[R] Repeated Measures ANOVA and Missing Values in the data set

2015-06-18 Thread gianni lavaredo
I am doing Repeated Measures ANOVA with missing values. When i run my model
i get this error message.

*aov.out = aov(values ~ time + Error(subject/time), data=mydata2)Warning
message:In aov(values ~ time + Error(subject/time), data = mydata2) :
Error() model is singular*

The missing Values are not a error of my instrument. They mean the element
of my analysis is absent and i want to consider this.

thanks in advance

these are my data:

subject <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
time1 <- c(5040,3637,6384,5309,5420,3549,NA,5140,3890,3910)
time2 <- c(5067, 3668, NA, 6489, NA, 3922, 3408, 6613, 4063, 3937)
time3 <- c( 3278, 3814, 8745, 4760, 4911, 5716, 5547, 5844, 4914, 4390)
time4 <- c(   0, 2971,0, 2776, 2128, 1208, 2935, 2739, 3054, 3363)
time5 <- c(4161, 3483, 6728, 5008, 5562, 4380, 4006, 7536, 3805, 3923)
time6 <- c( 3604, 3411, 2523, 3264, 3578, 2941, 2939,   NA, 3612, 3604)
mydata <- data.frame(time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6)
mydata2 = stack(mydata)
subject  = factor(rep(subject,6))
mydata2[3] = subject
colnames(mydata2) = c("values", "time", "subject")
aov.out = aov(values ~ time + Error(subject/time), data=mydata2)

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[R] Repeated Measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni post hoc test different results of significantly

2015-06-23 Thread gianni lavaredo
Hi All and thanks for Help

I am doing an Repeated Measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni post hoc test for
my data using R project. The ANOVA gives a significantly difference between
the data but not the  Bonferroni post hoc test.

> anova(aov2)
numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1  1366 110.51125  <.0001
time5  1366   9.84684  <.0001


> pairwise.t.test(x=table.metric2$value, g=table.metric2$time,

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD

data:  table.metric2$value and table.metric2$time

Su1 Su2 Su3 Su4 Su5
Su2 1   -   -   -   -
Su3 1   1   -   -   -
Su4 1   1   1   -   -
Su5 1   1   1   1   -
Su6 1   1   1   1   1

P value adjustment method: bonferroni

These are my data with the code used

plot <- c(rep(1:275))

Su1 <- c(13.5584,0.,2.0710,0.4826,1.2761,1.6690,3.5188,







14.4097,6.9635,7.0637,0.1064,9.9095, 11.8432, 10.0234,0.,
0.0491,5.0472,5.3094,5.1657, 14.3944,7.6244,0.0034,1.4953,

Su2 <- c(10.4361,0.,2.3346,0.5769,1.3392,1.5908,3.5759,







10.2016, 11.3384,9.8938,0.,
0.0749,5.0774,7.2876,5.2040, 14.7609,7.7862,0.0005,1.4099,

Su3 <-

[R] the right reference for the R Stats package for a scientific journal

2012-10-29 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Members list,

I am writing a paper for a research where i used "the R Stats package". No
one knows the right reference for this package?

Thanks in Advance

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[R] total number of citations for R project

2012-11-07 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Member list,

is there a weblink or a paper where the total number of citations for R
project is report?

Thanks in advance

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[R] function to calculate a SMAPE (Symmetric mean absolute percentage error) to avoid the possibility of an inflation caused by zero values in the series

2012-05-31 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Reseacher,

i find this modified version of SMAPE at pag 13 formula "msSMAPE" to  to
avoid the possibility of an inflation caused by zero values in the series
using a Si component in the denominator of the symmetric MAPE


I wrote a function but I wish eventually correct error, change or improve
with your suggestions. Please feel free to add comments or remarks because
I am not a mathematicians and probably
i wrong to write this function

Thanks in advance

SMAPEper <- function(x,y){mean((200*(abs(x-y)))/(x+y))}
obs <- c(10,20,0,40)
pred <-c(5,6,0,8)


msSMAPE <- function(obs,pred){
M <- numeric(length(obs))

for (i in 2:length(obs)) {
 n <- i-1
 M[i] <- mean(obs[1:n])
sum1 <- (abs(obs[1]-pred[1]))/(0.5*(abs(pred[1])+abs(obs[1])))

for (i in 2:length(obs)) {
n <- i-1
 sum2 <- 0
 for (k in 1:n) {sum2 <- sum2+abs(obs[k]-M[k])}
 S <- sum2/n
 sum1 <-

my.SMAPE <- sum1/length(obs)


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[R] help to find or fix a SMAPE (Symmetric mean absolute percentage error ) with correction to avoid zero value in the series

2012-06-01 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I am looking for a library or a function to calculate SMAPE with same
doneminator to avoid a problem to the presence of 0 values in the series.
I find this variotion of SMAPE called mSMAPE

mSMAPE page 13


yesterday nigth i tried to create a function but without a good result. For
this reason I wish to know if some reserchers develop a solution to avoid
the possibility of an inflation of sMAPE caused by zero values in the series.

Thanks in advance

# this is my mSMAPE function but there is some problem

SMAPEper <- function(x,y){mean((200*(abs(x-y)))/(x+y))}
obs <- c(10,20,30,40)
pred <-c(5,6,7,8)

mSMAPE <- function(obs,pred){
M <- numeric(length(obs))

for (i in 2:length(obs)) {
 n <- i-1
 M[i] <- mean(obs[1:n])
sum1 <- (abs(obs[1]-pred[1]))/(0.5*(abs(pred[1])+abs(obs[1])))

for (i in 2:length(obs)) {
n <- i-1
 sum2 <- 0
 for (k in 1:n) {sum2 <- sum2+abs(obs[k]-M[k])}
 S <- sum2/n
 sum1 <-

my.SMAPE <- sum1/length(obs)


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[R] some help to improve "hist to plot relative frequencies"

2012-06-15 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researches,

sorry for disturb. I wish to improve my figure in R plotting the relative
frequencies of my data set.

a <- c(0,0,0,1,1,2,4,5,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,11)
histogram(a, xlab="myData")

what i wish to do is:

1) invert the order of X and Y (eg: Precent of Total on X-axis and "MyData"
on X-axis)
2) plot not the bar of histogram but a line (i tried with
"lines(density(a))" but the result is not what i wish)

Great Thanks for any helps

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[R] special simbol (±) in a legend

2012-06-25 Thread gianni lavaredo
dear reserachers,

I am looking for a expression about a special symbol (±) in a Legend and
add on front of "Mean ± SD" the symbol of bracket

sorry if the example is not great

disptest <- matrix(rnorm(10),nrow=10)
disptest.means<- rowMeans(disptest)
),(disptest.means-disptest ),intervals=FALSE,arrow.cap=0.001,arrow.gap=0)

legend=c("Mean","Mean +/- SD"),

thanks for all suggestions

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[R] error to convert a Compute A^-1 B from Matlab to R using solve(A, B)

2012-07-02 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I need to convert the following equation in R from Matlab

a = [x y ones(size(x))];
b = [-(x.^2+y.^2)];

ans =


my solution in R is:

a = cbind(x,y,rep(1,length(x)))
b = cbind(-(x^2+y^2))

> head(a)
[1,] 14.45319 5.065726 1
[2,] 14.99478 5.173893 1
[3,] 14.64158 5.616916 1
[4,] 14.61803 6.624069 1
[5,] 14.19997 6.794587 1
[6,] 15.08174 8.224843 1
> head(b)
[1,] -234.5564
[2,] -251.6125
[3,] -245.9255
[4,] -257.5652
[5,] -247.8057
[6,] -295.1068

following MATLAB/ R Reference
the a\b could be converted by solve(a,b) but i get the following error:

> solve(a,b)
Error in solve.default(a, b) : 'b' must be compatible with 'a'

thanks for any help

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[R] Fit circle with R

2012-07-02 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I wrote two function to fit a circle using noisy data.

1- the fitCircle() is derived from MATLAB code of * zhak Bucher* from the
2- the CircleFitByPratt() from MATLAB code of *Nikolai Chernov *from the
based on:
*V. Pratt, "Direct least-squares fitting of algebraic surfaces", Computer
Graphics, Vol. 21, pages 145-152 (1987)*

 I am looking for new methods to compare and improve my analysis because
the error increase with decreasing of points used in the functions.

Thanks for all suggestions

Here the funtions with example

# fitCircle, returns:
# xf,yf = centre of the fitted circle
# Rf = radius of the fitted circle
# Cf = circumference of the fitted circle
# Af = Area of the fitted circle

fitCircle <- function(x,y){
 a = qr.solve(cbind(x,y,rep(1,length(x))),cbind(-(x^2+y^2)))
 xf = -.5*a[1]
 yf = -.5*a[2]
 Rf  =  sqrt((a[1]^2+a[2]^2)/4-a[3])
Cf = 2*pi*Rf
Af = pi*(Rf^2)
m <- cbind(xf,yf,Rf,Cf,Af)

# CircleFitByPratt, returns:
#   [,1] and [,2]  = centre of the fitted circle
# [,3] = radius of fitted cirlce

CircleFitByPratt <- function(x,y){

n <- length(x)
centroid <- cbind(mean(x),mean(y))

Mxx=0; Myy=0; Mxy=0; Mxz=0; Myz=0; Mzz=0;

for(i in 1:n){
Xi <- x[[i]] - centroid[1]
Yi <- y[[i]] - centroid[2]
Zi <- (Xi*Xi) + (Yi*Yi)
Mxy = Mxy + Xi*Yi;
Mxx = Mxx + Xi*Xi;
Myy = Myy + Yi*Yi;
Mxz = Mxz + Xi*Zi;
Myz = Myz + Yi*Zi;
Mzz = Mzz + Zi*Zi;

Mxx = Mxx/n
Myy = Myy/n
Mxy = Mxy/n
Mxz = Mxz/n
Myz = Myz/n
Mzz = Mzz/n

# computing the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial
Mz = Mxx + Myy;
Cov_xy = Mxx*Myy - Mxy*Mxy;
Mxz2 = Mxz*Mxz;
Myz2 = Myz*Myz;

A2 = 4*Cov_xy - 3*Mz*Mz - Mzz;
A1 = Mzz*Mz + 4*Cov_xy*Mz - Mxz2 - Myz2 - Mz*Mz*Mz;
A0 = Mxz2*Myy + Myz2*Mxx - Mzz*Cov_xy - 2*Mxz*Myz*Mxy + Mz*Mz*Cov_xy;
A22 = A2 + A2;

xnew = 0;

# Newton's method starting at x=0
xnew = 0;

for (i in 1:IterMax){
yold = ynew;
ynew = A0 + xnew*(A1 + xnew*(A2 + 4.*xnew*xnew));
if (abs(ynew) > abs(yold)){
print('Newton-Pratt goes wrong direction: |ynew| > |yold|')
xnew = 0;
Dy = A1 + xnew*(A22 + 16*xnew*xnew);
xold = xnew;
xnew = xold - ynew/Dy;
if (abs((xnew-xold)/xnew) < epsilon) {break}
if(iter[[i]] >= IterMax){
print('Newton-Pratt will not converge');
xnew = 0;
if(xnew < 0.){
print('Newton-Pratt negative root:  x=',xnew);

DET = xnew*xnew - xnew*Mz + Cov_xy;
Center = cbind(Mxz*(Myy-xnew)-Myz*Mxy , Myz*(Mxx-xnew)-Mxz*Mxy)/DET/2;

#computing the circle parameters

DET = xnew*xnew - xnew*Mz + Cov_xy;
Center = cbind(Mxz*(Myy-xnew)-Myz*Mxy , Myz*(Mxx-xnew)-Mxz*Mxy)/DET/2;

Par = cbind(Center+centroid , sqrt(Center[2]*Center[2]+Mz+2*xnew));


# Create a Circle of radius=10, centre=5,5
R = 10; x_c = 5; y_c = 5;
thetas = seq(0,pi,(pi/64));
xs = x_c + R*cos(thetas)
ys = y_c + R*sin(thetas)
# Now add some random noise
mult = 0.5;
xs = xs+mult*rnorm(rnorm(xs));
ys = ys+mult*rnorm(rnorm(ys));
# real circle

CPrat <- CircleFitByPratt(xs,ys)

MyC <- fitCircle(xs,ys)

# Select less points

MyC1 <- fitCircle(xs[20:49],ys[20:49])

CPrat1 <- CircleFitByPratt(xs[20:49],ys[20:49])

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[R] Based-Density cluster algorithms, Help where find some algorithms

2012-07-06 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researches,

Did anyone know where to find the following Based-Density cluster
algorithms in R or function implemented?

OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure)
DECLUN (DENsity CLUstering)

Thanks in Advance

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[R] problem to tunning RandomForest, an unexpected result

2011-11-16 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researches,

I am using RF (in regression way) for analize several metrics extract from
image. I am tuning RF setting a loop using different range of mtry, tree
and nodesize using the lower value of MSE-OOB

mtry from 1 to 5
nodesize from1 to 10
tree from 1 to 500

using this paper as refery

Palmer, D. S., O'Boyle, N. M., Glen, R. C., & Mitchell, J. B. O. (2007).
Random Forest Models To Predict Aqueous Solubility. Journal of Chemical
Information and Modeling, 47, 150-158.

my problem is the following using data(airquality) :

the tunning parameters with the lower value is:

> print(result.mtry.df[result.
mtry.df$RMSE == min(result.mtry.df$RMSE),])
*RMSE  = 15.44751
MSE = 238.6257
mtry = 3
nodesize = 5
tree = 35*

the numer of tree is very low, different respect how i can read in several

And the second value lower is a tunning parameters with *tree = 1*

print(head(result.mtry.df[with(result.mtry.df, order(MSE)), ]))
  RMSE  MSE mtry nodesize tree
12035 15.44751 238.625735   35
*18001 15.44861 238.6595471
*7018  16.02354 256.753925   18
20031 16.02536 256.812151   31
11037 16.02862 256.916533   37
11612 16.05162 257.654434  112

i am wondering if i wrong in the setting or there are some aspects i don't
thanks for attention and thanks in advance for suggestions and help


MyOzone <- data.frame(na.omit(airquality))

#all data

# {}

result.mtry <- list()
for(i in 1:length(My.mtry)){
result.nodesize <- list()
for(m in 1:length(My.nodesize)){
result.tree <- list()
for(l in 1:length(My.tree)){
ozone.rf <- randomForest(MyOzone[,-c(1)],MyOzone[,c(1)],
ntree=My.tree[[l]], importance=TRUE)
result.tree[[l]] <-
result.tree.df <- do.call(rbind,result.tree)
result.nodesize[[m]] <- result.tree.df
result.nodesize.df <- do.call(rbind,result.nodesize)
result.mtry[[i]] <- result.nodesize.df

result.mtry.df <- do.call(rbind,result.mtry)
print(result.mtry.df[result.mtry.df$RMSE == min(result.mtry.df$RMSE),])
   RMSE  MSE mtry nodesize tree
12035 15.44751 238.625735   35

head(result.mtry.df[with(result.mtry.df, order(RMSE)), ])
   RMSE  MSE mtry nodesize tree
12035 15.44751 238.625735   35
18001 15.44861 238.6595471
7018  16.02354 256.753925   18
20031 16.02536 256.812151   31
11037 16.02862 256.916533   37
11612 16.05162 257.654434  112

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[R] tuning random forest. An unexpected result

2011-11-17 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researches,

I am using RF (in regression way) for analize several metrics extract from
image. I am tuning RF setting a loop using different range of mtry, tree
and nodesize using the lower value of MSE-OOB

mtry from 1 to 5
nodesize from1 to 10
tree from 1 to 500

using this paper as refery

Palmer, D. S., O'Boyle, N. M., Glen, R. C., & Mitchell, J. B. O. (2007).
Random Forest Models To Predict Aqueous Solubility. Journal of Chemical
Information and Modeling, 47, 150-158.

my problem is the following using data(airquality) :

the tunning parameters with the lower value is:

> print(result.mtry.df[result.mtry.df$RMSE == min(result.mtry.df$RMSE),])
*RMSE  = 15.44751
MSE = 238.6257
mtry = 3
nodesize = 5
tree = 35*

the numer of tree is very low, different respect how i can read in several

And the second value lower is a tunning parameters with *tree = 1*

with(result.mtry.df, order(MSE)), ]))
  RMSE  MSE mtry nodesize tree
12035 15.44751 238.625735   35
*18001 15.44861 238.6595471
*7018  16.02354 256.753925   18
20031 16.02536 256.812151   31
11037 16.02862 256.916533   37
11612 16.05162 257.654434  112

i am wondering if i wrong in the setting or there are some aspects i don't
thanks for attention and thanks in advance for suggestions and help


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[R] help to setting a multiple (linear) regression model with a 5% significance level (threshold) for the inclusion of the model variables.

2011-11-22 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

someone know the right syntax to chose a 5% significance level (threshold)
for the inclusion of the model variables in a  multiple (linear) regression
in backward way?

I set the formula in this way, but I don't know to choose the 5%

lmodelV <-

thanks in advance gianni

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[R] explanation why RandomForest don't require a transformations (e.g. logarithmic) of variables

2011-12-05 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researches,

sorry for the easy and common question. I am trying to justify the idea of
RandomForest don't require a transformations (e.g. logarithmic) of
variables, comparing this non parametrics method with e.g. the linear
regressions. In leteruature to study my phenomena i need to apply a
logarithmic trasformation to describe my model, but i found RF don't
required this approach. Some people could suggest me text or bibliography
to study?

thanks in advance


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Re: [R] explanation why RandomForest don't require a transformations (e.g. logarithmic) of variables

2011-12-05 Thread gianni lavaredo
about the " because they only use the ranks of the variables". Using a
leave-one-out, in each interaction the the predictor variable ranks change
slightly every time RF builds the model, especially for the variables with
low importance. Is It correct to justify this because there are random

Thanks in advance

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Liaw, Andy  wrote:

> Tree based models (such as RF) are invriant to monotonic transformations
> in the predictor (x) variables, because they only use the ranks of the
> variables, not their actual values.  More specifically, they look for
> splits that are at the mid-points of unique values.  Thus the resulting
> trees are basically identical regardless of how you transform the x
> variables.
> Of course, the only, probably minor, differences is, e.g., mid-points can
> be different between the original and transformed data.  While this doesn't
> impact the training data, it can impact the prediction on test data
> (although difference should be slight).
> Transformation of the response variable is quite another thing.  RF needs
> it just as much as others if the situation calls for it.
> Cheers,
> Andy
> > -Original Message-
> > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
> > [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of gianni lavaredo
> > Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 1:41 PM
> > To: r-help@r-project.org
> > Subject: [R] explanation why RandomForest don't require a
> > transformations (e.g. logarithmic) of variables
> >
> > Dear Researches,
> >
> > sorry for the easy and common question. I am trying to
> > justify the idea of
> > RandomForest don't require a transformations (e.g. logarithmic) of
> > variables, comparing this non parametrics method with e.g. the linear
> > regressions. In leteruature to study my phenomena i need to apply a
> > logarithmic trasformation to describe my model, but i found RF don't
> > required this approach. Some people could suggest me text or
> > bibliography
> > to study?
> >
> > thanks in advance
> >
> > Gianni
> >
> >   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
> > __
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[R] help to split a ID column in a data.frame and create a new ID column

2012-03-16 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I have a data.frame with 2 columns like this:

mydf <-

> mydf
  value ID
1 1 Area_1
2 2 Area_2
3 3 Area_3
4 4 Area_4
5 5 Area_5

I need to convert the *ID *in the following version
> mydf
  value ID  newID
1 1 Area_1   AreaSample1
2 2 Area_2   AreaSample2
3 3 Area_3   AreaSample3
4 4 Area_4   AreaSample4
5 5 Area_5   AreaSample5

some people know the right function to split ID and create a new column

Thanks in advance

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[R] plot a BARPLOT with sd deviation bar up and down

2012-03-23 Thread gianni lavaredo
dear Researchers,

i am looking for a function to plot a barplot for each mean value and the
related standard deviation, and i can close my week.  This is an example of
my data set.

really Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions


My.mean <- data.frame(Mean=c(0.4108926,0.3949009,0.4520346,

My.SD <- data.frame(SD = c(0.3225084,0.3756248,0.3708947,

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[R] Different result with "kruskal.test" and post-hoc analysis with Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test implemented in the help page for oneway_test in the coin package that uses multcomp

2012-03-26 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

Sorry for this email but I am not a statistician, and for this I have this
problem to understand. Thanks in Advance for help and suggestions.


I have 21 classes (00, 01, 02, 04, ,020) with different length. I did a
kruskal wall test in R with the following code

kruskal.test(m.class.l, m.class.length.lf)

Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  m.class.l and m.class.length.lf
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 34.2904, df = 20, p-value = 0.02423

the p-value result to be < of 0.05, and i read in different books and forum
that when the medium are significative difference to apply a post-hoc test
to check which classes are different.

i find this code in a R help:


class <- m.class.length.lf
var <- m.class.l
dft <- data.frame(class,var)

NDWD <- oneway_test(var ~ class, data = dft,
ytrafo = function(data) trafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank),
xtrafo = function(data) trafo(data, factor_trafo = function(x)
model.matrix(~x - 1) %*% t(contrMat(table(x), "Tukey"))),
teststat = "max", distribution = approximate(B=1000))

 ### global p-value

[1] 0.074
99 percent confidence interval:
0.05425181 0.09791886

### sites (I = II) != (III = IV) at alpha = 0.01 (page 244)
print(pvalue(NDWD, method = "single-step"))

when I apply the code for my data for see details for each pair
comparison, no class comparision is significative

> prova <- pvalue(NDWD, method = "single-step")
> prova.df <- data.frame(prova)
> prova.df$sing <- Signif(prova.df$V1)
> prova.df
 V1 sing
01 - 00   1.000   ns
010 - 00  1.000   ns
011 - 00  1.000   ns
012 - 00  1.000   ns
013 - 00  1.000   ns
014 - 00  1.000   ns
015 - 00  1.000   ns
016 - 00  1.000   ns
017 - 00  0.996   ns
018 - 00  0.870   ns
019 - 00  1.000   ns
02 - 00   1.000   ns
020 - 00  0.642   ns
03 - 00   1.000   ns
04 - 00   1.000   ns
05 - 00   1.000   ns
06 - 00   1.000   ns
07 - 00   1.000   ns
08 - 00   1.000   ns
09 - 00   1.000   ns
010 - 01  1.000   ns
011 - 01  1.000   ns
012 - 01  1.000   ns
013 - 01  1.000   ns
014 - 01  1.000   ns
015 - 01  1.000   ns
016 - 01  1.000   ns
017 - 01  0.981   ns
018 - 01  0.737   ns
019 - 01  1.000   ns
02 - 01   1.000   ns
020 - 01  0.441   ns
03 - 01   1.000   ns
04 - 01   1.000   ns
05 - 01   1.000   ns
06 - 01   1.000   ns
07 - 01   1.000   ns
08 - 01   1.000   ns
09 - 01   1.000   ns
011 - 010 1.000   ns
012 - 010 1.000   ns
013 - 010 1.000   ns
014 - 010 1.000   ns
015 - 010 1.000   ns
016 - 010 1.000   ns
017 - 010 0.990   ns
018 - 010 0.774   ns
019 - 010 1.000   ns
02 - 010  1.000   ns
020 - 010 0.490   ns
03 - 010  1.000   ns
04 - 010  1.000   ns
05 - 010  1.000   ns
06 - 010  1.000   ns
07 - 010  1.000   ns
08 - 010  1.000   ns
09 - 010  1.000   ns
012 - 011 0.963   ns
013 - 011 1.000   ns
014 - 011 1.000   ns
015 - 011 1.000   ns
016 - 011 0.993   ns
017 - 011 0.673   ns
018 - 011 0.226   ns
019 - 011 0.869   ns
02 - 011  1.000   ns
020 - 011 0.074   ns
03 - 011  1.000   ns
04 - 011  1.000   ns
05 - 011  1.000   ns
06 - 011  1.000   ns
07 - 011  1.000   ns
08 - 011  1.000   ns
09 - 011  1.000   ns
013 - 012 1.000   ns
014 - 012 1.000   ns
015 - 012 1.000   ns
016 - 012 1.000   ns
017 - 012 1.000   ns
018 - 012 1.000   ns
019 - 012 1.000   ns
02 - 012  1.000   ns
020 - 012 1.000   ns
03 - 012  1.000   ns
04 - 012  0.991   ns
05 - 012  1.000   ns
06 - 012  1.000   ns
07 - 012  1.000   ns
08 - 012  0.995   ns
09 - 012  1.000   ns
014 - 013 1.000   ns
015 - 013 1.000   ns
016 - 013 1.000   ns
017 - 013 0.976   ns
018 - 013 0.707   ns
019 - 013 1.000   ns
02 - 013  1.000   ns
020 - 013 0.395   ns
03 - 013  1.000   ns
04 - 013  1.000   ns
05 - 013  1.000   ns
06 - 013  1.000   ns
07 - 013  1.000   ns
08 - 013  1.000   ns
09 - 013  1.000   ns
015 - 014 1.000   ns
016 - 014 1.000   ns
017 - 014 0.995   ns
018 - 014 0.839   ns
019 - 014 1.000   ns
02 - 014  1.000   ns
020 - 014 0.560   ns
03 - 014  1.000   ns
04 - 014  1.000   ns
05 - 014  1.000   ns
06 - 014  1.000   ns
07 - 014  1.000   ns
08 - 014  1.000   ns
09 - 014  1.000   ns
016 - 015 1.000   ns
017 - 015 0.978   ns
018 - 015 0.704   ns
019 - 015 1.000   ns
02 - 015  1.000   ns
020 - 015 0.383   ns
03 - 015  1.000   ns
04 - 015  1.000   ns
05 - 015  1.000   ns
06 - 015  1.000   ns
07 - 015  1.000   ns
08 - 015  1.000   ns
09 - 015  1.000   ns
017 - 016 1.000   ns
018 - 016 1.000   ns
019 - 016 1.000   ns
02 - 016  1.000   ns
020 - 016 0.992   ns
03 - 016  1.000   ns
04 - 016  1.000   ns
05 - 016  1.000   ns
06 - 016  1.000   ns
07 - 016  1.000   ns
08 - 016  1.000   ns
09 - 016  1.000   ns
018 - 017 1.000   ns
019 - 017 1.000   ns
02 - 017  1.000   ns
020 - 017 1.000   ns
03 - 017  0.916   ns
04 - 017  0.785   ns
05 - 017  0.999   ns
06 - 017  0.994   ns
07 - 017  1.000   ns
08 - 017  0.852   ns
09 - 017  0.994   ns
019 - 018 1.000   ns
02 - 018  0.905   ns
020 - 018 1.000 

[R] help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function

2012-01-25 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I have several files as this example: Myfile_MyArea1_sample1.txt

i wish to split in "Myfile", "MyArea1", "sample1", and "txt", becasue i
need to use "sample1" label. I try to use "strsplit" but I am able just to
split as "Myfile_MyArea1_sample1" and "txt" OR "Myfile", "MyArea1",
"sample1.txt" using

strsplit(as.character("Myfile_MyArea1_sample1.txt"), ".", fixed = TRUE)
strsplit(as.character("Myfile_MyArea1_sample1.txt"), "_", fixed = TRUE)

Thanks in advance


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[R] help with Box plot

2012-01-27 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear researchers

I wish to plot a box plot without the mean line (the black line) and the i
wish a full line for the standard deviation

This is an example

mytest <- c(2.1,2.6,2.7,3.2,4.1,4.3,5.2,5.1,4.8,1.8,1.4,2.5,2.7,3.1,2.6,2.8)

really thanks


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[R] Help boxplot to add mean, standard error and/or stadard deviation

2012-01-27 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear researchers

I wish to plot a box plot without the mean line (the black line) and plot
only the mean (red square). Futhermore, is it possible to add standard
error and/or stadard deviation?

This is an example

mytest <- c(2.1,2.6,2.7,3.2,4.1,4.3,5.2,5.1,4.8,1.8,1.4,2.5,2.7,3.1,2.6,2.8)
boxplot(mytest,lty = "solid")
means <- mean(mytest,na.rm=TRUE)
points(means, pch = 22, col = "red")

thanks in advance


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[R] Help to improve bwplot plot (lattice)

2012-01-27 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I wish to plot mean, standard deviation, and standard error and I am using
bwplot(). I have the following problems and sorry if maybe there are simple

1- use color black for standarddevuation line and add horizontal end bar
(as the commun graphic in scientific papers)
2- change the label in x axes (es; A and B, respect 1 and 2)
3- add the standard error around the mean with a shape of a rectangular
(high equal to standard error and length possibile to be visible in a

this is an exmple to explain better

A <- data.frame(class=rep(1,25))
B <- data.frame(class=rep(2,25))
class <- data.frame(rbind(A,B))
mydata <- data.frame(H=runif(50),class)

bwplot(H~class, data=mydata,
horizontal=FALSE, panel=panel.meansdplot,mean.col = "black")

really thanks and good week-end


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[R] plot with ylim with regural interval

2012-01-30 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

sorry for the easy question but Is it possible to plot with an interval of
1 or .5 in a plot using ylim?


x = 0:10;
y = 0:10;


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[R] R citation for the 2012

2012-02-15 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Reasearchers,

I am writing a report and i need (and wish) cite R. somebody know the
citation of R for the 2012? or the more actual?

thanks in advance

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Re: [R] R citation for the 2012

2012-02-15 Thread gianni lavaredo

I don't know the citation inside the report is corret

The Analysis was done using a script written in the statistical computing
environment of R (R Development Core Team, 2011)

is It correct the form "statistical computing environment" ?


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Sarah Goslee wrote:

> Typing
> citation()
> at an R prompt will provide you with complete citation information for
> the version of
> R you are using. Same goes for packages, with citation("pkgname").
> Sarah
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:29 AM, gianni lavaredo
>  wrote:
> > Dear Reasearchers,
> >
> > I am writing a report and i need (and wish) cite R. somebody know the
> > citation of R for the 2012? or the more actual?
> >
> > thanks in advance
> > Gianni
> >
> --
> Sarah Goslee
> http://www.functionaldiversity.org

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[R] count how many row i have in a txt file in a directory

2012-02-26 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I have a large TXT (X,Y,MyValue) file in a directory and I wish to import
row by row the txt in a loop to save only the data they are inside a buffer
(using inside.owin of spatstat) and delete the rest. The first step before
to create a loop row-by-row is to know how many rows there are in the txt
file without load in R to save memory problem.

some people know the specific function?

thanks in advance for all suggestions

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[R] Problem to resolve a step for reading a large TXT and split in several file

2012-05-15 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchs,

It's the first time I am trying to resolve this problem. I have a TXT file
with 1408452 rows. I wish to split file-by-file where each file has
1,000,000 rows with the following procedure:

# split in two file one with 1,000,000 of rows and one with 408,452 of rows

file <- "09G001_72975_7575_25_4025.txt"
fileNames <- strsplit(as.character(file), ".", fixed = TRUE)
fileNames.temp.1 <- unique(as.vector(do.call("rbind", fileNames)[, 1]))

con  <- file(file, open = "r")
# n is the number of row
n <- 100
i <- 0
while (length(readLines(con, n=n)) > 0 ) {
i <- i + 1
pv <- read.table(con,header=F,sep="\t", nrow=n)
write.table(pv, file = paste(fileNames.temp.1,"_",i,".txt",sep = ""),
sep = "\t")

when I use 1,000,000 I have in the directory only
"09G001_72975_7575_25_4025_1.txt" (with 100 of rows) and not
"09G001_72975_7575_25_4025_2.txt"  (with 408,452). I din't understand where
is my bug

Furthermore when i wish for example split in 3 files (where n is 469484 =
1408452/3) i have this message:

*Error in read.table(con, header = F, sep = "\t", nrow = n) :
  no lines available in input*

Thanks for all help and sorry for the disturb

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[R] how disable the Error massage in read.table() " no lines available in input"

2012-05-16 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

I am looking a way to disable the Error massage in read.table() as warn =
TRUE in readLines(), when the lines are empty

Error in read.table(con, header = F, sep = " ", nrow = n) :
  no lines available in input

thanks for all suggestions

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[R] question how to add Standard Deviation as "Whiskers" in a simple plot

2012-05-28 Thread gianni lavaredo
Dear Researchers,

sorry for this simple question. I  have a point plot with mean values and i
wish to plot line with Standard Deviation as "Whiskers". I calculate the
mean+sd and mean-sd, but i can not figure out the way to add the line.

mydata <-




thanks in advance and sorry for any disturb


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Re: [R] question how to add Standard Deviation as "Whiskers" in a simple plot

2012-05-28 Thread gianni lavaredo
The function i am looking is a bars from the mean points of the plot in
boxplot style. I tryed several forum but I have no clear the way to create
these bars.


On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 7:13 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On May 28, 2012, at 9:55 AM, gianni lavaredo wrote:
>  Dear Researchers,
>> sorry for this simple question. I  have a point plot with mean values and
>> i
>> wish to plot line with Standard Deviation as "Whiskers". I calculate the
>> mean+sd and mean-sd, but i can not figure out the way to add the line.
>> mydata <-
>> data.frame(mean=c(0.42,0.41,0.**41,0.43,0.45,0.43,0.43,0.42,0.**
>> 44,0.45,0.45,0.45,0.46,0.43,0.**42,0.37,0.44,0.46,0.46,0.39,0.**40),
>> sdUP=c(0.58,0.56,0.55,0.57,0.**61,0.55,0.57,0.59,0.61,0.60,0.**
>> 57,0.60,0.62,0.57,0.59,0.56,0.**57,0.61,0.61,0.56,0.54),
>> sdDOWN=c(0.26,0.26,0.28,0.29,**0.30,0.30,0.29,0.26,0.28,0.31,**
>> 0.34,0.30,0.31,0.30,0.25,0.19,**0.31,0.31,0.31,0.22,0.25))
>> plot(mydata$mean,
>>   type="o",
>>   ylab="mean",
>>   xlab="class")
>> thanks in advance and sorry for any disturb
> If you tried lines() usin either sdUP or sdDOWN you saw nothing because
> the ylim was set by default using ony hte information in the mean vector.
> Try:
> > plot(mydata$mean,
> +type="o",
> +ylab="mean",
> +xlab="class", ylim=range(c(mydata$sdUP, mydata$sdDOWN)))
> > lines(mydata$sdDOWN, col="blue", lty=3)
> > lines(mydata$sdUP, col="blue", lty=3)
> --
> David.

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