[pfx] Re: [ext] multi smtp servers question

2023-05-05 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users

* Corey Hickman via Postfix-users :
We have 3 smtp servers for sending messages. When mail in one 
server has

delivery issue, how can we setup it to use another more servers for
second/third delivery?

Ralf Hildebrandt via Postfix-users skrev den 2023-05-04 14:41:

You could use smtp_fallback_relay

On 04.05.23 15:15, Benny Pedersen via Postfix-users wrote:
this will work for mx with one ipv4, one ipv6, but fails if mx have 
more ips, think greylistning forever

if the OP only configures one mailserver as smtp_fallback_relay
- which is recommended

delivery delays won't get significantly higher, and they happen only for 
mail that wasn't immediately delivered, which means delay already happened.

switching outgoing IPs between delivery attempts causes delays no matter if 
you use fallback relay or not.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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[pfx] Re: Postfix documentation pitfalls. virtual_alias_maps and main.cf macros

2023-05-05 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users

On 05.05.23 11:52, Sean Gallagher via Postfix-users wrote:
While Wietse has his word processor open, I'd like to share a few of 
my greatest misdirects in my evolving understanding of Postfix.

To quote a like minded individual

I simply want to help others avoid my points of confusion, in the belief I
am not a uniquirely incapable or unintelligent reader.

1) virtual_alias_maps is not only applied to virtual_alias_domains, 
but to _all_ domains that Pf receives mail for. 
http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_CLASS_README.html is very misleading in 
this respect. I really wish I had understood this earlier, it would 
have saved a lot of time.

I had this problem too and I think that explicitly stating something like: 

virtual_alias_maps (if set) expansion is applied to all recipient addresses, 
even if they aren't local, so this way it's possible to redirect mail for 
remote recipients

would help much.

Also, mentioning the main difference between virtual_alias_maps (applied at 
input) and alias_maps (applied at delivery, supporting :include:, pipe and 
file destinations just as owner- prefix) would be nice to have.

Especially since it's advised to move address expansion from aliases to 
virtual_alias_maps when possible to avoid double deliveries for problematic


2) macros in main.cf. There is a comment in the default master.cf 

# specify "smtpd__restrictions=$mua__restrictions"

# here, and specify mua__restrictions in main.cf (where

# "" is "client", "helo", "sender", "relay", or "recipient").

# Instead of specifying complex smtpd__restrictions here,

It took too long to realize that these mua__restrictions are not 
builtin names but macro names, invented as required. This ability to 
create macros in main.cf should be documented. At the start of the 
http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html man page is a section on file 
syntax. That would seem an appropriate place to document this 


Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
Quantum mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of.
Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: Postfix documentation pitfalls. virtual_alias_maps and main.cf macros

2023-05-05 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users:
> On 05.05.23 11:52, Sean Gallagher via Postfix-users wrote:
> >While Wietse has his word processor open, I'd like to share a few of 
> >my greatest misdirects in my evolving understanding of Postfix.
> >
> >To quote a like minded individual
> >
> >I simply want to help others avoid my points of confusion, in the belief I
> >am not a uniquirely incapable or unintelligent reader.
> >
> >1) virtual_alias_maps is not only applied to virtual_alias_domains, 
> >but to _all_ domains that Pf receives mail for. 
> >http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_CLASS_README.html is very misleading in 
> >this respect. I really wish I had understood this earlier, it would 
> >have saved a lot of time.
> I had this problem too and I think that explicitly stating something like: 

The problem is that this information exists in some places but
not all places where aliasling is discussed.

New text for postconf(5):

virtual_alias_maps (default: $virtual_maps)

Optional lookup tables with aliases that apply for all email
deliveries, unlike alias_maps that apply only for local(8)
delivery. [...]

alias_maps (default: see "postconf -d" output)

Optional lookup tables with aliases that apply only for local(8)
delivery, unlike virtual_alias_maps which apply for all email
deliveries. [...]


Virtual aliasing

Note: virtual aliasing (virtual_alias_maps) applies for all
email deliveries, unlike local aliasing (alias_maps) which
applies only to local(8) delivery.

Local alias database

Note: local aliasing (alias_maps) applies only for local(8)
delivery, unlike virtual aliasing (virtual_alias_maps) which
applies for all email deliveries.

Are there any other placs that need to bve updated?

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[pfx] Re: inet_interfaces documentation

2023-05-05 Thread Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users:
> > So I would assume from that setting inet_interfaces to empty has the 
> > same effect as setting it to all (it will listen on all interfaces)?
> No, it does not.  Rather, it leaves zero listener addresses enabled,
> which only works if all "inet" services are disabled or all use explicit
> IP endpoints:
> May 05 03:43:45 amnesiac postfix/postfix-script[2812173]: starting the 
> Postfix mail system
> May 05 03:43:45 amnesiac postfix/master[2812175]: fatal: 
> /etc/postfix/master.cf: line 12: no valid IP address found: smtp
> May 05 03:43:47 amnesiac postfix/postfix-script[2812176]: fatal: mail 
> system startup failed
> This is rarely what you want.  I'd be inclined to require that the
> "inet_interfaces" parameter be non-empty (though it could still be
> effectively empty as a list by setting it to be a mixture of spaces and
> at least one comma).

There is code in Postfix that allows an empty inet_interfaces value.
That supports a valid use case, for example, an MTA that sends email

Rather than tinkering with inet_interfaces semantics, I have
improved the error message a bit:

postfix/master[10639]: fatal: /etc/postfix/master.cf: line 79:
service definition requires valid host name or address, or
non-empty inet_interfaces setting

With master.cf line 79 containing

smtp   inet  n   -   n   -   1   postscreen

The improved error message should be actionable enough.


--- /var/tmp/postfix-3.9-20230504/src/master/master_ent.c   2021-01-08 
20:19:30.0 -0500
+++ src/master/master_ent.c 2023-05-05 13:45:44.747539001 -0400
@@ -367,10 +367,17 @@
serv->listen_fd_count = MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->used;
} else {
-   strcasecmp(saved_interfaces, INET_INTERFACES_ALL) ?
-   own_inet_addr_list() :  /* virtual */
-   wildcard_inet_addr_list();  /* wild-card */
+   if (strcasecmp(saved_interfaces, INET_INTERFACES_ALL) == 0) {
+   MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv) = wildcard_inet_addr_list();
+   /* Errors, and no interface found, are fatal. */
+   } else {
+   MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv) = own_inet_addr_list();
+   /* Errors are fatal, but inet_interfaces can be empty. */
+   if (MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->used == 0)
+   fatal_with_context("service definition requires valid"
+  " host name or address, or non-empty"
+  " %s setting", VAR_INET_INTERFACES);
+   }
serv->listen_fd_count = MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->used;
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[pfx] TLS Library Problem? (SSL_accept error from ...)

2023-05-05 Thread E R via Postfix-users
I have setup Postfix so that internally I offer TLS to systems but do not
require it since I have no control over their configuration.  I did
extensive testing to ensure that the mail gateway supports TLS and accepts
email from another Postfix system where TLS is disabled.  But today I found
a system failing to route email through the Postfix gateway today that has
me baffled.

My best guess based on searching the archives is that there may be a defect
in the remote system that is causing the issue.  I looked at the
documentation and I think the next step would be to configure the
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps option and use a CIDR file for the
mapping.  (i.e. smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps =
cidr:/etc/postfix/smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps).  The contents
of the file would be the IP address of the system and the STARTTLS keyword
if I want to disable TLS for this IP (i.e. 123.456.789.123 STARTTLS).  I
tested this on my test system with good ole telnet and it seems to have the
effect I desired.

Am I missing anything?

[snippet from main.cf]
smtpd_tls_security_level = may

[snippet from log]
May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: connect from
May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: SSL_accept error from
xxx.xxx.xxx[yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]: -1
May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: warning: TLS library problem:
error:0398:digital envelope routines::invalid
May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: warning: TLS library problem:
error:0A0C0103:SSL routines::internal error:ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2684:
May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: lost connection after STARTTLS
from xxx.xxx.xxx[yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]
Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: TLS Library Problem? (SSL_accept error from ...)

2023-05-05 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 06:55:23PM -0500, E R via Postfix-users wrote:

> postfix/smtpd[1234567]: SSL_accept error from xxx.xxx.xxx[yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]: -1
> postfix/smtpd[1234567]: warning: TLS library problem:
>   error:0398:digital envelope routines::invalid 
> digest:crypto/evp/m_sigver.c:343:
> postfix/smtpd[1234567]: warning: TLS library problem:
>   error:0A0C0103:SSL routines::internal error:ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2684:

This problem may be worth further analysis.  It appears that OpenSSL has
chosen a signature algorithm (public key algorithm + digest method, e.g.
RSA with SHA256, ...) at the TLS layer, but failed to initialise a
signature context at the crypto API layer.  This is odd, because the
known TLS layer combinations should map to known crypto layer

Are you on a RedHat system perhaps?  RedHat's latest releases have
turned up crypto policy to "11", and may refuse to, for example, support
RSA with SHA1.  The remote client may have one of the really dated TLS
stacks that doesn't know how to do anything better.

If your system is a RHEL or recent Fedora or similar system, or perhaps
by now other distributions have joined the club, then you'll to find the
relevant crypto policy file and dial it down a bit (on an MTA doing
opportunistic TLS, RSA with SHA1 is better than cleartext).

Similar considerations may apply not only to MTAs but also to validating
DNS resolvers, and perhaps other applications.

The various distributions may publish instructions on recommnded ways to
tune the crypto policy.

If all the above is false lead, then the problem is more mysterious, and
perhaps a PCAP file capturing a failed handshake would be a good next

You should of course also share (https://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#mail)

$ postconf -nf
$ postconf -Mf

without any changes in whitespace, including line breaks.  Attaching
these as text files may be simplest if your mail client won't coƶperate.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org

[pfx] Re: TLS Library Problem? (SSL_accept error from ...)

2023-05-05 Thread Byung-Hee HWANG via Postfix-users
On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 06:55:23PM -0500, E R via Postfix-users wrote:
> I have setup Postfix so that internally I offer TLS to systems but do not
> require it since I have no control over their configuration.  I did
> extensive testing to ensure that the mail gateway supports TLS and accepts
> email from another Postfix system where TLS is disabled.  But today I found
> a system failing to route email through the Postfix gateway today that has
> me baffled.
> My best guess based on searching the archives is that there may be a defect
> in the remote system that is causing the issue.  I looked at the
> documentation and I think the next step would be to configure the
> smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps option and use a CIDR file for the
> mapping.  (i.e. smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps =
> cidr:/etc/postfix/smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps).  The contents
> of the file would be the IP address of the system and the STARTTLS keyword
> if I want to disable TLS for this IP (i.e. 123.456.789.123 STARTTLS).  I
> tested this on my test system with good ole telnet and it seems to have the
> effect I desired.
> Am I missing anything?
> [snippet from main.cf]
> smtpd_tls_security_level = may
> [snippet from log]
> May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: connect from
> xxx.xxx.xxx[yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]
> May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: SSL_accept error from
> xxx.xxx.xxx[yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]: -1
> May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: warning: TLS library problem:
> error:0398:digital envelope routines::invalid
> digest:crypto/evp/m_sigver.c:343:
> May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: warning: TLS library problem:
> error:0A0C0103:SSL routines::internal error:ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2684:
> May 05 16:27:59 zzz postfix/smtpd[1234567]: lost connection after STARTTLS
> from xxx.xxx.xxx[yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]

Because TLS/SSL things are very complex, you have to show us real 
settings all. Like me: (yw-0919: inbound, yw-1204: outbound)
[1] https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/Gnus/-/raw/master/DKIM/smtp-conf.yw-0919
[2] https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/Gnus/-/raw/master/DKIM/smtp-conf.yw-1204

Then we go to check things, IMHO.

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: TLS Library Problem? (SSL_accept error from ...)

2023-05-05 Thread Ken Peng via Postfix-users
> > 
> Because TLS/SSL things are very complex, you have to show us real 
> settings all. Like me: (yw-0919: inbound, yw-1204: outbound)
> [1] https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/Gnus/-/raw/master/DKIM/smtp-conf.yw-0919
> [2] https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/Gnus/-/raw/master/DKIM/smtp-conf.yw-1204

And Postfix TLS support,

Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
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[pfx] Re: TLS Library Problem? (SSL_accept error from ...)

2023-05-05 Thread Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users
On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 08:28:48PM -0400, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users 

> You should of course also share 
> (https://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#mail)
> $ postconf -nf
> $ postconf -Mf
> without any changes in whitespace, including line breaks.  Attaching
> these as text files may be simplest if your mail client won't coƶperate.

And, if applicable, post the content of:


Which on a sample Fedora36 system holds:

CipherString = 
Ciphersuites = 
TLS.MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
TLS.MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
DTLS.MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
DTLS.MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
SignatureAlgorithms = 

alg_section = evp_properties

rh-allow-sha1-signatures = yes

Postfix (at least in a default configuration) is not affected by:


But currently has no controls to override:

# TLS 1.3 ciphersuites (not a priority to fine-tune)
Ciphersuites = ...

# TLS 1.2 signature algorithm negotiation (the RH list is fine)
SignatureAlgorithms = ...

# If this is set to "no", TLS 1.0 key exchange is likely to break.
# In some cases certificate verification may break.
rh-allow-sha1-signatures = yes

I don't even know whether RedHat exposes any mechanisms for applications
to opt-out of crypto policy and use only application-driven OpenSSL
configuration.  This is should perhaps be looked into in the Postfix 3.9

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