[Pharo-users] MetaLink after on a message with argument

2018-09-04 Thread Peter Uhnak

I'm trying to install an #after metalink to a MessageNode that has an
argument, however it fails because the bytecode is missing the argument (I
Note that #before control worked fine, so I am not sure whether this is a
bug, not yet supported, or am I doing something wrong.

code (tested in P6.1):

Something compile: 'add: aNumber
^ 1 + aNumber'.

after := MetaLink new
metaObject: [ self logCr: 'after' ];
selector: #value;
control: #after.
after uninstall.

ast := (Something>>#add:) ast.
node := ast sendNodes first.
node link: after.

Something new add: 3.


[image: image.png]



Re: [Pharo-users] MetaLink after on a message with argument

2018-09-04 Thread Marcus Denker

This is already fixed in Pharo7… if needed I can have a look to see what 
exactly to backport.


> On 4 Sep 2018, at 13:12, Peter Uhnak  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install an #after metalink to a MessageNode that has an 
> argument, however it fails because the bytecode is missing the argument (I 
> think).
> Note that #before control worked fine, so I am not sure whether this is a 
> bug, not yet supported, or am I doing something wrong.
> code (tested in P6.1):
> ~
> Something compile: 'add: aNumber
>   ^ 1 + aNumber'.
> after := MetaLink new
>   metaObject: [ self logCr: 'after' ];
>   selector: #value;
>   control: #after.
> "
> after uninstall.
> "
> ast := (Something>>#add:) ast.
> node := ast sendNodes first.
> node link: after.
> Something new add: 3.
> ~~~
> error:
> Thanks!
> Peter

Re: [Pharo-users] Smalltalk Security Landscape - survey for ESUG 2018

2018-09-04 Thread Esteban A. Maringolo
Will the raw results be published?


On 30/08/2018 00:41, Jerry Kott wrote:
> Hello, just a reminder that the survey closes on August 31st. If you
> missed the announcement and would like to participate, you have a lasst
> chance.
> Thank you all who gave their time to it.
> *Jerry Kott*
> This message has been digitally signed. 
> PGP Fingerprint:
> A9181736DD2F1B6CC7CF9E51AC8514F48C0979A5
>> On 13-08-2018, at 10:50 AM, Jerry Kott > > wrote:
>> Dear Smalltalkers and friends,
>> I am planning to have a presentation titled ‘Smalltalk Security
>> Landscape’ at this year’s ESUG conference. In my presentation I hope
>> to increase cybersecurity awareness within the Smalltalk community and
>> help shape the evolution of the language and its ecosystem.
>> I have put together a survey to help me research the topic. I ask for
>> your kind help to get a picture of where Smalltalk stands in the area
>> of cybersecurity. The survey is completely anonymous, and should take
>> less than 15 minutes to complete. I appreciate your time and
>> participation.
>> If you are in a management role, I would like your help by forwarding
>> this to your team members to help reach the broad Smalltalk community.
>> Here is a link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/esug2018
>> Thank you for your help, and hope to see you in Cagliari!
>> *Jerry Kott*
>> This message has been digitally signed. 
>> PGP Fingerprint:
>> A9181736DD2F1B6CC7CF9E51AC8514F48C0979A5

Esteban A. Maringolo

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Pharo-users] Dynabook and flipped classroom

2018-09-04 Thread Hilaire
What could be Dynabook under the perspective of flipped classroom?



Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Smalltalk Security Landscape - survey for ESUG 2018

2018-09-04 Thread Jerry Kott
Hi Esteban,

yes, they will be published but I need a bit of time as I am working on 
multiple things at the moment.

Jerry Kott
This message has been digitally signed.
PGP Fingerprint:

> On 04-09-2018, at 11:45 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo  wrote:
> Will the raw results be published?
> Thanks!
> On 30/08/2018 00:41, Jerry Kott wrote:
>> Hello, just a reminder that the survey closes on August 31st. If you
>> missed the announcement and would like to participate, you have a lasst
>> chance.
>> Thank you all who gave their time to it.
>> *Jerry Kott*
>> This message has been digitally signed.
>> PGP Fingerprint:
>> A9181736DD2F1B6CC7CF9E51AC8514F48C0979A5
>>> On 13-08-2018, at 10:50 AM, Jerry Kott >> > wrote:
>>> Dear Smalltalkers and friends,
>>> I am planning to have a presentation titled ‘Smalltalk Security
>>> Landscape’ at this year’s ESUG conference. In my presentation I hope
>>> to increase cybersecurity awareness within the Smalltalk community and
>>> help shape the evolution of the language and its ecosystem.
>>> I have put together a survey to help me research the topic. I ask for
>>> your kind help to get a picture of where Smalltalk stands in the area
>>> of cybersecurity. The survey is completely anonymous, and should take
>>> less than 15 minutes to complete. I appreciate your time and
>>> participation.
>>> If you are in a management role, I would like your help by forwarding
>>> this to your team members to help reach the broad Smalltalk community.
>>> Here is a link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/esug2018
>>> Thank you for your help, and hope to see you in Cagliari!
>>> *Jerry Kott*
>>> This message has been digitally signed.
>>> PGP Fingerprint:
>>> A9181736DD2F1B6CC7CF9E51AC8514F48C0979A5
> --
> Esteban A. Maringolo

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP