Re: [Pharo-users] Getting example images -

2019-05-01 Thread Franz Josef Konrad

Am 29.04.2019 um 13:23 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe:


This is a cool service: - it gives you example images 

Here is how you can use this from a standard Pharo image (no pun intended).

ZnEasy getJpeg: ''.

ImageReadWriter formFromStream: (ZnClient new
   url: '';
   accept: ZnMimeType imagePng;
   get) readStream.


Picsum is listed here  along 
with a number of other public APIs. Maybe this overview list is 
interesting for one or the other.

Franz Josef

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 6.0 and 6.1 64 bit freeze on MacMini -also in 7.03

2019-05-01 Thread Stephan Eggermont
TedVanGaalen  wrote:
> Thanks, but I will revert to Pharo 5.0 (pre spur VM)  again...
> until the problems with 7.x are solved... or 8 is really stable.

The problem here really is Apple breaking things and not telling developers
what changes they make. We’ve been hit by that before. Microsoft has the
same problem
