Re: [Pharo-users] [Vm-dev] Running headless on Windows

2018-01-18 Thread Nicolai Hess
2017-12-29 16:53 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov :

> 2017-12-29 16:13 GMT+01:00 Andrei Stebakov :
>> Nicolai, the maximize/non-maximize trick worked! Thanks! I wonder if it's
>> an easy fix to put in Pharo.
> So it means that something in image is not initialised. It can be another
> bug of wrong startup order

Maybe a problem on the image and the vm side.

Even in headless mode, starting pharo creates a window. Even if it is
hidden, it has some size.

Quit and Saving an image will write the current width/height into the image

Starting the vm will create a window and set the size of the window to the
last size.
The window is always created in normal (not-maximized) mode and the
available size is a little bit smaller
than for a maximized window.

Now, the image checks for a change of the size of the current DisplayScreen
instance and the actual screen size.
If this is different (as in this case) a new DisplayScreen is initialized
which will call a full screen update (ioForceDisplayUpdate).

And this method will show a hidden (headless) image.

>> On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 6:22 AM, 
>> wrote:
>>> I am using nssm because the service option is broken.
>>> The code seems to still be in the image but disabled (there are quite a
>>> few things like that actually).
>>> Phil
>>> On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Torsten Bergmann 
>>> wrote:

 Hi, (cross posting vm-dev)

 nssm is nice - but requires additional tools.

 Since the days of Squeak the windows VM had the

  -service "ServiceName"

 option and one was able to run Squeak as a windows service out of the

 See for details.

 This option allows to register/deregister with the windows service
 manager and run
 a headless image.

 I run a Squeak Wiki (Swiki/Comanche) since years with this and it is
 very nice and stable.

 Unfortunately this is broken in recent Pharo VMs and so far Esteban or
 others did not
 have the time to look into this issue. Would be really nice if this
 option could
 be recovered in 2018. So one could easily deploy and run Seaside or
 or Zinc/WebClient based web services on Windows.

 If we want to deploy Smalltalk based web applications or services on
 Windows we
 should support that. It will keep Windows administrators happy and we
 would integrate with
 the whole ecosystem (for instance you can start/stop a service using
 Windows scripting for
 doing backups, etc.) right out of the box.


 Gesendet: Freitag, 29. Dezember 2017 um 11:36 Uhr
 Von: "" 
 An: "Any question about pharo is welcome" 
 Betreff: Re: [Pharo-users] Running headless on Windows

 If you want to run Pharo as a service, I have found nssm to be working


 On Dec 29, 2017 09:25, "Nicolai Hess" >>>]> wrote:

 2017-12-29 3:07 GMT+01:00 Andrei Stebakov >>>]>:
 Pierce, I tried all of those "no display" options, the result is the

 On Dec 28, 2017 8:37 PM, "Pierce Ng" >>>]> wrote:On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 04:58:39PM
 +0100, Cyril Ferlicot D. wrote:
 > On 12/27/2017 04:39 PM, Andrei Stebakov wrote:
 > > When I run Pharo 6.1 with -- headless option on Windows, it
 executes the
 > > eval command as expected but during the execution (which lasts 4
 sec) it
 > > opens the Pharo GUI.
 > > Is it expected? I thought headless means that the whole execution
 > > happen in the background
 > I think that currently Pharo does not have a "real" headless. But I
 > heard there was work on that part for Pharo 7.

 I know OP is talking about Windows...  I've been running server
 applications on
 Linux without X11 with -vm-display-null and in-image RFBServer for
 access to
 Pharo over VNC. This works very well for me.

 I believe "real" headless means GUI is not run at all and therefore
 does not
 consume CPU cycles, which is very welcome. Meanwhile, maybe
 works on Windows for scripting purposes?


 Hi Andrei,

 can you try this:

 Open Pharo normal (no headless option).
 Change the window size to "not-maximized" (eve if it is actually not
 maximized, maximize it ones and change it back to "not-maximized")
 Save and quit the image.

 After that, a call like

 pharo --headless pharo.image eval "DateAndTime now"
 will write the output to the stdout file, without opening a window.


Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Updating Consultants Listing

2018-01-18 Thread Serge Stinckwich
Consultants listed on this board are not gold association member like said
here ?

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 5:27 PM, Marcus Denker 

> Hi,
> We have
> I want to change it to
> - not be a forward to
> - be auto-generated from the
> But we should update it already before that is finished. So:
> If you want to be listed, please send your infos in the form:
> PharoConsultant {
> #name : Your name',
> #email : ',
> #website : '',
> #id : 'yourname (currently not used for anything)',
> #location : 'City, Country of your business',
> #languages : 'what languages do you speak',
> #industryExperienceSince : 1994,
> #pharoExperienceSince : 2008,
> #areasOfExpertise : 'what are your areas of expertise. E.g. business
> apllications, user interface, legacy, ...',
> #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2002
> }
> (or open a pull request at:
> project/pharo-project-consultants/)
> Marcus

Serge Stinckwich
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Updating Consultants Listing

2018-01-18 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

> On 18 Jan 2018, at 09:20, Serge Stinckwich  wrote:
> Consultants listed on this board are not gold association member like said 
> here ? 

We've never been strict on this, but yes, the idea is that anyone who wants to 
be listed as 'Pharo Consultant' should either be an Association Gold member or 
a Consortium member. I think that is the least we can ask for. After all, this 
is publicity for a commercial activity.

> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 5:27 PM, Marcus Denker  wrote:
> Hi,
> We have 
> I want to change it to
>   - not be a forward to
>   - be auto-generated from the
> But we should update it already before that is finished. So:
> If you want to be listed, please send your infos in the form:
> PharoConsultant {
>   #name : Your name',
>   #email :',
>   #website : '',
>   #id : 'yourname (currently not used for anything)',
>   #location : 'City, Country of your business',
>   #languages : 'what languages do you speak',
>   #industryExperienceSince : 1994,
>   #pharoExperienceSince : 2008,
>   #areasOfExpertise : 'what are your areas of expertise. E.g. 
> business apllications, user interface, legacy, ...',
>   #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2002
>   }
> (or open a pull request at: 
>   Marcus
> -- 
> Serge Stinckwich
> "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for 
> machines to execute."

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Hilaire

Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :

Which Pharo version?


Have you found any solution to this?

I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove 
the content of the package-cache directory.

In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know,
maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no class

I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.

I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image 
built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo release 
with such an important image size.


Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Denis Kudriashov
Also notice that OS can give program very surprising working directory when
you run it using UI tools.
For example in MacOS drag image to the vm using Finder assigns root (/) as
working directory.

2017-12-15 21:38 GMT+01:00 Hilaire :

> Oh, in a build for a DrGeo app based on P7, the working directory is one
> level highter to the image folder.
> So in P7, there are two different results for the working directory: the
> user home directory, and one level hight to image dir.
> What's the context? Where to look at?
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Alistair Grant
Hi Hilaire & Denis,

On 18 January 2018 at 09:38, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
> Also notice that OS can give program very surprising working directory when
> you run it using UI tools.
> For example in MacOS drag image to the vm using Finder assigns root (/) as
> working directory.
> 2017-12-15 21:38 GMT+01:00 Hilaire :
>> Oh, in a build for a DrGeo app based on P7, the working directory is one
>> level highter to the image folder.
>> So in P7, there are two different results for the working directory: the
>> user home directory, and one level hight to image dir.
>> What's the context? Where to look at?

For Pharo 7:

The working directory is C getcwd().  The differences you are seeing
will be the result of how Pharo is launched.  If you run it from the
command line, it will be the current directory of the shell.  I don't
use MacOS, but it sounds like dragging a file to an executable always
uses the root directory as cwd.

The working directory is cached in DiskStore DefaultWorkingDirectory.
It's set at session startup to DiskStore
class>>defaultWorkingDirectory, which ultimately calls getcwd().


Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Updating Consultants Listing

2018-01-18 Thread Marcus Denker
This is the next step. The association database has an API and we can 
auto-generate the list.

I wanted to not enforce membership manualy before this this is implemented.

It is important to bound it to something so it does not end up like the 
“companies using Smalltalk”
lis of ESUG, where entries are added but old ones *never* removed… as when you 
stop using
something you tend to not ask to be removed. I am sure some of the entries of 
the consultants
list are stale already.

With binding it to the association, people that leave the community will stop 
membership and thus
the list will be up to date automatically. And it is one the things that make 
sense to offer as part of
a membership.


> On 18 Jan 2018, at 09:20, Serge Stinckwich  wrote:
> Consultants listed on this board are not gold association member like said 
> here ? 
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 5:27 PM, Marcus Denker  > wrote:
> Hi,
> We have  
> I want to change it to
>   - not be a forward to 
>   - be auto-generated from the 
> But we should update it already before that is finished. So:
> If you want to be listed, please send your infos in the form:
> PharoConsultant {
>   #name : Your name',
>   #email : ',
>   #website : ' ',
>   #id : 'yourname (currently not used for anything)',
>   #location : 'City, Country of your business',
>   #languages : 'what languages do you speak',
>   #industryExperienceSince : 1994,
>   #pharoExperienceSince : 2008,
>   #areasOfExpertise : 'what are your areas of expertise. E.g. 
> business apllications, user interface, legacy, ...',
>   #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2002
>   }
> (or open a pull request at: 
> )
>   Marcus
> -- 
> Serge Stinckwich
> "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for 
> machines to execute."

Re: [Pharo-users] How can I outsource instance data ?

2018-01-18 Thread Nicolai Hess
2018-01-18 0:24 GMT+01:00 Photon :

> Hello,
> I am messing around with an ordered collection of a class wich contains a
> matrix. As it the size grew I started to wonder if my code was something
> one
> should not do or if one would maybe outsource some data.
> I don`t know if it`s just in the RAM if iI start the VM. In that case i
> would overkill it at some point or not?
> So i thought of storing the data on harddrive to be able to recall it later
> when I need to but get it out of the running VM for the moment.
> Maybe you can enlighten me regarding this.
> In this picture you can see that my data is basicly stored inside of a
> inspector at the moment. So it would be cool to store the whole thing on
> harddrive.

I am not sure, but it looks like you are using Morphs for every Cell and
every Cell in the generations collections.
These would be many (unnecessary) Morph objects.

Maybe it would be better to only store the cells (or cell states) and use
only one grid of Morphs to show the current generation.

> --
> Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Kjell Godo
i want it I’m going to get it if i can click download on it
 i don’t care about 43MB

is there an image stripper? ( Dolphin has an image stripper you can modify.
 after stripping the .exe file was about 6MB )

if this is 43MB of just DrGeo then i think it’s fine
 i don’t know what anybody else thinks and i don’t know much but
 it takes a few minutes to download
 at 1.5Mbits / second
 not really noticeable
 it has to be above 100MB at that speed to be noticeable
 in my opinion

so can i do differential geometry in DrGeo?
 like general relativity? that would be cool.
 can it do Tensors? i have this
  book : einstein gravity in a nutshell
  and i have always wanted a numerical graphical way to go through
  these equations in there
 i guess there is that numerical package i got, is there a tensor
 i tried to write a tensor thing once
 i tried to boil it down to the minimum number of lines of
  KEGGenerator code and that was like 10 or less
  to do a tensor multiply
  but i never tested it yet Test first!

so i want to get DrGeo now and i don’t care about 43MB
 now or soon it’s not really possible right now
 usually it would be but i am out of my usual country

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 00:33 Hilaire  wrote:

> Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
> > Which Pharo version?
> P7
> > Have you found any solution to this?
> I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove
> the content of the package-cache directory.
> > In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know,
> > maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no class
> > comments.
> I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
> Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.
> I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image
> built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo release
> with such an important image size.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Kjell Godo
it’s those weight limits on the luggage they spook you
 they spooked me they spooked us
 but they are not really limits you just have to pay more
 but you don’t actually find that out until you get there
 or if you want to spend an hour on the phone asking about it
  well probably only 20 minutes actually
  but you have to know that you can ask this question
   that it is a valid question to ask
   which apparently we did not
 so i left something behind Won’t do that again

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 02:45 Kjell Godo  wrote:

> i want it I’m going to get it if i can click download on it
>  i don’t care about 43MB
> is there an image stripper? ( Dolphin has an image stripper you can modify.
>  after stripping the .exe file was about 6MB )
> if this is 43MB of just DrGeo then i think it’s fine
>  i don’t know what anybody else thinks and i don’t know much but
>  it takes a few minutes to download
>  at 1.5Mbits / second
>  not really noticeable
>  it has to be above 100MB at that speed to be noticeable
>  in my opinion
> so can i do differential geometry in DrGeo?
>  like general relativity? that would be cool.
>  can it do Tensors? i have this
>   book : einstein gravity in a nutshell
>   and i have always wanted a numerical graphical way to go through
>   these equations in there
>  i guess there is that numerical package i got, is there a tensor
> package?
>  i tried to write a tensor thing once
>  i tried to boil it down to the minimum number of lines of
>   KEGGenerator code and that was like 10 or less
>   to do a tensor multiply
>   but i never tested it yet Test first!
> so i want to get DrGeo now and i don’t care about 43MB
>  now or soon it’s not really possible right now
>  usually it would be but i am out of my usual country
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 00:33 Hilaire  wrote:
>> Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
>> > Which Pharo version?
>> P7
>> > Have you found any solution to this?
>> I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove
>> the content of the package-cache directory.
>> > In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know,
>> > maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no class
>> > comments.
>> I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
>> Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.
>> I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image
>> built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo release
>> with such an important image size.
>> Hilaire
>> --
>> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Tudor Girba
Should we not block this account? It looks generated … although it is quite 
scary how not easy it is to not figure this out.


> On Jan 18, 2018, at 12:04 PM, Kjell Godo  wrote:
> it’s those weight limits on the luggage they spook you
>  they spooked me they spooked us
>  but they are not really limits you just have to pay more
>  but you don’t actually find that out until you get there
>  or if you want to spend an hour on the phone asking about it
>   well probably only 20 minutes actually 
>   but you have to know that you can ask this question
>that it is a valid question to ask
>which apparently we did not
>  so i left something behind Won’t do that again
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 02:45 Kjell Godo  wrote:
> i want it I’m going to get it if i can click download on it
>  i don’t care about 43MB
> is there an image stripper? ( Dolphin has an image stripper you can modify.
>  after stripping the .exe file was about 6MB )
> if this is 43MB of just DrGeo then i think it’s fine
>  i don’t know what anybody else thinks and i don’t know much but
>  it takes a few minutes to download 
>  at 1.5Mbits / second
>  not really noticeable
>  it has to be above 100MB at that speed to be noticeable
>  in my opinion
> so can i do differential geometry in DrGeo?
>  like general relativity? that would be cool.
>  can it do Tensors? i have this 
>   book : einstein gravity in a nutshell
>   and i have always wanted a numerical graphical way to go through
>   these equations in there
>  i guess there is that numerical package i got, is there a tensor package?
>  i tried to write a tensor thing once
>  i tried to boil it down to the minimum number of lines of 
>   KEGGenerator code and that was like 10 or less
>   to do a tensor multiply
>   but i never tested it yet Test first!
> so i want to get DrGeo now and i don’t care about 43MB
>  now or soon it’s not really possible right now
>  usually it would be but i am out of my usual country
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 00:33 Hilaire  wrote:
> Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
> > Which Pharo version?
> P7
> > Have you found any solution to this?
> I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove
> the content of the package-cache directory.
> > In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know,
> > maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no class
> > comments.
> I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
> Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.
> I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image
> built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo release
> with such an important image size.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo


"Speaking louder won't make the point worthier."

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Hilaire

Indeed it is scary... but it's still non sense.

Le 18/01/2018 à 12:08, Tudor Girba a écrit :

Should we not block this account? It looks generated … although it is quite 
scary how not easy it is to not figure this out.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Marcus Denker
yes, I will do that. I definitely is a bot I think the same that posted 
nonsense to Discord and years ago already to this list.


> On 18 Jan 2018, at 12:08, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> Should we not block this account? It looks generated … although it is quite 
> scary how not easy it is to not figure this out.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Jan 18, 2018, at 12:04 PM, Kjell Godo  wrote:
>> it’s those weight limits on the luggage they spook you
>> they spooked me they spooked us
>> but they are not really limits you just have to pay more
>> but you don’t actually find that out until you get there
>> or if you want to spend an hour on the phone asking about it
>>  well probably only 20 minutes actually 
>>  but you have to know that you can ask this question
>>   that it is a valid question to ask
>>   which apparently we did not
>> so i left something behind Won’t do that again
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 02:45 Kjell Godo  wrote:
>> i want it I’m going to get it if i can click download on it
>> i don’t care about 43MB
>> is there an image stripper? ( Dolphin has an image stripper you can modify.
>> after stripping the .exe file was about 6MB )
>> if this is 43MB of just DrGeo then i think it’s fine
>> i don’t know what anybody else thinks and i don’t know much but
>> it takes a few minutes to download 
>> at 1.5Mbits / second
>> not really noticeable
>> it has to be above 100MB at that speed to be noticeable
>> in my opinion
>> so can i do differential geometry in DrGeo?
>> like general relativity? that would be cool.
>> can it do Tensors? i have this 
>>  book : einstein gravity in a nutshell
>>  and i have always wanted a numerical graphical way to go through
>>  these equations in there
>> i guess there is that numerical package i got, is there a tensor package?
>> i tried to write a tensor thing once
>> i tried to boil it down to the minimum number of lines of 
>>  KEGGenerator code and that was like 10 or less
>>  to do a tensor multiply
>>  but i never tested it yet Test first!
>> so i want to get DrGeo now and i don’t care about 43MB
>> now or soon it’s not really possible right now
>> usually it would be but i am out of my usual country
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 00:33 Hilaire  wrote:
>> Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
>>> Which Pharo version?
>> P7
>>> Have you found any solution to this?
>> I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove
>> the content of the package-cache directory.
>>> In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know,
>>> maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no class
>>> comments.
>> I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
>> Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.
>> I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image
>> built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo release
>> with such an important image size.
>> Hilaire
>> --
>> Dr. Geo
> --
> "Speaking louder won't make the point worthier."

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo TechTalk Dates

2018-01-18 Thread Marcus Denker

Here are the next dates for the Pharo Techtalks.
(for recording of the past ones, see: )

Jan 30: Pharo TechTalk: Genetic Algorithms

For the others we have no topic yet, but dates are pre-fixed to:

Feb 15

March 22

April 12

May 17

June 14

- If you have ideas for topics, please tell us! 
- With no topic, we will use this slot for a general free discussion.
- If you want to do a TechTalk about a topic but no date is good, we can 
  change the date!


Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread PBKResearch
Are you sure it's a bot? Google the name - there is a real person living near 
Seattle, with an interest in Smalltalk. I think the same person posts on the 
Dolphin list using the name picoVerse. Granted the style is weird and it often 
doesn't seem to make sense, but it's a person.

Peter Kenny

-Original Message-
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Marcus Denker
Sent: 18 January 2018 12:47
To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

yes, I will do that. I definitely is a bot I think the same that posted 
nonsense to Discord and years ago already to this list.


> On 18 Jan 2018, at 12:08, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> Should we not block this account? It looks generated … although it is quite 
> scary how not easy it is to not figure this out.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Jan 18, 2018, at 12:04 PM, Kjell Godo  wrote:
>> it’s those weight limits on the luggage they spook you
>> they spooked me they spooked us
>> but they are not really limits you just have to pay more
>> but you don’t actually find that out until you get there
>> or if you want to spend an hour on the phone asking about it
>>  well probably only 20 minutes actually 
>>  but you have to know that you can ask this question
>>   that it is a valid question to ask
>>   which apparently we did not
>> so i left something behind Won’t do that again
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 02:45 Kjell Godo  wrote:
>> i want it I’m going to get it if i can click download on it
>> i don’t care about 43MB
>> is there an image stripper? ( Dolphin has an image stripper you can modify.
>> after stripping the .exe file was about 6MB )
>> if this is 43MB of just DrGeo then i think it’s fine
>> i don’t know what anybody else thinks and i don’t know much but
>> it takes a few minutes to download 
>> at 1.5Mbits / second
>> not really noticeable
>> it has to be above 100MB at that speed to be noticeable
>> in my opinion
>> so can i do differential geometry in DrGeo?
>> like general relativity? that would be cool.
>> can it do Tensors? i have this 
>>  book : einstein gravity in a nutshell
>>  and i have always wanted a numerical graphical way to go through
>>  these equations in there
>> i guess there is that numerical package i got, is there a tensor package?
>> i tried to write a tensor thing once
>> i tried to boil it down to the minimum number of lines of 
>>  KEGGenerator code and that was like 10 or less
>>  to do a tensor multiply
>>  but i never tested it yet Test first!
>> so i want to get DrGeo now and i don’t care about 43MB
>> now or soon it’s not really possible right now
>> usually it would be but i am out of my usual country
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 00:33 Hilaire  wrote:
>> Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
>>> Which Pharo version?
>> P7
>>> Have you found any solution to this?
>> I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove 
>> the content of the package-cache directory.
>>> In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know, 
>>> maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no 
>>> class comments.
>> I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
>> Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.
>> I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image 
>> built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo 
>> release with such an important image size.
>> Hilaire
>> --
>> Dr. Geo
> --
> "Speaking louder won't make the point worthier."

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Marcus Denker
Honestly there is some “minimal level of conduct” that people need to follow.

Something named picoVerse has spammed like this in the past and was kicked out, 


> On 18 Jan 2018, at 14:58, PBKResearch  wrote:
> Are you sure it's a bot? Google the name - there is a real person living near 
> Seattle, with an interest in Smalltalk. I think the same person posts on the 
> Dolphin list using the name picoVerse. Granted the style is weird and it 
> often doesn't seem to make sense, but it's a person.
> Peter Kenny
> -Original Message-
> From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
> Marcus Denker
> Sent: 18 January 2018 12:47
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use
> yes, I will do that. I definitely is a bot I think the same that posted 
> nonsense to Discord and years ago already to this list.
>   Marcus
>> On 18 Jan 2018, at 12:08, Tudor Girba  wrote:
>> Should we not block this account? It looks generated … although it is quite 
>> scary how not easy it is to not figure this out.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>>> On Jan 18, 2018, at 12:04 PM, Kjell Godo  wrote:
>>> it’s those weight limits on the luggage they spook you
>>>they spooked me they spooked us
>>>but they are not really limits you just have to pay more
>>>but you don’t actually find that out until you get there
>>>or if you want to spend an hour on the phone asking about it
>>> well probably only 20 minutes actually 
>>> but you have to know that you can ask this question
>>>  that it is a valid question to ask
>>>  which apparently we did not
>>>so i left something behind Won’t do that again
>>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 02:45 Kjell Godo  wrote:
>>> i want it I’m going to get it if i can click download on it
>>>i don’t care about 43MB
>>> is there an image stripper? ( Dolphin has an image stripper you can modify.
>>>after stripping the .exe file was about 6MB )
>>> if this is 43MB of just DrGeo then i think it’s fine
>>>i don’t know what anybody else thinks and i don’t know much but
>>>it takes a few minutes to download 
>>>at 1.5Mbits / second
>>>not really noticeable
>>>it has to be above 100MB at that speed to be noticeable
>>>in my opinion
>>> so can i do differential geometry in DrGeo?
>>>like general relativity? that would be cool.
>>>can it do Tensors? i have this 
>>> book : einstein gravity in a nutshell
>>> and i have always wanted a numerical graphical way to go through
>>> these equations in there
>>>i guess there is that numerical package i got, is there a tensor package?
>>>i tried to write a tensor thing once
>>>i tried to boil it down to the minimum number of lines of 
>>> KEGGenerator code and that was like 10 or less
>>> to do a tensor multiply
>>> but i never tested it yet Test first!
>>> so i want to get DrGeo now and i don’t care about 43MB
>>>now or soon it’s not really possible right now
>>>usually it would be but i am out of my usual country
>>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 00:33 Hilaire  wrote:
>>> Le 18/01/2018 à 05:30, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
 Which Pharo version?
>>> P7
 Have you found any solution to this?
>>> I find a workaround.  My bash script to build DrGeo image just remove 
>>> the content of the package-cache directory.
 In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know, 
 maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no 
 class comments.
>>> I am now done with this problem, and I will not get back to it right now.
>>> Thanks to ask and the suggestion, it could be useful to other.
>>> I have other serious concern as the resulting size of the DrGeo image 
>>> built against P7, 43MB. I feel ashame to make any public DrGeo 
>>> release with such an important image size.
>>> Hilaire
>>> --
>>> Dr. Geo
>> --
>> "Speaking louder won't make the point worthier."

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Peter Kenny wrote
> Are you sure it's a bot? Google the name - there is a real person living
> near Seattle, with an interest in Smalltalk.

I browsed some other posts from this account to the lists on Nabble. They
were more obviously on topic. Also, I met Kjell at a Smalltalk conference or
two. My experience was that he speaks from a meta level and you have to
connect the dots yourself, which can be difficult to follow. IMHO he should
not be banned.

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Dale Henrichs


Metacello just uses Monticello for loading and it is Monticello that is 
using the package-cache ... if there were a way to turn of the 
package-cache for Monticello I don't think that Metacello would know the 

But, I am curious why you care whether or not package is used?

Is there a specific problem that you are having?


On 1/17/18 8:30 PM, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

Hi Hilaire,

Which Pharo version?
Have you found any solution to this?
In Gofer there was #disablePackageCache, in Metacello I don't know,
maybe experimenting with MetacelloLoaderPolicy but there are no class


2017-12-18 17:24 GMT-03:00 Hilaire :

If understood correctly, when using a tonel file repository to build up an
image, Pharo seems instead to take the sources from some package-cache,
which is out of sync, because the tonel file repo was updated from another
image, with a different cache. I guess I can trick the file system but it is
for the least very annoying, for the worst unreliable.

Le 10/12/2017 à 18:16, Hilaire a écrit :

I am using tonel format to install from and save to a local repository.

How to prevent Monticello/Configuration/Metacello to save packages to the
image package-cache dir?

Even when installing from a configuration with repo on tonel file format,
packages get created in the image package-cache directory.

I have read there and there, Pharo gets confused and uses wrongly the
package-cache versions and not the local repo.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo TechTalk Dates

2018-01-18 Thread Alistair Grant
Hi Marcus,

Suggested topic:  Contributing to Pharo7.  :-)


On 18 January 2018 at 14:52, Marcus Denker  wrote:
> Hi,
> Here are the next dates for the Pharo Techtalks.
> (for recording of the past ones, see: )
> Jan 30: Pharo TechTalk: Genetic Algorithms
> For the others we have no topic yet, but dates are pre-fixed to:
> Feb 15
> March 22
> April 12
> May 17
> June 14
> - If you have ideas for topics, please tell us!
> - With no topic, we will use this slot for a general free discussion.
> - If you want to do a TechTalk about a topic but no date is good, we can
>   change the date!
> Marcus

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Hilaire

Ok, the scary part get out then.

According to what I understood, here three things for Kjell regarding 
his interest on DrGeo:

1) Get my latest DrGeo build[1]. The shipped VM within the application 
is out of sync, therefore a recent 32Bits VM should be used against the 
image located in

2) Concerning differential geometric, I don't know much. However DrGeo 
can be programmatically drived, particularly point defined by bloc can 
be useful to produce interactive graph with point interacting in 
cascade. See this Newton-Raphson example[2]

Dr. Geo on Netwo-Raphson method

3) There is doc for programming DrGeo but the English version is a bit 
out of sync,




Le 18/01/2018 à 15:06, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :

I browsed some other posts from this account to the lists on Nabble. They
were more obviously on topic. Also, I met Kjell at a Smalltalk conference or
two. My experience was that he speaks from a meta level and you have to
connect the dots yourself, which can be difficult to follow. IMHO he should
not be banned.

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo TechTalk Dates

2018-01-18 Thread Marcus Denker

> On 18 Jan 2018, at 15:35, Alistair Grant  wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> Suggested topic:  Contributing to Pharo7.  :-)

Indeed! The Feb 15 Date seems good for that.


Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Hilaire
It was a month ago; I don't remember the details but from what I can 
recover from my memory the scenario was:

- From my dev. environment I saved code through Tonel, in the DrGeo used 

- When building, I specifically ask the code saved thought Tonel to be 
installed but the package-cache code version was used instead. It could 
be out of sync.

Le 18/01/2018 à 15:22, Dale Henrichs a écrit :


Metacello just uses Monticello for loading and it is Monticello that 
is using the package-cache ... if there were a way to turn of the 
package-cache for Monticello I don't think that Metacello would know 
the difference.

But, I am curious why you care whether or not package is used?

Is there a specific problem that you are having?


Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Dale Henrichs


Have you included a method in your BaselineOf that looks like this:


    ^ MetacelloCypressBaselineProject

if not, then what looks like a package-cache problem could be that you 
haven't told Metacello that you are using a metadataless filetree/tonel 

Metacello has an internal rule to not load Monticello packages of the 
same version, since they are already loaded. However, when using 
metadataless repositories the filetree/tonel Monticello package readers 
typically generate a package name using the author/version `-cypress.1`, 
which make Metacello think that the versions are the same and the 
package is not loaded ... by including the above method in your 
baselineof, Metacello will know to ignore the Monticello author/version 
of the package and always load it

Of course, because Monticello only installs changed definitions when 
loading a package, "loading the same package over and over again" costs 
a little bit in loading the _definitions_ into the image from disk, but 
doesn't end up compiling any new methods or creating new classes ...


On 1/18/18 6:49 AM, Hilaire wrote:
It was a month ago; I don't remember the details but from what I can 
recover from my memory the scenario was:

- From my dev. environment I saved code through Tonel, in the DrGeo 
used CVS.

- When building, I specifically ask the code saved thought Tonel to be 
installed but the package-cache code version was used instead. It 
could be out of sync.

Le 18/01/2018 à 15:22, Dale Henrichs a écrit :


Metacello just uses Monticello for loading and it is Monticello that 
is using the package-cache ... if there were a way to turn of the 
package-cache for Monticello I don't think that Metacello would know 
the difference.

But, I am curious why you care whether or not package is used?

Is there a specific problem that you are having?


Re: [Pharo-users] unsolicited package-cache use

2018-01-18 Thread Ben Coman
On 18 January 2018 at 22:06, Sean P. DeNigris  wrote:
> Peter Kenny wrote
>> Are you sure it's a bot? Google the name - there is a real person living
>> near Seattle, with an interest in Smalltalk.
> I browsed some other posts from this account to the lists on Nabble. They
> were more obviously on topic. Also, I met [him] at a Smalltalk conference or
> two. My experience was that he speaks from a meta level and you have to
> connect the dots yourself, which can be difficult to follow. IMHO he should
> not be banned.

I also browsed his history of posts.  Their presentation is often
strangely formatted
and there seems a strange mix of on-topic posts certainly human generated**
and off-topic posts that are distinctly bot-like.  Its almost like
there is a poetry virus
riding on his email client.   Now in either case regardless whether
the latter posts
are human or bot generated, they are distracting and not appropriate
for the list.

The appropriate action would raise these concerns (done) while
avoiding easy context triggers
and judge the nature of the public response, or private response to
the one who raised the original concern.

cheers -ben

**or generated by a manifestation of the singularity, with whom we
should maintain a positive working relationship.

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Tx alistair

this is great that we made progress on this point.
May be we should update the fileSystem chapter


On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:51 AM, Alistair Grant  wrote:
> Hi Hilaire & Denis,
> On 18 January 2018 at 09:38, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
>> Also notice that OS can give program very surprising working directory when
>> you run it using UI tools.
>> For example in MacOS drag image to the vm using Finder assigns root (/) as
>> working directory.
>> 2017-12-15 21:38 GMT+01:00 Hilaire :
>>> Oh, in a build for a DrGeo app based on P7, the working directory is one
>>> level highter to the image folder.
>>> So in P7, there are two different results for the working directory: the
>>> user home directory, and one level hight to image dir.
>>> What's the context? Where to look at?
> For Pharo 7:
> The working directory is C getcwd().  The differences you are seeing
> will be the result of how Pharo is launched.  If you run it from the
> command line, it will be the current directory of the shell.  I don't
> use MacOS, but it sounds like dragging a file to an executable always
> uses the root directory as cwd.
> The working directory is cached in DiskStore DefaultWorkingDirectory.
> It's set at session startup to DiskStore
> class>>defaultWorkingDirectory, which ultimately calls getcwd().
> HTH,
> Alistair

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Alistair Grant
Hi Stef,

On 18 January 2018 at 18:43, Stephane Ducasse  wrote:
> Tx alistair
> this is great that we made progress on this point.
> May be we should update the fileSystem chapter

Yep.  Can you point me to the source?  I will try and take a look.

I also think I'll add #workingDirectory: (be able to set the working
directory).  I know Rajula did the work, but it didn't make it in to
the PR for some reason.  Hopefully I can dig it up.


> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:51 AM, Alistair Grant  wrote:
>> Hi Hilaire & Denis,
>> On 18 January 2018 at 09:38, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
>>> Also notice that OS can give program very surprising working directory when
>>> you run it using UI tools.
>>> For example in MacOS drag image to the vm using Finder assigns root (/) as
>>> working directory.
>>> 2017-12-15 21:38 GMT+01:00 Hilaire :

 Oh, in a build for a DrGeo app based on P7, the working directory is one
 level highter to the image folder.

 So in P7, there are two different results for the working directory: the
 user home directory, and one level hight to image dir.

 What's the context? Where to look at?
>> For Pharo 7:
>> The working directory is C getcwd().  The differences you are seeing
>> will be the result of how Pharo is launched.  If you run it from the
>> command line, it will be the current directory of the shell.  I don't
>> use MacOS, but it sounds like dragging a file to an executable always
>> uses the root directory as cwd.
>> The working directory is cached in DiskStore DefaultWorkingDirectory.
>> It's set at session startup to DiskStore
>> class>>defaultWorkingDirectory, which ultimately calls getcwd().
>> HTH,
>> Alistair

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Stephane Ducasse

I will wait for the new version of pillar to port it. Right now I
cannot latex it on my machine.


On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 7:25 PM, Alistair Grant  wrote:
> Hi Stef,
> On 18 January 2018 at 18:43, Stephane Ducasse  wrote:
>> Tx alistair
>> this is great that we made progress on this point.
>> May be we should update the fileSystem chapter
> Yep.  Can you point me to the source?  I will try and take a look.
> I also think I'll add #workingDirectory: (be able to set the working
> directory).  I know Rajula did the work, but it didn't make it in to
> the PR for some reason.  Hopefully I can dig it up.
> Cheers,
> Alistair
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:51 AM, Alistair Grant  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Hilaire & Denis,
>>> On 18 January 2018 at 09:38, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
 Also notice that OS can give program very surprising working directory when
 you run it using UI tools.
 For example in MacOS drag image to the vm using Finder assigns root (/) as
 working directory.

 2017-12-15 21:38 GMT+01:00 Hilaire :
> Oh, in a build for a DrGeo app based on P7, the working directory is one
> level highter to the image folder.
> So in P7, there are two different results for the working directory: the
> user home directory, and one level hight to image dir.
> What's the context? Where to look at?
>>> For Pharo 7:
>>> The working directory is C getcwd().  The differences you are seeing
>>> will be the result of how Pharo is launched.  If you run it from the
>>> command line, it will be the current directory of the shell.  I don't
>>> use MacOS, but it sounds like dragging a file to an executable always
>>> uses the root directory as cwd.
>>> The working directory is cached in DiskStore DefaultWorkingDirectory.
>>> It's set at session startup to DiskStore
>>> class>>defaultWorkingDirectory, which ultimately calls getcwd().
>>> HTH,
>>> Alistair

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PharoLauncher v1.1 released!

2018-01-18 Thread Stephane Ducasse
supe super col
Christophe? do have I just to replace the previous version and use
this one and I will get everything as before
but with the new version?


On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 9:46 PM, Christophe Demarey
> Hi all,
> I just released PharoLauncher 1.1. There are now 64-bits versions for Mac
> and Linux. Jenkins build is now managed through a Jenkins file.
> Here is the changelog (details on
> New features:
> #66 new command: import an image into the launcher default image folder
> #65 new command: remove a template from "Downloaded templates"
> #64 new command: create a local template from an image and remove the image
> #57 new option: run an image from a login shell to inherit from shell
> startup scripts to set up environment variables.
> #54 It is now possible to run an image anywhere on your file system if you
> click "launch" and no image is selected
> #23 Pharo Launcher now has an "about" box giving its description, version
> and a link to the bug tracker.
> Improvements:
> #62 Pharo Launcher should not load default Pharo settings
> #51 Pharo Launcher now sets the current directory to the directory
> containing the image (was the VM directory). Avoid confusions in Pharo 7
> images.
> Bux fixes:
> #60 hardReset option causes troubles to PharoLauncher
> #56 #, was sent to nil
> #55 Display name of Pharo 7 images unusable
> #52 Cannot open a Pharo 2 image
> #47 Cannot run pharo 50 pre-Spur images
> You can get platform bundles from
> Regards,
> Christophe.

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PharoLauncher v1.1 released!

2018-01-18 Thread Mariano Martinez Peck
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 5:16 PM, Stephane Ducasse 

> supe super col
> Christophe? do have I just to replace the previous version and use
> this one and I will get everything as before
> but with the new version?
I did that and it worked for me

> Stef
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 9:46 PM, Christophe Demarey
>  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I just released PharoLauncher 1.1. There are now 64-bits versions for Mac
> > and Linux. Jenkins build is now managed through a Jenkins file.
> >
> > Here is the changelog (details on
> >
> > New features:
> > #66 new command: import an image into the launcher default image folder
> > #65 new command: remove a template from "Downloaded templates"
> > #64 new command: create a local template from an image and remove the
> image
> > #57 new option: run an image from a login shell to inherit from shell
> > startup scripts to set up environment variables.
> > #54 It is now possible to run an image anywhere on your file system if
> you
> > click "launch" and no image is selected
> > #23 Pharo Launcher now has an "about" box giving its description, version
> > and a link to the bug tracker.
> > Improvements:
> > #62 Pharo Launcher should not load default Pharo settings
> > #51 Pharo Launcher now sets the current directory to the directory
> > containing the image (was the VM directory). Avoid confusions in Pharo 7
> > images.
> > Bux fixes:
> > #60 hardReset option causes troubles to PharoLauncher
> > #56 #, was sent to nil
> > #55 Display name of Pharo 7 images unusable
> > #52 Cannot open a Pharo 2 image
> > #47 Cannot run pharo 50 pre-Spur images
> >
> > You can get platform bundles from
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Christophe.


Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PharoLauncher v1.1 released!

2018-01-18 Thread Christophe Demarey

> Le 18 janv. 2018 à 21:16, Stephane Ducasse  a écrit :
> supe super col
> Christophe? do have I just to replace the previous version and use
> this one and I will get everything as before
> but with the new version?

Only settings directory is different but it did not work very well before. So, 
if you had settings that were no defaults settings, you will need to store your 
settings with the new launcher.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo Lecture at Tunis next week

2018-01-18 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Go go go Serge.
Now one teacher followed the lecture and loved it. So I will do another
one. :)
You know the story. How to create a win win situation.


On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 9:09 AM, Serge Stinckwich <> wrote:

> Thank you Stéphane for your continued effort to do Pharo lectures all
> around the world.
> I try do to the same in Cameroon.
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 1:36 PM, Stephane Ducasse  > wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> just to tell you that next week I will give a lecture at ENIS at tunis.
>> 3 full days of Pharo and advanced design.
>> Stef
> --
> Serge Stinckwich
> "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
> machines to execute."

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Ben Coman
On 18 January 2018 at 14:33, Alistair Grant  wrote:
> Hi Hernán,
> On 18 January 2018 at 05:41, Hernán Morales Durand
>  wrote:
>> Note that in R you can set the current working directory with setwd()
>> and this is very common in R scripts.
>> I like the idea around #imageDirectory and #vmStartupDirectory or just
>> #vmDirectory.
>> And maybe renaming #workingDirectory to #userWorkingDirectory would be
>> more clear? Assuming 1 image = 1 user?
> In Pharo 7:
> FileLocator workingDirectory = C getcwd()  # same as R and most languages
> FileLocator imageDirectory = the directory where the image is located
> FileLocator vmDirectory = the directory where the vm is located

I like the distinction of having all three.

cheers -ben

Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

On 18/01/18 20:11, Ben Coman wrote:
> On 18 January 2018 at 14:33, Alistair Grant  wrote:
>> Hi Hernán,
>> On 18 January 2018 at 05:41, Hernán Morales Durand
>>  wrote:
>>> Note that in R you can set the current working directory with setwd()
>>> and this is very common in R scripts.
>>> I like the idea around #imageDirectory and #vmStartupDirectory or just
>>> #vmDirectory.
>>> And maybe renaming #workingDirectory to #userWorkingDirectory would be
>>> more clear? Assuming 1 image = 1 user?
>> In Pharo 7:
>> FileLocator workingDirectory = C getcwd()  # same as R and most languages
>> FileLocator imageDirectory = the directory where the image is located
>> FileLocator vmDirectory = the directory where the vm is located
> I like the distinction of having all three.
> cheers -ben



Re: [Pharo-users] Language tools

2018-01-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
Vladimir, I came across these and thought some of them might be useful for 
Grafoscopio.  Particularly the simple ones like clearer, multilingual fonts.



Re: [Pharo-users] Working directory

2018-01-18 Thread Esteban Lorenzano

> On 19 Jan 2018, at 02:11, Ben Coman  wrote:
> On 18 January 2018 at 14:33, Alistair Grant  wrote:
>> Hi Hernán,
>> On 18 January 2018 at 05:41, Hernán Morales Durand
>>  wrote:
>>> Note that in R you can set the current working directory with setwd()
>>> and this is very common in R scripts.
>>> I like the idea around #imageDirectory and #vmStartupDirectory or just
>>> #vmDirectory.
>>> And maybe renaming #workingDirectory to #userWorkingDirectory would be
>>> more clear? Assuming 1 image = 1 user?
>> In Pharo 7:
>> FileLocator workingDirectory = C getcwd()  # same as R and most languages
>> FileLocator imageDirectory = the directory where the image is located
>> FileLocator vmDirectory = the directory where the vm is located
> I like the distinction of having all three.

yes… but I would like an idiom to make declarations easier. 
for example, you made 

'./something’ asFileReference —> this is a cwd path

'{image}/something’ asFileReference —> image path


because right now I have to do: 

FileLocator imageDirectory / ‘something'

and it annoys me a bit (not that I cannot live with it, but… ) ;)


> cheers -ben