[GENERAL] Copy Data between different databases

2015-03-03 Thread Tim Semmelhaack

I want to copy data between two servers (Version 9.1 and 9.4)

I've tried 

psql -h host1 -U user1 -d db1  -f /q1.sql | psql -h host2 -U user2 -d db2 -f

Both sql-scripts include the COPY (SELECT ...) TO STDOUT or COPY (SELECT
As a result nothing is copied.

When I run a much simpler version of the query with the -c "Select .."
option it works. Because the sql-scripts are quite long, I don't to do it
without the -f option. 

So where is the difference between the -c and the -f option?

-- Semmelhaack(at)gmx(dot).de

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Re: [GENERAL] Copy Data between different databases

2015-03-05 Thread Tim Semmelhaack
Hi Francisco,



The solution with 


(cat q2.sql; ​ psql -h host1 -U user1 -d db1  -f /q1.sql) | psql -h host2 -U 
user2 -d db2

worked! First I have forgotten the semicolon at the end of q2.sql and got an 




Von: Francisco Olarte [mailto:fola...@peoplecall.com] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 4. März 2015 15:48
An: Adrian Klaver
Cc: Tim Semmelhaack; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Copy Data between different databases


Hi Adrian:


On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 1:03 AM, Adrian Klaver mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> > wrote:


​As you pointed, my bet is in the -f case COPY FROM STDIN expects the
data on the file ( otherwise pg_dumps would not work ), but your
sugestion seems to have a problem of double redirection, let me elaborate:

Well according to here, they should be roughly equivalent:


​   Yeah, they should​, I' was not discussing you. I was pointing the SHELL 
line was incorrect, 


Trying it showed they where and ended with the same result, the data was not 
copied over:(


​Of course, I'll be greatly surprissed if they did. ​


If I did this:

psql -h host1 -U user1 -d db1  -f /q1.sql | psql -h host2 -U user2 -d db2 -f -

I saw the stdout from my 'q1.sql' show up at the second command, where it threw 
an error because it was just the data without the COPY .. FROM statement. So 
the second command must eat the stdin before it actually runs q2.sql. Figured 
this would have been an easy fix. In my case for this sort of thing I use 
Python/psycopg2 and its COPY TO/FROM  commands and run it through a buffer. 
Though of late I have starting using Pandas also.


​Of course you end up with an error, I would have reported a bug otherwise. And 
also you are not using q2.sql so the result would have been wrong. I did send 
you a form ( what you've nicely quoted back ) :


(cat q2.sql; ​ psql -h host1 -U user1 -d db1  -f /q1.sql) | psql -h host2 -U 
user2 -d db2


​of putting q2.sql in front ​of the output from q1.sql in the same pipe, even 
with some samples of how this pipes works. Maybe you stopped reading too soon. 
I cannot try it as I do not have q1.sql or q2.sql, but given what I know about 
the reading/writing code of psql ( and that I have made this kinds of things 
before ) it should work. It's a classical shell construct, use a sub-shell ( 
parentheses ) to combine several commands and pipe its output to another one. 
The problem what all the others constructs seem to be trying to do it with a 
pipe of single commands, which is much more difficult. Of course, if the 
problemis due to inadequate shells ( as, say, cmd.exe ) it may need to be done 
in other ways.


   Francisco Olarte.


[GENERAL] Import German Number Format

2008-10-02 Thread Tim Semmelhaack

I have to import a huge number of data sets of data sets with "Copy from".

The numbers are formatted with decimal comma ',' (as usual in Germany)
instead of the decimal point '.'

When I try to import this data Postgres crashes, so I think I have to
change a parameter with SET? Does anybody know which parameter I have
to change?



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