Re: [PLUG] Composite extension

2004-12-17 Thread Sagar Gokhale
> Has anyone tried the Composite Extension with the X11 implementation? I
> was trying that out on Suse 9.2 and while I was able to get amazing eyecandy
> straightaway, under Gnome/XFCE, the extension itself brought my system, an
> Athlon XP 2800+, with a GeForce3 GPU to its feet. Has anyone achieved
yes, i've tried it out, and it looks so cool. were you using transset
to get transparency and shadows? it could just be that, because
transset is simply a hacked up demo program.
well, i dont really know what could be the problem, but one thing does
come to mind:
by default, "glx" is disabled when you enable composite, to enable it, add 
Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true".  
to the nvidia device config in xorg.conf... but beware that this is unstable. 
i'm using composite with glx right now, and seems to run fine on my P4
- 1.7Ghz, Nvidia Gforce4MX, gentoo.
hope this helps.


Sagar Gokhale
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Re: [PLUG] Distro query

2004-12-17 Thread Kaustubh Gadkari
Reply inline.

> Chip has Gentoo
Which stage ( 1 or 2 ) does chip carry? 
> What say debian sarge packages not up to fedora 3 or Suse 9.2 .
They are distributing only the 1st dvd. A lot of packages are available ( 6600 
or something close ), but a lot of devel packages are on the 2nd dvd. So if 
you don't compile a lot of stuff, the sarge distribution is good. A word of 
caution though. Sarge has an option of 2.6 or 2.4 kernel. In the 2.6 kernel, 
the sound on i810 does not work. I'm not sure about the 2.4 kernel. Also, 
read the ( long ) thread on debian sarge on the list just a few days ago. 
Otherwise, the installer rocks when compared to the woody installer. I think 
its the new installer from ubuntu linux ( ).
> If one wanted to go a little away from the rpm well trodden path
> where would one go ?
My opinion, slackware.

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Re: [PLUG] Composite extension

2004-12-17 Thread Kaustubh Gadkari
On Friday 17 Dec 2004 4:52 am, Sumeet Madhukar Moghe wrote:
> Has anyone tried the Composite Extension with the X11 implementation?
How did you enable it? This is what I added to xorg.conf :
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enabled"

It says Extensions is not a valid section name.

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[PLUG] (OT) Google suggest

2004-12-17 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
Have you tried google suggest (currently in beta). Many people probably 
have tried it already.

check it out here :
just type in character by character for search and see how it autocompletes 
and shows the no of pages available.

And this is a list of all the services offered by google.
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[PLUG] A good read about gcc

2004-12-17 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

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[PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Warren Brian Noronha
You can sign it here:

To:  Telecom Regulatory Authority of India 

 The Chairman, 
 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) 
 Dear Mr.Chairman, 
 We, the customer of so called "Broadband" services provided by the so called 
"Broadband" Internet Service Providers (ISPs) petition you to take action 
against these ISPs for not providing broadband connections yet marketing 
their services as broadband that is misleading the consumers and bringing 
disrepute to broadband. 
 We would like to bring to your notice that TRAI has defined a broadband 
service as "An always-on data connection that is able to support various 
interactive services, and has the capability of a minimum download speed of 
256 Kbps." When these ISPs provide connections at 40 Kbps how can they claim 
it to be broadband. We want TRAI to take action against such ISPs. We would 
also like to remind TRAI that the broadband sector will not grow if such 
unscruplous service providers are allowed to cheat consumers. 
 We hope TRAI in the interest of consumers and the future of broadband 
services in India takes an efficient and quick action and regularlizes 
broadband services in India. 
The Undersigned 

You can sign it here:

Best Regards,
Warren Brian Noronha.
Norrix (

Best Regards,
Warren Brian Noronha.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [PLUG] Composite extension

2004-12-17 Thread Sagar Gokhale
> How did you enable it? This is what I added to xorg.conf :

this is a gentoo howto, but apart from the package emerge stuff, its
pretty useful.

> Section "Extensions"
> Option "Composite" "Enabled"
> EndSection.
are you sure you have 6.8 (or above)?


Sagar Gokhale
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [PLUG] Distro query

2004-12-17 Thread Sagar Gokhale
> > If one wanted to go a little away from the rpm well trodden path
> > where would one go ?
> My opinion, slackware.
could not resist the temptation... had to say something... :)
in my opinion, apt or portage are simply the best package managers out
there. i dont have much experience with slackware.
if you like to compile a lot of stuff, then portage rules!


Sagar Gokhale
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[PLUG] Broadband @ Rs 500 from Jan 15

2004-12-17 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
Broadband @ Rs 500 from Jan 15.
check this out.
It may take some more time to actually start in Pune. I think they are 
registering people already.

/me rethinks about finalising on new connection :-)
To exercise refusal of freedom is also Freedom!!!
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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Vishal Rao

I've signed it. Can you also mention in (modify) the petition the practice of 
limiting your
downloads to a monthly/annual "quota" in MBs which defeats the purpose of 
broadband anyway? Many
providers limit your download to 200-300 MB per month. That will preclude me 
from downloading ISOs
of Linux distributions and other Free software packages which will amount to a 
few GB per month in
my usage case... (and Im sure other enthusiasts will be frustrated similarly)...


--- Warren Brian Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can sign it here:

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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Vishal Rao
Hi again,

I've signed it and mentioned the quota limit thing in my comments but
I was wondering if you can modify the petition to include it in there.
Another thing is the title says "Regularisation" (yes i know its with
a 'z') and if any TRAI people read it they might mistake it for
"Regulation" :-) Just a thought... but its no big deal.

Great idea for a petition, it should have been done long long long
ago...! Any idea if we can get an indication if/when this actually
reaches TRAI people (and maybe also the bosses at the ISPs)?


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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Warren Brian Noronha
On Saturday 18 Dec 2004 8:44 am, Vishal Rao wrote:
> I've signed it. Can you also mention in (modify) the petition the practice
> of limiting your downloads to a monthly/annual "quota" in MBs which defeats
> the purpose of broadband anyway? Many providers limit your download to
> 200-300 MB per month. That will preclude me from downloading ISOs of Linux
> distributions and other Free software packages which will amount to a few
> GB per month in my usage case... (and Im sure other enthusiasts will be
> frustrated similarly)...

What i can do is i can get one of my lawyer friends to write up a proper 
petition listing down all of these things. or if we can we will modify the 
existing petition.

Best Regards,
Warren Brian Noronha.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
List Information:
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Vikas Garud
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 18 Dec 2004 8:44 am, Vishal Rao wrote:
> ... Can you also mention in (modify) the petition the
> practice of limiting your downloads to a monthly/annual "quota" in
> MBs which defeats the purpose of broadband anyway? Many providers
> limit your download to 200-300 MB per month. That will preclude me
> from downloading ISOs of Linux distributions and other Free software
> packages which will amount to a few GB per month in my usage case...
> (and Im sure other enthusiasts will be frustrated similarly)...


I second the suggestion about modification.  Signing the petition!

Vikas Garud
- -- 

"Flattery is all right -- if you don't inhale."
- -- Adlai Stevenson

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Re: [PLUG] Broadband @ Rs 500 from Jan 15

2004-12-17 Thread Vishal Rao
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 00:55:41 +0530, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
> Broadband @ Rs 500 from Jan 15.


There was an article in the Times of India (Pune edition) this
Saturday Dec 11 titled "BSNL announces broadband"

Some bits from there:

"Initially, it will start with a hi-speed Internet access (with an
upstream speed of 256-640 kbps, and a downstream speed of 2-8

"Customers can start registering for the service immediately at the
BSNL customer service centres at 10 telephone exchanges in the city.
They include Bajirao road, Bhavani Peth, East Street, Airport road
(Yerwada), Maharishi Karve exchange (Nal Stop), Model Colony, Chandra
Bhavan building (Pimpri), Bhosari MIDC, Shivajinagar and Veer Savarkar

"Earlier BSNL was to launch broadband services in Pune, along with
Bangalore and Kolkata, ahead of the rest of the country. However,
after a number of false starts and postponements, it never happened."
(because its implementation partner I-Spatial had financial hiccups)

I can hardly wait for the service to start in Pune and in my exchange
in Hadapsar... But I will remain skeptical (especiall the reporter's
claim of 2 mbps!) until I see a real live working connection of at
least 256 kbps and I will be very *frustrated* and disappointed if
there is a ridiculous quota/limit such as 200-300 MB per month! I
estimate I will need around 4-5 GB per month to be really happy :-)


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Re: [PLUG] Composite extension

2004-12-17 Thread Kaustubh Gadkari

> > Section "Extensions"
> > Option "Composite" "Enabled"
> > EndSection.
> are you sure you have 6.8 (or above)?
No. I have 6.7. 


Footnotes are for things you believe don't really belong in LDP manuals,
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Re: [PLUG] Broadband @ Rs 500 from Jan 15

2004-12-17 Thread Kaustubh Gadkari

> It may take some more time to actually start in Pune. I think they are
> registering people already.
The article makes no mention of Pune at all. They've only mentioned Mumbai, 
Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. So I guess we'll have to 
wait for some time more.

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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Kaustubh Gadkari

> What i can do is i can get one of my lawyer friends to write up a proper
> petition listing down all of these things. or if we can we will modify the
> existing petition.
Can something similar be done for the always-on part? I have an iqara 
connection and they face a link failure every second day! And they give me 
the vaguest answers as to when the link will be restored.

Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Vishal Rao
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 10:17:15 +0530, Kaustubh Gadkari
> Can something similar be done for the always-on part? I have an iqara

Hmmm... I think thats an unrelated issue... level of service... TRAI
and the ISPs already know about "always-on", but there is no mention
about quotas in the broadband policy and ISPs I bet will use this
"loophole" (I call it loophole even though its a policy not some

But, heck, why not? We should re-iterate "always-on" as well. Any
petition should have as many points/issues/arguments clearly listed
out for the officials to read...Kill many birds with one stone...

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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread adityabhelke
Subject: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

You can sign it here:
To:  Telecom Regulatory Authority of India 
Signed it. I urge other Pluggies to sign it too !!
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Re: [PLUG] (OT) Google suggest

2004-12-17 Thread Vishal Rao
On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:49:56 +0530, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
> Have you tried google suggest (currently in beta). Many people probably
> have tried it already.

Yup, tried it. And many people are very amused by the fact that if you
start by typing in 'F' then the top suggestion is drum roll

"Thou shalt not follow the null pointer for at its end madness and chaos lie."
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [PLUG] Petition Regularization of Broadband Services in India

2004-12-17 Thread Warren Brian Noronha
On Saturday 18 Dec 2004 8:55 am, Vishal Rao wrote:
> I've signed it and mentioned the quota limit thing in my comments but
> I was wondering if you can modify the petition to include it in there.
> Another thing is the title says "Regularisation" (yes i know its with
> a 'z') and if any TRAI people read it they might mistake it for
> "Regulation" :-) Just a thought... but its no big deal.
> Great idea for a petition, it should have been done long long long
> ago...! Any idea if we can get an indication if/when this actually
> reaches TRAI people (and maybe also the bosses at the ISPs)?

Lets get a good enough support. Lets get a lot of signiatures first. at least 
a couple thousand. Im getting all my friends to sign it. I guess you should 

Best Regards,
Warren Brian Noronha.
Norrix (
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[PLUG] preparing for RHCE

2004-12-17 Thread sushilkumar deshmukh

I am working as system support engineer & preparing
for RHCE certification appearing for examination in
next week. I have got enough handson on linux machine.
But troubleshooting problem i really didn't get enough
time. i also came to know that there is change in the
pattern of examination, Is there anybody can guide me
where to get the troubleshooting problems & it's
solution. Because it's too late & but i have to do it.
please help me.


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