Re: [Pharo-users] Thinking aloud about project at hand

2020-04-10 Thread Hilaire


No doubt Pharo will fit the task. I developed a financial application 
for mortgages debt consolidation where the sources of data were numerous.

With Pharo you will build a model with classes representing each part of 
the domain of your data set. With Tests you will consolidate your model, 
important when you change your model it will ensure your computations 
are still valid. I use it a lot in mortgage, debt ratio and debt 
consolidation calculus.

From your description, it seems your application will be mono-user. If 
so any text file to keep the data will be ok: xml, json, csv. But sqlite 
could be a very nice option too, I think this is what I will use.

I think you will enjoy using Pharo to write your app.


Le 09/04/2020 à 21:12, Tomaž Turk a écrit :
I'm thinking about implementing a software solution in Pharo (as one 
of the candidate environments), it's a project that I'm dealing with 
professionally. The goal is to develop a financial planning/simulation 
application on the country level, which is at present developed as a 
set of interrelated Excel spreadsheets. The requirement is that the 
solution should be more "manageable", resilient and straightforward 
than Excel permits, that it should present a workflow to the user - 
i.e. , that the tasks the user should do are suggested through the GUI.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Moving/rolling average implementations ?

2020-04-10 Thread Cédrick Béler
Superb, thank you Richard, very interesting answer :)

For the rounding issue, since I got bitten once, I most of the time use 
ScaleDecimal instead of floats for data anyway.



> Le 10 avr. 2020 à 05:04, Richard O'Keefe  a écrit :
> Let's take the inheritance issue first.
> Yes, Collection has some subclasses where #average makes no sense,
> such as String.  If any subclass of Collection should have #average, it is
> Array, as #(1 2 3 4) average makes perfect sense.
> BUT #($a $b $c $d) average makes exactly as much sense as 'abcd' average.
> So we have
>  - subclasses where a method never makes sense (String)
>  - subclasses where a method always makes sense (ByteArray)
>  - subclasses where a method may or may not make sense (Array).
> Traits will not help at all with the third category.
> Historic Smalltalk practice has been to define methods like
>   String>>average self shouldNotImplement.
> to "cancel" inappropriate methods to deal with the "never" subclasses,
> but that still does not help with the "maybe" ones.
> In my own  code I try very hard to ensure that a method is available in
> a class if and only if the class can have instances where the method
> makes sense.  That is, I try to make sure that #respondsTo: is "honest".
> It is not always practical.
> This is not a problem that is peculiar to Smalltalk.  Java and C# and C++
> and you-name-it also have the "maybe" problem, where a method seems
> to be available for an object but thanks to its state it is not.
> As long as sending a message to an inappropriate object (whether due to
> its class or its state) results in *some* exception, do we really have a 
> problem?
> 'abcd' average
> 'abcd' asArray average
> result in the same error.
> Now for the roundoff error issue.
> Oh dear, we really need to do a much better job educating programmers
> about floating point, we really do.  In real number arithmetic,
>  (a + b) - a = b
> is always true.  In floating-point arithmetic it is not.
> This is easiest to see in cases like
>  (1.0e20 + 1.0) - 1.0e20
> where Pharo answers 0.0 instead of 1.0.
> Less extreme cases still give you roundoff error.
> Much has been written about how to stably update mean, variance, &c.
> The simplest thing is to use Welford's algorithm for the weighted mean,
> using weight +1 to add the new element and -1 to remove the old.
> On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 at 19:33, Christian Haider 
>  > wrote:
> I don’t see how rounding errors could accumulate, if you keep the sum and not 
> the average.
> The rounding errors should be neutral, because each element is added once and 
> subtracted once.
> If + and – is symmetrical in this respect, rounding inaccuracies should 
> balance out.
> Cheers,
> Christian
> Von: Pharo-users  > Im Auftrag von Richard O'Keefe
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. April 2020 05:26
> An: Any question about pharo is welcome  >
> Betreff: Re: [Pharo-users] Moving/rolling average implementations ?
> I note that "self species ofSize: n" is not generally a good idea.
> Consider ByteArray, ShortIntegerArray, WordArray.
> Computing rolling means of these is perfectly sensible,
> but the results will not fit into an array of the same species.
> I'd stick with Array.
> The suggestion about subtracting an old element and adding a new
> one is great for integers, but for floating-point numbers risks
> accumulating errors.
> The
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 at 20:07, Cédrick Béler  > wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to do a moving/rolling average on raw data [1]. 
> I haven’t find code for that (maybe this is done in polymath though).
> So I ended writing that (I thing this is SMA):
> SequenceableCollection>>movingAverage: anOrder 
> "Answer the moving or rolling average for anOrder window"
> | retval size x y |
> anOrder <= 0 ifTrue: [ Error signal: 'the order must be positive'].
> size := self  size - anOrder.
> size negative  ifTrue: [ Error signal: 'the collection size is too 
> small'].
> retval := self species ofSize: size + 1.
> x := 1.
> y := anOrder.
> [y <=  self  size ] whileTrue: [   
>  retval at: x put: (self copyFrom: x to: y) average   
>  x := x + 1. y := y + 1
>  ].
> ^retval
> Not perfect but seems to works quite well (that’s probably better to remove 
> copyFrom: and use some kind of buffer instead).
> Any interest in that ? If any existing code too, I’ll be interested 
> especially for other implementation (weighted, exponential) ?
> (#(118 113 105 105 103 99 98 101 100 107) movingAverage: 3) collect: [:v | v 
> asScaledDecimal: 1 ] .
>  "an

Re: [Pharo-users] Thinking aloud about project at hand

2020-04-10 Thread
Hi Tomaz,

>From the comments about the requirements you do I suggest:

- For data storage, my recommendation goes depending on two factors:
1)Installation complexity, 2) volume of data. These are two variables
that will be against one and the other. I will recommend to use
MongoDB + Voyage, that goes very well. It grows excellent with the
amount of data, it has really cool integration with Pharo and Voyage
is an excellent mapping tool; also it is a mature solution and it has
a lot of support for back-up schemes and solutions. Using MongoDB
complicates the installation process, so if you have the idea of a
easy installable application maybe SQLlite is a good alternative.

- I think using Spec2 + GTK + Roassal3 + Polymath is a good idea.
Check that Spec2 and Roassal3 are still under heavy development. They
are getting much better, but of course, it will take some time to
stabilize; but both of them are progressing very fast and they are
already quite stable.

- For developing DSL and interactive programming for non-programmers
users, Pharo is ideal. It presents a lot of tools to easily develop
DSL and the UI to make them work excellent. The idea of live
manipulation of objects and inspection of all the instances can be
easily added to a DSL.

Thanks for your attention!

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 9:13 PM Tomaž Turk  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm thinking about implementing a software solution in Pharo (as one of the 
> candidate environments), it's a project that I'm dealing with professionally. 
> The goal is to develop a financial planning/simulation application on the 
> country level, which is at present developed as a set of interrelated Excel 
> spreadsheets. The requirement is that the solution should be more 
> "manageable", resilient and straightforward than Excel permits, that it 
> should present a workflow to the user - i.e. , that the tasks the user should 
> do are suggested through the GUI.
> The majority of the data is in a form of a time series (for instance: GDP for 
> a series of years). There are many variables in the model which shoud be 
> calculated from other variables, year by year. There are also lagged 
> variables (the value for the current year depends from the value of previous 
> year), and running averages. There are also some variables which are not time 
> series (parameters). As a part of GUI, there is a need to present the results 
> as diagrams, too (scatterplots, line charts), otherwise tables are the output.
> I found Pharo to be a very elegant language and environment, with version 8.0 
> it became pretty stable, however I don't have any experiences in building 
> software solutions of this type in Smalltalk. In other words, I'd like to be 
> more confident in setting the architecture, both in the sense of the model 
> content (variables interrelation) and the architecture of classes. Besides, 
> for the calculated variables I'd like to have a relatively simple syntax to 
> define them (like 'GDPpC <- GDP / Population').
> My thoughts and questions:
> - for easier maintenance I'd like to separate the data from the code - so the 
> question is what would be the best way to implement persistence (another 
> Pharo image  - with what?, some relational database, XML/JSON, flat files ...)
> - I wonder what would be the best "architecture" of classes - so, we have a 
> lot of aggregate variables like GDP and population, which can be grouped at 
> least according to the stage in the planning workflow. There are also 
> resulting (calculated) variables (e.g. GDP per capita). On the other hand, 
> since this is a planning software, it's a kind of simulation, where we have a 
> "data warehouse", experiments and results
> - As a core packages I would use Spec2, Roassal, and PolyMath.
> I'm just thinking aloud, and would greatly appreciate any thoughts from 
> experienced Pharoers  :-)
> Best wishes,
> Tomaz

Pablo Tesone.

Re: [Pharo-users] Thinking aloud about project at hand

2020-04-10 Thread Tim Mackinnon
Wasn’t there a recent financial app in Pharo that was made open source... there 
might be many ideas in it, and possibly a starting point.

It’s in the success pages of pharo: Quuve, there are posts from Mariano about 
what tech they used too


> On 10 Apr 2020, at 09:13, ""  wrote:
> Hi Tomaz,
> From the comments about the requirements you do I suggest:
> - For data storage, my recommendation goes depending on two factors:
> 1)Installation complexity, 2) volume of data. These are two variables
> that will be against one and the other. I will recommend to use
> MongoDB + Voyage, that goes very well. It grows excellent with the
> amount of data, it has really cool integration with Pharo and Voyage
> is an excellent mapping tool; also it is a mature solution and it has
> a lot of support for back-up schemes and solutions. Using MongoDB
> complicates the installation process, so if you have the idea of a
> easy installable application maybe SQLlite is a good alternative.
> - I think using Spec2 + GTK + Roassal3 + Polymath is a good idea.
> Check that Spec2 and Roassal3 are still under heavy development. They
> are getting much better, but of course, it will take some time to
> stabilize; but both of them are progressing very fast and they are
> already quite stable.
> - For developing DSL and interactive programming for non-programmers
> users, Pharo is ideal. It presents a lot of tools to easily develop
> DSL and the UI to make them work excellent. The idea of live
> manipulation of objects and inspection of all the instances can be
> easily added to a DSL.
> Thanks for your attention!
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 9:13 PM Tomaž Turk  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm thinking about implementing a software solution in Pharo (as one of the 
>> candidate environments), it's a project that I'm dealing with 
>> professionally. The goal is to develop a financial planning/simulation 
>> application on the country level, which is at present developed as a set of 
>> interrelated Excel spreadsheets. The requirement is that the solution should 
>> be more "manageable", resilient and straightforward than Excel permits, that 
>> it should present a workflow to the user - i.e. , that the tasks the user 
>> should do are suggested through the GUI.
>> The majority of the data is in a form of a time series (for instance: GDP 
>> for a series of years). There are many variables in the model which shoud be 
>> calculated from other variables, year by year. There are also lagged 
>> variables (the value for the current year depends from the value of previous 
>> year), and running averages. There are also some variables which are not 
>> time series (parameters). As a part of GUI, there is a need to present the 
>> results as diagrams, too (scatterplots, line charts), otherwise tables are 
>> the output.
>> I found Pharo to be a very elegant language and environment, with version 
>> 8.0 it became pretty stable, however I don't have any experiences in 
>> building software solutions of this type in Smalltalk. In other words, I'd 
>> like to be more confident in setting the architecture, both in the sense of 
>> the model content (variables interrelation) and the architecture of classes. 
>> Besides, for the calculated variables I'd like to have a relatively simple 
>> syntax to define them (like 'GDPpC <- GDP / Population').
>> My thoughts and questions:
>> - for easier maintenance I'd like to separate the data from the code - so 
>> the question is what would be the best way to implement persistence (another 
>> Pharo image  - with what?, some relational database, XML/JSON, flat files 
>> ...)
>> - I wonder what would be the best "architecture" of classes - so, we have a 
>> lot of aggregate variables like GDP and population, which can be grouped at 
>> least according to the stage in the planning workflow. There are also 
>> resulting (calculated) variables (e.g. GDP per capita). On the other hand, 
>> since this is a planning software, it's a kind of simulation, where we have 
>> a "data warehouse", experiments and results
>> - As a core packages I would use Spec2, Roassal, and PolyMath.
>> I'm just thinking aloud, and would greatly appreciate any thoughts from 
>> experienced Pharoers  :-)
>> Best wishes,
>> Tomaz
> -- 
> Pablo Tesone.

[Pharo-users] Internet connection active

2020-04-10 Thread dario.trussardi65

i have a Pharo 7.0.3 image run on Ubuntu system.

Sometime the internet connection go down.

In this status when i do the:

NetNameResolver addressForName:  ''  timeout: 1

the system is busy for 20 seconds ( for any request ).

The timeout: 1  is not considered.

Question:  how i can test if the internet connection is up before 
submit any NetNameResolver request ?

Googling in VisualBasic i found the ActiveConnection

It return true if internet connection is active.

Equivalent in Pharo - Gemstone ?



Re: [Pharo-users] Thinking aloud about project at hand

2020-04-10 Thread John Aspinall
Hi Tomaz - since a couple of people have mentioned SQLite I’d like to suggest 
ReStore as an easy way to use this from Pharo: 

ReStore lets you store your data in SQLite without needing to write any SQL, 
and offers an easy upgrade path to larger databases such as Postgres. 
Documentation (recently updated) is linked from the end of the Github readme.

Good luck with your application.

John Aspinall

> On 10 Apr 2020, at 09:12, wrote:
> Hi Tomaz,
> From the comments about the requirements you do I suggest:
> - For data storage, my recommendation goes depending on two factors:
> 1)Installation complexity, 2) volume of data. These are two variables
> that will be against one and the other. I will recommend to use
> MongoDB + Voyage, that goes very well. It grows excellent with the
> amount of data, it has really cool integration with Pharo and Voyage
> is an excellent mapping tool; also it is a mature solution and it has
> a lot of support for back-up schemes and solutions. Using MongoDB
> complicates the installation process, so if you have the idea of a
> easy installable application maybe SQLlite is a good alternative.
> - I think using Spec2 + GTK + Roassal3 + Polymath is a good idea.
> Check that Spec2 and Roassal3 are still under heavy development. They
> are getting much better, but of course, it will take some time to
> stabilize; but both of them are progressing very fast and they are
> already quite stable.
> - For developing DSL and interactive programming for non-programmers
> users, Pharo is ideal. It presents a lot of tools to easily develop
> DSL and the UI to make them work excellent. The idea of live
> manipulation of objects and inspection of all the instances can be
> easily added to a DSL.
> Thanks for your attention!
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 9:13 PM Tomaž Turk  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm thinking about implementing a software solution in Pharo (as one of the 
>> candidate environments), it's a project that I'm dealing with 
>> professionally. The goal is to develop a financial planning/simulation 
>> application on the country level, which is at present developed as a set of 
>> interrelated Excel spreadsheets. The requirement is that the solution should 
>> be more "manageable", resilient and straightforward than Excel permits, that 
>> it should present a workflow to the user - i.e. , that the tasks the user 
>> should do are suggested through the GUI.
>> The majority of the data is in a form of a time series (for instance: GDP 
>> for a series of years). There are many variables in the model which shoud be 
>> calculated from other variables, year by year. There are also lagged 
>> variables (the value for the current year depends from the value of previous 
>> year), and running averages. There are also some variables which are not 
>> time series (parameters). As a part of GUI, there is a need to present the 
>> results as diagrams, too (scatterplots, line charts), otherwise tables are 
>> the output.
>> I found Pharo to be a very elegant language and environment, with version 
>> 8.0 it became pretty stable, however I don't have any experiences in 
>> building software solutions of this type in Smalltalk. In other words, I'd 
>> like to be more confident in setting the architecture, both in the sense of 
>> the model content (variables interrelation) and the architecture of classes. 
>> Besides, for the calculated variables I'd like to have a relatively simple 
>> syntax to define them (like 'GDPpC <- GDP / Population').
>> My thoughts and questions:
>> - for easier maintenance I'd like to separate the data from the code - so 
>> the question is what would be the best way to implement persistence (another 
>> Pharo image  - with what?, some relational database, XML/JSON, flat files 
>> ...)
>> - I wonder what would be the best "architecture" of classes - so, we have a 
>> lot of aggregate variables like GDP and population, which can be grouped at 
>> least according to the stage in the planning workflow. There are also 
>> resulting (calculated) variables (e.g. GDP per capita). On the other hand, 
>> since this is a planning software, it's a kind of simulation, where we have 
>> a "data warehouse", experiments and results
>> - As a core packages I would use Spec2, Roassal, and PolyMath.
>> I'm just thinking aloud, and would greatly appreciate any thoughts from 
>> experienced Pharoers  :-)
>> Best wishes,
>> Tomaz
> -- 
> Pablo Tesone.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo on a chromebook?

2020-04-10 Thread tbrunz
I just verified that my 'pharo-adjust-cursor' script does work for Pharo
Launcher as well as Pharo images that are installed in a Linux Container on
Chromebooks that have 4K displays (e.g., the "Pixelbook" models).

If you download the bash script from
to the directory that contains 'pharolauncher' and run it, it will update
the 'pharo-launcher' script inside.

Thereafter, when you run Pharo Launcher, or launch an image from Pharo
Launcher, the cursor on 4K Chromebook displays will look normal size.


Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Status of Marea?

2020-04-10 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hi everyone,

Just checking what it would take to update Marea for a production
environment in Pharo 8 or Pharo 9 or beyond. The last repo link I found is

And I couldn't find other codebase in the Mariano's Github repo.

Any updates out there?



Re: [Pharo-users] Status of Marea?

2020-04-10 Thread Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Hernán,

If I remember correctly, that was the last repo I used. I just tried to
check in SmalltalkHub if there was a new repo but seems already down, so I
can't check.
Also, none of my Marea images work anymore for me because latest OSX
dropped 32 bits support. But I can look for the images and send it to you
if you want.

To bring it to latest Pharo I would think:

1) Update it to use latest Fuel version
2) Slots may have broken class proxies
3) Update Marea proxies to use the latest version of Ghost proxies
(wherever that is)

As a side note, Marea would work much better these days because of the lazy
become (AFAIK that is already in Cog since some time).

Let me know if that helps,

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 5:25 PM Hernán Morales Durand <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Just checking what it would take to update Marea for a production
> environment in Pharo 8 or Pharo 9 or beyond. The last repo link I found is
> this:
> And I couldn't find other codebase in the Mariano's Github repo.
> Any updates out there?
> Cheers,
> Hernán

Mariano Martinez Peck
Twitter: @MartinezPeck


Re: [Pharo-users] Status of Marea?

2020-04-10 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hi Mariano!

Thank you for the very fast reply!
Yes, I have highSierra and Mojave was the last 32-bit supported so I can
try the image if you send it to me.

I've been wondering if there's huge performance impact if I need to walk
every node of a giant tree (like a phylogenetic tree) for some operations
in my app.

Anyway I would love to check it out :)



El vie., 10 abr. 2020 a las 17:33, Mariano Martinez Peck (<>) escribió:

> Hi Hernán,
> If I remember correctly, that was the last repo I used. I just tried to
> check in SmalltalkHub if there was a new repo but seems already down, so I
> can't check.
> Also, none of my Marea images work anymore for me because latest OSX
> dropped 32 bits support. But I can look for the images and send it to you
> if you want.
> To bring it to latest Pharo I would think:
> 1) Update it to use latest Fuel version
> 2) Slots may have broken class proxies
> 3) Update Marea proxies to use the latest version of Ghost proxies
> (wherever that is)
> As a side note, Marea would work much better these days because of the
> lazy become (AFAIK that is already in Cog since some time).
> Let me know if that helps,
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 5:25 PM Hernán Morales Durand <
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Just checking what it would take to update Marea for a production
>> environment in Pharo 8 or Pharo 9 or beyond. The last repo link I found is
>> this:
>> And I couldn't find other codebase in the Mariano's Github repo.
>> Any updates out there?
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
> --
> Mariano Martinez Peck
> Email:
> Twitter: @MartinezPeck
> LinkedIn:
> Blog:

[Pharo-users] Problem downloading images

2020-04-10 Thread Vitor Medina Cruz

I am having problem downloading new images through PharoLauncher, it's very
slow and around 20% download it tells "ConnectionTimedOut: Data Receive
time out". Full stacktrace is below. Actually, I couldn't download the new
version of PharoLauncher too, it is very slow and then it fails.

Is there some problem or maintenance in the servers?

[ :exception | self downloadFailureForUrl: url ] in
PhLDownloadManager>>newHTTPClientForUrl: in Block: [ :exception | self
downloadFailureForUrl: url ]
[ :exception |
retryCount > 0
ifTrue: [ self
handleRetry: exception;
executeWithRetriesRemaining: retryCount - 1 ]
ifFalse: [ exception pass ] ] in ZnClient>>executeWithRetriesRemaining: in
Block: [ :exception | ...
ConnectionTimedOut class(Exception class)>>signal:
[ ConnectionTimedOut signal: 'Data receive timed out.' ] in
Socket>>waitForDataFor: in Block: [ ConnectionTimedOut signal: 'Data
receive timed o...etc...
[ self executeWithRedirectsRemaining: self maxNumberOfRedirects ] in
ZnClient>>executeWithRetriesRemaining: in Block: [ self
executeWithRedirectsRemaining: self maxNumb...etc...
[ self executeWithRetriesRemaining: self numberOfRetries ] in [ [ self
executeWithRetriesRemaining: self numberOfRetries ]
on: Error
do: self ifFailBlock ] in ZnClient>>executeWithTimeout in Block: [ self
executeWithRetriesRemaining: self numberOfR...etc...
[ [ self executeWithRetriesRemaining: self numberOfRetries ]
on: Error
do: self ifFailBlock ] in ZnClient>>executeWithTimeout in Block: [ [ self
executeWithRetriesRemaining: self numberO...etc...
[ ^ block value ] in ZnClient>>withTimeoutDo: in Block: [ ^ block value ]


Re: [Pharo-users] Problem downloading images

2020-04-10 Thread tbrunz
Probably your ISP.  I was able to download this morning (in Los Angeles), and
just downloaded a new image now, late afternoon.  Everything running quick &

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Problem downloading images

2020-04-10 Thread Vitor Medina Cruz
That's odd, everything is working perfectly fine, except from downloading
Pharo. Here is the result of tracert (in portuguese, sorry, but the format
is well know, so...)

[image: image.png]

> Rastreando a rota para []
> com no máximo 30 saltos:
>   1<1 ms<1 ms<1 ms
>   2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
>   3 1 ms 2 ms 2 ms
>   4 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms
> []
>   5 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms
>   6   105 ms   279 ms   204 ms
> []
>   7 **  185 ms
> []
>   8 **  200 ms []
>   9 *  191 ms * []
>  10   278 ms *  278 ms []
>  11   273 ms *  273 ms []
>  12 *** Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido.
>  13 *** Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido.
>  14 *** Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido.
>  15   273 ms *  269 ms
> []
> Rastreamento concluído.

tracert for is fine, the problem is at You can
see I am at Brazil, so the >200 overseas is normal, the problem seems when

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 9:48 PM tbrunz  wrote:

> Probably your ISP.  I was able to download this morning (in Los Angeles),
> and
> just downloaded a new image now, late afternoon.  Everything running quick
> &
> smooth...
> --
> Sent from: