[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo CMS

2022-09-01 Thread Marcus Denker
The pharo.org  website is generated statically, see


(you can do PRs to edit / improve it).

This uses https://github.com/estebanlm/Foliage 


> On 28 Aug 2022, at 00:41, Tim Mackinnon  wrote:
> I recall that that Norbert was doing some interesting cms stuff (check old 
> messages, or maybe he will chip in).
> To be honest though, I’d consider using StoryBlok (https://www.storyblok.com/ 
> ) or Prismic and interface with that with zinc 
> Tim
>> On 26 Aug 2022, at 10:20, Siemen Baader  wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I was looking for a Pharo CMS. I got the Pier one-click image from 
>> www.piercms.com , but it seems there is a hardcoded 
>> path in the image. I get the error message:
>> Pharo cannot write to the changes file named 
>> /private/var/folders/ImndBm_rpdOz3Bpyfiqvv0d4dc000Ogn/T/AppTranslocation/24424,42
>>  BEB3 4E. BBC5 CMFBIElgi12/3/35/d/Pier app/Contents/Resources/Pier.changes 
>> (the image is not there but in my ~/Downloads folder).
>> Any ideas how I can fix this?
>> And what does Pharo.org use for its CMS?
>> thanks,
>> Siemen

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there a pragma to disable a critic for a particular method?

2022-09-01 Thread Eric Merritt
Thanks, Sebastian,

  This worked and solved my problem. For future readers, these changes get
added to a Manifest class and make their way into the git
repo and the mages that load the baseline in that repo.

  It would be nice for a visible pragma to live near the code that triggers
the warning that the pragma is suppressing, but having a way to do this is
much better than not having a way.

Thanks again,

On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 12:04 PM Sebastian Jordan Montano <
sebastian.jor...@inria.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> I don't know about any pragma, but you can deactivate the lint rule to
> only one method. You need to click on the "x" that is next to the name of
> the rule and then select the option that you prefer. This will create a
> Manifiesto class that contains the information of which rules to ban on to
> which context.
> Cheers,
> Sebastian Jordan
> --
> *De: *"Eric Merritt" 
> *À: *"pharo-users" 
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 31 Août 2022 15:18:07
> *Objet: *[Pharo-users] Is there a pragma to disable a critic for a
> particular method?
> Hello Everyone,
> While I take the critiques seriously, there are times when I will
> intentionally disregard a specific warning. In these cases, in other
> languages, I have found it useful to indicate that I am disregarding a
> warning by adding a pragma to disable that particular warning. I have been
> looking for similar functionality in Pharo. I found an old (circa 2009)
> reference to  and  pragmas, but those seem to no
> longer work.
> Is there currently a way to disable a specific warning in a method?
> Thank you,
> Eric

[Pharo-users] Sourcecode for the simulation code in bluebook part 3?

2022-09-01 Thread Kasper Osterbye

I am looking for the source code used in bluebook part 3 on simulation.

Does that exist anywhere?

Also, I have been looking for libraries which implement coroutines and 



[Pharo-users] Re: Sourcecode for the simulation code in bluebook part 3?

2022-09-01 Thread Kasper Osterbye

> Also, I have been looking for libraries which implement coroutines and 
> continuations.
Somehow I had missed the Contination library in Pharo.

