[GENERAL] insert continue on error

2007-10-16 Thread Tom Hart

Hello everybody.

I'm trying to migrate our data mine from a MS Access backend to a 
postgresql backend, and I'm bumping into problems with the conversion. 
I've got the basic db and tables set up. I want to transfer data from 
one table to another with insert into ...  select from. The from table 
and into table both have the same field names, but the types for the 
first are all text, and the second are specific (boolean, numeric(10,2), 
etc), with cast and custom conversion functions doing the translation. 
However every once in a while a record will contain data that I didn't 
forsee/wasn't cast properly and the record will bounce. This of course 
aborts the entire process.

What I'd like to know is if there's a way to have postgresql still 
insert the other rows, and either bounce the bad row to another table, 
or log the error in another table/file. I'm sure there's a way to do 
this, but I'm still pretty new to postgresql.

TIA for any assistance you can give me.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] find out data types using sql or php

2007-10-26 Thread Tom Hart

Hey guys. This is probably a n00b question, but here goes anyway.

I have a set of csv files that I COPY t o a number of import tables 
(same field layout as live tables, but with all datatypes 'text') then 
use an INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM statement to transfer the rows over 
to the live table (at times filtering out, at times not). Unfortunately 
if any of the data is not type perfect (letters in number fields, etc.) 
then the entire query bombs and nothing gets loaded. What I'd like to do 
is add a field is_ok and then use sql or php (or whatever else, if 
there's an easier way) to determine the field datatype (text, numeric, 
bool, etc.) and then use some regex or something along those lines to 
attempt to verify that the data is good, and then mark the is_ok field 
(obviously a bool) as true, and use is_ok = TRUE in the insert/select 
statement. Can somebody give me a push in the right direction?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] find out data types using sql or php

2007-10-26 Thread Tom Hart

Replying to yourself is so depressing...

Anyway, I managed to google myself into a solution, I just wanted to 
share it with the list in case anybody else was interested.

Using the INFORMATION SCHEMA and a query like
SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE 
table_name = 'table';

I get results similar to

   column_name| data_type


atm_acct_mess | text

atm_acct_num  | numeric

atm_acct_tp1  | text

atm_acct_tp2  | text

atm_acct_tp3  | text

atm_acct_tp4  | text

atm_acct_tp5  | text

atm_acct_tp6  | text

atm_acct1_stcd| text

atm_acct2_stcd| text

atm_acct3_stcd| text

atm_acct4_stcd| text

atm_acct5_stcd| text

atm_acct6_stcd| text

atm_atm/ach_cd| integer

atm_atm/ach_id| numeric

atm_atm/ach_tp| integer

atm_cn_num| integer

atm_date_opened   | date

atm_id1   | text

atm_id2   | text

atm_id3   | text

atm_id4   | text

atm_id5   | text

atm_id6   | text

atm_last_act_date | date

atm_next_rec  | integer

atm_stat_cd   | integer

atm_trn_acct_id   | text

atm_trn_acct_num  | numeric

atm_trn_acct_tp   | text

atm_trn_cn_num| integer

atm_trn_date  | date

atm_trn_reg_e | integer

atm_trn_term_id   | text

atm_trn_trace | text

atm_trn_trn_num   | integer

(37 rows)

Which I can then of course parse with php and do some testing from there.

I hope this helps somebody, I know I could have used this information 
about 20 minutes ago :-)

Tom Hart wrote:

Hey guys. This is probably a n00b question, but here goes anyway.

I have a set of csv files that I COPY t o a number of import tables 
(same field layout as live tables, but with all datatypes 'text') then 
use an INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM statement to transfer the rows over 
to the live table (at times filtering out, at times not). 
Unfortunately if any of the data is not type perfect (letters in 
number fields, etc.) then the entire query bombs and nothing gets 
loaded. What I'd like to do is add a field is_ok and then use sql or 
php (or whatever else, if there's an easier way) to determine the 
field datatype (text, numeric, bool, etc.) and then use some regex or 
something along those lines to attempt to verify that the data is 
good, and then mark the is_ok field (obviously a bool) as true, and 
use is_ok = TRUE in the insert/select statement. Can somebody give me 
a push in the right direction?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] php and postgres - too many queries too fast?

2007-11-05 Thread Tom Hart

andy wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:
OK, enough of the background, here's my issue. For some lovely 
reason, even though my script reports running an UPDATE query 1563 
times (out of 1566 rows), only 316 rows have is_ok set to TRUE. I've 
tried a few times, changing this and that, and it always updates 
those 316 rows (no reason for this, the data is actually really good 
when it comes in, I'm just trying to build an extra layer of 
assuredness). Of particular note, I'm trying to keep the script 
fairly uniform and work for all our tables, so the UPDATE statement 
looks something like

UPDATE table SET is_ok = 'TRUE' WHERE var1 = value1 AND var2 = value2 
AND var3 = value3.

Thomas R. Hart II

Have you run one of these queries via psql or something other than 
php?  I doubt its a "too many too fast" thing.  I'd guess a logic 
error someplace.

Why 1563 queries?  Can you get the row's modified per query?  If 
you're tables looks like:

var1 |  var2 | var3

a   | b   | a
a   | b   | c

Would you fire of two query's like:

UPDATE table SET is_ok = 'TRUE' WHERE var1 = 'a' AND var2 = 'b' and 
var3 = 'a;

UPDATE table SET is_ok = 'TRUE' WHERE var1 = 'a' AND var2 = 'b' and 
var3 = 'c;

if so, do you generate the update's on the fly?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
I thought I had run the queries through psql (it's been a long one :-) 
and when I tried to verify, I was able to find my problem (yes, I am an 

It turns out that for some reason it didn't like to UPDATE when I was 
using a text type field (specifically an empty text field) in the WHERE 
clause. To remedy this, I instructed PHP to not use a field in the WHERE 
clause if the destination type was 'text', and now we're working 
beautifully (2.405 seconds to run the script through 1566 rows, running 
updates on 1563 of them). Now I just need to figure out what's going on 
with those 3 rogue rows.

Sorry I hadn't checked all the bases thoroughly, but now they definitely 
are belong to us. Thanks for the help and have a good night.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] php and postgres - too many queries too fast?

2007-11-05 Thread Tom Hart
Hey everybody. I'm running postgresql 8.2 on a windows 2k3 server 
machine. I have a table (two tables actually, in table and table_import 
format). The _import table has all text type fields, while the main 
table has datatypes defined.

I wrote a PHP script that checks the various type fields (e.g. integer 
is a number, date is a date, etc.) and sets a bool flag is_ok to true 
for the row if the data all checks out. The script gets a dump of the 
data from a SELECT * statement, then takes each row, verifies the 
various data fields (successfully, I've tested) and sets a variable 
baddata. At the end of the checking, if baddata still equals 0, then it 
crafts an UPDATE statement to change the value of is_ok. There are a 
relatively small amount of rows (~1500, small time to you guys I'm 
sure), and the script runs fairly fast.

OK, enough of the background, here's my issue. For some lovely reason, 
even though my script reports running an UPDATE query 1563 times (out of 
1566 rows), only 316 rows have is_ok set to TRUE. I've tried a few 
times, changing this and that, and it always updates those 316 rows (no 
reason for this, the data is actually really good when it comes in, I'm 
just trying to build an extra layer of assuredness). Of particular note, 
I'm trying to keep the script fairly uniform and work for all our 
tables, so the UPDATE statement looks something like

UPDATE table SET is_ok = 'TRUE' WHERE var1 = value1 AND var2 = value2 
AND var3 = value3.

for every field in the record (I would have it base it on the primary 
key, but the field names and locations are different for each table). Is 
it possible that I'm trying to run too many queries at once (or rather 
rapid succession)? I've tried encapsulating the queries in a BEGIN .. 
COMMIT transaction which improved my speed quite a bit, but it's still 
updating only those rows.

I know that it's entirely possible that the problem lies in the PHP, or 
the network, or the web server configuration, or the moon phase, but is 
there anything here that jumps out at anybody as a possible cause?


Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] pg_dumpall and authentication

2007-11-09 Thread Tom Hart
I'm sure you guys have heard this about 100 times, and I've done some 
research on Google and found out some things, but I still have a couple 

As I'm sure you may have guessed from the subject, I'm trying to 
schedule (under windows) pg_dumpall to run each night/morning/full 
moon/whatever. The hitch in this is that it asks for a password for each 
database as it dumps it. I know I can use the PGPASS environment 
variable, or a ~/.pgpass file. What I'm wondering is what's considered 
'best practice' in practical applications. What solutions do you guys 
use? Is it worth changing PGPASSFILE to point to a different .pgpass?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall and authentication

2007-11-09 Thread Tom Hart

Steve Atkins wrote:

On Nov 9, 2007, at 8:52 AM, Tom Hart wrote:

I'm sure you guys have heard this about 100 times, and I've done some 
research on Google and found out some things, but I still have a 
couple questions.

As I'm sure you may have guessed from the subject, I'm trying to 
schedule (under windows) pg_dumpall to run each night/morning/full 
moon/whatever. The hitch in this is that it asks for a password for 
each database as it dumps it. I know I can use the PGPASS environment 
variable, or a ~/.pgpass file. What I'm wondering is what's 
considered 'best practice' in practical applications. What solutions 
do you guys use? Is it worth changing PGPASSFILE to point to a 
different .pgpass?

Any of those approaches should be fine. I'd probably stick with the 
default pgpass file, just for the sake of whoever may have to maintain 
it next.

I tend to create a unix user just for doing backups and other 
scheduled maintenance, then give that user access to the database via 
ident authentication from the local system only. If PG-on-Windows has 
equivalent functionality that's another approach to consider.
Ok, here's what I think is going to work best for me. I'm going to 
create a user with very little access rights, and then I'm going to set 
up a scheduled task in windows to run pg_dumpall on the machine that 
houses the db (and where the backup will be stored). On that machine 
I'll have a pgpass file that I've placed somewhere where only the dummy 
backup account can access it and pointed to it with the PGPASSFILE 
environment variable. I think I'll be able to run a scheduled task 
associated with that name without giving them login abilities.

Sound pretty solid to you guys?

BTW, this isn't protecting a ton of data, but the data itself is pretty 
sensitive, so security is a concern. I appreciate your help in building 
as solid a system as I can.
BTW2, I already told somebody today that Windows and security is like a 
cherry pie with gravy on top, but I don't get a choice here, so try to 
understand :-)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] automating backups with windows scheduled tasks and pg_dumpall

2007-11-15 Thread Tom Hart

Tom Lane wrote:

Tom Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Do scheduled tasks 
have a problem writing to files with > ? I tried an "echo this is a test 

test.txt" and that didn't run either.

I know zip about Windows, but try using pg_dump's -f switch instead of ">"
and see if it gets happier.
Good tip, and something I hadn't tried yet, but still not working. I'm 
sure the problem lies within strange behavior of scheduled tasks, but 
they were not super helpful on the microsoft newsgroups, and I was 
hoping to find somebody that had a working windows-based automated 
backup "in the wild" if you will. Thanks anyway though, I'll keep trying.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] automating backups with windows scheduled tasks and pg_dumpall

2007-11-15 Thread Tom Hart

One other oddity I ran into recently on one system only, is that a 
perl program (.pl extension) worked fine from the command-line, 
double-clicked on, etc. but in the scheduled job, I had to put "perl 
xxx.pl" for it to work.  Maybe if all else fails, try "cmd.exe 
xxx.bat" or "command.com xxx.bat" or similar in the scheduled task?

Thanks for your reply.

I just got this running right before I read this email. A shame, because 
this tip precisely would have helped me. Turns out that on the command 
line you can just type foobar.bat, but in scheduled tasks, you must 
place a cmd.exe /c before it, instructing windows to spawn a shell first 
(why windows isn't intelligent enough to figure this out on it's own, I 
have no idea). Anyway if anybody else is curious I didn't change 
anything in the batch file I posted previously, but I changed the 
scheduled task command from "c:\foo\bar\pg_backup.bag" to "cmd.exe /c 

Hope this can help somebody else avoid the hours of confusion.

On a side note, you seem to have a pretty strange email client setup, 
because your text came through extremely small (almost unreadable) to 
me, yet your signature came out just fine. Odd...

Susan Cassidy

Tiered Data Protection Made Simple

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] automating backups with windows scheduled tasks and pg_dumpall

2007-11-15 Thread Tom Hart

Martin Gainty wrote:

Hi Tom

In windows you would need to include the runas command so your bat file
needs to execute the command via runas as in
runas /user:postgres "bin\pg_dumpall.exe -U foo_postgres"

Actually, schtasks.exe and the windows task scheduler both have this 
functionality built in. Also, when using runas.exe from a command 
prompt, there's no way to give it a password, thus rendering it 
incapable of running unattended in a scheduled task setup. I believe 
that's why they placed the runas functionality into schtasks.exe 
actually. Thanks anyway.

Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] automating backups with windows scheduled tasks and pg_dumpall

2007-11-15 Thread Tom Hart

Tom Hart wrote:

One other oddity I ran into recently on one system only, is that a 
perl program (.pl extension) worked fine from the command-line, 
double-clicked on, etc. but in the scheduled job, I had to put "perl 
xxx.pl" for it to work.  Maybe if all else fails, try "cmd.exe 
xxx.bat" or "command.com xxx.bat" or similar in the scheduled task?

Thanks for your reply.

I just got this running right before I read this email. A shame, 
because this tip precisely would have helped me. Turns out that on the 
command line you can just type foobar.bat, but in scheduled tasks, you 
must place a cmd.exe /c before it, instructing windows to spawn a 
shell first (why windows isn't intelligent enough to figure this out 
on it's own, I have no idea). Anyway if anybody else is curious I 
didn't change anything in the batch file I posted previously, but I 
changed the scheduled task command from "c:\foo\bar\pg_backup.bag" to 
"cmd.exe /c c:\foo\bar\pg_backup.bat".

Hope this can help somebody else avoid the hours of confusion.

On a side note, you seem to have a pretty strange email client setup, 
because your text came through extremely small (almost unreadable) to 
me, yet your signature came out just fine. Odd...
Side note 2: This could very easily have been an issue with my email 
client as well. I did not intend to sound as if it were an issue with 
your setup :-)

Susan Cassidy

Tiered Data Protection Made Simple

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hart

Sam Mason wrote:

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 03:13:48PM -0500, Tom Hart wrote:

column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist

   Table "public.membermailingaddress"
Column  | Type | Modifiers
IsActive| boolean  |

If you don't enclose an identifier in double quotes (") then PG will
make the identifier lowercase before looking for it.  This is in an
attempt to support case-insensitive general usage, while still allowing
case-sensitive usage if you really want it.
Ok, that makes sense. Like I said I created this db to mimic our 
previous db, but I think the best solution here would be to continue my 
trend of using all lowercase column names so that I'm not faced with 
this problem.

Thank you for your reply, and you too Joshua. Sorry for such an easy 
question :-)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hart
Hey everybody. I've got a strange one today. I'm trying to convert an 
extremely messy access sql query into something that can be used with 
our postgresql database (the pgsql db is being built to replace the 
access db). I had barely begun trying to convert it when I was 
confronted with this error message:

column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist

However, a quick \d in psql let's me know that there is indeed a field 
"isactive" on that specific table. I can't begin to imagine why it would 
throw an error like this.

Here's my psql output, with a simple test query to reproduce the issue, 
and a \d membermailingaddress afterwards. Anybody have any ideas?

current=# insert into membermailingaddress(
current(# mb_cn_num,
current(# mb_acct_num,
current(# IsActive,
current(# IsMember
current(# )
current-# VALUES
current-# (
current(# 1,
current(# 1500.0,
current(# TRUE,
current(# FALSE
current(# )
current-# ;
ERROR:  column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist
LINE 4: IsActive,
current=# \d membermailingaddress
   Table "public.membermailingaddress"
Column  | Type | Modifiers
mb_cn_num   | integer  |
mb_acct_num | numeric(6,1) |
IsActive| boolean  |
IsMember| boolean  |
IsMail  | boolean  |
IsPromoMail | boolean  |
HouseholdID | numeric  |
HouseholdSize   | integer  |
Name1   | text |
Name2   | text |
Addr1   | text |
Addr2   | text |
Addr3   | text |
City| text |
State   | text |
Zip | text |
Zip5| text |
xxPrimaryName   | text |
xxJointName | text |
xxHouseholdHash | text |



Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] automating backups with windows scheduled tasks and pg_dumpall

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hart
Hello everybody. I'm having a bit of trouble automating pg_dumpall to do 
nightly backups. I have a batch file whose contents are below

"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin\pg_dumpall.exe" -U foo_postgres > 

Now this file, when I double click on the .bat, works wonderfully. It 
sets the variable correctly, reads the pw file with no problem, and 
performs the dump. However when this same bat is built into a scheduled 
task (same username, administrator in both cases), even though the task 
claims to have completed correctly, I have no evidence of it running, 
and it certainly isn't doing the backup.

I'm sure many of you have experience in scheduling backups in this 
manner (though admittedly a large number of you are probably using cron 
in *nix). Is there anything that jumps out at you? Do scheduled tasks 
have a problem writing to files with > ? I tried an "echo this is a test 
> test.txt" and that didn't run either. What's confusing is that 
windows is claiming everything ran fine, in under 5 seconds no less (my 
db isn't that big, but it takes longer than that to dump the entire 
thing). Any ideas?


Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] convert access sql to postgresql

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hart
Hey guys. I have a long piece of sql that I'm trying to take out of an 
existing Access db and modify to work with Postgresql. I've started 
trying to convert it, but I've come across a problem that I don't even 
know how to describe, let alone google. Here's the function

INSERT INTO MemberMailingAddress (
...  ...

mb_stat_cd<>1 as isactive,
mb_stat_cd=0 as ismember,
isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2) as ispromomail,
...  ...

FROM member
ORDER BY mb_cn_num, mb_acct_num

Specifically I'm looking at these two lines

isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2) as ispromomail,

which appear to use other fields it's preparing to insert as variables 
in the determination of the values of other fields (I told you I 
couldn't figure out how to explain it).

Does anybody have any idea what I'm talking about? I sure don't.

Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] convert access sql to postgresql

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hart

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:

Specifically I'm looking at these two lines

isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2) as ispromomail,

which appear to use other fields it's preparing to insert as variables
in the determination of the values of other fields (I told you I
couldn't figure out how to explain it).

I can't tell more without the exact table definitions, but this should work 
just fine.

The error I'm receiving is

ERROR:  column "isactive" does not exist
LINE 26: isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,

Here are the table definitions for member (from) and 
membermailingaddress (to)

current=# \d member
  Table "public.member"
   Column | Type  | Modifiers
mb_acct_closed_dt | date  |
mb_acct_num   | numeric(6,2)  | not null
mb_alt_num| text  |
mb_backwithhold_perc  | integer   |
mb_birth_dt   | date  |
mb_cell_phone | text  |
mb_census_tract   | numeric(6,2)  |
mb_city   | text  |
mb_cn_num | integer   | not null
mb_credit_score   | text  |
mb_credit_score_date  | date  |
mb_ctr_cd | text  |
mb_drivers_license| text  |
mb_email_acct_num | numeric(6,2)  |
mb_email_address  | text  |
mb_email_cn_num   | integer   |
mb_email_rec  | integer   |
mb_employ_phone   | text  |
mb_employer   | text  |
mb_first_name | text  |
mb_flag4  | text  |
mb_frst_99r_rec   | integer   |
mb_frst_at_rec| integer   |
mb_frst_cl_rec| integer   |
mb_frst_ct_rec| integer   |
mb_frst_df_rec| integer   |
mb_frst_ira_rec   | integer   |
mb_frst_ln_rec| integer   |
mb_frst_sh_rec| integer   |
mb_frst_tran_rec  | integer   |
mb_head_of_household  | text  |
mb_hire_dt| date  |
mb_home_phone | text  |
mb_homebank_status| text  |
mb_income | numeric(10,2) |
mb_jand/or_cd | text  |
mb_jfirst_name| text  |
mb_jlast_name | text  |
mb_jmid_init  | text  |
mb_join_dt| date  |
mb_joint_birth_dt | date  |
mb_joint_relationship | text  |
mb_jssn_num   | text  |
mb_jsuff  | text  |
mb_last_name  | text  |
mb_life_ins_amt   | numeric(10,2) |
mb_life_save_amt  | numeric(10,2) |
mb_loc_cd | text  |
mb_lst_act_dt | date  |
mb_lst_tran_cd| text  |
mb_lst_tran_rec   | text  |
mb_m/f_cd | text  |
mb_mail_addr1 | text  |
mb_mail_addr2 | text  |
mb_mail_cd| integer   |
mb_mail_city  | text  |
mb_mail_state | text  |
mb_mail_zip_cd| text  |
mb_master_rec | integer   |
mb_mid_init   | text  |
mb_misc_cd| text  |
mb_ofac_verified  | text  |
mb_payroll_num| integer   |
mb_privacy_code   | integer   |
mb_prn_state  | text  |
mb_send_estatement| text  |
mb_soc_emp_cd | integer   |
mb_soc_sec_num| text  |
mb_stat_cd| integer   |
mb_state_cd   | text  |
mb_statement_pages| text  |
mb_str_addr1  | text  |
mb_str_addr2  | text  |
mb_suff   | text  |
mb_tot_payroll| numeric(10,2) |
mb_vru_status | integer   |
mb_w9_ver_cd  | integer   |
mb_withold| text  |
mb_zip_cd | text  |
   "member_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mb_cn_num, mb_acct_num)

current=# \d membermailingaddress
   Table "public.membermailingaddress"
Column  | Type | Modifiers
mb_cn_num   | integer  |
mb_acct_num | numeric(6,1) |
isactive| boolean  |
ismember| boolean  |
ismail  | boolean  |
ispromomail | boolean  |
householdid | numeric  |
householdsize   | integer  |
name1   | text |
name2   | text |
addr1   | text |
addr2   | text |
addr3   | text |
city| text |
state   | text |
zip | text |
zip5| text |
xxprimaryname   | text |
xxjointname | text |

Re: [GENERAL] convert access sql to postgresql

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hart

Tom Hart wrote:

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:

Specifically I'm looking at these two lines

isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2) as ispromomail,

which appear to use other fields it's preparing to insert as variables
in the determination of the values of other fields (I told you I
couldn't figure out how to explain it).

I can't tell more without the exact table definitions, but this 
should work just fine.

The error I'm receiving is

ERROR:  column "isactive" does not exist
LINE 26: isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
I've been doing some googling on sql aliases (my sql knowledge is far 
from impressive) and it appears that column aliases can be great for 
displaying different column names in your output. However I was unable 
to find any information regarding using column aliases as variables, 
like in the code above. I'm not sure why this works in access, but does 
postgreSQL support using a column alias like a variable within the query 
that the alias was defined in?

I suppose the lines

mb_stat_cd<>1 as isactive,
mb_stat_cd=0 as ismember,
(isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1)) as ismail,
(ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2)) as ispromomail

Could be written

mb_stat_cd<>1 as isactive,
mb_stat_cd=0 as ismember,
((mb_stat_cd<>1) and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1)) as ismail,
(((mb_stat_cd<>1) and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1)) and (mb_stat_cd=0 
or mb_stat_cd=2)) as ispromomail

But if postgreSQL does indeed support this, and I can get it to work, 
I'd like to be able to use the syntax in the first set.


Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Tom thinks it's bad code was 8.3 vs 8.2 sql compatibility issue

2007-11-17 Thread Tom Hart

Joshua D. Drake wrote:
in the least. 

If you post publicly something that is that ugly, then it is going to
get critiqued. It is that simple. You don't like it, don't post.

I have more than once taken my beatings on this list. It is time for
you to either grow a thicker skin or unsubscribe.

Joshua D. Drake

- -- 

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I absolutely agree. The fact of the matter is that you came here asking 
for help, and there are a number of very qualified very generous people 
who are not only quite proficient with pgsql, but they are donating 
their time to help you (in this case by letting you know your SQL was 
poorly written) and to thank them with anger and sarcasm is not only 
ungrateful, but quite rude. Not to mention the large number of people 
who probably took the time to read that post only to find out that 
they've wasted a (small, admittedly) portion of their day to read your 

The two things I've learned from this group are PostgreSQL is an 
excellent piece of software, capable of many things, and the PostgreSQL 
community is an amazing group, also capable of many things, one of which 
is selflessly giving their time to help the users of this list. Even the 
ungrateful ones like you, or the lazy ones that haven't heard of google, 
or people like me. With a lack of experience and a lack of formal 
training, this group has managed to help me build a decent data mine 
solution, something I would have been unable to do without them.

Now that I'm done ranting, let me just reiterate. Thank you to everybody 
who has helped me, and anybody else coming to this list seeking 
guidance. I'm sorry that not everybody appreciates it.

On a side note, everytime I hit reply to try to post back to the list, 
the reply-to is set to the original sender of the message, not the list 
address, and since this is opposite behavior to the other mailing lists 
I participate in, I often forget and send a message straight to the 
previous poster. If I have sent a long diatribe meant for somebody else 
to you, I apologize :-)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] convert access sql to postgresql

2007-11-19 Thread Tom Hart

Shane Ambler wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:
Hey guys. I have a long piece of sql that I'm trying to take out of 
an existing Access db and modify to work with Postgresql. I've 
started trying to convert it, but I've come across a problem that I 
don't even know how to describe, let alone google. Here's the function

INSERT INTO MemberMailingAddress (
...  ...

mb_stat_cd<>1 as isactive,
mb_stat_cd=0 as ismember,
isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2) as ispromomail,
...  ...

FROM member
ORDER BY mb_cn_num, mb_acct_num

Specifically I'm looking at these two lines

isactive and (mb_mail_cd=0 or mb_mail_cd=1) as ismail,
ismail and (mb_stat_cd=0 or mb_stat_cd=2) as ispromomail,

Lets's clarify something
- the insert puts data into the MemberMailingAddress table which 
includes the column isactive

The select retrieves and calculates data from the member table.
The select calculates a value for the third column that you alias to 
be named isactive.

That's correct.
Are you expecting the 5th and 6th column (as ismail - as ispromomail) 
to calculate from the 3rd and 5th column of the select or from the 
columns of MemberMailingAddress?
It's not that I expect pgSQL to do this, as much as I've seen access 
behave this way, in which column aliases were able to be used within the 
same select query in a "variable" type fashion.
If you expect the later you need to add a join to the 
MemberMailingAddress table to get those columns. (or use a sub-select 
to get the data)
If you are only calculating from the member table then you will need 
to repeat the calculations instead of referring to the alias. And if 
this is the case how does the insert fit with the issue of the select?
I figured I would have to repeat the calculations (I've tried this with 
a small chunk of the sql with success). What I was really looking for 
was an answer on whether postgreSQL behaved this way, or if this was 
standard SQL. The answer I've been hearing is no on both counts, just 
wanted to be sure. Thank you for your reply.

Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


2007-11-19 Thread Tom Hart

Reply from bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=241

Josh Harrison wrote:

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] best way to handle enum type

2007-11-21 Thread Tom Hart
Hey everybody. I have a field that, in my earlier mySQL days would have 
been an enum('q','y','m','c'), and I'm wondering what's the best way to 
handle this in pgsql. I've googled enough to find out that pgsql doesn't 
have a built in enum type (it's of course possible that what I read was 
outdated, please let me know if it was), but I've found a couple popular 
workarounds, the first being

CHECK (favourite_colour IN ('red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple'))

as well as a suggestion to create another small table containing the 
possible values and then placing

color text references color

in the create table sql. Now this field doesn't absolutely have to be an 
enum, I'm sure I could work with matching the values to numbers and 
making it an int. What I'm wondering is what's generally considered 
'best practice' for this situation. I'd like to have a solid db more 
than an enum type, what's my best move?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] ODBC, access, and joins

2007-11-23 Thread Tom Hart
Hi again everybody. I've got kind of a weird one today (the more 
complicated my db gets, the stranger the questions). I've built a data 
mine backend to replace our access data mine (eww, I know), but we'd 
like to still be able to use access to get to the tables, and write 
queries/reports/etc. against them. I've set up the ODBC driver (the 
"official" driver, from http://pgfoundry.org/projects/psqlodbc/) and it 
connects and pulls the data out just fine, considerably quicker than 
access natively. The problem I'm having is that anything defined as a 
"text" datatype in postgres gets converted to a "memo" datatype in 
access, and when we attempt to perform a join query on that field access 
starts complaining about not being able to join on a field with a "memo" 
type. I think this might be a bug in the odbc driver, but I want to 
check my bases. Has anybody else run into this issue, or heard anything 
about the odbc driver having problems with datatypes in access? There's 
a couple other weird conversions, like boolean to text (with a number 
value) but I've been able to manage most of them.

Also, I did try ODBCng after I read a couple reports on the performance 
numbers, but I found it didn't have the same ldap support the official 
one did, and that's a pretty big necessity for us. Any help would be 
much appreciated. TIA

Thomas R. Hart II

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] best way to handle enum type

2007-11-23 Thread Tom Hart

Bruce Momjian wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:
On a side note, I was just reading through the 8.3 changelog, (where I 
read about the enum datatype) and I noticed this line


  Widen the MONEY data type to 64 bits (D'Arcy Cain)

  This greatly increases the range of supported MONEY values.

I may be mistaken, but when I started developing this system (a data 
mine for a financial institution) I was told that the money datatype was 
deprecated and should not be used. Is this datatype still being worked 
on, and would it be viable to use in my development, as it is currently 
or in preparation for 8.3?

Uh, yea, we did discuss this during 8.3 development, and you will see in
the 8.3 docs that MONEY is no longer marked as depricated.


Basically MONEY had some major limitations but now someone is working on
improve it so we probably will keep it.

We still have these TODO items for MONEY:

* Add locale-aware MONEY type, and support multiple currencies


* MONEY dumps in a locale-specific format making it difficult to
  restore to a system with a different locale
Ok, that's pretty much what I was told. Our data mine doesn't need to be 
aware of other locales/monetary formats atm, but given the changes that 
are happening with the datatype, I think I'll just have to stick with 
numeric(12,2). Are those TODO items scheduled to be worked on in 8.4 or 
are they more of a 'someday' item?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] best way to handle enum type

2007-11-23 Thread Tom Hart

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:

Hey everybody. I have a field that, in my earlier mySQL days would have
been an enum('q','y','m','c'), and I'm wondering what's the best way to
handle this in pgsql.

If it's an option, upgrade to 8.3 and use the new enum support.
Oops, I think I just got caught not doing my homework :-) Thanks for 
being nice about it Peter.

I don't think I'll be able to convince my supervisor to install a beta 
while we're still developing the system, but once it becomes more stable 
(both my system and 8.3) then it's definitely something we'll look at.

Thanks for your reply.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] best way to handle enum type

2007-11-23 Thread Tom Hart

Tom Hart wrote:

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:

Hey everybody. I have a field that, in my earlier mySQL days would have
been an enum('q','y','m','c'), and I'm wondering what's the best way to
handle this in pgsql.

If it's an option, upgrade to 8.3 and use the new enum support.
Oops, I think I just got caught not doing my homework :-) Thanks for 
being nice about it Peter.

I don't think I'll be able to convince my supervisor to install a beta 
while we're still developing the system, but once it becomes more 
stable (both my system and 8.3) then it's definitely something we'll 
look at.

Thanks for your reply.
On a side note, I was just reading through the 8.3 changelog, (where I 
read about the enum datatype) and I noticed this line


 Widen the MONEY data type to 64 bits (D'Arcy Cain)

 This greatly increases the range of supported MONEY values.

I may be mistaken, but when I started developing this system (a data 
mine for a financial institution) I was told that the money datatype was 
deprecated and should not be used. Is this datatype still being worked 
on, and would it be viable to use in my development, as it is currently 
or in preparation for 8.3?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] speed up insert query

2007-11-26 Thread Tom Hart
Hey everybody. I'm trying to speed up a query (not general optimization, 
one query in particular), and I'm not sure if there's any way to get it 
to go faster.

The query looks like this

INSERT INTO transaction
 cast("tr_tran_time" as time),

FROM transaction_import
WHERE is_ok = 'TRUE'

There's not a lot I seem to be able to do about the select portion of 
this query (index on is_ok, the planner didn't even want to use it), but 
is there anything I can do to speed up the import?

This is the EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the query


Seq Scan on transaction_import  (cost=0.00..30953.68 rows=69239 
width=434) (actual time=0.146..2974.609 rows=68913 loops=1)

  Filter: is_ok
Total runtime: 179091.119 ms
(3 rows)

The query is inserting ~70,000 rows into a table with ~1.8 million rows 
already in it. Anybody have any idea how I can keep this query from 
taking so long?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] speed up insert query

2007-11-26 Thread Tom Hart

Martin Gainty wrote:

2 things
tr_tran_time needs to be already in 'time format'
is_ok needs to be indexed (preferably bitmapped index)

The data is COPY'ed from csv's that our internal software creates, and 
we don't have control over output format. Is coaxing tr_tran_time into 
proper time format on the _import table going to be less costly than 
doing it on the fly in the query? Also, there are a couple more casts in 
the query (as date). Are casts extremely costly?

The iq_numeric function uses regex to determine whether to return a 
number or null. How costly are regex based functions used like this? I 
can't see it being more efficient to edit this data while it's in a 
table with all text fields, no key (have to permit duplicates at this 
stage), and as of yet no indexes. (As I said I tried an index on is_ok, 
both a btree and a hash, and the planner seems completely uninterested).

Also, I'm sure you've heard this, but the date on your email client is 
drastically wrong. I appreciate your assistance but I can only imagine 
that there are quite a few people missing your good advice because 
they're not looking through the new posts from 2000.

Hey everybody. I'm trying to speed up a query (not general optimization,
one query in particular), and I'm not sure if there's any way to get it
to go faster.

The query looks like this

INSERT INTO transaction
  cast("tr_tran_time" as time),

FROM transaction_import
WHERE is_ok = 'TRUE'


Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] speed up insert query

2007-11-26 Thread Tom Hart

Tom Hart wrote:

Martin Gainty wrote:

2 things
tr_tran_time needs to be already in 'time format'
is_ok needs to be indexed (preferably bitmapped index)

The data is COPY'ed from csv's that our internal software creates, and 
we don't have control over output format. Is coaxing tr_tran_time into 
proper time format on the _import table going to be less costly than 
doing it on the fly in the query? Also, there are a couple more casts 
in the query (as date). Are casts extremely costly?

The iq_numeric function uses regex to determine whether to return a 
number or null. How costly are regex based functions used like this? I 
can't see it being more efficient to edit this data while it's in a 
table with all text fields, no key (have to permit duplicates at this 
stage), and as of yet no indexes. (As I said I tried an index on 
is_ok, both a btree and a hash, and the planner seems completely 

Also, I'm sure you've heard this, but the date on your email client is 
drastically wrong. I appreciate your assistance but I can only imagine 
that there are quite a few people missing your good advice because 
they're not looking through the new posts from 2000.
I found at least one major optimization (or rather de-optimization 
already in place, if the english language doesn't mind being flexed a 
bit). My supervisor was playing with indexes on the rather large 
transaction table. It turns out he had two multi-column indexes that 
were composed of fields that were already indexed. These two indexes 
didn't seem to be helping queries against the table much, but removing 
just those two (there are still 4 or 5 single column indexes) cut my 
execution time by 70%. That brings it to a much more manageable amount 
of time.

Thanks for your reply. Hope this helps somebody else :-)
Hey everybody. I'm trying to speed up a query (not general 

one query in particular), and I'm not sure if there's any way to get it
to go faster.

The query looks like this

INSERT INTO transaction
  cast("tr_tran_time" as time),

FROM transaction_import
WHERE is_ok = 'TRUE'

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] How to automate password requests?

2007-11-28 Thread Tom Hart

Marten Lehmann wrote:


I'm trying to automate some postgresql scripts, but I cannot find a 
way to pass a password directly to commands like pg_dump psql and so on.

Even a

echo "password" | psql

doesn't work, the password prompt of psql is still waiting.

mysql has the -p option. What would be the postgresql equivalent? I 
don't want to enter passwords dozend times.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Read about something called the .pgpass file. There's a way to set a 
file that contains the password (pgAdmin will create one autmoatically) 
that pgsql will look for before it asks for your password. It's stored in ~/

The solution I use is a bat file that redefines an environment variable 
(PGPASSFILE) that points to the file, then runs pg_dumpall.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Online Oracle to Postgresql data migration

2008-01-11 Thread Tom Hart

Josh Harrison wrote:

We have an Oracle production database with some terbytes of data. We 
wanted to migrate that to Postgresql (rigt now...a test database and 
not production) database.

What are the good options to do that?
Please advise me on where to look for more information on this topic

You can start here:

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] advocacy: drupal and PostgreSQL

2008-01-17 Thread Tom Hart

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Robert Treat wrote:

There's been a big move in the php community to push people towards 
php5 (one of which was EOL of php4), which has started to pay off.  
I'd guess that if they wanted to, they could switch to PDO with 
Drupal 7 and not hurt themselves too much.

When I spoke with Dries about this issue one of the big hold backs 
wasn't PHP 4 but actually MySQL 3. When Drupal 6, MySQL 3 is not 
longer supported. So they can actually do some nicer stuff (like 
foreign keys) etc..

I am sure that with PHP5 things will improve as well.


Joshua D. Drake

Let me just sneak in a quick rant here, from somebody who really doesn't 

We run drupal for our corporate intranet (currently being built) and we 
use postgreSQL as the backend. Some of the modules and things don't work 
perfectly, but drupal supported it and that made me happy enough to work 
with it. Now after reading this garbage, I'm extremely disappointed. 
Completely dropping postgresql capability might not affect them too 
largely in the huge run, because a large amount of their user base is 
using mySQL, but it would send a message to those of us that believe in 
choice. I'm afraid that they're choosing the route of convenience over 
their users, and every time I think about it I want to go looking for 

It'd be easier to build drupal to only run on mySQL, but then again it'd 
be easy to build postgreSQL to only run on linux and forget about the 
windows users. I know it's not their duty to make drupal work with 
postgresql, but if they drop it like they're talking about, I'll be 
making a push here and to everyone I know who uses drupal to switch to 
another system, whether they're running postgres or not. If drupal 6 
absolutely doesn't support postgres, then I'm dropping my drupal 5 
install on the spot. This is a cold move drupal, and you should be ashamed.

Sorry, I'll end the rant here.

BTW, I'm a PHP developer who uses postgreSQL almost exclusively and I'm 
on this list as well as other postgres lists constantly (even if as a 
reader most of the time). If they have this big of an issue, why not ask 
for help?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] advocacy: drupal and PostgreSQL

2008-01-17 Thread Tom Hart

Bill Moran wrote:

In response to Tom Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Let me just sneak in a quick rant here, from somebody who really doesn't 

We run drupal for our corporate intranet (currently being built) and we 
use postgreSQL as the backend. Some of the modules and things don't work 
perfectly, but drupal supported it and that made me happy enough to work 
with it. Now after reading this garbage, I'm extremely disappointed. 
Completely dropping postgresql capability might not affect them too 
largely in the huge run, because a large amount of their user base is 
using mySQL, but it would send a message to those of us that believe in 
choice. I'm afraid that they're choosing the route of convenience over 
their users, and every time I think about it I want to go looking for 

I run my personal site on Drupal+PostgreSQL.  If Drupal drops PG support,
I'll switch the front-end.  I'm not switching the back end.

I'm also planning a small enterprise that I was originally considering
using Drupal for.  I'm now more seriously considering Bricolage.

However, read on ...

It'd be easier to build drupal to only run on mySQL, but then again it'd 
be easy to build postgreSQL to only run on linux and forget about the 
windows users. I know it's not their duty to make drupal work with 
postgresql, but if they drop it like they're talking about, I'll be 
making a push here and to everyone I know who uses drupal to switch to 
another system, whether they're running postgres or not. If drupal 6 
absolutely doesn't support postgres, then I'm dropping my drupal 5 
install on the spot. This is a cold move drupal, and you should be ashamed.

I made a post on the drupal-devel list to this effect.  I got chewed out
for "flaming" Karoly ... who's obviously some big Drupal code guru.

Frankly, every time this topic comes up, it's initiated by Karoly, and
I've lost patience with the crap, so I unsubscribed.

If I can get my life back in order, I'll re-subscribe some time in Feb,
and hopefully start to do something productive, like contribute testing
and patches.


Sorry, I'll end the rant here.

BTW, I'm a PHP developer who uses postgreSQL almost exclusively and I'm 
on this list as well as other postgres lists constantly (even if as a 
reader most of the time). If they have this big of an issue, why not ask 
for help?

If you read through the thread, it's just Karoly and a few other minor
players in the Drupal community.  Many people have stepped up and said,
"I _do_ test on PostgreSQL, so what are you complaining about?"

As best I can tell, Karoly writes patches, and when they don't work on
PostgreSQL and therefore don't get committed right away, he starts this
argument up on the Drupal lists yet again.  The guy is a whiner who has
a personal axe to grind and seems unable to accept that Drupal wants to
run on more than just MySQL.  If he loves MySQL so much, he should join
a project that only supports MySQL and leave the Drupal people to their
work.  There's a LOT of effort in the Drupal community to build code
abstractions that will make the system database-agnostic, and Karoly's
constant whining is simply counterproductive.

To a large degree, I think Karoly has blown the situation out of
proportion.  Look at how it affects _this_ list every time he starts
bitching, for example.

Is it just Karoly (chx) who has all these things to say about pg? He's 
just one person on the drupal team. Has anybody else in the core team 
spoken out on this subject?

Let's keep in mind as well that this doesn't only affect pg users but 
any other database as well that drupal supports or plans on supporting. 
Drupal is pretty popular, and I expect there are a number of 
organizations that don't fit in their mold of the "ideal drupal user".

I'd almost consider trying to take drupal and create a derivative 
product and build in the pg and oracle and mssql, etc. support myself, 
but if the drupal team really pulls a messed up move like this, I really 
don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. It's not that I'm 
that huge of a pg nut (I used mySQL for a while myself), but any team 
that can turn it's back on that many of it's users to make their lives a 
little easier isn't in it for the right reasons (the advancement of 
technology, computing as a science, etc.). I am literally astonished 
that they would even consider telling even 1% of their users "Take off, 
you're too much work". How many drupal+postgres users are large 
corporations, or regular donators? What about code contributors? How 
many people are they looking at pissing off with a move like this?

Obviously emotion has gotten the better of me which is why I won

[GENERAL] ascii to utf-8

2008-01-23 Thread Tom Hart

Hello everybody. I hope your week's going well so far.

I built our data mine in postgreSQL around 3 months ago and I've been 
working with it since. Postgres is great and I'm really enjoying it, but 
I've hit a bit of a hitch. Originally (and against pgAdmin's good 
advice, duh!) I set up the database to use ASCII encoding. However we 
have a large base of Spanish speaking members and services, and we need 
utf-8 encoding to maintain and support the extended character sets. In 
my naivety I thought it would be a relatively simple process to convert 
the db but I've found this to not be the case. I tried doing a dump and 
restore into a new database with the proper encoding, but pg_restore is 
getting hung up on one of the tables, our largest by far (~1gb, not huge 
I know). When I tried pg_restore from a command line (I was using 
pgAdmin, I know i'm a nub) I received this error.

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin>pg_restore.exe -i -h 192.168.1.xxx 
-p 5432 -U foobar -d warehouse_utf8 -a -t "transaction" -v 

pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: restoring data for table "transaction"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1706; 0 17861 TABLE 
DATA transaction foobar
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence 
for encoding "UTF8": 0xc52f
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match 
the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by 

CONTEXT:  COPY transaction, line 209487
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1

I remember reading somewhere recently that I could use iconv to convert 
the ASCII encoded dump to UTF-8 encoding, but I'm currently on a windows 
box, and a windows server, so is there an easier way to do this? Also I 
was thinking perhaps it was possible to do an ETL type setup, where I 
can SELECT from the ASCII db and INSERT into the UTF-8 db.

If you haven't gathered yet, I'm pretty in the dark regarding encoding 
issues, especially when applied to pg, so any help here would be 

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Best practices for protect applications agains Sql injection.

2008-01-23 Thread Tom Hart

pepone.onrez wrote:

Hi all

I interesting in the protect my applications that use postgresql as is 
database backend from Sql Injections attacks, can any recommend me 
best pratices or references to protected postgres from this kind of 
malicious users.

Thanks in advanced
José Manuel, Gutíerrez de la Concha Martínez.
SQL injection vulnerabilities are a product of the coding, not the 
database. In a typical sql injection vulnerability, the code (typically 
PHP or ASP, hopefully PHP) fails to sanitize the input of a parameter to 
a query (removing ; among other things), but the db is acting properly 
in such a situation.

For example the query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 
'$username';" is a pretty typical PHP generated query. if $username is 
input as foobar then the query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 
'foobar';" would work as intended. However if the username was "foobar'; 
DELETE FROM users;" then the query would become
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'foobar'; DELETE FROM users;'" 
which is a perfectly legal query (except the last ' but it won't make 
much of a difference) and the db is acting as designed. It is the 
responsibility of the code to sanitize the input to keep this from 
happening by removing special characters such as ; and ' so there is no 
way (AFAIK) to utilize postgresql settings to protect against SQL injection.

Check out this page: 

and this page: http://www.acunetix.com/websitesecurity/sql-injection2.htm
for more information.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] retry: converting ASCII to UTF-8

2008-01-23 Thread Tom Hart
I didn't see this come through the first time, so I'm retrying. I 
apologize if this comes through twice.


Hello everybody. I hope your week's going well so far.

I built our data mine in postgreSQL around 3 months ago and I've been 
working with it since. Postgres is great and I'm really enjoying it, but 
I've hit a bit of a hitch. Originally (and against pgAdmin's good 
advice, duh!) I set up the database to use ASCII encoding. However we 
have a large base of Spanish speaking members and services, and we need 
utf-8 encoding to maintain and support the extended character sets. In 
my naivety I thought it would be a relatively simple process to convert 
the db but I've found this to not be the case. I tried doing a dump and 
restore into a new database with the proper encoding, but pg_restore is 
getting hung up on one of the tables, our largest by far (~1gb, not huge 
I know). When I tried pg_restore from a command line (I was using 
pgAdmin, I know i'm a nub) I received this error.

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin>pg_restore.exe -i -h 192.168.1.xxx 
-p 5432 -U foobar -d warehouse_utf8 -a -t "transaction" -v 

pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: restoring data for table "transaction"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1706; 0 17861 TABLE 
DATA transaction foobar
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence 
for encoding "UTF8": 0xc52f
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match 
the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by 

CONTEXT:  COPY transaction, line 209487
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1

I remember reading somewhere recently that I could use iconv to convert 
the ASCII encoded dump to UTF-8 encoding, but I'm currently on a windows 
box, and a windows server, so is there an easier way to do this? Also I 
was thinking perhaps it was possible to do an ETL type setup, where I 
can SELECT from the ASCII db and INSERT into the UTF-8 db.

If you haven't gathered yet, I'm pretty in the dark regarding encoding 
issues, especially when applied to pg, so any help here would be 

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] ascii to utf-8

2008-01-23 Thread Tom Hart

Tommy Gildseth wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:

Hello everybody. I hope your week's going well so far.

I built our data mine in postgreSQL around 3 months ago and I've been 
working with it since. Postgres is great and I'm really enjoying it, 
but I've hit a bit of a hitch. Originally (and against pgAdmin's good 
advice, duh!) I set up the database to use ASCII encoding. However we 
have a large base of Spanish speaking members and services, and we 
need utf-8 

...snip snip

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  invalid byte 
sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc52f
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match 
the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by 

CONTEXT:  COPY transaction, line 209487
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1

Try editing your dump-file and change the line which reads "SET 
client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';" to "SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';"

I tried making the changes you specified with notepad, wordpad, gVim, 
vim and emacs and in each case pgAdmin (and pg_restore) complain about 
the dump header being corrupted. This has been kind of a pain since the 
file is ~ 65mb and it's difficult to load something that size into a 
text editor. I also did a head > file, edited the file, and then did 
head -n -10 >> file, but once again I had no success. Is there an easy 
way of doing this, or perhaps a different way of solving the problem?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] ascii to utf-8

2008-01-23 Thread Tom Hart

Tommy Gildseth wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:

Hello everybody. I hope your week's going well so far.

I built our data mine in postgreSQL around 3 months ago and I've been 
working with it since. Postgres is great and I'm really enjoying it, 
but I've hit a bit of a hitch. Originally (and against pgAdmin's good 
advice, duh!) I set up the database to use ASCII encoding. However we 
have a large base of Spanish speaking members and services, and we 
need utf-8 

...snip snip

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  invalid byte 
sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc52f
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match 
the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by 

CONTEXT:  COPY transaction, line 209487
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1

Try editing your dump-file and change the line which reads "SET 
client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';" to "SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';"

Ok, so I figured out that head -n -10 and tail -n +10 are not the same 
thing, and I've got a decent file now. However when I try the restore I 
get this

pg_restore.exe -i -h 192.168.1.xxx -p 5432 -U foobar -d warehouse_utf8 
-a -t "transaction" -v "O:\foo\bar\fixed.backup"

pg_restore: [archiver] out of memory

Process returned exit code 1.

I tried upping some of the memory settings in postgresql.conf. The 
server has ~2gb of RAM unused, and the file is ~65mb. Anybody have any 

Also, it's taking around an hour and a half for a message to go from my 
computer to being posted on the list. Is there a problem with the 
mailing list software?

Thanks again for any assistance you can give me.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[Fwd: Re: [GENERAL] retry: converting ASCII to UTF-8]

2008-01-23 Thread Tom Hart

Martin Gainty wrote:

character encoding is implemented at Database level not the table
[ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] dbowner ]   [ TEMPLATE [=] template ]
   [ ENCODING [=] encoding ]
   [ TABLESPACE [=] tablespace ]
   [ CONNECTION LIMIT [=] connlimit ] ]

vs Table
CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE table_name ( [
  { column_name data_type [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [ column_constraint [
.. ] ]
| table_constraint
| LIKE parent_table [ { INCLUDING | EXCLUDING } { DEFAULTS |
[, ... ]
] )
[ INHERITS ( parent_table [, ... ] ) ]
[ WITH ( storage_parameter [= value] [, ... ] ) | WITH OIDS | WITHOUT OIDS ]
[ TABLESPACE tablespace ]

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Hart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Postgres General List" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 3:32 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] retry: converting ASCII to UTF-8

I think you may have misunderstood. I realize that encoding is a 
database setting, which is why I originally dumped and recreated the 
whole db. I tried a full restore with some success, but it kept hanging 
on a specific table, a very large one. I decided to limit the dump and 
restore to that table, though the from database is encoded 'SQL-ASCII' 
and the to database is 'UTF8'. I must have explained it poorly. My 
current problem is waiting for the third message to finally post to this 
list so I can get help with my 'out of memory' error.

Thanks for your help anyway :-)

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] ascii to utf-8

2008-01-25 Thread Tom Hart

Ok, that did it. Thank you for the help.

Tomasz Ostrowski wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Tom Hart wrote:

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence 
for encoding "UTF8": 0xc52f

Try editing your dump-file and change the line which reads "SET 
client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';" to "SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';"
I tried making the changes you specified with notepad, wordpad, gVim, vim 
and emacs and in each case pgAdmin (and pg_restore) complain about the dump 
header being corrupted.

Try an "-E LATIN1" option in pg_dump. Do you at least know what is
the encoding of data in the database?


Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-01-29 Thread Tom Hart
Hey everybody. I was just informed that our organization has a credit at 
amazon.com and asked if I had any books I wanted. I've been thinking 
about getting a postgresql book, and from what I've seen and read 
Practical PostgreSQL seems to be the standard (as well as co-authored by 
Joshua Drake, somebody that has helped me many times on this very list) 
but the fact that it's based on 7.x worries me. I started using 
postgresql with 8.x on windows and I'm wondering if this book and it's 
teachings will help me or if I should look at something targeted at 8.x 
or windows. What do you guys think?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-01-29 Thread Tom Hart

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:53:25 -0500
Tom Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hey everybody. I was just informed that our organization has a credit
at amazon.com and asked if I had any books I wanted. I've been
thinking about getting a postgresql book, and from what I've seen and
read Practical PostgreSQL seems to be the standard (as well as
co-authored by Joshua Drake, somebody that has helped me many times
on this very list) but the fact that it's based on 7.x worries me. I
started using postgresql with 8.x on windows and I'm wondering if
this book and it's teachings will help me or if I should look at
something targeted at 8.x or windows. What do you guys think?

Pratical PostgreSQL is still a good reference but you can use the free
web version as a reference. It lacks a lot of information that
is very useful (ex, the books has zero idea of pg_stat_*). The Korry
Douglas book is still reasonably relevant (as it covers 8) and is also
a good book.

I find that the best way to get what you need, is to read the fine
manual from postgresql. Yes, its massive, unwieldy and in a lot of
ways counter-intuitive (to a newbie) but if you have the terminology
down you aren't going to find a more comprehensive text.

Plus, when you find things that don't quite make sense you can submit
a doc patch to make the docs that much better.


Joshua D. Drake

- -- 
The PostgreSQL Company: Since 1997, http://www.commandprompt.com/ 
Sales/Support: +1.503.667.4564   24x7/Emergency: +1.800.492.2240

Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate
PostgreSQL SPI Liaison | SPI Director |  PostgreSQL political pundit
I've checked out the docs online, and they've helped me a great deal. 
I've also read excerpts from the free online version of practical. I'll 
stick with my current strategy of online docs/mailing list for now.

BTW, thanks for not completely plugging your book. Have you guys 
considered authoring another on 8.x?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-01-30 Thread Tom Hart

Tom Lane wrote:

"vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In the manual yes, but I think there's definately a need for a howto
document, something that demonstrates how to handle typical database
functionality in PgSQL. Many of the people I've convinced to start using
PostgeSQL spend the first week or so asking me questions on how to do
basic things in PostgreSQL. When I say that there's a manual, the
complaint usually is what I've noticed myself: the manual is great for
looking up individual facts, but your problem may consist of 15 facts and
it's up to you to connect the dots.

Surely even a book that's a little out-of-date can serve fine for that
kind of introduction?

regards, tom lane
I agree that it would be useful as an introduction, but I have 4 years 
of mySQL experience (I know, I'm sorry) and I've been working with 
postgres for the past 3-4 months during which time I've built a data 
mine by hand, and set up a few different web apps running against it 
(drupal, openreports, etc.) so I think I'm past the introduction phase. 
What I was looking for was an intermediate level (call me presumptuous) 
book with more performance tips and advanced techniques/functions. Even 
though this book may have some sort of this information in it, it's 
going to be based on 7.x and the entire thing is available online (as 
well as the docs, which personally I like).

And on the subject of beginner's documentation, I think I learned a lot 
more playing/hacking/reading docs/posting here (of course that's always 
been my preferred learning method) then I would have with a book. 
Everybody has their own learning style and different things work well 
for different people. The key here is that when it's up to you to 
"connect the dots" then you learn what the dots are, how they relate to 
each other, and what each of them is for. That gives you a lot better 
understanding then "Just run SELECT count(*) FROM a LEFT JOIN...".

Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong :-)

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-01-30 Thread Tom Hart

Glyn Astill wrote:

More documentation would be nice, but surely it's more down to
getting the type of user base that write your average "how to" books?
 The O'Reilly books seem to cover postgres quite nicely, however I've
only had a flick through in shops.

One thing's for sure, 2 months ago I signed up to the most common
postgresql and m*sql lists when I was trying to decide what was best
for our backend. At the time m*sql was my 1st choice, and it took me
less than a day to drop those toys in the street and decide
postgresql was the way forward.

Support the World Aids Awareness campaign this month with Yahoo! For Good 

I definitely think that the lists are one of the shining stars for 
postgresql support. I've learned some good reference stuff from online 
docs/google but the really tricky questions were only answered here, and 
amazingly enough, quickly and with good humor. Perhaps what we really 
need is somebody to comb through the archives looking for common 
problems or exceptional solutions and compile them into a "book".

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-01-30 Thread Tom Hart

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 13:55:12 -0500
Tom Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I definitely think that the lists are one of the shining stars for 
postgresql support. I've learned some good reference stuff from

online docs/google but the really tricky questions were only answered
here, and amazingly enough, quickly and with good humor. Perhaps what
we really need is somebody to comb through the archives looking for
common problems or exceptional solutions and compile them into a

/me looks hard at Tom Hart...

"Yep, looks like a volunteer to me" said Bob.

Joshua D. Drake

- -- 
The PostgreSQL Company: Since 1997, http://www.commandprompt.com/ 
Sales/Support: +1.503.667.4564   24x7/Emergency: +1.800.492.2240

Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate
PostgreSQL SPI Liaison | SPI Director |  PostgreSQL political pundit

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)



/me misses the good old days :-)

I'm definitely willing to participate in this, or maybe just start it 
and pass it off, but as much as I'd love to put something like this 
together, I currently have no internet at home (I thought nerds weren't 
supposed to be dead poor) and doing this all at work wouldn't be my 
boss's idea of high productivity, though admittedly he is the one who 
got me into postgreSQL and is definitely open-source friendly. I just 
don't think he'll want to be paying me wages to create postgreSQL docs.

Is there anybody else out there who is interested in working with me on 
a project like this? I think it'd be an excellent way to contribute back 
to the list/community for the assistance we've received here that 
wouldn't have been given anywhere else (especially not free of charge). 
My e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you're interested.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Mailing list archives/docs project

2008-01-30 Thread Tom Hart
Hello everybody. What started as a question about "Practical PostgreSQL" 
has ballooned into a project to create another documentation resource, 
compiled entirely from mailing list archives. While discussing 
documentation in the general list I realized that the resource I had 
learned the most from and had been the most helpful to me was the 
mailing lists themselves. It was from this thought that an idea was born.

What if we compile a book of hand-picked mailing list archives to 
address some of the intermediate/advanced and less-used/documented 
features of postgresql along with well-written solutions to 
not-so-common problems?

Well I've decided to run with it, both to further my own knowledge of 
postgreSQL but also to contribute back to the community in the first way 
that I thought of. The purpose of this message is a call for help. I'm 
looking for anybody willing to help comb the archives for exceptional 
excerpts or submit their own list questions/experiences. Anybody willing 
to help in any way is more than welcome, but the first (and arguably 
most arduous) stage of this project will be the information gathering 
itself, hence the plea.

If anybody is interested in contributing, email me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we can go from there.

And of course a big thanks to anybody that takes their time to answer or 
assist another person. I don't know about anybody being paid to be here 
so our thanks is all the compensation we can offer. Sorry it's not a BMW :-)

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Mailing list archives/docs project

2008-01-30 Thread Tom Hart

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:10:07 -0500
Tom Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hello everybody. What started as a question about "Practical
PostgreSQL" has ballooned into a project to create another


I generally tend to write stuff that was not clear on my website.
At this moment very few info... I was planning to publish some more
notes that now are just local txt files.

Other sources of info are:

and the other volumes


here there are good tech articles but hard to spot in all "non
reference/example" material


great resource for how-tos

I downloaded a: "annotated postgresq.conf guide for postgres in pdf
but I can't find the source.

I'm a dev not a DBA so I generally don't collect info about
management and tuning.

BTW nice drupal website. I'm looking for a drupal web designer.

Thanks for the response. The book/document itself will focus on the 
mailing list archives but I have forwarded the information onto the team 
that has assembled so far to look at the possibility of creating an 
"appendix" with extra information such as what's above.

Also, I'm glad you like our site :-) The external site was developed by 
my supervisor, and I'm currently involved in developing our intranet on 
a separate drupal install. Unfortunately neither of us is very talented 
:-) but I know there's about 10 billion drupal developers and theme 
designers out there so it shouldn't be too hard to find somebody who can 
help you out.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-02-04 Thread Tom Hart

Christopher Browne wrote:

On Jan 31, 2008 4:40 PM, Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert Treat wrote:

Just so you know, I approached OReally about writing a PostgreSQL Cookbook,
and they turned it down. They did offer me some other titles, but those don't
seem to have gone anywhere.

As someone else pointed out in this thread, very much of what you need
to know has been previously discussed at one point; the hard part is
finding it.

What we need is for some of the people with the big brains ;) to come up
with some new kind of "hyperbook".  That would be the documentation in
some form similar to what it is today, but somehow connected to the
discussions that happen in the mailing lists.  That way, when something
really insightful or helpful gets said in the mailing lists, it can get
connected to a particular place in the documentation.  Then over time,
the doc maintainers can take the best of those and incorporate them
directly into the docs at the appropriate place.

The trouble is that this is nearly as much trouble as actually writing
a book, and doesn't provide a clear incentive for people to put in the
effort of making it happen.

There's the problem (and it is, to a degree, truly a problem) that the
"postgreSQL book" market hasn't been lucrative enough to draw people
into writing books.  And honestly, it *needs* to be more lucrative.
If I'm thinking about alternative uses for my spare time, writing does
not appear to be a particularly profitable use.

Finding a "poor man's way" to generate a "hyperbook" actually needs
much the same sorts of skills and efforts, even though it probably
provides those that provide the effort with *less* benefits.
Personally I'm surprised that the last couple responses seem to center 
around not being able to make much money off of it. I agree that it 
would require some time investment, but so did building PG in the first 
place. Countless people have already sacrificed hours upon hours of 
their time with no return on their investment except pride in their work 
and a better overall product for everybody to use. I'm not a talented 
enough programmer to contribute to the code, but in this way I can do 
something to give back to the pg community.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-02-06 Thread Tom Hart

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 23:07:37 -0500 (EST)
Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can anyone think of another place a community docs wiki could go at?
I don't have any good web hosting facilities here right now.  I just
took a look at buying a cheap host somewhere, but I feel it would be 
inappropriate to host a PostgreSQL documentation wiki on a shared

host where the underlying database was *censored*.

CMD will host anything you need.

Joshua D. Drake

So who wants to volunteer taking the lead and setting up a wiki on CMD 
hosting? All we need is one person to get this going, and then the 
community can have at it

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-02-14 Thread Tom Hart

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:50:41 -0500 (EST)
Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I could help out with the initial setup, you could just have somebody 
internally do the install and let me have an account when it's ready, 
whatever makes sense for you.  I have two articles I can submit as 
examples of a good format for people to use to push some initial

content in there, I may turn those into a template or something.  Let
me know what I can do to help get this going.

I just got back from scale, let me talk to the guys and see which
machine this needs to go on and I will get back with you.

Joshua D. Drake

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Are we still waiting on this, or did the discussion move off list?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] utf8 issue

2008-02-26 Thread Tom Hart
Hello everybody. I recently converted my db from ASCII encoding to UTF8 
(we have a lot of spanish-speaking members, and need the extra character 
support). Everything was working great, but I noticed this error, while 
trying to COPY one of our tables from a csv.

ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xb9
SQL state: 22021
Hint: This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the 
encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".

Context: COPY transaction_import, line 59358

Is there anything I can do to look for these sorts of errors and fix 
them? I'm really not great with character encodings and I'm not sure 
where to go on this. Any help?

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
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  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
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Re: [GENERAL] How to copy tables between databases?

2008-02-26 Thread Tom Hart

Kynn Jones wrote:

Is there a simple way to copy a table from one database to another 
without generating an intermediate dump file?



You're looking for ETL.


Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] utf8 issue

2008-02-26 Thread Tom Hart

Richard Huxton wrote:

Tom Hart wrote:
Hello everybody. I recently converted my db from ASCII encoding to 
UTF8 (we have a lot of spanish-speaking members, and need the extra 
character support). Everything was working great, but I noticed this 
error, while trying to COPY one of our tables from a csv.

ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xb9

Not converted, I fear.

Why not use latin9 rather than utf8 - that should cover everything and 
is probably what it's in anyway.
I was specifically requested to use UTF-8, and the work's already been 
done, so converting again is not my favorite option.

Is there anything I can do to look for these sorts of errors and fix 
them? I'm really not great with character encodings and I'm not sure 
where to go on this. Any help?

Google a bit for iconv (and postgresql) to get your characters valid.

I already have a php script that does some data scrubbing before the 
copy. I added this line to the script and things seem to be working 
better now

$line = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $line);

Thanks for the help guys :-)

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
