Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for old Linux vm

2013-06-18 Thread Damien Cassou
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Sean P. DeNigris  wrote:
>> Any help will be much appreciated!

hard to know. You may want to try multiple versions. Also, check

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for old Linux vm

2013-06-18 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Searching through the pharo-project archives, the image is from 6 december 2009.
From looking at the squeak vm archives, something like or so.
I don't remember if we had our own vm already by then.


Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for old Linux vm

2013-06-18 Thread Esteban Lorenzano
you can also try one of the old interpreter vms:


On Jun 18, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Sean P. DeNigris  wrote:

> MontyK wrote
>> I recently moved from winxp to ubuntu and I'm trying to find the linux vm
>> that matches an old win vm I was using for an application I wrote.  I
>> don't want to run it under wine in Ubuntu and I don't want to upgrade to a
>> newer version of Pharo.  I'd like to find the linux version of the same
>> windows vm that I have.  I have the Pharo.exe.
>> I see the pharo linux vms posted here (and numbered 7 through 145):
>> How can I know which of those linux vms matches my Pharo.exe?
>> When I open my Pharo.exe with wine and do System>About I see this:  
>> PharoCore1.0rc1 
>> Latest update: #10500
>> Any help will be much appreciated!
>> Cheers,
>> Monty
> -
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

2013-06-18 Thread Igor Stasenko
On 17 June 2013 19:29, plantec  wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> This kind of widget is missing.
> Have a try with:
> SimpleGridExample new open
> It is implemented with MorphTreeMorph.
> It is far from the best solution since MorphTreeMorph a Tree/List
> widget but it should be ok if you have not too many data.
> Maybe the Glamour solution is based on it, I don't remember.

Speaking about MorphTreeMorph: i find it really strange that it
supports grid layouts.
When one entity has so many responsibilities/functionality, it is easy
to get lost there.
As a consequence: if there's a bug, it is really hard to fix it.

> Cheers
> Alain
> On 17 juin 2013, at 16:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there an easy way to view tabular data in Pharo, much like a spreadsheet ?
>> Ideally, something along the following lines
>>   MagicTableView new
>>   headings: #( name age sex score );
>>   data: ;
>>   open.
>> Can spec be used for this ?
>> Pointing me to some relevant example in the image is OK too ;-)
>> Thx,
>> Sven
>> --
>> Sven Van Caekenberghe
>> Smalltalk is the Red Pill

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

[Pharo-users] single quotes around a number in a JSON string in ZnClient POST body

2013-06-18 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi -

I'm trying to get the JSON string


I can't figure out how to get there using NeoJSON, the JSON package, or
the JSON stuff from seaside.

Here are the results I'm getting in Pharo2

str := String
streamContents: [ :s |
nextPutAll: '' ]

NeoJSONWriter toString: str '""'

"JSON package"
Json render: str '""'

str asJson '""'

When sent via a ZnClient POST the doubled single quotes are included in
the JSON body and misinterpreted by the receiving API.

Does anyone have a suggestion I could try?



Re: [Pharo-users] single quotes around a number in a JSON string in ZnClient POST body

2013-06-18 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

All 3 JSON implementations give the same result, the right one ;-)
You are putting a single quote in your unencoded Smalltalk String.
Embedded single quotes inside a JSON string are not escaped, only the double 
quote and some others (see

After conversion, your string stays the same, except for the surrounding double 

| str|
str := String
streamContents: [ :s |
nextPutAll: '' ].

(NeoJSONWriter toString: str) = ($" asString, str, $" asString)  => true

So there is still only one single quote before and after the -20%, which is 
Smalltalk just prints it as a double single quote.
Maybe there is a problem on the other end ?
Can you produce a curl call that works ?



PS: It is quite strange that you seem to be passing XML as JSON ;-)

On 18 Jun 2013, at 16:33, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:

> Hi -
> I'm trying to get the JSON string
> ""
> I can't figure out how to get there using NeoJSON, the JSON package, or
> the JSON stuff from seaside.
> Here are the results I'm getting in Pharo2
>   str := String
>   streamContents: [ :s |
>   s
>   nextPutAll: '   nextPutAll: '-20%';
>   nextPut: $';
>   nextPutAll: '>' ]
> NeoJSONWriter toString: str '""'
> "JSON package"
> Json render: str '""'
> "Javascript-Core"
> str asJson '""'
> When sent via a ZnClient POST the doubled single quotes are included in
> the JSON body and misinterpreted by the receiving API.
> Does anyone have a suggestion I could try?
> Thanks
> Paul

Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo

Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for old Linux vm

2013-06-18 Thread Monty Kamath
Sean - Thank you for posting this to the list for me.

Thanks Esteban, Sean, Damien, Stephan for the replies!  I really appreciate it!
I ended up trying out this version and it works!


On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 10:54 PM, wrote:
> MontyK wrote
> I recently moved from winxp to ubuntu and I'm trying to find the linux vm
> that matches an old win vm I was using for an application I wrote.  I don't
> want to run it under wine in Ubuntu and I don't want to upgrade to a newer
> version of Pharo.  I'd like to find the linux version of the same windows vm
> that I have.  I have the Pharo.exe.
> I see the pharo linux vms posted here (and numbered 7 through 145):
> How can I know which of those linux vms matches my Pharo.exe?
> When I open my Pharo.exe with wine and do System>About I see this:
> PharoCore1.0rc1
> Latest update: #10500
> Any help will be much appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Monty
> Cheers,
> Sean

Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

2013-06-18 Thread Stéphane Ducasse
>> Hi Sven,
>> This kind of widget is missing.
>> Have a try with:
>> SimpleGridExample new open
>> It is implemented with MorphTreeMorph.
>> It is far from the best solution since MorphTreeMorph a Tree/List
>> widget but it should be ok if you have not too many data.
>> Maybe the Glamour solution is based on it, I don't remember.
> Speaking about MorphTreeMorph: i find it really strange that it
> supports grid layouts.
> When one entity has so many responsibilities/functionality, it is easy
> to get lost there.
> As a consequence: if there's a bug, it is really hard to fix it.

I agree and I would prefer to have a gridMorph


Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

2013-06-18 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Glamour uses a PaginatedMorphTreeMorph for the table view.
A real gridMorph (with support for unlimited rows/columns) 
would definitely be nice.


[Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread Bahman Movaqar
Hi all,

I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but it 
doesn't hurt to ask here:

Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo? 

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

2013-06-18 Thread plantec

On 18 juin 2013, at 13:47, Igor Stasenko  wrote:

> On 17 June 2013 19:29, plantec  wrote:
>> Hi Sven,
>> This kind of widget is missing.
>> Have a try with:
>> SimpleGridExample new open
>> It is implemented with MorphTreeMorph.
>> It is far from the best solution since MorphTreeMorph a Tree/List
>> widget but it should be ok if you have not too many data.
>> Maybe the Glamour solution is based on it, I don't remember.
> Speaking about MorphTreeMorph: i find it really strange that it
> supports grid layouts.

it's not strange, it can do it out of the box because of the column management.
So I think this feature do not add any complexity. 
But I agree, MorphTreeMorph is t complex.

> When one entity has so many responsibilities/functionality, it is easy
> to get lost there.
> As a consequence: if there's a bug, it is really hard to fix it.

yes, :) 
I know, MorphTreeMorph is a kind of hack and it should 
be remade as soon as possible.


>> Cheers
>> Alain
>> On 17 juin 2013, at 16:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there an easy way to view tabular data in Pharo, much like a spreadsheet 
>>> ?
>>> Ideally, something along the following lines
>>>  MagicTableView new
>>>  headings: #( name age sex score );
>>>  data: ;
>>>  open.
>>> Can spec be used for this ?
>>> Pointing me to some relevant example in the image is OK too ;-)
>>> Thx,
>>> Sven
>>> --
>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe
>>> Smalltalk is the Red Pill
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread GOUBIER Thierry
Yes, you can use git with Pharo.

You need to get an extension called MonticelloFileTree, and you can add on top 
of it a MonticelloFileTree-Git which really integrates into git.

Main repository is there:

And temporary instruction to try the latest gitfiletree:// stuff is (under 
Linux) :

git clone git://
mkdir pharo
cd pharo
wget -O- | bash
./pharo Pharo.image config 
ConfigurationOfFileTree --install=1.0.2
./pharo Pharo.image eval --save "Gofer  new url: 
''; package: 'MonticelloFileTree-Core' 
constraint: [ :version | version author = 'ThierryGoubier' ]; load"
./pharo Pharo.image config 
ConfigurationOfOSProcess --install=stable
./pharo Pharo.image eval --save Gofer new url: 
\'filetree://`pwd`/../filetree/repository/\'\; package: 
\'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\; load
./pharo Pharo.image eval --save \(MCWorkingCopy hasPackageNamed: 
\'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\) repositoryGroup\
removeRepository: \( \'filetree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl 
mcRepositoryAsUser: nil withPassword: nil\)\;\
addRepository: \( \'gitfiletree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl 
mcRepositoryAsUser: nil withPassword: nil\)

It's really to get the latest :) It will be simpler in the future.

My workflow, for a git repo and pharo, is to have a Makefile with those 
commands, a gitignore for the pharo subdirectory, and a make clean to remove 
the pharo directory and download a fresh vm and image. It avoids storing the 
pharo image and package cache inside the git repository, as I used to do before 


De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman 
Movaqar []
Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:38
À :
Objet : [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

Hi all,

I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but it
doesn't hurt to ask here:

Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo?

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

2013-06-18 Thread GOUBIER Thierry
Hi Alain,

I agree that MorphTreeMorph is too complex. But, at the same time, it's pretty 
effective :)


De : Pharo-users [] de la part de plantec 
Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:57
À : Any question about pharo is welcome
Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

On 18 juin 2013, at 13:47, Igor Stasenko  wrote:

> On 17 June 2013 19:29, plantec  wrote:
>> Hi Sven,
>> This kind of widget is missing.
>> Have a try with:
>> SimpleGridExample new open
>> It is implemented with MorphTreeMorph.
>> It is far from the best solution since MorphTreeMorph a Tree/List
>> widget but it should be ok if you have not too many data.
>> Maybe the Glamour solution is based on it, I don't remember.
> Speaking about MorphTreeMorph: i find it really strange that it
> supports grid layouts.

it's not strange, it can do it out of the box because of the column management.
So I think this feature do not add any complexity.
But I agree, MorphTreeMorph is t complex.

> When one entity has so many responsibilities/functionality, it is easy
> to get lost there.
> As a consequence: if there's a bug, it is really hard to fix it.

yes, :)
I know, MorphTreeMorph is a kind of hack and it should
be remade as soon as possible.


>> Cheers
>> Alain
>> On 17 juin 2013, at 16:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there an easy way to view tabular data in Pharo, much like a spreadsheet 
>>> ?
>>> Ideally, something along the following lines
>>>  MagicTableView new
>>>  headings: #( name age sex score );
>>>  data: ;
>>>  open.
>>> Can spec be used for this ?
>>> Pointing me to some relevant example in the image is OK too ;-)
>>> Thx,
>>> Sven
>>> --
>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe
>>> Smalltalk is the Red Pill
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread Bahman Movaqar
Thanks for the info. 

Now suppose I shared my code on git.  How can others use it on their own 

On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:14:21 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> Yes, you can use git with Pharo.
> You need to get an extension called MonticelloFileTree, and you can add on
> top of it a MonticelloFileTree-Git which really integrates into git.
> Main repository is there:
> And temporary instruction to try the latest gitfiletree:// stuff is (under
> Linux) :
> git clone git://
> mkdir pharo
> cd pharo
> wget -O- | bash
> ./pharo Pharo.image config
> ConfigurationOfFileTree --install=1.0.2 ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> "Gofer  new url: ''; package:
> 'MonticelloFileTree-Core' constraint: [ :version | version author =
> 'ThierryGoubier' ]; load" ./pharo Pharo.image config
> ConfigurationOfOSProcess
> --install=stable ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save Gofer new url:
> \'filetree://`pwd`/../filetree/repository/\'\; package:
> \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\; load ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> \(MCWorkingCopy hasPackageNamed: \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\)
> repositoryGroup\ removeRepository: \(
> \'filetree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> withPassword: nil\)\;\ addRepository: \(
> \'gitfiletree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> withPassword: nil\)
> It's really to get the latest :) It will be simpler in the future.
> My workflow, for a git repo and pharo, is to have a Makefile with those
> commands, a gitignore for the pharo subdirectory, and a make clean to
> remove the pharo directory and download a fresh vm and image. It avoids
> storing the pharo image and package cache inside the git repository, as I
> used to do before ;)
> Thierry
> De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman
> Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:38
> À :
> Objet : [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> Hi all,
> I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but it
> doesn't hurt to ask here:
> Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo?

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread GOUBIER Thierry
They will have to clone your git repository, create the image with the 
gifiletree:// support (I think there is a mistake in the script), and add the 
repository as a gitfiletree:// repository to see all your packages.

You can also use Gofer in the image:

Gofer it
  url: 'gitfiletree:';
  package: '';

Or on the command line.


De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman 
Movaqar []
Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 22:22
À : Any question about pharo is welcome
Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

Thanks for the info.

Now suppose I shared my code on git.  How can others use it on their own

On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:14:21 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> Yes, you can use git with Pharo.
> You need to get an extension called MonticelloFileTree, and you can add on
> top of it a MonticelloFileTree-Git which really integrates into git.
> Main repository is there:
> And temporary instruction to try the latest gitfiletree:// stuff is (under
> Linux) :
> git clone git://
> mkdir pharo
> cd pharo
> wget -O- | bash
> ./pharo Pharo.image config
> ConfigurationOfFileTree --install=1.0.2 ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> "Gofer  new url: ''; package:
> 'MonticelloFileTree-Core' constraint: [ :version | version author =
> 'ThierryGoubier' ]; load" ./pharo Pharo.image config
> ConfigurationOfOSProcess
> --install=stable ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save Gofer new url:
> \'filetree://`pwd`/../filetree/repository/\'\; package:
> \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\; load ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> \(MCWorkingCopy hasPackageNamed: \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\)
> repositoryGroup\ removeRepository: \(
> \'filetree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> withPassword: nil\)\;\ addRepository: \(
> \'gitfiletree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> withPassword: nil\)
> It's really to get the latest :) It will be simpler in the future.
> My workflow, for a git repo and pharo, is to have a Makefile with those
> commands, a gitignore for the pharo subdirectory, and a make clean to
> remove the pharo directory and download a fresh vm and image. It avoids
> storing the pharo image and package cache inside the git repository, as I
> used to do before ;)
> Thierry
> De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman
> Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:38
> À :
> Objet : [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> Hi all,
> I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but it
> doesn't hurt to ask here:
> Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo?

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread GOUBIER Thierry
The mistake in the script is the order of the first three commands. It should 

mkdir pharo
cd pharo
git clone


De : Pharo-users [] de la part de GOUBIER 
Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 22:42
À : Any question about pharo is welcome
Objet : [PROVENANCE  INTERNET] Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

They will have to clone your git repository, create the image with the 
gifiletree:// support (I think there is a mistake in the script), and add the 
repository as a gitfiletree:// repository to see all your packages.

You can also use Gofer in the image:

Gofer it
  url: 'gitfiletree:';
  package: '';

Or on the command line.


De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman 
Movaqar []
Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 22:22
À : Any question about pharo is welcome
Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

Thanks for the info.

Now suppose I shared my code on git.  How can others use it on their own

On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:14:21 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> Yes, you can use git with Pharo.
> You need to get an extension called MonticelloFileTree, and you can add on
> top of it a MonticelloFileTree-Git which really integrates into git.
> Main repository is there:
> And temporary instruction to try the latest gitfiletree:// stuff is (under
> Linux) :
> git clone git://
> mkdir pharo
> cd pharo
> wget -O- | bash
> ./pharo Pharo.image config
> ConfigurationOfFileTree --install=1.0.2 ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> "Gofer  new url: ''; package:
> 'MonticelloFileTree-Core' constraint: [ :version | version author =
> 'ThierryGoubier' ]; load" ./pharo Pharo.image config
> ConfigurationOfOSProcess
> --install=stable ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save Gofer new url:
> \'filetree://`pwd`/../filetree/repository/\'\; package:
> \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\; load ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> \(MCWorkingCopy hasPackageNamed: \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\)
> repositoryGroup\ removeRepository: \(
> \'filetree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> withPassword: nil\)\;\ addRepository: \(
> \'gitfiletree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> withPassword: nil\)
> It's really to get the latest :) It will be simpler in the future.
> My workflow, for a git repo and pharo, is to have a Makefile with those
> commands, a gitignore for the pharo subdirectory, and a make clean to
> remove the pharo directory and download a fresh vm and image. It avoids
> storing the pharo image and package cache inside the git repository, as I
> used to do before ;)
> Thierry
> De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman
> Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:38
> À :
> Objet : [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> Hi all,
> I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but it
> doesn't hurt to ask here:
> Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo?

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread Bahman Movaqar
Cool!  Tomorrow, I'll give it a try and let you know.

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:46:09 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> The mistake in the script is the order of the first three commands. It
> should be:
> mkdir pharo
> cd pharo
> git clone
> …
> Thierry
> De : Pharo-users [] de la part de GOUBIER
> Thierry Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 22:42
> À : Any question about pharo is welcome
> Objet : [PROVENANCE  INTERNET] Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> They will have to clone your git repository, create the image with the
> gifiletree:// support (I think there is a mistake in the script), and add
> the repository as a gitfiletree:// repository to see all your packages.
> You can also use Gofer in the image:
> Gofer it
>   url: 'gitfiletree:/// packages>/'; package: '';
>   load
> Or on the command line.
> Thierry
> De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman
> Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 22:22
> À : Any question about pharo is welcome
> Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> Thanks for the info.
> Now suppose I shared my code on git.  How can others use it on their own
> image?
> On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:14:21 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> > Yes, you can use git with Pharo.
> > 
> > You need to get an extension called MonticelloFileTree, and you can add on
> > top of it a MonticelloFileTree-Git which really integrates into git.
> > 
> > Main repository is there:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > And temporary instruction to try the latest gitfiletree:// stuff is (under
> > Linux) :
> > 
> > git clone git://
> > mkdir pharo
> > cd pharo
> > wget -O- | bash
> > ./pharo Pharo.image config
> > ConfigurationOfFileTree --install=1.0.2 ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> > "Gofer  new url: ''; package:
> > 'MonticelloFileTree-Core' constraint: [ :version | version author =
> > 'ThierryGoubier' ]; load" ./pharo Pharo.image config
> > ConfigurationOfOSProcess
> > --install=stable ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save Gofer new url:
> > \'filetree://`pwd`/../filetree/repository/\'\; package:
> > \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\; load ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> > \(MCWorkingCopy hasPackageNamed: \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\)
> > repositoryGroup\ removeRepository: \(
> > \'filetree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> > withPassword: nil\)\;\ addRepository: \(
> > \'gitfiletree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> > withPassword: nil\)
> > 
> > It's really to get the latest :) It will be simpler in the future.
> > 
> > My workflow, for a git repo and pharo, is to have a Makefile with those
> > commands, a gitignore for the pharo subdirectory, and a make clean to
> > remove the pharo directory and download a fresh vm and image. It avoids
> > storing the pharo image and package cache inside the git repository, as I
> > used to do before ;)
> > 
> > Thierry
> > 
> > 
> > De : Pharo-users [] de la part de
> > Bahman
> > Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:38
> > À :
> > Objet : [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but
> > it doesn't hurt to ask here:
> > 
> > Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git

2013-06-18 Thread Bahman Movaqar
Hmm...let's say I have the project initiated on git.  How can I do the initial 
commit?  Does it handle package dependencies?

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (
On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:42:10 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> They will have to clone your git repository, create the image with the
> gifiletree:// support (I think there is a mistake in the script), and add
> the repository as a gitfiletree:// repository to see all your packages.
> You can also use Gofer in the image:
> Gofer it
>   url: 'gitfiletree:/// packages>/'; package: '';
>   load
> Or on the command line.
> Thierry
> De : Pharo-users [] de la part de Bahman
> Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 22:22
> À : Any question about pharo is welcome
> Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> Thanks for the info.
> Now suppose I shared my code on git.  How can others use it on their own
> image?
> On Tuesday 18 June 2013 20:14:21 GOUBIER Thierry wrote:
> > Yes, you can use git with Pharo.
> > 
> > You need to get an extension called MonticelloFileTree, and you can add on
> > top of it a MonticelloFileTree-Git which really integrates into git.
> > 
> > Main repository is there:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > And temporary instruction to try the latest gitfiletree:// stuff is (under
> > Linux) :
> > 
> > git clone git://
> > mkdir pharo
> > cd pharo
> > wget -O- | bash
> > ./pharo Pharo.image config
> > ConfigurationOfFileTree --install=1.0.2 ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> > "Gofer  new url: ''; package:
> > 'MonticelloFileTree-Core' constraint: [ :version | version author =
> > 'ThierryGoubier' ]; load" ./pharo Pharo.image config
> > ConfigurationOfOSProcess
> > --install=stable ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save Gofer new url:
> > \'filetree://`pwd`/../filetree/repository/\'\; package:
> > \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\; load ./pharo Pharo.image eval --save
> > \(MCWorkingCopy hasPackageNamed: \'MonticelloFileTree-Git\'\)
> > repositoryGroup\ removeRepository: \(
> > \'filetree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> > withPassword: nil\)\;\ addRepository: \(
> > \'gitfiletree://`pwd`/filetree/repository/\' asUrl mcRepositoryAsUser: nil
> > withPassword: nil\)
> > 
> > It's really to get the latest :) It will be simpler in the future.
> > 
> > My workflow, for a git repo and pharo, is to have a Makefile with those
> > commands, a gitignore for the pharo subdirectory, and a make clean to
> > remove the pharo directory and download a fresh vm and image. It avoids
> > storing the pharo image and package cache inside the git repository, as I
> > used to do before ;)
> > 
> > Thierry
> > 
> > 
> > De : Pharo-users [] de la part de
> > Bahman
> > Movaqar [] Date d'envoi : mardi 18 juin 2013 21:38
> > À :
> > Objet : [Pharo-users] Pharo + git
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I've searched the net and found out the answer is most probably "no"; but
> > it doesn't hurt to ask here:
> > 
> > Is it posssible to use `git' as the VCS backend for Pharo?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular Data Viewer

2013-06-18 Thread Hernán Morales Durand

El 17/06/2013 11:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe escribió:


Is there an easy way to view tabular data in Pharo, much like a spreadsheet ?

Ideally, something along the following lines

MagicTableView new
headings: #( name age sex score );
data: ;

Can spec be used for this ?

Pointing me to some relevant example in the image is OK too ;-)



Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill
