Re: [Pharo-users] LGit_GIT_ERROR: Invalid version 0 on git_remote_callbacks on latest 64bit 6.1 image?

2017-11-07 Thread Esteban Lorenzano
iceberg should work on 64bits, both on Pharo7 and Pharo6. 
I’ve been using it exclusively on 64bits since some months now and I know I’m 
not the only one… can you send a way to reproduce your problem so I can take a 


> On 6 Nov 2017, at 12:11, Tim Mackinnon  wrote:
> Hi - does Iceberg work on a 64bit image yet? I’ve not tried in a while, and 
> was surprised when I went to get a new image via the command line that I am 
> getting the error: LGit_GIT_ERROR: Invalid version 0 on git_remote_callbacks
> I can see a post by Alistair in Jun asking about this, and it seems 64bit 
> hadn’t been updated to work back then - but is this still true in Nov?
> We seem very much in turmoil at the moment - and its unclear what should work 
> and not work. Is there a stable platform? If 64 bit is only working for 7.x - 
> should we remove it from 6.x so that people don’t inadvertently try to use it?
> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk

2017-11-07 Thread Prof. Andrew P. Black

> On 28 Oct 2017, at 17:37 , Steffen Märcker  wrote:
> Does that mean the sets/bdd would be constructed mainly at comile time? 
> Anyway, Andrew, feel free to contact me, I might help you with this.

Thanks for the offer, Steffen!  The problem is that I need to use SmaCC for my 
current project, and really do not have a month to take off and re-design the 
way that it builds its scanner.  I’ve talked to Thierry Goubier about, and he 
doesn’t have time either!  It would be a fun project, though, and it ought to 
be fairly separate from other parts of SmaCC.  I’ve spent a fair bit of time 
thinking about how to do it, but don’t think that I will be able to actually 
focus on it.

An alternative approach, which Thierry has suggested, is to make SmaCC work on 
the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode.  Then we could represent character 
sets as prefix trees.  But the core problem would still exist: you can’t run an 
algorithm that repeatedly executes 

for all characters in the alphabet do:

when there are 2^21 characters in the alphabet!


Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk

2017-11-07 Thread Thierry Goubier
Hi Andrew, Steffen,

2017-11-07 13:10 GMT+01:00 Prof. Andrew P. Black :

> > On 28 Oct 2017, at 17:37 , Steffen Märcker  wrote:
> >
> > Does that mean the sets/bdd would be constructed mainly at comile time?
> Anyway, Andrew, feel free to contact me, I might help you with this.
> >
> Thanks for the offer, Steffen!  The problem is that I need to use SmaCC
> for my current project, and really do not have a month to take off and
> re-design the way that it builds its scanner.  I’ve talked to Thierry
> Goubier about, and he doesn’t have time either!  It would be a fun project,
> though, and it ought to be fairly separate from other parts of SmaCC.  I’ve
> spent a fair bit of time thinking about how to do it, but don’t think that
> I will be able to actually focus on it.

Yes, this is the essence of the issue. There are a few alternatives about
it, but none we have the time to pursue.

> An alternative approach, which Thierry has suggested, is to make SmaCC
> work on the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode.  Then we could represent
> character sets as prefix trees.  But the core problem would still exist:
> you can’t run an algorithm that repeatedly executes
> for all characters in the alphabet do:
> when there are 2^21 characters in the alphabet!

The main issue is that `for all characters`... All the literature on
scanner building uses 'for all characters do'.


> Andrew

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Next Pharo Techtalk: Nov 21

2017-11-07 Thread Marcus Denker
Pharo TechTalk: Discord Demo
- 21 Nov 2017, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+01:00)

The December tech talk will be the 19/12. We are still looking for a topic
(if not, it will just be an open discussion).

List of all events:


Re: [Pharo-users] Embedded PDF viewer?

2017-11-07 Thread Ben Coman
Thx for the tip.  However Envice is GPLd to constrain its use.

cheers -ben

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 2:16 AM, Andrew Glynn  wrote:

> Evince is pretty easy to embed.
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> *From: *
> *Sent: *Sunday, November 5, 2017 10:25 AM
> *To: *Any question about pharo is welcome 
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Embedded PDF viewer?
> Hello Ben,
>UFFI does not allow you to call static libraries. Static libraries are
> not executable per se, they need to be linked in another program.
> As I know, the only way of using an static library from Pharo is to:
>   - Build a plugin that wraps it.
>   - Build a DLL exposing all the functions in the library and then they
> are used through UFFI.
> The second option is the easiest to me, but it depends how the library is
> built up. For example, if the library uses a lot of compile time code
> generation (like macros or templates) making a generic DLL is not so easy.
> I think it is better to see if not other project has already tackle this
> problem when using the desired static library.
> Cheers,
> Pablo
> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Ben Coman  wrote:
> I'm looking into calling PDFium from Pharo via FFI.
> Currently I'm stalled a bit since it doesn't have a shared-library target.
> If you consider access to such a library would be useful to the community,
> please take a few moments to star this issue...
> cheers -ben
> P.S. Can anyone comment on calling into a static library via FFI?
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 2:05 PM, Ben Coman  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 2:03 PM, Ben Coman  wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 8:58 PM, Manuel Leuenberger
> >  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I want to view a PDF within Pharo. I found that Athens has a PDF
> canvas, but I have no idea how to use it. Is there a way to view a PDF
> within Pharo, so that I can scroll, zoom, click links etc. in the PDF?
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Manuel
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Stephane Ducasse 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi manuel
> >
> > So far I do not know if we have this is Pharo.
> > I imagine that we would have to build a renderer once we will have the
> > PDF reader from Christian library.
> >
> > Stef
> [Edit: Update license link]
> A renderer will have great synergy with PDFTalk, but I think a proof of
> concept can be done independently.
> I've been poking at this topic for a while looking for options.
> Coincidentally a couple of days I discovered the PDFium library.
> I haven't had time yet to give it a run, but it seems a good candidate
> since...
> * Its a successful commercial product by Foxit built into Chrome converted
> to open source with Google's backing for use in Chromium
> * Its license is BSD style
> *
> * Although written in C++ it has a C interface
>   * Search here on  " Function: "  to skim through
>   * Proof of concept seems to only need these key functions...
>   * voidFPDF_RenderPageBitmap( FPDF_BITMAP bitmap,FPDF_PAGE
> page, ... )
>   * FPDF_BITMAPFPDFBitmap_Create( int width, int height, int
> alpha);
>   * FPDF_PAGE   FPDF_LoadPage   ( FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int
> page_index )
>   * FPDF_DOCUMENT   FPDF_LoadMemDocument   ( const void* data_buf
> ... )
>   * voidFPDF_InitLibrary ()
> * Has a concise getting started for POC...
> * Maybe useful fork with V8 disabled by default
> * Master repo here
> So Pharo might load a PDF file into a ByteArray, pass that to
> FPDF_LoadMemDocument() & FPDF_LoadPage(),
> then get a bitmap back from FPDFBitmap_Create() & FPDF_RenderPageBitmap()
> and display the result in a Pharo window.
> The rest of this week I'm working 12 hour days on a mine site.  I could
> try it out once I'm home, but in the meantime is anyone else keen to try
> it?
> cheers -ben
> --
> Pablo Tesone.

Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk

2017-11-07 Thread Andrew Glynn
A possible way to accomplish it would be to use an object graph with an 
incremental query engine, such as EMF/CDO with Viatra or something similar.  
You could then put different character sets in connected objects and query only 
as far as you need to.

Andrew Glynn

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Thierry Goubier
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 7:17 AM
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk

Hi Andrew, Steffen,

2017-11-07 13:10 GMT+01:00 Prof. Andrew P. Black :

> On 28 Oct 2017, at 17:37 , Steffen Märcker  wrote:
> Does that mean the sets/bdd would be constructed mainly at comile time? 
> Anyway, Andrew, feel free to contact me, I might help you with this.

Thanks for the offer, Steffen!  The problem is that I need to use SmaCC for my 
current project, and really do not have a month to take off and re-design the 
way that it builds its scanner.  I’ve talked to Thierry Goubier about, and he 
doesn’t have time either!  It would be a fun project, though, and it ought to 
be fairly separate from other parts of SmaCC.  I’ve spent a fair bit of time 
thinking about how to do it, but don’t think that I will be able to actually 
focus on it.

Yes, this is the essence of the issue. There are a few alternatives about it, 
but none we have the time to pursue.

An alternative approach, which Thierry has suggested, is to make SmaCC work on 
the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode.  Then we could represent character 
sets as prefix trees.  But the core problem would still exist: you can’t run an 
algorithm that repeatedly executes

                for all characters in the alphabet do:

when there are 2^21 characters in the alphabet!

The main issue is that `for all characters`... All the literature on scanner 
building uses 'for all characters do'.



Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Hannes Hirzel wrote
> Create a sequence of desktops and switch between them with

That's an interesting idea and holds most true to the Dynabook/Smalltalk
principle of keeping the full power of the computer at every level.

Hannes Hirzel wrote
> One option is to use Pillar. MOOC slides have been done with Pillar

That would be more pink plane with the advantage of being more
searchable/reproducible and the disadvantage of being restricted to standard
(mostly?)-static content.

Hannes Hirzel wrote
> A third option would be to continue working on reimplementing a
> bookmorph / slide show / presentation  or something similar as in
> Squeak and/or Etoys [2]

That would be ideal, but would require some work. This combined with the
suggestion from this thread to have both a presenter image and presentation
image seems to cover the OP request. 

As a workaround for now, it seems #1 gets you much of the way there.

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-07 Thread alanone1 via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message ---
This is a very demoralizing thread ...

For example, take a look at Smalltalk-78, brought back to life a few years
ago by Dan Ingalls, Bert Freudenberg, Ted Kaehler, myself, et al from a disk
pack thrown on the trash by Xerox.

Part of the motivation, besides the fun of it, was to make a tribute video
for Ted Nelson's "Intertwingled" in 2015.

I did all the visuals -- which included "slides", dynamics, live coding,
etc. -- in Smalltalk-78. I used the Dorado screen format

This was also historically interesting because it was Smalltalk-78 that
Steve Jobs saw in his famous visit to Parc the next year in 1979.

(So what is the big problem with doing something better than PPT in Pharo?)

And, in fact, it is also quite demoralizing to have to use this !@#$%
non-WYSIWYG horrible web editor to make this comment 



Sent from:

--- End Message ---

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-07 Thread stephan

On 07-11-17 19:38, alanone1 via Pharo-users wrote:

(So what is the big problem with doing something better than PPT in

Lots of tiny things, resulting in presentations not looking very good.
I have done a lot of workshops with glamour based browsers, integrating 
(visualization) exercises in the glamour browser just mapping them to 
methods. It works well and is easy to do. And the font metrics were not 
correct, not supporting ligatures and kerning. There was a lack of 
support for adding media in an easy-to-distribute format, no support for 
multiple monitors, no HiDPI display support, bad support for rotating 
text and scaling without artifacts. And in Pharo the continuous change 
resulting in each workshop needing fixing each time I gave it, and the 
lack of widespread morphic knowledge and slow and slightly uncoordinated 
removal of features that were seen as unmaintainable and or not used.

So I'm very happy that finally a lot of the things I've been waiting for 
are now coming together and I can switch to the easier problem :)

> And, in fact, it is also quite demoralizing to have to use this !@#$%
> non-WYSIWYG horrible web editor to make this comment 

I use thunderbird and to avoid that.


Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-07 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
For my workshops I use Grafoscopio (of course ;-P). Having a document
like structure that can contain interactive playgrounds in a tree to
give them context is pretty useful in such educational/explanatory
contexts. Once I have time again (i.e. after finishing to write my PhD
thesis) I hope to make some test on extending that via a mind map alike
UI that can be used also for presentations. The idea of slides seems
pretty anachronistic/boring for making presentations.



On 07/11/17 15:01, stephan wrote:
> On 07-11-17 19:38, alanone1 via Pharo-users wrote:
>> (So what is the big problem with doing something better than PPT in
>> Pharo?)
> Lots of tiny things, resulting in presentations not looking very good.
> I have done a lot of workshops with glamour based browsers,
> integrating (visualization) exercises in the glamour browser just
> mapping them to methods. It works well and is easy to do. And the font
> metrics were not correct, not supporting ligatures and kerning. There
> was a lack of support for adding media in an easy-to-distribute
> format, no support for multiple monitors, no HiDPI display support,
> bad support for rotating text and scaling without artifacts. And in
> Pharo the continuous change resulting in each workshop needing fixing
> each time I gave it, and the lack of widespread morphic knowledge and
> slow and slightly uncoordinated removal of features that were seen as
> unmaintainable and or not used.
> So I'm very happy that finally a lot of the things I've been waiting
> for are now coming together and I can switch to the easier problem :)
> > And, in fact, it is also quite demoralizing to have to use this !@#$%
> > non-WYSIWYG horrible web editor to make this comment 
> I use thunderbird and to avoid that.
> Stephan

Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk

2017-11-07 Thread Steffen Märcker
I am not familiar with the literature on scanners. May I ask you about some 
details on the "for all characters" algorithms you are referring to?

Building a (or connecting to) a BDD library would be fun, indeed. But within 
that time frame it seems not realistic. Anyway, after finishing my thesis, I'd 
like to come back to that idea.

Ciao, Steffen

Am 7. November 2017 16:33:03 MEZ schrieb Andrew Glynn :
>A possible way to accomplish it would be to use an object graph with an
>incremental query engine, such as EMF/CDO with Viatra or something
>similar.  You could then put different character sets in connected
>objects and query only as far as you need to.
>Andrew Glynn
>Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>From: Thierry Goubier
>Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 7:17 AM
>To: Any question about pharo is welcome
>Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk
>Hi Andrew, Steffen,
>2017-11-07 13:10 GMT+01:00 Prof. Andrew P. Black :
>> On 28 Oct 2017, at 17:37 , Steffen Märcker  wrote:
>> Does that mean the sets/bdd would be constructed mainly at comile
>time? Anyway, Andrew, feel free to contact me, I might help you with
>Thanks for the offer, Steffen!  The problem is that I need to use SmaCC
>for my current project, and really do not have a month to take off and
>re-design the way that it builds its scanner.  I’ve talked to Thierry
>Goubier about, and he doesn’t have time either!  It would be a fun
>project, though, and it ought to be fairly separate from other parts of
>SmaCC.  I’ve spent a fair bit of time thinking about how to do it, but
>don’t think that I will be able to actually focus on it.
>Yes, this is the essence of the issue. There are a few alternatives
>about it, but none we have the time to pursue.
>An alternative approach, which Thierry has suggested, is to make SmaCC
>work on the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode.  Then we could
>represent character sets as prefix trees.  But the core problem would
>still exist: you can’t run an algorithm that repeatedly executes
>                for all characters in the alphabet do:
>when there are 2^21 characters in the alphabet!
>The main issue is that `for all characters`... All the literature on
>scanner building uses 'for all characters do'.
>        Andrew

Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in Smalltalk

2017-11-07 Thread Thierry Goubier

Le 07/11/2017 à 23:00, Steffen Märcker a écrit :
I am not familiar with the literature on scanners. May I ask you about 
some details on the "for all characters" algorithms you are referring to?

The two main ones available, from the typical Aho/Ullman textbook, are:

- NFA to DFA conversion (i.e. build a NFA with your regular expressions, 
then convert it to a DFA)

- Direct regular expression to DFA construction

Both of them have loop of the type:

for (each input symbol a) {

Building a (or connecting to) a BDD library would be fun, indeed. But 
within that time frame it seems not realistic. Anyway, after finishing 
my thesis, I'd like to come back to that idea.

It would certainly be interesting. Please contact us again when you'll 
have time :)



Ciao, Steffen

Am 7. November 2017 16:33:03 MEZ schrieb Andrew Glynn :

A possible way to accomplish it would be to use an object graph with
an incremental query engine, such as EMF/CDO with Viatra or
something similar.  You could then put different character sets in
connected objects and query only as far as you need to.

Andrew Glynn

Sent from Mail  for
Windows 10

*From: *Thierry Goubier 
*Sent: *Tuesday, November 7, 2017 7:17 AM
*To: *Any question about pharo is welcome

*Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Binary Decision Diagram Package in

Hi Andrew, Steffen,

2017-11-07 13:10 GMT+01:00 Prof. Andrew P. Black>>:

 > On 28 Oct 2017, at 17:37 , Steffen Märcker>> wrote:
 > Does that mean the sets/bdd would be constructed mainly at
comile time? Anyway, Andrew, feel free to contact me, I might
help you with this.

Thanks for the offer, Steffen!  The problem is that I need to
use SmaCC for my current project, and really do not have a month
to take off and re-design the way that it builds its scanner. 
I’ve talked to Thierry Goubier about, and he doesn’t have time

either!  It would be a fun project, though, and it ought to be
fairly separate from other parts of SmaCC.  I’ve spent a fair
bit of time thinking about how to do it, but don’t think that I
will be able to actually focus on it.

Yes, this is the essence of the issue. There are a few alternatives
about it, but none we have the time to pursue.

An alternative approach, which Thierry has suggested, is to make
SmaCC work on the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode.  Then we
could represent character sets as prefix trees.  But the core
problem would still exist: you can’t run an algorithm that
repeatedly executes

                 for all characters in the alphabet do:

when there are 2^21 characters in the alphabet!

The main issue is that `for all characters`... All the literature on
scanner building uses 'for all characters do'.



Re: [Pharo-users] LGit_GIT_ERROR: Invalid version 0 on git_remote_callbacks on latest 64bit 6.1 image?

2017-11-07 Thread Tim Mackinnon
Thanks for confirming this Esteban - perhaps I am doing something wrong - I 
tried using the steps I was using successfully several months ago namely:

curl | bash
./pharo-ui Pharo.image

Which got me the latest image - which sys info says is (not sure why it still 
says 6.0 tho?):

Pharo 6.0
Latest update: #60520

I then open Iceberg, and click on Clone Repository

In the dialog I enter:
And put src in the code subdirectory field, and then click on Create.

I get the LGit_GIT_ERROR ???

Hmm, out of curiosity, I just tried leaving the src field empty and it then 
seemed to put an entry into Iceberg but then a Fetch gave me the same error?


> On 7 Nov 2017, at 11:46, Esteban Lorenzano  wrote:
> iceberg should work on 64bits, both on Pharo7 and Pharo6. 
> I’ve been using it exclusively on 64bits since some months now and I know I’m 
> not the only one… can you send a way to reproduce your problem so I can take 
> a look?
> Esteban
>> On 6 Nov 2017, at 12:11, Tim Mackinnon > > wrote:
>> Hi - does Iceberg work on a 64bit image yet? I’ve not tried in a while, and 
>> was surprised when I went to get a new image via the command line that I am 
>> getting the error: LGit_GIT_ERROR: Invalid version 0 on git_remote_callbacks
>> I can see a post by Alistair in Jun asking about this, and it seems 64bit 
>> hadn’t been updated to work back then - but is this still true in Nov?
>> We seem very much in turmoil at the moment - and its unclear what should 
>> work and not work. Is there a stable platform? If 64 bit is only working for 
>> 7.x - should we remove it from 6.x so that people don’t inadvertently try to 
>> use it?
>> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> The idea of slides seems
> pretty anachronistic/boring for making presentations.

Amen, brother! Alan Kay would be proud :)

Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Open Debugger, Save and Quit

2017-11-07 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
In a headless image, I'd like to do the following: if there's any error,
arrange to have a debugger open on the next (headful) launch, and then save
and quit. 

I'm drawing a blank - how would I do that? 

I explored various dead ends, the culmination of which was the
actualWorkBlock on: Error do: [ [ Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true ]
fork. Halt now ]


Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Open Debugger, Save and Quit

2017-11-07 Thread Ben Coman
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Sean P. DeNigris 

> In a headless image, I'd like to do the following: if there's any error,
> arrange to have a debugger open on the next (headful) launch, and then save
> and quit.
> I'm drawing a blank - how would I do that?
> I explored various dead ends, the culmination of which was the
> image-breaking:
> actualWorkBlock on: Error do: [ [ Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true ]
> fork. Halt now ]
> Thanks!

Sorry not a solution, but you sparked a side-thought...  To avoid sometimes
being swamped by Pre-Debug windows.  Instead of an error bringing up an
individual Pre-Debug window, we could have error go into a queue which a
singleton Pre-Debug window could have a view into. This "Error Queue
Viewer"  would have on row per error, and you click on a row to open a
normal debugger, much like you click  button in the existing
Pre-Debug window.  In a headless image, the Error Queue Viewer would not
appear, but the error would keep being queued until the next time the Error
Queue Viewer is manually opened.  The same error-queue might provide a
similar interface point for Pharo Remote Tools, so you can see errors that
occurred while you were not connected.

cheers -ben

Re: [Pharo-users] Open Debugger, Save and Quit

2017-11-07 Thread Richard Sargent
Some of this can be seen in VA Smalltalk. Errors during start up are
captured and can be debugged after the start up has completed.

The idea of an Error Queue Viewer is a nice touch, along with the
possibility of remote debugging.

On Nov 7, 2017 6:55 PM, "Ben Coman"  wrote:

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Sean P. DeNigris 

> In a headless image, I'd like to do the following: if there's any error,
> arrange to have a debugger open on the next (headful) launch, and then save
> and quit.
> I'm drawing a blank - how would I do that?
> I explored various dead ends, the culmination of which was the
> image-breaking:
> actualWorkBlock on: Error do: [ [ Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true ]
> fork. Halt now ]
> Thanks!

Sorry not a solution, but you sparked a side-thought...  To avoid sometimes
being swamped by Pre-Debug windows.  Instead of an error bringing up an
individual Pre-Debug window, we could have error go into a queue which a
singleton Pre-Debug window could have a view into. This "Error Queue
Viewer"  would have on row per error, and you click on a row to open a
normal debugger, much like you click  button in the existing
Pre-Debug window.  In a headless image, the Error Queue Viewer would not
appear, but the error would keep being queued until the next time the Error
Queue Viewer is manually opened.  The same error-queue might provide a
similar interface point for Pharo Remote Tools, so you can see errors that
occurred while you were not connected.

cheers -ben

Re: [Pharo-users] QCMagritte on Github

2017-11-07 Thread stephan

On 27-10-17 12:39, laurent laffont wrote:


my team starts to use QCMagritte. For our needs we have imported
SmalltalkHub repository to Github here:

I don't know if you (Diego, Stephan, Tobias) plan to use Github
instead of SmalltalkHub. At least Github allows branches & pull

Definitely, and I'm still struggling a bit with Iceberg. I would 
definitely favor a setup where the whole open source part is build on 
each commit using travis and images are put on (e.g.) bitbucket.
The current jenkins builds are waiting for Diego to finish some changes, 
and he is a bit distracted with plans for a new house.

Tobias told me he's also interested, so I assume he'll provide a 
modified baseline for other platforms.

At a certain point we might want to fold all of QCMagritte back into 
Magritte, but that is a discussion for later I think.
