[Pharo-users] Usage of String and FileLocator to reference files in ZipArchive (and probably other places)

2018-11-17 Thread Hans-Martin
Hi, I've stumbled upon a 7.0 incompatibility with regards to how file names
are treated.
In 6.1, I can use Strings and FileLocators interchangeably to create and
read Zip archives. That's because StandardFileStream does the magic behind
the screnes.
In 7.0, StandardFileStream has been deprecated, and "File
openForReadFileNamed:" is used instead. That method does not handle
FileLocators, so code that uses FileLocators to open Zip archives ceased to

What's the preferred solution? It strikes me as illogical that objects which
were made to reference files can't be used to reference files in these
contexts. However, there may be a conscious design decision behind this
change that's just not obvious to me.


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Re: [Pharo-users] Usage of String and FileLocator to reference files in ZipArchive (and probably other places)

2018-11-17 Thread Hans-Martin
Ok here's an example:

ZipArchive isZipArchive: FileLocator temp / 'nonexist.zip'

In 6.1, this brings up the nonexistant file dialog if the file does not
exist, otherwise it returns true or false depending on whether the file is a
zip archive.
In 7.0, you get an error "Instance of FileLocator did not understand
#utf8Encoded" independent of whether the file exists, is a zip archive or
not :-)


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Re: [Pharo-users] About the IoT Hackathon last Friday

2018-11-17 Thread Hans-Martin
Very nice, count me in for the next one :-)


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Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo on Linux

2018-11-19 Thread Hans-Martin
One thing that I've learned to appreciate quickly is the pharo launcher. It
takes care of downloading everything you need (of course, it won't set up a
32-bit environment in a 64-bit Linux for you, that must be done manually).
Used it in Linux and Windows environments with good success, it's really the
simplest way of quickly comparing different without much hassle.


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Re: [Pharo-users] VPS difficulties

2018-11-24 Thread Hans-Martin
By the way, after looking at password hashing algorithms and what the experts
say about them, I've decided to implement an interface to the Argon2 library
(see https://password-hashing.net/argon2-specs.pdf for a whitepaper). The
algorithm is designed to be far more resistant against cracking than md5 or
sha-based algorithms and even bcrypt.

The interface is designed to be very easy to use. In the simplest case
(without tuning the algorithm's parameters) password hashing is performed
like this:
hashedPassword := Argon2 new randomizeSalt: 16; hashPassword:
verifying that a user has given the correct password:
ok := Argon2 new verifyPassword: enteredPassword hash: hashedPassword.

Find the code at https://github.com/hamamo/pharo-argon2. Currently it only
has library names for 32-bit and 64-bit Linux - if someone adds MacOSX and
Windows support I would merge that.
Sorry I don't yet know how to use Metacello or other mechanisms to load it
into an image with a few lines of code.


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Re: [Pharo-users] Usage of String and FileLocator to reference files in ZipArchive (and probably other places)

2018-11-25 Thread Hans-Martin
I found a related problem which indicates that the depreciation of
StandardFileStream in favor of File is incomplete and probably premature:

When a ZipArchive is written, in 7.0 it uses
(File named: aFileName)
writeStreamDo: [...]
In 6.1, it uses
forceNewFileNamed: aFileName
do: [...]
which is a small but significant difference leading to corrupted zip
archives when overwriting existing files. File does not have equivalent
protocol to #forceNewFileNamed... so it is pretty likely that there are more
bugs creeping there. Upon a cursory inspection I see that for example
FLFileStreamStrategy will suffer from the same problem when writing to
existing files.

Is there any documentation on the reasoning of depreciating
StandardFileStream and who is working on this? I'm really new to pharo
development... Submitting "patches" without knowing the original design
rationale seems not very productive.


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Re: [Pharo-users] VPS difficulties

2018-11-22 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner
He's got a 32 bit library that he wants to use, that won't work with a 64 
bit VM.
Of course, recompiling the library for 64 bit is an option, too, but 
probably more complicated.


Am 22. November 2018 9:21:47 vorm. schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe 

Just use 64 bit Pharo 7 on a 64 bit Linux and be done with all this mess.

On 22 Nov 2018, at 01:39, horrido  wrote:

Using zeroconf, I installed 32-bit Pharo under 64-bit Debian. Pharo refused
to run – it threw up a bunch of errors.

Mariano Martinez Peck wrote

Run Pharo 32 bits and install 32 bit libs...

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018, 21:07 Richard Kenneth Eng <



> I'm creating the competition website using Pharo and Teapot. For

encryption, I'm using Pierce Ng's PasswordCrypt, which requires a 32-bit
library. This means I must run 32-bit Pharo.

And this means I must run 32-bit Pharo under 32-bit Linux. Therein lies
the rub...

I would like to host the website at DigitalOcean or Linode or OVH. As far
as I can tell, however, these services do not support 32-bit Linux, only

What can I do?

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Re: [Pharo-users] VPS difficulties

2018-11-22 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner
It can't find the display drivers since the appropriate 32 bit libraries 
are missing. Use the 'ldd' command on the VM binary and on the shared 
libraries in its directory to find out which ones you're missing.


Am 22. November 2018 4:22:19 nachm. schrieb horrido 

I'm running 64-bit Debian in a VirtualBox image on my Mac.

When I install 64-bit Pharo, it works fine. When I install 32-bit Pharo, I
get the error message below. What's the difference??? Why can one find the
display driver and the other can't? This makes no sense.

Earlier, people have been telling me to use './pharo-ui Pharo.image &'. Is
this no longer kosher? What am I doing wrong?

Fred Kaiser Borg wrote

Those errors are not related to a 32 or 64 bits problem. The issue looks
like you've launched pharo-ui which looks for a physical screen that
isn't there. Are you trying to run pharo-ui in a debian VPS ?

You should run 'pharo' and 'pharo-ui', something like this:

$ pharo myApplication.image

Search on google for 'pharo headless', you should find plenty of example.



On 22/11/2018 13:31, horrido wrote:

I ran 32-bit Pharo under 64-bit Debian and got this error:

[1] 8127
richard@debian:~/pharo32$ could not find display driver vm-display-X11;
   - check that
exists, or
   - use the '-plugins

' option to tell me where it is, or

   - remove DISPLAY from your environment.
./pharo-ui: line 11:  8131 Aborted


I thought you could always run 32-bit software in a 64-bit OS, but I
I'm wrong.

Sean P. DeNigris wrote

horrido wrote

it threw up a bunch of errors.

Can you be more specific and did you try Mariano's suggestion about

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[Pharo-users] Mailing list issues

2024-02-29 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner


I already wrote to pharo-users-ow...@lists.pharo.org, but don't know how well that is monitored, at least I did not see 
an effect up to now (it's not been a lot of time, though).

The mailing list is using a badly configured server, and that causes mail to be 

Host "lists.pharo.org" has IP address, and that's the address mails are being sent from. The PTR for that 
IP address is "prod3.harmonylists.io", which is apparently a name given by the provider. However, the domain 
registration for harmonylists.io seems to have expired, and the domain grabber who took it now points the domain to IP 
address Postfix doesn't like that and therefore refuses to accept mail from that IP address.

Please, whoever has a contact to either the pharo list maintainers or the 
mailing list provider, get them to fix this.
