Re: [Pharo-users] Democracy attacked...

2015-11-14 Thread Denis Kudriashov
This is very bad news. I hope your family and friends are in safe.
In Russia it is happened every year (not this year I hope). And now this
evil came to France. It's very sad

14 нояб. 2015 г. 8:15 пользователь "stepharo"  написал:

> Hi guys
> I just want to let you that France got attacked by kamizazes probably from
> these fanatics
> ruining syria and we are touched. 120 people killed: they attacked a rock
> concert and
> restaurants in the street in Paris. They killed people randomly and as
> birds.
> I hope that such attacks will not happen in your country but if we do not
> do anything
> I doubt it will not expand.
> And sadly this is just the beginning because this is a terrible war in
> fact. Democracy and
> our model are threatened and I hope our countries will realize that we
> have to react.
> Stef

Re: [Pharo-users] Democracy attacked...

2015-11-14 Thread Dimitris Chloupis
"Democracy and
our model are threatened and I hope our countries will realize that we
have to react."

Thats how the game of war works. We no longer live in an age of nationalism
so the new rule of the game is terrorism. This way Europe will react
fueling the engine of war with what it desperate craves  , more money. Tons
and tons of money, all in the name of justice and democracy and freedom.
Thats how the game of war works.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 10:44 AM Denis Kudriashov 

> This is very bad news. I hope your family and friends are in safe.
> In Russia it is happened every year (not this year I hope). And now this
> evil came to France. It's very sad
> Denis
> 14 нояб. 2015 г. 8:15 пользователь "stepharo"  написал:
> Hi guys
>> I just want to let you that France got attacked by kamizazes probably
>> from these fanatics
>> ruining syria and we are touched. 120 people killed: they attacked a rock
>> concert and
>> restaurants in the street in Paris. They killed people randomly and as
>> birds.
>> I hope that such attacks will not happen in your country but if we do not
>> do anything
>> I doubt it will not expand.
>> And sadly this is just the beginning because this is a terrible war in
>> fact. Democracy and
>> our model are threatened and I hope our countries will realize that we
>> have to react.
>> Stef

Re: [Pharo-users] EPUB anyone

2015-11-14 Thread Damien Cassou

Torsten Bergmann  writes:

> Is there anyone working on/with EPUB in Pharo?
> If I remember correctly there was once the idea of an 
> EPUB exporter for Pillar.
> Status/Plans?

I don't know of anything on this front. But that's still a feature we
would like.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread Thierry Goubier

Le 14/11/2015 06:08, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :

Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and frightened
about the future of human kind.

Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.

Thanks for your concern; it is very much appreciated :(


Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Democracy attacked...

2015-11-14 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

> On 14 Nov 2015, at 08:13, stepharo  wrote:
> Hi guys
> I just want to let you that France got attacked by kamizazes probably from 
> these fanatics
> ruining syria and we are touched. 120 people killed: they attacked a rock 
> concert and
> restaurants in the street in Paris. They killed people randomly and as birds.
> I hope that such attacks will not happen in your country but if we do not do 
> anything
> I doubt it will not expand.
> And sadly this is just the beginning because this is a terrible war in fact. 
> Democracy and
> our model are threatened and I hope our countries will realize that we have 
> to react.
> Stef

Yes, this is a terrible nightmare, very sad on so many levels.


Re: [Pharo-users] Democracy attacked...

2015-11-14 Thread stepharo

Le 14/11/15 09:43, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :

This is very bad news. I hope your family and friends are in safe.

Yes there is no problem.

In Russia it is happened every year (not this year I hope).

I hope too.

And now this evil came to France. It's very sad

See you tuesday :)


14 нояб. 2015 г. 8:15 пользователь "stepharo" > написал:

Hi guys

I just want to let you that France got attacked by kamizazes
probably from these fanatics
ruining syria and we are touched. 120 people killed: they attacked
a rock concert and
restaurants in the street in Paris. They killed people randomly
and as birds.
I hope that such attacks will not happen in your country but if we
do not do anything
I doubt it will not expand.

And sadly this is just the beginning because this is a terrible
war in fact. Democracy and
our model are threatened and I hope our countries will realize
that we have to react.


Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread Tudor Girba
My mind stopped for a while when I heard what happened. The way in which it 
happened made me inevitably wonder about the kindness of human kind. It’s a sad 
feeling even from afar and I cannot imagine what people that are closer to the 
event might feel. 

I wish you all strength to go through this and wisdom to go beyond it.


> On Nov 14, 2015, at 6:08 AM, Hernán Morales Durand  
> wrote:
> Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and frightened about 
> the future of human kind.
> Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.
> Hernán


"Obvious things are difficult to teach."

Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread Stephan Eggermont

What a sad news from Paris.
Lots of love and strength, and wisdom in finding the right
course of action in reacting to these terrible actions.


Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread
These guys are clinging to a model of the past instead of making the
necessary changes to deal with the modernity transition challenge.

China transitioned, India transitioned, South Asia transitioned. They

France has been directly involved in Lybia, Syria, and Mali to fight they
archaic model. France is all they hate. And all we love. Freedom, fun,
curiosity, questioning, science, progress.

We should have crushed them in Syria already.

Check this out for an indepth
geostrategic view (french).

I am sad. But at the same time my resolve is stronger than ever. We need to
stand for our values.


On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Tudor Girba  wrote:

> My mind stopped for a while when I heard what happened. The way in which
> it happened made me inevitably wonder about the kindness of human kind.
> It’s a sad feeling even from afar and I cannot imagine what people that are
> closer to the event might feel.
> I wish you all strength to go through this and wisdom to go beyond it.
> Doru
> > On Nov 14, 2015, at 6:08 AM, Hernán Morales Durand <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and frightened
> about the future of human kind.
> >
> > Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.
> >
> > Hernán
> >
> --
> "Obvious things are difficult to teach."

Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread stepharo

Thanks doru.
When you watch the videos they are really shocking. It is hard to 
believe that they shot people in the cafe.

Now I heard a really interesting point from a french reporter: he said 
that daesh cannot destroy french, europe or democratie
but we can destroy ourselves if as a country we react badly (like 
getting anti muslim, getting a bad society, closing our borders, voting 
for the ultra right)
Because Marine LePen does not represent France and they got really bad 


Le 14/11/15 14:18, Tudor Girba a écrit :

My mind stopped for a while when I heard what happened. The way in which it 
happened made me inevitably wonder about the kindness of human kind. It’s a sad 
feeling even from afar and I cannot imagine what people that are closer to the 
event might feel.

I wish you all strength to go through this and wisdom to go beyond it.


On Nov 14, 2015, at 6:08 AM, Hernán Morales Durand  

Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and frightened about the 
future of human kind.

Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.



"Obvious things are difficult to teach."

Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread stepharo

Thanks for the link it was really interesting.


Le 14/11/15 20:01, a écrit :
These guys are clinging to a model of the past instead of making the 
necessary changes to deal with the modernity transition challenge.

China transitioned, India transitioned, South Asia transitioned. They 

France has been directly involved in Lybia, Syria, and Mali to fight 
they archaic model. France is all they hate. And all we love. Freedom, 
fun, curiosity, questioning, science, progress.

We should have crushed them in Syria already.

Check this out for an 
indepth geostrategic view (french).

I am sad. But at the same time my resolve is stronger than ever. We 
need to stand for our values.


On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Tudor Girba > wrote:

My mind stopped for a while when I heard what happened. The way in
which it happened made me inevitably wonder about the kindness of
human kind. It’s a sad feeling even from afar and I cannot imagine
what people that are closer to the event might feel.

I wish you all strength to go through this and wisdom to go beyond it.


> On Nov 14, 2015, at 6:08 AM, Hernán Morales Durand>> wrote:
> Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and
frightened about the future of human kind.
> Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.
> Hernán


"Obvious things are difficult to teach."

Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world

2015-11-14 Thread Sebastian Heidbrink

Starve and beat a dog and he will bite.
Feed and train him and he will be your friend.

It is a matter of trust and I hope that my french friends will not loose 
their trust in humanity.

My condolences to all that are personally affected by this terrible act.

On 2015-11-14 2:26 PM, stepharo wrote:

Thanks for the link it was really interesting.


Le 14/11/15 20:01, a écrit :
These guys are clinging to a model of the past instead of making the 
necessary changes to deal with the modernity transition challenge.

China transitioned, India transitioned, South Asia transitioned. They 

France has been directly involved in Lybia, Syria, and Mali to fight 
they archaic model. France is all they hate. And all we love. 
Freedom, fun, curiosity, questioning, science, progress.

We should have crushed them in Syria already.

Check this out for an 
indepth geostrategic view (french).

I am sad. But at the same time my resolve is stronger than ever. We 
need to stand for our values.


On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Tudor Girba > wrote:

My mind stopped for a while when I heard what happened. The way
in which it happened made me inevitably wonder about the kindness
of human kind. It’s a sad feeling even from afar and I cannot
imagine what people that are closer to the event might feel.

I wish you all strength to go through this and wisdom to go
beyond it.


> On Nov 14, 2015, at 6:08 AM, Hernán Morales Durand
> Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and
frightened about the future of human kind.
> Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.
> Hernán


"Obvious things are difficult to teach."