Re: [Spam] [was: [PLUG] Tips for property buyer]

2007-12-04 Thread bt44
On Dec 3, 2007 5:50 PM, Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope you have gone through following link before posting.
> Can you please help me in understanding how this e-mail is valid w.r.t.
> 'Mailing List Etiquette' mentioned on the above link?
> Please note:
> 1) Yes I know I am using top-posting.
> 2) Any attempt to spam my mailbox will result in reporting the abuse to
> Gmail Abuse (abuse at gmail dot com)
> 3) Yes I know that I am spamming the list by replying to spam
>on the list.

Added missing point 3.

dhumketu can do better than this... :P

How do the Finns do this? They win the rallies but theres only five
million of them; weve had Keke Rosberg, Mika Hakkinen, now Kimi, its
a big percentage from a small country isnt it?

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Re: [Spam] [was: [PLUG] Tips for property buyer]

2007-12-04 Thread ಓಂ
technically he did not reply to spam...

he created a new thread by modifying the subject, and identifying it
as [Spam] so it could get trapped in appropriate filters wherever they

patience is a virtue best practiced by silence...

now is the time for me to go and seek silence :-)

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Re: [Spam] [was: [PLUG] Tips for property buyer]

2007-12-04 Thread ಓಂ
(without claiming any moral high ground)

I would like to point you to
Verse 2.63 of श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता

Next time around I will be able to give link to what I mean
(hopefully) by that...
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Re: [Spam] [was: [PLUG] Tips for property buyer]

2007-12-04 Thread bt44
Not sure why I find myself replying to this post, but I am going
to do it anyways.

On Dec 4, 2007 3:33 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> technically he did not reply to spam...

Technically he did reply to the spam. Check the Message-ID's,
References bit...

> he created a new thread by modifying the subject, and identifying it
> as [Spam] so it could get trapped in appropriate filters wherever they
> exist!

... which is basically called thread hijacking. Changing the subject
(instead of creating a new message) is /not/ starting a new thread.

> patience is a virtue best practiced by silence...

You bet!

(Kimis) not up for talking to me, which ten per cent of me says,
Grumpy little sod, ninety per cent says, I really dont blame him.

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Re: [Spam] [was: [PLUG] Tips for property buyer]

2007-12-04 Thread ಓಂ
Now making this relevant to Linux and GNU/Linux...

isn't that same thing (somewhat similar) what Richard M. stalman did?

Think of it... little deeply..

He also prepended [Linux] with [GNU/] just like thread hijacker (so
you called him) did...

All flames welcome on this topic...

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Re: [Spam] [was: [PLUG] Tips for property buyer]

2007-12-04 Thread Shantanoo Mahajan

On 04-Dec-07, at 3:16 PM, bt44 wrote:

On Dec 3, 2007 5:50 PM, Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:

I hope you have gone through following link before posting.

Can you please help me in understanding how this e-mail is valid  

'Mailing List Etiquette' mentioned on the above link?

Please note:
1) Yes I know I am using top-posting.
2) Any attempt to spam my mailbox will result in reporting the  
abuse to

Gmail Abuse (abuse at gmail dot com)
3) Yes I know that I am spamming the list by replying to spam
   on the list. 

defines 'to' and 'cc' fields as:

To: Add contacts who you are directly communicating with. There is
nothing wrong with a list of emails, as long as there is no problem
with each recipient being able to see the other contacts.  If
multiple recipients are entered in this field, it should be appropriate
for each contact to email each other.

CC: Known as Carbon Copy or Courtesy Copy. This field is exactly
like the To: field, except it isnt required to be filled.

CC: acts more like a differentiator for contacts who may want a
copy of the email but are not required to participate in the
conversation, i.e. management. It basically says, this email is
directed to you but these people are reading it too.

Those who would appear in the CC: field should have filters applied.
Kindly check the headers for 'to' and 'cc' of the e-mail sent by me.
(No offence intended.)

HTH. :)

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[PLUG] Cheat Sheet / Quick Start Guide

2007-12-04 Thread Devendra Laulkar
Hi all,

One of the idea's that turned up at the PLUG meeting
was creation of a cheat sheet / quick start guide of
about one page in length(A4 size) which can be
included with CD's or distributed to public. (eg. at
the IT expo)

It can contain things like 

1. Link to help sites (eg. tldp, some forums)
2. Generic Commands
3. Applications for common tasks (eg. commonly used
multimedia application) OR FOSS equivalents of popular
proprietary software.
4. Help of distro selection.

If anyone has come across such a cheat list - links /
pointers. Else, we will have to compile this list. Any
help on this would be appreciated too.

-Devendra Laulkar.


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[PLUG] Help needed for participation in CMDA Exhibition

2007-12-04 Thread Devendra Laulkar

As people who attended this month's meeting would
already know, PLUG is participating in IT Expo 2007.
The expo will be held between 20th-23rd of December @
Sakhar Sankul, behind Agricultural College
(Shivajinagar area)
You can find more details at

Typically around 2-3 lac people visit the expo over
four days. This includes people from all walks of life
- students, corporates, government officials, retired

This year, PLUG has got a confirmed stall at the

Typically activities range from explaining what Free &
Open Source software is all about, handling queries
like "But it does not play mp3 songs", actually demo
(we have 2 machines at the expo with different
distro's loaded) that it does indeed play mp3 songs,
booking of cd's/tshirts.

We need help. This includes volunteering to man the
stall at the event, burning cd's, help with content of
flyer's distributed at the event, lending computer's.

For further information, please contact me offlist.

-Devendra Laulkar.


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