[Pharo-users] Re: We haven't had a design debate in a while - thoughts on CD.buy article...

2021-04-17 Thread giorgio ferraris
Hi, Russ,
I feel better after reading your mail :)
That's the way I modeled and still model things in my (long...) developer
life, so I felt a bit strange after reading that discussion



On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 3:45 PM Russ Whaley  wrote:

> Wow, I must be missing a whole lot of context in that discussion...
> (instant reaction as well, lol)
> - a product (CD, book, etc.) does not 'buy' - it can be bought, sure, but
> it has no buying action.  Even in another context a CD does not 'play'...
> aMusicPlayer.play(aCD).
> - However, a customer can 'buy' a product...
>- customer.buy(aCD) -or-
>- customer.addToCart(aCD)
>- customer.checkOut(aCart)
>- Invoice.new(aCart), etc.
> - ... but the CD doesn't DO anything.
> - I get the idea that different products might have different behaviour
> when they are 'bought' - but these are, in this example, fulfillment - not
> the 'buy' action...
>- aCDstream might be set for download
>- aCDphysical might be set to physically pull off a shelf and ship
>- aCDcare might send an email on warranty, whatever... but let's name
>it better than 'buy' :)
> Tim, thanks for the link - I'm always trying to expand my thinking about
> object modeling - discovering cool ways/things others are thinking
> about...  Now I have to go dust off all my old POS (point of sale, not
> piece of s#&t) code and see how poorly I may have modeled those
> environments!!
> Thanks for the morning diversion!  Cheers.
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 8:53 AM Esteban Maringolo 
> wrote:
>> I saw a tweet about that, and I think that the example is misleading,
>> maybe intentionally so.
>> I don't think anybody would model it that way, in any case you'd have
>> aProduct.buy() or aProduct.addToCart(aCart).
>> If you think it with the typical dog.bark() it certainly makes more sense
>> than bark(dog).
>> Regards!
>> Esteban A. Maringolo
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 5:20 AM Tim Mackinnon  wrote:
>>> Hi guys - someone pointed out this article from a UK colleague which
>>> seems to be causing a flurry of discussion - but I always like the insights
>>> of this group. I had an instant reaction when I read it - but curious what
>>> people here think in 2021.
>>> https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasongorman_the-year-is-2021-and-people-still-think-activity-6787650079764303872-SJzz
>>> Tim
> --
> Russ Whaley
> whaley.r...@gmail.com

[Pharo-users] Fwd: Re: Re: Whats the easiest/cheapest way to run a Pharo web app in 2021?

2021-04-17 Thread Jonathan van Alteren
Hi Tim, all,

Weirdly enough, it seems my earlier reply to this thread hasn't been properly 
received/distributed by the list. Marcus was very kind to help me solve this, 
so you should receive this message now.

Anyway... see my original message below. Hope it's still useful.

Hi Tim,

Didn't really notice this thread until now. I understand you're looking into 
deployment using Docker. However, to provide some perspective, we're happily 
running Pharo in production on a (self-managed) VPS on Hetzner Cloud (which 
uses 100% green energy!).

We use our own adaptation of Pharo server tools based on Sven's original work: 
https://github.com/objectguild/pharo-server-tools. We started with running 
Pharo 7.0 and have since upgraded to Pharo 8.0. Some experience with Linux 
command line is certainly welcome, but it should be fairly easy to get this 
going. Mind you, the README is (unfortunately) _not_ up to date.

Regarding Docker, I don't have much experience myself. I've only used it a 
couple of times to troubleshoot smalltalkCI issues, never for running a Pharo 
server application.

Hope this is of some use to you or others. Good luck and have fun!


Jonathan van Alteren

Founding Member | Object Guild B.V.
Software that works ​with​ you

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jonathan van Alteren 
Date: 8 Apr 2021, 13:19 +0200
To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Re: Whats the easiest/cheapest way to run a Pharo 
web app in 2021?

> Hi Tim,
> Didn't really notice this thread until now. I understand you're looking into 
> deployment using Docker. However, to provide some perspective, we're happily 
> running Pharo in production on a (self-managed) VPS on Hetzner Cloud (which 
> uses 100% green energy!).
> We use our own adaptation of Pharo server tools based on Sven's original 
> work: https://github.com/objectguild/pharo-server-tools. We started with 
> running Pharo 7.0 and have since upgraded to Pharo 8.0. Some experience with 
> Linux command line is certainly welcome, but it should be fairly easy to get 
> this going. Mind you, the README is (unfortunately) _not_ up to date.
> Regarding Docker, I don't have much experience myself. I've only used it a 
> couple of times to troubleshoot smalltalkCI issues, never for running a Pharo 
> server application.
> Hope this is of some use to you or others. Good luck and have fun!
> Kind regards,
> Jonathan van Alteren
> Founding Member | Object Guild B.V.
> Software that works ​with​ you
> jonat...@objectguild.com
> On 8 Apr 2021, 12:58 +0200, Tim Mackinnon , wrote:
> > Head slap I completely forgot I could do that, thanks for reminding 
> > Pierce (its almost better as well, as you can build your image, save it, 
> > then run tests on it, and then if it passes all your stages you can 
> > included the saved version in your docker build... which sits better with 
> > me as it also means that log artifacts etc can be more easily examined for 
> > failures (and your not trying to console into a docker image to figure it 
> > out). As a nice side effect - if you are doing this in something like 
> > Gitlab - you have your project source already there and so you can avoid an 
> > extra checkout step, so its a little bit faster.
> >
> > Pierce - who/where are you rnning your Docker image? Do you use a 
> > particular service (or are you running your own?)
> >
> > Tim
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 8 Apr 2021, at 4:29 AM, Pierce Ng wrote:
> > > On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 02:21:14AM +0100, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> > > > I also feel its quite important to call out that the "eval 'Metacello
> > > > new..." command referenced in the DockerFile RUN - is only going to work
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I build my Pharo image outside of Docker. My Dockerfile then packages the
> > > built image plus whatever artefacts required into a Docker image. I am
> > > using my Alpine Linux-based VM.
> > >
> > > GH: https://github.com/pharo-contributions/Docker-Alpine/
> > > DH: https://hub.docker.com/r/pierceng/pharovm-alpine
> > >
> > > Pierce
> > >

[Pharo-users] Re: We haven't had a design debate in a while - thoughts on CD.buy article...

2021-04-17 Thread Stéphane Ducasse

> On 16 Apr 2021, at 19:24, Richard Sargent 
>  wrote:
> I remember - way back in the dark ages - walking into a music store, picking 
> up a CD, and asking it to buy itself. Every single time, the response was the 
> same: nothing.

May be it was a NullCDObject :)


[Pharo-users] Re: We haven't had a design debate in a while - thoughts on CD.buy article...

2021-04-17 Thread Tim Mackinnon
I think that is a nice end to this thread… you guys really made me chuckle.

> On 17 Apr 2021, at 17:36, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
>> On 16 Apr 2021, at 19:24, Richard Sargent 
>>  wrote:
>> I remember - way back in the dark ages - walking into a music store, picking 
>> up a CD, and asking it to buy itself. Every single time, the response was 
>> the same: nothing.
> May be it was a NullCDObject :)
> S. 

[Pharo-users] Re: Whats the easiest/cheapest way to run a Pharo web app in 2021?

2021-04-17 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Thanks for the details.

I think that with the one from Norbert, you and me[1], there are at
least 3 static site generators made with Pharo (and there was an old
one, but I don't remember its name and I think is unmaintained).

I wonder if there is some kind of Awesome Pharo alike list, to start
adding them to a known place. There is the Pharo Documentation Wiki[2],
but I kind of remember a longer more detailed list.

Ummm... now I wonder if we could list a kind of decentralized list of
"Powered by Pharo" projects taken from our personal, community or
enterprise web sites. We may agree on using some kind of tags in the
metadata to recover such distributed catalogue of projects. Certainly in
my (incomplete) recent portfolio[3], Pharo has been a constant, in
visible and invisible ways.

[1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/ (in Spanish and under
[2] https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki
[3] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/offray-blog/uv/bliki/index.html#



On 8/04/21 8:33 p. m., Pierce Ng wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 11:58:10AM +0100, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Pierce - who/where are you rnning your Docker image? Do you use a
>> particular service (or are you running your own?)
> I am using a Linux VPS which I manage myself.
> The Pharo application is my blog. It was a web app fronted by a HTTPS
> reverse proxy. At the start of this year I rewrote it into a static site
> generator. Instead of running all the time, Pharo is now invoked when
> triggered by a CI hook, which happens when I publish a new blog post or
> otherwise update my site.
> I play with all kinds of software on my VPS and it was getting a bit RAM
> cramped, hence the rewrite. Wasn't willing to spend more money every month
> for more RAM. :-P
> Pierce