[Pharo-users] Problem with ZnWebSocket and closed connections

2020-02-20 Thread Davide Varvello via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message ---
Hi guys!
I've a problem with websockets, I'm quite a noob on the subject and I'm
doing some tests with them.

I run the echo websocket this way:

ZnServer startDefaultOn: 8000.
ZnServer default delegate: (ZnWebSocketDelegate handler:
ZnWebSocketEchoHandler new).

I tested it with with the chrome extension
that emulates a websocket client. If I point to the url ws://localhost:8000
everyting is fine
I want to test the websocket server via ngrok (https://ngrok.com/) and if I
point the client to the ngrok url (i.e. ws://myurl.ngrok.io that maps
localhost:8000) it happens a connection-closed after a while and I can't
understand the cause, is there a timeout somewhere?

I know that it is something related to Pharo (and not to ngrok) because if I
implement a simple echo websocket served via websocketd
(http://websocketd.com) the connection stays always active even if through

Can you help me please?

Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo TechTalk Feb 20: The Colony

2020-02-20 Thread Marcus Denker
This is now

We are on Discord: Video Stream is in the "General Audio" Channel. #techtalk 
has the discussion

> On 18 Feb 2020, at 14:02, Marcus Denker  wrote:
> *** this Thursday ***
> A regular chat about Pharo. Happens on Discord.
> This month a bit a special TechTalk, not about Pharo but about a tool that 
> might be interesting for us to use.
> Topic: The Colony https://colony.io
>   Introduction to "The Colony", a new platform to Organize and 
> Incentivize Collaborators, Contributors, and Communities.
>   Short demo, followed by some Q&A, help to get people onboarded.
> https://association.pharo.org/event-3697011
> 20 Feb 2020   •  
> 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (EST)
> NOTE: this is EST time, for Europe, this is 19:30 (the easiest is to download 
> the calendar entry)

[Pharo-users] Alignment visualization performance

2020-02-20 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hello guys.

I want to visualize DNA sequence alignments in Pharo 8. For this task most
bioinformatics applications set a background color for each letter. But in
Pharo the Inspector is too slow to open even for just one small sequence of
1Kb. Consider now there are about 37k sequences of COVID-19 and each genome
contains about 30k of letters, so visualizing and scrolling these should be
fast (as for zooming).

But have a look at this script which takes about 6 seconds to open an
Inspector. The script uses BioSmalltalk, and the code could be enhanced for
sure, but that is not relevant to my performance problem of visualization:

| text attributes |
" Generate a Text object from a random sequence "
text := ((BioSequence forAlphabet: BioDNAAlphabet) randomLength: 1000)
sequence asText.
" Setup an array for each nucleotide background color "
attributes := Array new: text size.
1 to: text size do: [ : index |
attributes at: index put: {
(TextBackgroundColor color: (BioDNAAlphabet colorMap at: (text at: index)))
}  ].
text runs: (RunArray newFrom: attributes).
text inspect
] timeToRun asString  "'0:00:00:05.911'"

Also, resizing the opened Inspector takes 2-3 seconds to refresh.
You can see the output here: https://imgur.com/a/xUlBeVY

I should say without the #inspect the code ran without performance issues:

So I ran again the script for different sequence sizes:

String streamContents: [ : stream |
100 to: 2000 by: 100 do: [ : sl |
stream nextPutAll: ([
| text attributes |
" Generate a Text object from a random sequence "
text := ((BioSequence forAlphabet: BioDNAAlphabet) randomLength: sl)
sequence asText.
" Setup an array for each nucleotide background color "
attributes := Array new: text size.
1 to: text size do: [ : index |
attributes at: index put: {
(TextBackgroundColor color: (BioDNAAlphabet colorMap at: (text at: index)))
}  ].
text runs: (RunArray newFrom: attributes).
text inspect
] timeToRun asString);

And these are the results:


At first I thought it was a problem of the Glamout text renderer for Rubric
Text, but profiling a single pass of the snippet for 2000 letters, shows a
couple of methods in Rubric scanner, after some DNU sends, which are
consuming a lot of the time:
RubCharacterBlockScanner(RubCharacterBlockScanner) >>
characterBlockAtPoint:index:in: and
RubCharacterBlockScanner(RubCharacterBlockScanner) >> endOfRun". I attached
the full profiler report so you may have a look if you like. But the
summary is:

37.4% {8800ms}
6.3% {1476ms} Dictionary>>at:ifAbsentPut:
6.1% {1425ms} Context>>unwindComplete
4.6% {1082ms} Semaphore>>criticalReleasingOnError:
4.2% {991ms} Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:
3.3% {785ms} Context>>aboutToReturn:through:
2.2% {527ms} Context>>resume:through:
2.0% {470ms} ExternalAddress>>isNull
1.8% {421ms} BlockClosure>>on:do:
1.7% {402ms}
1.6% {378ms} FreeTypeFace>>validate
1.6% {376ms} Dictionary>>scanFor:
1.5% {364ms} Context>>unwindComplete:
1.5% {344ms} Context>>unwindBlock
1.4% {323ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
1.3% {299ms} Dictionary(HashedCollection)>>findElementOrNil:
1.2% {293ms} RunArray>>at:setRunOffsetAndValue:
1.2% {289ms} FreeTypeCache>>atFont:charCode:type:ifAbsentPut:
1.1% {252ms} FreeTypeCacheLinkedList>>moveDown:

old +0 bytes
young -1,485,272 bytes
used -1,485,272 bytes
free +1,485,272 bytes

full 0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime)
incr 947 totalling 1,576ms (7.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms
tenures 0
root table 0 overflows

So my question is, is there any other text rendering backends to try? And
when I say backends I say which don't use Rubric.


 - 23517 tallies, 23528 msec.


Process: (40s) Morphic UI Process: nil

99.1% {23313ms} UndefinedObject>>DoIt
  99.0% {23300ms} Text(Object)>>inspect
99.0% {23300ms} GTInspector class>>inspect:
  99.0% {23300ms} GTInspector class>>openOn:
99.0% {23300ms} GTInspector>>openOn:
  99.0% {23300ms} GTInspector(GLMCompositePresentation)>>openOn:
99.0% {23300ms} GTInspector(GLMCompositePresentation)>>openOn:with:
  99.0% {23298ms} GTInspector(GLMCompositePresentation)>>openWith:
99.0% {23298ms} GLMMorphicRenderer>>open:
  99.0% {23285ms} GLMMorphicWindowRenderer 
class(GLMMorphicWidgetRenderer class)>>render:from:
99.0% {23285ms} GLMMorphicWindowRenderer>>render:
  98.9% {23274ms} 

Re: [Pharo-users] PolyMath v1.0.2 release

2020-02-20 Thread Markus Stumptner
Thanks for keeping working on this. I have a question, how much are the 
core classes of Polymath changed beyond the original Besset classes (or, 
beyond the "PM" prefix, how much has been changed relative to those that 
come with the Visualworks distribution)?   I'm not asking about external 
bindings such as the Tensorflow stuff, just the consistency of protocols 
for internal code.  We have some long-running projects and compatibility 
across environments (beyond the obvious environment differences) is 
quite important.


On 6/02/2020 23:49, Serge Stinckwich wrote:

Dear all,

we are happy to announce the release of PolyMath 1.0.2, the
computational framework for Pharo. This release works on Pharo 7.0 and 
Pharo 8.0. All the 815 tests and the CI are green on MacOs, Windows 
and Linux :-)

Please find more information about the project here:

Changelog of modifications since version 1.0.1 is available here:

You can install the 1.0.2 version in a fresh Pharo 7.0&8.0 with the
following code snippet:

Metacello new
repository: 'github://PolyMathOrg/PolyMath:v1.0.2/src';
baseline: 'PolyMath';

You can join the dev team on #polymath channel for weekly meetings on 
Thursday. We are looking for more people for tests and contributions.

I'm starting a small experiment. If you want to support me working on 
PolyMath or others of my project like Tensorflow Pharo bindings, you 
can be one of my github sponsors.

Please give a monthly support here:

Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
niversity of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally 
for machines to execute."
