Re: [Pharo-users] Iceberg Branching

2018-01-14 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Hi evan

can you describe what you are doing because branching normally works?
I know that esteban was working on support to be able load submitted
pull requests directly from the branch history.
Guillermo and Pablo are making progress on refactoring the core of iceberg.
They are arriving to the point where they will start rethinking the UI.


On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 5:36 AM, Evan Donahue  wrote:
> What's the current status of branching? I can create, switch, and commit to
> branches, but my attempts to load code from other branches throws errors.
> Since branching isn't thoroughly documented in the readme yet afaict, I just
> wanted to check whether it was known to be 'under development' and I should
> leave it alone, or whether I should try to be more proactive about reporting
> the errors I'm getting.
> Thanks,
> Evan

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 image cannot write changes message on startup

2018-01-14 Thread PBKResearch

I don't know how to identify the VM version - it is the one which was
current when I downloaded my current image in July 2017; the .exe has a
creation date of 31 May 2017.

The point of my comment was that this message does not only come from a
conflict of access permissions. In my situation, it arises because the
program knows that another program has exclusive write access to the changes
file. In your situation, could it be that the program is wrongly coming to
the same conclusion? I don't know how Pharo reaches that conclusion; I just
thought that it might give a clue to anyone trying to locate the bug.

Best wishes

Peter Kenny

PS. Sorry for splitting this into two threads - my spelling checker insisted
on correcting the typo in the subject line.

-Original Message-
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of
Sanjay Minni
Sent: 14 January 2018 05:04
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 image cannot write changes message on


this is the only image (re-checked)
However this seems to be a reported issue.

which version of VM are you using


Regards, Sanjay
Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Any perspective of Woden in Pharo 6.1/7 ?????

2018-01-14 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Hi Casimiro

This is a super news.


On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 5:47 PM, casimiro barreto
> Will try. Currently on 2 projects involving pharo. The most pressing one is
> a system for the calculation of uncertainties in measures. This system is
> part of a homologation system for smart card readers and smart card chips.
> The other is a simulation system that´s under non disclosure clause. Woden
> would be used in a third incoming project (simulations in crowd management
> in airports).
> Best regards,
> Casimiro
> 2018-01-10 19:43 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Bergel :
>> Hi Casimiro!
>> Sorry for the late reply.
>> We do have a working version of Woden for Pharo 7.
>> It would be great if you could try.
>> On OSX, I did:
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> git clone
>> cd woden2
>> ./
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> It takes time to install & compile (~ 10 minutes?), but it works well
>> Alexandre
>> > On Jan 2, 2018, at 5:21 AM, Casimiro - GMAIL
>> >  wrote:
>> >
>> > Is there any perspective of Woden working in Pharo 6.1 or later versions
>> > (7)
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> >
>> >
>> > Casimiro
>> > --
>> > The information contained in this message is confidential and intended
>> > to the recipients specified in the headers. If you received this message by
>> > error, notify the sender immediately. The unauthorized use, disclosure, 
>> > copy
>> > or alteration of this message are strictly forbidden and subjected to civil
>> > and criminal sanctions.
>> >
>> > ==
>> >
>> > This email may be signed using PGP key ID: 0x4134A417
> --
> The information contained in this message is confidential and
> intended to the recipients specified in the headers. If you received
> this message by error, notify the sender immediately. The
> unauthorized use, disclosure, copy or alteration of this message
> are strictly forbidden and subjected to civil and criminal sanctions.

Re: [Pharo-users] Any perspective of Woden in Pharo 6.1/7 ?????

2018-01-14 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Thanks ronie.
You can ask guille or damien because they gained experience in Travis.


On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 6:38 PM, Ronie Salgado  wrote:
>> Do you have a travis or jenkins for woden in Pharo 7?
> This is on my big todo list. In fact I need the travis to be able to support
> Windows. During the last months I have been rewriting the core of Woden 2 in
> order to improve stability and reduce dependencies. By using Lowtalk for the
> math library, I removed the requirement on Lowcode.
> During the weekend I am gonna spend some time on implementing the scripts
> for Travis.
> Best regards,
> Ronie
> 2018-01-12 13:47 GMT-03:00 casimiro barreto :
>> Will try. Currently on 2 projects involving pharo. The most pressing one
>> is a system for the calculation of uncertainties in measures. This system is
>> part of a homologation system for smart card readers and smart card chips.
>> The other is a simulation system that´s under non disclosure clause. Woden
>> would be used in a third incoming project (simulations in crowd management
>> in airports).
>> Best regards,
>> Casimiro
>> 2018-01-10 19:43 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Bergel :
>>> Hi Casimiro!
>>> Sorry for the late reply.
>>> We do have a working version of Woden for Pharo 7.
>>> It would be great if you could try.
>>> On OSX, I did:
>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>> git clone
>>> cd woden2
>>> ./
>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>> It takes time to install & compile (~ 10 minutes?), but it works well
>>> Alexandre
>>> > On Jan 2, 2018, at 5:21 AM, Casimiro - GMAIL
>>> >  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Is there any perspective of Woden working in Pharo 6.1 or later
>>> > versions (7)
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Casimiro
>>> > --
>>> > The information contained in this message is confidential and intended
>>> > to the recipients specified in the headers. If you received this message 
>>> > by
>>> > error, notify the sender immediately. The unauthorized use, disclosure, 
>>> > copy
>>> > or alteration of this message are strictly forbidden and subjected to 
>>> > civil
>>> > and criminal sanctions.
>>> >
>>> > ==
>>> >
>>> > This email may be signed using PGP key ID: 0x4134A417
>> --
>> The information contained in this message is confidential and
>> intended to the recipients specified in the headers. If you received
>> this message by error, notify the sender immediately. The
>> unauthorized use, disclosure, copy or alteration of this message
>> are strictly forbidden and subjected to civil and criminal sanctions.

[Pharo-users] bloc next experiments

2018-01-14 Thread Tudor Girba
Happy New Year!
We were asked about the roadmap of Bloc several times. It is a perfectly 
reasonable request given that Bloc is supposed to offer the UI infrastructure 
for the future of Pharo.

However, I was reluctant to provide one because we do not really have a classic 
roadmap. When we develop Bloc and GT we think in terms of experiments and 
examples that we want to play with to get us to our goal. Features are a 
consequence of that. This approach allowed us on multiple occasions to stumble 
across functional possibilities that we would have not been able to think about 
before seeing the experiments. It also works the other way around: as we move 
ahead, we sometime discover modeling problems and we sometimes chase them all 
the way down.

Having said that, we can specify the next examples and experiments that we 
consider for the next months. Here they are: 
• Drag and drop that can be customized on an instance basis. In the process, 
revisit event management and explore making it use Announcements. Use this for 
the diagramming engine.
• Scrollbar for infinite list and the scalable element.
• Apply layout once. For example, this would allow us to apply a layout but 
still be able to drag elements in custom positions without disturbing the 
others. The first application is in the context of creating diagrams and 
• Apply layout with animation. For example, in Connector, a new example should  
be spawned and moved to its position through a smooth animation. This will also 
allow us to play with the concept of animation and MVVM.
• Introduce the concept of elevation. This is important for scenes in which we 
have overlapping elements that are not part of the composition tree. For 
example, in Connector, the lines connect inner elements inside the text, but 
they belong to the root. such as a visualization (but not only). For this to 
work, we need a better element traversing structure.
• Experiment with theming. The theming mechanism should be instance specific 
with per-widget defaults, and the theme values should ideally be injected in 
the widgets. The CSS implementation from Glenn is one direction. As developing 
and maintaining themes can be a nightmare in the long run, the theming 
mechanism to provide debugging tools.
• Experiment with delegating animations through the model. Typical MVVM or MVC 
focus on the behavior of an interaction. We want to get smooth  live interfaces 
and the animation logic should be influence-able  by the model. For example, 
hovering over a button, enlarges the button with extra details about the action.
• Basic widgets: list, input box, button, radio button, checkbox, menu, 
dropdown menu, toggling button, tabs, toolbar.
• Table and tree widgets.
• Pager interface (similar to the one in the current inspector) with resizable 

Have fun,
The feenk team


"Presenting is storytelling."

Re: [Pharo-users] Trying to test Phantom / aspects in Pharo

2018-01-14 Thread Miguel Campusano
As far as I know, this is a project for an undregard thesis and I believe
it is discontinued. If you contact Johan I will be glad to collaborate on
this for a good cause

On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 10:24 AM Stephane Ducasse 

> You should ask Johan Fabry.
> Now working at Raincode in belgium.
> Stef
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 1:06 PM, Steven Costiou 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i am trying to test PHANtom but so far i can't get it to work.
> >
> > I found an image here and i
> made
> > it run on a vm from 2013.
> >
> > But the examples crashes (PhantomDemo), and i cannot make my own examples
> > work either (simple object interception).
> >
> >
> >
> > Which vm should i use ?
> >
> > Is the image available in the link above still ok ?
> >
> > By any chance, is there a version for Pharo 6 ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Steven.
> >
> >

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Bittrex API

2018-01-14 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hi Ben,

Thank you for sharing this, looks really cool.

I have some issues installing the library. In the "Clone repository"
dialog I had to use

The install procedure did not downloaded the libsodium library. I had
to install it from loading Nacl.
Any particular difference with Nacl? From the dll in Nacl I can see
Bittrex functions are supported but appending a "256" in the function
prototype, i.e.: crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_keybytes , maybe you can
add the functions to the Nacl repository?!/~tonyg/Crypto-Nacl

Or you can use the URL's in ConfigurationOfNacl>>platformLibraryUrl to
download the library for each platform,
or integrate the download procedure in



2018-01-13 16:07 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman :
> Thanks everyone who advised on Zinc, REST, NeoJSON, HMAC & Libsodium
> to help me on my way to implement an interface to the Bittrex bitcoin
> exchange.  I've got to the point where I'm happy to make an initial
> 0.x release.  After all my years having fun hacking around Pharo, this
> is my first (tiny) product. Hopefully it may grow. :)
> The implementation is probably closest to a Command pattern
> with a class per entry-point.  All the v1.1 entry points are
> implemented except a few to deposit & withdraw money from the
> exchange.  These are currently infrequent events for me and left for
> manual action.
> I'm optimistic that I'll add a few more exchanges so I created a
> github org to group them together.  Contributions welcome.
> Please see quick start instructions here...
> Have fun and take care...
> cheers -ben

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Bittrex API

2018-01-14 Thread Ben Coman
On 15 January 2018 at 14:19, Hernán Morales Durand
> Hi Ben,
> Thank you for sharing this, looks really cool.

> I have some issues installing the library. In the "Clone repository"
> dialog I had to use

Which OS are you on?
For Windows you need to enable  Iceberg > Settings > Custom keys
since Iceberg is not playing well there with ssh-agent.
Also, the software for creating ssh keys is not built into Windows. Try...

Have you previously accessed github via SSH keys from command line?
Check your SSH keys are configured properly...
and if not, get that working first...

> The install procedure did not downloaded the libsodium library.

Whoops, missed that. I'll update the procedure.
Also its about time I write my first Baseline.

> I had to install it from loading Nacl.
> Any particular difference with Nacl? From the dll in Nacl I can see
> Bittrex functions are supported but appending a "256" in the function
> prototype, i.e.: crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_keybytes ,
> maybe you can add the functions to the Nacl repository?

I tried Crpto-Nacl first.  This was my first time using Libsodium and
it was difficult to find examples directly on the
HMAC512 function I needed.  The sample C code I compiled as a test
didn't match the function names
exported from Crypto-Nacl so this confounded my trials. It was simple
to FFI wrap the one Libsodium function I needed,
so thats what I did.

The Configuration of Crypto-Nacl downloads a pre-compiled libsodium
that exports different symbols to the system libsodium.
So IIUC its not a matter of just adding extra Smalltalk methods to the
I don't know enough about Libsodium to understand the difference in
function naming
and I guess replacing it might break existing users ??

> Or you can use the URL's in ConfigurationOfNacl>>platformLibraryUrl to
> download the library for each platform,
> or integrate the download procedure in

good idea.  thx for the tip.
cheers -ben

> Cheers,
> Hernán
> 2018-01-13 16:07 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman :
>> Thanks everyone who advised on Zinc, REST, NeoJSON, HMAC & Libsodium
>> to help me on my way to implement an interface to the Bittrex bitcoin
>> exchange.  I've got to the point where I'm happy to make an initial
>> 0.x release.  After all my years having fun hacking around Pharo, this
>> is my first (tiny) product. Hopefully it may grow. :)
>> The implementation is probably closest to a Command pattern
>> with a class per entry-point.  All the v1.1 entry points are
>> implemented except a few to deposit & withdraw money from the
>> exchange.  These are currently infrequent events for me and left for
>> manual action.
>> I'm optimistic that I'll add a few more exchanges so I created a
>> github org to group them together.  Contributions welcome.
>> Please see quick start instructions here...
>> Have fun and take care...
>> cheers -ben