[R] apply weight to a data frame

2016-09-15 Thread laura roncaglia
I am a beginner user of R.

I am writing the master thesis using a data frame from a national survey.
The data frame contains several variables, one of which contains the survey

I need to apply the survey weights to the data frame, in order to use the
data frame with the plm package (I need to run a fixed effect analysis).

I know that I could use packages different from plm, but I am more
interested in weighting the data frame.

Thank you in advance.

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[R] Run a fixed effect regression and a logit regression on a national survey that need to be "weighted"

2016-09-20 Thread laura roncaglia
I am a beginner user of R. I am using a national survey to test what
variables influence the partecipation in complementary pensions (the
partecipation in complementary pension is voluntary in my country).

Since the dependent variable is a dummy (1 if the person partecipate and 0
otherwise) I want to run a logit or probit regression; moreover I want to
run a fixed effect regression since I subset the survey in order to have
only the individuals interviewed more than one time.

The data frame is composed by several social and economical variables and
it also contain a variable "weight" which is the survey weight (they are
weighting coefficients to adjust the results of the sample to the national

 family pers sex income pension1 101   F  1   12
201   F  2   13 202   M  4   04 30
1   M  25000   05 302   F  5   06 401   M
6   1

pers is the component of the family and pension takes 1 if the person
partecipate to complementary pension (it is a semplification of the
original survey, which contains more variables and observation (aroun 22k

I know how to use the plm and glm functions for a fixed effect or logit
regressoin; in this case I don't know what to do since I need to take
account of the survey weights.

I used the svydesing function to "weight" the data frame:

df1 <- svydesign(ids=~1, data=df, weights=~dfweight)

I used ids=~1 because there isn't a "cluster" variable in the survey (I
know that the towns are ramdomly selected and then individuals are ramdomly
selected, but there isn't a variable that indicate the stratification).

At this point I am lost: I don't know if it is right to use the survey
package and then what function use to run the regression, or there is a way
to use the plm or glm functions taking account of the weights.

I tried so hard to search a solution on the website but if you could give
me an answer I'd be glad.

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Re: [R] Run a fixed effect regression and a logit regression on a national survey that need to be "weighted"

2016-09-20 Thread laura roncaglia
Thank you for the answer but I had already tried that way; when I introduce
weights in the glm appears the error:

Warning: non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!

I tried to run the glm regression using the family quasibinomial:

eq <- glm(pip ~ men + age_pr + age_c + I(age_pr^2) + I(age_c^2),
weights = dfweights, data = df, family = quasibinomial(link =

Do you think it could be a right solution?

2016-09-20 18:23 GMT+02:00 Adams, Jean :

> If you want your records to be weighted by the survey weights during the
> analysis, then use the weights= argument of the glm() function.
> Jean
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:04 AM, laura roncaglia <
> roncaglia.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am a beginner user of R. I am using a national survey to test what
>> variables influence the partecipation in complementary pensions (the
>> partecipation in complementary pension is voluntary in my country).
>> Since the dependent variable is a dummy (1 if the person partecipate and 0
>> otherwise) I want to run a logit or probit regression; moreover I want to
>> run a fixed effect regression since I subset the survey in order to have
>> only the individuals interviewed more than one time.
>> The data frame is composed by several social and economical variables and
>> it also contain a variable "weight" which is the survey weight (they are
>> weighting coefficients to adjust the results of the sample to the national
>> data).
>>  family pers sex income pension1 101   F  1   12
>> 201   F  2   13 202   M  4   04 30
>> 1   M  25000   05 302   F  5   06 401   M
>> 6   1
>> pers is the component of the family and pension takes 1 if the person
>> partecipate to complementary pension (it is a semplification of the
>> original survey, which contains more variables and observation (aroun 22k
>> observations)).
>> I know how to use the plm and glm functions for a fixed effect or logit
>> regressoin; in this case I don't know what to do since I need to take
>> account of the survey weights.
>> I used the svydesing function to "weight" the data frame:
>> df1 <- svydesign(ids=~1, data=df, weights=~dfweight)
>> I used ids=~1 because there isn't a "cluster" variable in the survey (I
>> know that the towns are ramdomly selected and then individuals are
>> ramdomly
>> selected, but there isn't a variable that indicate the stratification).
>> At this point I am lost: I don't know if it is right to use the survey
>> package and then what function use to run the regression, or there is a
>> way
>> to use the plm or glm functions taking account of the weights.
>> I tried so hard to search a solution on the website but if you could give
>> me an answer I'd be glad.
>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> __
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[R] Manage unbalanced panel with plm

2016-11-03 Thread laura roncaglia
Dear all,

I am using an unbalanced panel dataframe to run my analysis. The df is
based on a national survey and I know the reason why the df is unbalanced.

I tried to understand if plm package corrects for unbalanced panel, so that
I can use the plm package without problem.

I create a plm.data using the following code:

dd.p <- plm.data("id", "year")

and then run fixed effect regression, like this one:

fe1 <- plm(pens ~ woman + age + sqage + high + medium, model="within",
effect="individual", data=dd.p)

So is my approach correct? Does the plm actually correct for unbalanced

Instead if I need to balance the panel I'd use this code:

dd <- dd %>%
group_by(id) %>%

(the df is from 2010 to 2013, filtering only id present more than 2 times
would mean that I take only people present three times)

Thanks in advance

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