Re: [Pharo-users] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding while running Elegant Code image conversion example

2020-08-05 Thread Stéphane Ducasse

could you add your pictures to the bug entry


> On 5 Aug 2020, at 07:53, Tomohiro Oda  wrote:
> Offray,
> I tried it myself and found that the code works on some jpg pics and
> does not work on some other pics.
> For my case, using PluginBasedJPEGReadWriter instead of JPEGReadWriter
> solved the problem.
> Best Regards,
> ---
> tomo
> 2020年8月5日(水) 2:43 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas :
>> Thanks Tomo,
>> I tried your proposal, but now I get: "Error: marker C2 cannot be
>> handled" and still the exportation is not working.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 4/08/20 2:04 a. m., Tomohiro Oda wrote:
>>> Offray,
>>> Apparently, readStreamDo: should be binaryReadStreamDo: and
>>> writeStreamDo: should be binaryWriteStreamDo: .
>>> ---
>>> tomo
>>> 2020年8月4日(火) 15:42 Stéphane Ducasse :
 Thanks for the report I confirm that I can reproduce the problem.
 I do not know yet the answer. Now I think strange that we use a 
 characterStream for reading jpeg.
 On 3 Aug 2020, at 20:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
 Today I was an introduction to Pharo. As usual, I asked the learner to
 taste the environment and syntax by running the examples in excellent
 Sven's Elegant Code[1] (BTW, can I translate snips of  it to Spanish?).
 When she was adapting the example 6 about converting JPGs to PNGs, we
 get the error reported in this mail's subject. I tried running her
 example in my machine with her images and with my own and still I got
 the same error. What are we missing?
 We are using Pharo 8.x on Manjaro Gnu/Linux 64 bits.
 Stéphane Ducasse /
 03 59 35 87 52
 Assistant: Aurore Dalle
 FAX 03 59 57 78 50
 TEL 03 59 35 86 16
 S. Ducasse - Inria
 40, avenue Halley,
 Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
 Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650

Stéphane Ducasse / 
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650

Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-05 Thread Stéphane Ducasse

> Okay, I'll do that.  But this brings up a more general question...
> If I wanted to add a diagram, or maybe a document with equations (rendered
> in LaTex), then a class comment wouldn't work.  
> ...Unless that's intended to be part of the newer format??

Microdown supports latex via external services (I should check that the 
implementation uses the same cache than the one for pictures).
For diagram you can use png but we will have to spot glitches. 


> -t
>> I would put it in class comment. 
>> We are about to release a nicer rendering of comments. 
>> S. 
>>> On 4 Aug 2020, at 06:46, tbrunz  wrote: 
>>> I wrote a "theory of operation" document for my app, 
>>> But then I realized, "Where do I put it??" 
>>> I thought of a few possibilities: 
>>> * Commit it to the git repo, but then it wouldn't be easy to access from 
>>> Pharo, 
>>> * Add it to a top-level Pharo class comment, 
>>> * Make it into a string in Pharo, put it in a method in a class. 
>>> What's the standard practice for "attaching" non-code documents to Pharo 
>>> applications? 
>>> -t 
> --
> Sent from:

Stéphane Ducasse / 
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650

Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-05 Thread tbrunz
> > Okay, I'll do that. But this brings up a more general question... 
> > 
> > If I wanted to add a diagram, or maybe a document with equations
> (rendered 
> > in LaTex), then a class comment wouldn't work. 
> > 
> > ...Unless that's intended to be part of the newer format?? 
> Microdown supports latex via external services (I should check that the 
> implementation uses the same cache than the one for pictures). 
> For diagram you can use png but we will have to spot glitches. 

One more thought on this...  I assume you've seen Jupyter Notebooks? 
They're starting to see some use where I work (we now have our own
'enterprise server').  I recently took an intro class to see how it works,
and how to use them.

How much of a "Jupyter-style" notebook capability would the community be
interested in?  By that I mean having the ability to mix 'rich'
documentation with code and data to produce interactive 'notebooks' with
similarities to what Jupyter does -- but simpler!  Jupyter is much too

What you describe for enhanced comments sounds like a step in that
direction...  Obviously Pharo is already oriented toward mixing code and
data in one document, and enhancing the comments moves it closer to a
notebook with richer documentation possibilities.  

So it seems to me that generalizing this "enhanced document capability" and
making it more prominent (such as giving it its own type of window, rather
than it being a browser pane tied to the code?) would take it closer yet to
realizing a general, flexible "Pharo Notebooks" concept.

My understanding is that Offray's Grafoscopio is essentially what I'm
describing, but maybe more oriented to data analysis & presentation..??  (He
can say better than I, as I'm not sure how accurate that is.)  I am thinking
of something that would include that, but maybe be more general-purpose.

Part of this idea is to feature a "semi-automated" subset of Spec2 that
makes it easier to get nice graphical UIs in a notebook fashion -- but does
not require as much depth of understanding Spec2.  (All of Spec2 allows
anyone to build anything.. but not everyone needs to build so much..?  This
is the value of frameworks and selectable motifs, yes?)  

Could what I'm describing be a way for everyone to step easily into Spec2
when its full flexibility for making GUIs isn't needed (yet)?  By this I'm
implying code generators that create common/typical Spec2 framework classes
& methods that would make up the front-end of the 'documentation' element of
"Pharo Notebooks".  Pharo being Pharo, one could then customize further...

Because "it's always easier to edit something than to create from a blank
page", yes?

I can see Pharo taking away "market share" from Jupyter Notebooks, by being
simpler and easier to work with.  Data + Code + Document: All three elements
being "live" and interactive.  Pharo has the first two.. What about the


> S. 
> > 
> > -t 
> > 
> > 
> >> I would put it in class comment. 
> >> 
> >> We are about to release a nicer rendering of comments. 
> >> 
> >> S. 
> >> 
> >>> On 4 Aug 2020, at 06:46, tbrunz wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> I wrote a "theory of operation" document for my app, 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> But then I realized, "Where do I put it??" 
> >>> 
> >>> I thought of a few possibilities: 
> >>> 
> >>> * Commit it to the git repo, but then it wouldn't be easy to access
> from 
> >>> Pharo, 
> >>> * Add it to a top-level Pharo class comment, 
> >>> * Make it into a string in Pharo, put it in a method in a class. 
> >>> 
> >>> What's the standard practice for "attaching" non-code documents to
> Pharo 
> >>> applications? 
> >>> 
> >>> -t 
> >>> 

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-05 Thread tbrunz
Hi Offray,

I think you're addressing many of the same concerns as I am, with more of a
web/browser orientation perhaps...

Which is good.  Pharo can make nice, interactive web sites as well as nice,
interactive documents, can it not?

>  I think that we still can make a compelling case for wider audiences 
> about Pharo and making it more visible.

I agree!  What do the 'wider audiences' need?  What will attract their
attention?  Being visible is necessary, but is it sufficient?  How can we
make them want to learn this new tool?  (Everyone is so strained for time,
and attention is hard to come by these days...)

> agility and resilience are not properties of the
> overcomplicated web of today

So, so true... 

> .. making suggestions and helping us to improve the software 
> engineering parts behind such problems/projects,

I am also interested in contributing to that.  Better tools & methods for
solving the problems, better documentation to further understanding and
engagement, and better ways for users to employ the results.

> I greatly appreciate the experience and teachings of this community.

As do I.  


Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding while running Elegant Code image conversion example

2020-08-05 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Thanks Stéphane and Tomo,

I have added the working code to the GH issue thread. There is still
need of testing images for the non working one?


On 5/08/20 4:00 a. m., Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> offray 
> could you add your pictures to the bug entry
> S. 
>> On 5 Aug 2020, at 07:53, Tomohiro Oda > > wrote:
>> Offray,
>> I tried it myself and found that the code works on some jpg pics and
>> does not work on some other pics.
>> For my case, using PluginBasedJPEGReadWriter instead of JPEGReadWriter
>> solved the problem.
>> Best Regards,
>> ---
>> tomo
>> 2020年8月5日(水) 2:43 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>> Thanks Tomo,
>>> I tried your proposal, but now I get: "Error: marker C2 cannot be
>>> handled" and still the exportation is not working.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray
>>> On 4/08/20 2:04 a. m., Tomohiro Oda wrote:

 Apparently, readStreamDo: should be binaryReadStreamDo: and
 writeStreamDo: should be binaryWriteStreamDo: .

 2020年8月4日(火) 15:42 Stéphane Ducasse >>> >:
> Thanks for the report I confirm that I can reproduce the problem.
> I do not know yet the answer. Now I think strange that we use a
> characterStream for reading jpeg.
> S.
> On 3 Aug 2020, at 20:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I was an introduction to Pharo. As usual, I asked the learner to
> taste the environment and syntax by running the examples in excellent
> Sven's Elegant Code[1] (BTW, can I translate snips of  it to
> Spanish?).
> When she was adapting the example 6 about converting JPGs to PNGs, we
> get the error reported in this mail's subject. I tried running her
> example in my machine with her images and with my own and still I got
> the same error. What are we missing?
> [1]
> We are using Pharo 8.x on Manjaro Gnu/Linux 64 bits.
> Thanks,
> Offray
> Stéphane Ducasse
> /
> 03 59 35 87 52
> Assistant: Aurore Dalle
> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
> S. Ducasse - Inria
> 40, avenue Halley,
> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
> France
> Stéphane Ducasse
> / 
> 03 59 35 87 52
> Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
> S. Ducasse - Inria
> 40, avenue Halley, 
> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
> France

Re: [Pharo-users] Grafoscopio ported to Pharo 8.x and Git

2020-08-05 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> Grafoscopio [1] has been ported to Pharo8.x and Git.

Great news :) 

Are you using Iceberg?

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-05 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

On 5/08/20 9:43 a. m., tbrunz wrote:
>>> Okay, I'll do that. But this brings up a more general question... 
>>> If I wanted to add a diagram, or maybe a document with equations
>> (rendered 
>>> in LaTex), then a class comment wouldn't work. 
>>> ...Unless that's intended to be part of the newer format?? 
>> Microdown supports latex via external services (I should check that the 
>> implementation uses the same cache than the one for pictures). 
>> For diagram you can use png but we will have to spot glitches. 
> One more thought on this...  I assume you've seen Jupyter Notebooks? 
> They're starting to see some use where I work (we now have our own
> 'enterprise server').  I recently took an intro class to see how it works,
> and how to use them.
> How much of a "Jupyter-style" notebook capability would the community be
> interested in?  By that I mean having the ability to mix 'rich'
> documentation with code and data to produce interactive 'notebooks' with
> similarities to what Jupyter does -- but simpler!  Jupyter is much too
> complicated...

I can't speak for the wider community, but I think that there is some
interest as we have 3 Smalltalk interactive notebooks alternatives. Two
of them where mentioned as a long talks [1][2] in the last ESUG and
Grafoscopio was presented there also as a speed talk (someday I need to
make a proper ESUG long talk, but being self funded means that my
participation has been always confirmed in last moments). I share your
concern about Jupyter being overcomplicated and in fact I started
Grafoscopio in part out of my frustration with the incidental complexity
in the Python notebook ecosystem (see [3]). We can be more lean and agile.


One of the differences of Grafoscopio with other Smalltalk notebooks is
that is has an older diverse community (since 2015), beyond academia and
software developers, including activists, journalists, librarians,
philosophers, designers, among others. A key concern is to balance
practical choices in such communities with the PhD research that created
Grafoscopio (which was on Design and Creation with immersive community
research). For example a simple extensible format to exchange
Grafoscopio notebooks was an early concern and for that I used the
excellent STON  format to mix documentation markup (Markdown) and Pharo
code. Also I bridged external tools (Pandoc, Lua) to make format
conversions (Markdown to LaTeX, HTML and PDF). The only other Smalltalk
notebook I know that has a notebook format is Documenter's[4] Xdoc,
which is a compressed folder mixing Pillar, JSON, txt and external files
referred in the Pillar document. Our approach for that composed
documents is to use Fossil [5], so such composed document or any
collection of documents in fact is just a self contained Fossil
repository, adding history, web interface and collaboration, while
keeping documents self contained and storage simple and portable. It's
aligned with ideas of SQLite as and application format[5a] and the
Panama Papers 2016 prototypes [6][6a] even predate the idea of Fossil as
a repository document[5b].


What I want to point is that different approaches to rich interactive
documentation related with Pharo exist and they're exploring interesting
alternative spaces beyond what Jupyter has done, despite of lacking the
maturity, momentum and/or visibility behind Jupyter's. Scientific
Workbench, Documenter, or polyglot notebooks for sure are providing
valuable explorations and would be nice to be more aware of each others
work and approaches.

> What you describe for enhanced comments sounds like a step in that
> direction...  Obviously Pharo is already oriented toward mixing code and
> data in one document, and enhancing the comments moves it closer to a
> notebook with richer documentation possibilities.  
> So it seems to me that generalizing this "enhanced document capability" and
> making it more prominent (such as giving it its own type of window, rather
> than it being a browser pane tied to the code?) would take it closer yet to
> realizing a general, flexible "Pharo Notebooks" concept.
> My understanding is that Offray's Grafoscopio is essentially what I'm
> describing, but maybe more oriented to data analysis & presentation..??  (He
> can say better than I, as I'm not sure how accurate that is.)  I am thinking
> of something that would include that, b

Re: [Pharo-users] Grafoscopio ported to Pharo 8.x and Git

2020-08-05 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

On 5/08/20 1:32 p. m., Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>> Grafoscopio [1] has been ported to Pharo8.x and Git.
> Great news :) 
> Are you using Iceberg?
Thanks. And yes I'm using it, with community hosted Git/Gitea
repositories[1]. Installation does a workaround [2] by downloading the
repository and installing it from a local place. At some point I would
like to provide Metacello "repo plugins", so it can understand messages
like "#loadRepository: https://commutity.gitea.instance"; and integrate
Fossil and Git in a single repository. But for now, it's working.




Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-05 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi again :-),

I forgot to mention about the Spec2 migration plans, so a (hopefully)
short comment on that.

Last ESUG I talked with Guille and Esteban about combining Spec(1) and
Spec2 in a single interface. The idea is to be able to embed Spec old
widgets into Spec2, as they are progressively migrated. and now I'm
needing Johan Fabry's Playground package[1] to embed playgrounds in the
Grafoscopio notebooks. As the Spec2 migration completes and the
rewriting is done, Grafoscopio 2.x series will be launched.


Any advice, bug reporting, bug fixing or comments on Grafoscopio are
greatly appreciated.



On 5/08/20 1:44 p. m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> Hi,
> On 5/08/20 9:43 a. m., tbrunz wrote:
 Okay, I'll do that. But this brings up a more general question... 

 If I wanted to add a diagram, or maybe a document with equations
>>> (rendered 
 in LaTex), then a class comment wouldn't work. 

 ...Unless that's intended to be part of the newer format?? 
>>> Microdown supports latex via external services (I should check that the 
>>> implementation uses the same cache than the one for pictures). 
>>> For diagram you can use png but we will have to spot glitches. 
>> One more thought on this...  I assume you've seen Jupyter Notebooks? 
>> They're starting to see some use where I work (we now have our own
>> 'enterprise server').  I recently took an intro class to see how it works,
>> and how to use them.
>> How much of a "Jupyter-style" notebook capability would the community be
>> interested in?  By that I mean having the ability to mix 'rich'
>> documentation with code and data to produce interactive 'notebooks' with
>> similarities to what Jupyter does -- but simpler!  Jupyter is much too
>> complicated...
> I can't speak for the wider community, but I think that there is some
> interest as we have 3 Smalltalk interactive notebooks alternatives. Two
> of them where mentioned as a long talks [1][2] in the last ESUG and
> Grafoscopio was presented there also as a speed talk (someday I need to
> make a proper ESUG long talk, but being self funded means that my
> participation has been always confirmed in last moments). I share your
> concern about Jupyter being overcomplicated and in fact I started
> Grafoscopio in part out of my frustration with the incidental complexity
> in the Python notebook ecosystem (see [3]). We can be more lean and agile.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> One of the differences of Grafoscopio with other Smalltalk notebooks is
> that is has an older diverse community (since 2015), beyond academia and
> software developers, including activists, journalists, librarians,
> philosophers, designers, among others. A key concern is to balance
> practical choices in such communities with the PhD research that created
> Grafoscopio (which was on Design and Creation with immersive community
> research). For example a simple extensible format to exchange
> Grafoscopio notebooks was an early concern and for that I used the
> excellent STON  format to mix documentation markup (Markdown) and Pharo
> code. Also I bridged external tools (Pandoc, Lua) to make format
> conversions (Markdown to LaTeX, HTML and PDF). The only other Smalltalk
> notebook I know that has a notebook format is Documenter's[4] Xdoc,
> which is a compressed folder mixing Pillar, JSON, txt and external files
> referred in the Pillar document. Our approach for that composed
> documents is to use Fossil [5], so such composed document or any
> collection of documents in fact is just a self contained Fossil
> repository, adding history, web interface and collaboration, while
> keeping documents self contained and storage simple and portable. It's
> aligned with ideas of SQLite as and application format[5a] and the
> Panama Papers 2016 prototypes [6][6a] even predate the idea of Fossil as
> a repository document[5b].
> [4]
> [5]
> [5a]
> [6]
> [6a]
> [5b]
> What I want to point is that different approaches to rich interactive
> documentation related with Pharo exist and they're exploring interesting
> alternative spaces beyond what Jupyter has done, despite of lacking the
> maturity, momentum and/or visibility behind Jupyter's. Scientific
> Workbench, Documenter, or polyglot notebooks for sure are providing
> valuable explorations and would be nice to be more aware of each others

[Pharo-users] How to print playground contents as I type them.

2020-08-05 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

I have an annoying bug in Grafoscopio. While text nodes are updated as I
write them, code nodes capture the penultimate keystroke. So, when I
revisit a text node all the typed content is there, but when I do the
same with a code (playground) node I found the last character lost (this
is particularly annoying when the last keystroke is a key completion or
a cut and paste operation that happens in a single combined stroke).

When I was programming the notebook behavior I remember dealing with
transmissions between parts of the playground and the rest of the UI and
how to capture playground events. So I think that a minimal test example
would be to send to the Transcript, keystrokes from the playground as
they happen and to see which the the message that capture them all. So,
How can I print playground contents as I type them in the playground?



Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-05 Thread tbrunz
> >>> I've been thinking lately that it would be nice to expand the number of 
> >>> Pharo tutorials we have available. But rather than (or along with) 
> >>> creating 
> >>> more "beginner" level tutorials, I'd like to see some good
> "intermediate" 
> >>> level Pharo tutorials. 
> >> 
> >> Me too :) 
> > 
> > Let's do it, then. I'll volunteer to do most of the work. :^) 
> I will review anything you write :) 
> > 
> > My hope is that participating in this will make me capable of creating 
> > advanced tutorials all by myself. 
> I usually like to write to learn and dump what I learned. 
> > 
> >>> I think that programmers who already know the Pharo 
> >>> syntax and messaging semantics could benefit from more advanced
> tutorials 
> >>> that demonstrate how to develop "real world" Pharo code for "real
> world" 
> >>> processing needs. 
> >> 
> >> Yes yes I would love that. 
> > 
> > That was part of my motivation for creating a Pharo app to solve the
> Zebra 
> > Puzzle. First, of course, I wanted to solve it. ;^) 
> I will send you some feeedback and PR. 

Okay, I think it's ready to be reviewed...


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