[RBW] Re: Hilsen = All-Rounder?

2012-09-16 Thread Matthew J
Have you considered getting a zippy wheel set?  A lighter wheel set with 
higher gearing and event tires - maybe even tubular if you want - can make 
a big difference.

On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:19:30 PM UTC-5, rw1911 wrote:
> I very much enjoy my original 700c All-Rounder, but sometimes wish for 
> something a little more zippy/sporty.  Looking at the Hilsen (country 
> bike), it appears to be a newer version of the All-Rounder.  I haven't 
> found information on the tubing spec, but looking at the geometry 
> specs, they're pretty darn close. 
> Other than the brakes, is the Hilsen the newer equivalent of the 
> original All-Rounder?  Other than the Roadeo, should I be looking for 
> a used Ram or... ? 

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Re: [RBW] Cycling in the Economist

2012-09-16 Thread Addison Wilhite
Yes, I think smaller/midsized cities are really poised to reap benefits
from cycling infrastructure if the people/cyclists can advocate and exert
pressure (and elect people) who are willing to create better places to
cycle.   That is what we are seeing in Reno anyway.  There have been
hiccups along the way but in the last 10-15 years it has been extraordinary
the shift here.


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Re: [RBW] Re: Hilsen = All-Rounder?

2012-09-16 Thread cyclotourist
For my $.02, I think an AHH is a bit to the lighter weight end of
the continuum than an AR,and an Atlantis a bit on the heavier end. Weight
meaning tougher/stronger along with mass. A Sam H might be the best
comparison other than the sloping TT. So if you wanted something
significantly lighter/sportier, a Roadeo or Ram or Rom would probably make
you happier.But as Matt J said, you could have a heavy wheel component mix
on one of the triple Rs above, or a ultra-light mix on the AHH and have a
hard time saying which one is sportier!

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 4:26 AM, Matthew J  wrote:

> Have you considered getting a zippy wheel set?  A lighter wheel set with
> higher gearing and event tires - maybe even tubular if you want - can make
> a big difference.
> On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:19:30 PM UTC-5, rw1911 wrote:
>> I very much enjoy my original 700c All-Rounder, but sometimes wish for
>> something a little more zippy/sporty.  Looking at the Hilsen (country
>> bike), it appears to be a newer version of the All-Rounder.  I haven't
>> found information on the tubing spec, but looking at the geometry
>> specs, they're pretty darn close.
>> Other than the brakes, is the Hilsen the newer equivalent of the
>> original All-Rounder?  Other than the Roadeo, should I be looking for
>> a used Ram or... ?
>>  --
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Redlands, CA

"Osama Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive." -- *Joe Biden*

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Re: [RBW] Cycling in the Economist

2012-09-16 Thread cyclotourist
Long Beach, CA seems to be getting a lot of attention for it's bike
infrastructure commitment. It's a medium sized city, similar to MLPS.
Approximately half a million people, but is in the middle of the Greater LA
megalopolis. Year round fantastic weather.

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Addison Wilhite

> Yes, I think smaller/midsized cities are really poised to reap benefits
> from cycling infrastructure if the people/cyclists can advocate and exert
> pressure (and elect people) who are willing to create better places to
> cycle.   That is what we are seeing in Reno anyway.  There have been
> hiccups along the way but in the last 10-15 years it has been extraordinary
> the shift here.
> --
> Addison
> http://reno-rambler.blogspot.com
>  --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

Redlands, CA

"Osama Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive." -- *Joe Biden*

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[RBW] Re: FS: 59cm Bleriot $1650 in SF Craigslist

2012-09-16 Thread lungimsam

> I have been to SF once. I don't see how you SF people do it.
Massive hill grades and lotsa traffic in the city.
Is it actually rideable in a pleasant way there? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 59cm Bleriot $1650 in SF Craigslist

2012-09-16 Thread Ray Shine
Actually, not as bad as it may seem, especially if you know the streets and 
routes. I can't speak for others, but here is a link that visually explains why 
I ride bikes in SF. This set is me on my Quickbeam.


From: lungimsam 
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, September 16, 2012 8:15:24 AM
Subject: [RBW] Re: FS: 59cm Bleriot $1650 in SF Craigslist

I have been to SF once. I don't see how you SF people do it.
Massive hill grades and lotsa traffic in the city.
Is it actually rideable in a pleasant way there? 
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[RBW] Re: FS: 59cm Bleriot $1650 in SF Craigslist

2012-09-16 Thread lungimsam

> Thanks for posting those pics, and the comments. Looks like a great place 
> to ride.
Hopefully I'll get a chance riding there one day. 

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[RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread David Spranger
Anyone have any knowledge or experience on whether the Dia-Compe Mod 750 
Centerpull Brakes (http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/brcp1.htm) will work 
with the 700c Hilsen? Other centerpull  brake options?

David Spranger
Charlotte, NC

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[RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread Matthew J
I had Paul Racers on mine. Worked perfect. I think the Dia Compe have longer 
reach. Check before buying to be sure you can shorten. 

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[RBW] Re: FS: 59cm Bleriot $1650 in SF Craigslist

2012-09-16 Thread davidfrench
"This bike (...) has even accompanied me on a bike camping trip with Grant 
That is worth half the price. Collector!

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RE: [RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread Allingham II, Thomas J
+1 on the Paul Racers -- work great.

From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Spranger
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 12:49 PM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: [RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question

Anyone have any knowledge or experience on whether the Dia-Compe Mod 750 
Centerpull Brakes (http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/brcp1.htm) will work with 
the 700c Hilsen? Other centerpull  brake options?

David Spranger
Charlotte, NC

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Re: [RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread David Spranger
Should have said, Pauls are well outside of my budget. Looking for 
something more affordable. Anyone try the Dia-Compes on their Homer? Other 
long reach center pulls out there?

On Sunday, September 16, 2012 1:50:45 PM UTC-4, Pudge wrote:
>  +1 on the Paul Racers -- work great.
>  --
> *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com  [mailto:
> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *David Spranger
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 16, 2012 12:49 PM
> *To:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com 
> *Subject:* [RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question
>  Anyone have any knowledge or experience on whether the Dia-Compe Mod 750 
> Centerpull Brakes (http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/brcp1.htm) will work 
> with the 700c Hilsen? Other centerpull  brake options? 
>  Thanks,
> David Spranger
> Charlotte, NC
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Another coroplast bar bag

2012-09-16 Thread William

On Saturday, September 15, 2012 5:11:37 PM UTC-7, joe b. wrote:
> With hat tips to RBW regulars TapeBubba for the joinery idea and 
> Cyclofiend for the raw materials.
> I finally got around to building a prototype bar bag from a campaign sign. 
> I learned a lot, but the basic design goals were achieved! I wanted 
> something that was waterproof, opened and closed like a Berthoud, didn't 
> need a decaleur, mounted and unmounted quickly, and would hold a six-pack 
> and mini u-lock. Oh, and didn't cost much, since I wasn't sure how it would 
> handle on my medium-high trail bike. The bag used up almost every square 
> inch of a single (16"x24") campaign sign.
> I can already see how these front bags get addictive. I took it out on a 
> 50-mile test run and had a blast fiddling around in my stuff to my heart's 
> content. The Romulus handled the weight fine (probably no more than 5 
> pounds, though more after a grocery stop the last mile). I could still ride 
> no handed no problemo. I had to keep my act together pedaling no handed, or 
> else a little shimmy would remind me.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclerslife/sets/72157631544583459/with/7989848093/
> Best,
> joe broach
> portland, or

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread J L
I think the dia compe 750s might be too long,  even at the highest point of
the brake pads.   Have you looked at the gran compe 610?   It looks like a
high quality brake with a lower price than the paul brakes have.   I have
to say though, paul brakes are worth saving up for if you can wait.

On Sep 16, 2012 11:21 AM, "David Spranger"  wrote:

> Should have said, Pauls are well outside of my budget. Looking for
> something more affordable. Anyone try the Dia-Compes on their Homer? Other
> long reach center pulls out there?
> On Sunday, September 16, 2012 1:50:45 PM UTC-4, Pudge wrote:
>>  +1 on the Paul Racers -- work great.
>>  --
>> *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com [mailto:rbw-owne...@**
>> googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *David Spranger
>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 16, 2012 12:49 PM
>> *To:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com
>> *Subject:* [RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question
>>  Anyone have any knowledge or experience on whether the Dia-Compe Mod
>> 750 Centerpull Brakes 
>> (http://www.rivbike.com/**product-p/brcp1.htm
>> ) will work with the 700c Hilsen? Other centerpull  brake options?
>>  Thanks,
>> David Spranger
>> Charlotte, NC
>> --
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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread David Spranger
Thanks. I may just do that if I cannot find a center pull alternative. I am 
in no rush to build this bike up, and in fact had to agree to hold off on 
further bike related purchases after plunking down the cash for the frame.


On Sunday, September 16, 2012 5:09:21 PM UTC-4, JL wrote:
> I think the dia compe 750s might be too long,  even at the highest point 
> of the brake pads.   Have you looked at the gran compe 610?   It looks like 
> a high quality brake with a lower price than the paul brakes have.   I have 
> to say though, paul brakes are worth saving up for if you can wait.
> Jl
> On Sep 16, 2012 11:21 AM, "David Spranger" > 
> wrote:
>> Should have said, Pauls are well outside of my budget. Looking for 
>> something more affordable. Anyone try the Dia-Compes on their Homer? Other 
>> long reach center pulls out there?
>> On Sunday, September 16, 2012 1:50:45 PM UTC-4, Pudge wrote:
>>>  +1 on the Paul Racers -- work great.
>>>  --
>>> *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com [mailto:rbw-owne...@**
>>> googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *David Spranger
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 16, 2012 12:49 PM
>>> *To:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com
>>> *Subject:* [RBW] A. Homer Hilsen brake question
>>>  Anyone have any knowledge or experience on whether the Dia-Compe Mod 
>>> 750 Centerpull Brakes 
>>> (http://www.rivbike.com/**product-p/brcp1.htm
>>> ) will work with the 700c Hilsen? Other centerpull  brake options? 
>>>  Thanks,
>>> David Spranger
>>> Charlotte, NC
>>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread bingomck
David, did you just win the 63 on ebay? 

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread Matthew J
You will still want to contact Rivendell (or wait to see if someone here has 
tried same)' but I did some sleuthing that may help.

Paul says Racers have minimum 57' maximum 67 reach.  Riv says the Dia Compes 
have minimum 63 to 78.  Here is a picture of my old Hilsen on Cyclofiend:


>From the picture it appears the pads are at least 3/4s down the slot.  So they 
>may be past the Dia Compe minimum 63.

Best I can do.

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread lungimsam

> David,
You don't want the Silver Sidepulls on it? 

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[RBW] Re: Any RAAM riders here?

2012-09-16 Thread lungimsam

> Ha ha! You would definitely be the champ, Manuel.
> In my research into Rivendells (starting in Springtime), I think I have 
> seen you, more than anyone,  online with Rivendell related stuff and 
> cycling trip photos.
> You are a prevalent Rivendell rider for sure. Definitely looks like you 
> have many Awesome Asian Miles under your wheels.

> I was thinking, there should be an "UnRace Across Asia", and an "UnRace 
> Across America".

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread David Spranger
Yep. That would be me. Its a sickness. I don't need four bikes, but that is 
now what I have.


On Sunday, September 16, 2012 5:42:29 PM UTC-4, bingomck wrote:
> David, did you just win the 63 on ebay? 

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread David Spranger
Thanks for the info! I will call Riv to see what they say.

On Sunday, September 16, 2012 6:10:56 PM UTC-4, Matthew J wrote:
> You will still want to contact Rivendell (or wait to see if someone here 
> has tried same)' but I did some sleuthing that may help.
> Paul says Racers have minimum 57' maximum 67 reach.  Riv says the Dia 
> Compes have minimum 63 to 78.  Here is a picture of my old Hilsen on 
> Cyclofiend:
> http://cyclofiend.com/cc/2007/cc238-joelmatthews0107.html
> From the picture it appears the pads are at least 3/4s down the slot.  So 
> they may be past the Dia Compe minimum 63.
> Best I can do.

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread David Spranger
I have the Tektro/Silver equivalent on my Rambouillet, but it is a job to 
keep them from squeezing the fenders. I like the idea of maximizing the 
fender/tire clearance with center pulls.


On Sunday, September 16, 2012 6:13:25 PM UTC-4, lungimsam wrote:
> David,
> You don't want the Silver Sidepulls on it? 

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread Peter Pesce
I (think) I have a set of NOS 610's in the parts box if you find out the 750 
are too long. The original 610 was forged, and has a more classic look, vs the 
new Grand Compes which are CNCd IIRC.

Pete in CT

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[RBW] Another coroplast bar bag

2012-09-16 Thread Peter Pesce
Well done. I like the random graphic elements. Reminds me of things made from 
old sailcloth. 
BTW, wouldn't it be Bar BOX?

Pete in CT

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Re: [RBW] Another coroplast bar bag

2012-09-16 Thread Bertin753
I want to see an election sign  bike box with the only sensible political 
slogan in the last 50 years, Gary Johnson's quip, "I never exhaled." Or else a 
straight ticket "None of the above".

Patrick Moore

On Sep 16, 2012, at 7:04 PM, Peter Pesce  wrote:

> Well done. I like the random graphic elements. Reminds me of things made from 
> old sailcloth. 
> BTW, wouldn't it be Bar BOX?
> Pete in CT
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen brake question

2012-09-16 Thread bingomck
Congrats! Was watching him drop by $50 each time. Should be an amazing bike, 
and 4 is nothing! 

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[RBW] Interrupteur levers and cloth-over-cork on the Sam

2012-09-16 Thread Scot Brooks
Here's the evidence photo http://imgur.com/6oYKY

I finally got around to doing a couple of things on the SH that I've been 
putting off because of laziness. Just thought I'd share because I'm sorta 
proud of myself for getting it done and not catastrophically screwing it up 

1. Soma Interrupteur (ter) levers, and they're pretty awesome. Totally nice 
for when I'm braking with one hand and shifting to a low gear with the 
other hand when coming to a stop. I also spend a lot of time with my hands 
up there and it's nice to have the reassurance of brakes-at-the-ready. 

2. New bar wrap with cork underneath and shellacked Neubaum's on top. It's 
the holy grail, or at least it seems that way after the first ride today. 

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[RBW] FS: Sam H., 60cm, Orange canti version

2012-09-16 Thread Dan
Hi All - - Checking for interest here before going to ebay.  Bought this to 
replace my old bike, then realized my old bike fit better.  So, for sale is the 
last-generation canti Sam, orange in color, in excellent shape.  Coupla paint 
chips on the head tube where the cables go by (so pretty much hidden by the 
cables) and that's about it.  A little drippage where the previous owner 
shellacked his bars whilst on the bike, so there are a couple drips on the 
forks, but nothing much.

Really a beautiful frame with outstanding craftsmanship, disappointed that it 
doesn't fit better but I am not your typical build so it's not the first time.  
Happy to supply pics to iinterested parties.

Asking $750 plus shipping ($35?). WIll be packed in Riv-supplied box and 
wrapped in Riv-supplied foam and whatnot.

thanks, Dan S., near Madison, WI

ps. Apologies from a mostly-luker posting of an FS; I assume if this is taboo a 
moderator will take this down...?

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[RBW] Re: Hilsen = All-Rounder?

2012-09-16 Thread rw1911
My current wheels are Velocity Synergy rims with Shimano XT hubs and
db spokes.  For tires I use either Pasela TGs or Marathon Racers. (I
can't decide which prefer)  Both are 700x35.  I imagine some zippy-
ness could be found maybe with lighter 700x28 tires.

What would be considered a zippy wheelset?  Ultegra or Dura Ace hubs
and Mavic Open Pros or something more exotic?  While widely available,
the problem I have is the All-rounders are spaced for a 135mm MTB bike
hub.  I suppose I could crank down the skewer and use a standard 130mm
road hub, but I don't know if that would be OK or a good long term

On Sep 16, 7:26 am, Matthew J  wrote:
> Have you considered getting a zippy wheel set?  A lighter wheel set with
> higher gearing and event tires - maybe even tubular if you want - can make
> a big difference.
> On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:19:30 PM UTC-5, rw1911 wrote:
> > I very much enjoy my original 700c All-Rounder, but sometimes wish for
> > something a little more zippy/sporty.  Looking at the Hilsen (country
> > bike), it appears to be a newer version of the All-Rounder.  I haven't
> > found information on the tubing spec, but looking at the geometry
> > specs, they're pretty darn close.
> > Other than the brakes, is the Hilsen the newer equivalent of the
> > original All-Rounder?  Other than the Roadeo, should I be looking for
> > a used Ram or... ?

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[RBW] Steel is real as opposed to it being imaginary.

2012-09-16 Thread Manuel Acosta
Picked up my Hillborne at Rivendell HQ after being in a minor mishap.


The great folks fixed it with no problem. Apparently the chain ripped up 8 
spokes on the drive side and they needed to be replaced.
Got to talk to Dave about the new bike stuff. I could talk about the cool 
features, headbadges, etc but to be honest I totally forgot. I remember 
something along the terms that you can't wheelie with the new bike. Dav 
says it's virtually impossible. I suggested putting that on the downtube. 
"It's virtually impossible to do a wheelie on this bike, but you should try 
anyway." Don't think that would fit though. 
Like typical Rivendell visits most of my time spent here ends up with me 
hanging out and talking about non-bike related things and measuring 
calf circumference. 
After two hours I remembered what I needed a new hat and a tube kit not to 
mention a new chain and derailleur. 
By far the second time I had to install a derailleur on my bike at the 
Thanks again to the lovely folks of Rivendell. Now I get to ride a bike 
with gears and can carry stuff. 

Pictures prove that steel is real as opposed to it being imaginary.

-Manny "I guess I can bent it back" Acosta

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Re: [RBW] Re: Hilsen = All-Rounder?

2012-09-16 Thread cyclotourist
I have Dura Ace hubs re-spaced to 135mm w/ a longer axle and a spacer. Try
some Velocity A23 rims, they're they cool new thing on the market. Then
some Challenge Parigi-Roubaix (29mm)... give that a try and see if you're

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 8:17 PM, rw1911  wrote:

> My current wheels are Velocity Synergy rims with Shimano XT hubs and
> db spokes.  For tires I use either Pasela TGs or Marathon Racers. (I
> can't decide which prefer)  Both are 700x35.  I imagine some zippy-
> ness could be found maybe with lighter 700x28 tires.
> What would be considered a zippy wheelset?  Ultegra or Dura Ace hubs
> and Mavic Open Pros or something more exotic?  While widely available,
> the problem I have is the All-rounders are spaced for a 135mm MTB bike
> hub.  I suppose I could crank down the skewer and use a standard 130mm
> road hub, but I don't know if that would be OK or a good long term
> solution.
> On Sep 16, 7:26 am, Matthew J  wrote:
> > Have you considered getting a zippy wheel set?  A lighter wheel set with
> > higher gearing and event tires - maybe even tubular if you want - can
> make
> > a big difference.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:19:30 PM UTC-5, rw1911 wrote:
> >
> > > I very much enjoy my original 700c All-Rounder, but sometimes wish for
> > > something a little more zippy/sporty.  Looking at the Hilsen (country
> > > bike), it appears to be a newer version of the All-Rounder.  I haven't
> > > found information on the tubing spec, but looking at the geometry
> > > specs, they're pretty darn close.
> >
> > > Other than the brakes, is the Hilsen the newer equivalent of the
> > > original All-Rounder?  Other than the Roadeo, should I be looking for
> > > a used Ram or... ?
> --
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

Redlands, CA

"Osama Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive." -- *Joe Biden*

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[RBW] Re: Hilsen = All-Rounder?

2012-09-16 Thread Tony Lockhart
You can actually add spacers to your 130mm hubs to make them fit. I am 
currently running Ultegra hubs with Open Pro rims on my Sam Hillborne and 
absolutely love the combo. The trick is to add 2 one millimeter spacers to 
each side, and then you're close enough to the 135mm spacing. I typically 
run one of the following three tires: Pasela TG 32mm, Ribmo 28mm, and 
Vittoria Randonneur Hyper 32mm.couldn't be happier with the options 
with this setup. 32mm tires fit perfectly on Open Pros, and I'm a heavier 
guy (180 pounds). Heck, you can even get Ultegra hubs with 36 
spokes...definitely a win-win.

On Sunday, September 16, 2012 8:17:44 PM UTC-7, rw1911 wrote:
> My current wheels are Velocity Synergy rims with Shimano XT hubs and 
> db spokes.  For tires I use either Pasela TGs or Marathon Racers. (I 
> can't decide which prefer)  Both are 700x35.  I imagine some zippy- 
> ness could be found maybe with lighter 700x28 tires. 
> What would be considered a zippy wheelset?  Ultegra or Dura Ace hubs 
> and Mavic Open Pros or something more exotic?  While widely available, 
> the problem I have is the All-rounders are spaced for a 135mm MTB bike 
> hub.  I suppose I could crank down the skewer and use a standard 130mm 
> road hub, but I don't know if that would be OK or a good long term 
> solution. 
> On Sep 16, 7:26 am, Matthew J  wrote: 
> > Have you considered getting a zippy wheel set?  A lighter wheel set with 
> > higher gearing and event tires - maybe even tubular if you want - can 
> make 
> > a big difference. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:19:30 PM UTC-5, rw1911 wrote: 
> > 
> > > I very much enjoy my original 700c All-Rounder, but sometimes wish for 
> > > something a little more zippy/sporty.  Looking at the Hilsen (country 
> > > bike), it appears to be a newer version of the All-Rounder.  I haven't 
> > > found information on the tubing spec, but looking at the geometry 
> > > specs, they're pretty darn close. 
> > 
> > > Other than the brakes, is the Hilsen the newer equivalent of the 
> > > original All-Rounder?  Other than the Roadeo, should I be looking for 
> > > a used Ram or... ? 

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Re: [RBW] Interrupteur levers and cloth-over-cork on the Sam

2012-09-16 Thread Stonehog
Nice job, Scot!

Brian Hanson
Seattle, WA 

On Sep 16, 2012, at 7:07 PM, Scot Brooks  wrote:

> Here's the evidence photo http://imgur.com/6oYKY
> I finally got around to doing a couple of things on the SH that I've been 
> putting off because of laziness. Just thought I'd share because I'm sorta 
> proud of myself for getting it done and not catastrophically screwing it up :)
> 1. Soma Interrupteur (ter) levers, and they're pretty awesome. Totally nice 
> for when I'm braking with one hand and shifting to a low gear with the other 
> hand when coming to a stop. I also spend a lot of time with my hands up there 
> and it's nice to have the reassurance of brakes-at-the-ready. 
> 2. New bar wrap with cork underneath and shellacked Neubaum's on top. It's 
> the holy grail, or at least it seems that way after the first ride today. 
> -- 
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