[Pharo-users] Pharo VM Release - v9.0.21

2022-12-12 Thread teso...@gmail.com
  I have released a new version of the Pharo VM for Pharo 9, Pharo 10 and
Pharo 11. This VM is accessible right now from Zero-Conf, updating it in
the Pharo Launcher or using the usual downloads (as described in

This version includes a series of bug fixes and upgrades on the third-party


- Implementing High resolution clock for ARM64 (Used during profiling)
- Updating third party libraries for all the graphic layer.
- Fixing a performance regression on the allocation of opcodes and fix-ups.
Cleaning only the ones that are going to be used.
Like this, this version has the same speed than before when
allocating in the stack.
- Correctly handling the encoding of the command line arguments of the VM
- Allocating the opcodes and fixup structs only once and reusing them
(Reducing risk of C Stack Overflow)

Thanks a lot, and any doubt please let me know.

Pablo on behalf of the whole Pharo team.

Pablo Tesone.

[Pharo-users] Re: [Pharo-dev] Pharo VM Release - v9.0.21

2022-12-12 Thread Guillermo Polito
Thanks Pablo!!!

> El 12 dic. 2022, a las 14:30, teso...@gmail.com escribió:
> Hello, 
>   I have released a new version of the Pharo VM for Pharo 9, Pharo 10 and 
> Pharo 11. This VM is accessible right now from Zero-Conf, updating it in the 
> Pharo Launcher or using the usual downloads (as described in 
> pharo.org/download ). 
> This version includes a series of bug fixes and upgrades on the third-party 
> libraries.
> Changelog: 
> - Implementing High resolution clock for ARM64 (Used during profiling)
> - Updating third party libraries for all the graphic layer.
> - Fixing a performance regression on the allocation of opcodes and fix-ups.
> Cleaning only the ones that are going to be used.
> Like this, this version has the same speed than before when 
> allocating in the stack.
> - Correctly handling the encoding of the command line arguments of the VM 
> (Windows)
> - Allocating the opcodes and fixup structs only once and reusing them 
> (Reducing risk of C Stack Overflow)
> Thanks a lot, and any doubt please let me know.
> Cheers, 
> Pablo on behalf of the whole Pharo team.
> -- 
> Pablo Tesone.
> teso...@gmail.com 

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo VM Release - v9.0.21

2022-12-12 Thread Norbert Hartl
Thanks Pablo for the new vm but as well for the update notification. This is 
super valuable.


> Am 12.12.2022 um 14:30 schrieb teso...@gmail.com:
> Hello, 
>   I have released a new version of the Pharo VM for Pharo 9, Pharo 10 and 
> Pharo 11. This VM is accessible right now from Zero-Conf, updating it in the 
> Pharo Launcher or using the usual downloads (as described in 
> pharo.org/download ). 
> This version includes a series of bug fixes and upgrades on the third-party 
> libraries.
> Changelog: 
> - Implementing High resolution clock for ARM64 (Used during profiling)
> - Updating third party libraries for all the graphic layer.
> - Fixing a performance regression on the allocation of opcodes and fix-ups.
> Cleaning only the ones that are going to be used.
> Like this, this version has the same speed than before when 
> allocating in the stack.
> - Correctly handling the encoding of the command line arguments of the VM 
> (Windows)
> - Allocating the opcodes and fixup structs only once and reusing them 
> (Reducing risk of C Stack Overflow)
> Thanks a lot, and any doubt please let me know.
> Cheers, 
> Pablo on behalf of the whole Pharo team.
> -- 
> Pablo Tesone.
> teso...@gmail.com 

[Pharo-users] [ANN] docker-pharo-vm v9.0.21-2022.12.12 [v9.0.21 [2022-12-12]] released!

2022-12-12 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
docker-pharo-vm, docker image for Pharo VM reached it's v9.0.21-2022.12.12 version.
What's Changed

Update VM version to v9.0.21 by @gcotelli in https://github.com/ba-st/docker-pharo-vm/pull/8

Full Changelog: https://github.com/ba-st/docker-pharo-vm/compare/v9.0.17-2022.08.24…v9.0.21-2022.12.12
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] docker-pharo-runtime v10.0.1-2022-12-12 [v10.0.1 [2022-12-12]] released!

2022-12-12 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
docker-pharo-runtime, docker image for Pharo reached it's v10.0.1-2022-12-12 version.
What's Changed

Update vm base image to v9.0.21 by @gcotelli in https://github.com/ba-st/docker-pharo-runtime/pull/8

Full Changelog: https://github.com/ba-st/docker-pharo-runtime/compare/v10.0.1-2022.08.24…v10.0.1-2022-12-12
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] Using ZnResponse>>#redirect: to pass an error message

2022-12-12 Thread vinref

I catch an error like this:

[ self insertNewUser.

  ZnResponse redirect: self request url ] on: TbDbError do: [ :err | | ent |

  ZnResponse redirect: '/error/db_error' ] ].

I would like to pass 

err messageText 

to the page at: ‘/error/db_error’, to display to the user. I prefer not to 
cache it is a session or use a Js hack to do it. Does someone have a strategy 
for passing objects via a ZnResponse instance? I did try

ZnResponse redirect: aUrl entity: anEntity

but the entity is discarded by the time it gets to the page.


[Pharo-users] Re: Using ZnResponse>>#redirect: to pass an error message

2022-12-12 Thread vinref

To answer my own question, I passed the error message as a parameter in the url:

[   self insertNewUser.

ZnResponse redirect: self request url ] on: TbDbError do: [ :err | | 
url |

  url := (ZnUrl fromString: 'error/db_error/')

queryAt: 'msg' put: err messageText;


  ZnResponse redirect: url ]
