[R] How to add specific column to data.set?

2012-04-17 Thread phillip03
I have a data.set with 7 lists, with over 7000 observations in each list. to
of the lists contain country names. 
aus   dnk
fra   aus
usa  aut

My dilemma is that I want to add an extra column/list to my data.set. If the
countries are both european it should be assigned 1 or true AND if one or
both the countries are non-european it should be assigned 0 or false.

Please et me know if you dont understand my dilemma.


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Re: [R] How to add specific column to data.set?

2012-04-17 Thread phillip03
Hi Michael

Sorry it is a data frame where to of the columns are 22 countries arranged
in random. I now want to add and ekstra column that is 1 if the country par
for the specific row is both european countries and 0 if not.


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Re: [R] How to add specific column to data.set?

2012-04-17 Thread phillip03
This is the first and last part of my data frame. There is 3465 (not 7000)
observations so the "1 or 0" column has to be 3465 rows long aswell

 year country1 country2 contig comlangpop1gdp1   
pop2 gdp2 rtadist  avgflow
11992  AUS  AUT  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
7.7825189   194684.078   0 15608.4 1.075999e+02
21992  AUS  BEL  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
10.0450001   231762.094   0 16319.2 4.767162e+02
31992  AUS  CAN  0   1  17.4950008  321708.281 
28.5195980   570291.188   0 15391.1 7.456945e+02
41992  AUS  CHE  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
6.875   249471.422   0 16170.1 4.625214e+02
51992  AUS  DEU  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
80.6240005  2062141.500   0 15935.1 2.047573e+03
3461 2006  NZL  SWE  0   0   4.1253757  103873.211  
9.0457277   384927.281   0 17389.6 1.371846e+02
3462 2006  NZL  USA  0   1   4.1253757  103873.211
298.9880981 13201819.000   0 12765.8 3.273475e+03
3463 2006  PRT  SWE  0   0  10.5896521  192571.922  
9.0457277   384927.281   1  2821.6 6.624816e+02
3464 2006  PRT  USA  0   0  10.5896521  192571.922
298.9880981 13201819.000   0  7004.5 2.381285e+03
3465 2006  SWE  USA  0   0   9.0457277  384927.281
298.9880981 13201819.000   0  7440.5 9.35e+03

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Re: [R] How to add specific column to data.set?

2012-04-17 Thread phillip03
Wow it works :) Thank you SO much!!
I am very new at R and was thinking if you would explain what these to codes


# I know this i a vector with both my county lists but what does
stringsAsFacors= FALSE do ?. What if I wantede a row with 1=TRUE and 0=FALSE


cbind(countries,EMU=Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries, 
+ function(x) x %in% euro)))

# here I columnbind my new defined vector and produce a new one ? What does
the Reduce and lapply do ?

I am also not quite sure of the dput() you wrote michael sorry. I understand
if you dont have the time to help further :)


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Re: [R] How to add specific column to data.set?

2012-04-18 Thread phillip03
So the lapply function checks every country pair row for row (in my country1
and country2 column) and send back a true if both countries are EU?

How do I get a 1 instead of true and 2 instead of false?

You have been a BIG help.

I have a WHOLE assignment to get done, so maybe I'll post some more
questions :) 

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[R] Assignment problems

2012-04-22 Thread phillip03
The text below is a part of, some work I have to do, which is due in 2 days
and I am strung up with a lot of other stuff, so I was hoping someone would
take 5 mins and help me ??

Here is a part of my data.frame:

 year country1 country2 contig comlangpop1gdp1   
pop2 gdp2 rtadist  avgflow
11992  AUS  AUT  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
7.7825189   194684.078   0 15608.4 1.075999e+02
21992  AUS  BEL  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
10.0450001   231762.094   0 16319.2 4.767162e+02
31992  AUS  CAN  0   1  17.4950008  321708.281 
28.5195980   570291.188   0 15391.1 7.456945e+02
41992  AUS  CHE  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
6.875   249471.422   0 16170.1 4.625214e+02
51992  AUS  DEU  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
80.6240005  2062141.500   0 15935.1 2.047573e+03
61992  AUS  DNK  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
5.171   150195.484   0 15725.5 1.453406e+02
71992  AUS  ESP  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
39.0677490   612585.250   0 17072.9 2.106880e+02
81992  AUS  FIN  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
5.0419998   109859.438   0 14849.5 2.025125e+02
91992  AUS  FRA  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
57.2422981  1371706.000   0 16513.0 1.070802e+03
10   1992  AUS  GBR  0   1  17.4950008  321708.281 
57.9023476  1071537.375   0 16602.3 2.279130e+03
11   1992  AUS  GRC  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
10.369   102022.352   0 14845.6 4.164985e+01
12   1992  AUS  IRL  0   1  17.4950008  321708.281  
3.549099954272.410   0 16895.0 1.076323e+02
13   1992  AUS  ISL  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
0.2611000 6976.168   0 16443.6 2.190602e+01
14   1992  AUS  ITA  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
56.7976494  1265800.125   0 15855.4 9.683720e+02
15   1992  AUS  JPN  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281
124.2289963  3766884.000   0  7827.1 1.026065e+04
16   1992  AUS  NLD  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281 
15.1780005   348224.562   0 16227.5 6.510009e+02
17   1992  AUS  NOR  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
4.2863998   127170.328   0 15646.2 9.357240e+01
18   1992  AUS  NZL  0   1  17.4950008  321708.281  
3.531699940706.199   1  2736.4 2.267670e+03
19   1992  AUS  PRT  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
9.9630003   102890.258   0 17625.3 2.611476e+02
20   1992  AUS  SWE  0   0  17.4950008  321708.281  
8.6680002   264822.875   0 15385.4 4.653388e+02

there is 3400 observations.

3.1.1. Construct a dummy variable, EMU, that in any given year takes the
value 1 if both countries are members of the EMU and 0 otherwise. How big a
proportion of the observations are among EMU member countries?

This problem is solved with:
 data1<-cbind(data,EMU=Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries, function(x) x %in%


3.1.2. Are the member and non-member country-pairs alike? 

What I need here is:
I want to find the mean of avgflow, but only for the data where 2 countries
are in the euro vector/if EMU=TRUE ?
I have tried with:

> NEWavgflow<-rep(0,nrow(avgflowONLY))

> for (i in 1:nrow(avgflowONLY)){if
> (EMU==1){NEWavgflow[i]<-mean(avgflow[i])}}

BUT it gives me: 
Warning messages:
1: In if (EMU == 1) { ... :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
etc. ???

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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-22 Thread phillip03
I have tried ifelse:

> trade<-data.frame(avgflow,EMU,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

> avgflowEURO<-rep(0,nrow(trade))

> trade1<-(for (i in
> 1:nrow(trade)){ifelse(EMU[i]==1,avgflowEURO[i]<-avgflow[i],NA)}) 

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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-22 Thread phillip03
Does mean(avgflow[EMU]) sum the avgflows for all countrypairs where
EMU[i]==TRUE and take the mean ? Practical question: is mean(avgflow[EMU]) =
mean(avgflow[EMU==TRUE]) ??? 

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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-22 Thread phillip03
Thank you Rui

Can you help me with my ifelse problem - I would like to add a list to my
data.frame where avgflow in those rows where ONLY my country pair both are
in euro

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[R] OLS Estimating

2012-04-23 Thread phillip03

I am looking for a efficient way to estimate all parameters in your
data.frame set using a specific function:

for example 
ln(T)=b_0 + b_1*ln(Y_i*Y_j) + b_2*ln()+ ... + etc.


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Re: [R] OLS Estimating

2012-04-23 Thread phillip03
So how would I use the lm() to estimate b_0 and b_1 for example

My Y_i and Y_j are data observations how does the lm() use my data.frame ?

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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-23 Thread phillip03

Thank you so much ! I know I have a lot to learn : / sorry for that. 

If I want to make a new data.frame where it is the NONEURO avgflows. how do
I do that ?


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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-23 Thread phillip03
Thank you!

Do you know why ifelse() sometimes returns "NULL" ?

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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-23 Thread phillip03

> EMU1993<-(for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
+   ifelse(year==1992,sum(avgflowEMU),0)
+   }) 


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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-24 Thread phillip03
Thank you David!
That was EXACTLY what I needed. I have one last question: 

I want to create a mix of EMU and nonEMU country pairs. I have tried with:

EMUmix1<-Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries,function(x,y){country1 %in% euro &
country2 %in%   noneuro})) 
# Where euro are the EMU countries and noneuro are (obviously) the nonEMU
 EMUmix2<-Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries,function(x,y) {country1 %in% noneuro
& country2 %in%   euro})) 

 EMUmix3<-Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries,function(x,y) {country1 %in% euro2 &
country2 %in%   noneuro})) 

# euro2 are also the EMUcountries, BUT in 2001 Greece became a EMU member.
So in the interval (1999:2000)  
all euro countries are reprsentated  and from 2001- all euro+GREECE=euro2
are representated. 

 EMUmix4<-Reduce(`&`, lapply(countries,function(x,y) {country1 %in% noneuro
& country2 %in%   euro2})) 


 EMUmixnonGRC<-ifelse(year %in% (1999:2000),EMUmix1|EMUmix2,0)

 EMUmixGRC<-ifelse(year >= 2001,EMUmix3|EMUmix4,0)

 EMUmix<- EMUmixnonGRC|EMUmixGRC

 data2<- cbind(data1,EMUmixnonGRC,EMUmixGRC)

# This dosent QUITE work. I get 0 in (1992:1998) and from 2001- there is
neither a problem, BUT in (1999:2000) there is a problem:
every country pair where Greece (nonEMU at the time) in either country1 list
or country 2 is paired with an EMU country I recieve a 0, where I of course
seek a 1, hence i am looking for EMUmix

Anyone ? 

ps. thanks to everyone for helping me so far: michael, David, Berend, Rui
etc. I know I have a LOT to learn

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Re: [R] Assignment problems

2012-04-25 Thread phillip03
Thanks again!

I would like to construct 14 new 'year' dummy variables. I have 14 years: 
1992:2006 with 231 observations pr. year. The year dummies should assign a 1
if the observation is within the specific year and 0 otherwise. So for
example: 1992dummyvariable=1 if year=0 and so on. 


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