 
> Rush, was a truly awful LA backlot disaster. The opening sequence was 
> pretty cool, and a likely, if perhaps mild, progenitor of the film you saw. 
> In any case, it's shorter.
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 5:57:43 PM UTC-4, Lungimsam wrote:
>> So I saw this movie on netflix. Spare yourself. The soundtrack is awful 
>> and the dialogue is vile.
>> But my issue of discussion here is:
>> It is a guy who goes around the world riding in and video taping bike 
>> messenger championship city races.
>> What I don't understand, is these guys ride totally recklessly through 
>> dense city traffic, breaking all kinds of laws and putting themselves, 
>> pedestrians, and drivers at risk at every moment of their riding.
>> I wonder what their average lifespan is once they start riding this way?
>> I don't get it.
>> Who would want to ride this way and risk dying on every ride? Just 
>> doesn't make sense to me.
>> Also, they totally abuse their bikes, slamming them on the ground when 
>> they dismount. Are they rich?
>> Any messengers here have any insights to what is going on in the 
>> messenger community?

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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
That sounds pretty sweet to me.  I like the MFL TLA especially.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 8:20:30 AM UTC-7, Grant @ Rivendell wrote:
> To speculateurs and 'teuses:
> Le I didn't realize we'd announced anything yet, but since le 
> chat is out of the mussette, here's 100 percent of what there is to know 
> about it:
> 1. It's not going to duplicate or overlap too much any existing bike 
> except the Roadeo. No "85 percent Sam, but with lighter tubing."
> 2. We won't burden it with "The Thinker's Road bike," or other references 
> to Rodin. Nothing to chuckle about or roll eyes about.
> 3. It certainly won't copy existing road geometries. It'll be 
> well-designed from small to big, with the geometries that make our bikes 
> feel like our bikes. 
> 4. We are considering what braze-ons to include. The idea is to make it 
> useful, but not to encourage (for example) MFL. Do we add those little 
> front of the fork braze-ons for a Mark's Rack, or will that encourage 
> monster front loading? Practically, it would be an ideal bike for a small 
> bar-mount bag, like the Bar Tube or the now-gone BarSack rack (which wins 
> the record for the highest ratio of expected success-to-actual sales. Dang, 
> if we bring it back, it'll be a "last gasp" bring-back, and if you ride 
> drop bars you should get it).
> 5. Same reach as Roadeo. Again here, Homer-Sam clearances will send the 
> message that it's just a featherweight Du-All, and it won't be that.
> It'll take a Jack Brown, but not with a fender. Sidepulls, but not the 
> Silvers with all that reach. It may have a few more braze-ons than a 
> Roadeo, but we haven't settled on that yet.
> It won't be a "high-plane/low-trailer," but I recognize that there's a 
> place for those bikes!
> It will look really good and ride like a pure road bike ought to, and will 
> be --- other stuff...AND
> it may have one ultra-groovy feature never seen before on any of our 
> bikes. This is my "take back" for being forced to reveal so much so early 
> on a bike that is more of a plan than settled yet! 
> I really didn't know this was revealed, and I really don't mind that it 
> was. Usually it's me who speaks too early, so whoever wrote that 
> post--Roman or Dave, I guess--just made it easy for me. Anyway, it's a 
> 2017'er if it happens, and thanks for all of your nice comments and fun 
> guesses and enthusiasm!
> Grant
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 8:34:34 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>> The new Riv email introduces a new Clem-ish road bike on the horizon. 
>> Cool!

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Re: [RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Doug Van Cleve
Sounds cool and seems unexpected (to me anyway ;^)  Thanks GP!


On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> That sounds pretty sweet to me.  I like the MFL TLA especially.
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 8:20:30 AM UTC-7, Grant @ Rivendell wrote:
>> To speculateurs and 'teuses:
>> Le I didn't realize we'd announced anything yet, but since
>> le chat is out of the mussette, here's 100 percent of what there is to know
>> about it:
>> 1. It's not going to duplicate or overlap too much any existing bike
>> except the Roadeo. No "85 percent Sam, but with lighter tubing."
>> 2. We won't burden it with "The Thinker's Road bike," or other references
>> to Rodin. Nothing to chuckle about or roll eyes about.
>> 3. It certainly won't copy existing road geometries. It'll be
>> well-designed from small to big, with the geometries that make our bikes
>> feel like our bikes.
>> 4. We are considering what braze-ons to include. The idea is to make it
>> useful, but not to encourage (for example) MFL. Do we add those little
>> front of the fork braze-ons for a Mark's Rack, or will that encourage
>> monster front loading? Practically, it would be an ideal bike for a small
>> bar-mount bag, like the Bar Tube or the now-gone BarSack rack (which wins
>> the record for the highest ratio of expected success-to-actual sales. Dang,
>> if we bring it back, it'll be a "last gasp" bring-back, and if you ride
>> drop bars you should get it).
>> 5. Same reach as Roadeo. Again here, Homer-Sam clearances will send the
>> message that it's just a featherweight Du-All, and it won't be that.
>> It'll take a Jack Brown, but not with a fender. Sidepulls, but not the
>> Silvers with all that reach. It may have a few more braze-ons than a
>> Roadeo, but we haven't settled on that yet.
>> It won't be a "high-plane/low-trailer," but I recognize that there's a
>> place for those bikes!
>> It will look really good and ride like a pure road bike ought to, and
>> will be --- other stuff...AND
>> it may have one ultra-groovy feature never seen before on any of our
>> bikes. This is my "take back" for being forced to reveal so much so early
>> on a bike that is more of a plan than settled yet!
>> I really didn't know this was revealed, and I really don't mind that it
>> was. Usually it's me who speaks too early, so whoever wrote that
>> post--Roman or Dave, I guess--just made it easy for me. Anyway, it's a
>> 2017'er if it happens, and thanks for all of your nice comments and fun
>> guesses and enthusiasm!
>> Grant
>> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 8:34:34 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>>> The new Riv email introduces a new Clem-ish road bike on the horizon.
>>> Cool!
>> --
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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread John Hawrylak
On 7/23/16, GP wrote "We won't burden it with "The Thinker's Road bike," or 
other references to Rodin. .."

What about calling it the "Dobbie Gilles"???

John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ

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[RBW] WTB 54 cm Bosco moose

2016-07-23 Thread Conway Bennett
Like it says.  It's for an experiment.  Please and thanks.

Fair winds,


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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Abcyclehank
I love the fact that RBW keeps a pulse on this list.  The The fact that Grant 
or others go on record to inform, clarify and educate us officially and receive 
praise and criticism in some blend that equates 100%; is just another thing 
that make this company so great.

West Michigan

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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Chris Birkenmaier
That concept sounds really appealing to me.  I just bought a Sam so hopefully 
this will be my next Riv!

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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Joe Bernard
Somebody made a very quick mention in an email, then I started a gigantic 
thread about it. It's my fault, GP!

Joe "psst, hey buddy" Bernard
Vallejo, CA.

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[RBW] WTB: MKS urban pedals

2016-07-23 Thread Ryan Ray
I decided to just go with toe clips and my old sylvan pedals due to being very 
clumsy off bike and constantly shredding my ankles and shins with VP spiky 
platforms. Toe clips work better for me while spinning anyway. 

Looking to upgrade my sylvans though and get a bit narrower as well and 
checking to see if anyone has these MKS urban platforms sitting around. 

- Ryan in Seattle

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[RBW] Re: Roadini

2016-07-23 Thread Chris Birkenmaier
I looked back on the email that had it mentioned.  It was a July 19 update from 
Riv and it had Daves name down at the bottom. Just that one line was enough to 
catch my attention though 

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Re: [RBW] WTB: MKS urban pedals

2016-07-23 Thread Patrick Moore
I sold my pair, but while the Urbans are far better in quality than the GR
9s -- bearings and body are very good quality -- I disliked the larger flip
tab -- the size actually made it harder to get into the straps. I now use a
pair of GR 9s on the Dahon, and they work (for me) much better. FWIW.

I see that MKS has a GR 10 model, that looks much like the 9. How is their
quality compared to the Urbans (almost as good as the Keirin quality track
pedals) and to the 9s (entry level)?

(Bearings on the 9s: I basically dribble thick oil into the bearings, then
let use wear them in to smoothness. The track pedal bearings are the best
I've ever seen.)

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Ryan Ray  wrote:

> I decided to just go with toe clips and my old sylvan pedals due to being
> very clumsy off bike and constantly shredding my ankles and shins with VP
> spiky platforms. Toe clips work better for me while spinning anyway.
> Looking to upgrade my sylvans though and get a bit narrower as well and
> checking to see if anyone has these MKS urban platforms sitting around.
> - Ryan in Seattle
> --
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Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
Other professional writing services.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
*The point which is the pivot of the norm is the motionless center of a
circumference on the contours of which all conditions, distinctions, and
individualities revolve. *Chuang Tzu

*Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.* *(The cross stands motionless while the
world revolves.) *Carthusian motto

*It is *we *who change; *He* remains the same.* Eckhart

*Kinei hos eromenon.* (*It moves [all things] as the beloved.) *Aristotle

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Re: [RBW] First S24O, on the C&O Canal

2016-07-23 Thread René Sterental
Wonderful write-up and great Dad-work!!! Your son is very lucky!

On Friday, July 22, 2016, Scott McLain  wrote:

> Love this story!  Thanks!  I have six kids of my own.  I have ridden the
> C&O with my older kids when I lived in Manassas, VA.  We did a campout
> there in June and it was hotter than ...  it was hot all night, and I never
> slept.
> Great work!  Kids need good Dads to take them on S24O's.  A lot of our
> social problems would be greatly improved if we had more good Dads.
> Scott
> On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 10:12:46 PM UTC-6, John Stowe wrote:
>> With my wife out of town for the week last week, to break up the
>> full-time childcare marathon I decided to declare a camping trip for me and
>> my 3 ("and a half!") year old son. The weather and open schedule lined up
>> to set off Thursday afternoon. We camped with him last summer on a road
>> trip, so he remembered and was excited about sleeping in a tent etc., but
>> this was the first S24O (and first bike camping trip) either of us had been
>> on. With the child seat blocking the rear rack, I was grateful for the
>> carrying capacity of my Pass & Stow rack up front. Warm weather meant we
>> could lighten the load by skipping sleeping bags.
>> In the morning my passenger got a surprise gift of binoculars which
>> successfully kept him occupied on a long ride for him, over 2 hours of
>> riding plus breaks. It was a Very Hot Day, 90+, though not as humid as DC
>> can sometimes be. The first 8 miles (of 24), from Alexandria to Georgetown
>> on the Mount Vernon Trail, is part of my old commute and a route I still
>> ride several times a week - it was interesting to take it at a much slower
>> pace than usual (though not reduced effort!). Fortunately we left early
>> enough that we didn't get caught up in tangles of commuter traffic, so I
>> didn't have to do much regaining my momentum. The climb up to the Key
>> Bridge has a very steep bit which actually forced me into "granny gear" - a
>> rarity in our fairly flat surroundings. I was glad for the foresight of
>> including 24/32 gearing when I was selecting components 4 years ago!
>> The shade on the C&O Canal towpath helped with the heat considerably, and
>> the change in scenery made things more interesting for both of us. We took
>> a couple of 'nature breaks' and snack/water stops and slowed down a few
>> times to check out birds and fish in the canal. My Sam Hillborne handled
>> the packed dirt/stone towpath quite well, with the front/back loading much
>> closer to evenly balanced than I've gotten used to with my son in his rear
>> seat. I wondered if the 35mm Schwalbe Delta Cruisers I have on it for city
>> riding might not be wide enough for the load + dirt, but they did fine - if
>> we were doing a multi-day trip, though, something wider would be better. I
>> was able to pin down a handling quirk I had felt a few times before with
>> heavy front loads, when the steering would start to feel springy. I thought
>> before that it was play in the rack, but the slightly rougher dirt surface
>> didn't seem to bother it at all. The Pass & Stow is very solid. Instead the
>> springiness I felt in large steering inputs seemed was due to twisting in
>> the stem! The leverage of the wide Bosco Bullmoose bars combined with the
>> inertia of the rack load gave me something to push against and wind it up -
>> enough to see the twist in the bars relative to the rack. Next time I have
>> a big load I will try adding some Irish Straps between the bars and the
>> load/rack to see if they help firm things up.
>> We got to the campsite (Swain's Lock, for those who know the C&O) about
>> 7pm, just in time for dinner. We brought spaghetti, [no longer frozen]
>> meatballs and sauce from home and cooked it on the Trangia. My previous
>> attempt at using the Trangia was on a very windy beach at Nag's Head, NC,
>> where I was burning through fuel faster than I could get water boiling.
>> This time it was much more efficient, and actually got a bit too hot at the
>> bottom. I had to pick some burned noodles off the pot later. Set up the
>> tent while dinner cooked, and ready for bed just-like-that. Except: unlike
>> most of the campgrounds, which have wells with hand pumps to provide water,
>> this had a standpipe that was... turned off. A check on my smartphone
>> revealed that it had been for some time. I had brought along a filter "just
>> to be safe" with the well water and ended up using it to filter 6L of water
>> straight from the Potomac. I was very dehydrated from the hot day and the
>> effort, and did not plan for enough water carrying capacity - the nearest
>> fresh water was a 5 mile round trip back down the canal to the Great Falls
>> visitor center, and I would have had a hard time coaxing my now sleepy
>> passenger back onto the 

[RBW] Re: Shout out for Grant and Co. Customer Service...

2016-07-23 Thread Deacon Patrick
Because of the mechanicles on the Quickbeam (as described at the top of 
this thread, and which are thankfully resolved now), I hadn't done any but 
shortish test rides in a wee while. Today I joyously took the Quickbeam out 
on a longer ride to Rampart Reservoir. Wow. I'd forgotten how smooth and 
silent the QB is. Single speed, supple Barlows and, everything in proper 
working order. Butter smooth. Hear grasshoppers hop silent. Delicious! 

I should have had more air in the rear tire as I got a pinch flat. First 
and hopefully last real world use of my dinky hand pump. It barely got my 
Barlows to 20-25 psi and that took 200 strokes. Lezyne pump for me next.

Pictures prove the mountains are cool and refreshing in the dappled aspen 
shade by the water. Just two pics today. Scroll right for the second one.

With abandon,

On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 1:25:59 PM UTC-6, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> I ask too many questions. Grant and Co. help me anyway. My LBS doesn’t do 
> that. Nowhere else I’ve been for bike stuff does that. So I buy from them 
> whenever I can (or from the secondary market here, which indirectly 
> supports them, I think, but that’s a different kettle of wax. Grin.).
> On my Quickbeam I’ve been puzzling out a series of creaks, chinks, binks, 
> and shifts, all seeming to center the cranks, and happening in multiple 
> layers but at least some of them always happening with each pedal stroke, 
> mostly on the left.
> Because one layer of them was more with my climbing gear and I could see 
> some shark toothing, I replaced both chain rings and the chain. One layer 
> gone, remaining layer(s?) more apparent. Replaced the pedals (which do feel 
> a bit wobbly on their axel, so I’ll rebuild), and another wee layer gone). 
> But that last layer: how could I tell if it was cranks or BB? So I called 
> Riv.
> After explaining my question, they asked me to hold. Grant pops on the 
> phone! So I ask. “Try tightening the drive side cup.” Bingo. Rides smooth 
> as butter again. Beautiful!
> Thanks, Grant!
> With abandon,
> Patrick

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[RBW] Re: Fireman 50 in Westminster, MD this Sunday

2016-07-23 Thread Austin B
Thinking about either the 30 or the 50 (depends on the heat). Either on my 
blue Sam or my red VO Pass Hunter.

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[RBW] FS: Revelate bag

2016-07-23 Thread lukeheller
Interested in bag. Please reply with price 

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[RBW] Re: FS: 62cm Rivendell Simpleone $1200 shipped, and more (thinning the herd)

2016-07-23 Thread John L
The RB-1 is sold.

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 7:57:05 PM UTC-4, John L wrote:
> FS: 62cm Rivendell Simpleone $1200 shipped
> This was a Riv display model for a while.  I’ve made a few additions. 
>  Setup with the following:
>Soma Lauterwasser Bars and Fizik Microtex Wrap in Honey 
>Paul Canti’s
>Hub Area Rack & bags in tan
>Wheels came with the bike, Open Sports w/ generic hubs have never 
>given me any problems.
>Clement XPLOR MSO 700x40, plenty of life left
>I’ll keep the pedals, you can keep the Cambium Saddle (it’s missing 
>one rivet, but doesn’t seem to make a difference to me). I think it's a 
>Paul setback seatpost.
>FSA metropolis crank
> Frame is in good condition; paint, not so much. Did a lot of commuting 
> duty for me over last 5 years. Kept indoors but parked outside during day - 
> plenty of scrapes and scratches on the frame to show that.  I love it but 
> I’m making room for a baby and a garage remodel and so sacrifices need to 
> be made.
> I have other bikes on the block too, email me if you’re interested in pics 
> and more:
> -Size L Team Fat chance from ? 1984 with a custom supsension-corrected 
> rigid fork and porteur rack that I’ve wanted to turn into a enduro all-road 
> but probably shouldn’t. 
> - 61(?) cm RB-1 from 1992 upgraded with a a Jtek/shimergo drivetrain and 
> nice new pacenti rims and compass tires - $600 shipped.
> Surly LHT deluxe 62cm F/F/HS + Bilenky soft case travel kit for $750 
> shipped.
> Bike Friday NWT 56cm frame w/ v-brakes, schmidt/luxos setup, alfine rear 
> with Paul chain tensioner, drop bars w/ JTEK shifter. $1750. Shipped.
> I'm in Arlington MA so if you want to have someone come by locally to 
> inspect or whatever, let me know.

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[RBW] Re: WTB 54 cm Bosco moose

2016-07-23 Thread 'velo59' via RBW Owners Bunch
Captain Conway,

Please send me a personal reply.  I may have what you are looking to find.

Jason Cloutier
Pawtucket, RI

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[RBW] Re: Fireman 50 in Westminster, MD this Sunday

2016-07-23 Thread Lungimsam
Im hopefully doing the 50.

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[RBW] FS: Vintage, Near-Mint 1970s Raleigh Sports Town Bike

2016-07-23 Thread Eric Norris
Sale a couple of weeks ago wasn’t completed, so I’m offering this bicycle again 
… at a reduced price.

This is a fantastic find that I came across at an estate sale. Bought in the 
70s, perhaps never ridden, and then stored in a dry basement ever since. It 
hadn’t been out of the garage until the estate sale. Very nearly perfect. No 
rust or corrosion, and only one minor crease on the rear fender. Everything is, 
as far as I can tell, 100% original. Everything works perfectly.

A great bike that will fit riders from 5’6” (or a little less) to 6” (or a 
little more). 3-speed Sturmey Archer hub, Raleigh crankset. 

Photos and a video here: 

Several shipping/price  options:

--$600 shipped via Amtrak in the CONUS, because it’s in a very large box. The 
bike has never been disassembled, and I didn’t want to risk damaging anything 
by taking it apart enough to fit in a standard bike box. Because Amtrak will 
ship this box for a reasonable price, I will get it to your local station. You 
can pick it up from there.

--$500 if you pick it up here in Sacramento or reasonably close to here.

--Purchase the bike for $500, and I will take it to the Sacramento bike shop of 
your choice to have it boxed and shipped using the method of your choice.

DM me if you have any questions.

--Eric Norris

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Re: [RBW] 205k Eastern Shore Maryland/Delaware Brevet with DC Randonneurs

2016-07-23 Thread Lungimsam
Thanks, everyone! Been wanting to try a 200k for a while now.

That is funny. My Bleriot was built up by CPBikes. Charles and Phil did it.
Also, one of my coworkers just moved to Bloomington Friday!

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Re: [RBW] 205k Eastern Shore Maryland/Delaware Brevet with DC Randonneurs

2016-07-23 Thread Lungimsam
Jim. Congrats on your chilly brevet. You definitely have the stuff Randonneurs 
are made of! I don't know how you all do it!

I don't know if I'll ever do a 300k, but now that I have done a 200k, I can see 
how it is possible to do a 300!

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Re: [RBW] 205k Eastern Shore Maryland/Delaware Brevet with DC Randonneurs

2016-07-23 Thread Lungimsam
Thanks for the info Lynn!
The rules and participants' adherence to them confuse me greatly.
I read them all in the manual but still don't understand exactly what goes on.
I will say that I'm sure if I did more events I would understand better.

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[RBW] FS: 56 cm Sam Hillborne

2016-07-23 Thread GSE
I am selling my 2015 blue Sam Hillborne.  It is a 56 cm single top tube.  I 
purchased it in May of 2015 from RBW.  RBW built up the bike.  I have 
ridden this bike very little.  It has less than 250 miles on it.  The bike 
is in excellent condition.  There is a very small nick in the paint on the 
left front fork. (See photograph).  Rivendell originally built it with an 
Albatross bar.  I had the Albatross bar changed by my local bike shop to a 
Nitto Noodle drop bar.  The bike has the following parts.

Nitto Noodle 44 cm handlebar
Shimano brake levers model BL-R400
Dura Ace 9 speed bar end shifters
Brooks B-17 saddle
RBW Grip King Pedals (pedals were not purchased new with bike.  I already 
had these pedals.  They are used, but in good working order).
Schwalbe Marathon Supreme Tires - 700 x 35
Wheels are 36 spoke Velocity Dyad/Shimano LX hubs built by Rick Linsek of 
Sugino XD2 46/36/24 crankset with 172.5 crank arms
Shimano Deore XT front derailleur
Shimano XT 9 speed rear derailleur
Tekrto R 559 Brakes
11-32 9 speed cassette
Nitto Technomic  9 cm stem (This is not original stem, had to get 26.0 
clamp stem for Noodle Bar)
Seatpost, bottom bracket, and headset were included with the frame from RBW

$1,950.00 plus shipping.  I will have my local bike pack  and box the bike 
for shipping at my expense.  Buyer pays actual shipping cost.  Estimated 
shipping cost is $150.00.   

See photos here:

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