Thanks for your response. The size of datasets is not an issue, but my
intention is not to bridge to Python. The reason behind the question is that
(and sorry for those who love it) I think Python is an ugly language. It's very
powerful due to its libraries: Yes. But as a language, I find it ugly and not
very expressive. Besides, the fact that indentation has syntax meaning is
really annoying.
I tried Haskell, beautiful. Also Closure and Ruby. Love those. But Smalltalk
caught my attention as I read in different sources that it was actively used in
the financial industry, so I figure out that there were some advanced libraries
out there...Probably they exist and are proprietary or secret haha.
Thanks so much I will keep toying with Pharo, these days have been really fun.
It is really fun to code in Pharo...and easy!!
No need to set up environments, select editors, plugins, or debuggers..it´s all
Have a great Sunday
Juan P. Cruz
From: Jupiter Jones
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2023 3:20 AM
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: [Pharo-users] Re: New to Pharo: Some questions
This may seem a little over simplistic, but the basics of what NumPy and Pandas
offer can be achieved with the standard Smalltalk collection hierarchy. If your
data fits in memory, then Pharo will handle the job. If not, then GemStone may
do the trick.
That said, there’s a bunch of quite specialised stuff in those libraries, some
of which is not trivial to implement. Or you may have gigantic existing
datasets that you want to leverage. So you can always call the python libraries
directly from Smalltalk using the PythonBridge [1]. It’s been a long time since
I’ve used it, so hopefully someone else can let you know if it’s still well
There are a bunch of options for plotting. Maybe start by checking out Roassal
You may even want to check out Glamorous Toolkit [3]. It may change your life ;)
[1] https://objectprofile.github.io/PythonBridge/
[2] http://agilevisualization.com
[3] https://gtoolkit.com
On 15 Jan 2023, at 12:10 pm, Juan Cruz wrote:
I hope everyone is doing well. I am new to Pharo but not to programming. I have
a background in Python, and Javascript mostly. I mostly use Python due to the
data, plotting, and math libraries.
But after toying a little with Pharo, the language I came to appreciate its
beauty of it and how expressive the language is.
I was wondering if there are libraries equivalent to Matplotlib, Pandas, Numpy,
etc. I mostly apply Python to finance -in particular to quantitative finance.
I read somewhere that top investment banks use Smalltalk as their secret
weapon, so I'm sure that there are some users that have some insights to share
on this subject.
Thanks to all and all the best for this 2023.
Juan P. Cruz