Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread stepharo

Hi Stef,

In very simple terms I want to build a system that would look at what 
you are typing in a text box, and have various agents that analyse the 
text and modify/augment it.

Simple Examples:

 1. If I enter a web address it could look it up on and
extract links that had been similarly tagged.
 2. If I enter something that looks like a name, it would search
google scholar, or mendeley and include links to any documents
 3. If I entered "call david tomorrow" it would be able to add
something to my things to do list.

My - very early - thoughts are that I need to continually parse the 
text, as I type, and various agents would look for the things they are 
interested in.  The question is how best to model this, and process 
the data.

You see this is what the color higlighting is doing.
You type and in parallel it is trying to colorize the text.
After I'm not sure that you need agents running all the time (reacting 
to each characters you type).

I would be you I would
 - prototype a hierarchy of classes whose instances have a kind of 
patterns to know if they should be kick in
 - at the end of each line, I would send the line to a list of such 
"agent" and react

- then only then, I would consider to fork the behavior of the agents. 
why? because when you can avoid concurrency this is simpler :)


Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread stepharo

Hi daniel,

I do not have the time to go too much into the details.
Now orginal Morphic made mistake (global coordinates is one).

What is important for us:
- cleaning the current version (we made a lot of progress with 
FrameLayout and others)

- untangling polymorph
- migrating to athens may be better to build on Bloc but we will 
see (note that Bloc is fully vectorial now since a couple of days)

- supporting themes correctly
- identifying and improving widgets
- UIBuilder theme with all the widgets creation in this class is a 
bad pattern. Each widget should have its API in its class!

- cleaning Spec (we should handle the announcement plague)
- in parallel prepare the future with Bloc.
- I'm currently reading code and adding new class comments
- preparing a tutorial
- checking the widget we built


Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread stepharo

if I can say it, I think Spec has several design flaws, that prevent us to 
actually use it productively.

1st: I believe Spec is 80% of what Morphic should do by it self, but since is 
now that monster no body wants to take by the horns, Spec provides a layer.
2nd: The original idea of Spec is to produce composable objects that can be 
some-kind described and then reused by plugging them, but
- is an idea that has a lot of sense is we have a UI builder… which we dont. 2
- the metadata itself is not very well defined (I would like something like the 
ones in VW and StX, but is like a weird array right now), because of this, Spec 
has created some “in the middle” way to define specs in a more “declarative 
way”, breaking the original design (the one I just pointed)
3rd: Frankly, with this “more declarative way” spec adopted more or less the 
same path glamour took. But if this is the point, glamour does a really better 
work on the “declarative” part. Of course, it does that at the cost of being 
less reusable, but well… we are talking about Spec, not Glaour here :)

So, to summarise, IMHO:

- Spec wouldn’t have much sense in a well-defined, clean, Morphic
Not really we need a way to express and reuse logic. This is what we saw 
with alain so we will valueholder and may be spec to compose widgets

but we will see.

- Even as a layer, Spec still does not has much sense without:
-- a rebuild of the descriptive model

-- shrinking of the api
-- cleaning of announcement mess

-- an UI builder to use it.



On 19 Dec 2014, at 17:32, nacho <> wrote:

I too prefer Morphic over Spec. I find Spec too much verbose. And in fact,
Morphic as presented in the Self language it's a much modern approach to
building UIs than Spec which is pure code. So as complicated as it might
have become, I'm still attached to Morphic.

Smalltalker apprentice.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread stepharo

Le 19/12/14 17:53, nacho a écrit :

I agree 100%.
In fact that was, in part, the reason of my question. As I don't see a Spec
UI coming soon I was wondering if perhaps Morphic will be trimmed in Pharo

Now have a look at Bloc in AlainPlantec/Bloc


Smalltalker apprentice.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread stepharo

Le 20/12/14 13:44, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :

kilon.alios wrote

even if continue to use Spec I will stiil have to rely on Morphic
since custom GUIs is really important for me.

Yes, that's why they can not be compared:
Morphic = make and understand any UI

This is not the case from my experience fighting with morphic.

Spec = make common business UIs easily (on top of a general framework like

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Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] FTP and WebDAV Plugins for Pharo's FileSystem

2014-12-23 Thread Hilaire
Thanks to share!


Le 21/12/2014 23:12, Udo Schneider a écrit :
> All,
> I just finished FTP and WebDAV plugins for Pharo's FileSystem. This
> means you can now access remote FTP and WebDAV loactions with the exact
> same FileSystem API you are using to access local disks.
> The project lives on Smalltalk Hub:
> Details in the project README or in a Blog entry:
> Best Regards,
> Udo
> PS: Support for Netware & Rumpus FTP Servers as well as S3 support is
> next :-)

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

Re: [Pharo-users] Do not forget to register to Pharo days...

2014-12-23 Thread Tudor Girba
Indeed. Please do not postpone the registration. And feel free to make
noise :).


On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:59 PM, stepharo  wrote:

> Stef


"Every thing has its own flow"

Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread Andy Burnett
Stef wrote

You see this is what the color higlighting is doing.
You type and in parallel it is trying to colorize the text.
After I'm not sure that you need agents running all the time (reacting
to each characters you type).
I would be you I would
  - prototype a hierarchy of classes whose instances have a kind of
patterns to know if they should be kick in
  - at the end of each line, I would send the line to a list of such
"agent" and react

- then only then, I would consider to fork the behavior of the agents.
why? because when you can avoid concurrency this is simpler :)


Thanks, that sounds like a very good way forward. I will go and try to
understand the highlighting code.


Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread Alexandre Bergel
Thanks Johan for taking the time to answer all of this…


> On Dec 20, 2014, at 2:18 AM, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>> On Dec 19, 2014, at 21:54, kilon alios  wrote:
>> "UI Element = an interactive graphical element displayed as part of the 
>> Graphical User Interface.
>> UI Model = an object that contains the state and behavior of one or several 
>> UI elements."
>> "To define a user interface, it is sufficient to define the model of the 
>> user interface. […] since all UIs are constructed through composition of 
>> other UI's, and it is sufficient to define the model to define the UI, the 
>> root class of all UIs is named ComposableModel.So, to define a new user 
>> interface, a subclass of ComposableModel needs to be created.”"
>> I dont understand this for me a GUI is a UI with graphics I dont see it as 
>> two separate entities. I dont see what the model is in my case and why I 
>> should inform Spec about it. I just wanted to create some buttons I dont see 
>> how those method returning the names of the buttons as instance variables 
>> helps me in any way. Whats the benefit ? 
> This is an explanation of how the whole is composed of the different parts 
> and how different responsibilities of the UI are split up amongst different 
> classes. In Morphic these are joined and that’s a reason why many persons are 
> unhappy with it.
>> "Just wondering, did you see an example with the double instantiation of 
>> models or with the needles splitting up in methods? If so tell us where it 
>> is so we can fix it."
>> Double initiation may have been just me not understanding documentation or 
>> probably I saw an example that confused me. Splitting up methods is probably 
>> the first thing I learned using Squeak and Pharo. Also The system browser 
>> turns red if you make long methods .  
> I focused on you splitting up into methods because that was a complaint of 
> yours and you said you were following Spec examples when doing that.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread Tudor Girba
Hi Andy,

You can also just hook into GTSpotter. It already provides the
infrastructure for handling parallel search and lets you focus only on
specifying the search logic.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Andy Burnett <> wrote:

> Stef wrote
> <<
> You see this is what the color higlighting is doing.
> You type and in parallel it is trying to colorize the text.
> After I'm not sure that you need agents running all the time (reacting
> to each characters you type).
> I would be you I would
>   - prototype a hierarchy of classes whose instances have a kind of
> patterns to know if they should be kick in
>   - at the end of each line, I would send the line to a list of such
> "agent" and react
> - then only then, I would consider to fork the behavior of the agents.
> why? because when you can avoid concurrency this is simpler :)
> >>
> Thanks, that sounds like a very good way forward. I will go and try to
> understand the highlighting code.
> Cheers
> Andy


"Every thing has its own flow"

Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread nacho

>Now have a look at Bloc in AlainPlantec/Bloc

Thanks Stef,
Where I can find about Bloc??
I want to take a look at it!

Smalltalker apprentice.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Morphic in Pharo 4

2014-12-23 Thread Sean P. DeNigris
stepharo wrote
>> Morphic = make and understand any UI
> This is not the case from my experience fighting with morphic.

Agreed, of course ;) We were talking about intention, not implementation. In
what little experience I have, I think that statement would be true full
stop for Self's Morphic.

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Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread Andy Burnett
Doru wrote
Hi Andy,

You can also just hook into GTSpotter. It already provides the
infrastructure for handling parallel search and lets you focus only on
specifying the search logic.



Brilliant!  I am very impressed with GTSpotter. In fact, I am impressed
with the whole GT suite.  I think I will build a first prototype with
Glamour and GTSpotter.

By the way, what really motivated me to do this experiment is the tools -
from the 90's - that were presented in this "Story of Siri" video.  If you
have the time, it is well worth watching.  Being able to build this sort of
capability into an environment like Pharo would be amazing


[Pharo-users] [ann] moose 5.0

2014-12-23 Thread Tudor Girba
We are happy to announce Moose 5.0:


This is by far the most extensive Moose release to date. Just take a look
at these two trailers.
- Spotter:
- Inspector:

The key highlights are:
- It is based on Pharo 3.0.
- Roassal2 is a complete reimplementation of the core visual engine of
- Roassal2 replaced Roassal, EyeSee and Graph-ET, and it features many new
things including smooth animations, new composeable builders and several
new layouts.
- All built-in Moose visualizations use Roassal2.
- Glamour has been extended with a Pager browser and with Rubric as the
main text editor.
- GTSpotter is a new tool that makes it possible to find objects fast.
- GTInspector saw major usability improvements based on the Pager browser,
and it now comes with many object specific extensions.
- GTPlayground provides a new way to handle scripts and when combined with
GTInspector, it can replace the dedicated easels and editors.
- Moose Finder has been extended with the ability of handling in place
- GTDebugger has been strengthen and was made more robust.
- PetitParser has been extended with the notion of context which enables
elegant island parsing.

A list of issues addressed in this release can be found at:


The Moose Suite 5.0 comes for each platform as a separate bundle:
- *Moose Suite 5.0 for Mac>


- *Moose Suite 5.0 for Windows>


- *Moose Suite 5.0 for Linux>


The Moose Suite 5.0 can also be loaded in a Pharo 3.0 image either from the
Configuration Browser, or by executing the following script:

==Gofer new
==  smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Moose';
==  configuration;
==  loadStable

Happy holidays!
The Moose team

Re: [Pharo-users] [ann] moose 5.0

2014-12-23 Thread giorgio ferraris
Hi, Guys,

I'm not (yet) working on Pharo (still VW and some VisualSmalltalk in the
few time left free from my main job), but I follow what you do (not just
you but all the community) and I have to admit you (all) work really hard.
Bergel is doing a fantastic job, and your Moose is very nice, etc.
But, I really liked the presentation of the GT stuff, I can understand the
energy you put behind your work.

Great work. I'm happy you are on the ST community and working on the
language (ST) i like the most. Thanks!
 (Oh, I know you don't like to have Pharo called Smalltalk, but I don't
like religion's wars, so that is yet smalltalk, for me).

BTW: Happy Holidays to all.


On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 12:09 AM, Tudor Girba  wrote:

> We are happy to announce Moose 5.0:
> **
> Description
> ---
> This is by far the most extensive Moose release to date. Just take a look
> at these two trailers.
> - Spotter:
> - Inspector:
> The key highlights are:
> - It is based on Pharo 3.0.
> - Roassal2 is a complete reimplementation of the core visual engine of
> Moose.
> - Roassal2 replaced Roassal, EyeSee and Graph-ET, and it features many new
> things including smooth animations, new composeable builders and several
> new layouts.
> - All built-in Moose visualizations use Roassal2.
> - Glamour has been extended with a Pager browser and with Rubric as the
> main text editor.
> - GTSpotter is a new tool that makes it possible to find objects fast.
> - GTInspector saw major usability improvements based on the Pager browser,
> and it now comes with many object specific extensions.
> - GTPlayground provides a new way to handle scripts and when combined with
> GTInspector, it can replace the dedicated easels and editors.
> - Moose Finder has been extended with the ability of handling in place
> visualizations.
> - GTDebugger has been strengthen and was made more robust.
> - PetitParser has been extended with the notion of context which enables
> elegant island parsing.
> A list of issues addressed in this release can be found at:
> Installation
> ---
> The Moose Suite 5.0 comes for each platform as a separate bundle:
> - *Moose Suite 5.0 for Mac>
> *
> - *Moose Suite 5.0 for Windows>
> *
> - *Moose Suite 5.0 for Linux>
> *
> The Moose Suite 5.0 can also be loaded in a Pharo 3.0 image either from
> the Configuration Browser, or by executing the following script:
> ==Gofer new
> ==  smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Moose';
> ==  configuration;
> ==  loadStable
> Happy holidays!
> The Moose team

Re: [Pharo-users] Extending GTSpotter

2014-12-23 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas


Sorry I don't want to "kidnap" the thread, but just inspecting 
"KMRepository default" and selecting an empty row brings and error. In 
an other thread today I talked about this error still being present, so 
is not just about my project, but a way to select empty places on GT 
objects (trees, tables, etc) and when there is noting there, raising no 
error and keeping the state of the visualization (in the table resulting 
from inspecting KMRepository default closing the error brings you back 
to the table, with my outliner, the tree gets empty).

Just trying to make the connection... surely I'm loosing something.



El 13/12/14 a las 04:23, Edward Povazan escribió:

Doru’s blog has some neat things. One led me to the following:
KMRepository default.

With GTools installed, you can see all the shortcuts nicely formatted. I 
finally found a ‘scope selection’ (Cmd+Sh+P) which makes me a very happy user 
(it’s my primary selection method in IntelliJ/AppCode).


On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Johan Fabry  wrote:

A big +1 on Damien’s comment. Discoverability of useful things is too low. For 
example, I did not know about Shift-enter for searching until somebody showed 
it to me inadvertently when he was demoing something else :-/

That being said, I don’t have a good solution to the problem either :-( Maybe 
have the standard image have a second workspace open that lists useful tools 
and their shortcuts? Plus put new tools and their shortcuts prominent in the 
release notes for each new release? (cause us old timers don’t look at those 
workspaces anymore ;-) ).

On Dec 11, 2014, at 13:25, Damien Pollet  wrote:

Cmd+Enter: ‘Package'

Doru, your blog post does not mention this piece of information: how
to invoke GTSpotter
It does not seem to be mentioned in your announcement email either; I
found it here after going through threads talking about GTSpotter.

Nobody else asked for it, so I'm guessing it was well-known before and
I'm the only one who failed to get addicted to whatever the shortcut
was doing before? How do we make discoverable affordances for such
behaviors in the image?

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

Re: [Pharo-users] SODD

2014-12-23 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
+1. In fact, when I don't get proper/quick feedback here (which is 
almost never) I got to SO. When feedback comes I try to update my 
answers on SO. At least having a conversation between SO and the list 
would be useful.



El 12/12/14 a las 05:34, Yuriy Tymchuk escribió:

Hi, so this message is about SODD (Stack Overflow Driven Development) and

If you look at the last questions of this guy: you can see that
they are about smalltalk/squeak and asked in last 2 days :).

In fact I think that we should support asking questions on SO, as a lot of
people are anxious to register and talk to others on mailing list, and prefer to
search for solutions on SO. If we’ll build reasonable amount of Q/A data, it can
be easier for other people to start with Pharo.


Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread S Krish
How about this:

Not really free form text but quite a bit keyword dependent. Closer to what
will make good sense on Pharo / every enterprise app also more contextual
based on what the app does.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 10:17 PM, Andy Burnett <> wrote:

> Doru wrote
> <<<
> Hi Andy,
> You can also just hook into GTSpotter. It already provides the
> infrastructure for handling parallel search and lets you focus only on
> specifying the search logic.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> >>>
> Brilliant!  I am very impressed with GTSpotter. In fact, I am impressed
> with the whole GT suite.  I think I will build a first prototype with
> Glamour and GTSpotter.
> By the way, what really motivated me to do this experiment is the tools -
> from the 90's - that were presented in this "Story of Siri" video.  If you
> have the time, it is well worth watching.  Being able to build this sort of
> capability into an environment like Pharo would be amazing
> Cheers
> Andy