Dark mode and other theming options for PSPP

2023-06-17 Thread Mukherjee, Shivam
Greetings everyone!

I have used SPSS for helping my friends with their university statistics work. 
I downloaded PSPP a few hours ago and immediately felt that it could do with 
customisability for (at the minimum) switching to dark mode, if not tracking 
the system's preference.

I suppose the easiest thing to implement would be to produce some changes to 
the GTK specification, or even just make new dark-themed Adwaita icons.

What could I do to achieve this? I'll want to explore the source code some time.


Re: Dark mode and other theming options for PSPP

2023-06-17 Thread Ben Pfaff
How do other GTK+ applications do this? PSPP should do it the same way.

On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 7:21 PM Mukherjee, Shivam 

> Greetings everyone!
> I have used SPSS for helping my friends with their university statistics
> work. I downloaded PSPP a few hours ago and immediately felt that it could
> do with customisability for (at the minimum) switching to dark mode, if not
> tracking the system's preference.
> I suppose the easiest thing to implement would be to produce some changes
> to the GTK specification, or even just make new dark-themed Adwaita icons.
> What could I do to achieve this? I'll want to explore the source code some
> time.
> Regards,
> Vivraan.

Re: Dark mode and other theming options for PSPP

2023-06-17 Thread Mukherjee, Shivam
I'll bridge that knowledge gap right after a good night's nap. I've never 
worked with GTK+ applications before.


From: Ben Pfaff 
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2023 3:30:09 AM
To: Mukherjee, Shivam 
Cc: pspp-users@gnu.org 
Subject: Re: Dark mode and other theming options for PSPP

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content 
is safe.

How do other GTK+ applications do this? PSPP should do it the same way.

On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 7:21 PM Mukherjee, Shivam 
mailto:k2169...@kingston.ac.uk>> wrote:
Greetings everyone!

I have used SPSS for helping my friends with their university statistics work. 
I downloaded PSPP a few hours ago and immediately felt that it could do with 
customisability for (at the minimum) switching to dark mode, if not tracking 
the system's preference.

I suppose the easiest thing to implement would be to produce some changes to 
the GTK specification, or even just make new dark-themed Adwaita icons.

What could I do to achieve this? I'll want to explore the source code some time.


Re: Dark mode and other theming options for PSPP

2023-06-17 Thread John Darrington
psppire should operate quite well in "dark looks" (or any other style).  As 
however, some of the "icons" we use would not really match that style.  An 
would need to create some custom ones.  Or one could just accept that the icons
would look out of place.


On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 07:30:09PM -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> How do other GTK+ applications do this? PSPP should do it the same way.
> On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 7:21 PM Mukherjee, Shivam 
> wrote:
> > Greetings everyone!
> >
> > I have used SPSS for helping my friends with their university statistics
> > work. I downloaded PSPP a few hours ago and immediately felt that it could
> > do with customisability for (at the minimum) switching to dark mode, if not
> > tracking the system's preference.
> >
> > I suppose the easiest thing to implement would be to produce some changes
> > to the GTK specification, or even just make new dark-themed Adwaita icons.
> >
> > What could I do to achieve this? I'll want to explore the source code some
> > time.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Vivraan.
> >