Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread stepharo


what is your requirement?


Le 10/1/15 22:52, Hilaire a écrit :

It looks like when I want to create a subclass of Float, I have this odd
class creation message. Moreoever, I can add instance variable to this
new class: when compiling there are wipe out: argument
instanceVariableNames: '' remain empty.

If I change Float to Object, all get back to normal.

Why is it like this ?

Float variableWordSubclass: #MyClass
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
category: 'Cofigest-Financial'



Re: [Pharo-users] Problem due to deprecation of class Url in Pharo 3 and Moose 5.0

2015-01-11 Thread stepharo

Yes change the code of the Parser not to use old code.

As I pointed out, the Parser is a large and complex package, and I am not
the author, so this is easier said than done.

I'm dealing daily with code having the same characteristics.

It seems a bit odd to dismiss
code which worked OK in Moose 4.9, but not in Moose 5.0, as 'old code.'

I do not know what happened between 4.9 and 5.0 but if this is between 
pharo30 and pharo40 => one full year of efforts (you know
many people improving things and putting energy in the system). And be 
ready because we will remove URL old class.
Now the good aspect is that you are lucky (we are all lucky) that sven 
is improving constantly Zinc.

But there is no such world were unmaintained packages would 
indefinitively work while the world is changing.

is code which has no functional equivalent in the new code, as Sven has

Then it means that you have to cooperate with sven to get Zinc improved.
And feel lucky you can.

The overall process may look frustrating but a system that is not 
changing is

See law of software evolution

(1974) "Continuing Change" — an E-type system must be continually 
adapted or it becomes progressively less satisfactory[3]'s_laws_of_software_evolution

Thanks again

Peter Kenny

-Original Message-
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of
Sven Van Caekenberghe
Sent: 10 January 2015 16:36
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Problem due to deprecation of class Url in Pharo
3 and Moose 5.0

On 10 Jan 2015, at 16:45, stepharo  wrote:

Le 10/1/15 11:41, PBKResearch a écrit :

I have run into a problem in moving some existing work from earlier

versions of Pharo/Moose. I have found a work around, but I wonder if there
is a tidier way of handling it.
I make frequent use of Todd Blanchard’s HTML parser and validator, HTMCSS

(!/~ToddBlanchard/HTMCSSValidatingParser), which
was originally written for Squeak but has performed without trouble on
earlier versions of Pharo. When I try to use it on Moose 5.0, I get frequent
warning messages about Url being deprecated. I have made the problem go away
by commenting out the deprecation warning in Url class>>new, but I wonder
what should be done on a more permanent basis.

Yes change the code of the Parser not to use old code.

The problem arises because HTMCSS does not just parse the original HTML

file; it also loads and parses any referenced CSS files. (This is a function
I could do without, but I don’t fancy trying surgery on a complex package
where I only partly understand the workings!) It constructs the full address
of the CSS file by combining the root address of the HTML with the relative
address of the CSS, using Url class>>combine:withRelative:, and in the
course of this it invokes Url class>>new; hence the deprecation message.

use ZnURL

The deprecation message says Url has been replaced by ZnUrl, but this is

clearly  not a simple replacement of one message by an equivalent; there is
no ZnUrl class>>combine:withRelative:, for instance.

Sven will certainly comment but I guess that there is certainly the same


ZnUrl>>#inContextOf: is the selector you are looking for, but path merging
is not supported (yet).

'readme.txt' asZnUrl inContextOf: '' asZnUrl.

Maybe we should add path merging, I'll think about it.

The tidiest solution would no doubt be to find an equivalent method in

Zinc, which I am sure exists, and then modify the HTMCSS code to use it. I
have tried to find an equivalent, but Zinc is a large and complex system and
I rapidly got lost.

It should be in ZnURL

is it not addPathSegment:?

from class comment

   ZnUrl new
 scheme: #https;
 host: '';
 addPathSegment: 'search';
 queryAt: 'q' put: 'Smalltalk';
host: looks like the root

addPathSegment: looks like

I wonder more broadly about the strategy of deprecating functions which

are required by legacy packages, as in this case. Should there at least be a
way of overriding deprecations? (I suppose that is what I have done by
commenting it out, but it seems crude.)

This is how you can work around Deprecation warnings:

[ Url combine: '' withRelative: 'bar/readme.txt'
   on: Deprecation do: [ :exception | exception resume ]

but that is a temporary hack.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
Peter Kenny


Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread Hilaire
Le 11/01/2015 09:06, stepharo a écrit :
> Hilaire
> what is your requirement?
> Stef

I want to create a currency object, basically a Float with an attribute
to specify the currency unit.


Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread Joachim Tuchel


unless you have very (very very) specific needs, I would strongly 
discourage you to use Float for anything related to Money or Percentages.

We use a subclass of Object for MonetaryAmounts and implemented most of 
the protocol of Magnitude. But, most importantly, the amount instVar is 
made sure to always hold instances of ScaledDecimal (in VA Smalltalk, 
that is).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:25 schrieb Hilaire:

Le 11/01/2015 09:06, stepharo a écrit :


what is your requirement?


I want to create a currency object, basically a Float with an attribute
to specify the currency unit.


Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread Joachim Tuchel
Ah, I just saw on second reading that you want to implement something 
for currency exchange rates, not MonetaryAmounts. Still, don't use 
Float, use ScaledDecimal or FixedPoint and make sure it NEVER contains a 
Float. You'll get into all kinds of strange problems, starting with 
Imports from datasources like Yahoo or whatever.

I'd subclass Object, and make the new class hold the exchange rates as a 
ScaledDecimal with a well-defined scale (like 4 or 6 or even 8 digits if 
you want).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:28 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:


unless you have very (very very) specific needs, I would strongly 
discourage you to use Float for anything related to Money or Percentages.

We use a subclass of Object for MonetaryAmounts and implemented most 
of the protocol of Magnitude. But, most importantly, the amount 
instVar is made sure to always hold instances of ScaledDecimal (in VA 
Smalltalk, that is).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:25 schrieb Hilaire:

Le 11/01/2015 09:06, stepharo a écrit :


what is your requirement?


I want to create a currency object, basically a Float with an attribute
to specify the currency unit.


Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread Joachim Tuchel

There are more arguments against Subclassing any Number class:

Exchange rates are two-way most of the times. It is not only USD->EUR, 
but also the other way round. This is not the responsibilty of a number.

For more information, I recommend Martin Fowler's Analysis Patterns book 
(old, but not dated at all!).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:31 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:
Ah, I just saw on second reading that you want to implement something 
for currency exchange rates, not MonetaryAmounts. Still, don't use 
Float, use ScaledDecimal or FixedPoint and make sure it NEVER contains 
a Float. You'll get into all kinds of strange problems, starting with 
Imports from datasources like Yahoo or whatever.

I'd subclass Object, and make the new class hold the exchange rates as 
a ScaledDecimal with a well-defined scale (like 4 or 6 or even 8 
digits if you want).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:28 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:


unless you have very (very very) specific needs, I would strongly 
discourage you to use Float for anything related to Money or 

We use a subclass of Object for MonetaryAmounts and implemented most 
of the protocol of Magnitude. But, most importantly, the amount 
instVar is made sure to always hold instances of ScaledDecimal (in VA 
Smalltalk, that is).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:25 schrieb Hilaire:

Le 11/01/2015 09:06, stepharo a écrit :


what is your requirement?


I want to create a currency object, basically a Float with an attribute
to specify the currency unit.


Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread Hilaire

Thanks for the tips.
I saw the Unit package was following the same pattern you are describing.
My first though was to use ScaledDecimal, but I discovered it is pretty
slow with computation (amortization schedule, search for rate) but there
are workarounds for that.


Le 11/01/2015 10:36, Joachim Tuchel a écrit :
> There are more arguments against Subclassing any Number class:
> Exchange rates are two-way most of the times. It is not only USD->EUR,
> but also the other way round. This is not the responsibilty of a number.
> For more information, I recommend Martin Fowler's Analysis Patterns book
> (old, but not dated at all!).
> Joachim
> Am 11.01.15 um 10:31 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:
>> Ah, I just saw on second reading that you want to implement something
>> for currency exchange rates, not MonetaryAmounts. Still, don't use
>> Float, use ScaledDecimal or FixedPoint and make sure it NEVER contains
>> a Float. You'll get into all kinds of strange problems, starting with
>> Imports from datasources like Yahoo or whatever.
>> I'd subclass Object, and make the new class hold the exchange rates as
>> a ScaledDecimal with a well-defined scale (like 4 or 6 or even 8
>> digits if you want).
>> Joachim
>> Am 11.01.15 um 10:28 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:
>>> Hilaire,
>>> unless you have very (very very) specific needs, I would strongly
>>> discourage you to use Float for anything related to Money or
>>> Percentages.
>>> We use a subclass of Object for MonetaryAmounts and implemented most
>>> of the protocol of Magnitude. But, most importantly, the amount
>>> instVar is made sure to always hold instances of ScaledDecimal (in VA
>>> Smalltalk, that is).
>>> Joachim
>>> Am 11.01.15 um 10:25 schrieb Hilaire:
 Le 11/01/2015 09:06, stepharo a écrit :
> Hilaire
> what is your requirement?
> Stef

 I want to create a currency object, basically a Float with an attribute
 to specify the currency unit.



Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread stepharo


you have also acancagua that support unit and conversion and aconcagua 
came out of a project dealing

with money and trades.
read the two articles in there.


Le 11/1/15 11:22, Hilaire a écrit :


Thanks for the tips.
I saw the Unit package was following the same pattern you are describing.
My first though was to use ScaledDecimal, but I discovered it is pretty
slow with computation (amortization schedule, search for rate) but there
are workarounds for that.


Le 11/01/2015 10:36, Joachim Tuchel a écrit :

There are more arguments against Subclassing any Number class:

Exchange rates are two-way most of the times. It is not only USD->EUR,
but also the other way round. This is not the responsibilty of a number.

For more information, I recommend Martin Fowler's Analysis Patterns book
(old, but not dated at all!).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:31 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:

Ah, I just saw on second reading that you want to implement something
for currency exchange rates, not MonetaryAmounts. Still, don't use
Float, use ScaledDecimal or FixedPoint and make sure it NEVER contains
a Float. You'll get into all kinds of strange problems, starting with
Imports from datasources like Yahoo or whatever.

I'd subclass Object, and make the new class hold the exchange rates as
a ScaledDecimal with a well-defined scale (like 4 or 6 or even 8
digits if you want).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:28 schrieb Joachim Tuchel:


unless you have very (very very) specific needs, I would strongly
discourage you to use Float for anything related to Money or

We use a subclass of Object for MonetaryAmounts and implemented most
of the protocol of Magnitude. But, most importantly, the amount
instVar is made sure to always hold instances of ScaledDecimal (in VA
Smalltalk, that is).


Am 11.01.15 um 10:25 schrieb Hilaire:

Le 11/01/2015 09:06, stepharo a écrit :


what is your requirement?


I want to create a currency object, basically a Float with an attribute
to specify the currency unit.


Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread Hilaire
Very interesting reading.

The formula in figure 1 is wrong as it is "composed" interest, and power
should be used.

rate := 10 % / 1 year
terms := 6 months

100$ * (1 + rate) ^ terms

So I wonder how the simplification as exposed in Fig. 4 goes in that
case (rate should be transformed to 10/1200) and would be really
interested if the model can fit the real situation: how the model can
deduce rate per year should be adapted to rate per month without a prior
knowledge of the formula meaning.

In Smalltalkhub I see two Acomcagua packages, which one to use?


Le 11/01/2015 12:22, stepharo a écrit :
> Hilaire
> you have also acancagua that support unit and conversion and aconcagua
> came out of a project dealing
> with money and trades.
> read the two articles in there.
> Stef

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

Re: [Pharo-users] if Pharo is key for you

2015-01-11 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Hi all,

Just picking up some old threads, so I answer this below.

El 18/09/13 a las 01:19, Stéphane Ducasse escribió:

Hi guys

if Pharo is key for you then you should ask yourself what you did for Pharo 
Writing code, writing documentation helping closing bug entries, participating 
to the association, to the consortium...

Pharo is not happening from spontaneous generation.


Well I recently (previous semester) start to:

1. Learn Pharo.
2. Develop my own app to learn and write about the process [a][b]. I 
will be payed for this prototype and will be a paying member of the 
3. Made my local group of Pharo/Smalltalk on Data narratives and 
visualization for Open/Garage/Citizen Science & Research at our local 
hackerspace with several (3 or 4) meetings that will continue this year [c].
4. Read a lot of previous email to be aware the community memory and 
revive older threads when is possible and trying to be a more 
proactive/visible member of this community, even in my newbie condition.

So, what I'm planing for this year:

1. To learn/teach more about Pharo specially moldable tools, fluid 
interfaces and good devel practices.
1. To have a good application with some data narratives and 
visualization build on it. A good download page, documentation and with 
clean code instead of the rookie one I have now.
2. To create a stronger local community around data 
visualization/narratives for Open/Garage/Citizen Sciecen & Research 
powered by Pharo.

3. To write more.
4. Economical contributions to the community through the association.
5. Hopefully make stronger ties to the international community in South 
America or Europe by participating in some event or scholarship (this 
will depend on costs).

Thanks for the questions and I will be glad to read other 
answers/prospective about persons and Pharo,







Re: [Pharo-users] if Pharo is key for you

2015-01-11 Thread kilon alios
Good thread I would love also to hear what other Pharoers work behind the

My own project is Ephestos a visual coding enviroment for Blender . I have
made some good progress in 2014 and I am sure 2015 will bring more
features. Ephestos will benefit the Pharo community by

1) Offering full access to the most powerful open source and free
application for creating of 3d art , Blender.

2) Allow Pharo full access to Cpython libraries one of the most popular and
powerful language out there and also allow python code to mix with pharo ,
see python code as pharo code etc.

Both goals have been achieved partly and I hope to bring my project closer
to them each year.

I am also interested as secondary goals to

3) bring more visual coding tools to pharo

4) integrate tablets and smartphones (android and ios) with pharo as
external controllers and as replacements to both mouse and keyboard.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just picking up some old threads, so I answer this below.
> El 18/09/13 a las 01:19, Stéphane Ducasse escribió:
>> Hi guys
>> if Pharo is key for you then you should ask yourself what you did for
>> Pharo recently.
>> Writing code, writing documentation helping closing bug entries,
>> participating to the association, to the consortium...
>> Pharo is not happening from spontaneous generation.
>> Stef
> Well I recently (previous semester) start to:
> 1. Learn Pharo.
> 2. Develop my own app to learn and write about the process [a][b]. I will
> be payed for this prototype and will be a paying member of the association.
> 3. Made my local group of Pharo/Smalltalk on Data narratives and
> visualization for Open/Garage/Citizen Science & Research at our local
> hackerspace with several (3 or 4) meetings that will continue this year [c].
> 4. Read a lot of previous email to be aware the community memory and
> revive older threads when is possible and trying to be a more
> proactive/visible member of this community, even in my newbie condition.
> So, what I'm planing for this year:
> 1. To learn/teach more about Pharo specially moldable tools, fluid
> interfaces and good devel practices.
> 1. To have a good application with some data narratives and visualization
> build on it. A good download page, documentation and with clean code
> instead of the rookie one I have now.
> 2. To create a stronger local community around data
> visualization/narratives for Open/Garage/Citizen Sciecen & Research powered
> by Pharo.
> 3. To write more.
> 4. Economical contributions to the community through the association.
> 5. Hopefully make stronger ties to the international community in South
> America or Europe by participating in some event or scholarship (this will
> depend on costs).
> Thanks for the questions and I will be glad to read other
> answers/prospective about persons and Pharo,
> Cheers,
> Offray
> Links:
> ==
> [a]
> tip/Docs/Es/Articulos/Libertadores/bootstrapping-objeto-investigacion.pdf
> [b]!/~Offray/Grafoscopio/
> [c]

Re: [Pharo-users] Metacello does not load the expected version from ConfigOf

2015-01-11 Thread Dale Henrichs


Well I don't have an official bugfix yet, but if you filein the attached 
method and run the following, PetitParser will downgrade and get loaded 
correctly (at least it worked for me)...The fist two statements are 
intended to replace GTMetacelloPlatform with MetacelloPharo30Platform 
and initialize the registry correctly ... not sure what impact on Moose 
these changes will have) :

MetacelloPharo30Platform initialize.
primeRegistryFromImage ]
on: Warning
do: [ :ex |
show: 'Warning resumed: ' , ex description.
  ex resume ].
Metacello new
configuration: 'DummyParser';
version: '1.0';
repository: '???';
onDowngrade: [:ex :existing :new |
existing projectName = 'PetitParser'
ifTrue: [
new projectSpec operator: #=.
ex allow ]
ifFalse: [ ex disallow ] ]  ;

The new method will be part of the next Metacello release and has been 
tested[1], but I may take a slightly different approach with the 
official bugfix. Setting the operator achieves the desired result, but 
is not quite how I would like to address the issue.



On 1/8/15 12:32 AM, Usman Bhatti wrote:

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> wrote:


No, I appreciate your patience:) If creating your own
configuration works for you then that is a good route to go...

Sharing your image will make it much easier for me to get the
bottom of this (on my own schedule:), so please send me a link for
accessing your image and I'll dig into this in more detail when I
have time ...

Here is the image.

You just need to execute the script in the workspace/playground to 
reproduce the problem (i.e. launching the directive to load PP 1.51 
and that not happening).

If you find yourself stuck and needing the `downgrade directive`
again, I'll bump up the priority ...

I can still wait till next week. If you could have a look by then, 
it'll be great.



On 01/07/2015 09:19 AM, Usman Bhatti wrote:

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:56 PM, Dale Henrichs>> wrote:

On 1/6/15 7:16 AM, Usman Bhatti wrote:


I couldn't make it work with the upgraded Metacello and the
script you provided.

Steps I did:

1. Download moose image:

2. Update my Metacello to the 'full' version:
Metacello new
  baseline: 'Metacello';
Metacello new
  baseline: 'Metacello';
  onConflict: [:ex | ex allow];

3. File in the ConfigurationOfDummyParser (see the first
message in the thread).

4.  Run this script to downgrade to PetitParser version 1.51

Metacello new
configuration: 'DummyParser';
version: '1.0';
repository: '???';
onDowngradeUseIncoming: #('PetitParser');

The desired version is still not loaded, am I missing
something here?

Good question, I don't have a lot of time today to spend time
trying to reproduce your problem, but if you send me a copy
of the Transcript produced while doing the load I might be
able to spot the problem ...

It looks to me that the downgrade command is not working.
Whenever I point to the version preceding the one loaded, the
packages are not fetched.

I am attaching here two files.

The first (Transcript-PP151) is the output of the transcript as
you asked. You can see that PetitParser packages as defined by
the version 1.51 are not fetched. All that is loaded is Glamour
because the version 1.51 of PetitParser loads the latest packages
of Glamour. The load works because it is an upgrade from the
current version of Glamour which is a stable.

When I saw that only Glamour packages are loaded, I thought of
testing Glamour downgrade too to see if the problem is specific
to PetitParser. You can see the result in the second file
(Transcript-downgrade-glamour). No packages of Glamour are
fetched because the configuration tries to downgrade it (stable
is more recent than 3.0.0 which I try to load).

In my opinion, downgrade is not working as required. If you want
I can share my image thru dropbox so that you can have a look to
see what might be wrong.


A question: I always use 

Re: [Pharo-users] How to subclass Float class

2015-01-11 Thread stepharo

ask the authors they are both in the pharo mailing-list.

Le 11/1/15 16:25, Hilaire a écrit :

Very interesting reading.

The formula in figure 1 is wrong as it is "composed" interest, and power
should be used.

rate := 10 % / 1 year
terms := 6 months

100$ * (1 + rate) ^ terms

So I wonder how the simplification as exposed in Fig. 4 goes in that
case (rate should be transformed to 10/1200) and would be really
interested if the model can fit the real situation: how the model can
deduce rate per year should be adapted to rate per month without a prior
knowledge of the formula meaning.

In Smalltalkhub I see two Acomcagua packages, which one to use?


Le 11/01/2015 12:22, stepharo a écrit :


you have also acancagua that support unit and conversion and aconcagua
came out of a project dealing
with money and trades.
read the two articles in there.


Re: [Pharo-users] if Pharo is key for you

2015-01-11 Thread stepharo

It is always good to do retrospective analysis to see what we learned 
and it looks like you learned a lot.

If you need pharo slides let me know.

Le 11/1/15 17:21, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas a écrit :

Hi all,

Just picking up some old threads, so I answer this below.

El 18/09/13 a las 01:19, Stéphane Ducasse escribió:

Hi guys

if Pharo is key for you then you should ask yourself what you did for 
Pharo recently.
Writing code, writing documentation helping closing bug entries, 
participating to the association, to the consortium...

Pharo is not happening from spontaneous generation.


Well I recently (previous semester) start to:

1. Learn Pharo.
2. Develop my own app to learn and write about the process [a][b]. I 
will be payed for this prototype and will be a paying member of the 
3. Made my local group of Pharo/Smalltalk on Data narratives and 
visualization for Open/Garage/Citizen Science & Research at our local 
hackerspace with several (3 or 4) meetings that will continue this 
year [c].
4. Read a lot of previous email to be aware the community memory and 
revive older threads when is possible and trying to be a more 
proactive/visible member of this community, even in my newbie condition.

So, what I'm planing for this year:

1. To learn/teach more about Pharo specially moldable tools, fluid 
interfaces and good devel practices.
1. To have a good application with some data narratives and 
visualization build on it. A good download page, documentation and 
with clean code instead of the rookie one I have now.
2. To create a stronger local community around data 
visualization/narratives for Open/Garage/Citizen Sciecen & Research 
powered by Pharo.

3. To write more.
4. Economical contributions to the community through the association.
5. Hopefully make stronger ties to the international community in 
South America or Europe by participating in some event or scholarship 
(this will depend on costs).

Thanks for the questions and I will be glad to read other 
answers/prospective about persons and Pharo,







Re: [Pharo-users] if Pharo is key for you

2015-01-11 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas


Yep, would be nice to have that slides to add to my open Zotero 
collection about Pharo/Smalltalk




El 11/01/15 a las 15:05, stepharo escribió:

It is always good to do retrospective analysis to see what we learned
and it looks like you learned a lot.
If you need pharo slides let me know.

Le 11/1/15 17:21, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas a écrit :

Hi all,

Just picking up some old threads, so I answer this below.

El 18/09/13 a las 01:19, Stéphane Ducasse escribió:

Hi guys

if Pharo is key for you then you should ask yourself what you did for
Pharo recently.
Writing code, writing documentation helping closing bug entries,
participating to the association, to the consortium...

Pharo is not happening from spontaneous generation.


Well I recently (previous semester) start to:

1. Learn Pharo.
2. Develop my own app to learn and write about the process [a][b]. I
will be payed for this prototype and will be a paying member of the
3. Made my local group of Pharo/Smalltalk on Data narratives and
visualization for Open/Garage/Citizen Science & Research at our local
hackerspace with several (3 or 4) meetings that will continue this
year [c].
4. Read a lot of previous email to be aware the community memory and
revive older threads when is possible and trying to be a more
proactive/visible member of this community, even in my newbie condition.

So, what I'm planing for this year:

1. To learn/teach more about Pharo specially moldable tools, fluid
interfaces and good devel practices.
1. To have a good application with some data narratives and
visualization build on it. A good download page, documentation and
with clean code instead of the rookie one I have now.
2. To create a stronger local community around data
visualization/narratives for Open/Garage/Citizen Sciecen & Research
powered by Pharo.
3. To write more.
4. Economical contributions to the community through the association.
5. Hopefully make stronger ties to the international community in
South America or Europe by participating in some event or scholarship
(this will depend on costs).

Thanks for the questions and I will be glad to read other
answers/prospective about persons and Pharo,





