[Pharo-users] Pharo won't start on Ubuntu

2021-12-21 Thread hedley . finger
Pharo 9 (amd64)

Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)

I installed Pharo 9 by following the instructions for Xubuntu 20.04 at  
[OpenSuse Builder](https://bityl.co/ABlH "OpenSuse Builder").

Next I checked for a starter script:

`hedster:~$ which pharo`


Then I executed the script …

`hedster:~$ pharo`

… which did not start the Pharo GUI but produced a pile of error messages I 
don’t understand. I’m sorry to inflict this on you because it is rather long. 
See the CLI output below.




`hedley-PC:~$ pharo`

`Module not found.`










`[ :builder | self generateFFICallout: builder spec: functionSpec ] in 
FFICalloutMethodBuilder>>generateMethodFromSpec: in Block: [ :builder | self 
generateFFICallout: builder spec...etc...`

`IRBuilder class>>buildIR:`









`[ self libgit2_init.`

`self recordInitializationSuccess ] in LGitLibrary>>initializeLibGit2 in Block: 
[ self libgit2_init`



`LGitLibrary class>>startUp:`


`[ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ] in WorkingSession>>runStartup: in 
Block: [ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ]`

`[ aBlock value: each ] in [ :each | `

`[ aBlock value: each ]`

`   on: Exception`

`   do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in 
WorkingSession>>runList:do: in Block: [ aBlock value: each ]`


`[ :each | `

`[ aBlock value: each ]`

`   on: Exception`

`   do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in 
WorkingSession>>runList:do: in Block: [ :each | ...`



`Failed to find SDL2 library.`

`SDL2 class(Object)>>error:`

`SDL2 class>>findSDL2`

`SDL2 class>>moduleName`

`SDL2 class>>ffiLibraryName`

`SDL2 class(Object)>>ffiLibrary`

`SDL2 class(Object)>>ffiCall:`

`SDL2 class>>setHint:value:`

`SDL2 class>>initLibrary`

`SDL2 class>>initEverything`


`OSSDL2Driver class(Behavior)>>new`

`OSWindowDriver class>>current`






`UIManager class>>default:`


`[ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ] in WorkingSession>>runStartup: in 
Block: [ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ]`

`[ aBlock value: each ] in [ :each | `

`[ aBlock value: each ]`

`   on: Exception`

`   do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in 
WorkingSession>>runList:do: in Block: [ aBlock value: each ]`


`[ :each | `

`[ aBlock value: each ]`

`   on: Exception`

`   do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in 
WorkingSession>>runList:do: in Block: [ :each | ...`






`[ isImageStarting := self launchSnapshot: save andQuit: quit.`

`wait signal ] in SessionManager>>snapshot:andQuit: in Block: [ isImageStarting 
:= self launchSnapshot: save and...etc...`

`[ self value.`

`Processor terminateActive ] in BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ self 

`Error: Failed to find SDL2 library.`

`SDL2 class(Object)>>error:`

`SDL2 class>>findSDL2`

`SDL2 class>>moduleName`

`SDL2 class>>ffiLibraryName`

`SDL2 class(Object)>>ffiLibrary`

`SDL2 class(Object)>>ffiCall:`

`SDL2 class>>setHint:value:`

`SDL2 class>>initLibrary`

`SDL2 class>>initEverything`


`OSSDL2Driver class(Behavior)>>new`

`OSWindowDriver class>>current`






`UIManager class>>default:`


`[ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ] in WorkingSession>>runStartup: in 
Block: [ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ]`

`[ aBlock value: each ] in [ :each | `

`[ aBlock value: each ]`

`   on: Exception`

`   do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in 

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo won't start on Ubuntu

2021-12-21 Thread hedley . finger
I tried finding all pharo locations:

`hedster:/$ whereis pharo`

`pharo: /usr/bin/pharo /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pharo9.0 /snap/bin/pharo 
/snap/bin/pharo.getimage /snap/bin/pharo.cleanimage32 
/snap/bin/pharo.getimage32 /snap/bin/pharo.cleanimage /snap/bin/pharo.config 
/snap/bin/pharo.ui /snap/bin/pharo.sqlite3`

Hope this helps.



[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo won't start on Ubuntu

2021-12-26 Thread hedley . finger
I installed from the .deb package and now there are no problems starting Pharo 
on Ubuntu 20.04.3.

[Pharo-users] Pharo9: Lessons in "Learn Pharo" are now black and unreadable

2021-12-26 Thread hedley . finger
Ubuntu 20.04.3


I am a noob just getting started with Pharo.

After tuning some System preferences (e.g. switching to Pharo Light theme, 
etc.) the lessons in “Learn Pharo” available from the “Welcome” window are near 
black and unreadable. 

When I click on “Learn Pharo” the initial page is okay (black or blue type on a 
black background) but doing ‘`ProfStef go.`’ messages opens the next lesson 
where all text has such a black background it is unreadable. Doing ‘`ProfStef 
next.`’ or ‘`ProfStef previous.`’ on subsequent pages opens a new page 
similarly illegible.

I’ve searched through all the System prefs but can’t figure out which one 
affects the lesson pages.

Regards, Hedley

[Pharo-users] How do I unsubscribe?

2023-01-17 Thread Hedley Finger
I can't find any info at the Affinity list-server about unsubscribing from
this list. Presumably there is a special address but I can't think what
command to add after pharo-users-???. TIA.

Hedley Finger

[Pharo-users] Re: How do I unsubscribe?

2023-01-17 Thread Hedley Finger
Thanks James. I usually only look at the header details when I suspect the
sender is a scammer. You learn something new every day.


Hedley Finger

On Wed, 18 Jan 2023, 11:14 James Foster,  wrote:

> Hi Hedley,
> If you look at the raw source for the email, it includes the following
> lines in the header:
> Reply-To: Any question about pharo is welcome  >
> Subject: [Pharo-users] How do I unsubscribe?
> List-Id: Any question about pharo is welcome 
> List-Archive: <
> https://lists.pharo.org/archives/list/pharo-users@lists.pharo.org/>
> List-Help: <mailto:pharo-users-requ...@lists.pharo.org?subject=help
> >
> List-Owner: <mailto:pharo-users-ow...@lists.pharo.org
> >
> List-Post: <mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
> >
> List-Subscribe: <mailto:pharo-users-j...@lists.pharo.org
> >
> List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:pharo-users-le...@lists.pharo.org
> >
> So, it appears that pharo-users-le...@lists.pharo.org is correct.
> James
> On Jan 17, 2023, at 2:18 PM, Hedley Finger 
> wrote:
> I can't find any info at the Affinity list-server about unsubscribing from
> this list. Presumably there is a special address but I can't think what
> command to add after pharo-users-???. TIA.
> Hedley Finger
> hedley.fin...@gmail.com