[RBW] Re: Pibal scooter bike

2013-03-15 Thread Philip Williamson
Do they have pedals? 
I once met a fellow with a kickbike. I saw he had a Speedblend tire, and 
started talking to him at the gas station. I was there for gas, he was there 
for water, or a Kent Petersen style snack, or something. He rode... Pushed... 
It from Sebastopol to Santa Rosa, because riding his fixed gear bike was "too 
easy." Turns out, according to Geant, he had the very first Quickbeam off the 
boat. Maybe mine is the second... 
The funny part of that story is, when I got back in the car to leave, I drove 
away with the gas nozzle still attached to the car. 


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Re: [RBW] Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
As Eric mentioned, it's still plenty winterish in the twin cities, although the 
truly cold weather appears to be behind us. Some years it's fully spring by 
now, but one of the beautiful things about a long winter is that it makes 
Spring/Summer that much sweeter. Patience.

This is my new Riv-ish commuter.

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[RBW] Re: Riv Build Kit Question

2013-03-15 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
Seems worth a phone call. The discrepancy would seem to be a mistake, but 
maybe there's a good reason for it.

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 10:45:03 PM UTC-5, WETH wrote:
> I apologize in advance if I am missing something obvious.  My question: 
> does anyone know why the Build Kit for the 700 Drop Bar Sam ( 
> http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/build-05.htm) is $125 more than the 
> build kit for the 700 Upright Bar Sam (
> http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/build-02.htm)?  I can account for about 
> $32 difference with brake levers and handlebars.  However that doesn't take 
> into account grips on the upright bar kit and no bar tape on the drop bar 
> kit.  What am I missing?  Something obvious I am sure! 
> The price difference is not huge in light of the overall cost but not 
> insignificant, either.  I am trying to exercise some creative accounting in 
> the hopes of stretching for the purchase of a new Sam.  I was thinking to 
> give drop bars on the Sam a good try, as I hope to use the Sam for longer 
> distance rides (+20 miles).  However, I am reluctant with the extra cost of 
> the build kit and my budget.  I know Albatross bars are comfortable as I 
> have them on another bike, though I have never ridden them on rides over 20 
> miles..
> I know I can always call and ask the folks at Rivendell why the difference 
> in price, but I was hoping someone here might be able to help.
> Many thanks,
> Erl

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Re: [RBW] Re: Ram + Sugino XD 2 triple = ? bottom bracket length

2013-03-15 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
As the above responses suggest, it doesn't matter much. 

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:08:56 PM UTC-5, Fullylugged wrote:
> From the website:   All Rivendell models take a 110mm with the Sugino XD2 
> triple crank.
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Garth >wrote:
>> BTW, the only difference between a 107 and a 110 is the LEFT side has the 
>> extra mm's. !!!  Drive side is the same :)  
>>  -- 
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[RBW] Re: Riv Build Kit Question

2013-03-15 Thread Deacon Patrick
I can't speak to the price difference, but can say that I love my Alb bars 
and I have ridden 50-75 miles/day on the Great Divide Mountain Bike trail 
for 9 days and I did fantastic with them. While I haven't tried drops on my 
Hunqa, the Albs just feel comfortable all the time. The work very well for 
long slow climbs, long fast descents, and long slow, more technical 
descents with lots of rocky bounces being absorbed by elbows and knees. I 
ride glove free (save for the cold) if that says anything.

With abandon,

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:45:03 PM UTC-6, WETH wrote:
> I apologize in advance if I am missing something obvious.  My question: 
> does anyone know why the Build Kit for the 700 Drop Bar Sam ( 
> http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/build-05.htm) is $125 more than the 
> build kit for the 700 Upright Bar Sam (
> http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/build-02.htm)?  I can account for about 
> $32 difference with brake levers and handlebars.  However that doesn't take 
> into account grips on the upright bar kit and no bar tape on the drop bar 
> kit.  What am I missing?  Something obvious I am sure! 
> The price difference is not huge in light of the overall cost but not 
> insignificant, either.  I am trying to exercise some creative accounting in 
> the hopes of stretching for the purchase of a new Sam.  I was thinking to 
> give drop bars on the Sam a good try, as I hope to use the Sam for longer 
> distance rides (+20 miles).  However, I am reluctant with the extra cost of 
> the build kit and my budget.  I know Albatross bars are comfortable as I 
> have them on another bike, though I have never ridden them on rides over 20 
> miles..
> I know I can always call and ask the folks at Rivendell why the difference 
> in price, but I was hoping someone here might be able to help.
> Many thanks,
> Erl

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[RBW] Re: WTT Nitto Moustache bars for Albatross Bars

2013-03-15 Thread Mike
Manny, try using extra wide Noodles set at or slightly above saddle height. 
I love the 48cm Noodles on my LHT. They feel great off-road and inspire 

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:04:40 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote:
> I too am always tempted into riding albas. But when I get on some dirt 
> moustache is barn-on the best bar I have ridden on dirt. Just food for 
> thought

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[RBW] wanted: large saddlesack

2013-03-15 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
Anybody want to sell a large SaddleSack in good shape? I love my well-used 
Carradice camper, but the extra bigness of the saddlesack is appealing. 
Willing to discuss asking price in some combination of cash, goods, and/or 
bike-related services.

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[RBW] Re: Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread Mike
William, no pictures? You know what Manny says... ; ).


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:52:22 PM UTC-7, William wrote:
> It's been a very beautiful week of weather in the East Bay.  This morning 
> I got up early and did the hilly route (~35 mile, ~2500ft of climbing) from 
> my home in El Cerrito to my office in South Hayward.  It was still pretty 
> dark when I started out, but the sky was light enough at Arlington and 
> Moser to see a receding layer of fog covering the bay and San Francisco.  
> There were several other cyclists out, including one of the regulars, a 
> veteran on a very tall Rambouilet.  There were far more wild turkeys than 
> cyclists, though.  It was a tremendous morning.  
> I rode my spectacular, beloved 58cm 650B A Homer Hilsen.  I continue to 
> maintain that the Grand Bois Lierre is a tremendous tire for anybody 
> running 650B and caliper brakes.  Hetres are fantastic as well, but Lierres 
> are just as good in my book, but that's merely an anecdote.  I also 
> anecdotally ate a salad for lunch.  
> Other Riv Content.  I wore that super blue MUSA baselayer.  

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Re: [RBW] Re: Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread PATRICK MOORE
The Bagman and the SQR are both rated for 10 kg, IIRC. Note too that the
Bagman QR's QR less the wire support -- ie, just the part that clamps to
the rails -- is also -- per Margaret at Carradice -- also rated at 10 kg.
(At least, that's what she told me some years ago.)

Me, I like the old French method of reinforced rear fenders -- or, if you
will, minimalist racks integrated with the fender for just such support.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 8:02 PM, James Chang  wrote:

> I love my bagman as well.  It even looks pretty good on the bike without a
> saddle bag.  Highly recommend it if you are not carrying too heavy of a
> load.
> James Chang
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Peter Morgano wrote:
>> Bagman? I love mine but I don't think it can take as much weight as a
>> marks rack since it hangs on saddle rails and all.
>> On Mar 14, 2013 9:41 PM, "Andy Smitty Schmidt" <54ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I too have a Hupe that sits unused.
>>> For me the problem was that if the saddlebag was anything but full... ie
>>> if the hupe was un-weighted... the hupe tended to move around and scratch
>>> the seat stays.
>>> I tried using zip ties to secure it without success. I think if I wanted
>>> to get another saddlebag support, I would go with something more like a
>>> "real" rack.
>>> Smitty
>>> On Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:34:36 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote:

 Was wondering if there is no prob with letting your saddlebag slouch on
 top of the rear fender. Or is it better to use something else like a Hupe?
 Mine only touches fender a little.

 Does anyone know if Riv still sells hupe's? I couldn't find it on their

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[RBW] 1st Big Springtime Ride!

2013-03-15 Thread Mike
We've had some great weather here in Portland lately. Yesterday my friend 
Ed and I got out for a 90 plus mile ride out in Columbia County. I'd say 
about 50% of the ride was on dirt/gravel. We headed out of town for 14 or 
so miles on Hwy 30 to Scappoose where we got on the Crown Zellerbach Trail 
which is an old logging road that is steadily getting rehabbed into a 
quality multi-use path. I'm more than happy with it in it's current 
ungroomed, bumpy, muddy state. The CZ Trail follows the Scappoose-Vernonia 
Hwy up to Hwy 47/Vernonia which is a nice ride in itself although the 
car-free option of the CZ is even better. 

A little ways before the end of the trail we got on the Hwy and then got 
onto Pittsburgh Rd which was incredible. I got clued into Pittsburgh Rd 
through the Rapha website. While I'm not a fan of their clothes I do like 
reading about their "Gentlemen's Races." Pittsburgh Rd featured into their 
2010 race (http://www.rapha.cc/2010-nw-gentlemens-race). As soon as we got 
onto to the road it began to climb. We stopped at one point to eat some 
food we had and take in the view, a mix of the beautiful (Coast Range) and 
despairing (clearcuts). At times the climbing was difficult due to mud and 
becoming rocky although never anything that required a mountain bike. 
Finally the road began to drop back down, first on hardpack dirt which gave 
way to larger newer gravel which was like riding on marbles before 
transitioning to asphalt and a fast descent into Yankton where we had pie 
before pedaling the last few miles down to hell that is Hwy 30 in the late 

This was a really great ride and I wouldn't hesitate to do this exact ride 
again or some variation. Neither of us had computers on our bikes but when 
I got home I messed around with Google maps and it appears to have been 
about 90 miles or so. Ed hit 100 miles as he came from farther away and 
took a longer way home.

Neither of us were on Rivendells but Ed was wearing MUSA shorts and had a 
wool jersey. I had various Riv purchased accessories on my bike. Ed's 
gearing was 38/18 and mine was 40/19. I would have preferred a lower gear 
and might consider setting my bike up as a dingle speed or double double in 
the future. We both had tires in 40mm range which I'd definitely recommend 
for this ride. I certainly wouldn't use anything smaller than 32mm. Oh, the 
VP pedals were great. 

I haven't been doing much distance riding lately as I'm sitting out 
randonneuring this year. Also my wife and I are expecting so there's a lot 
of non-bike related stuff on my plate. Still, I'm hoping to get out for a 
ride like this every two weeks or so for as long as I can. I imagine next 
week I'll do a variation of this ride but on a geared bike. Maybe CZ 
trail-Vernonia--Vernonia/Banks trail--Hillsboro--Max (train) back into 
Portland. We'll see.

Pictures proved it happened:


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[RBW] Re: WTT Nitto Moustache bars for Albatross Bars

2013-03-15 Thread Frank Brose
I would have to agree with both you and Mike but this bike will probably 
see hard pack dirt and pavement. Not to mention I have more than one set of 
M bars. In fact that's what was on this particular bike. Just time for a 
new hairdo so to speak.

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 10:04:40 PM UTC-5, Manuel Acosta wrote:

> I too am always tempted into riding albas. But when I get on some dirt 
> moustache is barn-on the best bar I have ridden on dirt. Just food for 
> thought

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Re: [RBW] Re: Legolas!

2013-03-15 Thread Jim Mather
The Legolas and Roadeo have the same tubing for top and seat tubes,
fork blades and chain stays. The Legolas downtube is slightly heavier
at .7/.5/.7 vs
.65/.45/65 for the Roadeo.

I've used Marathon Cross and WTB All Terrainasaurus, which measure
about 38, and they fit fine. I think I remember seeing someone with a
Panaracer Fire Cross 700x45 in the front, but that would be too wide
for the rear.

jim m
wc ca

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Mike Schiller
> what is the max tire width on a Legolas?  And what is the tubing size on a
> 59cm version?  I know Grant used light tubing, but how light?
> ~mike

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[RBW] BOM: 48 Hunq with Boscos!

2013-03-15 Thread Liesl
Oh man that is some bike for a person of a certain stature!  The original 
paint scheme, those *fantastic* bars, a great price...if I wasn't getting 
the Appaloosa, you would have to HOLD ME BACK!  I rode a 48 Hunq for the 
RCW Shell Ridge S24O only with mustaches and I loved it.  I think I woulda 
loved it even more with Bosco's.  As I've often mentioned here, I'm 54 and 
5'2" and female.  Riv Chicas, if you're in a position to take Riv up on 
this one...do it!  It's a Riv Chica Warhorse!


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[RBW] NYC bike shops and rentals

2013-03-15 Thread Adam
I'm spending the first week of April with my wife in NYC. We're hoping for good 
weather and to potentially get some riding in. Clearly we won't be packing up 
our rivs for such a short trip so I wanted to ask the list if there are any 
rental places you all might recommend and/or shops I should be sure to peak in. 
I'm spoiled living a short distance from walnut creek where the best shop of 
them all resides, but it would be cool to check out some interesting shops. 


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[RBW] Re: Riv Build Kit Question

2013-03-15 Thread NWAJack

And the wrap job they do on the drop bars is drop-dead perfect too!

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[RBW] New AHH Owner Intro

2013-03-15 Thread NWAJack
Although I've posted a  few things on here, I just wanted to introduce 
myself. I've just become the proud owner of a new A. Homer Hilsen, my 
first Riv.   I'm 50 years old and about 30 pounds overweight.   7 years ago 
I was 100+ pounds overweight, started running and eating better, and lost a 
lot.   Over time my knees started giving me trouble, and so I took up 
cycling about 4 years ago, migrating more and more to the bike.   I had 
purchased a Trek 1.2, and really found I enjoyed riding.   Then I found GPs 
book, and identified very stongly with what he said.  I really thought 
about the type of riding I wanted to do - long rides through the 
countryside, comfort, abillity too add multple bags or racks, etc.  So 
I ended up ordering the AHH in November.   Some delays but I got the bike 
last week.   I've never been so impressed by a purchse or a company.  Heck 
- I even got a Thank You card in the mail yesterday from RIV - signed by 
everyone.   I'm a convert, and can't wait to get out on a nice long ride 
tomorrow.   Have a good weekend everyone!
Northwest Arkansas

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[RBW] Tokyo Fixed Visits Nitto Video

2013-03-15 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
An old Rivendell Reader had a wonderful interview which gave some insights 
into Nitto, which I find that I still reread periodically.  This video was 
actually posted about a year ago, so some of you may have come across it 
already, but Tokyo Fixed visits Nitto and shares some inside images (and 
cool, classic documentary music...)


- Jim / cyclofiend.com

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[RBW] Re: Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread iamkeith
A comment and a question:
I'll reiterate the praise for the Bagman support, if you're looking for a 
horizontal support like the Hupe gave.  I love mine, though  I 've never 
tried the Hupe to compare it against.  On the other hand, the key 
disadvantage (or *benefit*, depending on how you look at it) of both racks 
is that they'll rotate your bag backward and to a more vertical 
orientation.  But for a situation in which I want a more minimalist setup 
and in which I'd like a Carradice bag to hang in the intended position 
(with the flap and reflector facing rearwards), I was just about to 
purchase a Wire Guard.  But I'm kind of surprised to see so many comments 
about the Hupe scratching the stays.  Should I expect the same thing from 
the Wire Guard?  (I don't have the fender clearance issues that the OP does 
- just cable interference/rub)

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[RBW] Re: New AHH Owner Intro

2013-03-15 Thread Deacon Patrick
Welcome and congratulations!

WIth abandon,

On Friday, March 15, 2013 10:11:53 AM UTC-6, NWAJack wrote:
> Although I've posted a  few things on here, I just wanted to introduce 
> myself. I've just become the proud owner of a new A. Homer Hilsen, my 
> first Riv.   I'm 50 years old and about 30 pounds overweight.   7 years ago 
> I was 100+ pounds overweight, started running and eating better, and lost a 
> lot.   Over time my knees started giving me trouble, and so I took up 
> cycling about 4 years ago, migrating more and more to the bike.   I had 
> purchased a Trek 1.2, and really found I enjoyed riding.   Then I found GPs 
> book, and identified very stongly with what he said.  I really thought 
> about the type of riding I wanted to do - long rides through the 
> countryside, comfort, abillity too add multple bags or racks, etc.  So 
> I ended up ordering the AHH in November.   Some delays but I got the bike 
> last week.   I've never been so impressed by a purchse or a company.  Heck 
> - I even got a Thank You card in the mail yesterday from RIV - signed by 
> everyone.   I'm a convert, and can't wait to get out on a nice long ride 
> tomorrow.   Have a good weekend everyone!
> Jack
> Northwest Arkansas

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[RBW] Re: Trying the Tag on Transactions - Selling? Trading? Read this Please.

2013-03-15 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
It also looks like the orginal poster of a topic can go back and "Add Tags" 
to the original post.  

So, if you have made a For Sale, Wanted to Buy, Want To Trade or similar 
post in the past week or so, it might be helpful for you to go back and 
"Add Tags" to show it as a "transactions-sell-buy-trade" post.

As a viewer of the group discussion, you  can then click on the tag (when 
shown) and view only those types of posts.

- Jim / admin

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[RBW] Re: Please review this bell from Rivendell...

2013-03-15 Thread Bill Lucas

It is a very nice bell.  I have mine rotated into a tight spot.  It wasn't 
hard to position.  
Also, the diameter of the mount matches the typical headset spacer 
diameter.  The VO spacer didn't.

Bill Lucas

On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:27:43 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote:
> Was thinking of getting this. 
> *http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/bellhed.htm*
> My only concern is I think it doesn't rotate around the steerer tube, so 
> one would have to know exactly where you want it facing before cranking 
> down on the headset locknut.
> I can rehearse that with my regular bell before installing.
> The price is very nice.
> I have lotsa room for it on the sterrer tube/headset.
> Let me know if you have it and like it, and if anything to think twice 
> about before attempting installation.

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[RBW] Re: Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread Andy Smitty Schmidt
The morning bike commute here in PDX has been nice too. This thread 
inspired me to head out a bit early and bring the camera on my morning 
commute... on my Bosco'd + Sugino'd + Grip King'd + friction shifter'd Big 
Dummy. There's some Aussie wool in there too. 

Pic proves that "family single track" is not an oxymoron. 


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:52:22 PM UTC-7, William wrote:
> It's been a very beautiful week of weather in the East Bay.  This morning 
> I got up early and did the hilly route (~35 mile, ~2500ft of climbing) from 
> my home in El Cerrito to my office in South Hayward.  It was still pretty 
> dark when I started out, but the sky was light enough at Arlington and 
> Moser to see a receding layer of fog covering the bay and San Francisco.  
> There were several other cyclists out, including one of the regulars, a 
> veteran on a very tall Rambouilet.  There were far more wild turkeys than 
> cyclists, though.  It was a tremendous morning.  
> I rode my spectacular, beloved 58cm 650B A Homer Hilsen.  I continue to 
> maintain that the Grand Bois Lierre is a tremendous tire for anybody 
> running 650B and caliper brakes.  Hetres are fantastic as well, but Lierres 
> are just as good in my book, but that's merely an anecdote.  I also 
> anecdotally ate a salad for lunch.  
> Other Riv Content.  I wore that super blue MUSA baselayer.  

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[RBW] Re: BOM: 48 Hunq with Boscos!

2013-03-15 Thread Joe Bernard
Actually, the built-up BOM is a 54, but they have a few original-color 
framesets left in 48.
On Friday, March 15, 2013 8:41:40 AM UTC-7, Liesl wrote:

> Oh man that is some bike for a person of a certain stature!  The original 
> paint scheme, those *fantastic* bars, a great price...if I wasn't getting 
> the Appaloosa, you would have to HOLD ME BACK!  I rode a 48 Hunq for the 
> RCW Shell Ridge S24O only with mustaches and I loved it.  I think I woulda 
> loved it even more with Bosco's.  As I've often mentioned here, I'm 54 and 
> 5'2" and female.  Riv Chicas, if you're in a position to take Riv up on 
> this one...do it!  It's a Riv Chica Warhorse!

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Re: [RBW] Re: Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread Peter Morgano
It was 29 degrees out, again. I hate the winter, personally. If my wife
didnt complain about it so much I would have stayed in South Carolina, so
many beautiful rides along the river.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Andy Smitty Schmidt <54ca...@gmail.com>wrote:

> The morning bike commute here in PDX has been nice too. This thread
> inspired me to head out a bit early and bring the camera on my morning
> commute... on my Bosco'd + Sugino'd + Grip King'd + friction shifter'd Big
> Dummy. There's some Aussie wool in there too.
> Pic proves that "family single track" is not an oxymoron. 
> --Andy
> On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:52:22 PM UTC-7, William wrote:
>> It's been a very beautiful week of weather in the East Bay.  This morning
>> I got up early and did the hilly route (~35 mile, ~2500ft of climbing) from
>> my home in El Cerrito to my office in South Hayward.  It was still pretty
>> dark when I started out, but the sky was light enough at Arlington and
>> Moser to see a receding layer of fog covering the bay and San Francisco.
>> There were several other cyclists out, including one of the regulars, a
>> veteran on a very tall Rambouilet.  There were far more wild turkeys than
>> cyclists, though.  It was a tremendous morning.
>> I rode my spectacular, beloved 58cm 650B A Homer Hilsen.  I continue to
>> maintain that the Grand Bois Lierre is a tremendous tire for anybody
>> running 650B and caliper brakes.  Hetres are fantastic as well, but Lierres
>> are just as good in my book, but that's merely an anecdote.  I also
>> anecdotally ate a salad for lunch.
>> Other Riv Content.  I wore that super blue MUSA baselayer.
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> Visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en-US.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

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[RBW] Re: Legolas!

2013-03-15 Thread Anne
Woohoo! Glad another round of these will be available. Thanks for the post.

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 11:07:23 PM UTC-4, Peter M wrote:
> Dont tell the LOTR estate, its a hush hush deal...
> *Legolases now available: $2200, but not on the site*.

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[RBW] Re: Legolas!

2013-03-15 Thread William
That's pretty exciting.  

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:40:56 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote:
> Sweet. I know someone who would like a Leololas
> On Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:35:38 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Call 'em, whisper the magic word, get bike. That's pretty cool.
>> On Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:32:44 PM UTC-7, Trevor saxton wrote:
>>> How would one go about acquiring one?

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[RBW] Re: Legolas!

2013-03-15 Thread wrharper
Speak friend and order.

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:07:23 PM UTC-7, Peter M wrote:
> Dont tell the LOTR estate, its a hush hush deal...
> *Legolases now available: $2200, but not on the site*.

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[RBW] Re: Legolas!

2013-03-15 Thread Eric
Are 1" theaded steerer available? 

...I'm not familar with the frame other than photos and they all look like 
they have threadless steerers.

Interested but I think I'm going to get a custom in a few more years. I 
have a few Rivs to keep me busy at the moment!

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Re: [RBW] New AHH Owner Intro

2013-03-15 Thread René Sterental
Ahhh, congratulations no getting your first Rivendell bike. The first of
many... I'm sure! I also got started with an AHH and now have an Atlantis,
a Betty and a Hunqapillar. I'm waiting for my 14 year old son to grow a bit
more so he can ride the AHH and get the taste of what a fantastic bike
rides like...


On Friday, March 15, 2013, Deacon Patrick wrote:

> Welcome and congratulations!
> WIth abandon,
> Patrick
> On Friday, March 15, 2013 10:11:53 AM UTC-6, NWAJack wrote:
>> Although I've posted a  few things on here, I just wanted to introduce
>> myself. I've just become the proud owner of a new A. Homer Hilsen, my
>> first Riv.   I'm 50 years old and about 30 pounds overweight.   7 years ago
>> I was 100+ pounds overweight, started running and eating better, and lost a
>> lot.   Over time my knees started giving me trouble, and so I took up
>> cycling about 4 years ago, migrating more and more to the bike.   I had
>> purchased a Trek 1.2, and really found I enjoyed riding.   Then I found GPs
>> book, and identified very stongly with what he said.  I really thought
>> about the type of riding I wanted to do - long rides through the
>> countryside, comfort, abillity too add multple bags or racks, etc.  So
>> I ended up ordering the AHH in November.   Some delays but I got the bike
>> last week.   I've never been so impressed by a purchse or a company.  Heck
>> - I even got a Thank You card in the mail yesterday from RIV - signed by
>> everyone.   I'm a convert, and can't wait to get out on a nice long ride
>> tomorrow.   Have a good weekend everyone!
>> Jack
>> Northwest Arkansas
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> To post to this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 'rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com');>
> .
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Re: [RBW] Trying the Tag on Transactions - Selling? Trading? Read this Please.

2013-03-15 Thread René Sterental
Does this work if you're on gmail or only if you're on the web version?

On Friday, March 15, 2013, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> It also looks like the orginal poster of a topic can go back and "Add
> Tags" to the original post.
> So, if you have made a For Sale, Wanted to Buy, Want To Trade or similar
> post in the past week or so, it might be helpful for you to go back and
> "Add Tags" to show it as a "transactions-sell-buy-trade" post.
> As a viewer of the group discussion, you  can then click on the tag (when
> shown) and view only those types of posts.
> - Jim / admin
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com  'cvml', 'rbw-owners-bunch%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com');>.
> To post to this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 'rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com');>
> .
> Visit this group at
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[RBW] Re: Riv Build Kit Question

2013-03-15 Thread WETH
I thank everyone for their replies and thoughts.  I will have to make a call to 
Rivendell to learn more.  Of course, I worry, if I call, I will end up 

Thanks again.  This is a great group, and I have learned a great deal from you 
all over the last few years.

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[RBW] Re: Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread WETH
Andy, that is a fabulous photo!  

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[RBW] Re: Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread Tom Harrop
I had good luck with the Hupe... I installed one, upside-down and secured 
with zip ties, on my GF's commuter (not a Riv) to hold up her SaddleSack 
small—and it works brilliantly. Maybe the upside-downness is the key?

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[RBW] Re: Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread Michael Hechmer
Ditto on the SQR.  Cheap, light, and absolutely the fastest  on-off of any 


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 10:22:33 PM UTC-4, Kellie Stapleton wrote:
> I use a SQR Uplift rack sold by Carradice. I have a Barley bag but any bag 
> can attach to it.
> On Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:34:36 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote:
>> Was wondering if there is no prob with letting your saddlebag slouch on 
>> top of the rear fender. Or is it better to use something else like a Hupe?
>> Mine only touches fender a little.
>> Does anyone know if Riv still sells hupe's? I couldn't find it on their 
>> site.

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[RBW] Re: BOM: 48 Hunq with Boscos!

2013-03-15 Thread Liesl
On Friday, March 15, 2013 11:43:10 AM UTC-5, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Actually, the built-up BOM is a 54, but they have a few original-color 
> framesets left in 48.

Shoot! I stand corrected.  there are 2 BOM's and  #1 is a 48 but it's a SAM 
and #2 is a 54 and a Hunq. No matter.  Sam's are great, too; I've ridden my 
friend Rich's 48.  Dreamy.  Sure hope they go to good homes.  -RCW

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[RBW] oops it's a 48 Sam with Bosco's

2013-03-15 Thread Liesl
read the hunq post, that this post quickly corrects (thanks Joe)  -RCW

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Re: [RBW] Re: Please review this bell from Rivendell...

2013-03-15 Thread dougP
I've used the spring striker one for years on my Atlantis.  Even with 
chubby, cushy tires it'll ding-a-ling on the rough stuff.  I figured if I 
was on a "bell ringer" of a road, I either needed to slow down or pick a 
better line.  Now I have a third choice:  get a better bell!  


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 6:58:19 PM UTC-7, James Chang wrote:
> Hammer striker doesn't ding on bumpy terrain.  Hadn't realized that until 
> now.  Perfect.  And I've been putting up with dinging with spring style 
> striker all over the place for a long long time.  Need to buy bell 
> with hammer striker with next Riv order. 
> James Chang
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Andy Smitty Schmidt 
> <54c...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> If you install it and don't like the position of the bell, just loosen 
>> and rotate. I bought one but haven't put it on or ridden with it yet. The 
>> bell is slightly smaller than the other bells Riv sells but seems 
>> comparable on quality. I prefer the hammer striker 'cause the spring 
>> style striker  tends to 
>> ding all the time on bumpy terrain. 
>> --Smitty
>> On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:27:43 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote:
>>> Was thinking of getting this. 
>>> *http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/bellhed.htm*
>>> My only concern is I think it doesn't rotate around the steerer tube, so 
>>> one would have to know exactly where you want it facing before cranking 
>>> down on the headset locknut.
>>> I can rehearse that with my regular bell before installing.
>>> The price is very nice.
>>> I have lotsa room for it on the sterrer tube/headset.
>>> Let me know if you have it and like it, and if anything to think twice 
>>> about before attempting installation.
>>  -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com .
>> To post to this group, send email to 
>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>> .
>> Visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en-US.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> -- 
> *** club sandwich, not seal *** 

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Re: [RBW] Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread dougP
Grant has mentioned a "large (or was it fat?) tire epiphany".  I doubt 
that's what he had in mind!  

Jim, come planting season, some tractor owner will discover his missing 
tires :).  


On Friday, March 15, 2013 5:15:35 AM UTC-7, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery 
> As Eric mentioned, it's still plenty winterish in the twin cities, 
> although the truly cold weather appears to be behind us. Some years it's 
> fully spring by now, but one of the beautiful things about a long winter is 
> that it makes Spring/Summer that much sweeter. Patience.
> This is my new Riv-ish commuter.
> http://m.flickr.com/#/photos/twowheelflight/8558636197/

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[RBW] Tech specs on Rivendell seat binder allen bolt and nut

2013-03-15 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Can someone give me, in tech speak, the measurement of the allen bolt and
hex nut that fits in Riv frames (Ram in this case)? Easier for me to ask
hardware store than to lug mostly built bike into the store.

Have to cable up derailleurs and adjust, install saddle on pin and adjust;
adjust bar; tape. And then somehow get some Stan's into the tubs. Hopefully
this weekend ...!!!

Oh: I swapped out the very graciously donated Veloces (thanks again, Tom)
that didn't quite reach far enough (55..?) for some old Nashbar dual pivots
(57) and these seem to reach fine except for the drive side rear, which is
1, perhaps 2 mm higher than optimum. I've double checked the slot position.
Arch is centered. What gives? Next step to try another pad, but ...???


PAMoore, off to the store (and PO) on the Green Riv.


$300 off a $600 resume + letter or Linked In profile package with referral
that leads to full price sale! Refer two full-pay clients and you get the
package for free!

I am not cheap, but I am very good. So they say.

Patrick Moore, Ph.D, MBA, ACRW, Albuquerque, NM, USA
http://resumespecialties.com/index.html * patrickmo...@resumespecialties.com

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[RBW] Re: Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread iamkeith

On Friday, March 15, 2013 10:18:30 AM UTC-6, iamkeith wrote: 
> A comment and a question for those with experience:
> I'll reiterate the praise for the Bagman support, if you're looking for a 
> horizontal support like the Hupe gave.  I love mine, though  I 've never 
> tried the Hupe to compare it against.  On the other hand, the key 
> disadvantage (or *benefit*, depending on how you look at it) of both 
> racks is that they'll rotate your bag backward and to a more vertical 
> orientation.  

> But for a current situation in which I want a more minimalist setup and 
> want a Carradice bag to hang in the intended position (with the flap and 
> reflector facing rearwards), I was just about to purchase a *Wire Guard.*   
> I'm kind of surprised to see so many comments about the Hupe scratching the 
> stays, though.  Should I expect the same thing from the Wire Guard?  (I 
> don't have the fender clearance issues that the OP does - just cable 
> interference/rub)

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[RBW] Re: 1st Big Springtime Ride!

2013-03-15 Thread dougP

90 miles on a single speed for a "1st big ride" is ambitious to the point 
of over-achievement.  Looks to be a beautiful ride.  Any camping 
opportunities out there?  For me, that would be a 2 day event.  

BTW, I think Ed's twin lives in San Diego.


On Friday, March 15, 2013 8:12:51 AM UTC-7, Mike wrote:
> We've had some great weather here in Portland lately. Yesterday my friend 
> Ed and I got out for a 90 plus mile ride out in Columbia County. I'd say 
> about 50% of the ride was on dirt/gravel. We headed out of town for 14 or 
> so miles on Hwy 30 to Scappoose where we got on the Crown Zellerbach Trail 
> which is an old logging road that is steadily getting rehabbed into a 
> quality multi-use path. I'm more than happy with it in it's current 
> ungroomed, bumpy, muddy state. The CZ Trail follows the Scappoose-Vernonia 
> Hwy up to Hwy 47/Vernonia which is a nice ride in itself although the 
> car-free option of the CZ is even better. 
> A little ways before the end of the trail we got on the Hwy and then got 
> onto Pittsburgh Rd which was incredible. I got clued into Pittsburgh Rd 
> through the Rapha website. While I'm not a fan of their clothes I do like 
> reading about their "Gentlemen's Races." Pittsburgh Rd featured into their 
> 2010 race (http://www.rapha.cc/2010-nw-gentlemens-race). As soon as we 
> got onto to the road it began to climb. We stopped at one point to eat some 
> food we had and take in the view, a mix of the beautiful (Coast Range) and 
> despairing (clearcuts). At times the climbing was difficult due to mud and 
> becoming rocky although never anything that required a mountain bike. 
> Finally the road began to drop back down, first on hardpack dirt which gave 
> way to larger newer gravel which was like riding on marbles before 
> transitioning to asphalt and a fast descent into Yankton where we had pie 
> before pedaling the last few miles down to hell that is Hwy 30 in the late 
> afternoon. 
> This was a really great ride and I wouldn't hesitate to do this exact ride 
> again or some variation. Neither of us had computers on our bikes but when 
> I got home I messed around with Google maps and it appears to have been 
> about 90 miles or so. Ed hit 100 miles as he came from farther away and 
> took a longer way home.
> Neither of us were on Rivendells but Ed was wearing MUSA shorts and had a 
> wool jersey. I had various Riv purchased accessories on my bike. Ed's 
> gearing was 38/18 and mine was 40/19. I would have preferred a lower gear 
> and might consider setting my bike up as a dingle speed or double double in 
> the future. We both had tires in 40mm range which I'd definitely recommend 
> for this ride. I certainly wouldn't use anything smaller than 32mm. Oh, the 
> VP pedals were great. 
> I haven't been doing much distance riding lately as I'm sitting out 
> randonneuring this year. Also my wife and I are expecting so there's a lot 
> of non-bike related stuff on my plate. Still, I'm hoping to get out for a 
> ride like this every two weeks or so for as long as I can. I imagine next 
> week I'll do a variation of this ride but on a geared bike. Maybe CZ 
> trail-Vernonia--Vernonia/Banks trail--Hillsboro--Max (train) back into 
> Portland. We'll see.
> Pictures proved it happened:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/41335973@N00/sets/72157632995135879/
> --mike

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[RBW] Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread dailyrandonneur
Another option is the Nitto R-10 mini rear rack. It has been a really good 
setup for us on a couple of bikes, one in particular without rack mounts. Bens 
Cycle in Milwaukee has them. 

Washington, DC

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Re: [RBW] General short thought on current bikes

2013-03-15 Thread Toshi Takeuchi
Hi Kelly,

Maybe you can put a bigger rear rack on the AHH and you could carry pretty
much as much as you need short of a huge unsupported tour using rear

In terms of design, ideally in my mind, maybe a little more clearance to
allow 42s with fenders would be best, but as William pointed out, the 38
Lierres may be just as good, and I can vouch that the PariMoto tires are
also very nice.

I currently ride my AHH with Soma Xpress tires for a little more toughness
with my luggage etc., and am quite satisfied.  They aren't big apples, but
compared to what many other touring bikes would fit, they're pretty cushy.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Kelly  wrote:

> Ok so I have the full fledged mountain bike Bombadil and feels really good.
> After getting Ram built up and being unable to find a 68cm Atlantis I
> started working more with the Homer for that roll.
> So added Marks rack, Arkel handle bar bag and large saddlesack for camera
> gear and general riding.  I'm an settling for 700x40s so I have room for
> fenders though plastic for now.  After riding the AHH today with 700x50's
> I'm once again looking for a solution .. But oh well, those tires barely
> fit but sure road nice.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tksleeper/8554739885/in/photostream/lightbox/
> Also found myself wanting canti's for a stronger front rack, bigger tires,
> blah blah.
> The RAM is doing what the AHH was for leaning more towards speed and the
> AHH is attempting to do the job of the Atlantis.   (Trying anyway).   Have
> to give it another chance with low riders, better tweaking on tire pressure
> .. Then it should be fine...  It is fine.. Still the bike the gets
> ridden he most.
> Kelly.
> Ps.  There was no point other than talking out loud in print debating what
> to do.. Now rims. Are also driving me nuts

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Re: [RBW] Trying the Tag on Transactions - Selling? Trading? Read this Please.

2013-03-15 Thread Cyclofiend
I know it works via the web interface.  There may be some tricky  
digital-fu to get it to recognize a tag, but I have yet to find it -  
so if you view the list via your mail, it may be a moot point.

- J

On Mar 15, 2013, at 11:10 AM, René Sterental wrote:

Does this work if you're on gmail or only if you're on the web  

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[RBW] Tech specs on Rivendell seat binder allen bolt and nut

2013-03-15 Thread Stephen S
Have you tried re-centering the rear wheel? With a 132.5 spacing it can be hard 
to get the wheel exactly centered, at least tat is how it is on my ram.


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[RBW] Re: Tech specs on Rivendell seat binder allen bolt and nut

2013-03-15 Thread Shoji Takahashi
Hi Patrick,
>From your subject, you're looking for seat binder post info? (I'm not sure 
based on the text if that's what you're after):
Screw:  M6 Hex Socket Cap, 22mm length
Nut:  M6 Nylon Insert Nut
(Source: http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/f-hillborne-blue.htm-- I'm pretty 
sure all Rivs use the same screw+nut for seat post binder.)

Have a nice weekend! Shoji

On Friday, March 15, 2013 4:11:50 PM UTC-4, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Can someone give me, in tech speak, the measurement of the allen bolt and 
> hex nut that fits in Riv frames (Ram in this case)? Easier for me to ask 
> hardware store than to lug mostly built bike into the store.
> Have to cable up derailleurs and adjust, install saddle on pin and adjust; 
> adjust bar; tape. And then somehow get some Stan's into the tubs. Hopefully 
> this weekend ...!!!
> Oh: I swapped out the very graciously donated Veloces (thanks again, Tom) 
> that didn't quite reach far enough (55..?) for some old Nashbar dual pivots 
> (57) and these seem to reach fine except for the drive side rear, which is 
> 1, perhaps 2 mm higher than optimum. I've double checked the slot position. 
> Arch is centered. What gives? Next step to try another pad, but ...???
> Thanks.
> PAMoore, off to the store (and PO) on the Green Riv.
> -- 
> __
> $300 off a $600 resume + letter or Linked In profile package with referral 
> that leads to full price sale! Refer two full-pay clients and you get the 
> package for free!
> I am not cheap, but I am very good. So they say.
> Patrick Moore, Ph.D, MBA, ACRW, Albuquerque, NM, USA
> http://resumespecialties.com/index.html * 
> patric...@resumespecialties.com
> __ 

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Re: [RBW] General short thought on current bikes

2013-03-15 Thread hsmitham
I recently put the force field fatty rumpkins on my Homer with sks longboard 
fenders, they fit great and roll really well on pavement and amazingly great on 
dirt. Of course no idea on the frozen stuff? 

Sunland, CA

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[RBW] Re: 1st Big Springtime Ride!

2013-03-15 Thread Mike
On Friday, March 15, 2013 1:14:27 PM UTC-7, dougP wrote:

BTW, I think Ed's twin lives in San Diego.
> dougP

Come to think of it... I've never seen Ed and Esteban in the same room at 
the same time... Hmmm 


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Re: [RBW] Re: Please review this bell from Rivendell...

2013-03-15 Thread Christopher Murray
Have the bell and love it- mostly because it doesn't ring constantly unlike the 
spring hammer bell which basically drove me crazy. Took it off and gave it 
away. I imagine there are a of parts boxes with Silver Hupes and spring hammer 
bells in them! I am sure you could get'em cheap and have a bike that dings 
constantly while the paint is being scraped off the stays. 


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[RBW] Re: 1st Big Springtime Ride!

2013-03-15 Thread Andy Smitty Schmidt
One of these days...

On Friday, March 15, 2013 8:12:51 AM UTC-7, Mike wrote:
> We've had some great weather here in Portland lately. Yesterday my friend 
> Ed and I got out for a 90 plus mile ride out in Columbia County. I'd say 
> about 50% of the ride was on dirt/gravel. We headed out of town for 14 or 
> so miles on Hwy 30 to Scappoose where we got on the Crown Zellerbach Trail 
> which is an old logging road that is steadily getting rehabbed into a 
> quality multi-use path. I'm more than happy with it in it's current 
> ungroomed, bumpy, muddy state. The CZ Trail follows the Scappoose-Vernonia 
> Hwy up to Hwy 47/Vernonia which is a nice ride in itself although the 
> car-free option of the CZ is even better. 
> A little ways before the end of the trail we got on the Hwy and then got 
> onto Pittsburgh Rd which was incredible. I got clued into Pittsburgh Rd 
> through the Rapha website. While I'm not a fan of their clothes I do like 
> reading about their "Gentlemen's Races." Pittsburgh Rd featured into their 
> 2010 race (http://www.rapha.cc/2010-nw-gentlemens-race). As soon as we 
> got onto to the road it began to climb. We stopped at one point to eat some 
> food we had and take in the view, a mix of the beautiful (Coast Range) and 
> despairing (clearcuts). At times the climbing was difficult due to mud and 
> becoming rocky although never anything that required a mountain bike. 
> Finally the road began to drop back down, first on hardpack dirt which gave 
> way to larger newer gravel which was like riding on marbles before 
> transitioning to asphalt and a fast descent into Yankton where we had pie 
> before pedaling the last few miles down to hell that is Hwy 30 in the late 
> afternoon. 
> This was a really great ride and I wouldn't hesitate to do this exact ride 
> again or some variation. Neither of us had computers on our bikes but when 
> I got home I messed around with Google maps and it appears to have been 
> about 90 miles or so. Ed hit 100 miles as he came from farther away and 
> took a longer way home.
> Neither of us were on Rivendells but Ed was wearing MUSA shorts and had a 
> wool jersey. I had various Riv purchased accessories on my bike. Ed's 
> gearing was 38/18 and mine was 40/19. I would have preferred a lower gear 
> and might consider setting my bike up as a dingle speed or double double in 
> the future. We both had tires in 40mm range which I'd definitely recommend 
> for this ride. I certainly wouldn't use anything smaller than 32mm. Oh, the 
> VP pedals were great. 
> I haven't been doing much distance riding lately as I'm sitting out 
> randonneuring this year. Also my wife and I are expecting so there's a lot 
> of non-bike related stuff on my plate. Still, I'm hoping to get out for a 
> ride like this every two weeks or so for as long as I can. I imagine next 
> week I'll do a variation of this ride but on a geared bike. Maybe CZ 
> trail-Vernonia--Vernonia/Banks trail--Hillsboro--Max (train) back into 
> Portland. We'll see.
> Pictures proved it happened:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/41335973@N00/sets/72157632995135879/
> --mike

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Re: [RBW] Tech specs on Rivendell seat binder allen bolt and nut

2013-03-15 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Shoji and Stephen: thank you both. I will try True Value (well stocked) and
check the wheel.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Stephen S  wrote:

> Have you tried re-centering the rear wheel? With a 132.5 spacing it can be
> hard to get the wheel exactly centered, at least tat is how it is on my ram.
> Stephen
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en-US.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.


$300 off a $600 resume + letter or Linked In profile package with referral
that leads to full price sale! Refer two full-pay clients and you get the
package for free!

I am not cheap, but I am very good. So they say.

Patrick Moore, Ph.D, MBA, ACRW, Albuquerque, NM, USA
http://resumespecialties.com/index.html * patrickmo...@resumespecialties.com

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Re: [RBW] Re: 1st Big Springtime Ride!

2013-03-15 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Mike -- another nice ride that I enjoy vicariously through words and

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:14 PM, dougP  wrote:

> Mike:
> 90 miles on a single speed for a "1st big ride" is ambitious to the point
> of over-achievement.  Looks to be a beautiful ride.  Any camping
> opportunities out there?  For me, that would be a 2 day event.
> BTW, I think Ed's twin lives in San Diego.
> dougP
> On Friday, March 15, 2013 8:12:51 AM UTC-7, Mike wrote:
>> We've had some great weather here in Portland lately. Yesterday my friend
>> Ed and I got out for a 90 plus mile ride out in Columbia County. I'd say
>> about 50% of the ride was on dirt/gravel. We headed out of town for 14 or
>> so miles on Hwy 30 to Scappoose where we got on the Crown Zellerbach Trail
>> which is an old logging road that is steadily getting rehabbed into a
>> quality multi-use path. I'm more than happy with it in it's current
>> ungroomed, bumpy, muddy state. The CZ Trail follows the Scappoose-Vernonia
>> Hwy up to Hwy 47/Vernonia which is a nice ride in itself although the
>> car-free option of the CZ is even better.
>> A little ways before the end of the trail we got on the Hwy and then got
>> onto Pittsburgh Rd which was incredible. I got clued into Pittsburgh Rd
>> through the Rapha website. While I'm not a fan of their clothes I do like
>> reading about their "Gentlemen's Races." Pittsburgh Rd featured into their
>> 2010 race 
>> (http://www.rapha.cc/2010-nw-**gentlemens-race).
>> As soon as we got onto to the road it began to climb. We stopped at one
>> point to eat some food we had and take in the view, a mix of the beautiful
>> (Coast Range) and despairing (clearcuts). At times the climbing was
>> difficult due to mud and becoming rocky although never anything that
>> required a mountain bike. Finally the road began to drop back down, first
>> on hardpack dirt which gave way to larger newer gravel which was like
>> riding on marbles before transitioning to asphalt and a fast descent into
>> Yankton where we had pie before pedaling the last few miles down to hell
>> that is Hwy 30 in the late afternoon.
>> This was a really great ride and I wouldn't hesitate to do this exact
>> ride again or some variation. Neither of us had computers on our bikes but
>> when I got home I messed around with Google maps and it appears to have
>> been about 90 miles or so. Ed hit 100 miles as he came from farther away
>> and took a longer way home.
>> Neither of us were on Rivendells but Ed was wearing MUSA shorts and had a
>> wool jersey. I had various Riv purchased accessories on my bike. Ed's
>> gearing was 38/18 and mine was 40/19. I would have preferred a lower gear
>> and might consider setting my bike up as a dingle speed or double double in
>> the future. We both had tires in 40mm range which I'd definitely recommend
>> for this ride. I certainly wouldn't use anything smaller than 32mm. Oh, the
>> VP pedals were great.
>> I haven't been doing much distance riding lately as I'm sitting out
>> randonneuring this year. Also my wife and I are expecting so there's a lot
>> of non-bike related stuff on my plate. Still, I'm hoping to get out for a
>> ride like this every two weeks or so for as long as I can. I imagine next
>> week I'll do a variation of this ride but on a geared bike. Maybe CZ
>> trail-Vernonia--Vernonia/Banks trail--Hillsboro--Max (train) back into
>> Portland. We'll see.
>> Pictures proved it happened:
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/**41335973@N00/sets/**72157632995135879/
>> --mike
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en-US.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.


$300 off a $600 resume + letter or Linked In profile package with referral
that leads to full price sale! Refer two full-pay clients and you get the
package for free!

I am not cheap, but I am very good. So they say.

Patrick Moore, Ph.D, MBA, ACRW, Albuquerque, NM, USA
http://resumespecialties.com/index.html * patrickmo...@resumespecialties.com

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[RBW] WTT: TA Pro 5 Vis 44 or 48s for 42s

2013-03-15 Thread PATRICK MOORE
I am looking for two (2) Cyclotourist 42s in new or almost-new condition.
Have to trade two dittos in either 44 or 48, NIP or at any rate new and
unused and unmounted.

Reason: The more I think about the Ram, the more I think I want to build it
up as a sort of pavement-biased all rounder (to complement the Fargo which
is a dirt-biased all rounder) with 32 or 35 mm tires. Since I am doing this
build on a very tight budget, I don't want to shell out for a cassette
wheelset when my brother has offered me a very cheap and very nice fw
wheelset. And since my fws are all 13-21 7 speeds, the 44 t ring will be a
tad, just a tad, too high with, say, Kojaks -- tho' fine were I to run 23s.

Decide in haste, repent at leisure -- the leitmotiv of my life.

Is this a big deal? Absolutely not, but if you want 44s or 48s and have 42s

Wonderful spring weather: about 70 AND THE WIND KEPT BELOW 15 MPH Had a
nice out 'n back to the PO to pick up Mom's junk mail -- nothing epic, 20
nice miles -- felt so good I grunted the Curt up the very steep, 4/10 mile
hill up the Rio Rancho mesa without bailing in the 72". (Interesting here:
I've ridden that hill fixed on many different bikes with different gears
and vastly different loads hundreds of times. Each time I ride the '99
gofast, 75", it seems easier to climb it. Don't tell *me* that a very light
bike with very light wheels and a perfectly secure and comfortable
shoe-to-pedal interface doesn't make a difference.)


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http://resumespecialties.com/index.html * patrickmo...@resumespecialties.com

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[RBW] All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread jinxed
OK. So after some excellent and insightful RBW list input I went ahead and 
ordered the OnOne Midge bars some Cane Creek levers, and some Kenda MTB 

My immediate goal was to alter the hand positions. I've been pretty content 
with the mustache bar set up, but have come to really enjoy the flats and 
wide sram hoods of my cross bike. My default position on the m-bars was 
basically on the very ends with my palms hanging over the bar end shifters. 
I thought adding the closer brake position and the flats of a more 
traditional drop bar would be a welcome change.

As soon as the bars came in, I was happy I made the purchase, even if they 
dont remain on the Rivendell. Right out of the box they looked 
interestingly comfortable. NICE wide top flat section, short reach, tight 
and short drop. They flair but not out of control. I had heard the drop 
section was short, and it is, but to me seemed perfect. 

I got them installed with a vacant stem so I wouldnt have to completely 
disassemble my M-bar set up. The stem is a little too long, but the short 
reach on the bar still pulled the levers back vs the m-bar. I set up the 
Midge essentially parallel with the ground with the drops pointing down. 
The levers then become a nice flat extension of the bar and make for some 
good hand placement real estate! The flair on the midge is restrained 
enough to still use the tops of the lever hoods. This is what I was looking 

I also wanted to add some knobbage to the marathonesque bonty tires I was 
using without going full on 2.1 mtb. I am VERY happy I ran across the Kenda 
Klimax 1.9 tires. They were exactly what I wanted. Good enough knobs to hit 
some aggressive singletrack, but civilized on the pavement.

So now in V.3.0 I took to the road so to speak. I did a nice meandering 30+ 
mile ride in mixed terrain to get some initial impressions. The extra width 
and positions of the bars were very welcome in varying conditions. Having 
the flats gave a nice upright comfortable cruising placement and then the 
wide hoods were awesome in the dirt. I was so impressed with the feel off 
road, I would consider these on my dedicated mtb. The drops worked 
surprisingly well on the couple steep dirt climbs I encountered too. I had 
quick access to the shifters without having to move away from reaching the 
brakes. So overall I think this is a positive change.

I will say this however...when you ride a 700c CX bike and a 29er 
MTB...jumping on a 26" feels SO SLUGGISH. I kept checking to see if my 
brakes were dragging! I kept wondering if I could shoehorn a 650b in there 
and get some brakes to work! The AR is an awesome bike, but I will say that 
my old too small Bleriot felt loads more efficient.

Here is a beautiful shot of the garage door with the newly altered bike 
obscuring the view.


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[RBW] All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread Christopher Murray
LOVE you bike! Just perfect. 


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Re: [RBW] Re: Please review this bell from Rivendell...

2013-03-15 Thread Dave
I've had a couple tiny #4 stainless steel washers on the mounting post, 
between the striker and the bell for years.  It still dings nicely, but 
I rarely get "false positives".  As the automated announcement used to 
say in the London underground: "Mind the gap!" You may want to try that 
before relegated the classic dingaling to the parts bin...

On 3/15/2013 12:50 PM, dougP wrote:
I've used the spring striker one for years on my Atlantis.  Even with 
chubby, cushy tires it'll ding-a-ling on the rough stuff.  I figured 
if I was on a "bell ringer" of a road, I either needed to slow down or 
pick a better line.  Now I have a third choice:  get a better bell!


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 6:58:19 PM UTC-7, James Chang wrote:

Hammer striker doesn't ding on bumpy terrain.  Hadn't realized
that until now.  Perfect.  And I've been putting up with dinging
with spring style striker all over the place for a long long
time.  Need to buy bell with hammer striker with next Riv order.
James Chang

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Andy Smitty Schmidt
<54c...@gmail.com > wrote:

If you install it and don't like the position of the bell,
just loosen and rotate. I bought one but haven't put it on or
ridden with it yet. The bell is slightly smaller than the
other bells Riv sells but seems comparable on quality. I
prefer the hammer striker 'cause the spring style striker
 tends to ding
all the time on bumpy terrain.


On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:27:43 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote:

Was thinking of getting this.

My only concern is I think it doesn't rotate around the
steerer tube, so one would have to know exactly where you
want it facing before cranking down on the headset locknut.
I can rehearse that with my regular bell before installing.
The price is very nice.
I have lotsa room for it on the sterrer tube/headset.
Let me know if you have it and like it, and if anything to
think twice about before attempting installation.

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[RBW] All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread murphyjrfk
Of all this rivs I have drooled over seen ridden and loved yours is up there on 
the list o' the best. Then again I've never seen a riv I haven't loved:)

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Re: [RBW] All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Pretty bike, even nicer with the Midge! But c'mon, how about some prettier
tape? I know, I used black (Liz Skin DSP, thicker) on mine, but the Fargo
is not nearly as pretty as your AR.

26" tires slow? Not at all; it's not the size, it's the kind of tire. I've
been riding 700C exclusively off road now for several years. My brother
brought out a nice, light titanium 26er (just my size -- he tends to ride a
size or two too small) and I was very surprised at how nimble it felt
compared to the Fargo and the Monocog 29er. Of course, it plows through
sand where the Fargo floats, and that is what counts with me.

And my 26" Riv road bikes feel faster than anything else I've ridden, but
again, I think that tire quality is 99/100 of that. I am no expert, but
aren't Kenda tires rather, well, thick-walled and stiff?

I will be interested to hear further opinions of the Midge. I have been
finding it difficult to avoid pressure pain on my very sensitive left palm
-- the outer "heel" of the hand, in particular: where road drops perfectly
level are almost fine, any tilt to any sort of bar makes it hurt.

So after raising and lowering it, I finally, this evening, raised it to the
max with this stem (~10* rise): it's now 1" above saddle. I also went
counter-intuitive and tilted it down more. I'll try it tomorrow and see how
it feels.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 6:15 PM, jinxed  wrote:

> OK. So after some excellent and insightful RBW list input I went ahead and
> ordered the OnOne Midge bars some Cane Creek levers, and some Kenda MTB
> tires.
> My immediate goal was to alter the hand positions. I've been pretty
> content with the mustache bar set up, but have come to really enjoy the
> flats and wide sram hoods of my cross bike. My default position on the
> m-bars was basically on the very ends with my palms hanging over the bar
> end shifters. I thought adding the closer brake position and the flats of a
> more traditional drop bar would be a welcome change.
> As soon as the bars came in, I was happy I made the purchase, even if they
> dont remain on the Rivendell. Right out of the box they looked
> interestingly comfortable. NICE wide top flat section, short reach, tight
> and short drop. They flair but not out of control. I had heard the drop
> section was short, and it is, but to me seemed perfect.
> I got them installed with a vacant stem so I wouldnt have to completely
> disassemble my M-bar set up. The stem is a little too long, but the short
> reach on the bar still pulled the levers back vs the m-bar. I set up the
> Midge essentially parallel with the ground with the drops pointing down.
> The levers then become a nice flat extension of the bar and make for some
> good hand placement real estate! The flair on the midge is restrained
> enough to still use the tops of the lever hoods. This is what I was looking
> for.
> I also wanted to add some knobbage to the marathonesque bonty tires I was
> using without going full on 2.1 mtb. I am VERY happy I ran across the Kenda
> Klimax 1.9 tires. They were exactly what I wanted. Good enough knobs to hit
> some aggressive singletrack, but civilized on the pavement.
> So now in V.3.0 I took to the road so to speak. I did a nice meandering
> 30+ mile ride in mixed terrain to get some initial impressions. The extra
> width and positions of the bars were very welcome in varying conditions.
> Having the flats gave a nice upright comfortable cruising placement and
> then the wide hoods were awesome in the dirt. I was so impressed with the
> feel off road, I would consider these on my dedicated mtb. The drops worked
> surprisingly well on the couple steep dirt climbs I encountered too. I had
> quick access to the shifters without having to move away from reaching the
> brakes. So overall I think this is a positive change.
> I will say this however...when you ride a 700c CX bike and a 29er
> MTB...jumping on a 26" feels SO SLUGGISH. I kept checking to see if my
> brakes were dragging! I kept wondering if I could shoehorn a 650b in there
> and get some brakes to work! The AR is an awesome bike, but I will say that
> my old too small Bleriot felt loads more efficient.
> Here is a beautiful shot of the garage door with the newly altered bike
> obscuring the view.
> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8531/8561112128_8bc9a3e879_b.jpg
> --
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$300 off a $600 resume + letter or Linked In profile package with ref

[RBW] Re: All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread jinxed
LOL! Thanks!!

It's funny, I have a personal RIV "hall of fame" and they are all 700c - 
650B bikes. Thankfully they're all on flickr so I can drool when needed. To 
me, these bikes just look like fun and adventure waiting to happen at a 
split second.

No particular order and hopefully not out of line by linking them. (all 
have been posted here previously)






On Friday, March 15, 2013 6:48:59 PM UTC-6, murphyjrfk wrote:
> Of all this rivs I have drooled over seen ridden and loved yours is up 
> there on the list o' the best. Then again I've never seen a riv I haven't 
> loved:)

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Re: [RBW] All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread jinxed
Yea...tape is temporary. It was some old take off stuff and the only thing 
I had. I wanted to be able to mess with position and stem change. Plus I 
still can't come to terms with a color. The yellow is paralyzing! It doesnt 
look right on a Riv to me, but it's super nice and it fine shape. I'd 
rather see it in a more subtle vintagy metallic.

The Kendas are actually the lightest and most supple tires I've run on it. 
Although I do realize different tires can make a world of difference.

The AR does feel zippier on pavement than my 29er MTB obviously but oddly 
enough the tires on the AR are slightly more aggressively knobbed. The 
29er's are 2.0, and the 26" are 1.9.

I hope to get some more dirt time with the midge when our trails dry out. 
We've been getting just enough snow to keep them sloppy. I may try to 
squeak in a mixed terrain 50+ miler in the next week or so. That will give 
me some good feedback on the hand positions. Generally if I have 
hand/shoulder issues, they will show up @ 40 mile mark.

For me, a TI hardtail 26" MTB is the best bike for climbing steep technical 
terrain and zipping through tight singletrack. However, once the trail goes 
down and gets rough, boy does a hardtail 29er turn magical.

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Re: [RBW] Spring-like morning ride report

2013-03-15 Thread WETH
This is probably old news, but is that Andy and his family featured in the 
photo on the Adventure Cycling Homepage? http://www.adventurecycling.org/
Beautiful photograph.

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[RBW] FS: Woolywarm Buttnup Size XL

2013-03-15 Thread Zack
Brand new, cut the tags off it, haven't ever worn it, need some money. 
 Save 10 off retail, yours for $95 shipped.  Size XL.

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[RBW] Re: All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread Mike Schiller
Your AR is one of my inspirations for a future custom.  Simple one color 
paint in a booming color.  It was nice to see my old Hillborne on your list 

I hope the Midges work out for you like that. I love the way they look, but 
I could not get comfortable on the hoods.
and I certainly agree with you on hardtail 29ers... after going through a 
few full suspension bikes, a well designed 29er is the best MTB no question!

Carlsbad Ca..jpg

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[RBW] Re: Hupe or Fender for saddlebag support (if it rides too low)?

2013-03-15 Thread Liesl
Just a side note for folks with small frames:  the seat stays/brake bridge 
will likely not have sufficient height clearance for the Hupe; at least 
mine don't.  Which is a double drag because a little bike has less height 
for the bag as well.  Mark's rack to the rescue.  It's so adjustable that 
you can really get it low and tucked under the seat for a saddle bag 


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[RBW] Re: All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread rw1911
Sweet bike.  I have the 700c version.

About the Midge bars...  Can you tell me how long of a stem you're using 
relative to the stem you used with the Mustache?  It sounds like a little 
bit longer results in a slightly closer reach?  What is your experience 
riding on the hoods?  Weird angle?  Better/worse than a standard drop bar 
hood position? 

On Friday, March 15, 2013 8:15:01 PM UTC-4, jinxed wrote:
> OK. So after some excellent and insightful RBW list input I went ahead and 
> ordered the OnOne Midge bars some Cane Creek levers, and some Kenda MTB 
> tires.
> My immediate goal was to alter the hand positions. I've been pretty 
> content with the mustache bar set up, but have come to really enjoy the 
> flats and wide sram hoods of my cross bike. My default position on the 
> m-bars was basically on the very ends with my palms hanging over the bar 
> end shifters. I thought adding the closer brake position and the flats of a 
> more traditional drop bar would be a welcome change.
> As soon as the bars came in, I was happy I made the purchase, even if they 
> dont remain on the Rivendell. Right out of the box they looked 
> interestingly comfortable. NICE wide top flat section, short reach, tight 
> and short drop. They flair but not out of control. I had heard the drop 
> section was short, and it is, but to me seemed perfect. 
> I got them installed with a vacant stem so I wouldnt have to completely 
> disassemble my M-bar set up. The stem is a little too long, but the short 
> reach on the bar still pulled the levers back vs the m-bar. I set up the 
> Midge essentially parallel with the ground with the drops pointing down. 
> The levers then become a nice flat extension of the bar and make for some 
> good hand placement real estate! The flair on the midge is restrained 
> enough to still use the tops of the lever hoods. This is what I was looking 
> for.
> I also wanted to add some knobbage to the marathonesque bonty tires I was 
> using without going full on 2.1 mtb. I am VERY happy I ran across the Kenda 
> Klimax 1.9 tires. They were exactly what I wanted. Good enough knobs to hit 
> some aggressive singletrack, but civilized on the pavement.
> So now in V.3.0 I took to the road so to speak. I did a nice meandering 
> 30+ mile ride in mixed terrain to get some initial impressions. The extra 
> width and positions of the bars were very welcome in varying conditions. 
> Having the flats gave a nice upright comfortable cruising placement and 
> then the wide hoods were awesome in the dirt. I was so impressed with the 
> feel off road, I would consider these on my dedicated mtb. The drops worked 
> surprisingly well on the couple steep dirt climbs I encountered too. I had 
> quick access to the shifters without having to move away from reaching the 
> brakes. So overall I think this is a positive change.
> I will say this however...when you ride a 700c CX bike and a 29er 
> MTB...jumping on a 26" feels SO SLUGGISH. I kept checking to see if my 
> brakes were dragging! I kept wondering if I could shoehorn a 650b in there 
> and get some brakes to work! The AR is an awesome bike, but I will say that 
> my old too small Bleriot felt loads more efficient.
> Here is a beautiful shot of the garage door with the newly altered bike 
> obscuring the view.
> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8531/8561112128_8bc9a3e879_b.jpg

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Re: [RBW] Re: Please review this bell from Rivendell...

2013-03-15 Thread BSWP
Yes, I do the same thing - placing the striker further from the bell 
reduces the unintended ringing on bumpy roads.

I may soon machine my own stem collar, with *two* attachment points, so I 
can mount double bells, just because.

- Andrew, Berkeley

On Friday, March 15, 2013 5:42:31 PM UTC-7, Dave Faller wrote:
>  I've had a couple tiny #4 stainless steel washers on the mounting post, 
> between the striker and the bell for years.  It still dings nicely, but I 
> rarely get "false positives".  As the automated announcement used to say in 
> the London underground: "Mind the gap!"  You may want to try that before 
> relegated the classic dingaling to the parts bin...

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Re: [RBW] Re: All Rounder with Midge bar UPDATE

2013-03-15 Thread cyclotourist
Good lookin' lot of bikes!

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 6:16 PM, jinxed  wrote:

> LOL! Thanks!!
> It's funny, I have a personal RIV "hall of fame" and they are all 700c -
> 650B bikes. Thankfully they're all on flickr so I can drool when needed. To
> me, these bikes just look like fun and adventure waiting to happen at a
> split second.
> No particular order and hopefully not out of line by linking them. (all
> have been posted here previously)
> http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2327/2061530080_3ec46969a4_z.jpg
> http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2760/4354827488_d6f76b9d6d_z.jpg
> http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4118/4775212992_bd91f15d9d_z.jpg
> http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6083/6029981169_c453181a61_z.jpg
> http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2066/2877818929_70f234f2f8_z.jpg?zz=1
> On Friday, March 15, 2013 6:48:59 PM UTC-6, murphyjrfk wrote:
>> Of all this rivs I have drooled over seen ridden and loved yours is up
>> there on the list o' the best. Then again I've never seen a riv I haven't
>> loved:)
>  --
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Redlands, CA

"Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby
can't chew it." -*Mark Twain*

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[RBW] Re: BOM: 48 Hunq with Boscos!

2013-03-15 Thread Reid
Speaking of the BOMs ...  BOM #1 has one close up pic of the handlebars, 
with a light held on by a nifty looking clamp. Here  
http://www.rivbike.com/German-Tail-light-p/ltd-20.htm on the Riv website, 
they have the light with the same clamp, but say that the clamp does not 
come with the light. Does anyone know where to find that clamp?

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Re: [RBW] Re: BOM: 48 Hunq with Boscos!

2013-03-15 Thread John Blish
Yes.  They are from Germany and made by R&M.  Peter White sells them:


Scroll down to Mounts for Handlebars.

I have 2 and they have worked as nicely as they look.


On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Reid  wrote:

> Speaking of the BOMs ...  BOM #1 has one close up pic of the handlebars,
> with a light held on by a nifty looking clamp. Here
> http://www.rivbike.com/German-Tail-light-p/ltd-20.htm on the Riv website,
> they have the light with the same clamp, but say that the clamp does not
> come with the light. Does anyone know where to find that clamp?
> Thanks,
> Reid
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John Blish
Minneapolis MN USA

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Re: [RBW] New AHH Owner Intro

2013-03-15 Thread Brian Hanson
Congrats, Jack - I hope you enjoy your Homer as much as I have enjoyed mine!

Seattle, WA

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 11:08 AM, René Sterental wrote:

> Ahhh, congratulations no getting your first Rivendell bike. The first of
> many... I'm sure! I also got started with an AHH and now have an Atlantis,
> a Betty and a Hunqapillar. I'm waiting for my 14 year old son to grow a bit
> more so he can ride the AHH and get the taste of what a fantastic bike
> rides like...
> René
> On Friday, March 15, 2013, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>> Welcome and congratulations!
>> WIth abandon,
>> Patrick
>> On Friday, March 15, 2013 10:11:53 AM UTC-6, NWAJack wrote:
>>> Although I've posted a  few things on here, I just wanted to introduce
>>> myself. I've just become the proud owner of a new A. Homer Hilsen, my
>>> first Riv.   I'm 50 years old and about 30 pounds overweight.   7 years ago
>>> I was 100+ pounds overweight, started running and eating better, and lost a
>>> lot.   Over time my knees started giving me trouble, and so I took up
>>> cycling about 4 years ago, migrating more and more to the bike.   I had
>>> purchased a Trek 1.2, and really found I enjoyed riding.   Then I found GPs
>>> book, and identified very stongly with what he said.  I really thought
>>> about the type of riding I wanted to do - long rides through the
>>> countryside, comfort, abillity too add multple bags or racks, etc.  So
>>> I ended up ordering the AHH in November.   Some delays but I got the bike
>>> last week.   I've never been so impressed by a purchse or a company.  Heck
>>> - I even got a Thank You card in the mail yesterday from RIV - signed by
>>> everyone.   I'm a convert, and can't wait to get out on a nice long ride
>>> tomorrow.   Have a good weekend everyone!
>>> Jack
>>> Northwest Arkansas
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Re: [RBW] Tech specs on Rivendell seat binder allen bolt and nut

2013-03-15 Thread Earl Grey
I broke my seatpost binder bolt a couple of weeks ago and measured (the 
broken bolt, held together) with calipers. I got 25mm of threads (M6 bolt). 
This is for a 2009 Sam. I'd just go buy a 22 and a 25 to be safe. Can't 
hurt to have a backup. I didn't even crank down very tight, but I had been 
adjusting the seat quite a bit for various visitors.


On Saturday, March 16, 2013 5:59:43 AM UTC+7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Shoji and Stephen: thank you both. I will try True Value (well stocked) 
> and check the wheel.
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Stephen S 
> > wrote:
>> Have you tried re-centering the rear wheel? With a 132.5 spacing it can 
>> be hard to get the wheel exactly centered, at least tat is how it is on my 
>> ram.
>> Stephen
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> __
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> that leads to full price sale! Refer two full-pay clients and you get the 
> package for free!
> I am not cheap, but I am very good. So they say.
> Patrick Moore, Ph.D, MBA, ACRW, Albuquerque, NM, USA
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> patric...@resumespecialties.com
> __ 

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