Re: [Pharo-users] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding while running Elegant Code image conversion example

2020-08-04 Thread Tomohiro Oda

Apparently, readStreamDo: should be binaryReadStreamDo: and
writeStreamDo: should be binaryWriteStreamDo: .

2020年8月4日(火) 15:42 Stéphane Ducasse :
> Thanks for the report I confirm that I can reproduce the problem.
> I do not know yet the answer. Now I think strange that we use a 
> characterStream for reading jpeg.
> S.
> On 3 Aug 2020, at 20:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I was an introduction to Pharo. As usual, I asked the learner to
> taste the environment and syntax by running the examples in excellent
> Sven's Elegant Code[1] (BTW, can I translate snips of  it to Spanish?).
> When she was adapting the example 6 about converting JPGs to PNGs, we
> get the error reported in this mail's subject. I tried running her
> example in my machine with her images and with my own and still I got
> the same error. What are we missing?
> [1]
> We are using Pharo 8.x on Manjaro Gnu/Linux 64 bits.
> Thanks,
> Offray
> Stéphane Ducasse
> /
> 03 59 35 87 52
> Assistant: Aurore Dalle
> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
> S. Ducasse - Inria
> 40, avenue Halley,
> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
> France

Re: [Pharo-users] Fuel - FLSerializer tests are not working (pharo 8)

2020-08-04 Thread Davide Varvello via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Denis.
I drag and drop the image on the, but it's is an issue of Pharo8
(and also Pharo7, I downloaded a vm and tested it) because on Pharo6
everything is fine.

Denis Kudriashov wrote
> It can be a known issue with MacOS, the way how an operating system
> assigns
> a working directory for applications.
> For example starting an app using double click from Finder will use a root
> directory as a working copy.
> Davide how did you start the Pharo? Can you try to run it from the command
> line? In that case the current working directory of the terminal will be
> assigned to the started application.
> пн, 3 авг. 2020 г. в 19:16, Stéphane Ducasse <

> stephane.ducasse@

> >:
>> I took a Pharo8 image and
>> Metacello new
>>repository: 'github://theseion/Fuel:3.0.2/repository';
>>baseline: 'Fuel';
>> and run the tests and all the tests are green on my machine.
>> 595 ran, 576 passed, 1 skipped, 19 expected failures, 0 failures, 0
>> errors, 0 passed unexpected
>> S.

Sent from:

--- End Message ---

Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-04 Thread tbrunz
Okay, I'll do that.  But this brings up a more general question...

If I wanted to add a diagram, or maybe a document with equations (rendered
in LaTex), then a class comment wouldn't work.  

...Unless that's intended to be part of the newer format??


> I would put it in class comment. 
> We are about to release a nicer rendering of comments. 
> S. 
> > On 4 Aug 2020, at 06:46, tbrunz  wrote: 
> > 
> > I wrote a "theory of operation" document for my app, 
> > 
> > 
> > But then I realized, "Where do I put it??" 
> > 
> > I thought of a few possibilities: 
> > 
> > * Commit it to the git repo, but then it wouldn't be easy to access from 
> > Pharo, 
> > * Add it to a top-level Pharo class comment, 
> > * Make it into a string in Pharo, put it in a method in a class. 
> > 
> > What's the standard practice for "attaching" non-code documents to Pharo 
> > applications? 
> > 
> > -t 
> > 

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding while running Elegant Code image conversion example

2020-08-04 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Thanks Tomo,

I tried your proposal, but now I get: "Error: marker C2 cannot be
handled" and still the exportation is not working.



On 4/08/20 2:04 a. m., Tomohiro Oda wrote:
> Offray,
> Apparently, readStreamDo: should be binaryReadStreamDo: and
> writeStreamDo: should be binaryWriteStreamDo: .
> ---
> tomo
> 2020年8月4日(火) 15:42 Stéphane Ducasse :
>> Thanks for the report I confirm that I can reproduce the problem.
>> I do not know yet the answer. Now I think strange that we use a 
>> characterStream for reading jpeg.
>> S.
>> On 3 Aug 2020, at 20:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Today I was an introduction to Pharo. As usual, I asked the learner to
>> taste the environment and syntax by running the examples in excellent
>> Sven's Elegant Code[1] (BTW, can I translate snips of  it to Spanish?).
>> When she was adapting the example 6 about converting JPGs to PNGs, we
>> get the error reported in this mail's subject. I tried running her
>> example in my machine with her images and with my own and still I got
>> the same error. What are we missing?
>> [1]
>> We are using Pharo 8.x on Manjaro Gnu/Linux 64 bits.
>> Thanks,
>> Offray
>> Stéphane Ducasse
>> /
>> 03 59 35 87 52
>> Assistant: Aurore Dalle
>> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
>> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
>> S. Ducasse - Inria
>> 40, avenue Halley,
>> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
>> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
>> France

[Pharo-users] Grafoscopio ported to Pharo 8.x and Git

2020-08-04 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Grafoscopio [1] has been ported to Pharo8.x and Git. Source code[2] and
documentation[3][3a] repositories reflect the change (at some point I
hope both could be integrated in Fossil, but meanwhile community hosted
Gitea and Fossil are working pretty fine).


For the Grafoscopio 2.x series I hope to update several other things
including migration to Spec2 and improved usability.



ps: We are experiencing some issues with our Gitea instance today. That
should be solved soon or I hope to provide a non-oligopolistic
alternative in the future.

Re: [Pharo-users] Intermediate-Level Tutorials for Pharo

2020-08-04 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Is nice to see this thread.

Our approach to building documentation is a problem/local first one. So
we go from particular problems/projects as need of the community 
dictate them. We do workshops and create the documentation while the
workshop is happening and then we compile such documentation in booklets
(see for example Documentathon: Agile and resilient tools and techniques
to write and publish together -- In Spanish [1]). Is similar to the book
sprints[1a] but we did a parallel development without knowing them. We
use CodiMD[2] for collaborative workshop note taking and then we combine
Pandoc, Markdeep[3], Fossil[4] and others with Pharo and Grafoscopio to
create the publication and collaborate on it asynchronously.

This problem based approach means that we are kind of intermediate level
oriented by design and tt also means that we have gaps in our knowledge
(particularly on the TDD front), as we have learn as we go/need. We are
combining stuff from data and file (STON, JSON, FileLocator)
serialization and manipulation and also calling external programs and
scheduling taks (OSSubprocess, TaskIt), making visualizations (Roassal)
and coming with solutions on how to combine such technologies to
solve/easy the tasks at hand and making compelling arguments to
(h)ac(k)tivists, researchers or/and journalist (see for example the
Panama Papers as reproducible research[5] or domain specific
visualizations for governments medicine information[5a]).

All this is powered by Pharo technologies and communities, but I think
that we still can make a compelling case for wider audiences about Pharo
and making it more visible. Now with Covid, the need for self/autonomous
publishing is becoming more visible again, as educators, activists,
communities are turning to more activities online and also need more
autonomy over their online presence beyond what is provided by
oligopolistic providers. So we're going to start a series of workshops
on agile and resilient Indie Web[6] with Pharo, building blogs, wikis
and portfolios with it (and Fossil, Markdeep, etc), using Pharo for
orchestration and articulation of other technologies, but making it more
visible also (as agility and resilience are not properties of the
overcomplicated web of today).

Usually I try to bootstrap the problem solving environment, so probably
the web presences we build in the the workshops (starting on August
15th) will serve to document and share the experience. The workshops
will be given in Spanish (I'll share the invitation in the Pharo Spanish
discord channel), because of our local first approach, but the software
we develop to support the experience will be useful to non Spanish
speakers also.

So I hope this contribute to showcase the Pharo usage in solving
intermediate ("real life") level problems and even to involve non
Spanish speakers with code reviews and testing, making suggestions and
helping us to improve the software engineering parts behind such
problems/projects, as I greatly appreciate the experience and teachings
of this community.

I'll keep you informed.




On 2/08/20 12:51 p. m., tbrunz wrote:
>>> I've been thinking lately that it would be nice to expand the number of
>>> Pharo tutorials we have available.  But rather than (or along with)
>>> creating
>>> more "beginner" level tutorials, I'd like to see some good "intermediate"
>>> level Pharo tutorials.
>> Me too :)
> Let's do it, then.  I'll volunteer to do most of the work.  :^)
> My hope is that participating in this will make me capable of creating
> advanced tutorials all by myself.
>>>  I think that programmers who already know the Pharo
>>> syntax and messaging semantics could benefit from more advanced tutorials
>>> that demonstrate how to develop "real world" Pharo code for "real world"
>>> processing needs.
>> Yes yes I would love that.
> That was part of my motivation for creating a Pharo app to solve the Zebra
> Puzzle.  First, of course, I wanted to solve it.  ;^)
>>> What I'm talking about is something that assumes you know the language,
>>> the
>>> basics of the IDE (but not necessarily how to leverage its capabilities
>>> to
>>> aid development), and the basics of the foundation classes (but not its
>>> details).  I'd like a tutorial for intermediate Pharo programmers who
>>> want
>>> to become experts with Pharo.  Something that can show you how to apply
>>> the
>>> tools of the IDE and the features of the language and base classes to
>>> create
>>> solutions that solve complex problems.
>> do you have ideas?
> I do!
> As I started building the Logic Puzzle app, it occurred to me that I could
> pr

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding while running Elegant Code image conversion example

2020-08-04 Thread Tomohiro Oda

I tried it myself and found that the code works on some jpg pics and
does not work on some other pics.
For my case, using PluginBasedJPEGReadWriter instead of JPEGReadWriter
solved the problem.

Best Regards,

2020年8月5日(水) 2:43 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas :
> Thanks Tomo,
> I tried your proposal, but now I get: "Error: marker C2 cannot be
> handled" and still the exportation is not working.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 4/08/20 2:04 a. m., Tomohiro Oda wrote:
> > Offray,
> >
> > Apparently, readStreamDo: should be binaryReadStreamDo: and
> > writeStreamDo: should be binaryWriteStreamDo: .
> > ---
> > tomo
> >
> > 2020年8月4日(火) 15:42 Stéphane Ducasse :
> >> Thanks for the report I confirm that I can reproduce the problem.
> >> I do not know yet the answer. Now I think strange that we use a 
> >> characterStream for reading jpeg.
> >> S.
> >>
> >>
> >> On 3 Aug 2020, at 20:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Today I was an introduction to Pharo. As usual, I asked the learner to
> >> taste the environment and syntax by running the examples in excellent
> >> Sven's Elegant Code[1] (BTW, can I translate snips of  it to Spanish?).
> >> When she was adapting the example 6 about converting JPGs to PNGs, we
> >> get the error reported in this mail's subject. I tried running her
> >> example in my machine with her images and with my own and still I got
> >> the same error. What are we missing?
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >> We are using Pharo 8.x on Manjaro Gnu/Linux 64 bits.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Offray
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> Stéphane Ducasse
> >> /
> >> 03 59 35 87 52
> >> Assistant: Aurore Dalle
> >> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
> >> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
> >> S. Ducasse - Inria
> >> 40, avenue Halley,
> >> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
> >> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
> >> France
> >>