Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL-related legal question

2015-03-11 Thread Michael Nolan
One of my sons was hired by Google last year after spending the past
several years working on various open-source projects, it took 2 days of
back-and-forth with Google's legal department before he was satisfied with
the restrictions in their offer.
Mike Nolan

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Jan de Visser  wrote:

> On March 12, 2015 06:43:40 AM Gavin Flower wrote:
> > Bill cannot comment, but it might be along the lines of assigning all
> > intellectual property rights, or something of that ilk. In that case, it
> > might give the company ownership of stuff he may have contributed (or
> > intends to contribute) to PostgreSQL in some way – which could lead to
> > legal complications affecting PostgreSQL adversely, which would be
> > expensive and an unnecessary distraction.
> I used to work for a company that did exactly that - you had to sign a
> contract that claimed copyright of all your work, even work done outside of
> work hours, to the company. They did however tell you beforehand that if
> you
> were an established contributor to an open-source project they could make
> exceptions for that, but you had to go through legal.
> But the upshot was that if you wrote an iPhone app in 15 minutes, the
> company
> would own that, technically.
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Consistent state for pg_dump and pg_dumpall

2015-05-20 Thread Michael Nolan
The documentation for pg_dump says that dump files are created in a
consistent state.

Is that true across multiple tables in the same pg_dump command?
(Obviously it would not be true if I dumped tables using separate pg_dump
commands.  But if I put the database into a backup state using
'pg_start_backup', would separately executed pg_dump commands be in a
consistent state across the set of dump files?)

The documentation for pg_dumpall does not say that its dump file is in a
consistent state (eg, across all tables), but it does say that it uses
pg_dump to dump clusters.  So, how consistent are the tables in pg_dumpall
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Consistent state for pg_dump and pg_dumpall

2015-05-20 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 12:40 PM, David G. Johnston <> wrote:

> Yes.  The entire dump is performed within a single transaction.
> On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Michael Nolan  wrote:
>> The documentation for pg_dump says that dump files are created in a
>> consistent state.
>> Is that true across multiple tables in the same pg_dump command?
>> (Obviously it would not be true if I dumped tables using separate pg_dump
>> commands.
> ​
> ​
> ​
> Yes.  The entire dump is performed within a single transaction.​
> But if I put the database into a backup state using 'pg_start_backup',
>> would separately executed pg_dump commands be in a consistent state across
>> the set of dump files?)
> ​pg_start_backup and pg_dump are not designed to work together.​  Namely,
> pg_start_backup is mostly concerned with making sure future writes are
> accounted for in the final backup while pg_dump says to ignore everything
> that happens after the command begins.
> The documentation for pg_dumpall does not say that its dump file is in a
>> consistent state (eg, across all tables), but it does say that it uses
>> pg_dump to dump clusters.  So, how consistent are the tables in pg_dumpall
>> files?
> Each database is internally consistent.  There is no guarantee that
> databases and globals are consistent with each other (though those are
> typically seldom changed) but different databases will to represent the
> same point in time vis-a-vis each other.
> You might want to describe what you are trying to do here.
> David J.

I'm getting ready for a security audit and I want to make sure I have the
database backup procedures properly documented, including what the
limitations are on each type of backup .  We us a combination of low level
backups with log shipping, dumping of key individual tables, dumping of
entire databases and dumping the entire system (pg_dumpall.)  Hardware for
setting up a slave server may be in a future budget, though I hope to be
able to test having a slave server in the cloud later this year.  (I'm not
sure we have enough network bandwidth for that, hence the test.)

When I moved to a new release of pg (9.3) last December, I stopped all
transaction processing first so that pg_dumpall had no consistency issues.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] alter column type

2015-06-05 Thread Michael Nolan
On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Casey Deccio  wrote:

> I have a database in which one table references the primary key of
> another.  The type of the primary key was initially int, but I changed it
> to bigint.  However, I forgot to update the type of a column that
> references it.  So, I've initiated "ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN bar TYPE
> bigint", where foo/bar is the table/column referencing the primary key that
> is now of type bigint.
> However, with 2^31 rows, it is taking a "long" time to write the rows
> (it's been 12 hours).  Is there a more efficient way to do this?  Even
> if/when this one finishes, there are other column types that I have to
> update.  This update effectively locked me out of all access to the data
> anyway, so I don't foresee any concern of writes that might affect
> integrity.
> Cheers,
> Casey

Probably too late for this time, but in the past when I've needed to
redefine the type for a column, I've made a dump, edited the dump file to
change the type and then renamed the table and reloaded it.  That's usually
several orders of magnitude faster.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Average New Users Per DOW

2015-07-06 Thread Michael Nolan
On 7/6/15, Robert DiFalco  wrote:
> I'm not sure how to create a result where I get the average number of new
> users per day of the week. My issues are that days that did not have any
> new users will not be factored into the average, giving an overinflated
> result.
> This is what I started with:
> WITH userdays AS
>   (SELECT u.created::DATE AS created,
>   to_char(u.created,'Dy') AS d,
>   COUNT(*) AS total
>FROM users u
>GROUP BY 1,2),
> userdays_avg AS
>   (SELECT extract('dow'
>   FROM created) AS nDay,
>   d AS "Day",
>   AVG(total) AS "New Users"
>FROM userdays
> SELECT "Day", "New Users"
> FROM userdays_avg
> ORDER BY nDay;
> But you can see it wont give correct results since (for example) Monday's
> with no new users will not be counted in the average as 0.

One way to handle this is to union your query with one that has a
generate_series (0,6) for the DOW column and nulls for the other
columns, then treat both that and your original query as a subquery
and do your averages, since nulls are not included in either count()
or average() aggregates:

select dow, count(*), avg(some_column) from (
select extract ('dow' from some_date) as dow, some_number from some_table
union select generate_series(0,6) as dow, null as some_number) as x
group by 1 order by 1

Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Average New Users Per DOW

2015-07-06 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 5:50 PM, David G. Johnston <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Michael Nolan  wrote:
>> > But you can see it wont give correct results since (for example)
>> Monday's
>> > with no new users will not be counted in the average as 0.
>> One way to handle this is to union your query with one that has a
>> generate_series (0,6) for the DOW column and nulls for the other
>> columns, then treat both that and your original query as a subquery
>> and do your averages, since nulls are not included in either count()
>> or average() aggregates:
>> select dow, count(*), avg(some_column) from (
>> select extract ('dow' from some_date) as dow, some_number from some_table
>> union select generate_series(0,6) as dow, null as some_number) as x
>> group by 1 order by 1
> ​I'm not seeing how this is at all useful.
> As you said, the average function ignores the null introduced by the union
> so the final answer with and without the union is the same.
> No matter how you work a "generate_series(0,6)" based query it will never
> be able to give a correct answer expect accidentally.  Each actual missing
> date contributes a ZERO to the numerator and a ONE to the denominator in
> the final division that constitutes the mean-average.  You must have those
> dates.
> In a series with four Mondays ( 4, 0, 0, 8 ) the average desired is 3, not
> 6 (or 4).  There is no way to make the denominator (number of Mondays) 4
> instead of 3 by using generate_series(0,6).
> David J.

Ah, you're right.  The problem is that avg() is going to treat missing data
as missing (of course.)  It will either be necessary to add in the missing
days as a zero value (but ONLY the missing days, requiring some kind of
'not exists' select, I suppose) or to 'roll your own' average function by
adding in the missing days as I did with a union in my earlier post.

The real problem is the DOW is not the field where the missing data is, it
is in the underlying date field.

I created a test dataset.  It has 1 day missing in a two-week period from
June 1st through June 14th (Sunday, June 7th).  Here's what the OP's SQL

Day   New Users
--- --
Sun 2.
Mon 4.5000
Tue 2.
Wed 4.5000
Thu 1.
Fri 3.
Sat 3.

Here's the SQL to generate the missing day and do the average function by

select "Day", "New Users" from (
select dow, "Day", sum(total) / count(distinct created) as "New Users"from
(select extract(dow from created) as dow,
to_char(created,'Dy') as "Day", created, created2, total from

(select created, created as created2, count(*) as total from users
group by 1, 2
(select generate_series('2015-06-01 00:00'::timestamp,
'2015-06-14'::timestamp,'1 day')::date, null, 0) ) as x) as y
group by 1, 2) as z
order by dow

Day   New Users
--- --
Sun 1.
Mon 4.5000
Tue 2.
Wed 4.5000
Thu 1.
Fri 3.
Sat 3.

Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Average New Users Per DOW

2015-07-06 Thread Michael Nolan
Here's a minor refinement that doesn't require knowing the range of dates
in the users table:

(select created, created as created2, count(*) as total from users
group by 1, 2
(select generate_series(
(select min(created)::timestamp from users),
(select max(created)::timestamp from users),
'1 day')::date, null, 0) ) as x) as y
group by 1, 2) as z
order by dow

Day   New Users
--- --
Sun 1.
Mon 4.5000
Tue 2.
Wed 4.5000
Thu 1.
Fri 3.
Sat 3.

Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] A table of magic constants

2015-07-11 Thread Michael Nolan
On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Vincent Veyron  wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Jul 2015 16:55:44 -0400
> Dane Foster  wrote:

> . After a while, you'll find your way around the documentation.
> I've been doing it almost every day for years, still learning every time.

I highly recommend reading the documentation from 'cover to cover'
periodically.  Yes, there will be things you don't understand yet, but each
time you'll pick up things you didn't get in previous passes.  A lot of
people have put in a lot of time on that documentation, and it is
first-rate. (I've been working on a project that requires MySQL, their
documentation is far inferior.)
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] postgres zeroization of dead tuples ? i.e scrubbing dead tuples with sensitive data.

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Adrian Klaver 

>> Alright, I was following you up to this. Seems to me deleted data would
> represent stale/old data and would be less valuable.
It may depend on WHY the data was deleted. If it represented, say, Hillary
Clinton's deleted email, recovering that data might be more valuable to
some people than the data that was not deleted.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Regex help again (sorry, I am bad at these)

2015-12-29 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Christopher Molnar 

> Hello all!
> Sorry to have to ask the experts here for some regex assistance again. I
> am admittadly awful with these and could use some help.
> Any suggestions?

I have found over the years that it is far easier to write a short PHP or
PERL program to do tasks like this.  Much easier to debug and the speed
improvement by using SQL is not important for 200,000 records.
Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-08 Thread Michael Nolan
I'm looking at the possibility of using JSON as a data exchange format
with some apps running on both PCs and Macs.   .

The table I would be exporting has a lot of NULL values in it.  Is
there any way to skip the NULL values in the row_to_json function and
include only the fields that are non-null?
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-08 Thread Michael Nolan
It looks like json_strip_nulls() may be what I need, I'm currently on 9.3,
which doesn't have that function but may be in a position to upgrade to 9.5
this summer.   I think the apps that would be receiving the data can deal
with any resulting 'holes' in the data set by just setting them to null.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-09 Thread Michael Nolan
I was able to try it on a test server, the combination of row_to_json() and
json_strip_nulls() worked exactly as I had hoped.  Stripping nulls reduced
the JSON file by over 50%. (The data I needed to export has around 900,000
rows, so it gets quite large.)

I've got a test file I can make available to app developers.

My next task is to find out if validating and importing a JSON file into a
table is as easy as exporting a table in JSON turned out to be. Thanks for
the help.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-09 Thread Michael Nolan
2nd Followup:  It turns out that loading a table from a JSON string is more
complicated than going from a table to JSON, perhaps for good reason.
There does not appear to be a direct inverse to the row_to_json() function,
but it wasn't difficult for me to write a PHP program that takes the JSON
file I created the other day and converts it back to a series of inserts,
recreating the original table.

Of course this simple program does NO validation (not that this file needed
any), so if the JSON string is not well-formed for any of a number of
reasons, or if it is not properly mapped to the table into which the
inserts are made, an insert could fail or result in incorrect data.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-10 Thread Michael Nolan
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 2:30 AM, David G. Johnston <> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Michael Nolan  wrote:
>> 2nd Followup:  It turns out that loading a table from a JSON string is
>> more complicated than going from a table to JSON, perhaps for good reason.
>> There does not appear to be a direct inverse to the row_to_json() function,
>> but it wasn't difficult for me to write a PHP program that takes the JSON
>> file I created the other day and converts it back to a series of inserts,
>> recreating the original table.
>> Of course this simple program does NO validation (not that this file
>> needed any), so if the JSON string is not well-formed for any of a number
>> of reasons, or if it is not properly mapped to the table into which the
>> inserts are made, an insert could fail or result in incorrect data.
>> --
>> Mike Nolan
> ​See:
> ​json_populate_record(base anyelement, from_json json)
> json_populate_recordset(base anyelement, from_json json)
> Exists in 9.3 too...though if you are going heavy json I'd suggest doing
> whatever you can to keep up with the recent releases.
> David J.
If there's a way to use the json_populate_record() or
json_populate_recordset() functions to load a table from a JSON file (eg,
using copy), it would be nice if it was better documented.  I did find a
tool that loads a JSON file into a table (pgfutter), and even loaded one
row from that table into another table using json_populate_record(), but
the 'subquery returned multiple rows' issue wouldn't let me do the entire

But that still doesn't deal with validating individual fields or checking
that the JSON is complete and consistent with the table to be loaded.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-10 Thread Michael Nolan
Here's what I did:

 \d gold1604_test
Table "uscf.gold1604_test"
 Column | Type | Modifiers
 data   | json |

Some sample data:
 {"id":"1001","name":"MISNER, J
"A"} +


  {"id":"1003","name":"MISNER, J

uscf-> \d goldmast_test
 Table "uscf.goldmast_test"
 Column | Type  | Modifiers
 id | character varying(8)  |
 name   | character varying(40) |
 st | character varying(2)  |
 exp| date  |
 sts| character(1)  |
 supp   | date  |
 rrtg   | character varying(8)  |
 qrtg   | character varying(8)  |
 brtg   | character varying(8)  |
 oqrtg  | character varying(8)  |
 obrtg  | character varying(8)  |
 fid| character varying(12) |

insert into goldmast_test select * from
json_populate_record(NULL::"goldmast_test", (select * from gold1604_test
limit 1) )
uscf=> select * from goldmast_test;
id|   name   | st |exp | sts | supp | rrtg | qrtg |
 | oqrtg | obrtg | fid
 1001 | MISNER, J NATHAN | NY | 2012-05-31 | A   |  |  |  |
 |   |   |
(1 row)

The fact that the null values were stripped out is not an issue here.

uscf=> insert into goldmast_test select * from
json_populate_record(NULL::"goldmast_test", (select * from gold1604_test
limit 2) )
uscf-> \g
ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

Is there a way to get around the one row per subquery issue?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Bypassing NULL elements in row_to_json function

2016-04-10 Thread Michael Nolan
In case it wasn't clear, the sample data was 3 rows of data.  (There are
actually around 890K rows in the table pgfutter built from the JSON file.)
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Build in function to verify email addresses

2017-11-16 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 1:56 AM, Nick Dro  wrote:

> I beleieve that every information system has the needs to send emails.
> Currently PostgreSQL doesn't have a function which gets TEXT and return
> true if it's valid email address ( / .co.ZZ)
> Do you believe such function should exist in PostgreSQL or it's best to
> let every user to implement his own function?

There's a world of difference between an email address that is well-formed
and one that actually works.

In the systems I administer there's a lot of time spent dealing with
bounced mail to make sure that the email addresses we have actually reach
someone, hopefully the intended target.  And in the US, bulk emailers also
have to deal with the CAN-SPAM act, which specifies procedures that must be
in place to allow easy administrative options to remove one'e email address
from mailing lists.

Procedures to verify that an email address works and to administer its use
under rules like CAN_SPAM cannot exist solely within the database itself.
And as others have noted, what makes for a 'well-formed' email address has
always been a bit complicated.
Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] SOLVED: Corrupted index file after restoring WAL on warm spare server

2007-05-26 Thread Michael Nolan

Problem solved!  It turns out the warm spare server wasn't the same release
of Linux, though that wasn't quite the problem.  However, it also an older
version of the tar utility.

When I restored the index file with the problem, it came out as 32768 bytes
long rather than 40960 bytes long.

Upgrading to the current version of the GNU tar utility program fixed the
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Corruption of files in PostgreSQL

2007-06-02 Thread Michael Nolan

On 6/2/07, Paolo Bizzarri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What we are trying to understand is, first and foremost, if there are
known cases under which PostgreSQL can truncate a file.

I think it's somewhat more likely that whatever is sending the file to PG is
the cause, either in how it handles the file or due to communications

This sounds similar to a problem I experienced with an application I wrote
that takes files extracted from email (using MHonarc) and stores them in a
PG database so that I can render them using a web browser later on.  I wound
up having to store the files in BASE64 encoding to keep them from getting
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Date style handling changes between 7.4.12 and 8.2.4

2007-06-12 Thread Michael Nolan

What year would your example choose?

The following works in 8.2.4:

select 'Wed Jul 11 2007 10:51:14 GMT+01:00'::timestamp with time zone

2007-07-11 06:51:14-05

It appears to ignore the day of the week, though:

select 'Mon Jul 11 2007 10:51:14 GMT+01:00'::timestamp with time zone


2007-07-11 06:51:14-05
Mike Nolan

On 6/12/07, Adam Witney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am upgrading from 7.4.12 to 8.2.4 and I have run into a difference in
style handling...

In 7.4.12 this would work

bugasbase2=# create table date_test (name date);
bugasbase2=# insert into date_test values('Wed Jul 11 10:51:14 GMT+01:00

However in 8.2.4 this happens

bugasbase_070529=# create table date_test (name date);
bugasbase_070529=# insert into date_test values('Wed Jul 11 10:51:14
GMT+01:00 2001');
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type date: "Wed Jul 11 10:51:14 GMT+01:00

I assume something to do with date handling has changed?

I have found date_trunc and extract in the docs, but can't seem to get the

syntax right to get this to work... Is there a function that can convert
string to be acceptable for 8.2.4?

Thanks in advance


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] What's the logical counterpart of the to_hex function?

2007-07-16 Thread Michael Nolan

I have data (from an external source) which is in text format as a hex
number (it's actually an IP address, but that's probably not relevant.)

to_hex gets from integer to hex, I can cast a hex constant to integer (ie
x'12a7'31'::int, but how do I get a database column from string/hex to

(If this is referenced in the documentation, I'm not finding it.)
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] What's the logical counterpart of the to_hex function?

2007-07-17 Thread Michael Nolan

On 7/16/07, Steve Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 16, 2007, at 11:36 AM, Michael Nolan wrote:

> I have data (from an external source) which is in text format as a
> hex number (it's actually an IP address, but that's probably not
> relevant.)

It likely is relevant, as it means it's a 32 bit unsigned integer,
which isn't something postgresql supports. Depending on what you need
you might want to look at using 32 bit signed, with a 2^31 offset, 64
bit signed, inet or ip4 (which is on pgfoundry, not built-in).

Actually, since what I need are the 4 dotted tuples, all I really need is a
simple way to convert a two byte hex field to an integer, it sounds like the
exec is the preferred (though IMHO clumsy) method.

Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] Detailed logging, but only for one user?

2007-10-12 Thread Michael Nolan
Is there any way to enable detailed logging (ie, at the SQL statement level)
but only for one user?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] DBMS upgrade and backups

2011-03-14 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Vick Khera  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Alexander Pyhalov  wrote:
> > Am I right that on PostgreSQL upgrade to new major version (e.g. from 9.0
> to
> > 9.1) I'll loose my backups (base backups and wal files will be useless)?
> So
> > to go to past after DB upgrade  I had to install old version(9.0),
> recover
> > data and then upgrade DBMS software...
> > What is the preferred way to deal with this issue?
> Your file-system based backups will be useless (but they probably were
> useless to start with, unless you shut down postgres while you took
> them).

I have used the system level backups and WAL files to clone a database on a
second server running the same binaries for PostgreSQL numerous times.

As long as you do a ' pg_start_backup ' before starting the system level
file copies
and ' pg_stop_backup ' afterwards, you should be fine.

But you are correct that you can't do that to move from one release to

Your pg_dump generated backups will generally be useful.  There have
> been occasional cases where an old pg_dump won't load into a current
> modern postgres install, but I think there were several major versions
> gap in those cases.

I recently tried loading a pg_dump of a large database dump file (around 20
GB) from 8.2 into 9.0 and it failed.

However restoring the 22GB pg_dumpall file worked.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Merge rows based on Levenshtein distance

2014-12-03 Thread Michael Nolan
I don't think you've defined your problem very clearly.

Suppose you have 1000 names in your database.  Are you planning to compare
each name to the other 999 names to see which is closest?  What if two
names are equally close to a third name but not to each other, how do you
decide which is better?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Merge rows based on Levenshtein distance

2014-12-03 Thread Michael Nolan
Have you considered using a soundex function to sort names into similarity
groups?  In my experience it works fairly well with Western European names,
not quite as well with names from other parts of the world.  It also
doesn't deal well with many nicknames (Mike instead of Michael, etc.)

Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] Blocking access by remote users for a specific time period

2014-12-13 Thread Michael Nolan
I have several web apps that access our Postgresql database that I'd like
to lock out of the database for about an hour during a weekly maintenance
interval. (There are some internal users that do not get locked out,
because they're running the maintenance tasks.)

There are no time-of-day access limitation parameters in the pg_hba.conf
file, are there any simple ways to do this?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Blocking access by remote users for a specific time period

2014-12-13 Thread Michael Nolan
Yeah, a cron job to swap pg_hba.conf files is the best solution I've come
up with so far.  It's not one web app, it's closer to two dozen of them, on
multiple sites.
Mike Nolan

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Adrian Klaver 
> On 12/13/2014 08:13 PM, Michael Nolan wrote:
>> I have several web apps that access our Postgresql database that I'd
>> like to lock out of the database for about an hour during a weekly
>> maintenance interval. (There are some internal users that do not get
>> locked out, because they're running the maintenance tasks.)
>> There are no time-of-day access limitation parameters in the pg_hba.conf
>> file, are there any simple ways to do this?
> Use a cron job that at beginning of period swaps out the pg_hba.conf with
> one that denies access, reloads server and then at end of time period
> reverse procedure ?
>  --
>> Mike Nolan
> --
> Adrian Klaver

[GENERAL] How to analyze a slowdown in 9.3.5?

2015-01-09 Thread Michael Nolan
I'm running 9.3.5 on a virtual machine with 5 cores and 24 GB of
memory.  Disk is on a SAN.

I have a task that runs weekly that processes possibly as many as 120
months worth of data, one month at a time.  Since moving to 9.3.5
(from 8.2!!) the average time for a month has been 3 minutes or less.

However, when this job ran this Tuesday, it ran fine for a number of
months, but then started slowing down dramatically, 300 minutes for
one month and then 167 minutes for the next.  I stopped and restarted
postgresql, the next block also ran really slow (157 minutes.)  I then
rebooted the server and the remaining blocks ran at the usual fast
speed again, so restarting postgresql didn't fix the problem but
rebooting the server did.

Looking at the logs, I see queries with a function call that would
normally take no more than 100-200 milliseconds, usually far less,
that were taking 100 seconds or longer.  This function gets called
thousands of times for each month, so that appears to be one source of
the slowdown.

I don't suspect a memory leak in the calling program (in php), because
since moving to this server in December this weekly task has run
several times over the same range of months, making pretty much the
same function calls each time.  I also ran the entire range several
times during testing.

One change made to the server since the previous week's run was that I
moved up to the latest Centos kernel (Linux version

As far as I can tell, the other virtual servers weren't being slowed
down, so I don't suspect problems with the virtual server or the SAN.

If this happens again, what sorts of settings in postgresq.conf or
other tools should I be using to try to track down what's causing
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] How to analyze a slowdown in 9.3.5?

2015-01-10 Thread Michael Nolan
The function is a complicated plpgsql function that makes numerous database
queries, all read-only. (Other parts of that program may make changes to
the database.)

The first database shutdown and the shutdown/reboot later on were both
'clean' shutdowns, so there shouldn't have been any kind of transaction

I has sar running on that server, if that provides any useful data.  Mostly
I'm just trying to make up a list of what to look for and what to log in
case it happens again.  (It runs again on Tuesday, and I already know it
will be going back to review 2004 data so it'll be an even longer run than
this week's was.)
Mike Nolan

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Andy Colson  wrote:

> On 01/09/2015 07:52 PM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
>> On 9.1.2015 23:14, Michael Nolan wrote:
>>> I'm running 9.3.5 on a virtual machine with 5 cores and 24 GB of
>>> memory.  Disk is on a SAN.
>>> I have a task that runs weekly that processes possibly as many as
>>> 120 months worth of data, one month at a time. Since moving to 9.3.5
>>> (from 8.2!!) the average time for a month has been 3 minutes or less.
>> Congrats to migrating to a supported version!
>> Please, comparison of the configuration used on 8.2 and 9.3.5 would be
>> helpful (i.e. how you've updated the config on the new version?).
>>  However, when this job ran this Tuesday, it ran fine for a number of
>>> months, but then started slowing down dramatically, 300 minutes for
>>> one month and then 167 minutes for the next. I stopped and restarted
>>> postgresql, the next block also ran really slow (157 minutes.) I
>>> then rebooted the server and the remaining blocks ran at the usual
>>> fast speed again, so restarting postgresql didn't fix the problem
>>> but rebooting the server did.
>> What amounts of data are we talking about? Gigabytes? Tens of gigabytes?
>>> Looking at the logs, I see queries with a function call that would
>>> normally take no more than 100-200 milliseconds, usually far less,
>>> that were taking 100 seconds or longer. This function gets called
>>> thousands of times for each month, so that appears to be one source
>>> of the slowdown.
>> But why are the functions taking so much longer? Are they eating CPU,
>> I/O or are generally waiting for something (e.g. locks)?
>>> I don't suspect a memory leak in the calling program (in php),
>>> because since moving to this server in December this weekly task has
>>> run several times over the same range of months, making pretty much
>>> the same function calls each time. I also ran the entire range
>>> several times during testing.
>>> One change made to the server since the previous week's run was that
>>> I moved up to the latest Centos kernel (Linux version
>>> 3.10.0-123.13.2.el7.x86_64).
>> And what was the previous kernel version?
>> However, if it worked fine after rebooting the server, it may not be a
>> kernel issue (unless it somehow depends on uptime). Is there something
>> in the /var/log/messages?
> At first, I was thinking, lots of activity within one transaction was
> messing up the stats and the planner started getting it wrong.  But a
> reboot wouldn't fix that.  Would it?  What if the reboot rolled back the
> db, would that stats make sense again?
> I have a process that makes a big temp table (with indexes).  After its
> built if I dont run a quick analyze on it the planner never uses the
> indexes right.
> Another thing I can think of is never commiting.  If it started collecting
> lots and lots of row versions it could get slower and slower.  But, then,
> you'd see the same thing on 8.2, so, that's probably not it.  Do you have
> any "Idle in transaction" connections?
> -Andy
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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Re: [GENERAL] How to analyze a slowdown in 9.3.5?

2015-01-10 Thread Michael Nolan
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:52 PM, Tomas Vondra 

> On 9.1.2015 23:14, Michael Nolan wrote:
> > I'm running 9.3.5 on a virtual machine with 5 cores and 24 GB of
> > memory.  Disk is on a SAN.
> >
> > I have a task that runs weekly that processes possibly as many as
> > 120 months worth of data, one month at a time. Since moving to 9.3.5
> > (from 8.2!!) the average time for a month has been 3 minutes or less.
> Congrats to migrating to a supported version!

Yeah, it's been a long and annoying 7 years since we updated the server or
database version, but I don't make the budget decisions.  Going to PGCON
was frustrating when nearly all the talks were about features added several
versions after the one I was stuck running!
Mike Nolan
PS.  Sorry about the top-posting in my last note.

Re: [GENERAL] How to analyze a slowdown in 9.3.5?

2015-01-11 Thread Michael Nolan
On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 8:54 PM, Melvin Davidson 

> Just curious. Have you checked that the tables are being vacuum/analyzed
> periodically and that the statistics are up to date? Try running the
> following query to verify:
A vacuum analyze runs every night and there would not have been many
inserts or updates to the tables used by the lookup function since the
latest vacuum analyze.  I think I may have even done a vacuum analyze on
the two largest tables after the first DB shutdown.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Re: Stuck trying to backup large database - best practice? How about a cloud service?

2015-01-12 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:46 PM, Bob Futrelle 

> You should be able to find a cloud provider that could give you many TB.
> Or so they like to claim.
> Nope, but you probably find one willing to SELL you access to many TB.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] How to analyze a slowdown in 9.3.5?

2015-01-13 Thread Michael Nolan
For what it's worth, this week's run covered even more months than
last week's did, and ran in about 5 1/2 hours, with no slowdowns,
under a similar system load.  So, it could have been a one-time thing
or some combination of factors that will be difficult to reproduce.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Temporarily suspend a user account?

2015-02-06 Thread Michael Nolan
Might not do what you want, but I just change the password.
Mike Nolan

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Melvin Davidson 

> Possibly,
> To disble:
> ALTER USER name RENAME TO xname;
> To enable
> ALTER USER xname RENAME TO name;
> ???
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Felipe Gasper 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a way to temporarily suspend a user account?
>> I would prefer not to revoke login privileges since that will
>> break things that mine pg_users and pg_shadow.
>> I also am trying to find something that is completely reversible,
>> so something like setting connection limit to 0, which would lose a
>> potentially customized connection limit, doesn’t work.
>> We do this in MySQL by reversing the password hash then running
>> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; however, that doesn’t seem to work in
>> PostgreSQL/pg_authid as some sort of cache prevents this from taking effect.
>> Has anyone else solved this issue? Thank you!
>> -Felipe Gasper
>> Houston, TX
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
>> To make changes to your subscription:
> --
> *Melvin Davidson*
> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

Re: [GENERAL] Temporarily suspend a user account?

2015-02-06 Thread Michael Nolan
On 2/6/15, David G Johnston  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Michael Nolan [via PostgreSQL] <
>> wrote:
>> Might not do what you want, but I just change the password.
> ​How do you do that and re-enable using the previous password?
> David J.

Encrypted passwords are kept in the pg_shadow file and should start with 'md5'.

Just save a copy of the encrypted password for that user and when you
want to re-enable that user do:

alter user xxx encrypted password 'md5';

I have tested this on 9.3.5.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] query by partial timestamp

2013-01-09 Thread Michael Nolan
On 1/8/13, Gavan Schneider  wrote:

> 2.  SELECT ... WHERE
>  '2011-01-01'::TIMESTAMP <= col_of_type_timestamp
>  ANDcol_of_type_timestamp <=
> '2011-12-31'::TIMESTAMP;

This won't  quite work, because '2011-12-31'::TIMESTAMP
is the same as 2011-12-31 00:00:00.0
so records timestamped later in the day on the 31st would not get selected

 '2011-01-01'::TIMESTAMP <= col_of_type_timestamp
 AND col_of_type_timestamp < '2012-01:01'::TIMESTAMP;

would get all records with a 2011 timestamp.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] query by partial timestamp

2013-01-09 Thread Michael Nolan
It is probably not the most efficient, but I often use this syntax,
which reads better.

Select . where col_type_timestamp::date between '2011-01-01' and

This will use a timestamp index.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] .pgpass and root: a problem

2013-02-05 Thread Michael Nolan
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Scott Mead  wrote:

> I would love to see pgpass storing encrypted stuff here, that'd be
> great... in the meantime...
I would suggest going one step further, and making encrypted pgpass
authorization something that has to be specifically enabled in pg_hba.conf.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Michael Nolan
On 3/27/13, Steve Crawford  wrote:

> Somewhat more worrisome is the fact that it automatically rounds input
> (away from zero) to fit.
> select '123.456789'::money;
> -
>   $123.46

So does casting to an integer:

select 1.25::integer


And then there's this:

create table wkdata
(numval numeric(5,2))

Time: 6.761 ms
nolan=> insert into wkdata
nolan-> values (123.456789);
INSERT 569625265 1
Time: 4.063 ms
nolan=> select * from wkdata;
select * from wkdata;

So rounding a money field doesn't seem inconsistent with other data types.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] How large can a PostgreSQL database get?

2013-04-17 Thread Michael Nolan
On 4/17/13, Scott Marlowe  wrote:
> My experience, doing production and dev dba work on both postgresql
> and oracle, is that either works well, as long as you partition
> properly or even break things into silos. Oracle isn't magic pixie
> dust that suddenly gets hardware with 250MB/s seq read arrays to read
> at 1GB/s, etc.
> With oracle partitioning is easier, and everything else on the
> freaking planet is harder.

Scott, thank you for the best laugh I've had all day!

I started out on Oracle (some 20 years ago) and have been running both
MySQL and PostgreSQL databases for the last 10 years or so.  I'd take
PostgreSQL over the other two in a heartbeat!

Data integrity/data preservation issues (backup is just one aspect of
that) are going to be your biggest problems with VERY large databases,
no matter how much money you throw at it.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] How to clone a running master cluster?

2013-05-11 Thread Michael Nolan
On 5/11/13, Moshe Jacobson  wrote:
> I have a master database cluster on one server, and it is configured to
> ship logs via scp to an archive directory on my slave server. The slave
> server is configured for streaming replication, and also is configured to
> delete the archived xlogs when they are no longer needed (using
> pg_archivecleanup).
> I have a third machine on which I'd like to get another master cluster
> running, and I'd like it to start with a copy of my current master. I'd
> cannot restart my master, and would prefer not to restart my slave either.
> Given my xlog archive configuration, Is there a way to clone my master
> cluster to another machine, including all of the necessary xlogs, without
> bringing down the original master or slave? Step-by-step instructions would
> be much appreciated.
> Thank you!
> --
> Moshe Jacobson
> Nead Werx, Inc. | Manager of Systems Engineering
> 2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339
> |
> "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." -- Aristotle


Moshe, if you need a detailed cookbook tailored to your specific
requirements, you may need to hire a PostgreSQL expert as a consultant
to write it for you. Generalized guidelines can't possibly cover every
possible situation.

The Binary Replication Tutorial at (which is
slightly out of date as it does not cover 9.2 and 9.3 improvements
yet) is probably going to cover most of what you need.  The 'long
method' is going to be pretty much what you need, you will still need
to do a pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup() while you copy the data
directory files, but you probably won't need to restart the master to
change the master configuration files since you've already got
replication working to one server and you're apparently not planning
to have the second slave server poll the master for updates.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] incremental dumps

2013-08-09 Thread Michael Nolan
On 8/1/13,  wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to store copies of our data on a remote machine as a security
> measure.

> Wolfgang

2 questions:

1.  How secure is the remote site?
2.  How much data are we talking about?
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] incremental dumps

2013-08-11 Thread Michael Nolan
On 8/10/13,  wrote:

> currently the source uses some 20 GB in a database partition and about 700
> GB
> in a general data partition. For the database, a diff -e grows to about 10%
> of the size
> of a full dump in a week
> The remote site is a raid box at a hosting center, with paid backup
> Regards
> Wolfgang

It sounds like you have catastrophic failure covered, but what about
data integrity and data security?

You may need to 'roll your own' solution, possibly using something like Slony.

Having a timestamp field that indicates when the row was inserted or
last updated may help.

A true incremental backup would IMHO be a very useful tool for
database administrators, but there are a number of technical
challenges involved, especially dealing with deleted records.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] question about age()

2013-08-29 Thread Michael Nolan
On 8/29/13, Andreas Kretschmer  wrote:
> is there a bug in age()?
> test=*# select *, age(birthday), age (current_date-1, birthday) from
> birthday ;
>  id |  birthday  |   age   |   age
> ++-+-
>   1 | 2010-08-29 | 3 years | 2 years 11 mons 30 days
> (1 row)
> Time: 0,322 ms
> test=*# select * from birthday where age(birthday) != age (current_date-1,
> birthday);
>  id | birthday
> +--
> (0 rows)
> '3 years' != '2 years 11 mons 30 days', but i got 0 rows, why?
> I'm using 9.2.4.

What is the content of the field 'birthday''?  My guess is there's a
null value for the field, in which case you are comparing two nulls.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] question about age()

2013-08-29 Thread Michael Nolan
On 8/29/13, Michael Nolan  wrote:
> On 8/29/13, Andreas Kretschmer  wrote:
>> I'm using 9.2.4.
> What is the content of the field 'birthday''?  My guess is there's a
> null value for the field, in which case you are comparing two nulls.

Oops, missed seeing the first half of the post with the data.

It may be a function output type issue.  Modifying the query as
follows works (in 8.2, which I'm still stuck on):

select * from birthday where age(birthday)::text != age
(current_date-1, birthday)::text;
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Nice to have features: Percentage function

2017-04-16 Thread Michael Nolan
I also have some pre-defined percentage functions, they check the
denominator and return null if it is zero, to avoid 'divide by zero'
Mike Nolan

On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Melvin Davidson 

> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Adrian Klaver  > wrote:
>> On 04/15/2017 10:47 PM, Ron Ben wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm always finiding myself writing many varations of functions to
>>> calculate percentage.
>>> I think it would be nice if postgresql would have build in functions for
>>> that.
>>> I think the major functionality is something like the 3 ooptions here:
>>> It may help to keep code simple and clean and it seem like something
>>> simple to implement.
>> Plan B, CREATE your own extension. What follows is my first attempt at
>> creating an extension and the functions included are simple placeholders
>> more then anything else:
>> File name: calc_percents--1.0.sql
>> -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
>> \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION calc_percents" to load this file. \quit
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.percent_of(val1 numeric, val2 numeric)
>>  RETURNS numeric
>>  LANGUAGE sql
>> AS $function$
>>   select (val1 / 100) *  val2;
>> $function$
>> ;
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.what_percent(val1 numeric, val2 numeric)
>>  RETURNS numeric
>>  LANGUAGE sql
>> AS $function$
>>   SELECT (val1 / val2) * 100;
>> $function$
>> ;
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.percent_diff(val1 numeric, val2 numeric)
>>  RETURNS numeric
>>  LANGUAGE sql
>> AS $function$
>>   select (val2 - val1) / val1 * 100;
>> $function$
>> ;
>> File name: calc_percents.control
>> # calc_percents extension
>> comment = 'Functions for calculating percentages'
>> default_version = '1.0'
>> relocatable = true
>> Install the above in $SHARE/extension, in my case
>> /usr/local/pgsql/share/extension/
>> Then:
>> test=# create extension calc_percents;
>> test=# \df percent_of
>>   List of functions
>>  Schema |Name| Result data type |Argument data types |
>> Type
>> ++--+---
>> -+
>>  public | percent_of | numeric  | val1 numeric, val2 numeric |
>> normal
>> test=# select * from round(percent_of(10, 100), 2) ;
>>  round
>> ---
>>  10.00
>> test=# \df percent_diff
>>List of functions
>>  Schema | Name | Result data type |Argument data types |  Type
>> +--+--+-
>> ---+
>>  public | percent_diff | numeric  | val1 numeric, val2 numeric |
>> normal
>> test=# select * from round(percent_diff(100, 109), 2) ;
>>  round
>> ---
>>   9.00
>> (1 row)
>> test=# \df what_percent
>>List of functions
>>  Schema | Name | Result data type |Argument data types |  Type
>> +--+--+-
>> ---+
>>  public | what_percent | numeric  | val1 numeric, val2 numeric |
>> normal
>> (1 row)
>> test=# select * from round(what_percent(10, 109), 2) ;
>>  round
>> ---
>>   9.17
>>> If you think it's a good idea it would be nice if someone can implement
>>> this.
>> --
>> Adrian Klaver
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
>> To make changes to your subscription:
> *Or, you could just as easily compute inline in SQL:SELECT datname,
> pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname))as size_pretty,
> pg_database_size(datname) as size,   (SELECT pg_size_pretty (SUM(
> pg_database_size(datname))::bigint)FROM pg_database)  AS
> total,   ((pg_database_size(datname) / (SELECT SUM(
> pg_database_size(datname)) FROM
> pg_database) ) * 100)::numeric(6,3) AS pct  FROM pg_database   ORDER BY
> datname;*
> --
> *Melvin Davidson*
> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 9.6 fails to start on VMWare

2017-10-23 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 3:14 AM, Martin Moore 

> Same server. I tried a few times.
> I didn’t move the db separately, but did a ‘dd’ to copy the disk to an
> imagefile which was converted and loaded into VMWare.
> I ‘believed’ that this should keep the low level disk structure the same,
> but if this has corrupted the files I can drop, dump and restore, in which
> case how do I ‘drop’ the DB without postgres running?
> Ta,
> Martin.

Was the server you were backing up shut down or in backup mode when you did
the 'dd' copy?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] How to switch file systems with least downtime?

2013-09-14 Thread Michael Nolan
Have you considered setting up a synchronously replicated slave database on
the new file system (using a port other than 5432), getting it in sync,
then shutting both databases down (master first), switching the slave over
to become the master and restarting just that database on port 5432?
Mike Nolan

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Moshe Jacobson  wrote:

> How do I migrate my 9.1 directory to a new file system with the least
> downtime possible?
> I don't know if this makes any difference, but my pg_xlog directory is on
> its own volume as well, so I would have to unmount it and remount it as
> well, but I would not have to copy over my xlogs.
> I figure the first part of this is to do a pg_start_backup() and rsync the
> files over., bu I'm not sure what to do after that.
> Thanks for your help.
> Moshe Jacobson
> Nead Werx, Inc. | Manager of Systems Engineering
> 2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339
> |
> "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." -- Aristotle

Re: [GENERAL] How to failover from Primary to Standby and Set the old Primary as a new Standby

2013-09-19 Thread Michael Nolan
Assuming the database hasn't changed much since the failover, doing a
fsync from the new primary back to the old primary should be fairly
Mike Nolan

On 9/19/13, Vick Khera  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:31 AM,
> > wrote:
>> I use PG 9.2.4 with streaming replication.  What will be the manual
>> procedure to failover from Primary to Standby and Set the old Primary as
>> a
>> new standby?
> From what I understand, you start over by setting up the old primary as a
> new standby from scratch.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to failover from Primary to Standby and Set the old Primary as a new Standby

2013-09-19 Thread Michael Nolan
On 9/19/13, John R Pierce  wrote:
> On 9/19/2013 1:29 PM, Vick Khera wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:31 AM,
>>  > > wrote:
>> I use PG 9.2.4 with streaming replication.  What will be the
>> manual procedure to failover from Primary to Standby and Set the
>> old Primary as a new standby?
>> From what I understand, you start over by setting up the old primary
>> as a new standby from scratch.
> if you use rsync for the base backup of new master to old, it should go
> fairly quickly as relatively few files should have changed assuming not
> much time has elapsed.

Of course, before you do anything, you should spend some time figuring
out WHY the old master failed.  There could be issues that need to be
resolved before putting it back online, and fixing them could affect
how much work you have to do to get the physical files back in sync.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall from a script

2013-10-23 Thread Michael Nolan
You could write a plperlul function that runs a shell script to back up
your database, you can even pass it parameters and put a call to that in a

BUT, this could result in multiple backups running at the same time and
become a performance drag.
Mike Nolan

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:19 PM, James Sewell wrote:

> Oh I missed that, I skimmed and thought it was the same as \set
> Turns out it's not and it's exactly what I want!
> Thanks!
> James Sewell,
> PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
> __
>  Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
> *P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 * **W*  *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Adrian Klaver 
> wrote:
>> On 10/22/2013 03:41 PM, James Sewell wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> Thanks for the replies.Sorry I must have been a bit unclear, I realise I
>>> *could* do this from the shell level, but can I do it from a PSQL
>>> session somehow?
>> Lucas' \setenv method won't work for you?
>>  Cheers,
>>> James Sewell,
>>> PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
>> --
>> Adrian Klaver
> --
> The contents of this email are confidential and may be subject to legal or
> professional privilege and copyright. No representation is made that this
> email is free of viruses or other defects. If you have received this
> communication in error, you may not copy or distribute any part of it or
> otherwise disclose its contents to anyone. Please advise the sender of your
> incorrect receipt of this correspondence.

Re: [GENERAL] Junk date getting uploaded into date field

2013-11-05 Thread Michael Nolan
On 11/5/13, bsreejithin  wrote:
> I am not sure why : select to_date('33-OCT-2013', 'dd-mon-')
> is returning 2013-11-02.
> For cases like the issue I am facing, where we need to raise an error
> saying
> the data is wrong, DB manipulating the data is not proper.

Try using a cast to date instead:

select '33-oct-2013'::date throws an error.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] to_date() and invalid dates

2014-01-20 Thread Michael Nolan
Thomas, try this:

Mike Nolan

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Thomas Kellerer  wrote:

> Hi,
> I asked this a while back already:
>select to_date('2013-02-31', '-mm-dd');
> will not generate an error (unlike e.g. Oracle)
> However in the release notes of 9.2.3[1] it is mentioned that
>   - Reject out-of-range dates in to_date() (Hitoshi Harada)
> I tried the above statement using 9.2.6 and 9.3.2 in both versions
> 2013-02-03 is returned instead of rejecting the input.
> The same is true if e.g. an invalid month is specified:
> to_date('2013-17-09', '-mm-dd').
> Does this check need a configuration setting to be in effect?
> Regards
> Thomas
> [1]
> --
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Re: [GENERAL] Moving data from M$ JetDB file to Postgres on Linux

2014-03-01 Thread Michael Nolan
I think that PHP has modules (eg, PEAR) that can read MS Access database
files, and once you have it in an array you can create INSERT statements
for PostgreSQL, including cleaning up any data format issues (eg, dates of
Mike Nolan

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   I just downloaded two scientific data files from a federal agency's Web
> site. Both are in M$ JetDB format. I run only linux and keep all my
> scientific dat in postgres.
>   My Web search did not turn up anything useful; the closest was a thread
> from this mail list in 2000 on how to send a postgres query through odbc to
> an Access database.
>   Is there a filter I can use to get the data from these files?
> TIA,
> Rich
> --
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Re: [GENERAL] Mysterious DB reset

2014-03-06 Thread Michael Nolan
On 3/6/14, Israel Brewster  wrote:

> LOG:  received smart shutdown request
> LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
> LOG:  shutting down
> LOG:  database system is shut down
> However, there are no timestamps on any of the entries (can I fix that?)

Yes, change the log_line_prefix in the postgresql.conf file and reload it.

I use:

log_line_prefix = '%m %u '

You might also want to use this, at least temporarily:

log_statement = all

Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Problem with query

2014-04-11 Thread Michael Nolan
On 4/11/14, Chris Curvey  wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Susan Cassidy <
>> wrote:
>> I have a query with several joins, where I am searching for specific data
>> in certain columns.

Have you tried running each of your joins separately to see if there
are row values common to both tables, ie:

select count(*) from scenes s
left outer join scene_thing_instances si on s.scene_id =


select count(*) from scene_thing_instances si
left outer join scene_things st on si.scene_thing_id =


I find when building complex queries (I've written some that ran over
100 lines and involved a dozen or more joined tables), I need to build
them up, testing them as I build.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] SSDs with Postgresql?

2011-04-26 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Florian Weimer  wrote:

> * Greg Smith:
> > The fact that every row update can temporarily use more than 8K means
> > that actual write throughput on the WAL can be shockingly large.  The
> > smallest customer I work with regularly has a 50GB database, yet they
> > write 20GB of WAL every day.  You can imagine how much WAL is
> > generated daily on systems with terabyte databases.
> Interesting.  Is there an easy way to monitor WAL traffic in away?  It
> does not have to be finegrained, but it might be helpful to know if
> we're doing 10 GB, 100 GB or 1 TB of WAL traffic on a particular
> database, should the question of SSDs ever come up.
> If you archive your WAL files, wouldn't that give you a pretty good
indication of write activity?

For example, yesterday I archived 74 WAL files, each 16MB.  That's about 1.2
gigabytes for a database that takes up about 58 GB.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] PHP and PostgreSQL 9.0, pg_connect fails to connect

2011-04-27 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Thomas Harold wrote:

> On 4/27/2011 9:16 AM, Thomas Harold wrote:
>> - SELinux is running, but there are no denied messages in
>> /var/log/audit/audit.log and no setroubleshooting alerts in
>> /var/log/messages either.
> Well, interestingly enough it is SELinux getting in the way, but not
> logging anything.  Temporarily disabling SELinux suddenly makes it work.
> # echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
> (things now work)

This does not surprise me, I've been upgrading a server to Fedora 14 and
fighting SELInux every inch of the way.  Setting up PostgreSQL on that box
is coming up on the schedule, maybe forewarned is forearmed. :-)
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Query to return every 1st Sat of a month between two dates

2011-05-11 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Alex -  wrote:

>  Hi,
> is there an easy way to return the date of every first Saturday of a month
> in a data range i.e. 2011-2013
This is one way to do it:, there are others:

select '2011-01-01'::date + s.a as dates from generate_series(0,1095)
as s(a)
where to_char('2011-01-01'::date+s.a,'dd') between '01' and '07'
and to_char('2011-01-01'::date+s.a,'dy') = 'sat'

Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] postgresql and encfs?

2011-06-22 Thread Michael Nolan
Has anyone successfully used encfs with postgresq recently?

I'm not sure if this is specifically a postgresql problem, but I'm trying to
get postgresql to run on an
encrypted file system that is a copy of my live data directory tree
(after a shutdown, of course) and am getting the following errors in the

LOG:  database system was shut down at 2011-06-21 23:21:08 CDT
LOG:  checkpoint record is at 9/D6A7078
LOG:  redo record is at 9/D6A7078; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
LOG:  next transaction ID: 0/6712; next OID: 137017002
LOG:  next MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0
PANIC:  could not open file "pg_xlog/00010009000D" (log file 9,
segment 13): Invalid argument
LOG:  startup process (PID 21248) was terminated by signal 6
LOG:  aborting startup due to startup process failure

The database version here is 8.2.11, running on a Linux Fedora Core 14

The encrypted file system was created and mounted as the postgres user.
I can read the "pg_xlog/00010009000D" file as the postgres user
and the log entries were written in a directory that is part of the
encrypted file system,
so it appears that encfs is working as it should.

Since as far as I can tell the postgres user has full access on that
directory once mounted, my best guess is
that postgresql is trying to access the pg_xlog file as some user other than

postgres, Mounting the file system in --public mode doesn't have any

FWIW, the reason I'm doing this is I'm trying to create a copy of a client
database I can take with me to
a conference this summer but I'd prefer it to be encrypted in the event the
portable drive it is on is lost or stolen.

So far this appears to be the best option available.

I'm testing it to see if performance is going to be a major concern.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql and encfs?

2011-06-22 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Michael Nolan  writes:
> > Has anyone successfully used encfs with postgresq recently?
> > PANIC:  could not open file "pg_xlog/00010009000D" (log file
> 9,
> > segment 13): Invalid argument
> > The database version here is 8.2.11, running on a Linux Fedora Core 14
> > server.
> Does it work any better if you set wal_sync_method = fdatasync?
> That's been our default on Linux since 8.2.19, because of certain
> filesystems failing like this.  I'm kind of wondering why you're
> not using a more current minor release, anyway, if this is a new
> install.
>regards, tom lane

Yes, that fixes the problem.  I was using that minor release because that's
what the production server is still running.  For the purposes of this
conference, I may use a 9.0.4 server, which I have running as I continue to
work on upgrade issues.  (I just want to be able to run some ad hoc queries
on the database while at that meeting without having to deal with net access
problems, so the issues keeping them from running a more current release
shouldn't be a factor.  With luck, I'll get the budget and  approval to
schedule the move to a more current release while there.)

As always, you are a font of knowledge, Tom.
Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] An amusing MySQL weakness--not!

2011-06-25 Thread Michael Nolan
Earlier today I was working on a MySQL database (not by choice, I assure
and I typed a statement like this:

Update tablexyz set field1 = '15' where field2 - 20;

The '-' was supposed to be an equal sign, but MySQL executed it anyway.
(Field2 is an integer.)

I was not amused.

PostgreSQL reports this as an error, of course.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Contrib source

2011-06-30 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 10:17 AM,  wrote:

> D'oh!  I didn't recall that it was packaged together, but the contrib
> source isn't in src, where I looked.  Oh well.

IIt's not a separate file, there should be a contrib subdirectory in the
source code file.

However, if you're using a packaged pre-built binary, you're pretty much at
the mercy of the packager as to which contrib packages are built in (if any)
or available separately.

Using a pre-built binary and then building a contrib package from the source
code might cause some problems, I've always just built everything from the
source code.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Performance Monitoring of PostGRE

2011-07-06 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:57 AM, BangarRaju Vadapalli <> wrote:

>  Hi Everybody,
> ** **
>We want to monitor the performance of PostGRE database. Could anyone
> please suggest any tools tried/working successfully…
> ** **
> **1.   **We want AWR kind of report in Postgres
 By AWR do you mean something like AWStats?

The impression I got at PGCon 11 is that all of the major log file analysis
tools have their fans and their weaknesses.  Splunk is on my 'I want to test
this' list, but it gets pricey.

> 2.   We would like to do CPU Utilization monitoring based on the
> postgres processes
I don't think log file analysis tools can gather information about CPU
usage..  You'd need something that gathered real time data from the OS, eg
from /proc on a linux kernel.

sar doesn't tell you a lot about what postgres is up to.
Mike Nolan

Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Creating temp tables inside read only transactions

2011-07-10 Thread Michael Nolan
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:

> But if that's what you want, just don't put your data in different
> databases in the first place.  That's what schemas are for.

Sadly, DBAs don't always have the ability to put all their data in one
database, even if that is what schemas are for.

The ability to do cross-database (most likely cross-server as well) queries
would address a lot of real-world problems.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Slow query with sub-select

2011-07-16 Thread Michael Nolan
2011/7/16 - - 

> The weird thing is that before I updated my server the query was about 5
> times faster.

Updated it from what to what, and how?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] streaming replication does not work across datacenter with 20ms latency?

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Tomas Vondra  wrote:

> On 25 Červenec 2011, 11:39, Yan Chunlu wrote:
> > I am using debian ant apt-get to install postgresql, dpkg list shows
> > they are the same?  is there anyway to tell what's version it is
> > compiled from? thanks!
> AFAIK there's no way to find out which compiler was used to build
> PostgreSQL binaries

You can do a strings on a binary file (eg, postmaster) and search for GCC in
the output.
Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] Suggested enhancement to pg_restore

2011-07-26 Thread Michael Nolan
I suggest adding the following parameter to pg_restore:


When used in conjunction with the --data-only, --schema and -t options (all
three of which would be necessary),
it would allow restoring a table (without indexes) to a different table name
(which would need to already exist
and match the structure of the table which is being restored, of course.)

This would give PostgreSQL users the ability to reload a table from a dump
file to a separate table name in the
same database and schema.

In other words, this command:

pg_restore --data-only --schema=abc -t xyz --rename-table=xyz_copy

would restore a copy of table xyz into the existing (and presumably empty)
table xyz_copy, leaving table xyz untouched.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Suggested enhancement to pg_restore

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Nolan
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Chris Travers wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Michael Nolan  wrote:
> > I suggest adding the following parameter to pg_restore:
> >
> > --rename-table=
> >
> > When used in conjunction with the --data-only, --schema and -t options
> (all
> > three of which would be necessary),
> > it would allow restoring a table (without indexes) to a different table
> name
> > (which would need to already exist
> > and match the structure of the table which is being restored, of course.)
> Does pg_restore allow you to specify a set of tables the same way
> pg_dump does, i.e. by -t table1 -t table2?
> If so how would this feature play along?

Not sure, the man page for pg_restore seems to imply that -t can be used to
restore just ONE table,
though it also seems to say that pg_restore can be used to affect the order
in which the tables are restored.

If it can handle multiple -t entries, presumably they must all be in the
same schema, otherwise things
could get really confused if the same table name exists in more than one

If multiple -t entries are supported, I guess we would have two options.

1.  Only allow one table to be restored using the --rename-table parameter
at a time.

2.  Require that the command have matching pairs of -t and --rename-table
entries to make sure that the tables
are restored to the intended new names.

I don't have a major preference between these, though I suspect #1 would be
easier to implement.
Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] using xmin in a query?

2011-07-28 Thread Michael Nolan
Why does this query succeed:

select count(*) from tablename where xmin = 2

while this query fails:

select count(*) from tablename where xmin != 2

The latter will generate an error message (using 9.0.4, but it does not seem
to be version specific):

ERROR:  operator does not exist: xid <> integer
LINE 1: select count(*) from tablename where xmin != 2;
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might
need to add explicit type casts.

What cast or comparison operator would work?  You cannot cast an xid to an
integer, nor can you cast an integer to an xid.

The only way I can get this to work is:

select count(*) from tablename where not xmin = 2

That seems pretty obscure.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] using xmin in a query?

2011-07-28 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Andy Colson  wrote:

> On 7/28/2011 11:40 AM, Michael Nolan wrote:
>> Why does this query succeed:
>> select count(*) from tablename where xmin = 2
>> while this query fails:
>> select count(*) from tablename where xmin != 2
> You probably want <>.

That doesn't work either.
Mike Nolan

> select count(*) from tablename where xmin <> 2
> -Andy

Re: [GENERAL] using xmin in a query?

2011-07-28 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Michael Nolan  writes:
> > Why does this query succeed:
> > select count(*) from tablename where xmin = 2
> > while this query fails:
> > select count(*) from tablename where xmin != 2
> It told you why not:
> > ERROR:  operator does not exist: xid <> integer
> You could do "where not (xmin = 2)", I suppose.

I understand that, Tom, and my original posted did cite 'not xmin = 2' as

The parentheses appear to be optional, though in a more complex query they
would probably be necessary to make sure it parses properly.

It appears to me that it is doing an implicit cast of the integer '2' into
an xid in the first query.

It seems like we're being inconsistent here in allowing 'where xid =
but not allowing 'where xid != integer'.

Is there no explicit 'cast to xid' available?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] using xmin in a query?

2011-07-28 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Michael Nolan  writes:
> > It seems like we're being inconsistent here in allowing 'where xid =
> > integer' but not allowing 'where xid != integer'.
> Well, if you look into pg_operator you'll soon find that there are
> exactly two built-in operators that accept type xid: "=(xid,xid)" and
> "=(xid,integer)" (where I'd say the latter is just a kluge).
> There hasn't previously been any demand to flesh it out more than that.
> Do you have an actual use-case where <> would be helpful, or is this
> just experimentation?

I'm not sure yet.  I was doing some thinking about ways to do incremental
(at least for inserted/updated rows, deleted rows present a different
and was just doing some simple queries to see what worked and what didn't..

It also appears you cannot group on a column of type xid.

Would adding a <> operator enable that?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] using xmin in a query?

2011-07-28 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Michael Nolan  writes:
> > It also appears you cannot group on a column of type xid.
> You can in 8.4 and up.  Previous versions only know how to GROUP BY
> sortable columns, which requires a btree opclass, which xid doesn't
> have and really can't have because it doesn't have a linear ordering.
> There is a hash opclass for it, though, so in versions that know how to
> GROUP BY using hashing, it'll work.

:sigh:  I thought I had done all the tests on my 9.0.4 testbed server too.
One of
these days I hope to get the production and development servers off 8.2.

I more or less understand why xid types don't have a linear ordering from
Robert Hass's tutorial at  PGCON11.

So, a <> operator (either xid,xid or xid,integer) would need to be
implemented using the hash opclass, correct?

(I don't have a use case for it yet, though.)

> > Would adding a <> operator enable that?
> No, it's pretty irrelevant ...

OK, thanks for putting up with my noobie questions.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] securing the sql server ?

2011-08-22 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:40 AM, Condor  wrote:

> Hello ppl,
> any one can tell me how I can secure linux server with database postgres
> for example ?
> Im thinking to make a cryptfs file system and to deploy database over the
> cryptfs. The problem
> here may will be when front end need any data for in/out cpus of the server
> will aways
>  decrypt/encrypt data and performance will be very low.
> I remember a few months ago some one ask similar question about how he can
> crypt data that is
> stored on database and problem was the key. Key is stored on the same
> server if some one
> get access can decrypt data.
> Any one have some ideas how to make something like crypt bubble and to
> store database there ?
> Or something else ?
> --
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Recently, as a test I created a database using encfs and ran some tests
against the same database but unencrypted.

In both cases the data was being stored on a 500 GB external hard drive
connected via USB2 to an HP laptop running Linux Fedora 15.

I found that the encrypted database ran 15-20% slower on PostgreSQL 9.0.4 on
most queries.
Mike Nolan

Fwd: [GENERAL] Disable Streaming Replication without restarting either master or slave

2012-05-29 Thread Michael Nolan
-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Nolan 
Date: Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Disable Streaming Replication without restarting
either master or slave
To: Fujii Masao 

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Fujii Masao  wrote:

> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:17 PM, François Beausoleil
>  wrote:

>  > Are per-chance looking for pg_xlog_replay_pause() and
> > pg_xlog_replay_resume() ?
> Those can pause and resume WAL replay in the standby, but not streaming
> replication. Even while WAL replay is being paused, WAL can be streamed
> from the master to the standby.
> Regards,
> --
> Fujii Masao

So, that means that the only ways to stop streaming replication are to stop
the slave server, to disable access to the master via the pg_hba.conf file
(requiring the master configs be reloaded) or to set the trigger file on
the slave to tell it to stop replicating the master.

And if the master/slave are set to synchronous streaming replication, your
options are more limited, since the master has to know to stop waiting for
the synchronous slave to respond.

Once the slave has gone out of asynchronous replication mode, wuld it be
possible to resume asynchronous replication by stopping the slave server,
removing the trigger file, and restarting it in asynchronous streaming
replication mode?  This would, at a minimum, depend on how many updates
have occurred on the master during the time streaming replication was
disabled and having all the WAL files available, right?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Procedural Languages

2012-05-31 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:36 AM, John Townsend <> wrote:

>  There are least 10 Procedural 
> Languagesavailable for PostGreSQL. The 
> one that comes with the installation is
> PL/pgSQL.
> Which ones do you use and why?
> Thanks,
> John Townsend

PL/pgSQL and PL/perlu are the only ones I use.  I use PL/perlu primarily to
launch shell scripts from triggers, for example to update an external
website when a row in a table has been inserted, deleted or updated.
Mike Nolan

Fwd: [GENERAL] Procedural Languages

2012-05-31 Thread Michael Nolan
-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Nolan 
Date: Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Procedural Languages
To: Darren Duncan 

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:

> Michael Nolan wrote:
>> PL/pgSQL and PL/perlu are the only ones I use.  I use PL/perlu primarily
>> to launch shell scripts from triggers, for example to update an external
>> website when a row in a table has been inserted, deleted or updated.
> There is also another way to do what you describe that might be more
> secure.
> Rather than having the DBMS launch shell scripts directly, instead use
> LISTEN/NOTIFY messaging, where the trigger posts a message, and you have an
> ordinary client script listening for them, and the client script launches
> the shell scripts when it gets a message.
> This way, you need a persistent client script, but you don't need to
> invoke the shell in the DBMS ... or use the untrusted version of PL/Perl if
> that's all it was for.
> -- Darren Duncan

Anybody have examples of a persistent client script?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Hot standby streaming replication doesn't work

2012-06-24 Thread Michael Nolan
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Tim Uckun  wrote:

> I am following the instructions on the wiki
> using the "10 minute" version of the setup.
What version of postgresql are you running?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Replication/cloning: rsync vs modification dates?

2012-07-16 Thread Michael Nolan
On 7/16/12, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> I'm speccing up a three-node database for reliability, making use of
> streaming replication, and it's all working but I have a bit of a
> performance concern.
> Can the individual files' modification timestamps be relied upon? If
> so, it'd potentially mean a lot of savings, as the directory entries
> can be read fairly efficiently. I could still then use rsync to
> transfer those files (so if it's only a small part that's changed, we
> take advantage of its optimizations too).

I did several weeks of tests on 9.1.3 using mod time and file size
rather than checksumming the files, that did not appear to cause any problems
and it sped up the rsync considerably.  (This was about a 40 GB database.)
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Replication/cloning: rsync vs modification dates?

2012-07-16 Thread Michael Nolan
On 7/16/12, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Michael Nolan  wrote:
>> I did several weeks of tests on 9.1.3 using mod time and file size
>> rather than checksumming the files, that did not appear to cause any
>> problems
>> and it sped up the rsync considerably.  (This was about a 40 GB
>> database.)
> Thanks! Is file size a necessary part of the check, or can mod time
> alone cover it?
> I'm looking at having my monitoring application automatically bring
> database nodes up, so it looks like the simplest way to handle it will
> be to have the new slave mandatorially do the backup/rsync, even if
> it's been down for only a couple of minutes. With a mod time check, I
> could hopefully do this without too much hassle.

As I understand the docs for rsync, it will use both mod time and file size
if told not to do checksums.
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Replication/cloning: rsync vs modification dates?

2012-07-16 Thread Michael Nolan
On 7/16/12, Sergey Konoplev  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:58 AM, Michael Nolan  wrote:
>>> As I understand the docs for rsync, it will use both mod time and file
>>> size
>>> if told not to do checksums.
> I wonder if it is correct in general to use mtime and size to perform
> these checks from the point of view of PostgreSQL.
> If it works with the current version then is there a guaranty that it
> will work with the future versions?

There are many things for which no guarantee of future compatibility
(or sufficiency) are the case.

 For that matter, there's really no assurance that timestamp+size is
sufficient NOW.

But checksums aren't 100% reliable, either.   without doing a byte by
byte comparison of two files, there's no way to ensure they are
Mike Nolan

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Re: [GENERAL] Replication/cloning: rsync vs modification dates?

2012-07-16 Thread Michael Nolan
On 7/16/12, Steven Schlansker  wrote:
> I think it's pretty easy to show that timestamp+size isn't good enough to do
> this 100% reliably.

That may not be a problem if the slave server synchronization code
always starts to play back WAL entries at a time before the worst case
for timestamp precision.

I'm assuming here that the WAL playback process works something like this:

Look at a WAL entry, see if the disk block it references matches the
'before' indicators for that block in the WAL.   If so, update it to
the 'after' data content.

There are two non-matching conditions:

If the disk block information indicates that it should match a later
update, then that block does not need to be updated.

But if the disk block information indicates that it should match an
earlier update than the one in the WAL entry, then the synchronization

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Re: [GENERAL] Streaming replication and high query cancellation values

2012-08-01 Thread Michael Nolan
On 8/1/12, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
> I have a couple of questions about how streaming replication works in the
> presence of a high timeout for query cancellation:

Are you referring to queries on the slave?  The master doesn't know
what the slave is doing, so it would keep on shipping streaming
replication data.
Mike Nolan

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[GENERAL] Any experience with Drobo SAN and PG?

2012-12-17 Thread Michael Nolan
I'm looking to spec a new production server for a small client and
have been looking at the Drobo SAN units.

Has anybody run PG on one of these yet?

It looks like only the B1200i supports Linux operating systems.

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Re: [GENERAL] Equivalent to "use database" in postgre

2010-06-25 Thread Michael Nolan
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Scott Marlowe  writes:
> > On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:10 AM, javijava 
> wrote:
> >> How can I say "use name_database" on postgre sql?
> > You have to re-connect to use a different db in pgsql.
> But keep in mind that mysql databases are more nearly akin to what
> postgres calls schemas.  The best way to do what you want might be
> to translate your mysql DBs into schemas, and then "set search_path"
> would be a good approximation to "use".

The issue here may be data isolation.   Suppose you have two independent
groups, one with database A and one with database B.  (Think of a company
that hosts databases for its customers, for example.)

In the ideal situation, the people with access only to database A should not
even be able to learn that database B exists, much less access it in any

I believe PG does not have the capability to completely isolate other
databases from users running on the same server, I'm not sure if MySQL does
or not.

However, if there are any times when it might be necessary to query both
database A and database B, then schemas are the way to go.
Mike Nolan
PG user by choice
MySQL user by necessity

Re: [GENERAL] Trigger for modification timestamp column

2010-07-07 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Johan Andersson  wrote:

> Hello!
> I am trying to write a trigger for updating a modification column and am
> having some trouble getting it to behave as I want.
> The trigger should set the column to the supplied value if it is set in the
> UPDATE statement and to the current timestamp [NOW()] if it is not. The
> problem is that I don't know how to check if the column is set or not. I
> can
> check the column's value for NULL but that doesn't work if I want the
> column
> to accept NULL values (meaning "unmodified").

It isn't very clear just what modification it is you're tracking, a specific
column or the entire row?

Is this a column of type timestamp?

You can do a comparison between OLD.XXX and NEW.XXX in a before-update
trigger but you will need to take into account null values.  For example, is
it possible for the modified flag go from non-null to null, and if so what
does that mean?

Suppose the update statement explicitly sets XXX to the same value it
already has, is that updating it or not?

Re: [GENERAL] PITR - base backup question

2008-08-27 Thread Michael Nolan
I have what I have sometimes called a 'tepid spare' backup.  Once a week I
copy the physical files over to another system (actually to two of them) and
every few hours I make sure the archived WAL log files are in sync (using

Anyway, here's the cookbook guide I wrote for updating one of the backup
servers, which I have used several times, so I don't have to rediscover the
steps each time.  I think it has sufficient detail that someone other than
me could follow them.  Obviously it would have to be changed to apply to
your file organization scheme.

Mike Nolan

How to restore the PostgreSQL low level backup tar files and WAL files
to do a point-in-time recovery (PITR) files on a backup server.

This note will explain how to perform a point-in-time recovery of the
PostgreSQL database using the low-level backup files and the archived
WAL (write-ahead log) files.  (These steps should work on either server,
with any differences in actual file locations dealt with using symbolic

The low level backup files and WAL log files should already be present
on the backup servers.  The low level tar files files are copied when they
are created (usually early on a Tuesday morning each week) and the WAL log
files are rsync'ed to both servers every few hours so that both backup
servers should have files enabling them to be restored to a state that is
no more than a few hours out of sync with the live database server.  (In
the future, we hope to keep one of the backup servers in full real-time
synchronization with the live server, using a different technique.)

The steps given below will generally take 3-5 hours to run, depending
on how many archived log files need to be processed when the PostgreSQL
server is restarted.

These instructions assume some familiarity with Unix/Linux system
administration tools, including the vi editor, and with database
administration procedures, though not necessarily detailed knowledge
of PostgreSQL.

For more details, see chapter 23 of the PostgreSQL documentation,
especially section 23.3.  The documentation for version 8.2 is at

1.  su to root on the backup server that the restore will be performed on

2.  su to postgres (su - postgres)

3.  Shut down the Postgresql server running on the backup server, if any
 pg_ctl stop
(Use 'ps ax' to make sure the server is stopped.)

4.  cd to /disk1/postgres/data and copy two files to /tmp

 cd /disk1/postgres/data
 cp pg_hba.conf /tmp
 cp recovery.done /tmp

5.  Delete the entire contents of the /disk1/postgres/data directory tree.
MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU ARE IN THE /disk1/postgres/data directory!

 cd /disk1/postgres/data
 rm -rf *

6.  Restore the tar file for the low-level backup from the live server

tar xvf /usr/local/pgsql/tardir/pg_part1.tar

(This restore may take 2-3 hours)

7.  Remove the PostgreSQL log file and the WAL files that were restored
from the tar archive

rm log.out
cd pg_xlog
rm 00*

(do not remove the archive_status subdirectory)

8.  Copy the pg_hba.conf file back from the /tmp directory

cd /disk1/postgres/data
cp /tmp/pg_hba.conf .

(This is necessary to keep this database server configured for
access.  If more expansive access is needed the restored pg_hba.conf
file may be more appropriate.)

9. Copy the recovery configuration file from the /tmp directory (changing
the file name)

   cp /tmp/recovery.done recovery.conf

   (This file may be edited to do a point-in-time recovery other than
   to the end of the PITR log files, see the PostgreSQL documentation for

10. Delete the entire contents of the /disk2/postgres/data directory tree.
MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU ARE IN THE /disk2/postgres/data directory!

 cd /disk2/postgres/data
 rm -rf *

11. Restore the 2nd tar archive

tar xvf /usr/local/pgsql/tardir/pg_part2.tar

(This restore may take around a half hour)

12. Go to the directory where the WAL files have been archived on
the server and remove all files older than the file matching the
last .backup file.  The fastest way to do this is as follows:

cd /usr/local/pgsql/archivedir
ls -1 > files

This will produce a file listing all files in the archivedir directory.

Now edit that file (using vi) to take out all lines after the
latest 'backup' file (including the file just ahead of that backup
file, since it is actually the first file that needs to be processed.
(Note:  These ones after the latest backup file are the files we're
NOT going to delete, so we don't want those file names in this text

For example, the directory list may look like this:


There will genera

Re: [GENERAL] PITR - base backup question

2008-08-27 Thread Michael Nolan
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Merlin Moncure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 3.  Shut down the Postgresql server running on the backup server, if any
> >  pg_ctl stop
> > (Use 'ps ax' to make sure the server is stopped.)
> probably pg_ctl -m fast stop or -m immediate...since we are overwriting it.

Good point, but sometimes there are tasks running on the backup server
(recently I did a test of a revised procedure that took 5 days to run.)
I'll probably update the cookbook guide to deal with that possibility.

> > 5.  Delete the entire contents of the /disk1/postgres/data directory
> tree.
> > MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU ARE IN THE /disk1/postgres/data directory!
> >
> >  cd /disk1/postgres/data
> >  pwd
> >  rm -rf *
> why not just rm -rf /disk1/postgres/data?

I prefer the visual confirmation that I am indeed in the right directory
rather than risk a typo in the longer rm command.

> 6.  Restore the tar file for the low-level backup from the live server
> >
> > tar xvf /usr/local/pgsql/tardir/pg_part1.tar
> >
> > (This restore may take 2-3 hours)
> >
> > 7.  Remove the PostgreSQL log file and the WAL files that were restored
> > from the tar archive
> I prefer to exclude WAL files from the original tar, and recreate the
> folders here (being careful to chown them to postgres account).  Every
> little bit helps.

Another good point.

> > 12. Go to the directory where the WAL files have been archived on
> > the server and remove all files older than the file matching the
> > last .backup file.  The fastest way to do this is as follows:
> >
> > cd /usr/local/pgsql/archivedir
> > ls -1 > files
> This is a nice touch.  With a little bash-fu you could do a find |
> xargs rm and list/kill the files in one pass.  In the standby setups
> I've done I usually script the whole process, a prep on the main and a
> startup on the standby.

The scripts to create the system level backups and copy them to the backup
servers and to rsync the WAL files are both cron jobs.

I've considered writing a script to do all the restore tasks on the backup
server, but I figure if someone other than me ever has to do it, for example
if there is a problem when I'm unavailable, that person will probably want
to watch the entire process carefully, since he or she will be far less
familiar with the configuration.

As disk space permits, I actually keep TWO sets of the tar archive base
files, the most recent one and the one from the previous week.  That way I
could go back further for a PITR recovery up to some incident.  I've never
needed to do that and I hope I never do, but it's nice to have that
capability just in case.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Oracle and Postgresql

2008-09-01 Thread Michael Nolan
Oracle handles connecting to multiple databases (even on multiple/remote
computers) fairly seamlessly, PG does not (yet.)  Oracle's toolsets (for
things like forms and reports) are much further developed than PG's too,
though there are 3rd party tools that work with both.

Back in the old mainframe days, people used to say, "Nobody ever got fired
for selecting IBM."  It appears that mindset is still true.
Mike Nolan

[GENERAL] Returning NEW in an on-delete trigger

2008-09-18 Thread Michael Nolan
Recently I discovered a coding error of mine in a trigger that is called
only for deletes.

I was returning NEW instead of OLD.

Since NEW is undefined when deleting a row, it was failing and the row
wasn't being deleted.

However, it was failing silently.  Shouldn't this have recorded an error or
warning somewhere?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Recommendations for SSDs in production?

2011-11-03 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 4:15 AM, Allan Kamau  wrote:

> How about SSDs on Raid 1+0 (I have no experience on SSD and RAID
> though) and have replication to another server having the same setup
> and still do frequent backups. The Crucial m4 SSDs seem to be
> reasonably priced and perform well.
> The savings on power and cooling may be used in offsetting some of
> cost of the warm standby server.
> A question I have wondered about is whether RAID controllers, which were
with conventional disk drives in mind, aren't likely to spread the write
load out fairly
evenly among the SSDs, and thus lead to the situation where all of the
drives are
approaching their rated write cycle capacity at around the same time.

I've asked a few RAID manufacturers whether their controllers can be
reconfigured to use SSDs more appropriately, I have yet to get a
substantive answer.

Benjamin, have you checked to see if your 'sudden death' problem is heat
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] How to isolate the result of SELECT's?

2012-03-18 Thread Michael Nolan
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Andre Lopes  wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to do an operation that I will use some SELECT's and get the
> results, but I want to have sure that those tables have not been
> changed with INSERT's or UPDATES during the operation.
> Example:
> Select field from table1;
> ...
> Select other_field from table2;
> ...
> How can I lock these tables to assure that the tables are not getting
> INSERTS's or UPDATE's during the operation?
> Best Regards,\

Isn't that what 'begin transaction' and 'commit' are for?
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] huge price database question..

2012-03-20 Thread Michael Nolan
> right now I am having about 7000 tables for individual stock and I use
> perl to do inserts, it's very slow. I would like to use copy or other
> bulk loading tool to load the daily raw gz data. but I need the split
> the file to per stock files first before I do bulk loading. I consider
> this a bit messy.

Are you committing each insert separately or doing them in batches using
'begin transaction' and 'commit'?

I have a database that I do inserts in from a text file. Doing a commit
every 1000 transactions cut the time by over 90%.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Problems with Binary Replication

2012-03-31 Thread Michael Nolan
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Andreas  wrote:

> Now what could one do to prevent those sequence gaps?
> There might be scenarios where it's important not to have gaps in the
> numbering even when one has to switch to the standby if there is a failiour
> on the master.
> E.g. numbers of invoices need to be gapless.
Then you may need to find some other way within your application to assign
invoice numbers, because sequences aren't GUARANTEED not to have gaps,
especially if there is a failure of the primary server that results in a
switch over to the standby server.

A transaction that is rolled back (such as due to an error) after the
nextval() function has been called will not roll back the sequence value,
for example.

You cannot issue a nextval() call on a standby server, because it is in
read-only mode.
MIke Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] 9.1.3: launching streaming replication

2012-04-02 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Welty, Richard  wrote:

I got similar messages the first few times I tried to start up my slave
server, I never did figure out exactly what caused it.

You can either delete all the files on the slave and try again, or do what
I did, write a script that handles transferring just the files needed to
resync the slave.

Here's the script I've been using to transfer the files between my two
servers to resync them. This is not a production-ready script.

I have a second tablespace, so there are two 'data' transfers plus the xlog
transfer.  (You may run into issues transferring the pg_tblspc directory,
as I did, hence the '-safe-links' parameter.) The '-delete' term deletes
any files on the slave that aren't on the server, unless you list them in
an '--exclude' clause.)

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -c "select pg_start_backup('tardir',true)"
postgres postgres

rsync -av --exclude log.out --exclude postgresql.conf \
--exclude --delete --exclude pg_hba.conf \
--exclude pg_xlog --exclude server.crt --exclude server.key \
--exclude restore.conf --exclude restore.done \
--safe-links /usr/local/pgsql/data/ postgres@xxx:/usr/local/pgsql/data

rsync -av /usr/local/pgsql/data2/ postgres@xxx:/usr/local/pgsql/data2

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -c "select pg_stop_backup()" postgres postgres

rsync -av /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_xlog postgres@xxx:/usr/local/pgsql/data/

echo "ok to start standby"

Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] 9.1.3: launching streaming replication

2012-04-02 Thread Michael Nolan
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Michael Nolan  wrote:

> I got similar messages the first few times I tried to start up my slave
> server, I never did figure out exactly what caused it.
One possibility is that I may not have restarted the master server after
changing the postgresql.conf file, thus the server still didn't know it was
going into hot-standby mode.
Mike Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] 9.1.3 Standby catchup mode

2012-04-06 Thread Michael Nolan
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 12:35 PM, hans wulf  wrote:

> I am wondering how the catchup mode of a hot synchron slave server works
> on 9.1.3 if there is no WAL archive.

Why would you not want to maintain a WAL archive?  Are you depending on the
slave server(s) as your only form of backup?

It isn't clear what you want from synchronous streaming replication, or if
you understand the difference between synchronous streaming replication and
asynchronous streaming replication.
Mike Nolan

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