Re: [PLUG] O Yes really creating waves.......

2004-09-08 Thread G Karunakar
Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
This looks like Mandrake to me
The Indlinux or Indictrans projects are far better than this. They 
have proper Indian language support.(not like the hindi names in Roman 
language as shown in the screenshot of O yes)

Probably, this is just a publicity stunt by HCL
Naah just a stupid joke! ala bakra style! :))
try to download if u want to see for urself
only if the chap who did it turns up we could commend him on how useless
he is to the community!!
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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-08 Thread Kaustubh Gadkari

> Do you have nay such samples? I can't even think what would bomb in TC and 
> what wouldn't. Last I remember, TC didn't support function prototyping and 
> needed K&R style function arguments. Obviously it was very old version of TC 
Jikes! That's old. The most common version of TC ( I guess its 3.0 ) supports all the 
above. I have a few code samples that work in TC but bomb in Linux. I'll check them 
out and send them to you off-list. Will that do?


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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-08 Thread Andy
Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
I have been working on a TC(Turbo C) to GCC migration tutorial for last few 

The first draft of the same is ready and is available at

I would ask everybody out there to give it a read and let me know how I can 
improve it. After it is reasonably good, we can publish it on PLUG website.
Nice work man... But one usual caveat, people should *read* this and
make most of what the author has put down on paper...
BTW, I didn't know jam was from Perforce Inc.
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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-08 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 08 Sep 2004 2:32 pm, Andy wrote:
> Nice work man... But one usual caveat, people should *read* this and
> make most of what the author has put down on paper...

Thanks..:-) And yes borg implants are not yet available.. I am waiting for 
them in fact..:-)

> BTW, I didn't know jam was from Perforce Inc.

Till 5 weeks back, I wasn't even aware that it existed..:-)

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