[Pharo-users] PhaROS issue tracker

2013-09-23 Thread Santiago Bragagnolo
Here i left you the PhaROS Issue tracker


 Thanks :)

[Pharo-users] Is pier generating Markdown?

2013-09-23 Thread Natalia Tymchuk

I want to write the documentation for my GSoC project in pier, so that 
it can be re-used in case someone wants to include it in some book. But 
on the other hand I want to host it on github wiki. Can you tell me if 
Markdown can be generated from pier?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is pier generating Markdown?

2013-09-23 Thread Stéphane Ducasse

On Sep 23, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Natalia Tymchuk  

> Hello.
> I want to write the documentation for my GSoC project in pier, so that it can 
> be re-used in case someone wants to include it in some book. But on the other 
> hand I want to host it on github wiki. Can you tell me if Markdown can be 
> generated from pier?

no but you could add one because you can subclass the visitor to generate 

> Thanks,
> Natalia

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Launching Pharo on Ubuntu

2013-09-23 Thread Camillo Bruni
good work!

On 2013-09-23, at 09:13, Damien Cassou  wrote:

> For Ubuntu users who are using my PPA
> (https://launchpad.net/~pharo/+archive/stable/), you can now launch
> Pharo from either the Ubuntu Dashboard or the terminal (just type
> 'pharo').
> In both cases, you will see the Pharo Launcher from which you can
> create new images from templates on the web and launch existing
> images. http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher
> No need for manual download of zip files, unpacking, and directory
> management. The launcher does everything for you.
> Have fun
> -- 
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm."
> Winston Churchill

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Re: [Pharo-users] Is pier generating Markdown?

2013-09-23 Thread Damien Cassou
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Natalia Tymchuk
> I want to write the documentation for my GSoC project in pier, so that it
> can be re-used in case someone wants to include it in some book. But on the
> other hand I want to host it on github wiki. Can you tell me if Markdown can
> be generated from pier?

not yet unfortunately but we want to have that at some point. I can
only encourage you to use Pier to write and have a look at the HTML
and LaTeX generators we already have. Please contact me privately if
you need any assistance.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Launching Pharo on Ubuntu

2013-09-23 Thread Goubier Thierry

Hi Damien,

thanks for that, I went to try and had to do a few things, just tell me 
if I got everything right:

I should install the pharo-launcher package.

If I already have the pharo-vm package, I should remove it since it 
conflicts with pharo-vm-core, a dependency of pharo-launcher.

Then, starting pharo from the command line requires changing pharo to 
pharo-vm-x (can I change pharo -headless by pharo-vm-nox in my Makefiles?).


Le 23/09/2013 14:13, Damien Cassou a écrit :

For Ubuntu users who are using my PPA
(https://launchpad.net/~pharo/+archive/stable/), you can now launch
Pharo from either the Ubuntu Dashboard or the terminal (just type

In both cases, you will see the Pharo Launcher from which you can
create new images from templates on the web and launch existing
images. http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher

No need for manual download of zip files, unpacking, and directory
management. The launcher does everything for you.

Have fun

Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Launching Pharo on Ubuntu

2013-09-23 Thread Erwan Douaille
Thanks :)

2013/9/23 Camillo Bruni 

> good work!
> On 2013-09-23, at 09:13, Damien Cassou  wrote:
> > For Ubuntu users who are using my PPA
> > (https://launchpad.net/~pharo/+archive/stable/), you can now launch
> > Pharo from either the Ubuntu Dashboard or the terminal (just type
> > 'pharo').
> >
> > In both cases, you will see the Pharo Launcher from which you can
> > create new images from templates on the web and launch existing
> > images. http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher
> >
> > No need for manual download of zip files, unpacking, and directory
> > management. The launcher does everything for you.
> >
> > Have fun
> >
> > --
> > Damien Cassou
> > http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> >
> > "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> > losing enthusiasm."
> > Winston Churchill
> > 

Best regards,

Douaille Erwan 

[Pharo-users] Capturing messages

2013-09-23 Thread Alejandro Pulver

I would like to intercept all messages sent in the system, as part of a
small project to investigate if the information can be used in useful ways
(autocompletion, object compatibility detection, etc).

It will also involve filtering, aggregating and enabling/disabling it for
space and time conservation,

I'm new to Pharo, but had some success by changing the main perform
(perform:withArguments: IIRC) method in Object, and making others use it
instead of the primitives.
Someone told me it doesn't capture most messages because of optimizations
done by the system.

My other thought was to use the profiler's spyOn as an approximation.

What do you think?

Thanks in Advance,

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Launching Pharo on Ubuntu

2013-09-23 Thread Damien Cassou
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Goubier Thierry  wrote:
> thanks for that, I went to try and had to do a few things, just tell me if I
> got everything right:
> I should install the pharo-launcher package.

yes, you are right. I've just edited pharo.org

> If I already have the pharo-vm package, I should remove it since it
> conflicts with pharo-vm-core, a dependency of pharo-launcher.

the pharo-vm binary package does not exist anymore. It has been replaced by:

pharo-vm-core : all the necessary stuffs to execute the VM headless
pharo-vm-desktop : all the necessary stuffs to execute the VM with a GUI
pharo-launcher : the pharo launcher

> Then, starting pharo from the command line requires changing pharo to
> pharo-vm-x (can I change pharo -headless by pharo-vm-nox in my Makefiles?).

for makefiles and other scripts, use pharo-vm-nox which is equivalent
to launching the vm with the -vm-display-null (headless).

for launching a graphical vm with a particular image from a terminal,
use pharo-vm-x.

for standard usage, use "pharo"

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] Capturing messages

2013-09-23 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Maybe you should use MethodWrappers.


On 09/23/2013 09:56 AM, Alejandro Pulver wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to intercept all messages sent in the system, as part of a
> small project to investigate if the information can be used in useful
> ways (autocompletion, object compatibility detection, etc).
> It will also involve filtering, aggregating and enabling/disabling it
> for space and time conservation,
> I'm new to Pharo, but had some success by changing the main perform
> (perform:withArguments: IIRC) method in Object, and making others use it
> instead of the primitives.
> Someone told me it doesn't capture most messages because of
> optimizations done by the system.
> My other thought was to use the profiler's spyOn as an approximation.
> What do you think?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Alejandro

[Pharo-users] Encoding issues with DBXTalk

2013-09-23 Thread Esteban A. Maringolo
I'm trying to search for an object in the database by means of the
following query:

session readOneOf: User where: [:one | one name = 'Martín'].

There is no matching row in the database.

But I get the following error:
DBXRecoverableError: RECOVERABLE OpenDBX: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for
encoding "UTF8": 0xed 0x6e 0x27

On the other hand, if I insert a row manually, when I get the name back
(read from the database) I get 'Martín' instead of the original 'Martín'.

Should I define the encoding I want to use somewhere else?


Esteban A. Maringolo

Re: [Pharo-users] New Mars examples: Package Browser and Test Runner

2013-09-23 Thread Esteban A. Maringolo
I love native windowing. This looks really well!

This statement from your blog:
"Now I really think that “more hands” should be involved to grow and
improve this working version."

It is really important. There are lots of interesting projects and tools
that were practically abandoned because the creator dedicated his/her time
to something new. Pareto principle everywhere.

Thank you!

Esteban A. Maringolo

2013/9/23 Carla F. Griggio 

> Hi everyone!
> I want to let you know that I've just posted a screencast in my blog about
> the new Mars Package Browser and Test 
> Runner
> .
> These examples are not really intended as being the definitive package
> browser or test runner, but to start experiencing how is it to build a real
> application using Mars and to showcase some widgets. Anyway, it's cool :)
> The Package browser is not so different to the system browser example I
> showed before, but the Test Runner is definitely my favorite example so far.
> I give more details in the 
> screencastand the blog
> post.
> Any feedback is appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Carla.

[Pharo-users] Pharo Wiki cleanup

2013-09-23 Thread Camillo Bruni
In my attempt to make the contribution process for Pharo a bit simpler
I cleaned up the fogbugz wikis which where left a bit unmaintained.

There are now 5 important top-level categories:

Welcome Page:https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?W41
Documentation:   https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?W69
Changelog:   https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?W2

I removed old cruft that was documenting long gone features of ancient 
pharo versions ;). I would be more than happy to get some feedback and
improve these websites gradually.

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

[Pharo-users] www.smalltalkhub.com not reachable from digitalocean host in NewYork2

2013-09-23 Thread Yanni Chiu

I can ping:

www.smalltalkhub.com (

from two other machines (home and another host provider), but I cannot 
see from a digitalocean box located in NewYork2. I can see 
squeaksource.com, ss3.gemtalksystems.com, ci.infria.fr but not 
smalltalkhub.com. Very frustrating, since I want to run my build from 
this machine.

Any ideas? Is it on some sort of ban list? The firewall rules allow all 
outgoing connections.

Re: [Pharo-users] www.smalltalkhub.com not reachable from digitalocean host in NewYork2

2013-09-23 Thread Camillo Bruni
it is up (again?) here from buenos aires...

On 2013-09-24, at 01:01, Yanni Chiu  wrote:

> I can ping:
>www.smalltalkhub.com (
> from two other machines (home and another host provider), but I cannot see 
> from a digitalocean box located in NewYork2. I can see 
> squeaksource.com, ss3.gemtalksystems.com, ci.infria.fr but not 
> smalltalkhub.com. Very frustrating, since I want to run my build from this 
> machine.
> Any ideas? Is it on some sort of ban list? The firewall rules allow all 
> outgoing connections.

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] www.smalltalkhub.com not reachable from digitalocean host in NewYork2

2013-09-23 Thread btc

Yanni Chiu wrote:
I can
    www.smalltalkhub.com (
from two other machines (home and another host provider), but I cannot
see from a digitalocean box located in NewYork2. I can
see squeaksource.com, ss3.gemtalksystems.com, ci.infria.fr but not
smalltalkhub.com. Very frustrating, since I want to run my build from
this machine.
Any ideas? Is it on some sort of ban list? The firewall rules allow all
outgoing connections.

Can you try traceroute from those hosts. This is what I get from my
home in Western Australia.

C:\Users\Ben>tracert www.smalltalkhub.com

Tracing route to www.smalltalkhub.com [] over a maximum of
30 hops:
  1    11 ms 3 ms 4 ms  home.gateway.home.gateway
  2    30 ms    26 ms    32 ms  nexthop.wa.iinet.net.au []
  3    52 ms    32 ms    24 ms  ae8.cr2.per2.on.ii.net []
  4    33 ms    33 ms    27 ms  ae0.cr1.per1.on.ii.net []
  5   337 ms   312 ms   318 ms  te0-3-0.cor1.per1.on.ii.net
  6 *    *    * Request timed out.
  7   316 ms   316 ms   315 ms  gi0-0-5.bdr1.lon1.on.ii.net
  8   348 ms   349 ms   343 ms  amsix-6k-1.routers.proxad.net
  9   352 ms   360 ms   353 ms 
londres-6k-1-po100.intf.routers.proxad.net []
 10   365 ms   362 ms   364 ms 
bzn-crs16-1-be1102.intf.routers.proxad.net []
 11   344 ms   341 ms   339 ms  dedibox-2-t.intf.routers.proxad.net
 12   340 ms   339 ms   339 ms  a9k1-1012.dc3.poneytelecom.eu
 13   350 ms   350 ms   356 ms  45-s103-1-1062.dc2.poneytelecom.eu
 14   341 ms   336 ms   343 ms  sd-32491.dedibox.fr []
Trace complete.

Perhaps also try traceroute from some online services to your
digitalocean box.

btw, the mobile app from there looks interesting (but I've only just
discovered it, I haven't used it)

cheers -ben

Re: [Pharo-users] www.smalltalkhub.com not reachable from digitalocean host in NewYork2

2013-09-23 Thread Yanni Chiu

On 24/09/13 12:45 AM, b...@openinworld.com wrote:
> Can you try traceroute from those hosts.

traceroute to www.smalltalkhub.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte 

 1  ...  3.148 ms  3.198 ms  3.287 ms
 2  nyk-b6-link.telia.net (  30.006 ms  30.012 ms  30.005 ms
 3  nyk-b5-link.telia.net (  0.362 ms 
nyk-b5-link.telia.net (  0.413 ms  0.422 ms
 4  cogent-ic-151338-nyk-b5.c.telia.net (  0.954 ms 
cogent-ic-151337-nyk-b5.c.telia.net (  0.711 ms 
cogent-ic-151338-nyk-b5.c.telia.net (  1.006 ms
 5  be2063.mpd22.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com (  0.955 ms 
be2062.mpd21.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com (  1.290 ms 
be2063.mpd22.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com (  1.068 ms
 6  te0-0-0-9.mpd22.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  72.081 ms 
te0-0-0-9.ccr22.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  72.745 ms 
te0-7-0-11.mpd21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  72.160 ms
 7  be2039.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  74.243 ms 
be2041.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  73.472 ms 
be2039.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  76.817 ms
 8  snsci.demarc.cogentco.com (  73.537 ms 
(  73.453 ms (  73.872 ms
 9  bzn-crs16-1-be1106.intf.routers.proxad.net (  81.011 
ms  78.111 ms  87.806 ms

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