[Pharo-users] GSoC 2019: Extending DataFrame library

2019-05-13 Thread Atharva Khare
Hey Pharo-users!

I am Atharva, a final-year undergraduate studying Computer Engineering in
India. I have been selected in GSoC 2019 for the DataFrame library, and
over the summer, additional functionality to the library will be added. You
can go over the summary of my proposal over at
or you can view the detailed proposal at

I am interested in knowing your feedback over the proposal, specifically on
functionalities that are planned, and the ones that you would like to be
added. Documentation will also be a major part of this project, including
examples - let me know if you have a specific use-case, in which you would
like to see how DataFrames can be used. :)

You can track this project at this link:
https://khare.dev/tags/gsoc-progress/, or see monthly progress here:

Feel free to reach out!

Atharva Khare

Re: [Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-15 Thread Atharva Khare

I think in python, you use Lambda Expressions. Here is how I would do it in
import math
f = lambda x: math.cos(x) + x
d_f = lambda x: (f(x + 1e-8) - f(x)) * 1e8

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 6:33 PM Hilaire  wrote:

> Hi,
> We, Smalltalkers, use bloc of code as easily as we breathe air.
> I am writing an article on Smalltalk programming for a French
> mathematics teachers magazine.
> To illustrate the simplicity of Smalltalk, I would like to compare how
> the bloc of code 'f' and 'df' below will be implemented in Javascript
> and Python:
> f := [ :x | x cos + x ].
> df := [ :x | (f value: x + 1e-8) - (f value: x) * 1e8].
> Here f is a way to implement a function and df its derivate.
> Do some of you knows how it will be written in Javascript and Python
> with their own ad-hoc anonymous function?
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu