Re: [Pharo-users] Starting a pool of worker images using command line parameters

2014-10-24 Thread Luc Fabresse
Hi Sven and Phil,

Thanks for your answers.
So I already use the zeroconf handlers  ;-)

The problem is that I do not benefit from the cache well enough because our
command line tool (pharo-based and installed by this script is dedicated to create custom
images at specific path and currently I rebuild everything to have an
up-to-date version at creation time (vm,pharo, code).
I should probably create all images in the directory and then move them.



2014-10-24 8:12 GMT+02:00 :

> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:50 AM, Luc Fabresse 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Note that zeroconf handlers allow you to build images incrementally (the
>>> image is saved after each build), which is way faster than always starting
>>> from scratch.
>> what are zeroconf "handlers"?
> the things you get in the list when you do ./pharo someimage.image --list
> So "save" is one.
> There is one in here if you like a sample.
>> because I use zeroconf to rebuild images and it is slow because it
>> downloads the vm, the image, the mcz then installing, ...
>> did I missed something?
> No, but as my full build takes half an hour on a powerful box, this is not
> practical to do like that.
> So:
> CI JOB 1 (half an hour, every once in a while)
> ---
> - get pharo
> - get image
> - build "baseworker" image with standard packages etc
> CI JOB2 (whenever a commit is done in git, lasts a minute max)
> --
> - take baseworker
> - pull from repo
> - build user code upon the base worker
> Phil
>> thx, Sven and Esteban, I like reading development and deployment
>> processes from experienced people!
>> #Luc
>>> > After a year o Pharo development I think I'm ready to embrace a CI
>>> > server (I already use scripts to build images), but I think I will
>>> > move all my repositories to git before.
>>> These are orthogonal decisions, most CI jobs on the Pharo contribution
>>> server run against StHub.
>>> > However, my remote server provisioning is still manual, and too
>>> > rudimentary even for my own taste. If I could speed up this, I would
>>> > deliver features faster to my customers. Now everything runs inside a
>>> > two week sprint window.
>>> I am not into provisioning myself, but more automation is always good,
>>> though sometimes setting up and maintaining all these things takes a lot of
>>> time as well.
>>> > Regards,
>>> >
>>> > Esteban A. Maringolo
>>> > 

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo program examples

2014-10-24 Thread Hilaire
Le 23/10/2014 22:48, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
> But if you want introductory-level then there is "A first application"
> chapter in Pharo by Example book (

This book is a good resource to learn. To test the examples be sure to
download the matching "Pharo by Example" image because some examples may
not work out of the box with a more rencent Pharo.


Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

[Pharo-users] [ANN] iStoa 14.10

2014-10-24 Thread Hilaire
iStoa 14.10 for GNU/Linux released!
It is a Pharo desktop application.

iStoa is a corpus of math interactive exercises for grade 1. It comes
with about 25 set of exercises, presented in categories.

The project is in active development, new set of exercises are regularly

Thanks for feedbacks, suggestions and contributions.


Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

Re: [Pharo-users] Client cerificate authentication with ZnClient?

2014-10-24 Thread Kris Gybels
Op 22-okt.-2014, om 13:39 heeft Sven Van Caekenberghe  het 
volgende geschreven:

> I do not know how to enable the logging inside the plugin, Chris Gybels just 
> told me that he got that working, maybe he can answer. Kris ?

Here's a version of Zodiac-Core with ZdcPluginSSLSession changed to enable the 
logging done by the SSL plugin, if that helps.

On a Mac, to see the output of the plugin, you need to run the VM from the 
Terminal. If you execute [ ZnClient new url: ''; get ] in 
a workspace, you should see some output like this in the Terminal:

$ /Applications/ Pharo.image 
sqConnectSSL: 2d9a30
sqConnectSSL: input token 0 bytes
sqConnectSSL: Setting up SSL
sqSetupSSL: Setting up new context
SqueakSSLWrite: Writing 158 bytes, having 17408 free
SqueakSSLRead: Requesting 1 bytes, having 0 bytes
sqConnectSSL: Produced 158 token bytes
sqConnectSSL: 2d9a30

The output on Linux / Windows will be somewhat different I assume, I haven't 
tried it. To understand what is being logged, you'll need to look at the C code 
of the plugin:

Description: Binary data

Re: [Pharo-users] Starting a pool of worker images using command line parameters

2014-10-24 Thread stepharo

this nice discussion should be turned into a blog/chapter :)
Any taker?


On 23/10/14 20:16, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:

tl;dr version:

I'd like to be able to do something like

$PATH/app/pharo-vm/pharo --nodisplay app.image st --port 8091
$PATH/app/pharo-vm/pharo --nodisplay app.image st --port 8092

Do I have to define a subclass of STCommandLineHandler?

How can I capture the --port argument? For what I saw, only "boolean"
parameters can be defined (--quit, --save, etc, without arguments). It
is, no getopts compatibility.

Long version:
For my apps I have a pool of worker images with Zinc+Seaside behind an
nginx proxy.

Each "upstream" (aka "worker") server, is started by supervisord,
using a separate startup smalltalk script, where the only thing I
change is the port of ZnZincServerAdaptor to start on a different
port. The rest is identical.

The startup is something like:
$PATH/app/pharo-vm/pharo --nodisplay app.image st
and for worker2:
$PATH/app/pharo-vm/pharo --nodisplay app.image st
and for worker3:
$PATH/app/pharo-vm/pharo --nodisplay app.image st

Is there a better way to perform this without having to copy to for each worker image?

How do you manage this?


Esteban A. Maringolo

Re: [Pharo-users] Client cerificate authentication with ZnClient?

2014-10-24 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

I merged your changes in (except for the default being false instead of true 
for logging) - Thanks!

Name: Zodiac-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.35
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 24 October 2014, 1:56:40.080389 pm
UUID: d27bbfa1-187d-4ab9-b7e8-5a77a34aeb6a
Ancestors: Zodiac-Core-KrisGybels.32

Merging in Kris' code to enable logging of the native code inside the plugin 
(Thx Kris Gybels)

Disabled the experimental changes in 32

Jumping over some versions that exist out there


> On 24 Oct 2014, at 12:55, Kris Gybels  wrote:
> Op 22-okt.-2014, om 13:39 heeft Sven Van Caekenberghe  het 
> volgende geschreven:
>> I do not know how to enable the logging inside the plugin, Chris Gybels just 
>> told me that he got that working, maybe he can answer. Kris ?
> Here's a version of Zodiac-Core with ZdcPluginSSLSession changed to enable 
> the logging done by the SSL plugin, if that helps.
> On a Mac, to see the output of the plugin, you need to run the VM from the 
> Terminal. If you execute [ ZnClient new url: ''; get ] 
> in a workspace, you should see some output like this in the Terminal:
>   $ /Applications/ Pharo.image 
>   sqConnectSSL: 2d9a30
>   sqConnectSSL: input token 0 bytes
>   sqConnectSSL: Setting up SSL
>   sqSetupSSL: Setting up new context
>   SqueakSSLWrite: Writing 158 bytes, having 17408 free
>   SqueakSSLRead: Requesting 1 bytes, having 0 bytes
>   sqConnectSSL: Produced 158 token bytes
>   sqConnectSSL: 2d9a30
>   [...]
> The output on Linux / Windows will be somewhat different I assume, I haven't 
> tried it. To understand what is being logged, you'll need to look at the C 
> code of the plugin:

[Pharo-users] Teaching fork

2014-10-24 Thread Annick Fron

Here is a simple example about fork.

Try the following :

10 timesRepeat: [ (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait. Transcript show: ‘hello’;cr].

Then the following :
[10 timesRepeat: [ (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait. Transcript show: ‘hello’;cr]] 

I think this should go in an introduction to Pharo.


Re: [Pharo-users] Teaching fork

2014-10-24 Thread Luc Fabresse
you can also use:

1 second wait.
2 seconds wait. ;-)


2014-10-24 14:11 GMT+02:00 Annick Fron :

> Here is a simple example about fork.
> Try the following :
> 10 timesRepeat: [ (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait. Transcript show: ‘hello’;cr].
> Then the following :
> [10 timesRepeat: [ (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait. Transcript show:
> ‘hello’;cr]] fork.
> I think this should go in an introduction to Pharo.
> Annick

Re: [Pharo-users] Starting a pool of worker images using command line parameters

2014-10-24 Thread Esteban A. Maringolo
>> I'd like to know the development process of others, from SCM to
>> building, deploying and server provisioning.
> I would say the standard approach is:
> - use Monticello with any repo type
> - split your code in some big modules, some private, some from public source
> - have a single overarching Metacello configuration
> - use zeroconf to build images
> - optionally use a CI
> Note that zeroconf handlers allow you to build images incrementally (the 
> image is saved after each build), which is way faster than always starting 
> from scratch.

I'm good then, I'm doing everything you listed except CI.

>> After a year o Pharo development I think I'm ready to embrace a CI
>> server (I already use scripts to build images), but I think I will
>> move all my repositories to git before.
> These are orthogonal decisions, most CI jobs on the Pharo contribution server 
> run against StHub.

I want git because I want to use BitBucket to store my code :)

>> However, my remote server provisioning is still manual, and too
>> rudimentary even for my own taste. If I could speed up this, I would
>> deliver features faster to my customers. Now everything runs inside a
>> two week sprint window.

> I am not into provisioning myself, but more automation is always good, though 
> sometimes setting up and maintaining all these things takes a lot of time as 
> well.

It does take time, and "in theory" it works. I have this printed in my
desktop: :)

Wrapping up, I implemented your no-commandline handler solution.

I added a few servers to the upstreams of my site nginx configuration like this:

upstream seaside {

upstream apimobile {

And added the following to my following supervisord.conf [1]

command=/home/trentosur/app/pharo app.image 818%(process_num)1d
process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d ; process_name expr
(default %(program_name)s)

command=/home/trentosur/app/pharo app.image 918%(process_num)1d
process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d ; process_name expr
(default %(program_name)s)

Then this will spawn a [numproc] number of monitored processes, using
the process number (process_num, in terms of pool) as a parameter to
the startup script.
The good thing here is, IMO, I can add more workers without having to
modify anything on the Pharo side, it is... I can delegate this to
regular sysadmin :)

Best regards,

Esteban A. Maringolo


Re: [Pharo-users] Starting a pool of worker images using command line parameters

2014-10-24 Thread Esteban A. Maringolo
Ah, I forgot.

The only drawback here is the 5% permanent idle load per image.
Every image I add adds a 5% load to the server, even when it's only standby.

That's a totally bummer, though manageable if you have less than 10
images like I do :)

Esteban A. Maringolo

2014-10-24 16:29 GMT-03:00 Esteban A. Maringolo :
>>> I'd like to know the development process of others, from SCM to
>>> building, deploying and server provisioning.
>> I would say the standard approach is:
>> - use Monticello with any repo type
>> - split your code in some big modules, some private, some from public source
>> - have a single overarching Metacello configuration
>> - use zeroconf to build images
>> - optionally use a CI
>> Note that zeroconf handlers allow you to build images incrementally (the 
>> image is saved after each build), which is way faster than always starting 
>> from scratch.
> I'm good then, I'm doing everything you listed except CI.
>>> After a year o Pharo development I think I'm ready to embrace a CI
>>> server (I already use scripts to build images), but I think I will
>>> move all my repositories to git before.
>> These are orthogonal decisions, most CI jobs on the Pharo contribution 
>> server run against StHub.
> I want git because I want to use BitBucket to store my code :)
>>> However, my remote server provisioning is still manual, and too
>>> rudimentary even for my own taste. If I could speed up this, I would
>>> deliver features faster to my customers. Now everything runs inside a
>>> two week sprint window.
>> I am not into provisioning myself, but more automation is always good, 
>> though sometimes setting up and maintaining all these things takes a lot of 
>> time as well.
> It does take time, and "in theory" it works. I have this printed in my
> desktop: :)
> Wrapping up, I implemented your no-commandline handler solution.
> I added a few servers to the upstreams of my site nginx configuration like 
> this:
> upstream seaside {
>   ip_hash;
>   server;
>   server;
>   server;
>   server;
> }
> upstream apimobile {
>   server;
>   server;
> }
> And added the following to my following supervisord.conf [1]
> [program:app_webworker]
> command=/home/trentosur/app/pharo app.image 818%(process_num)1d
> process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d ; process_name expr
> (default %(program_name)s)
> numprocs=4
> directory=/home/trentosur/app
> autostart=true
> autorestart=true
> user=trentosur
> stopasgroup=true
> killasgroup=true
> [program:app_apiworker]
> command=/home/trentosur/app/pharo app.image 918%(process_num)1d
> process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d ; process_name expr
> (default %(program_name)s)
> numprocs=2
> directory=/home/trentosur/app
> autostart=true
> autorestart=true
> user=trentosur
> stopasgroup=true
> killasgroup=true
> Then this will spawn a [numproc] number of monitored processes, using
> the process number (process_num, in terms of pool) as a parameter to
> the startup script.
> The good thing here is, IMO, I can add more workers without having to
> modify anything on the Pharo side, it is... I can delegate this to
> regular sysadmin :)
> Best regards,
> Esteban A. Maringolo
> [1]

[Pharo-users] [ANN] new GT features: disk memory, sharing, closeable panes and others

2014-10-24 Thread Tudor Girba

We are quite actively working on GT.

First of all, thanks everyone for the feedback. We take it quite seriously
and we do our best to take it into account. Please keep the discussions

I summarized some of the things that happened recently in the playground
and inspector here:

Let us know what you think.



"Every thing has its own flow"