[R] shQuote and cat

2008-07-23 Thread Vadim Organovich
Dear R-users,

It is my understanding that cat(shQuote(a.string)) should print the origintal 
a.string. Is this right?
I am not sure cat() correctly prints strings which are generated by 

> shQuote(shQuote("a"))
[1] "\"\\\"a\\\"\""
> cat(shQuote(shQuote(shQuote("a"))), '\n')
As you can see the latter string has fewer quoting '\' than the former.
cat() of double shQuote works as expected:

> shQuote("a")
[1] "\"a\""
> cat(shQuote(shQuote("a")), '\n')
> version
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Am I missing something?


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[R] operating on arrays of unknown dimensionality

2008-08-08 Thread Vadim Organovich
Dear R-users,

I am looking for a way to assign to slices of arrays where dimensionality of 
the array is not a-priory known.

Specifically, I would like to be able to generalize the following example of 
dimensionality 2 to an arbitrary diminsionality:

In this example we create an array x, a smaller array y and then assign y to a 
slice of x.

> dimnmx <- list(c('a','b'), c('x','y','z')); x <- array(0, dim=sapply(dimnmx, 
> length), dimnames=dimnmx)
> x
  x y z
a 0 0 0
b 0 0 0
> dimnmy <- list(c('a','b'), c('x','z')); y <- array(1, dim=sapply(dimnmy, 
> length), dimnames=dimnmy)
> y
  x z
a 1 1
b 1 1
> x[dimnames(y)[[1]], dimnames(y)[[2]]] <- y
> x
  x y z
a 1 0 1
b 1 0 1

Now suppose I have an arbitrary lists dimnmx and dimnmy which are dimnames of 
respective arrays y and x. How do I assign y to the slice of x sliced out by 

> dimnmx <- list(c('a','b'), c('x','y','z'), c('1','2')); x <- array(0, 
> dim=sapply(dimnmx, length), dimnames=dimnmx)
> dimnmy <- list(c('a','b'), c('x','z'), c('2')); y <- array(1, 
> dim=sapply(dimnmy, length), dimnames=dimnmy)
> something to the effect of do.call('[', list(x, dimnames(y))) <- y


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[R] stopifnot message mutation

2008-08-15 Thread Vadim Organovich
Dear R-users,

Could someone please explain why the message printed by function stopifnot2, 
see below, is different from that of stopifnot itself?

Thank you for your help,

> stopifnot2 <- function(...) stopifnot(...)
> stopifnot(F)
Error: F is not TRUE
> stopifnot2(F)
Error: ..1 is not TRUE

> version
platform   i386-pc-mingw32
arch   i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major  2
minor  6.1
year   2007
month  11
svn rev43537
language   R
version.string R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)

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Re: [R] stopifnot message mutation

2008-08-15 Thread Vadim Organovich
Thank you very much Charles!

I probably should stop passing the dots to subfunctions and rather doctor the 
results of as.list(match.call()), e.g.

mc <- as.list(match.call())
mc[[1]] <- stopifnot

This looks safer.

Thanks again,

From: Charles C. Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 2:27 PM
To: Vadim Organovich
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] stopifnot message mutation

On Fri, 15 Aug 2008, Vadim Organovich wrote:

> Dear R-users,
> Could someone please explain why the message printed by function stopifnot2, 
> see below, is different from that of stopifnot itself?

Refer to the source


Then consider this:

> foo <- function(...) match.call()
> foo2 <- function(...) foo(...)
> foo(a+b)[[2]]
a + b
> foo2(a+b)[[2]]



> Thank you for your help,
> Vadim
>> stopifnot2 <- function(...) stopifnot(...)
>> stopifnot(F)
> Error: F is not TRUE
>> stopifnot2(F)
> Error: ..1 is not TRUE
>> version
>   _
> platform   i386-pc-mingw32
> arch   i386
> os mingw32
> system i386, mingw32
> status
> major  2
> minor  6.1
> year   2007
> month  11
> day26
> svn rev43537
> language   R
> version.string R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)
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Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098
 Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UC San Diego
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[R] writintg wrappers around save()

2008-03-21 Thread Vadim Organovich
Dear R-users,

I am trying to write a wrapper function around save() that will report the file 
which is being saved to.

So I thought that the followintg would do the trick, but it doesn't. I 
understand that 'y' is somehow not visible inside save.verbose, but don't know 
how to fix this.

save.verbose <- function(..., file) {
  cat("save.verbose:", file, "\n")
  save(..., file=file)
> foo <- function(x) { y <- x; save.verbose('y', file='foo.rda') }; foo(1)
save.verbose: foo.rda
Error in save(..., file = file) : object 'y' not found
Any suggestion how to fix this?

Thank you for your time,

P.S. I have a nagging feeling that I've already asked this question but I am 
not able to find any trace of it in the archives. My apologiesif this is so.

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[R] computing on expressions

2008-10-03 Thread Vadim Organovich
Dear R-users,

Suppose I have an expression:

expr = expression(a>0)

and now I want to modify it to expression(a>0 & b>0). The following doesn't 

expr = expression(expr & b>0)

What would be a good way of doing this?


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Re: [R] computing on expressions

2008-10-03 Thread Vadim Organovich

Here is a less verbose variation based on suggestion by Phil Spector:

parse(text=paste(expression(a>0), "& b>0"))

From: Henrique Dallazuanna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 11:08 AM
To: Vadim Organovich
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] computing on expressions

Try this:

parse(text = paste(capture.output(expr[[1]]), " & b > 0"))

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Vadim Organovich
> Dear R-users,
> Suppose I have an expression:
> expr = expression(a>0)
> and now I want to modify it to expression(a>0 & b>0). The following doesn't 
> work:
> expr = expression(expr & b>0)
> What would be a good way of doing this?
> Thanks,
> Vadim
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Henrique Dallazuanna
25° 25' 40" S 49° 16' 22" O

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[R] making array of lists

2008-03-03 Thread Vadim Organovich
Dear R Users,

Given two vectors, say a = seq(2) and b = seq(3), I want to make an 2*3 array, 
where (i,j) element is list(a=a[i], b=b[j]). I tried the outer() function but 
it generates an error message that I don't understand, see below.

What do I do wrong?

The expan.grid function is not good enough since I need a solution that works 
when a and b are not atomic, say a=list(list(x=1, y=2), list(x=2, y=1)).



> a <- seq(2); b <- seq(3)
> outer(a, b, function(a, b) list(a=a, b=b))
Error in dim(robj) <- c(dX, dY) :
  dims [product 6] do not match the length of object [2]

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