Re: [Pharo-users] New type of web application using HTML, CSS and Smalltalk

2020-05-06 Thread Craig Latta

Hi Paul--

> I wonder if you had or could make something like this:
> that shows the value of caffeine in a way being placed into the
> default dev environment + readme doesn't.

 Yes indeed, I expect to produce such material.

> It seems like your work would be really useful to me as a person that
> writes web apps in Smalltalk but I have no idea what "extra" I can do
> with it.

 The extra thing is writing web apps in a livecoding style, from
within a web browser. I wanted this for my own web app development, as
an alternative to the mainstream edit-build-run cycle.

> I've watched the youtube presentation and navigated through the
> impress presentation on your site and it too quickly introduces tons
> of concepts of what you can do but nothing about why anyone should
> want to do those things or how to put them together into something a
> user would use once a developer has made something.

 Right, that presentation is just a bunch of demos of works in
progress, showing some things that are possible. They're meant to
inspire the viewer to imagine what she might do with those abilities,
rather than convince the viewer to adopt anything yet.

> I also think the dynamic nature of what you're making is cool but it
> seems like it adds another level of difficulty in making things
> comprehensible to/usable for/accessible by end users.

 Ultimately, I think making most of the external tools and build
steps unnecessary, and enabling direct manipulation, will make things
more comprehensible.

> Its clear something is there I just have no idea how to unlock the
> value for myself or current users and/or theoretical future users.

 I think it's just the classic value proposition of having a runtime
environment in which further development and debugging can occur. For
me, the greatest value is being to fix a problem at a point that took a
long time to reach, then just continuing the usage session (retaining
all that built-up state) rather than starting over. In highly
interactive environments like VR, this is critical.


Craig Latta
Black Page Digital
Amsterdam :: San Francisco
+31   6 2757 7177
+ 1 415  287 3547

Re: [Pharo-users] Code completion in blocks (Pharo8)

2020-05-06 Thread Davide Varvello via Pharo-users
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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Compendium

2020-05-06 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
Great work, Torsten, works like a charm !

Since all Github projects have a maybe that could be used as well, it 
will certainly contain more information.

Most projects have several keyswords as well, that could be useful to show.

Also, why not add a 'clone & metacello install baseline of' command ?

Another idea: allow spotter searching of the pharo compendium entries ?


> On 2 May 2020, at 22:34, Torsten Bergmann  wrote:
> Hi,
> time flows and Pharo-Project is improving on all ends since its inception in 
> 2008. As you know over time for the code project hosting we used
> SqueakSource, SS3 repos and other and later switched to SmalltalkHub 
> available on
> Starting with Iceberg in Pharo 6 many community projects are now hosted 
> elsewhere - most of them moved to GitHub. Pharo's git support allows
> also for GitLab, BitBucket and other git hosting services.
> I still think easy and quick accessibility to external (re)sources directly 
> from the image is key - especially for new users who often get lost
> among all the various things that are available. Back in 2013 I therefore 
> provided a small tool called ConfigBrowser as a replacement for
> MetacelloConfigurationBrowser to easily load Metacello configs directly into 
> Pharo.
> Later we improved quick loading with a primary tool called "Catalog" written 
> by Esteban. Catalog is indexing every 24 hours all configs within
> specific meta-repositories on SmalltalkHub (per Pharo version) like
> to automatically build
> and also a JSON source
> The last one feeds the catalog browser and catalog spotter search within the 
> Pharo image.
> So Catalog helped us and especially new Pharo users to find what is available 
> as external project or package. Unfortunately some package maintainers
> are too lazy and do not maintain their configs over old and new Pharo 
> versions. Also is now seen as legacy and will only be 
> available
> in a read only mode or as a browseable archive soon.
> So we have to think about others steps beyond Catalog and (triggered by a 
> recent discussion on Discord) I started now a simple tool that helped me
> finding all GitHub projects marked with "pharo" as GitHub topic. I 
> additionally also added previous catalog loading. More sources could be added
> as well as some kind of custom stores/plugins. Maybe this tool could be the 
> base for a future replacement of the catalog tool.
> Long story short - let me introduce "Pharo Compendium":
> Compendium is a new UI tool to list, browse and load Pharo artefacts from the 
> web like:
> - GitHub Projects
> - Catalog Projects
> and other
> By default there are two plugin packages available for GitHub and Catalog - 
> but you can implement own ones easily to connect to other sources
> on the web. Compendium is available on:
> It is implemented using the new Spec2 UI framework - so you need a recent 
> Pharo 9 image to give it a try. Just run:
>Metacello new
>   repository: 'github://astares/Pharo-Compendium/src';
>   baseline: 'Compendium';
>   load
> to load the tool. Then go to "Tools" -> "Compendium Browser". Attached is a 
> screenshot demoing the primary functionality.
> If you want your GitHub project to be listed in the tool you simply need to 
> add the topic "pharo" to the GitHub repository on the GitHub webpage.
> Feel free to comment or help improving the tool by sending PR's.
> Thx
> T. (aka astares)

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Ansible v1.0.0 [v1.0.0] released!

2020-05-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Ansible, ansible is an amqp client for pharo reached it's v1.0.0 version.

Migrated from Cuis port  
Added tests to common integration patterns using GitHub Actions (tests pass in Pharo 6.1, Pharo 7 and Pharo 8)
Added code coverage metrics using CodeCov
Fixed code generation from specification for version 0-9-1
Added documentation. A three parts tutorial inspired in the RabittMQ ones.
Added some basic abstractions like AmqpConnectionBuilder to ease the building of complex objects.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Ansible v1.0.0 [v1.0.0] released!

2020-05-06 Thread ducasse
This is great!
Thanks for all this good energy

> On 6 May 2020, at 20:39, Buenos Aires Smalltalk  wrote:
> Ansible 
> ,
>  ansible is an amqp client for pharo reached it's v1.0.0 
>  version.
> Changelog
> Migrated from Cuis port
> Added tests to common integration patterns using GitHub Actions (tests pass 
> in Pharo 6.1, Pharo 7 and Pharo 8)
> Added code coverage metrics using CodeCov
> Fixed code generation from specification for version 0-9-1
> Added documentation. A three parts tutorial inspired in the RabittMQ ones.
> Added some basic abstractions like AmqpConnectionBuilder to ease the building 
> of complex objects.
> Regards,
> The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] Deleting images / saving as - in Pharo Launcher auncher

2020-05-06 Thread Cédrick Béler
Hi Christophe,

This version is definitely cooler :)

I just wander as for the previous version why deleting image can take some 
time, whereas it’s quick to delete the image repository. Is it normal ?

Another thing that might help my way of doing things. I like to "save as" the 
image so as to have a quick check point, and the launcher is not « friendly » 
with renaming as it loads the default image.

Any idea on how to integrate that ? Maybe having a list of images that pops-up ?

I actually changed once the "save as » in a « save checkpoint charly » where it 
saves a copy but still load the default name. Might be an option ? :)

