[Pharo-users] Re: How to halt on Test errors?

2024-01-08 Thread Davide Varvello via Pharo-users
 No ideas?

On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 03:42:17 PM GMT+1, Davide Varvello via 
Pharo-users  wrote:  
  Hi Noury,
You are right and reading your answer I understand I wasn't crystal clear.
I have a test scenario where sometimes a race condition occurs, so I'm not 
expecting any error. Which is why I'd prefer something built-in Pharo: a sort 
of "haltIfError" or "haltOnError" built-in command.Is there anything like that 
in Pharo?
On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 01:24:59 PM GMT+1, Noury Bouraqadi 
 Hi Davide,
Why not use one of the following:
self should: ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace Error 
with the exception you want to catch"self shouldnt:  ["message that might 
signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace Error with the exception you want to 
On Jan 3 2024, at 4:55 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 
Hi Guys,
Sometimes I'd like to stop my test suite when an error occurs.
My raw approach is to put a self halt in the TestResult>>addError: and look at 
the debugger, but I'm wondering if there is a more suitable way.
Can you help me, please?

[Pharo-users] Re: How to halt on Test errors?

2024-01-08 Thread Guillermo Polito
Hi Davide,

I don’t think something specific to your needs exists, but you can easily build 
your own.
There is already for example `haltIfTest` that will halt if you’re in the 
dynamic extent of a test.

If you’re dealing with concurrency issues, I don’t understand how the 
`haltIfError` is actually helping you.
Just running the test in debug mode is not enough? => it should open a debugger 
when it finds an error, right?


> El 8 ene. 2024, a las 09:54, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 
>  escribió:
> No ideas?
> Cheers
> Davide
> On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 03:42:17 PM GMT+1, Davide Varvello via 
> Pharo-users  wrote:
> Hi Noury,
> You are right and reading your answer I understand I wasn't crystal clear.
> I have a test scenario where sometimes a race condition occurs, so I'm not 
> expecting any error. Which is why I'd prefer something built-in Pharo: a sort 
> of "haltIfError" or "haltOnError" built-in command.
> Is there anything like that in Pharo?
> Davide
> On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 01:24:59 PM GMT+1, Noury Bouraqadi 
>  wrote:
> Hi Davide,
> Why not use one of the following:
> self should: ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace 
> Error with the exception you want to catch"
> self shouldnt:  ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace 
> Error with the exception you want to catch"
> On Jan 3 2024, at 4:55 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 
>  wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Sometimes I'd like to stop my test suite when an error occurs.
> My raw approach is to put a self halt in the TestResult>>addError: and look 
> at the debugger, but I'm wondering if there is a more suitable way.
> Can you help me, please?
> Davide

[Pharo-users] Re: How to halt on Test errors?

2024-01-08 Thread Gabriel Cotelli
You can implement another version of TestResult that halts when an error is
added instead of recording it, and reimplement classForTestResult in the
test cases to return this new class instead.

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 5:54 AM Davide Varvello via Pharo-users <
pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:

> No ideas?
> Cheers
> Davide
> On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 03:42:17 PM GMT+1, Davide Varvello via
> Pharo-users  wrote:
> Hi Noury,
> You are right and reading your answer I understand I wasn't crystal clear.
> I have a test scenario where sometimes a race condition occurs, so I'm not
> expecting any error. Which is why I'd prefer something built-in Pharo: a
> sort of "haltIfError" or "haltOnError" built-in command.
> Is there anything like that in Pharo?
> Davide
> On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 01:24:59 PM GMT+1, Noury Bouraqadi <
> bouraq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Davide,
> Why not use one of the following:
> self should: ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace 
> Error with the exception you want to catch"
> self shouldnt:  ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace 
> Error with the exception you want to catch"
> On Jan 3 2024, at 4:55 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users <
> pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Sometimes I'd like to stop my test suite when an error occurs.
> My raw approach is to put a self halt in the TestResult>>addError: and
> look at the debugger, but I'm wondering if there is a more suitable way.
> Can you help me, please?
> Davide

[Pharo-users] Re: How to halt on Test errors?

2024-01-08 Thread Guillermo Polito

Also you can try extending the current commands to get your “Debug Tests” from 
the class side.
And we accept contributions :)

> El 8 ene. 2024, a las 14:31, Gabriel Cotelli  escribió:
> You can implement another version of TestResult that halts when an error is 
> added instead of recording it, and reimplement classForTestResult in the test 
> cases to return this new class instead.
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 5:54 AM Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 
> mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>> wrote:
> No ideas?
> Cheers
> Davide
> On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 03:42:17 PM GMT+1, Davide Varvello via 
> Pharo-users  > wrote:
> Hi Noury,
> You are right and reading your answer I understand I wasn't crystal clear.
> I have a test scenario where sometimes a race condition occurs, so I'm not 
> expecting any error. Which is why I'd prefer something built-in Pharo: a sort 
> of "haltIfError" or "haltOnError" built-in command.
> Is there anything like that in Pharo?
> Davide
> On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 01:24:59 PM GMT+1, Noury Bouraqadi 
> mailto:bouraq...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Davide,
> Why not use one of the following:
> self should: ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace 
> Error with the exception you want to catch"
> self shouldnt:  ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace 
> Error with the exception you want to catch"
> On Jan 3 2024, at 4:55 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 
> mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Sometimes I'd like to stop my test suite when an error occurs.
> My raw approach is to put a self halt in the TestResult>>addError: and look 
> at the debugger, but I'm wondering if there is a more suitable way.
> Can you help me, please?
> Davide

[Pharo-users] Re: How to halt on Test errors?

2024-01-08 Thread Davide Varvello via Pharo-users
 Hi Gabriel,Your answer leads back to my original question: how can I implement 
the "halt on error"? It is not clear to me.
On Monday, January 8, 2024 at 02:31:33 PM GMT+1, Gabriel Cotelli 
 You can implement another version of TestResult that halts when an error is 
added instead of recording it, and reimplement classForTestResult in the test 
cases to return this new class instead.

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 5:54 AM Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 

 No ideas?

On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 03:42:17 PM GMT+1, Davide Varvello via 
Pharo-users  wrote:  
  Hi Noury,
You are right and reading your answer I understand I wasn't crystal clear.
I have a test scenario where sometimes a race condition occurs, so I'm not 
expecting any error. Which is why I'd prefer something built-in Pharo: a sort 
of "haltIfError" or "haltOnError" built-in command.Is there anything like that 
in Pharo?
On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 01:24:59 PM GMT+1, Noury Bouraqadi 
 Hi Davide,
Why not use one of the following:
self should: ["message that might signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace Error 
with the exception you want to catch"self shouldnt:  ["message that might 
signal an error"] raise: Error "Replace Error with the exception you want to 
On Jan 3 2024, at 4:55 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users 
Hi Guys,
Sometimes I'd like to stop my test suite when an error occurs.
My raw approach is to put a self halt in the TestResult>>addError: and look at 
the debugger, but I'm wondering if there is a more suitable way.
Can you help me, please?


[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Consortium New Bronze Member: ApptiveGrid

2024-01-08 Thread Marcus Denker
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that ApptiveGrid GmbH has joined 
the Consortium as a Bronze Member.


- ApptiveGrid: https://www.apptivegrid.de
- Pharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.org

ApptiveGrid is a SaaS tool to digitalize and automatize business processes.

ApptiveGrid is a visual database that lets you effortlessly create and modify 
your data models through a web frontend, seamlessly integrates with REST API 
for external access, and features a dynamic form creator for easy data 
collection. It's also a powerful workflow system, where you can design and 
automate your processes, responding to both internal changes and external 
triggers through web hooks.

The backend of ApptiveGrid is 100% Pharo: It uses 
[zinc](https://github.com/svenvc/zinc) components for the HTTP frontend and 
[soil](https://github.com/ApptiveGrid/Soil) as the persistence solution.  
The goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to 
support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.

Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association 