[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 9:20 PM, colin p. cummings

> I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a nice looking
> air-infiltration device.  Curious what you guys/gals use if you have
> those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.
> Cheers,

Blackburn. Have used Zefals, but have come around to thinking that the
Blackburn is Better.

(But I also use the Quicker minipump, since it fits nicely in even the
smallest saddlebag.)

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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Bruce  wrote:

> Mine has:
> Shop rag, click-stand, tire bars, tube in latex glove, patch kit, tool kit,
> ziploc with toilet tissue, sunblock &chapstick, band aids, rain bonnet for
> my helmet (Nashbar: also fits the lil loafer perfectly, and cheaper than a
> fitted cover) rain jaccket. Room for some food, etc. rings on top allow more
> to be laced on if need be. It rests on a Nitto small front rack.

Let's seague this thread out to: what do you regularly include in your ride
kit, and for what kind of ride, ie distance, weather, purpose. I'll start:
toolkit, to include that dog bone Park multitool (no moving part!), two
tubes, tire stick, tire boot. Quicker minipump. That for the Rivs. Up to 30
miles of joyriding, decent weather; if weather changeable, I add vest,
gloves and hat. If looks like rain (we get rain a cupla times a year),

When I regularly commuted to an office job, I included a brake cable and a
few patches and a little tiny glass bottle of rubber glue. Not sure why,
since my commute was no more than 20 miles even if I took the detour;
usually 15 one way (and half that on bus on return.)

Oh, and sometimes a power bar or two. Or something to eat.

For the MTB: a full fledged multitool that Does It all, plus a bigger pump.
For the Motobecane, which is so old fashioned as to still use hex bolts and
nuts: add a small adjustable wrench and wunna those cheap collections of
allens instead of the dog bone.

Bags: useta be Adam, now Fly with OYB Manpurse pannier conversion, about 2/3
the capacity of the Junior; about 1 1/2 Banana bags: just right. That is
swapped between Riv #3 with fenders and rack, and the Motobecane. Of course,
bigger loads get the Ortliebs. Gofast Riv #2 has the Nigel Country --
perfect size. MTB has an old Nelson which usually runs mostly empty, since
the kit all fits into a side pocket; but I do use the MTB occasionally for
commuting type runs, whence the extra room.

Bandaids? Chapstick? TP? Is this for a century?

Patrick "no sunblock, no helmet, no gloves, no padded shorts, no plastic
jerseys, no sunglasses except in allergy season, no multiple gears either"

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[RBW] Re: secrets for mounting fenders and the nitto big rack

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Ray Shine  wrote:

> I just mounted a set of fenders and ran into the same problem.  Yes, I bent
> the stay and all is well. It definetly required the off set of the loop that
> holds the screw.
> --- On Fri, 2/6/09, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > From: Seth Vidal 
> > Subject: [RBW] secrets for mounting fenders and the nitto big rack
> > To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> > Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 3:37 PM
> > Hi,
> >  I've got some wood fenders with the same kind of stays
> > as come on the
> > honjos and other metal fenders. I'm trying to mount the
> > rear one but I
> > can't get the stays around the lower tab on the nitto
> > rack. I've been
> > looking on flickr pictures to see how other people have
> > worked around
> > this but I can't tell if they're just bending the
> > stay or what.
> > Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions/experience on this,
> > I'd love to
> > hear if others have some words of guidance.
> >
> > thanks,
> > -sv

FWIW, the new version of the Tubus Fly cleverly takes care of this situation
by having two sets of mounting holes: the bottom ones bolt it to you frame,
the higher ones take the fender stay eyebolts.

TheTouringStore.com has the Fly for $100 shipped, and the owner seems
competent and conscientious.

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread EricP

Also a morph user.  Mountain morph with zip ties on the top tube.
Occasionally toy with a frame pump, but when a Big Apple gets a flat,
it's more handy to use the morph.  Not as elegant, though.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

On Feb 6, 10:43�pm, "colin p. cummings" 
> Currently using a morph, and the only qualms I have with it are the
> location: it takes up a reasonably valuable water bottle spot on my
> Bleriot. �Plus the pump peg is all wasted...
> On Feb 6, 10:38�pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery 
> wrote:
> > The Master Blaster is a great frame pump. But after using the Topeak
> > Morph pumps, traditional frame pumps no longer have much appeal.
> > On Feb 6, 10:36�pm, Ray Shine  wrote:
> > > I do. I hang a full length Topeak Master Blaster under the top tube using 
> > > aforementioned pump peg.. �I've used it, as well, and it worked 
> > > flawlessly.
> > > Ray
> > > --- On Fri, 2/6/09, colin p. cummings  wrote:
> > > > From: colin p. cummings 
> > > > Subject: [RBW] Pumps for Riv frames
> > > > To: "RBW Owners Bunch" 
> > > > Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 8:20 PM
> > > > I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a
> > > > nice looking
> > > > air-infiltration device. �Curious what you guys/gals use if
> > > > you have
> > > > those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Colin Cummings
> > > > Amarillo, TX- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[RBW] Was Lil Loafer volume now How cool is THIS guy?

2009-02-07 Thread Bruce
Patrick sounds as if he should be doing that basketball themed McDonalds 
commercial with Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. The one that goes something 
like, "Off the garbage truck, over the flagpole, under the overpass, nothing 
but net."


Patrick "no sunblock, no helmet, no gloves, no padded shorts, no plastic 
jerseys, no sunglasses except in allergy season, no multiple gears either" Moore

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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread David Sprunger

I have had great luck with the Park PFP-4.  It even has built-in
storage for inflation needles for soccer and basketballs.  Sometimes
you can find it under $40:

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Dave in Redding  wrote:
> This is only Riv related because Rivs have tires, but...
> I've had the same Silca track pump with a Presta head on it since the
> 70's, and it's been a dependable marvel.  However, we have a fleet of
> bikes now and half of them have Schraeder valves.  I have a
> compressor, but it's a bother running it for a single top off for one
> bike; I'd rather just grab a floor pump for quick jobs.  Is there a
> hands down favorite floor pump out there?  They all do the same thing,
> of course, but a lot of them are junk.  I want an accurate gauge and a
> dual head.  Suggestions?
> >

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread carnerda...@bellsouth.net

Last order from RBW included the Topeak frame pump, size XL for 58 cm. 
Road Standard. I like it - looks and function.
colin p. cummings wrote:
> I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a nice looking
> air-infiltration device.  Curious what you guys/gals use if you have
> those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.
> Cheers,
> Colin Cummings
> Amarillo, TX
> >   
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com 
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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread JoelMatthews

I'll second the Park, if only because the gauge up top makes it easy
to see for those near sighted people such as I who refuse to put on
the specs until actually on the bike.

Silcas apparently are back on the market and as lovely as ever.
Either the new manufacturer is a shadow of the former or the old pumps
just are not what legend had them to be.  I have seen a lot of bad
reviews out there in internet world.

On Feb 7, 7:19 am, David Sprunger  wrote:
> I have had great luck with the Park PFP-4.  It even has built-in
> storage for inflation needles for soccer and basketballs.  Sometimes
> you can find it under 
> $40:http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380097844165
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Dave in Redding  wrote:
> > This is only Riv related because Rivs have tires, but...
> > I've had the same Silca track pump with a Presta head on it since the
> > 70's, and it's been a dependable marvel.  However, we have a fleet of
> > bikes now and half of them have Schraeder valves.  I have a
> > compressor, but it's a bother running it for a single top off for one
> > bike; I'd rather just grab a floor pump for quick jobs.  Is there a
> > hands down favorite floor pump out there?  They all do the same thing,
> > of course, but a lot of them are junk.  I want an accurate gauge and a
> > dual head.  Suggestions?
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[RBW] Re: For Sale: 58cm Rambouillet (blue) -- New

2009-02-07 Thread Steve

Joe -- Thanks for the advice.  I'll have to give it some thought.

If anyone's interested, even just to see the pics, the bike's now
listed on Ebay.

On Feb 6, 7:44 pm, Joe Bernard  wrote:
> Steve, have you ever tried a recumbent? I'm not convinced it would
> solve the biking-with-a-bad-back issue, but it's worth a try. I
> switched a couple years ago because of saddle sores and wrist pain. If
> you log on towww.bentrideronline.com, you may be able to hook up with
> someone in your area who will let you ride their 'bent. Bentriders are
> big on spreading the gospel. I'm in Marin County, CA.
> On Feb 5, 4:31 pm, Steve  wrote:
> > Sorry for the double post.  I'm computer illiterate, I thought I was
> > editing.  Maybe I'll get double your attention.
> > On Feb 5, 7:30 pm, Steve  wrote:
> > > I'm going to sell this lovely new bicycle, because my back won't let
> > > me ride it.
> > > The beautiful blue frame was purchased from a store in Nashville
> > > awhile back, and I built it up with old (but new (except the seat post
> > > which is in mint condition)) Campagnolo Nuovo and Super Record parts
> > > -- memories of my wayword youth.  Anyway, I finally got around to
> > > putting it together this summer, and when I took it for a short spin
> > > in September...well lets just say I have a spinal problem that's not
> > > letting me exercise with no end in sight.  I don't think cycling will
> > > ever be an option.
> > > My loss will be someone's gain.  Before I go and list on that auction
> > > house, I thought I'd give a shout out to the folks here.  Let me know
> > > if anyone's interested.  $2000 is the number in my mind, and that's
> > > less than I have into it.  I know the frames run for that now (OMG!).
> > > Photos on request.  Thanks  Steve.  steve91...@mac.com
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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread Bruce
I've got the same one as in this CL ad.  Works pretty well. This one is 
advertised for $25 I paid more at my LBS


The brass head is Presta, and you click off the end of it to reveal the 
Shrader, which screws on.   

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Dave in Redding  wrote:
> This is only Riv related because Rivs have tires, but...
> I've had the same Silca track pump with a Presta head on it since the
> 70's, and it's been a dependable marvel.  However, we have a fleet of
> bikes now and half of them have Schraeder valves.  I have a
> compressor, but it's a bother running it for a single top off for one
> bike; I'd rather just grab a floor pump for quick jobs.  Is there a
> hands down favorite floor pump out there?  They all do the same thing,
> of course, but a lot of them are junk.  I want an accurate gauge and a
> dual head.  Suggestions?
> >

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread Jack

My Atlantis and Bleriot both have Topeak Master Blasters. I also have
an older Zefal HPx that fits and works fine, but an all black pump
doesn't look right on those bikes. Whatever you get, be sure it fits
your frame... You might want to poll the group for help on that if you
are gonna order the pump online.

On Feb 6, 11:20 pm, "colin p. cummings" 
> I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a nice looking
> air-infiltration device.  Curious what you guys/gals use if you have
> those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.
> Cheers,
> Colin Cummings
> Amarillo, TX
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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread rb212

Joe Bell sells Silca pumps and he knows Riv frames, so I think you're
pretty much assured of getting the right fit.  On top of that he can
paint it to your choice of color.  (That option is sure to come at a
cost and a wait, but it's the best looking option out there)

On Feb 7, 7:02 am, Jack  wrote:
> My Atlantis and Bleriot both have Topeak Master Blasters. I also have
> an older Zefal HPx that fits and works fine, but an all black pump
> doesn't look right on those bikes. Whatever you get, be sure it fits
> your frame... You might want to poll the group for help on that if you
> are gonna order the pump online.
> On Feb 6, 11:20 pm, "colin p. cummings" 
> wrote:
> > I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a nice looking
> > air-infiltration device.  Curious what you guys/gals use if you have
> > those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.
> > Cheers,
> > Colin Cummings
> > Amarillo, TX- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[RBW] Quickbeam tires / Handmade bicycle show

2009-02-07 Thread swenindy

I'm wondering what are the largest tires that you can fit on a
quickbeam.  The schwalbe marathon and big apple look great but I'm not
sure which (or any) will fit.  What have you tried?  I have an
inexpensive 29er mountain bike with the 60mm big apples and I love
it.  I've always like bigger tires and have a set of 38s on the
quickbeam right now, but given I live in a city with really bad roads
(Indianapolis) it would be nice to go one size larger.

That said, I live in Indy and if anyone is going to the handmade
bicycle show at the end of the month I could give out some info on
riding, best bars, etc.  (Maybe even set up a happy hour for Riv


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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood Bottom Bracket

2009-02-07 Thread GeorgeS

I have a Phil BB on my Rambouillet that I purchased in 05.  It's never
been touched.  Last weekend on a long ride it started clicking.  I
don't feel anything - just an annoying cricket-like sound on every
stroke.  I've never had a BB go bad before and most of my experience
has been with old fashion Campy BB's.  Is this sound a sign that the
bearings are shot?
George S

On Feb 6, 2:35 pm, MichaelH  wrote:
> I don't remember seeing this on the Phil Wood Web site, nor the
> required tool.  If it's that critical Phil ought to be selling a
> simple tool to check it.  What about other cartridge bb, like White or
> King?  Do they have the same sensitivities?
> Michael
> Westford, Vt
> On Feb 6, 10:20 am, John McMurry  wrote:
> > Peter White has said before that premature failure of a Phil bottom
> > bracket is due to the bottom bracket shell threads not being aligned.
> > Here's an excerpt from one of these discussions:
> > "For a Phil Wood BB to last, the frame's BB threads must be chased
> > with a
> > tool that indexes one side of the shell with the other so that the
> > threads on each side share a common axis. Campagnolo and a few other
> > companies make tooling that, when used properly, ensures that the
> > threading is correct, and then, and only then, will you get the full
> > life of the Phil Wood bearings."
> > from here:
> >http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=touring.10709.0545.eml
> > Makes sense to me.
> > John McMurry
> > Burlington, VT

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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread Eric

I also have a venerable Silca floor pump. Long ago put a new hose on  
it, and updated to a dual-head chuck so it works with both kinds of  
valves. It now lives in my car.

--Eric Norris
Sent from my iPhone 3G

On Feb 6, 2009, at 9:46 PM, Dave in Redding  wrote:

> This is only Riv related because Rivs have tires, but...
> I've had the same Silca track pump with a Presta head on it since the
> 70's, and it's been a dependable marvel.  However, we have a fleet of
> bikes now and half of them have Schraeder valves.  I have a
> compressor, but it's a bother running it for a single top off for one
> bike; I'd rather just grab a floor pump for quick jobs.  Is there a
> hands down favorite floor pump out there?  They all do the same thing,
> of course, but a lot of them are junk.  I want an accurate gauge and a
> dual head.  Suggestions?
> >

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread periwinklekog

On Feb 6, 8:20 pm, "colin p. cummings" 
> I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a nice looking
> air-infiltration device.  Curious what you guys/gals use if you have
> those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.

On my LongLow (upright city bike) I still use my old Zefal HPX frame
pump. I will keep it as long as I can get parts for it.

On my All-Rounder I have three sets of bottle cage eyelets so I use
one set to hold a Topeak Road Morph. The pump fits on the eyelets
UNDER the downtube and is short enough not to get in the way of the

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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread Lisa -S.H.

> When I regularly commuted to an office job, I included a brake cable 
> and a few patches and a little tiny glass bottle of rubber glue. Not 
> sure why, since my commute was no more than 20 miles even if I took 
> the detour; usually 15 one way (and half that on bus on return.)
> Oh, and sometimes a power bar or two. Or something to eat.
> Bandaids? Chapstick? TP? Is this for a century?
> Patrick "no sunblock, no helmet, no gloves, no padded shorts, no 
> plastic jerseys, no sunglasses except in allergy season, no multiple 
> gears either" Moore

Power Bars are for dweebs and yuppies.;)
I'm assuming from your sig line that you bring that brake cable to floss 
with after lunch.
Lisa "don't get between me and my chapstick"

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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Lisa -S.H.  wrote:

> >
> > When I regularly commuted to an office job, I included a brake cable
> > and a few patches and a little tiny glass bottle of rubber glue. Not
> > sure why, since my commute was no more than 20 miles even if I took
> > the detour; usually 15 one way (and half that on bus on return.)
> > Oh, and sometimes a power bar or two. Or something to eat.
> > Bandaids? Chapstick? TP? Is this for a century?
> >
> > Patrick "no sunblock, no helmet, no gloves, no padded shorts, no
> > plastic jerseys, no sunglasses except in allergy season, no multiple
> > gears either" Moore
> Power Bars are for dweebs and yuppies.;)
> I'm assuming from your sig line that you bring that brake cable to floss
> with after lunch.
> ;D
> Lisa "don't get between me and my chapstick"

Slap, slap. Ow, that hurt!

I forgot: also in allergy season I carry medicated eyedrops because the
pollen around here plays havoc with my eyes. I ate two whole grain chocolate
chip PBs yesterday, but only because the nearby grocery was out of my fav
mini-egg rolls. (Now that's yuppie-ish cycling food?)

Patrick "but no chapstick, or TP either" Moore

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[RBW] Re: Quickbeam tires / Handmade bicycle show

2009-02-07 Thread CycloFiend

on 2/7/09 6:47 AM, swenindy at brynnarswen...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm wondering what are the largest tires that you can fit on a
> quickbeam.  The schwalbe marathon and big apple look great but I'm not
> sure which (or any) will fit.  What have you tried?  I have an
> inexpensive 29er mountain bike with the 60mm big apples and I love
> it.  I've always like bigger tires and have a set of 38s on the
> quickbeam right now, but given I live in a city with really bad roads
> (Indianapolis) it would be nice to go one size larger.

Phi W. shows a set of 45's in this photo (knobbies) -

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

Send In Your Photos! - Here's how: http://www.cyclofiend.com/guidelines

"'You both ride your bike?' He held his hands out and grabbed imaginary
handlebars, grinning indulgently, eyeing Tom's helmet.  Double disbeleif:
not one, but two grown Americans riding bicycles."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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[RBW] Re: Was Lil Loafer volume now How cool is THIS guy?

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Bruce  wrote:

> Patrick sounds as if he should be doing that basketball themed McDonalds
> commercial with Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. The one that goes something
> like, "Off the garbage truck, over the flagpole, under the overpass, nothing
> but net."

Oh, and no TV, either. Sorry. Who is Michael Jordan?

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, and for what uses?

2009-02-07 Thread CycloFiend

on 2/6/09 11:56 AM, usuk2007 at clive.stand...@umassmed.edu wrote:
> The large Sackville at 23L is the same size as the Carradice Super C
> or Camper
> but the Sackville costs twice as much.
> The bags look well made, but they also look fussy and I don't like the
> boxy shape.
> Rivendell also persists in fastening the saddle strap buckles outside
> the bag. Maybe
> you an do that and not have too much saddle sway on the Sackville bags
> as I
> see there's a pocket for the rack upright. Anyway i like to have the
> saddlebag tight up
> against the saddle and you do that by fastening the buckles inside the
> bag.

Easy to do.  You have to unbuckle them when you attach them.  I'd expect
they set the buckles outside because they are good looking buckles and
photograph smartly, plus they'd have to answer more questions about how the
straps attach if they were set up thusly:


which has generated more than a few emails to me about how the strap-bits

- Jim

Jim Edgar

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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread David Faller
I was thinking about replacing the hose on my Silca with the Topeak dual head 
kit.  I just sort of hate to dismantle Old Faithful.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric 
  To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 7:50 AM
  Subject: [RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

  I also have a venerable Silca floor pump. Long ago put a new hose on  
  it, and updated to a dual-head chuck so it works with both kinds of  
  valves. It now lives in my car.

  --Eric Norris
  Sent from my iPhone 3G

  On Feb 6, 2009, at 9:46 PM, Dave in Redding  wrote:

  > This is only Riv related because Rivs have tires, but...
  > I've had the same Silca track pump with a Presta head on it since the
  > 70's, and it's been a dependable marvel.  However, we have a fleet of
  > bikes now and half of them have Schraeder valves.  I have a
  > compressor, but it's a bother running it for a single top off for one
  > bike; I'd rather just grab a floor pump for quick jobs.  Is there a
  > hands down favorite floor pump out there?  They all do the same thing,
  > of course, but a lot of them are junk.  I want an accurate gauge and a
  > dual head.  Suggestions?
  > >

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, and for what uses?

2009-02-07 Thread CycloFiend

on 2/6/09 4:13 PM, Doug Peterson at dougpn...@cox.net wrote:

> Wallingford has has Carradice supply problems for years, i don't think
> it's anything new, though it could be worse over the last year. It
> seems from Grant's writing on the new products that most of them are
> bourne partly from a desire for their own style, partly because
> existing supplies are unreliable. Carradice used to make a line of
> bags for RBW too, but i don't think those existed very long, maybe
> just a catalog or two?

Early on, RBW carried Carradice.  I'm getting ready to ride or I'd dig
through the old catalogs.  I think beth has one of the older Carradice-sewn
RBW bags which was closer to Carradice in spirit.

When the initial Baggins bags came out, there was very little like them -
nothing I can think of that was sewn domestically. When I first got them, I
had a few folks ask if my Banana Bag or Hobo Bag were Filson.

My guess is that GP _thinks_ about bags the same way he thinks about bikes.
As a confirmed bag-geek, I really enjoy the designs.

- Jim

Jim Edgar

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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread Bill Connell

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Dave in Redding  wrote:
> This is only Riv related because Rivs have tires, but...
> I've had the same Silca track pump with a Presta head on it since the
> 70's, and it's been a dependable marvel.  However, we have a fleet of
> bikes now and half of them have Schraeder valves.  I have a
> compressor, but it's a bother running it for a single top off for one
> bike; I'd rather just grab a floor pump for quick jobs.  Is there a
> hands down favorite floor pump out there?  They all do the same thing,
> of course, but a lot of them are junk.  I want an accurate gauge and a
> dual head.  Suggestions?

I got the SKS/Renkompressor replacement head for an old floor pump,
and while that head was really nice when new, the gasket didn't seem
to last. I partly blame sloppy use by another of the pump users, but
it was a little finicky at best. I have a Bontrager floor pump now
that i won at a bike race that works really well; gauge at the top,
dual head, and the handle locks down so you can actually carry it by
the handle too. I've also used and liked the Park and Topeak Joe Blow
floor pumps.

Bill Connell
St. Paul, MN

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, and for what uses?

2009-02-07 Thread CycloFiend

on 2/6/09 4:27 PM, Doug Peterson at dougpn...@cox.net wrote:
> How much can you get in the Lil' Loafer?  I've never seen on in person but
> they look good in the photos & seem to be out of the way as far as your hands
> go.  I use my front bag for food, maps, & a handy stash spot for clothes.  As
> neat as it looks, the Lil Loafer looked a bit small for the price.  But what's
> your real world experience with it?

I like the LL because it perfectly fits the Nitto mini front rack (which
uses the same load platform as Mark's Rack).

Right now, I tote:

mini-pump, emergency info/money baggie, neck gaiter, wool gloves, wool
stocking cap, a couple of bars & gels and extra headlight as the base layer.

mini U-lock, lightweight wind shell, dry cap, sandwich as the ride demands

and still have a bit of room without stressing it.

I've also added the shock cord "X" loop is throw a jacket or gloves through.
(Shown on the Country Bag here)

> Junk expands to fill the available space.

Ha! Absolutely.  That's one thing I like about the L'il Loafer...
It's just self-limiting enough.

-  Jim

Jim Edgar

Current Classics Bicycle Photo Gallery - http://www.cyclofiend.com/cc
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"That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread charlie

I use a Hobo bag and a Banana bag plus my rack. In bad weather and
long rides I carry an extra tube or two, multi tool, patch kit, saddle
cover, various food items, rain jacket, wool cap, cold weather gloves,
handy wipes, small amount of TP, spoke wrench, extra wool socks, extra
wool shirt, wool tights, camera, paper and pencil, cell phone, wallet,
keys, front and rear lights mounted, three water bottles, ankle
reflector, extra glasses and probably more I can't think of. In warm
weather I dispense with the extra wool stuff, rain jacket, cold
weather gloves and saddle cover.
When I commuted to a job I carried my work, work clothing, lunch and
sometimes my own personal work tools. I could have used a larger bag
at times but haven't worked since November so I get around by bicycle
if I need to go anywhere within about 25 miles otherwise I stay home
and neglect the housework!


On Feb 7, 12:2 am, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Bruce  wrote:
> > Mine has:
> > Shop rag, click-stand, tire bars, tube in latex glove, patch kit, tool kit,
> > ziploc with toilet tissue, sunblock &chapstick, band aids, rain bonnet for
> > my helmet (Nashbar: also fits the lil loafer perfectly, and cheaper than a
> > fitted cover) rain jaccket. Room for some food, etc. rings on top allow more
> > to be laced on if need be. It rests on a Nitto small front rack.
> Let's seague this thread out to: what do you regularly include in your ride
> kit, and for what kind of ride, ie distance, weather, purpose. I'll start:
> toolkit, to include that dog bone Park multitool (no moving part!), two
> tubes, tire stick, tire boot. Quicker minipump. That for the Rivs. Up to 30
> miles of joyriding, decent weather; if weather changeable, I add vest,
> gloves and hat. If looks like rain (we get rain a cupla times a year),
> poncho.
> When I regularly commuted to an office job, I included a brake cable and a
> few patches and a little tiny glass bottle of rubber glue. Not sure why,
> since my commute was no more than 20 miles even if I took the detour;
> usually 15 one way (and half that on bus on return.)
> Oh, and sometimes a power bar or two. Or something to eat.
> For the MTB: a full fledged multitool that Does It all, plus a bigger pump.
> For the Motobecane, which is so old fashioned as to still use hex bolts and
> nuts: add a small adjustable wrench and wunna those cheap collections of
> allens instead of the dog bone.
> Bags: useta be Adam, now Fly with OYB Manpurse pannier conversion, about 2/3
> the capacity of the Junior; about 1 1/2 Banana bags: just right. That is
> swapped between Riv #3 with fenders and rack, and the Motobecane. Of course,
> bigger loads get the Ortliebs. Gofast Riv #2 has the Nigel Country --
> perfect size. MTB has an old Nelson which usually runs mostly empty, since
> the kit all fits into a side pocket; but I do use the MTB occasionally for
> commuting type runs, whence the extra room.
> Bandaids? Chapstick? TP? Is this for a century?
> Patrick "no sunblock, no helmet, no gloves, no padded shorts, no plastic
> jerseys, no sunglasses except in allergy season, no multiple gears either"
> Moore
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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
A LBS recommended a bottom end Blackburn, which works well and has a double
chuck head: double, good; the annular valve lock is awkward, though. Sub
$40. The shop man claimed this model is the one they used in the shop.

Even better: Big Specialized floor pump for $10 at Goodwill, with what I
think is a dual use (as opposed to dual chuck) head with nice, long, strong
steel locking lever. At first I hated the design: shove it onto a Presta and
lose all the air before you can get the thumblock locked. But after I
learned the technique, much prefer it to the dual chuck kind. I still am not
proficient with Shraeder valves, though, and for those -- dtr's bike with
20" wheels, beater -- use a $10 foot pump from Pep Boys.

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, Now cleaning waxed canvas

2009-02-07 Thread CycloFiend

on 2/6/09 7:35 PM, Doug Peterson at dougpn...@cox.net wrote:

> Patrick raises an interesting question:  Is there a proper way to clean waxed
> canvas?  I¹ve never thrown mine into the washer but just hosing it off doesn¹t
> seem to do much except wash of the surface grit.  I¹m afraid anything
> aggressive will destroy whatever¹s left of the waxing.  It still feels
> kinda-sorta waxy but it looks pretty bad.  It¹s nice & soft & pliable with no
> holes or serious wear marks, just grimy as all get out.  Any ideas on
> cleaning?  

If it's waxed canvas, you can actually get most stuff out using a stiff
brush.  The stains tend to be in the wax layer, and don't seem to get into
the fabric. 

Waxed cotton will generally need to be rewaxed at some point, and the
quality of the fabric in the RBW stuff means that it will outlast the

I would find a Filson dealer and get a tin of their reproofing wax.  Follow
the directions (easy - layer it on and then use a hair dryer to set it into
the fabric). Within 24 hours, it's barely tacky. Little bit of
Brooks/Obenauf's on the leather and you are back out in style.

I'm just about to do that with my Banana bag, as I never did the initial
pre/retreatment step, and it has seen enough use to be fairly grimy.

- Jim  

Jim Edgar

³Velvet pillows, safari parks, sunglasses: people have become woolly mice.
They still have bodies that can walk for five days and four nights through a
desert of snow, without food, but they accept praise for having taken a
one-hour bicycle ride.²  - Tim Krabbe, "The Rider"

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 9:46 AM, charlie  wrote:

> I use a Hobo bag and a Banana bag plus my rack. In bad weather and
> long rides I carry an extra tube or two, multi tool, patch kit, saddle
> cover, various food items, rain jacket, wool cap, cold weather gloves,
> handy wipes, small amount of TP, spoke wrench, extra wool socks, extra
> wool shirt, wool tights, camera, paper and pencil, cell phone, wallet,
> keys, front and rear lights mounted, three water bottles, ankle
> reflector, extra glasses and probably more I can't think of. In warm
> weather I dispense with the extra wool stuff, rain jacket, cold
> weather gloves and saddle cover.
> When I commuted to a job I carried my work, work clothing, lunch and
> sometimes my own personal work tools. I could have used a larger bag
> at times but haven't worked since November so I get around by bicycle
> if I need to go anywhere within about 25 miles otherwise I stay home
> and neglect the housework!

What sort of distances is this kit for, Charlie? I find it strange that
people carry TP. (My brother used to carry it when out on a long run, but
I've never done so even on a ride of several hours.)

Sorry to hear that you haven't worked --- or perhaps congratulations? Good
luck with a new job, if that is in your plans.

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, Now cleaning waxed canvas

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 9:54 AM, CycloFiend 
> If it's waxed canvas, you can actually get most stuff out using a stiff
> brush.  The stains tend to be in the wax layer, and don't seem to get into
> the fabric.
> Waxed cotton will generally need to be rewaxed at some point, and the
> quality of the fabric in the RBW stuff means that it will outlast the
> treatment.
> I would find a Filson dealer and get a tin of their reproofing wax.  Follow
> the directions (easy - layer it on and then use a hair dryer to set it into
> the fabric). Within 24 hours, it's barely tacky. Little bit of
> Brooks/Obenauf's on the leather and you are back out in style.

How long will the original wax impregnation last? My bought-well-used Nelson
is looking rather faded and probably could use a treatment. Any other
closer-to-home options beside the Filson's stuff?

> I'm just about to do that with my Banana bag, as I never did the initial
> pre/retreatment step, and it has seen enough use to be fairly grimy.
> - Jim
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> ³Velvet pillows, safari parks, sunglasses: people have become woolly mice.
> They still have bodies that can walk for five days and four nights through
> a
> desert of snow, without food, but they accept praise for having taken a
> one-hour bicycle ride.²  - Tim Krabbe, "The Rider"
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> Send In Your Photos! - Here's how: http://www.cyclofiend.com/guidelines
> >

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto Dirt Drop Stem with 26.0 clamp

2009-02-07 Thread chris love

Thanks, but the quill length is too short. I need something I can get
a little higher.

On Feb 7, 2:13 am, rob markwardt  wrote:
> Is this what you are looking for?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:...
> I've currently got this liste on the 'bay.  Not sure if it's Nitto or
> not but if any Riv group members buy it I'll ship for freelet me
> know.
> On Feb 6, 9:14 pm, chris love  wrote:
> > Hello all. I'm trying to find the long (quill length - not stem)
> > version of the dirt drop stem with a 26.0 clamp. Ben's Cycle only has
> > the short version, as does Riv. Any ideas (or anybody got one laying
> > around)?
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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood Bottom Bracket

2009-02-07 Thread Doug Peterson

Check the pedals first.  It's difficult to tell BB clicks from pedal clicks,
and pedals are a more likely culprit.  EZ to just change the pedal on the
side that clicks to see.

-Original Message-
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of GeorgeS
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 3:47 AM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Re: Phil Wood Bottom Bracket

I have a Phil BB on my Rambouillet that I purchased in 05.  It's never
been touched.  Last weekend on a long ride it started clicking.  I
don't feel anything - just an annoying cricket-like sound on every
stroke.  I've never had a BB go bad before and most of my experience
has been with old fashion Campy BB's.  Is this sound a sign that the
bearings are shot?
George S

On Feb 6, 2:35 pm, MichaelH  wrote:
> I don't remember seeing this on the Phil Wood Web site, nor the
> required tool.  If it's that critical Phil ought to be selling a
> simple tool to check it.  What about other cartridge bb, like White or
> King?  Do they have the same sensitivities?
> Michael
> Westford, Vt
> On Feb 6, 10:20 am, John McMurry  wrote:
> > Peter White has said before that premature failure of a Phil bottom
> > bracket is due to the bottom bracket shell threads not being aligned.
> > Here's an excerpt from one of these discussions:
> > "For a Phil Wood BB to last, the frame's BB threads must be chased
> > with a
> > tool that indexes one side of the shell with the other so that the
> > threads on each side share a common axis. Campagnolo and a few other
> > companies make tooling that, when used properly, ensures that the
> > threading is correct, and then, and only then, will you get the full
> > life of the Phil Wood bearings."
> > from here:
> >http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=touring.10709.0545.eml
> > Makes sense to me.
> > John McMurry
> > Burlington, VT

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[RBW] Re: Was Lil Loafer volume now How cool is THIS guy?

2009-02-07 Thread Doug Peterson
But you did recognize "McDonalds"?



From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of PATRICK MOORE
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 8:27 AM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: [RBW] Re: Was Lil Loafer volume now How cool is THIS guy?



On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Bruce  wrote:

Patrick sounds as if he should be doing that basketball themed McDonalds
commercial with Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. The one that goes something
like, "Off the garbage truck, over the flagpole, under the overpass, nothing
but net."

Oh, and no TV, either. Sorry. Who is Michael Jordan?

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[RBW] Twee, Tweed, Tweeder

2009-02-07 Thread CycloFiend

Just caught this via the telegraph -




Pity it falls on a Thursday.  I fear I shan't be attending. Work demands,
you know.

- Jim

Jim Edgar

"One Cog - Zero Excuses" L/S T-shirt - Now available

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread charlie

I keep this on the bike if I am riding further than about 15-20 miles
away in one direction. I live in a rural area and if I choose to ride
a 50- 60 mile ride I can sometimes be way out in virtual uninhabited
areas with no help and often sketchy cell service. In cold weather I
carry extra wool in case of cold rain or if I have a break down and
need to stay warm. I've often thought of  how long it would take me to
walk back home so I come prepared. Most of my riding however is within
a 20-30 mile loop from home and I know quite a few people along the
way.  The TP thing. no tree leaves in winter! In nice weather I
can get away with less and often do but I've become used to carrying
 Work has been rough this last year and hopefully it will get better.
Still trying to figure out what new direction to take.

On Feb 7, 8:58 am, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 9:46 AM, charlie  wrote:
> > I use a Hobo bag and a Banana bag plus my rack. In bad weather and
> > long rides I carry an extra tube or two, multi tool, patch kit, saddle
> > cover, various food items, rain jacket, wool cap, cold weather gloves,
> > handy wipes, small amount of TP, spoke wrench, extra wool socks, extra
> > wool shirt, wool tights, camera, paper and pencil, cell phone, wallet,
> > keys, front and rear lights mounted, three water bottles, ankle
> > reflector, extra glasses and probably more I can't think of. In warm
> > weather I dispense with the extra wool stuff, rain jacket, cold
> > weather gloves and saddle cover.
> > When I commuted to a job I carried my work, work clothing, lunch and
> > sometimes my own personal work tools. I could have used a larger bag
> > at times but haven't worked since November so I get around by bicycle
> > if I need to go anywhere within about 25 miles otherwise I stay home
> > and neglect the housework!
> What sort of distances is this kit for, Charlie? I find it strange that
> people carry TP. (My brother used to carry it when out on a long run, but
> I've never done so even on a ride of several hours.)
> Sorry to hear that you haven't worked --- or perhaps congratulations? Good
> luck with a new job, if that is in your plans.
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[RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume

2009-02-07 Thread Doug Peterson
Hmm.what a treasure hunt!  Just rooted thru my Hobo (rear) & found:  couple
of tubes, tire levers, patch kit, Silca mini-pump, small multi-tool; small
cable lock; pocket first aid kit (thought I'd lost that), couple of rack
straps, blinkie, county map, couple of spokes, $3.87 in change & singles.
The bar tube has chap stick, note pad, pen, beer view mirror & that's where
the wallet-keys-phone go.  


For a sub 30 mile ride, maybe an energy bar or banana in the front.  Day
ride would add lunch in the rear (Hobo).  


A supported tour needs a larger bag to handle the clothes I use during the
days riding.  That's what I'm shopping for right now.  Like to be able to
stash vest, jacket, tights, more food.  Hate that overstuffed bag where I
have to drag stuff out to find anything.


Unsupported - panniers.





From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of PATRICK MOORE
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:22 AM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: [RBW] Re: Was Sackville bags now Lil Loafer volume



On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Bruce  wrote:

Mine has:

Shop rag, click-stand, tire bars, tube in latex glove, patch kit, tool kit,
ziploc with toilet tissue, sunblock &chapstick, band aids, rain bonnet for
my helmet (Nashbar: also fits the lil loafer perfectly, and cheaper than a
fitted cover) rain jaccket. Room for some food, etc. rings on top allow more
to be laced on if need be. It rests on a Nitto small front rack.

Let's seague this thread out to: what do you regularly include in your ride
kit, and for what kind of ride, ie distance, weather, purpose. I'll start:
toolkit, to include that dog bone Park multitool (no moving part!), two
tubes, tire stick, tire boot. Quicker minipump. That for the Rivs. Up to 30
miles of joyriding, decent weather; if weather changeable, I add vest,
gloves and hat. If looks like rain (we get rain a cupla times a year),

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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood Bottom Bracket

2009-02-07 Thread Bob Cooper

What is it about Phil BBs that, when cranked down hard they fail, yet
Shimano BBs (UNxx) when cranked down hard are fine?

Does Shimano have this little feature under patent?

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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread Sarah Gibson

back in the day
the only floor pumps we sold
at the 1st shop i worked in
(a pro roadie sorta shop)
were the two silca models
when i bought my first shop i did that for a short time
but bout that time
silca started whoring out their product
to the cheap mail order houses
selling em for about what we pd wholesale
so out with the silca
tho i still have a couple
at home
one set up for shraeder for the neighborhood kids bikes
and one for presta for mine
they are easy to overhaul and the misc bits 
are easy to get when they need replaced
certainly a lifetime pump
about a dozen yrs ago i started selling topeak floor pumps
at acme now
we only sell the joe blow sport
great working pump
and topeak stands behind their stuf
no questions ask
tho in that amount of time
ive never had one come back with broken bits
(ok there was the time
when a pals dog chewed the hose and head off
his pump...)
once again a lifetime pump
as long as topeak is around
n rarely make history_ride yr friggin bicycle_ 
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[RBW] 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Bob Cooper

Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.

And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.

Would you advise him to

1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or

2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or

3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.

All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.

Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.

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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Bill M.

If the current wheel has a 130 Shimano or similar hub, it should be
easy enough to add a 1 mm spacer to each side of the hub, giving a 132
spacing that will be very easy to deal with.  I have a pair of 105's
with 2 mm on each side to fit a bike that's 135 and it's fine.  Wheel
dish and alignment won't be affected.


Bob Cooper wrote:
> Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
> axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.
> And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
> and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.
> Would you advise him to
> 1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or
> 2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or
> 3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.
> All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.
> Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.
> Bob
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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Bruce
I'd make sure he knows that it's quicker to do a rear wheel R & R if you move 
the chain to the outermost gears in both the front and back. Then you can just 
push down on the rear der cage to move the cahin completly away and teh wheel 
will drop out. Assuming you have opened up the brake quick release..

From: Bob Cooper 

Would you advise him to

1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or

2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or

3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.

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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Doug Peterson

First look at the wheel.  Lots of times there're axle spacers in there & you
could just mess around with those to get where you need to go.  Just
remember to adjust one-half each side to keep things centered (since your
friend is a klutz; I can relate).


-Original Message-
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Bob Cooper
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:21 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] 132.5

Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.

And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.

Would you advise him to

1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or

2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or

3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.

All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.

Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.


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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Steve Palincsar

On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 12:20 -0800, Bob Cooper wrote:
> Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
> axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.
> And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
> and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.
> Would you advise him to
> 1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or
> 2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or
> 3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.
> All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.

I think I'd teach him how to get the wheel in and out, paying particular
attention to the very slight push you need to make with your thumbs.

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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread David Faller
I think I would spend some time training my friend how to R&R the wheel until 
he gets it!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob Cooper 
  To: RBW Owners Bunch 
  Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:20 PM
  Subject: [RBW] 132.5

  Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
  axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.

  And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
  and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.

  Would you advise him to

  1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or

  2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or

  3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.

  All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.

  Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.

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Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Was Lil Loafer volume now How cool is THIS guy?

2009-02-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Doug Peterson  wrote:

>  But you did recognize "McDonalds"?

Yeah, I ate there once.

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread Steve Palincsar

On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 20:20 -0800, colin p. cummings wrote:
> I hate that I'm not using the little pump peg to store a nice looking
> air-infiltration device.  Curious what you guys/gals use if you have
> those cool touring pumps on your Rivendell.

I like Zefal HPXs.  They're sturdy and very dependable.  

For those who don't like the black color, how about polished aluminum
instead?  Here's mine, as shown on my Velo Orange Randonneur:

It took me about an hour to accomplish this.  I started with a medium
coarse grade of sandpaper, gradually got finer and finer, finished it
off with steel wool and silver polish.

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread Steve Palincsar

On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 06:31 -0800, rb212 wrote:
> Joe Bell sells Silca pumps and he knows Riv frames, so I think you're
> pretty much assured of getting the right fit.  On top of that he can
> paint it to your choice of color.  (That option is sure to come at a
> cost and a wait, but it's the best looking option out there)

> >On Feb 7, 7:02 am, Jack  wrote:
> > My Atlantis and Bleriot both have Topeak Master Blasters. I also have
> > an older Zefal HPx that fits and works fine, but an all black pump
> > doesn't look right on those bikes. Whatever you get, be sure it fits
> > your frame... You might want to poll the group for help on that if you
> > are gonna order the pump online.

I've had Silcas and Zefals.  The Silca is light and looks nice.  If you
ever have to use it, though, it's not so good.  It can't reach any kind
of high pressure unless you are extremely strong -- it was designed in a
day when 50 psi was normal and 70 was high pressure, and that's about as
high as you can get it -- and it's quite fragile.  Look at it crosswise
and it'll break.

Now the Zefal, that's more like the M1911A1 .45 caliber pistol.  Heavy,
ugly, but if you have to use it for real, it's hard to find one that's
more dependable and more effective.  Compared to the Silca, the Zefal is
"lower geared" -- it has a smaller pump barrel diameter, so it's much
easier to reach high pressure.

Also, should you ever have to use your pump as a weapon, the Zefal is a
pretty fair club.  Not as good, perhaps, as Bruce Gordon's $300 titanium
Silca clone ("When you hit a dog with it, the dog dies") but close.

For those who don't like the black color, sand off the black, steel wool
it, and polish it with metal polish.  It looks great that way!

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread Steve Palincsar

On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 06:02 -0800, Jack wrote:
> My Atlantis and Bleriot both have Topeak Master Blasters. I also have
> an older Zefal HPx that fits and works fine, but an all black pump
> doesn't look right on those bikes


That's a Zefal HPX, with the black sanded off & polished

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, and for what uses?

2009-02-07 Thread Peter Merryman
To throw some confusion into the mix, at one point, after the Baggins Bags
were introduced, Riv returned to Carradice make some bags based on the
Baggins designs, and Riv sold these as "Sackville" bags.  This was maybe
2001 or 2002, I think.  I had a boxy bag and an Adam-sized saddlebag of
these older Sackvilles.  When it arrived the saddlebag had a cardboard tag
attached that said "Adam" on it, so I always figured it was the Adam design
as made by Carradice. They were green canvas with leather trim.  They didn't
say Sackville anywhere on them that I recall, but had Carradice labels, and
in the Riv catalog they were sold as Sackville.  I don't think they were
around for very long.


On 2/7/09, CycloFiend  wrote:
> Early on, RBW carried Carradice.  I'm getting ready to ride or I'd dig
> through the old catalogs.  I think beth has one of the older Carradice-sewn
> RBW bags which was closer to Carradice in spirit.

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[RBW] Re: Sackville bags: how necessary, and for what uses?

2009-02-07 Thread Steve Palincsar

On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 18:01 -0800, usuk2007 wrote:
> +1 on buying directly form the UK. Lots of stock at St John's Street
> and
> with the exchange rate at $1.40 to the pound the bags are good value.
> You'll get a great bag and save $80. Here's what I pack in a 18L
> Nelson Longflap and a 9 L Junior (used as a bar bag) for weeks of
> credit card touring

Just watch out for the shipping.  That's gone WAY up.

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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread James Warren

Totally. Way more useful over the long haul than going through the trouble of new spacing or new hubs.
And besides, a great feature of the Ram is how you can have two rear wheels for it - a 130'er for fast rides and a 135'er for tours. It would be a loss to change that.
-Original Message- 

I think I would spend some time training my friend how to R&R the wheel until he gets it!

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Cooper 
To: RBW Owners Bunch 
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:20 PM
Subject: [RBW] 132.5
Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rearaxle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel inand out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.Would you advise him to1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.Bob 

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[RBW] Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

2009-02-07 Thread Eric Norris
Found these photos hanging on the wall at a bakery in Ukiah.  The Tour  
de France riders in the early days were *very* Riv-ish ... they would  
have looked totally at home riding a Quickbeam, since they all rode  
fixed gears until the 1930s!



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[RBW] Re: Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

2009-02-07 Thread Bruce
private page, Eric

From: Eric Norris 
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 5:03:02 PM
Subject: [RBW] Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

Found these photos hanging on the wall at a bakery in Ukiah.  The Tour de 
France riders in the early days were *very* Riv-ish ... they would have looked 
totally at home riding a Quickbeam, since they all rode fixed gears until the 


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[RBW] Hagiography

2009-02-07 Thread MichaelH

OK, so you have no idea what this word means.  It's theologians hell.
It's the "art" of turning a human life into a paradigm of sainthood
which no other rational person would possibly choose to emulate.  Well
here's the cycling equivalent, from the New York Times.

Someone should have given this guy an Atlantis!


Westford, Vt, which today broke freezing for the first time this year.
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[RBW] Re: Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

2009-02-07 Thread Eric Norris
Try again?


On Feb 7, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Bruce wrote:

> private page, Eric
> From: Eric Norris 
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 5:03:02 PM
> Subject: [RBW] Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr
> Found these photos hanging on the wall at a bakery in Ukiah.  The  
> Tour de France riders in the early days were *very* Riv-ish ... they  
> would have looked totally at home riding a Quickbeam, since they all  
> rode fixed gears until the 1930s!
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/35176...@n03/sets/72157613453676185/
> --Eric
> campyonly...@me.com
> www.campyonly.com
> www.wheelsnorth.org
> >

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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread MichaelH

In addition to making sure he knew the proper technique for getting
the wheel in and out... I'd ask him why he gets frustrated, and coach
him not to get so attached to his wishes, but to stay in the present
moment and enjoy life as it unfolds.  The Zen of wheel changing as it

PS, I love my Ram, despite the fact that the rear wheel is about 5%
harder to reinstall than a 130mm spacing.

On Feb 7, 4:42 pm, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 12:20 -0800, Bob Cooper wrote:
> > Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
> > axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.
> > And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
> > and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.
> > Would you advise him to
> > 1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or
> > 2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or
> > 3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.
> > All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.
> I think I'd teach him how to get the wheel in and out, paying particular
> attention to the very slight push you need to make with your thumbs.
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[RBW] Re: Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

2009-02-07 Thread MichaelH

I think in the 1930's the heart, soul, and essence of bucycle racing
was the ability to suffer.  I'm not sure I, ( or Rivdom) are quite
Thanks for the photos, anyway.

Westford, Vt

On Feb 7, 6:17 pm, Eric Norris  wrote:
> Try again?
> --Eric
> campyonly...@me.comwww.campyonly.comwww.wheelsnorth.org
> On Feb 7, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Bruce wrote:
> > private page, Eric
> > From: Eric Norris 
> > To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> > Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 5:03:02 PM
> > Subject: [RBW] Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr
> > Found these photos hanging on the wall at a bakery in Ukiah.  The  
> > Tour de France riders in the early days were *very* Riv-ish ... they  
> > would have looked totally at home riding a Quickbeam, since they all  
> > rode fixed gears until the 1930s!
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/35176...@n03/sets/72157613453676185/
> > --Eric
> > campyonly...@me.com
> >www.campyonly.com
> >www.wheelsnorth.org
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[RBW] Re: Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

2009-02-07 Thread Seth Vidal

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Eric Norris  wrote:
> Found these photos hanging on the wall at a bakery in Ukiah.  The Tour de
> France riders in the early days were *very* Riv-ish ... they would have
> looked totally at home riding a Quickbeam, since they all rode fixed gears
> until the 1930s!
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/35176...@n03/sets/72157613453676185/

Well, they sort of rode fixed gears. When you change out the bike to
change gear sizes, that's like having a truck-sized derailer :).

Jan Heine has a good story about this in vbq from a little while ago, now.


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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood Bottom Bracket

2009-02-07 Thread eddie...@gmail.com

It may be a little moisture between the cups and the bottom bracket
shell. I've had it happen on a couple of Shimano bottom
brackets...they developed surface rust spots on the shell and started
clicking on the downstroke. Happened after riding in heavy rain
without fenders. Changing pedals and looking around the frame for
something obvious is also a good idea  -- quick releases, binder and
seatpost bolts, a little grease on Brooks rails...which you probably
have already done.  You'd think the bearings would have a crunchy feel
if they were truly shot.

Ed Felker
Arlington, VA

On Feb 7, 6:46 am, GeorgeS  wrote:
> I have a Phil BB on my Rambouillet that I purchased in 05.  It's never
> been touched.  Last weekend on a long ride it started clicking.  I
> don't feel anything - just an annoying cricket-like sound on every
> stroke.  I've never had a BB go bad before and most of my experience
> has been with old fashion Campy BB's.  Is this sound a sign that the
> bearings are shot?
> George S
> On Feb 6, 2:35 pm, MichaelH  wrote:
> > I don't remember seeing this on the Phil Wood Web site, nor the
> > required tool.  If it's that critical Phil ought to be selling a
> > simple tool to check it.  What about other cartridge bb, like White or
> > King?  Do they have the same sensitivities?
> > Michael
> > Westford, Vt
> > On Feb 6, 10:20 am, John McMurry  wrote:
> > > Peter White has said before that premature failure of a Phil bottom
> > > bracket is due to the bottom bracket shell threads not being aligned.
> > > Here's an excerpt from one of these discussions:
> > > "For a Phil Wood BB to last, the frame's BB threads must be chased
> > > with a
> > > tool that indexes one side of the shell with the other so that the
> > > threads on each side share a common axis. Campagnolo and a few other
> > > companies make tooling that, when used properly, ensures that the
> > > threading is correct, and then, and only then, will you get the full
> > > life of the Phil Wood bearings."
> > > from here:
> > >http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=touring.10709.0545.eml
> > > Makes sense to me.
> > > John McMurry
> > > Burlington, VT
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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Nick

I have a 130mm Phil free hub that I needed to respace to fit in my
135mm kogswell pr. I bought a longer axle end cap for the left (non-
dive side of the hub). This pushed the hub center toward the right
side. I redished the rim to get it back to center. This removed some
dish from the driveside making the whell a little stronger. I also
used a Synergy off center rim when I built this wheel so there is
almost no dish now. If you respace the axle...I recommend doing it on
the right side only and move the rim over to the left back to center.
There should be enough threads on the nipples to allow for this. I was
building this wheel and actually planned for this so I ordered
slightly longer spokes than normal for the driveside and slightly
shorter for non-drive.

On Feb 7, 2:20 pm, Bob Cooper  wrote:
> Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
> axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.
> And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
> and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.
> Would you advise him to
> 1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or
> 2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or
> 3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.
> All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.
> Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.
> Bob
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[RBW] Re: 132.5

2009-02-07 Thread Nick

Oh yeah...I used to have a Ram and I never found the extra 2.5mm a
problem with removal or replacement. BTW...the Phil hub I described in
a previous post is the one that used to be on the Ram and I did
respace it for the Kogs

On Feb 7, 2:20 pm, Bob Cooper  wrote:
> Say you had a friend who had a Rambouillet, most of which have a rear
> axle spacing of 132.5, as does this one.
> And suppose this friend of yours was a klutz at getting the wheel in
> and out quickly, and he wanted to make some changes to his setup.
> Would you advise him to
> 1--Cold-set the frame to 130; or
> 2--Cold-set the frame to 135; or
> 3--Build a wheel with an OLD of 132.5.
> All these have plus and minus arguments that I can think of.
> Relevant detail: The bike has a triple crank.
> Bob
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[RBW] Re: Hagiography

2009-02-07 Thread Horace
Wow. Thanks for sharing that article. But I don't think an Altlantis would
have made it a better story. :-)


On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 3:12 PM, MichaelH  wrote:

> OK, so you have no idea what this word means.  It's theologians hell.
> It's the "art" of turning a human life into a paradigm of sainthood
> which no other rational person would possibly choose to emulate.  Well
> here's the cycling equivalent, from the New York Times.
> Someone should have given this guy an Atlantis!
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/08/sports/othersports/08cycling.html?8dpc
> peace,
> michael
> Westford, Vt, which today broke freezing for the first time this year.
> >

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[RBW] Bleriot sighting in March Bicycling

2009-02-07 Thread David Estes
Page 78, in full "Rived out" kit.  Just a pic in an unrelated article, but
cool seeing it!

Flipping through the mag, it looked they had at least three actual articles
that focused on something other than lateral stiffness and vertical

Redlands, CA

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[RBW] Re: Hagiography

2009-02-07 Thread David Estes
Wasn't Floyd Landis a bit like that, too?  Hoping on a bike and not coming
home for weeks, sleeping in ditches and such?

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Horace  wrote:

> Wow. Thanks for sharing that article. But I don't think an Altlantis would
> have made it a better story. :-)
> Horace.
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 3:12 PM, MichaelH  wrote:
>> OK, so you have no idea what this word means.  It's theologians hell.
>> It's the "art" of turning a human life into a paradigm of sainthood
>> which no other rational person would possibly choose to emulate.  Well
>> here's the cycling equivalent, from the New York Times.
>> Someone should have given this guy an Atlantis!
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/08/sports/othersports/08cycling.html?8dpc
>> peace,
>> michael
>> Westford, Vt, which today broke freezing for the first time this year.
> >

Redlands, CA

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread BPustow
I'm sorry, but we've had a power outage here in Kentucky for  a one to two 
weeks (ice storm). Maybe this has been discussed before  but has anyone else 
noticed that more and more Velo Orange bikes are  appearing on this site? I own 
Rambouillet, Quickbeam, and Hilsen and,  while I love all three, I love them 
in the order I listed them (although I am  torn which I love more - the 
Rambouillet or the Quickbeam). The Rambouillet is  my "go fast bike" and I'm 
thinking of replacing it and having to seriously look  at the Velo Orange bikes 
the Rambouillet is asleep for awhile or possibly  forever.
   I know Grant knows more about the business then I do but he's  loosing me 
and others more and more to Velo Orange bikes and other stuff.
Louisville, Ky 
In a message dated 2/7/2009 5:04:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
palin...@his.com writes:
For  those who don't like the black color, how about polished  aluminum
instead?  Here's mine, as shown on my Velo Orange  Randonneur:

**Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499. 

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[RBW] Re: Old Tour de France Photos - a set on Flickr

2009-02-07 Thread David Estes
I wish multi-stage races had to only use one bike for the entire race.  If
it broke, sorry Lance, race over.  That and/or everybody had the same bike.
Biachi could sponsor the Giro, and everyone would have to ride the same bike
for example.

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Seth Vidal  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Eric Norris  wrote:
> > Found these photos hanging on the wall at a bakery in Ukiah.  The Tour de
> > France riders in the early days were *very* Riv-ish ... they would have
> > looked totally at home riding a Quickbeam, since they all rode fixed
> gears
> > until the 1930s!
> > http://www.flickr.com/photos/35176...@n03/sets/72157613453676185/
> >
> Well, they sort of rode fixed gears. When you change out the bike to
> change gear sizes, that's like having a truck-sized derailer :).
> Jan Heine has a good story about this in vbq from a little while ago, now.
> -sv
> >

Redlands, CA

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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread David Faller
I have to wonder why, if you love your Ram the most, you need to replace it.  
Is it broken?  Irreparable?  It sounds almost like you're up against a wall.
  - Original Message - 
  From: bpus...@aol.com 
  To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 6:05 PM
  Subject: [RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

I'm sorry, but we've had a power outage here in Kentucky for a one to two 
weeks (ice storm). Maybe this has been discussed before but has anyone else 
noticed that more and more Velo Orange bikes are  appearing on this site? I own 
a Rambouillet, Quickbeam, and Hilsen and, while I love all three, I love them 
in the order I listed them (although I am torn which I love more - the 
Rambouillet or the Quickbeam). The Rambouillet is my "go fast bike" and I'm 
thinking of replacing it and having to seriously look at the Velo Orange bikes 
since the Rambouillet is asleep for awhile or possibly forever.
 I know Grant knows more about the business then I do but he's loosing me 
and others more and more to Velo Orange bikes and other stuff.
  Louisville, Ky 

  In a message dated 2/7/2009 5:04:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
palin...@his.com writes:
For those who don't like the black color, how about polished aluminum
instead?  Here's mine, as shown on my Velo Orange Randonneur:

  Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499.


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[RBW] Re: Pumps for Riv frames

2009-02-07 Thread BPustow
No, neither, just worn after back to back 6,000 rough  miles and I want to 
have it repainted and can afford another bike while Joe  Bell takes "forever" 
repaint it.
In a message dated 2/7/2009 9:27:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
dfal...@charter.net writes:

I have to wonder why, if you love your  Ram the most, you need to replace it. 
 Is it broken?   Irreparable?  It sounds almost like you're up against a  

**Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499. 

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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread periwinklekog

When I first got my job at Citybikes in 1995, I needed to replace a
cheap floor pump I'd scored at a yard sale. The first purchase I made
on my shop discount was a Zefal "Husky" pump. I still have that pump
and use it regularly. Even though it's heavier than most, I take it
along for neutral support at bike events, too. It's just about the
most durable pump I've ever used, and thankfully I can still get parts
for it.

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[RBW] Re: Bleriot sighting in March Bicycling

2009-02-07 Thread Lynne Fitz

you mean the articles on killer abs?

Lynne "somehow, we are getting it for free again" F

On Feb 7, 5:34 pm, David Estes  wrote:
> Page 78, in full "Rived out" kit.  Just a pic in an unrelated article, but
> cool seeing it!
> Flipping through the mag, it looked they had at least three actual articles
> that focused on something other than lateral stiffness and vertical
> compliance.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
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[RBW] Re: Bleriot sighting in March Bicycling

2009-02-07 Thread David Estes
Or how to do your first century?

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Lynne Fitz  wrote:

> you mean the articles on killer abs?
> Lynne "somehow, we are getting it for free again" F
> On Feb 7, 5:34 pm, David Estes  wrote:
> > Page 78, in full "Rived out" kit.  Just a pic in an unrelated article,
> but
> > cool seeing it!
> >
> > Flipping through the mag, it looked they had at least three actual
> articles
> > that focused on something other than lateral stiffness and vertical
> > compliance.
> >
> > --
> > Cheers,
> > David
> > Redlands, CA
> >

Redlands, CA

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[RBW] Re: Bleriot sighting in March Bicycling

2009-02-07 Thread Lynne Fitz

Folks seem to obsess on that a lot (the first century).

Style Man did his last column.  I'm sad.  I'll have to read BSNYC more
often for the same effect.

Style Man would not approve of me.  No style.  Today, LS wool jersey,
wind vest, knickers, striped knee socks...

Seriously, I do enjoy the Bike Town articles, when they've done a
giveaway and report back.

Lynne F

On Feb 7, 10:45 pm, David Estes  wrote:
> Or how to do your first century?
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Lynne Fitz  wrote:
> > you mean the articles on killer abs?
> > Lynne "somehow, we are getting it for free again" F
> > On Feb 7, 5:34 pm, David Estes  wrote:
> > > Page 78, in full "Rived out" kit.  Just a pic in an unrelated article,
> > but
> > > cool seeing it!
> > > Flipping through the mag, it looked they had at least three actual
> > articles
> > > that focused on something other than lateral stiffness and vertical
> > > compliance.
> > > --
> > > Cheers,
> > > David
> > > Redlands, CA
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[RBW] Re: Quickbeam tires / Handmade bicycle show

2009-02-07 Thread Mojo

I have used a measured 43mm knobbies on mine with extra clearance.

On Feb 7, 7:47 am, swenindy  wrote:
> I'm wondering what are the largest tires that you can fit on a
> quickbeam.  The schwalbe marathon and big apple look great but I'm not
> sure which (or any) will fit.  What have you tried?  I have an
> inexpensive 29er mountain bike with the 60mm big apples and I love
> it.  I've always like bigger tires and have a set of 38s on the
> quickbeam right now, but given I live in a city with really bad roads
> (Indianapolis) it would be nice to go one size larger.
> That said, I live in Indy and if anyone is going to the handmade
> bicycle show at the end of the month I could give out some info on
> riding, best bars, etc.  (Maybe even set up a happy hour for Riv
> floks??)
> thanks,
> swen
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[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread Mojo

I will second Sarah's recommendation for the Topeak Joe Blow. Fills
tires everytime, no worries, high-mounted gage, head handles schrader/
presta, inexpensive.

On Feb 7, 1:07 pm, Sarah Gibson  wrote:
> back in the day
> the only floor pumps we sold
> at the 1st shop i worked in
> (a pro roadie sorta shop)
> were the two silca models
> when i bought my first shop i did that for a short time
> but bout that time
> silca started whoring out their product
> to the cheap mail order houses
> selling em for about what we pd wholesale
> so out with the silca
> tho i still have a couple
> at home
> one set up for shraeder for the neighborhood kids bikes
> and one for presta for mine
> they are easy to overhaul and the misc bits
> are easy to get when they need replaced
> certainly a lifetime pump
> about a dozen yrs ago i started selling topeak floor pumps
> at acme now
> we only sell the joe blow sport
> great working pump
> economical
> and topeak stands behind their stuf
> no questions ask
> tho in that amount of time
> ive never had one come back with broken bits
> (ok there was the time
> when a pals dog chewed the hose and head off
> his pump...)
> once again a lifetime pump
> as long as topeak is around
> peace
> n rarely make history_ride yr friggin bicycle_
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