Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

> On 03 Sep 2016, at 08:17, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> Hi,
> Indeed, Monty is doing a great job at maintaining and evolving the XML 
> support.

Yes indeed !

> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Sep 3, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Hernán Morales Durand  
>> wrote:
>> Thank you Monty for the clarification. I should say the original XPath 
>> package was written by Phil Hargett and I just added a couple of methods. 
>> Glad you rewrote the lib!
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
>> 2016-09-03 3:01 GMT-03:00 monty :
>> Hernan, the PharoExtras/XPath repo has a major rewrite of your package to 
>> support all of XPath 1.0 + XPath 2.0 extensions like the element() and 
>> attribute() type tests and namespace literals in name tests like 
>> '{namespaceURI}localName'. A rewrite was needed because the old lib only 
>> implemented a small subset of the spec and would infinite loop on some 
>> inputs.
>> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 at 3:56 PM
>> From: "Hernán Morales Durand" 
>> To: "Any question about pharo is welcome" 
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
>> 2016-09-01 16:51 GMT-03:00 PBKResearch :
>> Hi Hernan
>> I don’t understand your first question – I can’t see a connection between 
>> SPARQL and what I am doing.
>> You could get the Wikitionary data by querying a SPARQL endpoint 
>> instead of scrapping web pages (which 
>> seems more difficult)
>> I downloaded XPath from 
>> However, I am probably using a somewhat out of date version; I downloaded it 
>> about a year ago.
>> I don't know about that version. I copied an old version from SqueakSource 
>> (with permission) and updated from time to time, but there is no much. There 
>> is also a XPath2 repository which you may try.
>> Hernán
>> Peter
>> From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
>> Hernán Morales Durand
>> Sent: 01 September 2016 18:54
>> To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
>> Hi Peter,
>> 2016-09-01 10:26 GMT-03:00 PBKResearch :
>> Hello
>> I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from 
>> Wiktionary.
>> Any specific reason to not use the SPARQL endpoint?
>> Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra flexibility by 
>> using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, as mentioned at the 
>> end of the class comment for XPath. However, the description there is very 
>> terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how to include more complex 
>> expressions, especially attribute tests.
>> Which XPath version are you using? How did you installed it?
>> I have put some of my XPath expressions through the XPath compiler and 
>> looked at the output, and out of that I have found expressions which work 
>> but look very clumsy. As an example, I have used the fragment:
>> document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//li//text()'
>> and found that an equivalent is:
>> document //'div' ?? [:node :x :y|(node attributeAt: 'id') = 
>> 'catlinks']//'li'//[:n| n isStringNode]].
>> (I had to put two dummy arguments in the three-argument block to get it to 
>> work.)
>> Is there a more extensive explanation of the use of these binary operators? 
>> If not, could some kind person show me the most concise translation of the 
>> sample XPath above, to give me a start in working out more complex cases?
>> Many thanks for any help.
>> Peter Kenny
> --
> “Live like you mean it."

Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread PBKResearch
Hi Monty

Many thanks. I have picked up a project that I had not worked on for a while, 
which explains why I am using an old image. I shall try the latest Moose image, 
as you suggest. My only anxiety is that I need to be able to use a rather 
ancient package called TextLint, and I do not know whether it will load OK in a 
new Pharo. If not, I shall try to update my existing image.

With the latest XPath, will it be clear how to use the binary syntax to carry 
out node tests like the example of '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//' that I cited 
below? The case I am interested in is where the actual identifier ('catlinks' 
in this case) is a variable rather than a constant. It would be possible to do 
it in standard XPath by assembling the XPath string with a variable component, 
but it might be more convenient in the binary syntax.

Many thanks for your help.

Peter Kenny

-Original Message-
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 03 September 2016 06:54
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last fall. The 
newest version has more tests and correct behavior (checked against a reference 
implementation). Just download a new Moose image and you'll get it, along with 
an up to date XMLParser. (But if you insist on upgrading in your old image, run 
"XPath initialize" after)

The binary syntax (there are keyword equivalents now) officially only supports 
XPath axis selectors like #/ and #// that take node test arguments where the 
node tests can be name tests like 'name,' '*', 'prefix:*' or type tests like 
'text()', 'comment()', 'element(name)'. 

Filters aren't officially supported with that syntax, but you can always use 
select: on the result. ?? was removed, but I might add it back as shorthand. 
Filters are implemented differently now.

> From: PBKResearch 
> To:
> Subject: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Hello
> I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from 
> Wiktionary. Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra 
> flexibility by using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, as 
> mentioned at the end of the class comment for XPath. However, the description 
> there is very terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how to include more 
> complex expressions, especially attribute tests. I have put some of my XPath 
> expressions through the XPath compiler and looked at the output, and out of 
> that I have found expressions which work but look very clumsy. As an example, 
> I have used the fragment:
> document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//li//text()'
> and found that an equivalent is:
> document //'div' ?? [:node :x :y|(node attributeAt: 'id') = 
> 'catlinks']//'li'//[:n| n isStringNode]].
> (I had to put two dummy arguments in the three-argument block to get it to 
> work.)
> Is there a more extensive explanation of the use of these binary operators? 
> If not, could some kind person show me the most concise translation of the 
> sample XPath above, to give me a start in working out more complex cases?
> Many thanks for any help.
> Peter Kenny

Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread monty

> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 5:30 AM
> From: PBKResearch 
> To: "'Any question about pharo is welcome'" 
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Hi Monty
> Many thanks. I have picked up a project that I had not worked on for a while, 
> which explains why I am using an old image. I shall try the latest Moose 
> image, as you suggest. My only anxiety is that I need to be able to use a 
> rather ancient package called TextLint, and I do not know whether it will 
> load OK in a new Pharo. If not, I shall try to update my existing image.

If you'd looked at CI job, you'd see that XPath builds on Pharo 5 through 3 
(but should work back to 1.4). You can always start fresh with a clean, old 
image from or the Moose website if TextLint 
doesn't work anymore.

> With the latest XPath, will it be clear how to use the binary syntax to carry 
> out node tests like the example of '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//' that I cited 
> below? The case I am interested in is where the actual identifier ('catlinks' 
> in this case) is a variable rather than a constant. It would be possible to 
> do it in standard XPath by assembling the XPath string with a variable 
> component, but it might be more convenient in the binary syntax.

You could do this:
 ((doc // 'div') select: [:each | (each attributeAt: 'id') = catlinks]) // 'li' 
// 'text()'

where "catlinks" is a var. Or you could use xPath:context: with an XPath var 
that you dynamically bind using custom contexts:
 xPath: '//div[@id=$catlinks]//li//text()'
 context: (XPathContext variables: {'catlinks' -> catlinks})

The advantage over this:
 doc xPath: '//div[@id=''', catlinks, ''']//li//text()'

is that the xPath: expression string is the same each time, so it's only 
compiled once, the first time, and cached for later uses (inspect 'XPath 
compiledXPathCache') instead of being compiled each time the xPath: expression 
string arg changes.

> Many thanks for your help.
> Peter Kenny
> -Original Message-
> From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
> monty
> Sent: 03 September 2016 06:54
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last fall. 
> The newest version has more tests and correct behavior (checked against a 
> reference implementation). Just download a new Moose image and you'll get it, 
> along with an up to date XMLParser. (But if you insist on upgrading in your 
> old image, run "XPath initialize" after)
> The binary syntax (there are keyword equivalents now) officially only 
> supports XPath axis selectors like #/ and #// that take node test arguments 
> where the node tests can be name tests like 'name,' '*', 'prefix:*' or type 
> tests like 'text()', 'comment()', 'element(name)'. 
> Filters aren't officially supported with that syntax, but you can always use 
> select: on the result. ?? was removed, but I might add it back as shorthand. 
> Filters are implemented differently now.
> > From: PBKResearch 
> > To:
> > Subject: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> > 
> > Hello
> >  
> > I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from 
> > Wiktionary. Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra 
> > flexibility by using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, as 
> > mentioned at the end of the class comment for XPath. However, the 
> > description there is very terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how to 
> > include more complex expressions, especially attribute tests. I have put 
> > some of my XPath expressions through the XPath compiler and looked at the 
> > output, and out of that I have found expressions which work but look very 
> > clumsy. As an example, I have used the fragment:
> >  
> > document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//li//text()'
> >  
> > and found that an equivalent is:
> >  
> > document //'div' ?? [:node :x :y|(node attributeAt: 'id') = 
> > 'catlinks']//'li'//[:n| n isStringNode]].
> > (I had to put two dummy arguments in the three-argument block to get it to 
> > work.)
> >  
> > Is there a more extensive explanation of the use of these binary operators? 
> > If not, could some kind person show me the most concise translation of the 
> > sample XPath above, to give me a start in working out more complex cases?
> >  
> > Many thanks for any help.
> >  
> > Peter Kenny

Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread monty

> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 4:31 AM
> From: "Sven Van Caekenberghe" 
> To: "Any question about pharo is welcome" 
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> > On 03 Sep 2016, at 08:17, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Indeed, Monty is doing a great job at maintaining and evolving the XML 
> > support.
> Yes indeed !
> > Cheers,
> > Doru
> > 
> > 
> >> On Sep 3, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Hernán Morales Durand 
> >>  wrote:
> >> 
> >> Thank you Monty for the clarification. I should say the original XPath 
> >> package was written by Phil Hargett and I just added a couple of methods. 
> >> Glad you rewrote the lib!
> >> Cheers,
> >> 
> >> Hernán
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 2016-09-03 3:01 GMT-03:00 monty :
> >> 
> >> Hernan, the PharoExtras/XPath repo has a major rewrite of your package to 
> >> support all of XPath 1.0 + XPath 2.0 extensions like the element() and 
> >> attribute() type tests and namespace literals in name tests like 
> >> '{namespaceURI}localName'. A rewrite was needed because the old lib only 
> >> implemented a small subset of the spec and would infinite loop on some 
> >> inputs.
> >> 
> >> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 at 3:56 PM
> >> From: "Hernán Morales Durand" 
> >> 
> >> To: "Any question about pharo is welcome" 
> >> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 2016-09-01 16:51 GMT-03:00 PBKResearch :
> >> Hi Hernan
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I don’t understand your first question – I can’t see a connection between 
> >> SPARQL and what I am doing.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> You could get the Wikitionary data by querying a SPARQL endpoint 
> >> instead of scrapping web pages (which 
> >> seems more difficult)
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I downloaded XPath from 
> >> However, I am probably using a somewhat out of date version; I downloaded 
> >> it about a year ago.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I don't know about that version. I copied an old version from SqueakSource 
> >> (with permission) and updated from time to time, but there is no much. 
> >> There is also a XPath2 repository which you may try.
> >> 
> >> Hernán
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Peter
> >> 
> >> 
> >> From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf 
> >> Of Hernán Morales Durand
> >> Sent: 01 September 2016 18:54
> >> To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
> >> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Hi Peter,
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 2016-09-01 10:26 GMT-03:00 PBKResearch :
> >> 
> >> Hello
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from 
> >> Wiktionary.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Any specific reason to not use the SPARQL endpoint?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra flexibility by 
> >> using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, as mentioned at 
> >> the end of the class comment for XPath. However, the description there is 
> >> very terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how to include more complex 
> >> expressions, especially attribute tests.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Which XPath version are you using? How did you installed it?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I have put some of my XPath expressions through the XPath compiler and 
> >> looked at the output, and out of that I have found expressions which work 
> >> but look very clumsy. As an example, I have used the fragment:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//li//text()'
> >> 
> >> 
> >> and found that an equivalent is:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> document //'div' ?? [:node :x :y|(node attributeAt: 'id') = 
> >> 'catlinks']//'li'//[:n| n isStringNode]].
> >> 
> >> (I had to put two dummy arguments in the three-argument block to get it to 
> >> work.)
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Is there a more extensive explanation of the use of these binary 
> >> operators? If not, could some kind person show me the most concise 
> >> translation of the sample XPath above, to give me a start in working out 
> >> more complex cases?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Many thanks for any help.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Peter Kenny
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> > 
> > --
> >
> > 
> > 
> > “Live like you mean it."
> > 
> > 

Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread monty

> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 2:56 AM
> From: stepharo 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Le 3/9/16 à 08:41, monty a écrit :
> >> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 2:02 AM
> >> From: stepharo 
> >> To: "Any question about pharo is welcome" 
> >> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> >>
> >> Hi monty
> >>
> >> In which repository this maintained version is?
> > PharoExtras/XPath (you gave me the write access).
> Excellent.
> I like the idea that we all share an improve common identifiable places.

Yes, I also moved XMLParserHTML and XMLParserStAX from PharoExtras/XMLParser to 
separate PharoExtras repos. PharoExtras could be the place for 
community-maintained standard libs.

> >
> >   
> >> PharoExtras?
> >>
> >> Is it the entry in the catalog?
> > It has a catalog entry at and a CI job at 
> >
> super cool!
> I'm happy
> >
> >> Stef
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Le 3/9/16 à 07:54, monty a écrit :
> >>> Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last 
> >>> fall. The newest version has more tests and correct behavior (checked 
> >>> against a reference implementation). Just download a new Moose image and 
> >>> you'll get it, along with an up to date XMLParser. (But if you insist on 
> >>> upgrading in your old image, run "XPath initialize" after)
> >>>
> >>> The binary syntax (there are keyword equivalents now) officially only 
> >>> supports XPath axis selectors like #/ and #// that take node test 
> >>> arguments where the node tests can be name tests like 'name,' '*', 
> >>> 'prefix:*' or type tests like 'text()', 'comment()', 'element(name)'.
> >>>
> >>> Filters aren't officially supported with that syntax, but you can always 
> >>> use select: on the result. ?? was removed, but I might add it back as 
> >>> shorthand. Filters are implemented differently now.
> >>>
>  From: PBKResearch 
>  To:
>  Subject: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
>  Hello
>  I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from 
>  Wiktionary. Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra 
>  flexibility by using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, 
>  as mentioned at the end of the class comment for XPath. However, the 
>  description there is very terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how 
>  to include more complex expressions, especially attribute tests. I have 
>  put some of my XPath expressions through the XPath compiler and looked 
>  at the output, and out of that I have found expressions which work but 
>  look very clumsy. As an example, I have used the fragment:
>  document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//li//text()'
>  and found that an equivalent is:
>  document //'div' ?? [:node :x :y|(node attributeAt: 'id') = 
>  'catlinks']//'li'//[:n| n isStringNode]].
>  (I had to put two dummy arguments in the three-argument block to get it 
>  to work.)
>  Is there a more extensive explanation of the use of these binary 
>  operators? If not, could some kind person show me the most concise 
>  translation of the sample XPath above, to give me a start in working out 
>  more complex cases?
>  Many thanks for any help.
>  Peter Kenny
> >>
> >>
> >

Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread stepharo

Le 3/9/16 à 11:30, PBKResearch a écrit :

Hi Monty

Many thanks. I have picked up a project that I had not worked on for a while, 
which explains why I am using an old image. I shall try the latest Moose image, 
as you suggest. My only anxiety is that I need to be able to use a rather 
ancient package called TextLint, and I do not know whether it will load OK in a 
new Pharo. If not, I shall try to update my existing image.

Let me know because I wanted to resurrect TextLint :)

With the latest XPath, will it be clear how to use the binary syntax to carry 
out node tests like the example of '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//' that I cited 
below? The case I am interested in is where the actual identifier ('catlinks' 
in this case) is a variable rather than a constant. It would be possible to do 
it in standard XPath by assembling the XPath string with a variable component, 
but it might be more convenient in the binary syntax.

Many thanks for your help.

Peter Kenny

-Original Message-
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 03 September 2016 06:54
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last fall. The newest 
version has more tests and correct behavior (checked against a reference implementation). 
Just download a new Moose image and you'll get it, along with an up to date XMLParser. 
(But if you insist on upgrading in your old image, run "XPath initialize" after)

The binary syntax (there are keyword equivalents now) officially only supports 
XPath axis selectors like #/ and #// that take node test arguments where the 
node tests can be name tests like 'name,' '*', 'prefix:*' or type tests like 
'text()', 'comment()', 'element(name)'.

Filters aren't officially supported with that syntax, but you can always use 
select: on the result. ?? was removed, but I might add it back as shorthand. 
Filters are implemented differently now.

From: PBKResearch 
Subject: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from Wiktionary. Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra flexibility by using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, as mentioned at the end of the class comment for XPath. However, the description there is very terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how to include more complex expressions, especially attribute tests. I have put some of my XPath expressions through the XPath compiler and looked at the output, and out of that I have found expressions which work but look very clumsy. As an example, I have used the fragment:
document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//li//text()'
and found that an equivalent is:
document //'div' ?? [:node :x :y|(node attributeAt: 'id') = 'catlinks']//'li'//[:n| n isStringNode]].

(I had to put two dummy arguments in the three-argument block to get it to 
Is there a more extensive explanation of the use of these binary operators? If not, could some kind person show me the most concise translation of the sample XPath above, to give me a start in working out more complex cases?
Many thanks for any help.
Peter Kenny

Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread stepharo

Yes, I also moved XMLParserHTML and XMLParserStAX from PharoExtras/XMLParser to 
separate PharoExtras repos. PharoExtras could be the place for 
community-maintained standard libs.

This one the idea for at least the ones I tried to take care.


Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

2016-09-03 Thread PBKResearch
Hi Monty

Just to say that I have obtained the Moose 6.0 image (Pharo5.0 Latest update: 
#50761) and installed the XMLHTMLParser, and I seem able to reproduce the 
nucleus of the results I had from my old image. Some of my old XPath strings do 
not work (e.g. it did not recognise [1]), but I have worked my way round that, 
and I should soon have worked out the new syntax. Thanks for your suggestions 
for the variable case; I can now see the way ahead for that. Thanks for all the 


I have loaded the same version of TextLint as I had in the previous image. It 
was accepted with no problems. I have tested it for the limited uses I make of 
it (just the parsers, not the rules) and everything seems OK. So now I am 
upgraded to Pharo 5, so far with no problems!

Peter Kenny

-Original Message-
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 03 September 2016 13:00
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk

> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 5:30 AM
> From: PBKResearch 
> To: "'Any question about pharo is welcome'" 
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Hi Monty
> Many thanks. I have picked up a project that I had not worked on for a while, 
> which explains why I am using an old image. I shall try the latest Moose 
> image, as you suggest. My only anxiety is that I need to be able to use a 
> rather ancient package called TextLint, and I do not know whether it will 
> load OK in a new Pharo. If not, I shall try to update my existing image.

If you'd looked at CI job, you'd see that XPath builds on Pharo 5 through 3 
(but should work back to 1.4). You can always start fresh with a clean, old 
image from or the Moose website if TextLint 
doesn't work anymore.

> With the latest XPath, will it be clear how to use the binary syntax to carry 
> out node tests like the example of '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//' that I cited 
> below? The case I am interested in is where the actual identifier ('catlinks' 
> in this case) is a variable rather than a constant. It would be possible to 
> do it in standard XPath by assembling the XPath string with a variable 
> component, but it might be more convenient in the binary syntax.

You could do this:
 ((doc // 'div') select: [:each | (each attributeAt: 'id') = catlinks]) // 'li' 
// 'text()'

where "catlinks" is a var. Or you could use xPath:context: with an XPath var 
that you dynamically bind using custom contexts:
 xPath: '//div[@id=$catlinks]//li//text()'
 context: (XPathContext variables: {'catlinks' -> catlinks})

The advantage over this:
 doc xPath: '//div[@id=''', catlinks, ''']//li//text()'

is that the xPath: expression string is the same each time, so it's only 
compiled once, the first time, and cached for later uses (inspect 'XPath 
compiledXPathCache') instead of being compiled each time the xPath: expression 
string arg changes.

> Many thanks for your help.
> Peter Kenny
> -Original Message-
> From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
> monty
> Sent: 03 September 2016 06:54
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> Peter, you're using an ancient version with bugs that were fixed last fall. 
> The newest version has more tests and correct behavior (checked against a 
> reference implementation). Just download a new Moose image and you'll get it, 
> along with an up to date XMLParser. (But if you insist on upgrading in your 
> old image, run "XPath initialize" after)
> The binary syntax (there are keyword equivalents now) officially only 
> supports XPath axis selectors like #/ and #// that take node test arguments 
> where the node tests can be name tests like 'name,' '*', 'prefix:*' or type 
> tests like 'text()', 'comment()', 'element(name)'. 
> Filters aren't officially supported with that syntax, but you can always use 
> select: on the result. ?? was removed, but I might add it back as shorthand. 
> Filters are implemented differently now.
> > From: PBKResearch 
> > To:
> > Subject: [Pharo-users] Coding XPath as Smalltalk
> > 
> > Hello
> >  
> > I am using XPath as a way of dissecting web pages, especially from 
> > Wiktionary. Generally I get good results, but I could get useful extra 
> > flexibility by using the binary Smalltalk operators to represent XPath, as 
> > mentioned at the end of the class comment for XPath. However, the 
> > description there is very terse, and I am having difficulty seeing how to 
> > include more complex expressions, especially attribute tests. I have put 
> > some of my XPath expressions through the XPath compiler and looked at the 
> > output, and out of that I have found expressions which work but look very 
> > clumsy. As an example, I have used the fragment:
> >  
> > document xPath: '//div[@id=''catlinks'']//l